HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-01 Minutes
Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 7: 16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
Commissioner Parker gave the invocation and former Mayor Ison led in the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson arrived at 7:30 p.m., Howell, Johnson
arrived at 7:40 p.m., and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal,
City Clerk Grafton, Finance Director Horton, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Human
Resources Director Diedrich, Recreation Director Farmer, Fire Chief Strosnider, Acting Public Works
Director Music, Human Resources Analyst Bertling, Zoning Coordinator Harper, and Buyer Tolbert.
Water Shortage Update. Assistant City Engineer Wheeler.
Assistant City Engineer Wheeler gave a power point presentation which indicated the rainfall amount
for the year. Mr. Wheeler stated Ocoee is above last year's rainfall amounts, but behind according to
what is being recorded at the Orlando Airport. Mr. Wheeler gave a summary of Ocoee's plant
pumping records and said while the decrease was good it still was not in accordance with the SJRWM
mandate which is 15 %. Mr. Wheeler stated that for six months out of a nine month period Ocoee did
not meet the mandate, but over all for the period of record Ocoee has been at 15.8 %. He gave an
overview of the violations that occurred and asked everyone to make sure their timers were set for
the proper days and times.
Recognition of Founders' Day Committee Members, Sponsors, and Volunteers.
Mayor Vandergrift read a statement expressing appreciation for all the effort put forth by
all those involved making the event a great success. Community Relations/Projects Director Shira
showed a video of some of the events and activities that took place during Founders' Day. In order to
insure she did not miss a single person who had helped with the event she read a litany of names from
sponsors, committee members, to volunteers. She thanked them all and Mayor Vandergrift presented
the thank you gifts to the sponsors. Ms. Shira asked Mary Melvin to present the proceeds from the 5K
race to the recipients. Ms. Melvin presented a check in the amount of $2,700.00 to Michael Uray of the
Health Central School Nursing Program and a check in the amount of $900.00 to Mr. Hancock, Coach
of West Orange High School track and cross country teams, for providing 50 volunteers.
Years of Service Awards - 15 Year: Ben Buckner, Fire Lieutenant.
Mayor Vandergrift gave a brief biography of Lt. Buckner's years with the City and presented him with
a plaque and a gift certificate for the West Oaks Mall. Chief Strosnider said he appreciated not only all
years Lt. Buckner has been with the City, but also the years of friendship they have had. Lt. Buckner
thanked everyone for the recognition and thanked the firefighters from Station #1 who came to cheer
him on even though he works at Station #3.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ovember 6, 2001
Introduction of Newly Hired Human Resources Director and Recreation Director.
City Manager Gleason introduced Fran Diedrich, Human Resources Director. She gave a brief
statement as to where she was from and said she was very happy to be with the City of Ocoee.
City Manager Gleason next introduced Johnny Farmer, Recreation Director. Mr. Farmer also
told the Commission and public where he was from and said he was excited about the potential in Ocoee.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Workshop Session October 12, 2001, and
Commission Regular Session of October 16, 2001. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Approval and Authorization to Extend the City's Contract with Gibbs & Register to Repair
and Replace Sidewalks City wide. (Public Works Director Smith)
. The company of Gibbs & Register has agreed to hold their price for sidewalk repair, replacement, and installation
to the same as in their current contract.
C. Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of Lochshyre Loop, in the Reserve
Subdivision, for a Special Event on November 10, 2001, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
(Building/Zoning Official Martin Velie)
· This authorization requires: (1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in
advance; (2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; (3) Roads must be blocked
with proper barricades; and (4) An emergency lane must be maintained during the event.
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the Consent
Agenda. Motion Carried 4-0. Commissioner Johnson was away from the dais.
James R. Fleming Sr., 511 Orange Avenue, Ocoee, FL, addressed the City Commission in favor of
Ordinance No. 2001-30. He also commented on Veterans Day, Mrs. Foot's board, and praised City
staff for the great job they do.
