HELD JULY 27, 2011
Chairman Dabbs called the meeting to order at 6:43 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
Chairman Dabbs then led in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called and a
quorum declared present.
Chairman Dabbs, Vice -Chair Laney, Members Adams, and Chinelly were present. Also present
were City Attorney Rosenthal, Staff GIS Analyst O'Halloran, City Clerk Eikenberry and Deputy
City Clerk Sibbitt.
Member Butler was absent excused.
Vice Chair Laney, seconded by Member Adams, moved to approve the regular minutes of July
6, 2011, and July 20, 2011. Motion carried unanimously.
Additional Board Plans
GIS Analyst O'Halloran summarized the last meeting and presented the new Board Plan 1 (see
attachment), which the committee requested. All the numbers were within the 5% deviation and
resulted in an improvement over the current districts.
Board Plan 1
District 1: -0.75
District 2: -0.24
District 3: 1.04
District 4: -0.40
Chairman Dabbs clarified that this was the district plan that Member Butler had requested to be
saved. GIS Analyst O'Halloran answered affirmatively. GIS Analyst O'Halloran showed
the two proposed changes to the districts and stated that Ingram Estates is all built out so the
population for that subdivision has been accounted for as of the census. He further stated the
Security Circle split that is proposed would go straight down that subdivision and cut it in half so
he split the census blocks to provide two other options that would not split Security Circle,
should the board want to adjust the boundary line.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran provided handouts of the population density by race maps.
City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
July 27, 2011
Member Adams stated he would like to see Mr. O'Halloran adjust a different line because when
they look at the potential population growth, District 2 is built out whereas District 3 has an
incredible amount of on -going projects for development. Member Adams requested if the
boundary line from Orlando Avenue could be moved down to either Geneva or Maine Street.
City Clerk Eikenberry advised that staff had tried the option of moving boundary lines around
the area he is referring too and it did help the deviation a lot but the only problem is that it moved
a Commissioner out of his district. Member Chinelly stated he also looked at that area and he
counted the total of the census block in that area at 396. Member Adams stated that when they
look at the current numbers as they stand District 2 and 4 are negative. Chairman Dabbs
stated to save Commissioner Johnson's district he would suggest that they move the boundary
from Ohio Street to McKey Street into District 2. He further stated they could also move
Kelton Ave. to Hwy 50 because it would allow for growth. City Attorney Rosenthal stated
that if the moved the boundary down to Maine Street as they just discussed then they will be
picking up some land, which is designated multi - family as part of the CRA, and there could be
some intensive growth with District 2.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran briefly demonstrated the change in the boundary line requested and he
further stated he will have to split the census block and reassign the population if they are
looking to create a new area. Further discussion ensued regarding the boundary line being
moved in the Geneva Street area. City Attorney Rosenthal advised the board that the census
block can be. split but it cannot be done tonight since that would take Mr. O'Halloran several
hours so if they are suggesting a split it should be something they are seriously considering.
Member Chinelly stated he agrees with what Member Adams has expressed regarding the
growth issues in the City and can see that having to change larger number of populations between
districts is difficult unless they off set it with other areas. He further stated the other area he
looked at in addition to the Maine Street/Geneva Street areas is moving population from District
1 to District 3 on the north end of District 3. This move would bring the northern limits of
District 3 to Fuller's Cross Road as well as take anything west of Lakewood Ave. City
Attorney Rosenthal stated that if there is interest in this plan they could save it as a board plan
or make some further tweaks before they decide to save it.
Board Plan 2
District 1: 2.68
District 2: 4.04
District 3: -3.83
District 4: -2.89
Consensus of the board was to save the plan suggested by Member Chinelly, as detailed above,
as Board Plan 2 (see attachment).
Member Chinelly stated if the plan above becomes too much of a delta then they can exclude
the Maine Street area which would then require a split. He further suggested they could also
keep the change recommended in Board Plan 1 with Ingram Estates going into District 4. City
Clerk Eikenberry inquired if the board had the option of stating they would like this plan to go
City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
July 27, 2011
into effect after the upcoming election because the proposed districts may move the districts
farther from ideal population that existing districts. City Attorney Rosenthal stated it will just
be a matter of laws to when the ordinance is adopted and the timeframe with the Charter. If it is
in place 90 days prior to the election than the districts could be based on this, if it is not then they
would have the existing districts until the next election cycle. City Clerk Eikenberry stated she
was trying to come up with a way to not make the 2012 election less ideal than it currently is.
