HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-02-11 MINUTES
August 2, 2011, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Hood. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Ed Apodaca of the Employee Support of The Guard and Reserve stated it is his honor to present
the Patriots Award to Police Chief Brown, Sgt. Nylander, and Sgt. Alexander who were all
nominated for this award by Officer Jack Davidson. Officer Jack Davidson stated he is not
only an Ocoee Police Officer but also a Reservist and he feels the city has gone above and
beyond in always supporting him in his endeavors in serving his country. He further stated he
nominated Sgt. Nylander and Sgt. Alexander because they were his immediate supervisors
during his last deployment and they were both there for him any time he needed anything. Police
Chief Brown was also a great supporter to him and many times checked in on his family when he
was deployed which he really appreciates.
Teresa Lemons, President of the Woman's Club, announced that on Friday, September 9 the
Woman's Club will be hosting a Little Miss Patriot Pageant. Information on the event can be
found in the West Orange Times this week. Also on Saturday, September 10 they will begin
their event with a parade and would love to have the City Commissioners, Mayor, and City
Manager participate in the parade which will start at the Ocoee Middle School and go north on
Bluford Ave. and end at Starke Lake. Ms. Lemons announced that they are currently seeking
crafters and food vendors which information for this will also be found in the West Orange
Ms. Lemons stated that they have encountered a couple of little problems and is seeking help
from the Commissioners and Mayor with permitting. She stated that they received comments
from the Fire Department requesting a $50/hour fee for them to inspect all the food vendors.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to waive the
$50 /hour fee for food vendor inspections. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
Ms. Lemons stated that she also received a letter from Krista Hall in the Development Services
Department regarding needing insurance from the Woman's Club. Ms. Lemons explained that
the Woman's Club is just partnering as labor with the Lion's Club and the Lion's Club will be
City Commission Regular
August 2, 2011
providing any insurance requested for the Beverage Garden, so they are asking if the Woman's
Club could be removed from that request. The Lion's Club is willing to fulfill the request of the
insurance requirement but they would like to wait to put the insurance in place once they know
that permitting has been approved. City Manager Frank stated that request may be possible as
long as they know there is some coverage but at this point he cannot say "yes" or "no ".
Assistant City Manager Shadrix stated that this request is being reviewed by staff and there is
a meeting set for next week to have a group review because there are some complexities. The
HR Director is aware of the insurance issues and he is currently reviewing the Lion's Club
policy. HR Director Williford stated that they have been furnished the certificate of insurance
by the Lion's Club and they had initially looked at the permit as the Woman's Club being a co-
sponsor which is why they were requesting both entities to provide insurance; however, if the
Lion's Club is the responsible party than they would not have an issue with being named on their
coverage. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if a letter from the Lion's Club covers that issue. HR
Director Williford stated as long as that is acceptable by the City Commission and Attorney.
City Attorney Rosenthal stated this is not a subject that requires Commission action and is
really just an administrative issue.
Ms. Lemons gave another brief summary of the events for the day which included the parade,
motorcycle poker run and motorcycle show, cornhole contest, pie judging contest, entertainment,
kiddie rides, and games. Commissioner Keller inquired if this event has been worked out with
the Farmer's Market. Ms. Lemons stated that the Woman's Club has plenty of parking on their
property for those attending the pageant. Commissioner Wilsen stated she has not seen anything
before them on road closure and inquired if their paperwork has been submitted for this. Police
Chief Brown stated that they will have a staff recommendation on the road closure hopefully by
Tuesday at their meeting. This event is not only requesting road closure but they are also
requesting to serve alcohol so staff is having a group meeting on Tuesday of next week and will
have a recommendation for the next Commission meeting.
Ms. Lemons stated that the Woman's Club of Ocoee had presented a historical grant application
to the State of Florida and they had asked the City to match that grant if they received it. They
recently received a letter from the State advising them that they did not receive funding and the
Governor only placed funding for the top 41/2 applicants. The Woman's Club will re -group and
discuss their budget and will get back to the Commission as to where they stand. They would
like to thank the City for their consideration and opportunity to work with them on making this a
historical site in Ocoee.
