HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-01 Minutes
Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 7:16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
Commissioner Anderson led in the prayer and Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag. Deputy City Clerk Whitford called the roll and declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker.
Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton,
Human Resources Director Diedrich, Recreation Director Farmer, Police Chief Mark, Fire
Chief Strosnider, and Public Works Director Smith.
United Community Inc. Ocoee Housing Renewal Plan
CEO Mr. John Parke III gave a brief presentation on low cost affordable housing. He
outlined the areas that would be targeted and for what reasons. Mr. Parke requested the
Commission approve the concept and a minimum of $25,000.00. Mayor Vandergrift said it
was time for the community to begin to look at this type of solution for improving some of the
less desirable areas. Commissioner Johnson said he would like to have a local company
from Apopka come and make a presentation. Commissioner Parker said she would be
touring some homes and refurbished apartments in the Oakland area and an entire subdivision
in Lake County. She said there certainly is a definite need for affordable housing and there
were two other groups, Hands and Homes and Partnership, that she would like to see
presentations from before the Commission makes a decision. Without objection
Commissioner Anderson directed staff to see if any other agencies provide a similar concept
that may want to do a presentation.
West Orange Center for the Arts (Ken Anderson, CEO)
Mr. Anderson presented the hi-lights of the business plan for the West Orange Center for the
Arts (WOCA). He said the proposed center would be located at 615 Dillard Street in Winter
Garden. He listed all the facilities and programs that would be available and what is envisioned
for the future. Mr. Anderson enumerated the benefits ofWOCA to the West Orange
community and requested the Commission donate $1,000.00 this year and $20,000.00 to
$25,000.00 next year to help fund the facility through July 2003. Commissioner Anderson
inquired as to why the center is locating in Winter Garden. Mr. Ken Anderson indicated the
available facility size and the lease rate of the proposed building were the two main deciding
factors. Mayor Vandergrift suggested WOCA look into the Wal-Mart building in Ocoee that
will be vacant upon completion of the new Wal-Mart Super Center. Mayor Vandergrift
advised Mr. Anderson that no money is available in the budget at this time and thanked him
for the presentation.
Fire Department Recognition and Promotions (Fire Chief Strosnider)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 20, 2001
Chief Strosnider introduced Joe Moy and Tim Hoover and gave a brief summary of their
histories with the City of Ocoee Fire Department. Chief Strosnider announced their
promotions, Joe Moy to Lieutenant and Tim Hoover to Engineer. He then presented Joe Moy
with his new helmet and badge and Tim Hoover with his badge, the badges indicate their new
rank. Both men introduced their families and thanked all present.
Chief Strosnider announced the retirement of Lieutenant Wayne Vaughn after 25 years and
gave an overview of Lieutenant Vaughn's years with the City. Chief Strosnider presented
Lieutenant Vaughn with a commemorative helmet and an office chair inscribed with his name
and the City logo. Ocoee Elementary teacher Ms. Cornele came forward and presented
Lieutenant Vaughn with an album from the children of Ocoee in appreciation for all he has
done for all the children. Ms. Cornele also gave Lieutenant Vaughn a pin which reads "You
are never as tall as when you bend down to talk to a child" and she said Lieutenant Vaughn has
gone above and beyond in helping the children of Ocoee. Lieutenant Vaughn introduced his
wife and mother, thanked the City for allowing him to serve, and said he would cherish his
many memones.
The new employees who were to be introduced were not present.
Chief Strosnider presented the 2000 Life Safety Achievement Award receiyed by the Fire
Department October 1, 2001, to Mayor Vandergrift. Chief Strosnider stated the Fire
Department could not do all the things they do without his support and the support of the
Commission. Mayor Vandergrift accepted the award on behalf of the Commission and
citizens of Ocoee.
Recess 7:55 p.m. - 8:05 p.m.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K. Mayor
Vandergrift pulled item B, Amended Settlement Agreement between Foxfire Apartment
Associates and Cross Creek Homeowners, for separate consideration. Commissioner
Anderson pulled items G, Agreement with Orange County School Board for School Resource
Officers and I, the leasing of Christmas Banners, for separate consideration.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Commission Regular Session of
November 6, 2001. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. This item pulled for separate consideration.
C. Approval and Authorization for the Commission to Reappoint
Commissioner Johnson as Representative to the West Orange Chamber
(City Manager Gleason)
· Commissioner Johnson has served in this capacity since April 17, 2001, and the current
term ends December 31, 2001.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 20, 2001
D. Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of Enterprise Street,
Bowness Road, and Oakland Avenue on December 1, 2001, with a Rain
Date of December 2, 2001, for the Christmas Parade. (Building/Zoning
Official Velie)
· This closing from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. is for the Ocoee Lions Club Christmas Parade.
The event will take place December 1, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. with a rain date of December 2,
2001, at 1:00 p.m. The applicants have been advised that (1) All businesses that will be
affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance, (2) Health Central Ambulance must
be notified of the road closure in advance, and (3) Roads must be blocked with proper
E. Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of Oakland Avenue
from Bluford Avenue to Lakewood Avenue on November 24,2001.
