HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-04-01 Minutes
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers located at 150 N. Lakewood Avenue. Pastor Jack Andrews led in the prayer and Buzz
Matthews led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, Building/ Zoning Official Velie,
City Clerk Grafton, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Community Relations/Projects Director
Shira, Finance Director Horton, Planning Director Wagner, Senior Planner McGinnis, Recreation
Director Nordquist, Boxing Club Manager Cristelli, and Assistant City Attorney Doty.
YMCA Request for Support - Charles "Buzz" Matthews, Executive Director
Mr. Buzz Matthews requested support for the YMCA and introduced Mr. Bob Buchanan, who
also spoke. City Manager Gleason said a list of all who have requested support would be
prepared for the Commission before the final budget public hearing and he recommended waiting
until the storm season has passed before committing to support for organizations.
Assistant City Engineer Wheeler reported on the status of the water shortage and advised the
watering restrictions are still being enforced.
Years of Service Award - 5 Years: David A. Wheeler, Assistant City Engineer.
Mayor Vandergrift read about Mr. Wheeler's history with the City and presented his awards to
PRESENTATION: POWR Park - (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira)
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira advised that work has begun on the POWR Park
located in front of the Police Department parking lot on Bluford Avenue. She said this park is not
a children's playground, but rather is designed to give examples for citizens to see irrigation
systems and what types of plants to grow in this area. St. Johns River Water Management
District partnered 50-50 with the City to build the park, and provided the landscape architect.
DeWitt Excavating did the soil/cement and U.S. Brick will do the walkways. Rainbird Irrigation
Systems is donating all of the irrigation system components.
Ocoee Parks and Open Space Master Plan/Impact Fee Study (Planning Director Wagner/
Senior Planner McGinnis)
Planning Director Wagner, noting that it had been ten years since the Park and Recreation
Impact Fee had been updated, said this Master Plan sets the stage for the updating of the Impact
Fee and gives the legal support necessary to counter any possible arguments against the adoption
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
of the Ordinance. Mr. Wagner reviewed the changes in the districts in the proposed Ordinance
and the reasons for those changes. He asked that any changes desired in the Ordinance be made
known during this presentation so they could be incorporated prior to the second reading and
public hearing scheduled for the September 18 meeting.
Senior Planner McGinnis gave a brief overview of the Master Plan, advising that it had been
reviewed by senior staff, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Parks and Recreation Advisory
Board and many of their comments had already been incorporated. Ms. McGinnis said the Parks
and Recreation Advisory Board had requested an Impact Fee of $509.22 to accommodate more
facilities, instead of the originally proposed fee of $408.02 per dwelling unit. She asked for
direction from the Commission regarding the Fee.
Mayor Vandergrift said the Expressway may have some land available to donate to the City, or
possibly grants would be available to enable the City to purchase some of their property to put a
park on the south side of town. He said to watch also for mitigation funds from the Expressway
to do something with the 40 acre park on the Coke property.
Commissioner Anderson said he wanted to project increases to the Impact Fee using the CPI or
some other measure. Mayor Vandergrift said that is called indexing and the State frowns on it.
City Attorney Rosenthal said to provide for automatic increases it would have to be incorporated
in the Ordinance, and it would take affect unless a vote of the City Commission to the contrary
was made. He added that if such direction was the consensus of the Commission, it would need
to be prepared before the second reading of the Ordinance.
Ms. McGinnis said it should be revisited every five years anyway. This plan covers 100% of the
cost, and they would be aggressively seeking grants and developer contributions and in-kind
services for the rest of the parks to off-set the escalating costs for construction and acquisition of
Mr. Gleason said he would research whether the State has a provision for/against automatic
Commissioner Johnson asked if Ocoee could tie into the use of the County parks on the south
side. Mr. Wagner said he would check into it, because if so, that, in addition to the land from
the Expressway Authority, would meet the needs of the City's population.
Mayor Vandergrift suggested rounding off the figure for the Impact Fee to $400.00. Mr.