Ms. Lemons further announced that on Friday, August 26 the Woman's Club of Ocoee will be
hosting a BUNCO game night and cost is $10.00 which includes a light dinner.
Victoria Laney, 830 Hammock Drive, stated that she attended the National Night Kick -off for
Orlando and found an Ocoee citizen promoting "Teaching Teens to Drive with Care ". The
program is free and provides red thumb bands to remind teens to not text while driving. Ms.
Laney stated that Wendy Kimelman is also a Trauma Program Manager at Orlando Regional and
thinks it would be a great idea to have her at the upcoming police picnic and other events. She is
also available to teach teen driving here in Ocoee and will do it for organizations.
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Ms. Laney announced that she recently visited a Farmer's Market in Columbia, Missouri that
accepted Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (food stamp) cards. She further stated
she found a similar program in Sanford which is funded by a federal grant and inquired if they
should consider offering a similar program at the Ocoee's Farmer Market. Mayor Vandergrift
requested that staff look into this.
Ms. Laney announced that last year at the Central Florida Film Festival the best of the fest
feature was a film on bullying called the Fat Boy Chronicles. She further stated the
director /producer for that film Mr. Michael Buchannan is back this year and he will be available
to partner with the City of Ocoee Recreation Department and have a special screening of this
film should they be interested. She will forward contact information to contact Mr. Michael
Ms. Laney thanked Police Chief Brown and all the great officers for following up on a program
by the Homebuilder's Institute to provide mentors and pre- apprenticeship programs for at -risk
youth. The program is funded by the Department of Justice and can be used by churches or civic
organizations. She has contact information should anyone be interested.
Ms. Laney lastly thanked Joy Wright for taking care of listing the Withers Maguire House for
the next Arts Festival in February 2012. They have never been listed before.
City Manager Frank announced the following:
1) Before them there is a revised Item # 8 — First Amendment to the City of Ocoee /Colburn
Development Agreement. The City Attorney will clarify the changes during the Public
2) Police Department is having Community Affairs event at the West Road Publix —
Saturday August 06, 2011, from 11:00a.m till 2:OOp.m. The police department will there
to fingerprint children and pass out educational material. They will also have a
Community Affairs event at the West Oaks Mall — Saturday August 13, 2011, from
1:OOp.m. till 5:OOp.m. The police department will be at the West Oaks Mall to participate
in the mall's anti- bullying campaign, fingerprint children, and pass out educational
material. Location of the event within the mall is still to be determined.
3) Police Department is also hosting a "Kicks for Guns" event — Friday August 19, 2011,
from 7:00a.m. till 7:OOp.m. Location is still to be determined. The police department will
give away $50 gift cards to anyone who turns in a firearm. No questions will be asked of
the person turning in the firearm in hopes of removing as many unwanted firearms as
possible off the streets.
4) The City of Ocoee is proud to host the Central Florida Film Festival. The Central Florida
Film Festival will hold a "Sneak Preview" on Wednesday, August 3 at the West Orange 5
Cinemas on Maguire Road. Doors will open at 7:00 pm with complimentary popcorn,
soda and beer. For more information, visit www. CentralFloridaFilmFestival.com.
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City Commission Regular
August 2, 2011
Commissioner Wilsen — None
Commissioner Keller — 1) announced Monday, August 15 in front of Chevy's there will be a
Classic Car Show which Chevy will be hosting every Monday after this event. 2) announced the
Police Department Motor Unit was recognized for law enforcement challenge awards and they
finished 8 out of 100 Police Departments in the State. He further thanked and congratulated
Officer Duane Hunt and Officer Travis Clarke.