(Building/Zoning Official Velie)
· This closing from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. is for the Historical Commission Arts and Crafts
event. This event will take place on November 24,2001, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The
applicants have been advised that (1) All businesses that will be affected by the road blockage
must be notified in advance, (2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure
in advance, and (3) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades.
F. Approval and Authorization for Awarding Architect and Engineering Fees
for South Park. (Recreation Director Farmer)
· The master plan for the City Park site was completed in February 2001 by Spillis Candela
DMJM. The City has been awarded two grants for this project in the amount of $341,250.
According to the grant documentation, the park construction should be completed by September
30, 2002. Staff recommends entering into a contract with Spillis Candela to provide Design and
Construction Documentation and Administration for the Development for Ocoee South Park.
G. This item pulled for separate consideration.
H. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Mutual
Aid Agreement Between the Member Agencies of the Metropolitan Bureau
of Investigation and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. (Police
Chief Mark)
· Under Florida State Statue 23.12 through 23.127, "Florida Mutual Aid Act" municipalities
and legal entities have the authority to enter into a mutual aid agreement with each other. This
agreement will be a continuation of the current agreement which expires December 1, 2001.
I. This item pulled for separate consideration.
J. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute
Resolution No. 2001-13, Amending Resolution No. 2001-06 to Increase the
Elected Officials' Monthly Stipend. (City Manager Gleason)
· Approval of this item also authorizes the transfer of $3,900.00 from Legislative
Contingency to account number 001-511-00-11 01.
K. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute
Agreement Between the City of Ocoee and the Coca-Cola Company. (City
Attorney Rosenthal)
· This proposed Property Access Agreement grants Coca-Cola the right to enter onto property
owned by the City commonly known as the Coca-Cola property to conduct limited soil and
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 20, 2001
· This proposed Property Access Agreement grants Coca-Cola the right to enter onto property
owned by the City commonly known as the Coca-Cola property to conduct limited soil and
groundwater sampling in connection with Coca-Cola's ongoing environmental assessment of the
Property .
Mayor Vanden!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to approve items A,
C. D. E, F, H. J. and K of the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the
Amended Settlement Agreement Between Foxfire Apartment Associates and
Cross Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. and the City of Ocoee. (City
Attorney Rosenthal)
.Funding for the City's portion of the settlement ($15,469.25) has already been provided in
the previously approved budget. Approval of this item also authorizes the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute appropriate releases and other documentation necessary to implement the
aforesaid settlement.
Mayor Vandergrift asked for clarification about the City's involvement in the lawsuit
between Foxfire Apartment Associates and Cross Creek Homeowners Association, Inc.
City Manager Gleason explained it was the most prudent and fair solution to the
existing problem. Mr. Gleason advised the settlement had been anticipated and
therefore had been included in this fiscal year's budget.
Mavor Vander!!:rift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve consent
agenda item B. Approval of the Amended Settlement Agreement between Foxfire
Aoartment Associates and Cross Creek Homeowners Association. Inc. Motion carried
G. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute
Agreement with Orange County School Board for School Resource Officers
for the 2001-02 School Year. (police Chief Mark)
. This agreement will permit the Ocoee Police Department to provide three school resource
officers to the Orange County School Board in return for funds for services rendered not to
exceed $40,000.00.
Commissioner Anderson expressed his concern about the amount of money the City
currently receives from the Orange County School Board for the School Resource
Officers (SROs) program and inquired about the funding of additional officers when
Ocoee builds additional schools. Commissioner Anderson said he would like Chief
Mark to negotiate for a COLA to be added into the contract each year. Chief Mark and
City Manager Gleason both indicated they would do as much as possible with the
county to insure maximum funding. Chief Mark pointed out that when school is not in
session over the summer months and holidays the officers return to regular patrol
duties. In addition the amount of money the county pays towards the SROs is only for
nine months, not a full year.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 20, 2001
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve
consent agenda item G. the Agreement with Orange County School Board for School
Resource Officers for the 2001-02 School Year. Motion carried 5-0.
I. Approval and Authorization to Lease Christmas Banners (Public Works
Director Smith)
. This approval would allow the piggybacking on Winter Garden's contract with Clark
Display Sales. The price of $17,850.00 is the same amount as last year and would allow
for the decorations, erecting, maintaining, and removing the displays. The amount
budgeted for leasing in the Street Department account is $20,000.00.
Commissioner Anderson said that after talking with a lot of citizens he would like to
see the City do something different in decorating for the holidays. He said he would
like to see non-lighted as well as lighted decorations. One suggestion made by the
Commission was to add to the decorations each year and eventually have all of
Maguire, Clarke, and Wurst Roads decorated. Another suggestion was to alternate
banners and lights or create a program where citizens, businesses, or associations could
sponsor the cost of decorating a pole. After a brief discussion the Commission decided
to used any monies left from the $20,000.00 budgeted for the leasing of banners to
decorate Maguire Road. Commission directed staff to have a plan for decorating
options ready by next year's budget meetings.
