HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-11 Budget Workshop Budget Workshop
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL
August 08, 2011 MINUTES 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order and said we will have a briefing from the City
Manager and Finance Director.
II. Introduction — City Manager Frank
City Manager Frank said that for the fourth year in a row staff is presenting a balanced budget
with total expenditures below the roll back rate. The recommended budget expenditures are
approximately $250,000.00 below the roll back rate. City Manager Frank mentioned that
health insurance costs are stable again this year and there is no cost increase for health insurance
for the third year in a row. He further mentioned that personnel cost have declined from 65% of
the budget to 64% for the FY11 /12. There is also a reduction of 2 full -time staff positions in the
general fund. There are no new positions in any of the enterprise funds.
City Manager Frank said reserves continue to be stable and available for unexpected
emergencies and debt coverage of decreasing impact fee revenues in the future. The city has not
been funding operations from reserve funds.
City Manager Frank said the city auditors have commented that the annual audit is by far the
best out of the 14 cities they audit, and shows a commitment to responsible budgeting and
excellent internal financial controls.
III. FY11 /12 Budget Overview - Finance Director Horton
Finance Director Horton said the budget for the City of Ocoee is a summary of all of the
services provided and the city sponsored events. She stated the proposed budget for the City of
Ocoee for fiscal year 2012 is $56,588,625.00. The city's budget is a compilation of budgets from
several types of funds. The General Fund is the largest fund and has the biggest variety of
revenue sources: property taxes are revenue of the General Fund so this fund is impacted by the
millage rate. Overall proposed revenues for General Fund for FY 2012 increase by $461,000.00.
Ad valorem (property tax) is the largest revenue source for the General Fund, the taxable value
overall for the city decreased 5.2 %, at the current millage rate this means the city received
$502,000.00 less in revenues than last year for the same properties. This is down from the
double digits decreases that they have seen in the most recent years. With the exception of fines
and forfeitures the other revenue categories show little to no increase. The red light camera
revenue has decreased substantially due to the reduced number of incidents and the State
mandated distribution of the funds. The budget has to be adopted by a majority, super majority,
or unanimous vote by the Commission in September. The millage rate determines the types of
vote necessary to adopt a budget. She demonstrated on PowerPoint the required voting levels to
set a millage rate, the revenue that will be generated by that millage rate, and the difference in
the revenue compared to the current year millage proceeds. The budget is balanced at 5.79 mills
which is slightly higher than the current year millage rate but is lower than the roll back rate of
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5.9455. The expenditure budgets for the funds consist of four main categories: Personnel,
Operating, Capital and Transfers. Personnel cost represents the largest expenditure for the
General Fund since most of its operations are serviced oriented. The proposed General Fund
budget for personnel includes the elimination of two positions and no new positions added.
There is a 2% COLA at mid -year for all non -union employees in all of the funds. There is a 1%
increase for union employees but the collective bargaining agreements have not been finalized at
this time. There is no proposed increase to employee deduction for health care. The Police and
Fire Pension required contribution from the city is up 4.5% while the General Employees'
required contribution is up .36 %. The reduction of cost for personnel has dropped from 65% for
the current year to 64% for proposed next year. Operating expenses represent about 22% of the
General Fund budget. The change from the current year is an increase of about 2.5% or about
$183,000.00. Most departments were flat in their budget request this year. The Police
Department does have grant money for equipment and some of the contracts with the external
vendors included a small increase this year. Capital items proposed in the budget include
fourteen digital radios for Police and eleven for Fire, two replacement motorcycles for Police,
three replacement vehicles for Police, phone system upgrade, server replacement, video signal
detection system, and replacement wood chipper. Other Capital proposed items include some
equipment for Parks and a replacement pick -up truck.
The Capital Improvements for the General Fund include miscellaneous paving in the Forest Oaks
and Sawmill subdivisions, entrance ways to the city, traffic calming, new sidewalk construction,
and also a HUD grant for $247,500.00. The HUD grant is to be used to do improvements at the
Ison Center. The budget also includes the principal and interest payments on the City's
outstanding debts.