Commissioner Hood — 1) announced that Budget Meetings are coming up on August 8 and
17 at 6:00 p.m. He encouraged citizens to get involved and if they would like to view a budget
book they can stop by City Hall or contact there Commissioners. The Budget Hearings are
scheduled for September 7 and 21
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve the
Consent Aqenda Items #1 through #7. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held July 19, 2011. (City
Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 - 0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
2. Approval of Certification of Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for Stormwater
Inclusion on the Orange County Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2011/2012. (Public Works
Director Krug)
The City commission approved Resolution No. 2006 -003 to provide for collection of stormwater fees through the
annual Orange County tax roll. The agreement between City of Ocoee and Orange County Tax Collector requires
the City to annually certify the non -ad valorem assessment roll by September 15 The fiscal year 2011/2012 tax
roll for Stormwater calculates revenue to be $3,252,402. This is a decrease of $24,002 from the current year due to
corrections and adjustments of impervious areas.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
3. Approval of Certification of Non -Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for Solid Waste
Inclusion on the Orange County Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2011 /2012. (Public Works
Director Krug)
The City commission approved Resolution No. 2006 -003 to provide for collection of Solid Waste fees through the
annual Orange County tax roll. The agreement between City of Ocoee and Orange County Tax Collector requires
the City to annually certify the non -ad valorem assessment roll by September 15 . The fiscal year 2011/2012 tax
roll for Solid Waste calculates revenue to be $2,799,216. This is based upon the residential Solid Waste fee of $21
per month. This is an increase of $42,336 from the current year and is attributed to annexations and new homes.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
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4. Approval of 13th Annual Kicks 4 Guns Firearms Turn -In Initiative: Request for up to
$7500 from the Police Forfeiture Funds. (Police Chief Brown)
For the 13 year Clear Channel — REAL Radio in partnership with the Central Florida Crimeline will be organizing
the annual Kicks 4 Guns (gun turn in). The event is scheduled for August 19, 2011. Last year there were 11
locations and in one day, 1356 firearms were turned into law enforcement with no questions asked.
This year the Ocoee Police Department will participate in the Kicks 4 Guns initiative. Law enforcement hosts for
the initiative typically give $50 give cards for firearms turned in. Per Florida State Statutes 932.7055 "...any local
law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000 pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a
fiscal year must expend or donate no less than 15 percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of
any...crime prevention, safe neighborhood program(s).
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
5. Approval of Award of RFP #11 -007 -R Multi-Function School Activity Bus and 4 -Year
Lease Purchase Agreement with Suntrust Bank for the amount of $50,773.00.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The budget for Fiscal Year 10/11 includes the four -year lease - purchase of one (1) Multi- function school activity bus
for the Parks /Recreation Department. The proposal is for one (1) new 12 passenger, two wheel chair position multi-
function school activity bus with a total capacity of 15 counting the driver. The activity bus has safety features, such
as emergency exits, heavily padded seats, reinforced sidewalls, etc. The activity bus is ADA compliant. Delivery is
within ninety (90) days after receipt of order (ARO). The Respondent is required to comply with all state and federal
laws and regulations regarding transportation and the sale of activity buses for the purpose of carrying children to
and from school.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
6. Police Headquarters:
a. Award of Bid #B11 -04 Police Headquarters Fencing to Sherron Building Services Inc.
(SBS), in the amount of $167,352.31. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City was awarded a Florida Department of Law Enforcement Grant from the Department of Homeland Security
in the amount of $235,000. The City is utilizing the grant money for fencing and other security related items. All
work for the project shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared
by or for the City of Ocoee. Bids shall be deemed to include all items necessary to furnish, deliver, and install all
materials, equipment, incidentals, and services, including all labor, for the work, which is generally described as the
furnishing and installation of fencing around part of the parking area adjacent to the newly construct Police
Headquarters Building located at 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway, near the intersection of Old Winter Garden Road
and South Bluford Avenue and west of Wal -Mart on SR 50. Project components include demolition, concrete
construction, fence installation, construction of brick columns, electrical wiring, lighting, permanent thermoplastic
striping, and clean -up.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
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b. Authorization for - the Finance Department to Issue a Purchase Order to Qualified
Systems Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $31,115.88 for the Purpose of Upgrading and