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to authorize
consent agenda item I. the leasing of Christmas banners and to approve the piggy
backing on Winter Garden's contract with Clark Display Sales for an amount of $17.
850.00 for 175 poles. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Fran Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, addressed the Commission, telling them how much she
appreciated the many things the City does for the senior citizens.
Commissioner Johnson
1) Regarding the sliding scale for merit raises: Cautioned that the evaluators must be
coached and then monitored to be sure they are truly measuring employee performance.
2) Said the Police Officers should be writing down the numbers of the street lights that are
out while they are cruising. Mr. Gleason said they could also report sprinklers running
on the wrong day/night.
3) Said Maguire Road next to Wal-Mart should be dressed up somewhat until the
construction is finished.
Commissioner Parker
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 20,2001
1) Expressed her appreciation for the food baskets the City employees put together for the
Christian Service Center to distribute.
2) Announced the Ocoee Historical Commission Arts and Crafts Show at the Withers-
Maguire House on Saturday, November 24.
Commissioner Anderson
1) Announced the time to line up for the Christmas Parade December 1 is 9:00 a.m.
2) Noted that Winter Garden sends out letters for applications for those who wish to
participate in the Winter Garden parade and asked if the City of Ocoee did the same
3) Read an e-mail message from Martha Lopez-Anderson accepting Mayor Vandergrift's
appointment to the Districting Commission.
Mayor Vandergrift
1) Announced Food for Families would be assembling boxes Wednesday night and
distributing on Thursday and he asked for volunteers to help.
2) Asked that the December 18 meeting be either cancelled or kept very light.
3) Said the Christmas Parade begins at 10:00 a.m. and goes down Bowness Road and
Franklin A venue to McKey Street.
Ordinance No. 2001-31, Relating to the General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund,
Amending Contributions and Adding a Supplemental Benefit. (General Employee
Pension Board Attorney Lee Dehner) Public Hearing continued from November 6, 2001.
The public hearing was opened.
City Manager Gleason advised the Commission of the request made by the General
Employees' Pension Board for a continuation of the public hearing until the January 15, 2002,
meeting in order for more input from the employees to be obtained.
Without objection the Commission agreed to continue the public hearing until the January 15,
2002, meeting.
Second Reading: Ordinance No. 2001-32, Relating to Changes to Personnel Rules and
Regulations. (Human Resources Director Diedrich).
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 2001-32.
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
After a brief discussion staff was directed to look at restrictions for elective position changes.
Mavor Vander!!:rift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No.
2001-32. Motion carried 5-0.
Appointments to Boards ( City Clerk Grafton)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 20, 2001
Appoint Fifth Trustee to the General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of
Trustees. Pat Cornell was chosen by the General Employees' Pension Board to be their fifth
trustee, and without objection, Commission made this appointment.
Appoint Five (5) Member Districting Commission.
City Clerk Grafton apprised the Commission they have until December 15, 2001, to select the
five members needed for the Districting Commission. Mayor Vandergrift appointed Martha
Lopez-Anderson to be his appointee.
City Manager Gleason reported that, as directed at the last meeting, he had contacted the
Mayor of New York City re presenting the donations received from the sale of the United We
Stand t-shirts. He listed some of the options and pointed out the Mayor of New York City will
personally only accept donations to the Twin Towers Fund and will guarantee that 100% of the
donation will go where the donor requests. Without objection, Commission directed Mr.
Gleason to make travel arrangements and schedule Mayor Vandergrift and Michael Miller to
deliver the funds in person.
Mr. Gleason said he had received a request from Michael Miller, owner of Photograph-X
Print Shop, to use the City Seal on shirts or hats to be sold to the public and he had requested
an opinion from Mr. Rosenthal. Mr. Rosenthal had opined that the City Code prohibits the
use of the seal without the express approval of the City Commission and should Commission
wish to authorize such approval, procedures and criteria for licensing the use of the seal should
be established. Mayor Vandergrift said staff should look into how other cities have handled
this type of use.
Mr. Gleason reported there were 400 tickets for the annual Community Holiday dinner on
Friday, December 7 at the Ocoee Middle School from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Gleason said the supervision of the boxing coordinator has been moved back to the
Recreation Department and a follow-up meeting will be held December 7, 2001.
Commissioner Parker No comment at this time.
Commissioner Johnson No comment at this time.
Commissioner Anderson No comment at this time.
Commissioner Howell asked all citizens to make the best they could of their holiday in light of
the world situation and economy.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 20, 2001
Mayor Vandergrift
1) Reported that Thomas's room will probably be finished before Thursday and furnished as
well. He added he had invited Thomas and his family to ride with him in the Christmas
2) Said the City should pursue the CRAs diligently. Mr. Gleason advised the counties are
about to take over the CRAs, preventing cities from doing them.
Each official closed his/her remarks wishing all a happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday.
The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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