City Attorney Rosenthal stated that would be a policy question for the City Commission as to
when they acted or did not act on the recommendations of this board. He further advised Mr.
O'Halloran of a minor tweak that may take place on Maine Street due to an upcoming project that
is to be discussed at the next City Commission meeting.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran briefly demonstrated the change to Board Plan 2 by incorporating
Ingram Estates subdivision into District 4. A brief discussion ensued regarding District 1 and 4
having a fair amount of land which would potentially be developed.
Board Plan 3
District 1: 0.19
District 2: 4.04
District 3: -3.83
District 4: -0.40
Member Chinelly, seconded by Vice -Chair Laney, moved to save Board Plan 3(see attachment).
Motion carried unanimously.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran stated that he would like for the board to look at Board Plan 1 and
some of the areas they were looking to modify. He further stated at the last meeting Board
Plan 1 was created but it has a boundary line that cuts the subdivision in half down Security
Circle so he split the census block to create some other options. City Clerk Eikenberry
clarified that the census splits that Mr. O'Halloran made will now either exclude the entire trailer
park section or includes the entire trailer park section. GIS Analyst O'Halloran demonstrated
a split to the block so there is a proposed boundary line down Mack Street instead of splitting
Security Circle. A brief discussion ensued on whether they would like to make this change to
Board Plan 3 or create a new Board Plan 4. City Attorney Rosenthal clarified that this plan is
a modification of Board Plan 1.
Board Plan 4
District 1: 0.17
District 2: -1.17
District 3: 1.39
District 4: -0.40
Member Chinelly, seconded by Vice -Chair Laney, moved to save Board Plan 4(see attachment).
Motion carried unanimously.
City of Ocoee Districting Commission Meeting
July 27, 2011
GIS Analyst O'Halloran inquired if the board is instructing that he split the census block along
Geneva Street so they can consider that at the next meeting as a boundary option. Consensus of
the board was to have Mr. O'Halloran split the census block along Geneva Street. Member
Chinelly stated he would like to make a request in having staff provide the board with
information on what was changed at the 2007 re- districting commission. City Attorney
Rosenthal stated the report from the Districting Commission to the City Commission should
have the information Mr. Chinelly is requesting. City Clerk Eikenberry stated she does have
that information along with a copy of the map they adopted with all the dashed lines to show the
changes they made.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
,A/r�m .ice.
Melanie Sibbitt, Deputy City Clerk ' ster i a bbs, C airma
Board Plan 1
Population Figures Based on 2010 Census Data
Sources: 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
r ` I,r �� L � , ❑ PopulatDistnct. 4
1 �� 1 Population: 8857 gt
I l �
, M.,,,. I� Deviation from Ideal: -36 1
� . r ` 1 i mi ■
Percent Deviation: -0.40% .
District: 1 I - t (� i ; ��
Population: 8826 4 , 1 1F _,i In.q ���_��/���i� •
Deviation from Ideal: -67 t -1d I Ii i — Al i _I_,1_
Percent Deviation: -075/ ' !
1 t ' ' i ®/ 1 'a =�i'
ri � �i l �� � %- e Aim
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biN Ii 1 District: 3 - — r <I , - -Yam .L Al l eta � : - ■ / I ' ■ � �
Population 9017 IRS! s 1
1p ` District: 2 u ' -
1: D eviation from Ideal: 124 .! I i - '_
1I . I I - 1 Population: 8871
Percent Deviation: 1.40% -
; I
D f rom Ideal: -22 - '
�. ...,., ,, 1I , I, J. l i ■ Percent Deviation: -0.24/ a•: ;a°_=
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= , I �I • *.. ,.,ti' � i�11 -� 4: r Proposed Commission Districts:
t *1 ° eiMi. t ll ---:--(" `- iii' ' +ITT• r i ® 2
t L. � 1slp: � 3 •
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C \ 1 ■ r , 1 , 11 ;i ' �• r 4 - I I iii— Iwo `� g; Parcels
' I
►� � ■ + I111 t, r',- ,� \ r — City Limits • �� ;� , �� tll t■ " Unincorporated Territory
e \ 70" � �• L� _n l s ■ ■' _ - an d Other Municipalities
/ / � � � / / \ \nnl.••,; • VII
O iiil " " �� I ' § °R 1.4v �r'g,��•i'_° �! 1� •° Lakes and Water Bodies
o Aso 1.500 s,000 I " �' - 9 , i 1 r � ,ii ad • ....j.„ ,
O raet U -- -__[[■ .... Tom/ � ....•�' 1 updated.