Wagner said that was a good idea and it would be easier to administrate, and he asked for
consensus regarding whether to go for the higher figure.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
Mayor Vandergrift said he wanted to include something to help the City get connected to the
West Orange Trail, and then he polled the Commission regarding the Impact Fee.
Commissioner Parker would go with $500.00.
Commissioner Johnson agreed.
Commissioner Anderson agreed and asked that the automatic increase be researched and
incorporated if possible.
Commissioner Howell agreed.
Mayor Vandergrift was in favor of $400.00 and no automatic increase.
Mayor Vandergrift announced a majority wished to go with $500.00 and to look into indexing,
and staff was so directed.
Coke Property Master Plan Update (Reggie Tisdale, VHB/Brian Canin, Canin & Associates/
Jim Lewis, Charles Wayne Co.)
Planning Director Wagner gave some background to this issue and noted this conceptual plan
was different from that previously agreed upon during the due diligence study and explained why.
He said there was still a lot of work to be done and the School Board has asked that the high
school site be carved out now because one month from now they intend to begin designing the
high school.
Brian Canin, Canin & Associates, gave a brief comprehensive look at moving the school site
because of the topography and gave a powerpoint presentation.
Reggie Tisdale, VHB, discussed the stormwater system. He advised A vanti Properties have
negotiated with Orange County for utilities and the Coke property can take advantage of that. He
said further the two key things to be addressed are: 1) should diligently pursue an agreement with
Orange County Utilities Department to participate with the City in the provision of utilities for
this site, and 2) there should be clear definition of responsibilities of the development from the
perspective of the Orange County School Board and the City of Ocoee.
City Manager Gleason reported meeting with Teresa Jacobs on piggybacking this on the Avanti
development, and planning to treat it as one regarding utilities.
Jim Lewis, president of Charles Wayne Consulting, said this plan is superior the previous one
and he explained why. He said they are still working on the cost estimates, but it appears this
project will be in a break-even situation and will take a decade to develop.
Following discussion regarding the residential development versus commercial development, Mr.
Rosenthal reviewed the issue: I) In terms of bond issue financing, this Commission has already
approved an approximate $4M line of credit with SunTrust which was drawn down for the
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
acquisition and will be used for other development expenses. It is essentially now an interest only
loan and from a budgetary standpoint, the City is funding that from the City with the ultimate
objective of that cash being reimbursed to the City as sales occur. The reimbursements were
intended to reimburse the principle, the interest it cost to borrow that money, and also provide
capital for the infrastructure cost associated with this. He noted the 40 acre residential
development was to come as the first sale to reduce that debt down and reduce the interest
carried. 2) When the original decision was made to go forward with this project, he had given a
detailed summary of their due diligence analysis, one aspect of which was the development of
regional impact issues. As it stands now the development is not a regional impact issue, but if it
is turned into a "Maitland Center" type it would then be a development of regional impact. He
said if that is what Commission wants they should direct the consultants so; however, 3) The
critical issue at this time is that the School Board wants their land and they have paid for it. He
added if it worked cash-flow wise it would be possible to change the rooftops to park area.
After lengthy discussion, Mayor Vandergrift said he heard no objections to the currently
proposed site for the school. Mr. Rosenthal said, until the City Commission gives direction
otherwise, staff would proceed with the plan approved November and December and tweaked
Building/Zoning Official Velie introduced Zoning Coordinator Harper, who then reported on the
removal of trees in the conservation area at the Villages of West Oaks Phase II subdivision. Mr.
Harper asked for direction to do a full inventory of the site.
Mr. Gleason said the site has been red-tagged and he recommended taking the time to totally
assess the damage and prepare a report to bring back before the Commission. He added the site
will remain shut down until all issues have been addressed.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Mayor Vandergrift pulled
item B for separate consideration and Commissioner Anderson pulled item G.
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve items A. C. D.