Stormwater Fund has no staffing changes proposed and the major expenditures are the funds for
the construction portion of the Peach Lake Manor Improvements. There is money set aside for
small projects to be determined later during the year. There are funds for a Vac Con truck
rebuilding, new loader bucket and loader, side arm mower, and SUV hybrid.
The proposed Water /Wastewater Utility Budget increased overall by 23 %. Water and sewer
rates were adjusted in 2003 as required by FDEP to implement a conservation element that is tied
to usage. Another element of the new rates was to build in a component that would allow the
city to accumulate funds for future capital and maintenance needs. This accumulation of funds
over the last 7 Y2 years will be used to help fund the capital improvements that appear in this
budget proposal. There are no additional personnel requested and there is a 2% COLA proposed
at mid -year, which is the same for the general employees. Operating expenses increase by 7.9%
from the current year due to the implementation of the flex net system and the schedule
maintenance to the system and equipment. Other equipment includes a front end loader, slug
meter and register, and SUV vehicle. Capital Project Improvements for the Water /Wastewater
Fund include a wet weather storage study, utility improvements to Maine Street,
water /wastewater plants repair and upgrades, SR 50 widening and the utility relocation
projection with DOT, Reclaimed Retrofit for Lake Olympia area, Maguire Road Reclaimed
Pumping Facility, and Northwest Reclaimed Service. Other projects include the SCADA
Wetwell Relining, Lake Olympia Reclaimed and some others.
The Solid Waste Fund is status quo and there is no additional staffing requested. The budget
proposes for two replacement side load garbage trucks.
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The Impact Fee Funds continue to have the revenue stream in slowly. Other than the Recreation
Impact Funds there are no projects budgeted for next year. The debt service continues to be paid
from the impact funds but the revenues have not been sufficient to cover a full year payment.
This has resulted in decreasing the fund balances in those funds. Road Impact and Police Impact
funds no longer have a two year debt service reserve. The proposed budget contains several
projects funded in the Recreation Impact Funds including improvements to Prairie Lake Park,
Jim Beech Park, and purchasing some shade structures for the pool deck.
Finally, we have the 2011 -2012 wish list; a copy was included in the presentation packet
distributed on the dais. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if the wish list was a combination of wishes
from the staff and the Commission. Finance Director Horton answered affirmatively.
IV. Discussion / Wish List for FY11 /12 Budget
Commissioner Keller said on the wish list there is a commuter rail commitments for $75,000.00
and he is inquiring if they are committed to this, will it then make it on to the wish list or is that
something that misses the budget because of the timing. City Manager Frank said he was
correct and they caught this earlier today so they were figuring at some point between this
meeting and next week's meeting they can see if they can figure out a way to fund this.
Commissioner Johnson said he had questions about the Community Center expansion that is
listed on the wish list. City Manager Frank said that what they are seeing on the wish list is the
$65,000 which would be for architectural design services; there is nothing on there for financing
the actual construction. CIP Manager Butler said they put together three basic scenarios in
varying cost levels and further demonstrated by PowerPoint the three options. Commissioner
Johnson said when he brought this up a few months ago he was hoping they would get together
and discuss this before budget time. He said they do the standard stuff with street paving but
some of the things they have not done is address the issues of keeping the town moving forward.