Dan Coleman, 112 Hercules Court, Ocoee, FL, Commissioner of the Ocoee Bulldogs, commented
on the good year the football teams had and stated in the cheer leading competition this year three out
of four Ocoee teams placed. Two of the teams placed fourth and one team, the pee wee team, took
first place in the Mid-Florida division. Mr. Coleman said he enjoyed working with the Bulldogs
and thanked the Commission for all the support the City gives each year.
Commissioner Parker read a letter from Robin Stewart which expressed her anger towards
Commissioner Parker for not showing up to judge the Pumpkin Bake-off on Founder's Day.
Commissioner Parker apologized for not making it to the event, saying she had spent a good portion
of the day trying to find out where and what time the bake-off was to be held, as it was not listed in
the schedule of events. Commissioner Parker stated that the letter said she had been contacted
several times and this was not true. Commissioner Parker said she received one e-mail asking her to
judge the contest to which she had replied she would and she received no other contact. She
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ovember 6, 2001
apologized again for missing the event. Commissioner Anderson said he too was to judge the bake-
off, but the fishing tournament he was in overlapped and he missed the bake-off. He also offered his
apology to Mrs. Stewart.
Commissioner Johnson
1. Asked Commission's approval to use the city owned building at Bluford and McKey for a Veterans
building. He stated Dan Petro of Amber Electric has volunteered to take care of all the electrical part
of the renovation of the building and will speak to other contractors to see if they are willing to help.
Commissioner Johnson said he would like to move the flag and the memorial to that building when
the renovation is complete and make the building a real memorial for all Veterans.
Without objection the Commission agreed to go ahead with the renovation.
City Manager Gleason said he would coordinate with Public Works Director Smith and Mr. Petro
to arrange a schedule.
2. Requested Commission's approval for approximately $1,500.00 to send four honor guards to New
York City.
Without objection the Commission agreed to fund the travel.
Commissioner Anderson
1. Asked the Commission for the Mayor and Mike Miller to travel to New York with the honor
guard to present a check for the money collected by the City from the sale of United We Stand T-
Without objection the Commission decided the Mayor and Mr. Miller should both travel to
New York.
2. Suggested citizens e-mail or call in any street lights they see out around town.
Commissioner Howell
1. Asked the Commission to approve sponsorship for a foursome in the West Orange Chamber Fall
Golf Tournament for the amount of $450.00.
Without objection the Commission agreed to continue the annual sponsorship.
2. Apologized to Sam Woodson for missing the Lions Club meeting and said he would be at the next
3. Thanked Public Works for helping out with the fall festival at Glad Tidings Church.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Announced the portable Viet Nam Wall would be at Woodlawn Cemetery for the weekend
and there would ceremonies and the reading of over 67,000 names throughout the entire
weekend. He suggested everyone go see the wall.
2. Read a letter from Food for Families requesting volunteers to help deliver food to families
Thanksgiving Eve and morning. Mayor Vandergrift urged people to get involved and volunteer.
3. Announced the free garbage pick up day of November 11 th, for the Monday/Thursday sanitation
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ovember 6, 2001
route and November 17th for the Tuesday/Friday route.
4. Announced the Salvation Army needs bell ringers for the holidays. He said he would be volunteering
and urged others to also volunteer.
5. Read a letter sent to Citrus Elementary School fourth graders, from a Red Cross volunteer working in
the respite center next to the World Trade Center in New York. The letter stated how much the
children's letters did to lift the spirit of the rescue workers and thanked the children, calling them
This item taken out of order.
Ordinance No. 2001-31, Relating to the General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund,
Amending Contributions and Adding a Supplemental Benefit. (General Employee Pension
Board Attorney Lee Dehner) (Mr. Dehner was not present.)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance .
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Tom Ison, 6 Delaware Street, Ocoee, FL, addressed the issue of specific language on page two
of Ordinance No. 2001-31. He stated to the best of his knowledge the phrase joint pensioners and
beneficiaries was never included in any of the meetings. He also said he did not believe the actuary
had tabulated the cost to the employees or the City. He stated for these reasons he would like to have
the consideration of Ordinance No. 2001-31 continued to give the Pension Board an opportunity to
review the document.
Lester Dabbs, Jr., 619 Caborca Court, Ocoee, FL, stated he did not know that the specific language
in question was ever discussed at the meetings. Mr. Dabbs said in speaking with Attorney
Christenson, of Christenson and Dehner (the firm which represents the pension board), he had
understood there was nothing incorrect or out of line with the language. Mr. Dabbs said there was a
current actuarial report, however he had no problem with the Commission continuing the public
hearing regarding Ordinance No. 2001-31 until a later time.
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to continue the consideration
of Ordinance No. 2001-31 and the public hearing thereon to the next City Commission Meeting
which will be November 20. 2001. Motion carried 5-0.
Request for Variance, Case No. 05VR-2001:Marbais. (Zoning Coordinator Harper)
Zoning Coordinator Harper stated the subject property is located at 716 East Lakeshore Drive,
Ocoee, FL, and the public hearing is a continuation of the public hearing opened on October 16,
2001. Mr. Harper said this public hearing is to insure that the requested variance dimensions match
the actual structure being constructed. He stated the previous variance request was 11.3 feet and the
actual structure is 9.7 feet from the secondary street setback. Mr. Harper stated staff recommended
denial of the applicant's request for the variance. He stated the applicant had been given a
conditional building permit and is proceeding with the project.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
_~ovember 6, 2001
The public hearing was opened.
Steve Marbais, 716 East Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL, addressed the Commission and thanked the
Board of Adjustment, which first heard the case, and the Commission for hearing it.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to grant the variance in order to
authorize the building of a room addition to the home at 716 East Lakeshore Drive 9.7 feet from the
Orlando A venue right of way line vs. the 25 foot set back otherwise prescribed by the Land
Development Code. Motion Carried 5-0.
Second Readings of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 2001-30, Additional Homestead Exemption for Persons 65 and Older.
(Finance Director Horton)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance.
Finance Director Horton explained that Ordinance No. 2001-30 would allow the citizens of Ocoee
that are age 65 or older to receive an additional $25,000.00 homestead exemption. She stated that
Orange County had adopted this type ordinance previously. Ms. Horton said if citizens are currently
receiving homestead exemption they are getting it on their county tax bill and this ordinance would
allow them to receive it on their city tax as well. Ms. Horton advised there are some income
requirements and that information can be obtained from the Orange County Property Appraiser or the
Finance Department.
The public hearing was opened and as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Anderson inquired about the possibility of receiving three exemptions standard,
county, and city. City Attorney Rosenthal responded saying yes, it was possible, but the exemptions
were not additive and does not mean a person gets $75,000.00 of exemptions. It is an additional
homestead exemption which only applies to the city tax. Attorney Rosenthal stated it is essentially
administrated by the Orange County Property Appraiser and since the ordinance is based upon state
law, it is not adding any significant additional administrative burden to the city.
Mayor Vandergrift requested the homestead exemption information be placed on Channel 10 in
order to inform the senior citizens.
Mavor Vander!!:rift. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2001-30.
Motion carried 5-0.
Recess 8:40 p.m. - 8:50 p.m.
First Reading: Ordinance No. 2001-32, Relating to Changes to Personnel Rules and
Regulations. Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled November 20, 2001 (Human
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ovember 6, 2001
Resources Director Psaledakis).
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance.
Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing scheduled for November 20,
2001, at 7: 15 p.m.
Set Workshop Date for Founders' Day Committee and City Commission to Discuss Founders'
Day Issues and 2002 Events. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira).
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira stated there is no committee meeting scheduled as
of yet, but she hoped to set a date that would be compatible with the Commission for early December.