E. and F of the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Commission Regular Session
of August 21, 2001. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Pulled for separate consideration (see below)
C. Approval and Authorization for the Daily Fees for the Family Aquatic
Center Community Swim Times. (Recreation Director Nordquist)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
. Staff recommends allowing open community swimming (no cost) at the Beech Multi-
Purpose Recreation facilities Family Aquatic Center for the month of October and revisit
the fee structure prior to next April's reopening.
D. Appointments to Boards
1. Code Enforcement Board-Alternate Member Spencer's term ends
October 2001.
. Member Spencer was moved to complete Roy Ellison's term. We received one
application from Robert Donenfeld, who is willing to serve as alternate member for a
term ending October 2004.
2. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - Terms of Members
DeWeese, Telesca, Werts and Wilsen end October 2001.
. All four members are willing to serve another term and approval of this item will
reappoint them for terms ending October 1, 2003. (One vacancy remains as a result of
Mr. Lindendauer's resignation, but we have received no applications to date.)
E. Approval and Authorization for the Ocoee Founders' Day Special
Events Permit. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira)
. This special events application covers all events and activities slated for Saturday,
October 20,2001; i.e., parade, classic car show, arts and crafts booths, bicycle safety
fest, historical exhibits at the Maguire House, Woman's Club, and Community Center,
rides, entertainment, fireworks, etc. from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The road closures for
McKey Street and Bluford A venue have been approved by FDOT. This permit covers
the closure of Oakland Avenue from Bluford to Lakeshore, Lakewood Avenue from
Oakland to McKey, Lakeshore Drive from Oakland to N. Lakewood, and Delaware Gust
during the parade). Zambelli will be using the same staff to do their fireworks as last
year and the paperwork (including insurance) is in place.
F. Approval and Authorization for the Ocoee Founders' Day 5K
Special Events Permit. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira)
· This race/fun walk takes place on Saturday, October 13, 2001, and begins and ends
at the West Oaks Mall. The road closures for the race include Clarke Road from State
Road 50 to White Road, White Road from Clarke to E. Lakeshore Drive, and then the
internal roads of Sleepy Harbour Subdivision (Stinnett, Vandergrift, and East
Lakeshore). The roads will be closed from 7:30 a.m. to approximately 8:30 a.m.
. Pulled for separate consideration (see below)
Mayor Vandergrift asked several questions and Finance Director Horton responded.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to approve item B relating
to the Third Quarter Financial Report as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was
away from the dais.
· Approval and Acceptance of the Third Quarter Financial Report.
(Finance Director Horton)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
. Staff has completed its evaluation and analysis of the FYOl third quarter revenues
and expenditures.
Mr. M. Claude Hawthorne, who lives just off the last remaining remnant of the original Old
Winter Garden Road, gave a brief history of that area and, noting that many citizens are now
using that road as a cut-through from Highway 50 to Bluford Avenue, expressed concern about its
increased use when Wal Mart SuperCenter is opened. He stated the cars are presently speeding
on that road as it is, and he asked for traffic control signs. City Manager Gleason said he would
meet with Police Chief Mark, Public Works Director Smith, and City Engineer Shira to determine
what should be done to protect the road.
Commissioner Anderson addressed the issue of external and internal facility security in larger
buildings such as this one due to the calls received earlier regarding the safety issues at WalMart
Supercenters, and he asked for an ordinance. There was consensus to support this. Later in the
meeting, Mayor Vandergrift read a message just received from Wal Mart advising they will have
security cameras, etc.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner HowelL moved to approve item G.
relating to the Wal Mart Final Plat. as presented. Motion carried 3-0. Mayor Vandergrift and
Commissioner Johnson were away from the dais.
. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Wal
Mart Final Plat. (Engineer I Gavrilovic)
. This SuperCenter is located on the south side of SR 50, just west of the East-West
Expressway. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this subdivision has
been reviewed and approved by City Staff. An Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
(performance bond) has been issued in the amount of $2,829,016.38 for all on- and off-
site improvements pertaining to Wal Mart and the associated outparcels. The
Maintenance Bond will be issued when the construction contract has been awarded.