He thinks one of the things that would be an asset is the Community Center and if they need to
take money out of the reserves then he would rather do that. He spoke with Rob regarding the
reserves and was given some explanation. Commissioner Johnson said the Community Center
expansion would be a benefit for the citizens but would also be a way of making revenue since
they would rent the use of the building. He further said he would rather go with the last option
that CIP Manager Butler demonstrated then the first two options because it also ties into the
Maguire House. Mayor Vandergrift said they have talked about putting something out in the
CRA that would be similar to this. He further inquired about the $247,000.00 that is being spent
on the Ison Center. CIP Manager Butler said the type of improvements for the Ison Center that
was included in the grant includes things such as an athletic room, audio /visual set, enlarging the
parking lot, putting more lights outside, building a storage facility for tables and chairs, and also
providing some additional meeting facilities inside the room. Commissioner Johnson said he
has looked at the CRA plans and that facility would be about 20,000- 40,000 square feet which
even if that happens within the next ten years the Community Center will still be an asset. CIP
Manager Butler said the Community Center is a smaller option with only about 9,000 square
feet. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if there were a set of plans out that Commissioner Johnson
has seen that the others on the Commission have not seen. CRA Administrator Wagner said
that the plans are not done yet and they are about 3 weeks away from completing the study and
they will still need to have a financial meeting with their bond people. Commissioner Johnson
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inquired as to how much would the cost of that facility be. CRA Administrator Wagner said
he did not have the final figure but it would probably be in the $25 million -$30 million.
Commissioner Wilsen said the Community Center has a park, prime real estate, a lake, and the
back drop of the Maguire House but she agrees that it is not a show place compared to other
places. Commissioner Keller said he agrees that not only is it not a show place, it is not big
enough to even try to be a show place. He also agrees with option number three.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired if it is the consensus to look at $25,000, $65,000, and $55,000 for
studies. CIP Manager explained the $25,000 and the $65,000 are exclusive so they would do
one or the other. If they just chose option three then it would be the $65,000 and they could hold
off on the part for doing the Maguire house so they could do it all at one time. Mayor
Vandergrift said the consensus is to take the $65,000 off the wish list.
Commissioner Hood inquired as to what they get for the $65,000. CIP Manager Butler said
that will cover the architectural drawing. Commissioner Johnson said he feels this is
something they just need to address and not wait until next year. Commissioner Hood said he
understands but there are also other things that need to get done. He further said there are streets
that have limerock showing. Commissioner Johnson said he would not vote on any budget
item if they do not look at doing something for the citizens; besides just the streets. They have
streets in the budget and it is done every year. Commissioner Hood said he has several streets
that have not been done and he took some off the list last year. He further said Lady Avenue
needs to be done this time around. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they would be seeing plans
of the event center any time soon. Commissioner Wilsen said it was her understanding that the
event center would be out in the CRA and what they are looking at is using their prime real
estate downtown for more quaint functions then just a business function. She further inquired as
to how much they have to work with dollar wise. Mayor Vandergrift said they have
$254,400.00 between the proposed budget and the roll back rate.
Commissioner Hood inquired about the resurfacing that would be in a different fund for
repairing everything that was damaged when they were re -doing the waterlines. Public Works
Director Krug said the streets would be Sal Street, Mona, Ursula, Lady, Marlene, and Doreen
Avenue. He further said that is a phased project, so they may either get all of them done this
year or it may take two years to get them completed but it depends on how far their dollars go on
just the general construction costs. Commissioner Hood inquired if the streets in his district that
have limerock showing are a wish list item. Public Works Director Krug said if he has street
with limerock showing they can patch them. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if they were using
CRA money for the extension of Old Winter Garden Road to Marshall Farms Road. CIP
Manager Butler said that they do have listed the extension of Old Winter Garden Road to
Marshall Farms Road and they have $104,000 for FY 2012 -2013 for utility construction. The
road work itself will be paid for by developers as they develop their property. CIP Manager
Butler commented that what is on the wishlist is the extension of Maine Street. Commissioner
Hood inquired if that could be explained to him. CIP Manager Butler explained that as part of
the Ram Development they proposed to realign Maine Street and widen it. He further explained
where the existing brick road turns to the north it would instead come south and intersect Bluford
Ave. at a right angle. They also included in that development agreement the option for the city
to have them build on across Bluford Ave. to Maguire Road so there would now be a link to get
all the way across. Commissioner Hood inquired if this had to be done next year and if Ram
Development is ready to move forward. CIP Manager Butler said if Ram Development moves
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forward they need to essentially do this at the same time. He further said they are currently in
the plan review stage.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the Capital Improvement entry ways for $25,000. CIP
Manager Butler said those are the city limit signs, some landscaping, and lights that they are
looking to upgrade everywhere. Commissioner Wilsen said that realizes she is getting a bit
picky but she is looking at this and thinking they cannot afford things and $25,000 for improving
entry ways is a bit much. CIP Manager Butler said this amount is what they have requested on
a fairly regular basis to work on those. Commissioner Johnson said they do not even have a
sign coming from Winter Garden into Ocoee and he has asked about it every year. He further
added that some of the signs are just deteriorating. Commissioner Wilsen said that she noticed
on page 3 -24 there was $45,000 for the election expense and she thought we were piggybacking
to avoid that expense. City Clerk Eikenberry said that they are piggybacking and that expense
is just in case there is a run -off election.