1 8893 8826
2 8893 8871
-22 -0.24
3 8893 124 1.40
4 8893 8857 -36 -0.40
35571 35571
Board Plan 2
Population Figures Based on 2010 Census Data
Sources: 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
�11��:I. , 7 •� 1 � . ., a Deviation : 4 57
r i n Fr L District: 4
1 I I El Population: 8636 id
I� _ .' Percent Deviation: - 2.89 / 1 1
r 1 TI , 1,1It -- ���1f j 1 �� ' i k / / � , — t - - m in '� �� "
Peva (` ■ ■ � i: 7 , I \� _~J -■ � y II �I
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fi t. ✓� — ice ,, � .► , I � — �` �t� -4
District: 3 7 I 7 —� _ I � - iii■.
Population 8552 Ilit'-"Iffilfq_ \ I rpm*
C' + ' ' - . a Pr 2
. ' Deviation 9252
.. •r 4 Percent Deviation. - 3.83% ' , O 11 Population: ,
_ •� Ii D eviation from Ideal: 359 _
IIIIIIMMIIM -10111P I Al Percent Deviation: 4.04% p 7
Deviation from Ideal: 341 I
"VIII 1 11 -,,, ii F ...... ..„.: 7 .
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r� / *1 � �J� au v. i MN
ow _p: 0 , I t . .' :B. ,i n. j t . Existing Commission
Mgt . ��. n r ..1. 11 -.. Itl � " � p -- 1 111111" C ■ 1 District Boundaries
=OM 7 .. 1 :71 . ` k ` • ; � lin �11i==1 � — — — Dist Commission • / d9 ®, �' Proposed
ct Boundaries
a 1 1 -.i.„.,, .1
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�_�. -. +`' � ri1j %li t - ail — City Lim
® 911 a■ _ Unincorporated Tertitory
�i1 t., �F •G�li , '�1! and Other Municipalities
r� ,%�� / \ pn 11 •nna — X0,1 P
F /�e`�p� .l luW \?° Lakes and Water Bodies
011111= ; _ e 'C r __W ar
0 750 1.500 3.000 1 1 c lek k i, i II/1QH7 T ip.�� .Q ■ I■■
0 Feet 1 11 = �a :r , � � � :IIIIIIIwi Tigre. e • rg. updated: August 2011
1 8893 9131 238 2.68
2 8893 - 9252 359 4.04
3 8893 8552 -341 -3.83
4 8893 8636 -257 -2.89
35571 35571
Board Plan 3
Population Figures Based on 2010 Census Data
Sources: 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
1 1111 '�1.:J��'.`1
_ I -= ,■t '` District: 4 /
� l , ■ Population 8857 � �
j la : i '� Its Deviation from Ideal: -36
i a : r ? ; � ` li' ( Percent Deviation: -0 40 / ' •
District: 1 s Z I 1 °0
Population 8910 C R r n '����������
Deviation from Ideal: 19 t j, a i t % . _�
Percent Deflation: 0.19 /o
ENE; k id- � ice, = =:•1.
V .t.ft
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Po ulabort 8552 „ €': Ee
P • ■ . ^ District: 2 €- ..,..:::.:
Deviation from Ideal: -341 ■ Iris
�`• ` ' { Po ul 9252
D eviant D evia ti on: l: -3 / IA D ' o f Id 3 '` ''�
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J L ■ ` ,�� - "'�-J C' P roposed Commission Districts.
____AMIIIIIIIIIIII ,,:' , / ,,: 1 lir.„,.N,.. i.4- - ,r-7 II/I 2
r. _ w I k` iii ■. 3
■ ■1=� •i■' ' . d ' F ` � ' d L 1, �, \:; 7- L " . _ Existing Commission
- - - � .. 'e i ' . I r=■ u_y mi + 6 ■ 1 District Boundaries
=•=thli i , r. , - r1 11 min i
"y! ; • �� v _ .. 1� ■"n 1,-,,-;,,......„, _ - Proposed and n ss n
(�/; Wi � , 1'" I a i '_ ^ ■ " l I1 ■t e Parcels
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0 _�' ;L i� I 9i �■ N ° • and
\ �� � ��� y--� '= ' V tl and Other Municipalities
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ml * f _R ` y � v . : ' 4 . 4 : ■� Lakes and Water Bodies
°75° l 3'W° I II v" l •'ia ( 1 ■ -i Ah ': �I , 1 l .r
1111. I If. '= . /�- IIr�1��, • ■ •! ,/- i 11111 �Iinga ). . ..u... ., UGd atad August 2011
1 8893 8910 17 0.19
2 8893 9252 359 4.04
3 8893 8552 -341 -3.83
4 8893 8857 -36 -0.40
35571 35571
Board Plan 4
Population Figures Based on 2010 Census Data
Sources: 2010 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
:%�zi l l � 1 X11- . .... i
r ,j� , = r ,. ; 11 4 .7 District 4
`4 tltl � � ■ ■�, � ' ❑ Population: 8857 �I I . i t_ Deviation from Ideal: -36 • 1
. 1 t Pernt Deaon: - 0.40 %' i 7�, / F ::: , ' s I!! :1 1 � >r / �.�i� � ■
I t � t• + 1 ■ ) y ` \ 11 �� + 3— . it ■G , �n_ ,�.� * i_ _
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J a Z ' f 7 11
ijimr; now, :.1t7 ,' � -,
I L! ! lIe _ - _ _- N ,. Di 2
�p 11� i ( - ' ' Population: 8789 ,.
Percent Deviation: 1.39 % 11 -
_ _ ! r Deviation from Ideal: -104
� �i- _ IIIIIIN� . 1 1 .i1 i1` � I 1 I ^_ I � Percent Deviation: - 117% " ; ;; , -t;a ._ :
re:mo u
ll:am if' r - M r - - - - - - PN VI p IL ■ • ' , 1 - f clirgt-:, ....... 54: ii : ....o
gin= p.
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nr ±ItL11Y 1111 d b, 4, Mill V� , v 1 ' I 2! 7
1 '
�� r +1 �I
, I � : . - ` I � ol113i I . Lr:l;- . Proposed Commission Districts:
� 71.. � � 111�� I 111 t .I'1 1 I ^ L • p 1
I I� , �l r 1 ,.i 1
L:1 / 1 Y 1I— ' % '. I / 11 or �4 3
'r ■V. w _, 1.\-------7 � L _ ft. [ r ., ._ Existing Commission
• &'. \ ' . - -" 1 I Uri 111111 , .. . ■ District Boundaries Pill � • — r —
Proposed Commission
=-I • 41- 1 —II 11111- Sill, v 1■ .1 - - _ - District Boundaries
n. ii � „ '.i'a_ _� l � �' 7 ” pD n,�. Parcels
J / � + ■F � , '
® — City Limitb
a/' � " , I r O :� Unincorporated Territory
� � / T ��? "h1, 1:111:2 - '�a•
j and Other Municipalities
nlna. l b,_� ' I' t ∎41 5. 11.11 :sit
_ / �� �� +1''90 11111: �jO Lakes and Water Bodies
0 7501,500 3.000 I'I - ,,. 1 ► - %l ■A• ■■
Feet Feet • = r/♦ I..I►Ii+ 11 � I /11114i i `a: 1 . Uvdatad: August
1 8893 8908 15 0.17
2 8893 8789 -104 -1.17
3 8893 9017 124 1.39
4 8893 8857 -36 -0.40
35571 35571