HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-09-01 Minutes
Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and
Parker. Also present were City Manger Gleason, Finance Director Horton, Finance
Supervisor Carter, Accountant Bishop, Budget Analyst Brosonski, Human Resources
Director Psaledakis, Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira, City Clerk Grafton,
Building and Zoning Official Velie, Police Chief Mark, Police Captain Wilson,
Communications Manager Ek-Collins, Recreation Director Nordquist, City
EngineeringlUtilities Director Shira, Public Works Director Smith, Fire Chief Strosnider,
Information Systems Manager Brian Ross, Planning Director Wagner, and Deputy City
Clerk Whitford.
City Manager Gleason gave an overview of the budget process used this year and how
the budget was determined. He thanked the finance team as well as all the department
directors for their efforts in prioritizing and making the cuts that were necessary to
present a balanced budget at the roll back rate of 4.5272. Mr. Gleason stated the
difference percentage wise between the current rate and the roll back rate is
approximately $217,000.00. Mr. Gleason told the Commission about the areas where
there had been major cuts shared by each department, also in the Contingency Fund and
Community Promotions. He said they would have to decide if they wanted to go ahead
with certain projects and/or CIP items that were not funded. He indicated those items
were listed on the hand outs they received at the beginning of the meeting and he asked
for direction as to what they wanted.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if any of the department directors had any comments they
wished to make. He stated this was the most complete budget he had seen in a long time
and he too thanked the finance team and the department directors for all their hard work.
There were no comments by the department directors and the Commission proceeded to
review the budget beginning with General Revenues on page 3-1 and continuing page by
page with Staff responding to questions arising about particular line items.
Mayor Vandergrift in reference to page 3-3 suggested the creation of a utilities
Commissioner Anderson inquired how the figures for the administrative costs were
derived and about the COPS grant amount. Finance Director Horton responded to both
The Amended column on the budget pages seemed to cause some confusion and it was
decided that for next years budget the Amended terminology would be changed to
Budgeted. A column would also be added to reflect the anticipated amounts to be
Minutes of the City Commission Meeting
Budget Workshop
August 9, 200 I
The Commission continued reviewing the budget proceeding to the Expenditures section
starting with the General Fund beginning on page 3-18 with Staff responding to
Commissioner Anderson questioned the cost of the 3 laptops in the Legislative budget
and requested the Commission be given the back up documentation for those. He also
requested to have the information for all the computers requested as to memory and hard
drive size, where they are being purchased from, and what is included with each
computer. After a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Commission that, in next
year's budget, items such as computers and vehicles should include information which
would indicate if these were replacement or new items.
City Manager Gleason explained the proposed policy (handout given at beginning of
meeting) for Community Grants/Promotions and the need for the city to follow the
proposal if they wished to stay within the budget based on the roll back rate. If not, the
Commission will have to give some direction as to what changes they would like to make
before the budget is approved. Mayor Vandergrift asked staff to check with other cities
regarding their grant policies, because, if they give zero amounts, Ocoee would have a
good basis to do likewise. A discussion ensued about the need for the second IS person,
the number of computers requested in the budget, and clarification of what several items
were. The Commission requested next year's budget specify as to whether the amount
requested for computers is for software, hardware, or both.
The Commission further requested in reference to vehicles; size, type and use be
indicated in the budget as well as if they are replacements or new items.
A discussion about the scope of use and training of the 2 K-9 dogs requested by the
Police Department ensued, followed by a discussion about Ocoee's hiring requirement of
an Associates Degree for Police Officers.
Chief Strosnider indicated to the Commission that grants were being sought for several
items listed on the Fire Department budget and if they came through that portion of the
money would not need to be spent and could be used elsewhere.
Mayor Vandergrift requested extra trash receptacles be placed in the Cemetery and
thanked Janet for the grant for Starke Lake Boat Ramp. He would also like Ocoee to
apply for the grant that would make Ocoee a "Tree City".
Minutes of the City Commission Meeting
Budget Workshop
August 9, 2001
Commissioner Johnson suggested he would like to see the Community Relations
Department be combined with the City Manager's Department and not have a director.
He stated it should be more of a Manager position and that position would be in training
to be Assistant City Manager and would handle the Community Relations part as well
as relieve the City Manager of other duties. This would free up the City Manager to do
the things outside the office that need to be done.
Human Resource Director Psaledakis reminded the Commission that the City Manager
can have only 2 departments under his direct supervision per the City Charter. If the
Commission wished to follow through on Commissioner Johnson's idea, either IS or
Communications would need to be transferred away from him. Ms. Psaledakis said the
IS Manager position should actually be a Director considering the size, growth of the
City, amount of technology, and the number of computers Ocoee has.
Upon a request by City Manager Gleason, Mayor Vandergrift announced a Closed
Special Session for an update on the Fire Station litigation to take place Monday, August
13,2001, at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Budget Workshop meeting.
The Budget Workshop adjourned at 9: 37 p.m.
City of Ocoee , P
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S. Scott Vandergrift, May