Commissioner Wilsen said on page 3 -20 there was advisory board of $2000 and she is inquiring
as to what was given to the HRDB board in the past because they have come back to ask for
funds. She said she would like to be realistic and figure out what they have spent so they do not
have them come forward later to ask for more; this comment would be for all advisory boards.
Mayor Vandergrift asked for this information to be brought back to the next budget work
session. He further said he did not see any line items for any other boards. Finance Director
Horton said the boards should be budgeted within the departments so if there is an advisory
board for a department that money would appear in that department's budget. City Manager
Frank said about three years ago they had the discussion as to how much they should allocate
toward each board and what staff has been doing is putting that amount in and the advisory board
would then come before the commission if they wanted additional money. He said he does not
know that they have any basis on what any of the groups are planning or a budget.
Commissioner Wilsen said she knows the HRDB puts on a couple of functions and they have
had to come before the Commission to ask for more money and her opinion is they should use
what has happened in the past to make a decision on what they anticipate needing. She feels if
they are given a budget they should try to work with it. Commissioner Keller said that looking
at the past budget they budgeted $6600 for the HRDB but the year before that it shows actuals of
$7000. He said they would be cutting the HRDB to less than a third of what they actually spend
if they put $2000 in the budget. Commissioner Keller said they can assume the MLK Parade
and Fiesta de Colores will be an ongoing event so they should look at continuing to fund those
events if they know they are ongoing. Commissioner Wilsen clarified that the Contingency
Fund is listed at $100,000.00. City Manager Frank said he believes so.
Mayor Vandergrift said that one of the things they have discussed for years was putting in
vaults down at the cemetery and he believes that staff even went as far as to getting plans for it.
He recalls talk of using the pavilion. City Manager Franks said there is a cost on the wish list
for vaults at the cemetery. Discussion ensued regarding the wish list stating the repair of floor of
pavilion at the Cemetery. Mayor Vandergrift said was thinking of a larger building and taking
the pavilion down entirely. City Manager Frank suggested that he can have staff research into
putting in the expenditure and associated revenue; that way, if they charged what it would cost to
put in the vaults, it would not create an impact on the budget. City Clerk Eikenberry said that
they were ready to move forward with putting in the crematory vaults but found that the pavilion
was not in good enough shape to handle the weight of the vaults which is what caused the issue
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of the repairs to come up. Commissioner Johnson said that the crematory part is not an issue
and he has pictures that he can share with staff tomorrow. He said the vaults are small niches.
Commissioner Keller said he also recalls the issue of the flooring not holding the vaults but
agrees that they should add the rest of the costs associated since this will eventually be a no cost
item. A brief discussion ensued regarding vaults and crematory niches. Commissioner Wilsen
said the cemetery is sold out and they need other avenues for their residences.
Commissioner Hood said he spoke with City Manager Frank regarding the CIP which he
believes they have $200,000.00 for the fire station (City Manager Frank clarified it was
$320,000) but he would like to see them add for the next four years $250,000.00 so they will
have approximately $1.5 million in 2014/2015 to build the fire station up on the north end.