RECESS 9:57 - 10:07 P.M.
Mr. Robert Donenfeld, who had just been appointed to serve as alternate member on the Code
Enforcement Board, thanked the officials for his appointment.
Commissioner Parker said she had made reservations for a foursome on the Health Central Golf
Tournament for Thursday, shot gun start at 8:00 a.m.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
Commissioner Anderson announced the Aquatic Center would be open October 6 at 10:00 a.m.
and for the month of October its use will be free to the residents.
Mayor Vandergrift
1) Announced beginning Monday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. the Ocoee Computer Club for Seniors would
be meeting each week in the Community Center. Gary Thomas will be teaching the classes.
Membership will be $25.00 per year for individuals, $30.00 per year for families, and $3.00
at the door for each session.
2) Announced the 2001 Ocoee High School Reunion will be held Friday, October 19, 7:00 p.m.
- 12:00 M. at the Jim Beech Recreation Center. For more information call Jim Riffle at 407
293-7707 or Jan Crews at 407656-4019. The alumnae association is meeting weekly for
planning. E-mail Mr.Riffleatjriffle@cfl.rr.com.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: No hearings are scheduled.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 2001-24, Recreational Parks Impact Fee. (Planning Director
Wagner) Second Reading and Public Hearing are September 18, 2001, at 7:15 p.m.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced
the second reading and public hearing scheduled for September 18, 2001, at 7:15 p.m.
City Manager Gleason announced the Tentative Budget Public Hearing scheduled for September
5,2001, at 7:00 p.m. and the Final Budget Public Hearing scheduled for September 24,2001, at
7:00 p.m.
Pioneer Key Drainage Improvement Project: Proposed Settlement re: Parcel Nos. 2 and 3
(Dean Harper). (Assistant City Attorney Doty)
Assistant City Attorney Doty' s staff report provided particular information about the acquisition
of Parcels 2 and 3 in the Pioneer Key Drainage Improvement Project, 71 Sand Dollar Key Drive
and 70 Sand Dollar Key Drive, from Dean Harper, the owner, pursuant to an Order of Taking
entered by the Circuit Court. Staff recommendation was to settle as the costs of continued
litigation could quickly exceed the value of the properties.
Ms. Doty was present to respond to questions and she introduced Dan Gasti, Esquire, an
associate with Foley and Lardner.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoorove the settlement
of the eminent domain litigation for Parcels 2 and 3 bv oavment of $34.500.00 for Parcel 2 and
$33.950.00 for Parcel 3. $2.000.00 to Steve Matonis for his reasonable aooraisal fees. and
$5.577.00 to Paul Linder. Esquire. for his attorneys' fees. in comolete satisfaction for all claims
of Dean Hamer. inclusive of interest and authorizing the City Attornev or Assistant City Attorney
to execute a final judgment for these amounts. Motion carried 5-0.
A Better Mobile Storage, Inc. (ABMS) Waiver Request regarding Landscaping and a Pre-
Engineered Building. (Planning Director Wagner)
The Better Mobile Storage site is located at the west end of Enterprise Street at its intersection
with Roper Parkway, backing up to the SR 429 expressway (Western Beltway). Along a portion
of the southern edge of the Better Mobile Storage site, there is an underground drainage pipe
which empties into a large open drainage ditch, also adjacent to the site. There is no drainage
easement for those drainage facilities, but there is a serious problem because the pipe needs
significant repairs and there has been severe erosion at the end of the ditch. The owner has
offered to provide a drainage easement and to do the necessary repairs to the pipe and the ditch,
in exchange for waivers to certain Code requirements on the site plan. Staff believes that the two
proposed waivers result from unique site-specific conditions and that the off-setting public benefits
may justify the two proposed waivers. The two waivers are: 1) a waiver to not require any
landscaping in any of the perimeter landscape buffers, except as currently shown on the plan
along a portion of the southern property line; and 2) a waiver to allow a 10' X 60' pre-engineered
building that would not meet the strict building design guidelines in the Land Development Code.