Extending the Security System at the Police Headquarters Building. (CIP Manager Butler)
The City received a $235,000 grant from the Florida State Homeland Security Program under Issue No. 039E on
April 1, 2011, using funds provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Domestic
Preparedness. The purpose of this grant is to construct an 8- foot -high security fence with electronically controlled
gates around the perimeter of the Ocoee Police Department Headquarters Building. The gate controls will be
provided by upgrading and extending the existing electronic entry security system now in place to control entry into
the building. Qualified Systems Contracting, Inc. did the original security system work when the building was
occupied and is the source of materials and installation skills necessary to upgrade that system to handle additional
points of control and to extend the system to validate and manage entry at the new perimeter fence access points.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
7. Approval of Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages at a City Owned Facility During a
Wedding Event on September 10, 2011. (Parks and Recreation Director Hayes)
The Arsenault Family is using a City owned facility, the Community Center, to hold a wedding event on September
10, 2011. The family is requesting permission to serve alcoholic beverages at this event. Past policy excluded the
use of alcohol in a city owned facility without specific approval of the city commission.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
8. First Amendment to City of Ocoee /Colburn Development Agreement. (Advertised in the
West Orange Times on Thursday, July 21, 2011). (City Planner Rumer)
The First Amendment to the City of Ocoee / Colburn Agreement was a joint effort between many parties that gives
the City a new alignment of Maine Street that complies with the CRA Target Areas Special Development Plan July
2010, and complies with the Addendum to the City of Ocoee / Colburn Development Agreement approved this
December 2010.
This Agreement, as amended, updates the Agreement and matches the current plans as to how the area would
develop. As the City has complemented the recent buildout of the SR 50 corridor by creating a Community
Redevelopment Agency and adopting a CRA Target Areas Special Development Plan, this Agreement as amended
is critical in maintaining the vision and philosophy for development in the CRA.
City Attorney Rosenthal stated in front of them is a revised version to the agreement and the
only change is a provision regarding the retention pond on the west side of Bluford on property
owned by Colburn and provided that if the city built the road that the city would build the pond
for the road and also to support the development of the Colburn property west of the road. The
revised agreement said if the city built the road, an issue that will come before you later, we
would only have to build the pond to serve the road and not the whole project. At the last minute
Colburn added that if road is not built within a three year period then it would revert back to the
original language. That is the only change to what is in the agenda packet.
City Planner Rumer stated this is the first amendment to the Colburn Development Agreement
and provides for a revised alignment from the 1998 agreement which was approved with the
CRA Development Plan. It complies with the CRA Target Area. This item is a public hearing
because there is a conveyance of land. There is a .72 acre remnant piece of land. As part of the
negotiations in working on this amendment, there was an addendum in December 2010 where
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August 2, 2011
the City conveyed the parkland. The remnant .72 acre piece from that original parkland should
be conveyed to the developer and to bring that piece back on the tax rolls. The amendment
changes some of the old agreement dealing with impact fees, time of construction periods (three
Mayor Vandergrift stated that is he understanding that they are going to pay it back in three
years. .City Attorney Rosenthal clarified that the City received from Colburn at no cost, a
parcel referred to as the parkland pursuant to the original agreement. Under that agreement all of
that land would have been north of relocated Maine Street. Now that the alignment is moving,
there is a piece of that land that the city got from Colburn that will now fall between relocated
Maine Street and the adjacent development of the Ram Property, Colonial Bluford. The DA says
that if Colonial Bluford actually constructs this portion of Maine Street within three years and
the city accepts it within that period, then the City would give back that remnant piece of land at
no cost. It would be part of their project and they will develop it in the normal course. It is
included in their Preliminary Site Plan (PSP) at this time with the City, as the owner, seeking the
development approval in this particular case. At the time of the agreement ten years ago, we
thought Maine Street was going to be built in the next year. This new agreement states that if
they don't build the road in the specified time, the city has no obligation to convey that parcel to
them. The City could sell it to them or to a third party, or negotiate whatever is appropriate at the
time. This is to create an incentive to move this project forward.
Opened the Public Hearing
Kerry -ann Wilson, representing Colonial Bluford, stated that they have been working diligently
with the staff and have come together with a great plan for developing this property. They will be
coming forward with a Master Plan and PSP in the next month and they are excited to get
started. They are in favor of this conveyance.
Closed the Public Hearing
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the
First Amendment to the City of Ocoee /Colburn Development agreement per
staffs recommendation. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
9. Eagle Creek of Ocoee Preliminary Subdivision 'Plan. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel on
City Attorney Rosenthal advised since it is an advertised public hearing we need to open the
public hearing and allow anyone who wishes to speak the chance to do so before we move to
continue it.
The Public Hearing was opened as no one wished to speak the Public Hearing was closed
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to continue the
Public Hearing to September 20, 2011. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
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10. Approval to Execute a Utility Work by Highway Contractor Agreement with the
Florida Department of Transportation in Connection with the Widening of SR 50 that
will add the Relocation of City -Owned Water'-and, Sanitary Sewer Facilities to the
Highway Construction Project; Current Estimated Cost of the Work is $432,839.68,
which must be paid by the City by April 20, 2012. (CIP Manager Butler)
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) plans to widen SR 50 through the City of Ocoee. The first part
of the project will widen SR 50 from east of the entrance to the West Oaks Mall to Good Homes Road. We expect
this project to begin in mid -2012. FDOT has agreed to allow the City of Ocoee to pay the additional cost of
relocating water and sanitary sewer force main pipelines between Vizcaya Lakes Blvd. and Vintage Village Pkwy.
CIP Manager Butler explained that Florida DOT is widening the eastern part of SR 50 in the
City of Ocoee across Lake Lotta by constructing two bridges to replace the fill that is there now.
We had a previous agreement to upgrade the traffic signal next to Aldi to use mast arms at the
eastern end; the western end of the project is near Chevys. Between those areas there is a water
main and a sanitary sewer force main. We need to relocate that facility to the south side; it will
be hung on the underside of the bridge. We are working with an engineering firm to draw up the
plans; they are 60% at this point. FDOT is asking for an agreement from the City to say we
intend to go through with the plans. This is preliminary matter, not the formal commitment
which will occur when the plans are at 90% and we have a final cost estimate. The current cost
estimate is $386,000; there is an additional 10% contingency fee and 2% administrative fee for
FDOT inspections. He advised if the costs exceed the estimated $432,849.68 it will be brought
back to the commission with a proposal to spend additional money or do something different. He
said $450,000 has been placed in the budget next year to pay for this project. There was
discussion about how the cost estimate works.
R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd. asked for clarification on why the state does not move
the utility lines as part of their project. CIP Manager Butler stated the city utilities are on the
right -of -way through a permit, and the City pays nothing for the right to be there however we
must adjust our facilities to allow for construction. He stated the road is actually disappearing;
he described the process that will be undertaken to move the lines to the south side of the road
during this process so that Good Homes Plaza (Aldi, McDonalds, etc.) will never lose service.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve the
execution of the Utility Work by Highway Contractor Agreement with the FDOT in
connection with the Widening of SR50 per staffs recommendation.
R.P. Monacky said he was not sure he understands why they are not paying. It was explained
again that our utilities are on their property.
Commissioner Hood asked if it would be feasible to just give them the utility service. City
Manager Frank stated they attempted to swap some service territory. The county came back
and said for every equivalent residential unit we would have to pay the capital cost, so it would
have been more expensive ($900,000).
There was discussion about the need to six -lane Highway 50.
After the discussion, a vote was taken on the motion:
Motion carried 4 - 0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
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August 2, 2011
Commissioner Keller — reminded everyone to come out to Chevy's at the West Oaks Mall on
August 15 for the Classic Car Show.
Commissioner Wilsen — None
Commissioner Hood — 1) reminded everyone to come to the Budget Meetings; the first
workshop will be Monday, August 8, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. 2) also announced Pop Warner begins
football begins this week, keep your eye out for the kids while driving near the ball parks. 3)
announced Fall Ball sign -up is this weekend and the next weekend. 4) thanked Public Works
Director Krug for taking care of an issue last Saturday.
Mayor Vandergrift — 1) announced it is nice that we are doing renovations around the City Hall
complex. He also advised that the conference room off of the Commission Chambers is also
under renovation.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:09
Attest: City of Ocoee
i r /`r
eth ikenberry, City Cl : S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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