Commissioner Keller said that he knows up until last year they did have grants to build fire
stations and his understanding is that there was still money left over since many did not apply for
that grant. City Manager Frank said those grants are out there but his concern is not really the
cost of the building since that is a one -time cost; his concern is the million dollars to staff the
building. He said with a federal grant once the building is built you need to staff it and continue
to staff it. Commissioner Keller said he is looking at the fact that they are just waiting but as
soon as they get enough money to build it; they will still need to staff it. Commissioner
Johnson said if they just take the fire station on Clarke Road and move it back to where it was
and it would be between both districts. Commissioner Hood said that he has spoken with the
City Manager and the three fire stations they have are not where they need to be. At least by
funding it to 2014/2015 the money will be there and if it is not then they can have them put it
somewhere else. He further commented that at least they have a vision in a plan because there
will be a lot more build up in that area with new homes and businesses. Commissioner Hood
inquired if anyone had a problem with his request and further asked the City Manager to please
add his request into the budget.
Commissioner Hood inquired about the $25,000 for the design of the kitchen at the Maguire
House. CIP Manager Butler said that was an either /or as one of his options presented earlier.
He further explained that option three to rebuild the entire Community Center did not include the
$25,000 which went with option one. A brief discussion ensued regarding the ready rooms.
Commissioner Hood further inquired if they opened the Maguire House up for wedding uses
would they be forced to put an elevator in to meet ADA requirement. CIP Manager Butler said
they are proposing to try and rent out the first floor and the groom's ready room would be the
only room on the second floor; potentially they could utilize a different facility on the first floor
for the groom's ready room if needed. Commissioner Hood inquired as to who owned the
Women's Club and further commented he would like to see them on the wish list for $15,000
since they did not receive the historical grant they applied for this year. The money would go
toward improvements to their building. Finance Manager Brosonski said the Commission had
taken $15,000 out of contingency in the current year budget to match funds for the grant
Woman's Club applied for. She said that money is still sitting aside for that. City Manager
Frank clarified they still have money in the current year budget encumbered but it can be
unencumbered should the Commission chose to do it for that or any other purpose.
Commissioner Hood asked for this to be put on the next regular Commission Meeting agenda
and for Ms. Lemons to be notified to attend.
Commissioner Keller said that Carriage Oaks Court a couple of years ago were looking into
getting their street and court paved and he was wondering if they could look into getting that up
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to date. Public Works Director Krug said it has not been done but they can put a price together
and add it back into the wish list.
Commissioner Wilsen stated she had a question about the gun range and if it was going to cost
$150,000 and remain at the same location. Police Chief Brown stated it will be relocated. She
was wondering as to how important this is to their department. Police Chief Brown said it is not
as important to his department and they are fine with where it currently is but it does need to be
cleaned up. They have already restricted the hours due to new residents moving into the area.
He said it will eventually need to be relocated but as long as the current development in that area
are fine with the gun range then they are okay. Police Chief Brown said they have already
reduced their range time to one day month during the daytime because residents were concerned
about the gunshots they heard. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if the retention pond in front of the
Police Department belonged to the city. Police Chief Brown answered affirmatively. Mayor
Vandergrift further inquired if a fountain could be put in. Commissioner Hood said this was
brought up last year and he believes the issue was that the pond is not wet 100% of the time.
Commissioner Wilsen stated she has spent hours looking through the budget and they would
love to have even thing but they just can't. Commissioner Hood inquired as to how critical the
vehicles were for the budget. City Manager Frank said they are very critical, especially in
Police because they have several vehicles with over 100,000 miles. He further said the other
vehicles are in Stormwater and Parks and Recreation. Commissioner Johnson inquired from
Utilities Director Smith as to why the new SUV is needed since he has seen three or four
vehicles sitting in his department. Utilities Director Smith stated that the new SUV is for the
new Facilities Manager which they hired this year. He is currently working at the Wastewater
Plant and there is only one truck for the plant. The three current vehicles they have are for
himself, the Water Conservation Coordinator, and Operation Supervisor. Commissioner Wilsen
said she knows the vehicles take a beating. Mayor Vandergrift said the budget shows other
water charges for revenue of $215,000 and he was wondering if that could be explained.
