HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOA 04-28-11 4�I
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Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
at City Hall. Member Colburn led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag; the Chairman called roll and declared a quorum.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Members Colburn, Elliott, Wilsen, and Alternate
Member Cadle. Also present were City Planner Rumer, Planning Technician Jones,
Assistant City Attorney Watson, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt.
ABSENT: Member Warren and Alternate Member Robinson were absent excused.
Alternate Member Cadle, seconded by Member Elliott, moved to approve the minutes of
July 22, 2010. Motion carried 5 -0.
Planning Technician Jones presented exhibits and the staff report for the Variance
located at 698 Mt. Pleasant Drive.
The applicants, Lawrence and Tamara Vallario are requesting a rear -yard setback
variance from 25 feet to 20 %2 feet for a proposed room addition to the main dwelling
structure. The proposed addition is a covered lanai with a half bath. The room addition
will be added to the rear of the existing dwelling structure. The main dwelling structure
was constructed in 2002 on a lot platted in the Brookestone Subdivision.
The house is located on a corner lot. The proposed addition will comply with both front
yard setbacks. x,
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Based on the findings, staff does not find the variance to meet any of the criteria's
according to Subsection 4 -9A in the Land Development Code. If the Board of
Adjustment makes a recommendation to approve the variance, staff recommends that any
approval be conditioned on factual interpretation of code requirements and public
testimony related to such provisions.
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
April 28, 2011
Alternate Member Cadle inquired as to what the configuration of the room will be. He
further inquired if it will be enclosed. Planning Technician Jones stated as far as he is
aware, one side of the room will be closed in and the other will be open. He advised that
the applicant is available to answer specifics of the room.
Member Wilsen inquired as to what is staff's recommendation. Planning Technician
Jones stated that the variance does not meet the criteria; however, because it is only a 4 '/2
foot encroachment and the room will not conflict any of the neighbors, staff does not see
it has a major issue. City Planner Rumer advised that the four criteria for approving a
variance are very strict criteria. For this particular variance, it does not meet the criteria
but they did try to help the applicant make it more approvable by providing as much
evidences as they can to show support for it. Member Wilsen inquired if the
kz' surrounding properties have been advised of this variance. City Planner Rumer stated
that the property has been posted with a sign, as well as, the 300 foot notices sent out to
residences near the property. Member Colburn inquired if the setbacks in between
properties were 7.6 feet. City Planner Rumer stated that was correct because the
property to the rear is a side facing lot. Member Wilsen inquired as to how many of the
surrounding homeowners have objected to this variance. Planning Technician Jones
stated he has received many inquiries regarding the variance but no objections.
Chairman Resnik announced to the audience that the Board of Adjustment is present
tonight to hear testimony and only make a recommendation to the City Commission. He
stated the City Commission has the final say. It is up to the applicant to make the case on
why there might be any certain circumstances to allow the variance.
Lawrence Vallario, applicant, stated the reason for the application is that they are hoping
to build an outdoor summer kitchen. He briefly explained the outdoor kitchen and further
stated they are trying to create a little bit of privacy from the street which is why they also
chose to put up a wall. Member Elliott inquired if the solid wall would be facing the
street side. Mr. Vallario answered affirmative. He further inquired if it would be a solid
or screen roof. Mr. Vallario stated they are looking to build a solid roof due to protect
the appliances. He further added they also have plans to remove the screen enclosure
from around the pool to make it an open air space since they have two dogs. They would
be fencing in the yard. Member Wilsen inquired if the roof would be the same
composition as the existing roof. Mr. Vallario answered affirmative. Alternate
Member Cadle inquired if they have looked at building the summer kitchen that they
want within the setbacks. Mr. Vallario stated they could build the lanai within the
setbacks but it would be much smaller and a lot more cramped then they would like.
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
April 28, 2011
The Public Hearing was opened.
Member Elliott inquired as to what is the furthest dimension from the setback should be
to the outer home point. Planning Technician Jones stated it would be the 4 1 /2 feet that
was mentioned.
Kayla Collins, Chair of the Brookestone HOA Architectural Review Board (ARB),
briefly stated that she is not there to dissuade or persuade the board in any way but she
would like to make it a matter of record that the homeowner has not made any submittal
to the ARB. They are hearing tonight for the first time as to what the homeowner's plans
are. She further added she would just like to clarify that whether this variance is
approved or not the homeowner must submit and have approval from the ARB.
Member Wilsen inquired if there are any adjacent homes or homes near the area that
have had a variance similar to the one being requested tonight. City Planner Rumer
stated there have not been any. Member Wilsen further inquired if the encroachment
would cause any safety issues. City Planner Rumer stated there will not be any sight
issues. He further stated the city has been approving a lot of 20 foot rear setbacks on
developments so 20 foot in not uncommon. Member Wilsen inquired from City Planner
Rumer, if in his opinion, would the addition add value to the home and property. City
Planner Rumer stated he would not be able to comment on that.
Alternate Member Cadle commented that if they were struggling for a reason to allow
the variance, a reason for hardship could be the irregular shape of the lot. If the lot was
parallel to the back of the house then they probably would not be in this situation.
Chairman Resnik stated he read the letter the homeowners submitted and wanted
clarification from the City Attorney. The letter submitted by Ms. Collins stated that the
HOA would hold final approval and he did not believe that to be true. Assistant City
Attorney Watson stated that what the HOA does is independent from what they city's
action will be City Planner Rumer advised that the city did council the applicant to get
an HOA approval letter but they had asked to proceed. Member Colburn inquired if he
could get the city's factual interpretation of the code. City Planner Rumer briefly
explained it would be the criteria they mentioned which deals with the hardship. So, if
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
April 28, 2011
the board makes the decision to deny it then it would be based on the criteria cited but if
they chose approval then it is based on public testimony and the exhibits presented.
Mr. Vallario clarified that it was always their intention to apply to the HOA for approval
for this and the only reason why they decided to get the variance approval first was
because if it was not approved then they would have changed their plans.
The Public Hearing was closed
Member Colburn, seconded by Member Elliott, moved to recommend to City
Commission the approval of the request for Vallario Variance — 698 Mt Pleasant Dr.
based on the conditions on factual interpretations, the code requirements, and the public
testimony related to the provisions. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Resnik inquired if the clerk could please explain the election and voting
process since it has been a while since one has been done. Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt
advised that they will need a nomination to be made and then a vote will be taken by
show of hands.
Member Colburn, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to nominate John Resnik to
continue serving as Chairman for the board. Mr. Resnik accepted the nomination.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Resnik, seconded by Member Colburn, moved to nominate Fred Wilsen to
serve as Vice Chair of the board. Mr. Wilsen accepted the nomination. Motion carried
City Planner Rumer announced that if they were at the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
and he did not get a chance to acknowledge them, please accept his apology for he had to
leave early.
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
April 28, 2011
The meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.
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Melanie Sibbitt, Deputy City Clerk John Resnik, Chairman 0 TIM Ktsni K