The owner has agreed to address the remaining outstanding issues as listed in a Staff memo dated
August 28, 2001, with a revised agreement and site plan upon approval of the waivers.
Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the two waivers
for the Better Mobile Storage site (Project No. SS-2001-002): Le.. 1) a waiver to not require any
landscaoing in any of the oerimeter landscaoe buffers. exceot as currently shown on the plan
along a portion of the southern orooerty line: and 2) a waiver to allow a 10' X 60' ore-engineered
building that would not meet the strict building design guidelines in the Land Develooment Code.
subject to: 1) the owner providing the needed drainage imorovements. to be specified bv the City
Engineer: and 2) subject to revising the lot tying agreement and the site plan to address all other
outstanding issues identified in the staff memo dated August 28. 2001. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution No. 2001-09, Repealing Resolution No. 95-20, Investment Policy, and Adopting
an Amended Investment Policy. (Finance Director Horton)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Resolution No. 2001-09 which updates the City's
investment policy to a) conform to legislative amendments by the State of Florida and b) update
terminology for the positions responsible for the procedures identified in the policy.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to enact Resolution No.
2001-09 as Dresented. Motion carried 5-0.
Review of City Logo Options. Brent Myrold, Metropolis
City Manager Gleason advised Mr. Myrold had called to say he could not be present due to
illness. Mr. Gleason requested those who had picked up cards and literature with logos they
liked at other meetings and conferences give them to him to pass on to Mr. Myrold.
City Manager Gleason
I) Said a communication had been received from the National League of Cities advising that if
Ocoee plans to send a voting delegate to the meeting in Atlanta in December the delegate's
name must be submitted by October 5. This will be on the September 18 agenda.
2) Advised that, due to some miscommunication, the contract for the wrestling/boxing event held
at the Beech Recreation Center August 18 did not get prior Commission approval for the
Mayor to execute the Wrestling Tournament Agreement. He asked for such authorization at
this time, as there are funds due to the promoter ($600) and no authorization to pay on record.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to authorize the Mayor
to execute the Agreement and staff to pay the Dromoter. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Parker thanked the ladies in Jazzercise.
Commissioner Johnson
I) Wants to look at an ordinance, which adds an impact fee of $1.00 per square foot to new
buildings, with the intent to use 1/2 of the funds for schools/properties and 1/2 for downtown
improvement, or recreation.
2) Noted that all of the right-of-ways should be mowed and the weed eater should be used where
the mower will not reach.
3) Listed ways he wanted Ellis Shapiro's memory honored in the near future: a plaque of
appreciation, a plaque on his rocking chair on the porch, a proclamation and a tree planted.
Without objection, this was approved.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 4, 2001
Commissioner Anderson discussed a letter from Lynx, recalling he had asked them to end the
practice of stopping in the middle of the road to catch up with their schedules, and asked that staff
be directed to write a letter requesting this, as he considered that to be an unsafe and inconvenient
practice. Both Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Howell disagreed. Mr. Gleason said
they had asked for $25,000 again this year, and the City is maintaining the bus stops on their
behalf as Commission directed some time ago, but he did not put the $25,000 in the budget for
community funding this year. He said Lynx is supposed to be preparing a formula showing more
accurately the Lynx benefit to the citizens, but it will not be available for some time.
Commissioner Howell
1) Would like to look into an ordinance to permit temporary canvas tent carports to cover boats
in rear yards.
2) Said he received a large stack of packets from the HR department and he wondered why.
Commissioner Johnson said that was because he had asked for the information and the policy
is if one asks for information it is to be provided for all the Commission.
Mayor Vandergrift directed attention to the cap he was wearing from the Ocoee Computer Club.
The meeting adjourned at 10:38 p.m.
City of Ocoee
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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