Finance Director Horton said that would be late fees and turn on/off charges. He further said it
also shows surplus equipment sales at $17,050 and he knows there were surplus sales of all
equipment but does that money not go back into the department it came from. Utilities Director
Smith said if it was surplused from the Utilities Department then those funds go back into the
Utilities Department. Finance Director Horton briefly explained how the monies from
surplused items are disbursed to departments.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the cut permit compliance and miscellaneous service for
$149,000.00 on page 5 -7 in the Water /Wastewater Utilities Funds. Finance Director Horton
explained that would be a combination of different things in the operating and also referred to
page 5 -8 under Professional Services. Utilities Director Smith explained many of the
guidelines and performances that his division is required to demonstrate and track. Further
discussion ensued regarding the Utilities Conservation Coordinator position and how she
contacts the top 100 users in the Community on a quarterly basis. Mayor Vandergrift inquired
about the Maine Street reclaim water mains and gravity sewer for $375,000. Utilities Director
Smith said the pipes need to be put under the road before the road is put in. He further said the
developer is not paying for this because it will support development that is beyond their property.
They will recover some of the money when the next development comes in.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the multi -peril insurance and mentioned they had
discussions in the past about creating a fund that would make them self - insured for something
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like this. City Manager Frank said that what the Mayor is referring to is the portion of the
multi -peril insurance premium accessible to water /wastewater utility. Risk Management
Consultant Carnicella stated that they did have this discussion last year and the total amount
that we pay for the multi -peril insurances is approximately $150,000.00. For what that amount
of money covers it is probably money well spent then trying to put aside and trying to self - insure
all the things it covers. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if staff has looked about setting aside
enough reserves to raise the matching deductibles. Risk Management Consultant Carnicella
said they look at it every year and this year they did look at increasing the deductible for the
different lines that it covers. Mayor Vandergrift inquired about line and system appurtenances
and if that was something they needed to address. Utilities Director Smith briefly explained the
different lines and valves this budget line item would cover. Having this line item verses
grouping this into operating expenses will help them track this better. Mayor Vandergrift
inquired how close they are with going to all computer read meters. Utilities Director Smith
said in the budget there is a transition. Currently there are approximately 5,000 of the 11,000
meters with some type of radio read and they are now transitioning to the tower read. He briefly
explained how the meters work. Mayor Vandergrift said on page 5 -19 there is an emergency
repair budget that has jumped from $14,000 to $30,000 and inquired if they expected to have
many repairs. Utilities Director Smith said they have had them over the years so they based
the new budget on line item transfers to cover some of those issues. Commissioner Wilsen
inquired as to what line item 11 -01 "other pay" meant. Finance Director Horton said that is the
car allowance for the Director.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if we can include the names in the organizational charts from
directors down to foremen so we know who they are. Finance Director Horton asked for
clarification. Commissioner Hood said the Mayor would like organizational charts for each
department to include names. Commissioner Keller stated we discuss that every year and
decide not to do it. City Manager Frank stated that could be done but he is not sure how that
would help with the budget process. Commissioner Hood suggested having pay beside it.
Commissioner Johnson stated he has asked for that but didn't get it. City Manager Frank said
if they want that in the budget book, in can be done. Commissioner Hood said he is not sure he
would like it in the budget book, but it would be nice to have the information on the dais.
Commissioner Wilsen asked why the City Manager's Organizational Chart on Page 3 -10 was
not broken down this year as it was last year. Finance Director Horton said last year the City
Manager's Office was the only org chart showing positions; to be consistent we dropped that this
year and did it the same way as all of the other departments. Commissioner Hood said Page 3-
14 shows his specific position. Commissioner Wilsen said she would like to see what
departments report to whom. City Manager Frank said that those assignments are not set in
stone so they opted not to place them that way on the organizational chart. Commissioner Hood
said going back to the Mayor's question and Commissioner Johnson's, can we combine those
requests for employee information since they are similar? The Mayor stated that he wanted an
income statement as well as promotional and increases in salaries for the past year. He said they
voted not to give increases in salaries so he would like to see what happened there.