Without objection it was determined that Ms. Cowan, Liaison to the Commission, would be the point
person to do the scheduling.
Community Grants/Monetary Donations-Policy to Govern the Giving of or Grants of
Taxpayer Money. (City Manager Gleason) Continued from October 16, 2001, meeting.
City Manager Gleason asked direction on what the Commission would like to do regarding the forms
that were presented and the policy for the Giving of or Grants of taxpayer money.
Commissioner Johnson stated he would like to see this function turned over to a volunteer
committee, with the Commission nominating candidates for the committee. Commissioner Johnson
went on to say the Commission could then set the amount of dollars to be given and the committee
would then decide which applicants would get what amount. Commissioner Anderson indicated
he had a volunteer, Mr. Miller, who would coordinate the organization of a committee.
Without objection Mike Miller was appointed as interim committee chairman to establish guidelines
for a committee to handle the Community Grants program.
Discussion: Relating to the Monthly Stipend to Mayor/Commissioners (Resolution No. 2001-
06, adopted May 15, 2001.) (City Manager Gleason) Continued from October 16, 2001,
City Manager Gleason stated in response to the Commission's request to review the current
Resolution and the amount currently allotted to the Mayor for an expense stipend. City Manager
Gleason said he recommended for the Mayor's stipend $400.00 a month and for the Commissioner's
$325.00 per Commissioner for a total annual cost of $3,900.00. He said if the Commission approved
the increase it would come out of the Legislative Contingency that had been set at budget time.
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to direct the City Attorney to
bring back an amendment to the Resolution. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift stated that after considering his resignation from the Tri-County League of Cities,
as the Commission had requested in an earlier meeting, he was still going to resign. He said he would
like one or more of the Commissioners to attend and be a representative.
Resolution No. 2001-12, Adopting Annual Concurrency Report and Infrastructures
Deficiency Map. (Principal Transportation Planner Foltz)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ovember 6, 2001
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt Resolution No. 2001-
12 based on the report given and discussion that took place during the October 16. 2001. Commission
meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Discussion re OGTV Policies and Procedures. (OGTV Station Manager Karl Prihoda)
OGTV Station Manager Karl Prihoda presented the Policies and Procedures for the Ocoee
Government Television channel. Commissioner Anderson inquired if there was a standard
throughout the industry. Mr. Prihoda said yes and explained how he compiled Policies and
Procedures for OGTV. Mayor Vandergrift inquired about being able to stream on-line the
Commission meetings. A brief discussion ensued. City Manager Gleason stated he would
have that possibility addressed and clarified as to what it would take, so the Commission could
plan or budget for it.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the OGTV Policies
and Procedures as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Discussion and Authorization re Transfer of $20,000.00 from Legislative Contingency and
Authority to piggy back on the Palm Beach County Chair Contract for Replacement of
Commission Chamber Public Seating. (Acting Public Works Director Music)
Acting Public Works Director Music presented the request for the transfer of funds in order to
purchase replacement seating for the Commission Chambers. Commissioner Howell asked what the
the savings would be if the chairs were purchased without the desk type arm. Mr. Music
indicated it would be approximately $6,000.00. Commissioner Howell stated he would like to
purchase the chairs without as they could be added later. Commissioner Parker and City Clerk
Grafton both stated the Commission Chambers are often used in the daytime for training and the arms
are extremely useful. After further discussion it was determined the chairs should be purchased with
every other chair being equipped with the desk type arm. After a brief discussion as to what
should be done with the carpet in the Chambers the Commission decided to have it cleaned on a
regular basis. City Clerk Grafton suggesting getting paint and volunteers to paint the Chambers and
asked if the Commission would approve.
There was a consensus the Commission would pay for the paint and help paint.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. move to approve the transfer of funds
up to $20.000.00 from the Legislative Contingency and authorize to piggy back on the Palm Beach
County Chair Contract purchasing every other chairs eauipped with the desk type arm. Motion
carried 3-2. Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Howell voted no.
Declaration of Surplus Property (Buyer Joyce Tolbert)
A. Declare Certain Items Surplus.
B. Approval to Contract with George Gideon Auctioneers.
C. Authorize staff to piggyback on City of Ocala Contract with George Gideon.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ovember 6, 2001
D. Approve November 17, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. as Date for City's Auction.
Buyer Joyce Tolbert presented her request to have all four of the items listed approved.
Commissioner Johnson voiced concerns as to whether piggybacking with Ocala would prohibit
Ocoee citizens from being able to purchase items. He said big buyers come to the big auctions and
that would possibly limit the locals ability to purchase items. He also stated there was a local
auctioneer who had expressed interest in handling the auction locally. A lengthy discussion
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved (1) to declare the items
surplus as listed. (2) to approve George Gideon Auctioneers as the auctioneer for the City's surplus
sale for the November 2001. auction only. (3) authorize the City of Ocoee to piggyback on the City of
Ocala contract with George Gideon provided that the term of such contract shall be for the November
2001. only. and (4) approve the date of the City's auction as November 17. 2001. at 9:00 a.m.
Motion carried 4-1. Commissioner Johnson voted no.
City Manager Gleason said the Community Relations/Projects Department had not received the
amount of pictures needed from the Community contest for the 2002 Calendar and the deadline is
November 15, 2001. He asked for the Commission to authorize Community Relations to pick some
of the pictures that did come in and to be able to supplement them with some pictures from City
events. Commissioner Anderson asked if it would be possible to get a picture of all staff.
Without objection authorization to move ahead was granted.
Mr. Gleason asked the Commission and staff to congratulate Vicky Prettyman and Debbie Bertling
for the great job they did in holding down the fort until the new Department Directors were on board
for each of their departments.
City Manager Gleason asked Mike Miller to discuss with the Commission what to do with the money
collected through the sale of the United We Stand T-shirts, in light of the Red Cross controversy.
Commissioner Johnson suggested the Mayor and Mr. Miller travel to New York City with the color
guard and deliver the check from the City in person. City Manager Gleason said his office would
coordinate with the Mayor of New York's office to determine where and how Mayor Vandergrift
could present the check.
A consensus was reached by the Commission to send Mayor Vandergrift and Mr. Miller with the
color guard to New York and to take the travel funds from the Contingency Fund.
Commissioner Parker
Not at this time.
Commissioner Johnson
1. Said the Trunk or Treat put on by St. Paul's Presbyterian for Halloween was really great.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ovember 6, 2001
2. Stated that with the new Recreation Director now on board Commissioner Parker and the
group would be working to determine where and how the Boxing Program should be handled.
3. Wants letters sent to the elected officials of Orange County and the School District to let them know
Ocoee wants the name of the school to be Ocoee High Schoo1.
Without objection the Commission agreed letters should be sent.
4. Noticed there were a lot of street lights out around town, and asked that the police officers report them
when they are cruising at night.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Read a memo from Jim Washington, Assistant Building Official, regarding an up-date on Make-A-
Wish. The memo indicated Mike Hunter, Superintendent for the Centrex Homes Phase of Brookestone
Subdivision, is interested in helping build the room addition for Thomas Giallella, a six year old with
leukemia. Mayor Vandergrift requested the fees for the building permit, electrical permit, and
mechanical permit be waived.
Without objection the Commission agreed to waive the permit fees.
2. Commented on the Coke Property and that this would be a good time to refinance and think about
the development of the property. He said it is in need of some maintenance and he would like to see
an Ocoee High School coming soon sign on the property.
3. Commented on the Personnel Rules and Regulations in regards to employees not being able to transfer
until they had been on the job a certain amount of time.
4. Reminded everyone about volunteering for Food for Families.
Commissioner Anderson suggested citizens e-mail information on any street lights they see that are
Commissioner Howell
Not at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m.
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