Commissioner Wilsen clarified the information being requested was current salaries,
promotions that occurred in the last year and associated salary increases. Commissioner Hood
said they want it separated from the organizational chart. Commissioner Johnson said what he
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asked for was pay range for the various jobs. He didn't ask for current salary information on
employees, or individual names, all that he wanted was pay ranges with job titles.
Commissioner Wilsen asked for clarification because she understands that the Mayor wants
individual salary information. The Mayor affirmed that he wants that information.
Commissioner Hood and Mayor Vandergrift asked if it could be sent via email.
Finance Manager Brosonski asked for clarification. She said she had a request for the wage
table (pay scale for each position), names of employees by position on the organizational charts,
salary increases during the last year, promotions during the last year, and current salaries.
Commissioner Johnson again advised what he is looking for is the Position titles and pay range
for that position. Finance Manager Brosonski said that table is currently on our website.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if they could clarify transfers -ins and transfer -outs under the Waste
Water Facilities on Page 5 -26. Finance Director Horton explained that it is money being
carried forward from projects that were not completed in prior years. It would be put into a
project fund to be used in the next year. She said she would add some language to clarify those
transfers. Mayor Vandergrift noted on Page 5 -29 there is a typo on Maguire Road PUPMING
station, and asked for an explanation on this. Utilities Director Smith explained that this project
will allow us to move water from the wastewater plant to the south and from the south to the
north to better serve that area. This project is coming out of the utility fund. They have tried for
grants but there are no grants for reclaimed available. He added that we have the reclaimed
system up and down Clarke Road. They rotate irrigation between north of AD Mims and South
of AD Mims. Mayor Vandergrift stated that Apopka integrates their reclaimed with their potable
water so they don't get into the one day pumping. Mr. Smith said they will discuss that with
SJWMD because it may require a modification of the CUP. If you take ground water and put it
in reclaimed, then it becomes subject to the same restrictions as potable water, so supplementing
sometimes defeats the purpose. Reclaim is not on the same restrictions as potable water.
Commissioner Keller stated on 3 -37 and 3 -49 both had HR consulting services and he inquired
as to why they have it listed twice. Finance Director Horton stated that it is the cost from the
contract we entered into for Risk Management Services and it is split between the two
Commissioner Keller inquired if they anticipate reducing the phone cost for example on 3 -46
the phone expenses for the Planning Department went down. IS Director Ross stated that there
are several factors between cell phones, air cards, landline phones, and other services. We are
getting better rates on those services and looking at cutting prices in all departments to get
services that better match our actual needs /usage.
Commissioner Keller asked about the two officers we got with a grant and he heard the Federal
government is not going through with funding that. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that it is a three
year grant; City Manager Frank said that is about future funding, we have a contract that they
will honor for the three year period.
Commissioner Wilsen stated on page 3 -20 she noticed that on professional fees there is
$21,300. She noticed that it is taking the Founder's Day website is taking a long time to get
things updated. She asked if we are paying professionals to do that website. Commissioner
Johnson stated they had a person do it last year, who is not available this year, but they have
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addressed the issue with staff and it is being done in house. Commissioner Wilsen stated they
allocate a lot of money for Founder's Day and the site is just not up to date, it still has half of the
stuff from last year on it. Community Relations Manager Wright stated that particular line
item is for Ocoee TV freelancers and graphic design services. We had a company that designed
the website for the City at no cost last year however he is ill this year and it is being done in
house. Commissioner Johnson stated that IS Manager Ross is working on the website now. Mr.
Ross said they just took over that website and they have been coordinating with Public Relations
and the Founders Day Committee to get updated information.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the HRDB board being under Human Resources and there
was discussion that each board is placed under the department that works with the board. There
was further discussion as to each board getting $2000 and why the HRDB Board went back
down to $2000 after receiving $7000 last year. City Manager Frank stated that they responded
to an actual request from the HRDB board to increase their funding last year, but so far this year
they have not advised; he knew that this issue would be vetted and determined by the
Commission. Consensus of the Commission was that $7000 should be placed back in the
HRDB line item budget. Commissioner Wilsen noted she wants to be sure there is enough
money for the Spring Fling budget as well so they don't have to ask for more money.
Commissioner Keller inquired as to why regular salaries went down as shown on 3 -38 and 3 -60
for HR and 5 -19 for Maintenance Operations. Finance Manager Brosonski said the change in
HR was due to the change in HR Directors and 5 -19 was probably when a new person came in at
entry level.
Break: 7:32 — 7:43 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift thanked Public Works Director Krug for the SUV Hybrids on the wish list;
also noted that Orlando is using hatchbacks instead of trucks and he had seen them doing
landscaping work out of a Prius hatchback. Mr. Krug said this stormwater vehicle required a 4-
wheel drive and that is why an SUV was selected. Mayor Vandergrift stated that Winter
Garden is installing electrical charging stations for public use to encourage electric vehicles.
Public Works Director Krug stated that they looked into getting a grant, but it was still going
to cost the city $25,000 for one charging station. The grant was not as good as originally
sounded. He noted that central Florida has more electrical charging stations going in than
anywhere else in the country right now.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the Peach Lake Manor. Public Works Director Krug
stated it has not started; they are having a meeting tomorrow to go over the phasing. They have
the plans and specifications together; it just needs to be advertised.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the HUD grant for Ison Center Improvements. CIP
Manager Butler stated this was a grant that was acquired several years ago for improving the
Veterans and Seniors facilities at the Ison Center. As it became more utilized, we needed more
improvements to parking, second driveway access, street lights, and an athletic facility for
disabled Veterans and seniors. He added that they are getting $247,500.00, ($250,000 minus the
1% hold back). It is in the budget for next year because we had not gotten budget authority for
that project. Finance Director Horton stated that there is an off - setting revenue shown in the
budget for that project.
August 8, 2011 Page 11 of 11
City Commission Budget Workshop
Mayor Vandergrift asked CIP Manager Butler to get with the City Clerk regarding installation
of a columbarium at the cemetery for crematory ashes. Commissioner Johnson stated that he
will show staff the photos he took in Texas. Commissioner Wilsen stated that the cemetery is
looking so much better since there have been a few groups doing cleanup efforts. There was
further discussion regarding expansion of the cemetery and Mr. Hawthorne wanting $500,000
per acre so it is not something we can consider at this time. Commissioner Johnson stated that
we can place columbarium structures at various locations in the cemetery where there is
available space.
Commissioner Johnson stated on the Recreation page 3 -98, he wanted to inquire about the ball
fields. There are two multi - purpose fields proposed for the Beech Center; he would rather use
that money to build another softball field on the west side of Vignetti with recreation impact fee
money and move the existing field and fences back there so the fields are together. He added
that league play runs 67 teams through those fields each season. The front field area could then
be used for children's play and for parking during events. We could keep the current building up
for storage. That would allow room for parking, etc. We have light poles and lights which will
cut some of the costs for moving the field, but we will have to build a building down there for
score keeping and concessions. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes stated they have
identified in the capital improvements plan the need for making improvements at Vignetti and
the Beech Center improvements are in this budget and will be funded by impact fees. There is
an issue with using impact fee money at Vignetti because they have existing fields and impact
fees can only be used to create new capacity. Commissioner Johnson said they can add a field
and use impact fee money. Mr. Hayes said as long as it is creating new capacity. City Manager
Frank said there would be a general fund component to this also; it could be a $50,000 impact to
the general fund over and above what we can get from the impact fees. Commissioner Johnson
stated we haven't done anything to these fields in 30 years and we have improved many other
fields around the city and Vignetti is in need of an upgrade. He added that it would generate
revenue because more people would pay to play there. There was discussion regarding the fields
currently being 275 feet and for tournament play they must be a minimum of 300 feet.
Commissioner Hood added what a difference fence has made at the field to keep tire marks,
garbage and other things out of that area. Consensus of the Commission was to have staff take
a look at improvements to Vignetti Park ball fields and concession.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that the next Budget Workshop will be held on August 17, 2011
at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
• .
Be"� ikenberry, City Clerk • S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor