HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-23-2011 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING AUGUST 23, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Godek called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Member Hopper led the Invocation and Member Kelley led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Godek, Members Amey, Hopper, Kelley, Lowery, Osborne, and Alt. Member Blynder. Also present was Code Enforcement Manager Doug Gaines, Code Enforcement Officers Delgado, and Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant Ballard, Attorney Sneed, and Recording Clerk Stella McLeod. ABSENT: Vice -Chair M. Godek and Alt. Member Sais were absent excused. GUESTS: None. Administrative Assistant Ballard administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers, Fire Inspector, and anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT THE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. The Consent Agenda consisted of approval of Items A, B and C. *Note: Consent Agenda was amended. A. Minutes of the JULY 26, 2011, Code Enforcement Board Meeting B. Dismissal or Compliance. (Case Numbers 11 -141, 11 -166, 11 -179, 11 -198, 11 -199, 11- 200, 11 -203 were transferred to consent.) Case Number Respondent Location of Violation 11-119 JOHNEY L. BERRYMAN II 1700 LITTLE SPRING HILL DAWN M. BERRYMAN DRIVE 11 -163 LYNDA COLE 1401 LITTLE SPRING HILL DRIVE 11 -193 YU PAT 2711 CARDASSI DRIVE C. Order of Continuance (SEPTEMBER 27, 2011, Meeting). Case Number Respondent Location of Violation 11 -180 MAGGIE JONES 1104 DOREEN DRIVE 11 -184 DANA PECK 1108 BELLINI LANE 11 -201 VIRGINIA BOWEN 204 REWIS STREET 11 -171 SAUL SERRANO 6748 LUMBERJACK AIDA PATRICIA MORA (REMOVED FR. AGENDA) Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 Member Hopper, seconded by Member Kelley, moved to approve the Consent Agenda along with the suplement as presented by City sta ff Motion carried unanimously. Member Lowery, seconded by Member Hopper, moved to hear the cases in the following order: Case Nos. 11 -168, 11 -169, 11 -146, 11 -140; then revert back to the agenda. The motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS — Ms. Shawnell Thomas approached the podium to address the board; however, given that Ms. Thomas has a case listed on the evening's agenda, it was determined that it would be better for her to speak to that case and address her concerns to the board at that time. Ms. Thomas agreed with this recommendation. HEARINGS OF STATEMENTS OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO THE HEARING RULES ADOPTED BY THIS BOARD ON JUNE 27, 1995, VARIOUS DOCUMENTS ARE USED BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN EACH CASE AND ARE REPORTED IN THE CASE TESTIMONY GIVEN BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. IN THESE MINUTES THE TITLES TO THOSE DOCUMENTS WILL BE ABBREVIATED AS FOLLOWS: ACFD - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEMOLITION, AOC - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE, AONC - AFFIDAVIT OF NON- COMPLIANCE, ATF- APPLICATION TO FORECLOSE, CO - COMPLIANCE ORDER, CMFD - COMMISSION MEETING FOR DETERMINATION, CS - CONTINUED STAY, CTR - COPY TO RESPONDENT, ECO - EXTENDED COMPLIANCE ORDER, EX- EXHIBITS, FS- FEES STAYED, LDC - Land Development Code, NOCV - NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION, NOH - NOTICE OF HEARING, NS -No Service, OAF - ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE, OIF/L- ORDER IMPOSING FINE /LIEN, ONC - ORDER OF NON- COMPLIANCE, OOC - ORDER OF CONTINUANCE, , ORF - ORDER REDUCING FINE, PDFS - PER DAY FINE SUSPENDED, POS - PROOF OF SERVICE, RFR - REQUEST FOR REHEARING, RFRDUC- REQUEST FOR REDUCTION DENIED UNTIL COMPLIANCE, ROF- REDUCTION OF FINE, SFH - SUBPOENA FOR HEARING, SOV - STATEMENT OF VIOLATION (S) and WD - WITHDREW. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS Case No. 11 -168 — David L. Lancaster 2370 Alclobe Circle Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 51 -13, 6 -10 07 -19 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 08 -02 -11 08 -03 -11 SOV 08 -03 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -23 -11 08 -03 -11 DOCS SENT BY Regular and Certified Mail Observation: Non - compliance with permit requirements #0901223 to replace 2 shade trees in 2 ", two (2) trees were cut without required permits, plans, approval and inspections. Officer Delgado presented the case and gave its history including exhibits (photos). The respondent had acquired a permit and was given until August 11, 2011, to comply by replacing two trees on his property. The property was re- inspected and was found to be non- compliant as of today. Chairman Godek asked what is wrong with tree that does not meet code. Officer Delgado answered that the tree is too small. According to the code there are certain size and height requirements. The tree meets the height qualification, but is not 2 inches in diameter. According to Bruce Dunford, Ocoee Building Division, the tree is not compliant with the code. Member Amey asked if Mr. Dunford gave the respondent specifications about what the tree needed to look like. Officer Delgado answered `no'. Page 2 of 11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 Mr. David L. Lancaster, 2370 Alclobe Circle, explained that he has lived in his home for 17 years and has never heard of an arbor code. He continued that he was not aware that there was a code about trees until this citation happened. Mr. Lancaster had a pair of trees on his property. Lightning hit one of the trees and destroyed it. The other tree had dead portions on it and insects had infested it. He hired a tree company and assumed that they had obtained the proper permit. The company did not get the permit. Subsequently, Mr. Lancaster acquired the permit. He added that he did not remember being told about the size specifications. Mr. Lancaster presented to the board members a list of trees from which Mr. Lancaster made a selection. He took a picture of the tree to the Building Department and showed it to Mr. Dunford who approved it. Mr. Lancaster said that the tree in question is growing slowly, whereas the other tree is growing rapidly. Member Hopper asked about the measurements on the smaller. Mr. Lancaster answered `about an inch and a quarter in diameter'. While she understood that Mr. Lancaster did not know about the tree code, Member Osborne reminded Mr. Lancaster that unlawful tree removal can cost as much as $5000 per tree. Member Osborne asked if Mr. Dunford approved the tree. Mr. Lancaster answered 'yes'. He added that he could have gotten a junk tree that met specifications. Further discussion ensued, Board Attorney Sneed advised that the board could either find that the City did not find a violation, or they could find him in violation and use their discretion to give the respondent time to comply. Member Lowery, seconded by Member Amev, moved that in Case #11 -168 the respondent is found in compliance with 51 -13, and in violation of 6 -10 as of August 1, 2011, and that he be given until August 1, 2012, to come into compliance or be fined $50 per day thereafter. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Lancaster asked who wrote the code. Chairman Godek replied that he had no idea. Case No. 11 -169 — Jose Medina / Leticia Guerra / Martha Medina 108 Coquina Key Drive Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 115 -3 07 -20 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 08 -02 -11 08 -03 -11 SOV 08 -03 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -23 -11 08 -03 -11 DOCS SENT BY Regular and Certified Mail 08 -11 -11 POP Observation: Miscellaneous junk / debris on property. Officer Delgado presented the case and gave its history. Exhibits (photos) were presented also. As of today the property is not compliant (tires still on the property). John Stewart, 108 Coquina Key Drive, is now the legal owner of the property which he Page 3 of 11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 purchased from Mr. Medina. The house was unlivable. He has removed the tires from the residence. His daughter is now living in the home with her four children. Chairman Godek asked when Mr. Stewart took ownership. Mr. Stewart answered that he took ownership sixty days ago. He said that he had not received any code enforcement letters about the property. Member Hopper asked when the tires were removed. Mr. Stewart said that he took them away this afternoon. Member Osborne, seconded by Member Kelley, moved that in Case #11 -169 the respondent be found in violation as o Jul 27 2011 and be iven until Se tember 2 2011 to come into compliance or be fined $50 /day thereafter. The motion carried unanimously. Case No. 11 -146 — Martin Casanova, Jr. 110 Coquina Key Drive Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 115 -5, 115 -7 06 -14 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 06 -23 -1 1 06 -27 -11 SOV 06 -27 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -1 1 06 -27 -1 1 DOCS SENT BY Regular and Certified Mail 07 -14 -11 POP 07 -26 -11 OC 08 -15 -11 POP Observation: Overgrown grass or weeds. Officer Delgado presented the case and gave its history as she presented exhibits (photos). The property is in compliance. Marvin Casanova, father of Martin Jr., 19 West Oakland, purchased the property on October 23. He had tenants who left leaving a $1200 light bill, and outstanding water bill. He and Officer Delgado had a few words about the case. Chairman Godek reminded Mr. Casanova that he is in compliance. Mr. Casanova got into discussion with Officer Delgado regarding who let her into the residence. He was hoping to get the name of the person who left the outstanding bills. Member Kelley, seconded by Member Amey, moved that in Case #11 -146 the respondent is ound in violation as o June 21 2011 and in compliance as o August 23 2011 and that no fine be assigned at this time. The motion carried unanimously. Case No. 11 -140 - Jaiden Land, LLC / Quality Car Care, Inc. 751 LF Roper Parkway Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 8 -2, 8- 6A(1)(5)(A)ii, 6- 14(1)(j)1,ii,iii 05 -04 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 05 -16 -2011 06 -13 -11 SOV 06 -13 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -11 06 -13 -11 POS Reg. and Certified Mail 07 -26 -11 CO Found in violation as of 05 -10 -11 to comply by 08 -05 -11 or fine of $100 per day, per violation. 08 -05 -11 AOC Observation: Inoperable vehicle /expired -tag, vehicle parked /stored in front driveway: (light blue Ford with flat Page 4 of 11 • Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 tires). This case is in compliance; however, the respondent wanted to address the board. Chairman Godek invited Ms. Thomas to the podium to speak about her case. Ms. Shawndel Thomas spoke to the board about issues she is having with code enforcement. Ms. Thomas recounted her previous appearance at a Code Board meeting. At the last code board meeting she had been told that her case was dismissed. She decided to remain at the meeting anyway, only to find out that the case had not been dismissed. Ms. Thomas was able to address the board at that meeting. She expressed concern as to what would have happened had she not remained at that meeting. Member Osborne asked if there was some confusion because the respondent had two cases. Ms. Thomas agreed that there was a case against her from last year which was the one that was dismissed. Chairman Godek pointed out to Ms. Thomas that sometimes people make mistakes. Mr. Doug Gaines, Asst. to the City Manager / Code Enforcement Manager, approached the podium and informed Ms. Thomas that the code board cannot rule on the matters that she has brought up. The board rules only on code violations that are presented to them. He further stated that he is the one (along with her commissioner, if she chooses) that she should talk to if she has complaints about how code enforcement operates. Further discussion ensued. Ms. Thomas pointed out an error on the compliance order. Board Attorney Sneed agreed and suggested that the code enforcement officer do an amended order for the board chairman's signature so that the proper code violation is listed on the order. Administrative Assistant Bridgett Ballard stated that she will send Ms. Thomas an amended order reflecting the correct violation. The order will be in compliance. Ms. Thomas stated that she left a sign up so that a code violation would be filed and she would subsequently have an opportunity to address the board. Chairman Godek reiterated that this board cannot help her with her issues pertaining to code enforcement. That will need to be addressed with her commissioner or the code enforcement administration. Case No. 11 -167 — AC Direct, Inc., Robert E. / Catherine L. Otto 2301 Holly Ridge Drive Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 105 -4 07 -19 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 08 -02 -11 08 -03 -11 SOV 08 -03 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -23 -11 08 -03 -11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail Observation: Failure to obtain any required inspections on change of A /C, permit #1001609, issued on 11 -22- 2010. Officer Delgado presented the case and gave its history. She said that only a final inspection Page 5 of 11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 is needed to close the case. Member Osborne, seconded by Member Kelley, moved that in Case #11 -167 the respondent be found in violation as of August 1, 2011, and be given until September 9, 2011 to come into compliance or be fined $100 per day thereafter. The motion carried unanimously. Case No. 11 -194 — Jacqueline Valenzuela 440 Misty Meadow Drive Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115 -5 07 -29 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -15 -11 08 -03 -11 SOV 08 -03 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -23 -11 08 -03 -11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 08 -15 -11 POP Observation: Overgrown grass / weeds. Officer Rodriguez presented the case and gave its history. The property is in compliance as of today. Alt. Member Blunder, seconded by Member Osborne, moved that in Case #11 -194 the respondent is found in violation as cited as of July 14, 2011, and in compliance as of August 23, 2011, and that no fine be assessed at this time. The motion carried unanimously. Case No. 11 -195 — Charles Lowery 1000 Center Street Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115 -5 07 -13 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -28 -11 08 -03 -11 SOV 08 -03 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 08-23-11 08 -03 -1 1 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 08 -15 -11 POP Observation: Overgrown grass / weeds. Officer Rodriguez presented the case and gave its history. The property is in compliance as of today. Member Amey, seconded by Member Lowery, moved that in Case #11 -195 the respondent is found in violation as cited as of July 27, 2011, and is found in compliance as of August 23, 2011, and that no fine is assessed at this time. The motion carried unanimously. Page 6 of 11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 Case No. 11 -196 — Tracy Lynn Smith 1301 Fleweling Avenue Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115 -5 07 -13 -1 1 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -28 -11 08 -03 -11 SOV 08 -03 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -23 -11 08 -03 -1 1 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 08 -15 -11 POHD Observation: Overgrown grass / weeds. Officer Rodriguez presented the case and gave its history. The property is in compliance as of today. Alt. Member Blynder, seconded by Member Amey, moved that in Case #11 -196 the respondent is found in violation as of July 27, 2011, and in compliance as of August 23, 2011, and that no fine be assessed at this time. The motion carried unanimously. Case No. 11 -197 — Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC 802 Starke Lake Circle Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115 -5 07 -13 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -28 -11 08 -03 -11 SOV 08 -03 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -23 -11 08 -03 -11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 08 -15 -11 POP Observation: Overgrown grass / weeds. Officer Rodriguez presented the case and gave its history. Exhibits were presented (photos). The property is not in compliance as of today. Board Attorney Sneed asked if the code violation information was mailed return receipt requested. Officer Rodriguez replied affirmatively. Member Kelley, seconded by Member Hopper, moved that in Case #11 -197 the respondents be found in violation as of July 27, 2011, and be given until September 9, 2011, to come into compliance or be fined $100 per day for each day thereafter. The motion carried unanimously. Page 7 of 11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 OTHER BUSINESS Case No. 11 -115 — Raymond Billiard 621 Caborca Court Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 115 -5, 115 -7, 115 -6, 5 -4B 04 -28 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 05 -16 -11 05 -20 -11 SOV 05 -20 -1 1 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -1 1 05 -20 -1 1 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 07 -14 -11 POP 07 -26 -11 CO Found in violation as of 05 -15 -11 to comply by 08 -13 -11 or fine of $100.00 per day, per violation. Authorize City to abate property and add costs to fine. Also authorize the City to continue abatement as needed. 08 -02 -11 Due to error on compliance order, compliance date showed 08-08-11. The respondent is to comply by this date. 08 -04 -11 AOC Observation: Overgrown grass / weeds. Swimming pool dirty and green. Tall front hedges blocking visibility and sidewalk. The property came into compliance as of August 4, 2011. An affidavit of compliance has been issued. No action is required by the board. Case No. 11 -121 — Karl Andrew DBA A and T Plumbing; Jerry & Marcella Boettcher 1406 Wanda Street Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 51 -13 05 -11 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 05 -31 -11 06 -01 -11 SOV 06 -01 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -11 06-01-11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 08 -15 -11 CO Found in violation as 05- 22 -11; to comply by 09-06-11 or be fined of $25 per day. 08 -05 -11 AOC Observation: Installation of solar panel without required permits, plans, approval and inspections. The property came into compliance of August 5, 2011. An affidavit of compliance has been issued. No action is required by the board. Case No. 11 -149 — Lake Hamilton Investments & Funding, Inc. 17 E. Geneva Street Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 115 -5, 115 -7 06 -07 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 06 -23 -1 1 06 -27 -11 SOV 06 -27 -1 1 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -11 06 -27 -11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 07 -14 -11 POP 07 -26 -11 CO Property found in violation as of 06- 21 -11; to comply by 08 -08 -11 or face fine $50 per day, per violation. Authorized City to abate property and add cost /fees. Observation: Overgrown grass or weeds. Page 8of11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 The property came into compliance of August 5, 2011. An affidavit of compliance has been issued. No action is required by the board. Case No. 11 -158 — James / Janie Tejera 1400 Little Spring Hill Drive Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115 -5 06 -09 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 06 -23 -11 06 -29 -11 SOV 06 -29 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -11 05 -19 -11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 07 -15 -11 POP 07 -26 -11 CO Property found in violation as of 06- 24 -11; to comply by 08 -01 -11 or face of $100 per day as remains in non - compliance. Authorize City to abate property and add all costs to fine. 08 -02 -11 ANC 08 -02 -11 City contractor mowed Total due to pay contractor: $100. 08 -04 -11 AOC Observation: Weed / grass overgrowth of 10 ". Compliance was reached three days after the compliance date. Board Attorney Sneed said that she did not know whether this three -day gap was because the officer could not get to the property sooner to inspect or if it was because the respondent did not comply until three days later (Officer Siegrist was not in attendance at this meeting). Given that there were no notes to the contrary, the attorney surmised that the officer was not able to inspect the property sooner. She said that if it turns out that this assumption is wrong, the City can bring the case back to the board. No action is required by the board at this time. Case No. 11 -170 — Cindy Rising / Jeremy Sherman / Wells Fargo Bank, NA 5113 Timber Ridge Trail Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 108 -23Q, 115 -3 Observation: 06 -15 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 07-15-11 07 -13 -11 SOV 07 -13 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -11 07 -13 -11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 07 -26 -1 1 CO Found in violation as of 06- 30 -11; to comply by 07 -29 -11 or Fine of $50 per day, per violation. Authorized City to abate property and add costs to fine. Observation: Miscellaneous junk, trash, debris littering the property. According to Officer Rodriguez, who spoke on behalf of Officer Loeffler, the property has received an affidavit of compliance. No action is required by the board. Page 9 of 11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 Case No. 11 -174 — Omar / Lauren Riley 1826 Orchard Park Drive Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 108 -24D Observation: Overgrown grass & weeds / neglected property maintenance, misc. junk, debris (old broken basketball hoop parts, plastic chair, easement litter and large palm tree debris). 06 -07 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 06 -29 -11 07 -13 -11 SOV 07 -13 -1 1 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -11 07 -13 -11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 07 -26 -11 CO Found in violation as of 06- 28 -11; to comply by 08-01-11 or be fined $50 per day, per violation. 07 -28 -11 AOC According to Officer Rodriguez, who spoke on behalf of Officer Loeffler, the property has received an affidavit of compliance. No action is required by the board. Case No. 11 -175 — Andre Leirias 2744 Cullens Court Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 108 -24D 06 -09 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 06 -14 -11 07 -13 -11 SOV 07 -13 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -11 07 -13 -1 1 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 07 -26 -11 CO Found in violation as of 06- 26 -11; to comply by 08-08-11 or be fined $100 per day, per violation. Observation: Miscellaneous junk, trash, debris littering the property. Officer Rodriguez, speaking on behalf of Officer Loeffler, stated that the property has an Order to Impose Fine. Member Lowery, seconded by Member Osborne, moved that in Case #11 -175, the board impose _fine effective 8/9/2011. The motion carried unanimously. Case No. 11 -190 — Charles Bibby, Jr. / Charles Bibby, Sr. Estate / Norma Snow 1223 Blue Springs Court Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115 -5, 115 -3, 108 -23L, 165 -3 06 -29 -11 NOV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -14 -1 1 07 -18 -11 SOV 07 -18 -11 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -26 -1 1 07 -18 -11 DOCS SENT BY Reg. and Certified Mail 07 -26 -11 CO Found in violation as of 07 -13 -11 to comply by 08 -08 -11 or fine of $75.00 per day, per violation authorize City to abate property and ad costs to fine. 08 -09 -11 ANC Observation: Weed / grass over 10 ". Miscellaneous trash, debris and broken windows sighted. Also, one (1) Ford F150 red truck pick -up parked on back yard grass; one (1) Ford Contour beige w/o no tag parked on the street. Page l0of11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes August 23, 2011 Officer Delgado presented the case and gave its history. The officer said that the respondent is compliant with 115 -5 only. Member Kelley, seconded by Member Lowery, moved that in Case #11 -190 a fine is imposed for violations of 115 -3, 108 -23L and 165 -3. The motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS Board Attorney Sneed — no comment. Member Amey - You're doing a good job Member Lowery - Keep up the good work; you're doing a great job. Member Osborne — no comment. Alt. Member Blynder — no comment. Member Kelley - Thank you with all the folks that came into compliance. Member Hopper —said that he hates when businesses come to the board and have problems (referring to an earlier case). He said that the speaker really felt picked on and he hates when that happens (not blaming code enforcement, he added). He also wished that the tree situation could have worked out before the case got to the board. Further discussion ensued. Chairman Godek - I'm glad that everyone came into compliance. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. A t= t: APP • is ...., i 0 rt. Or_i • ■'• P., b ..- _ , tella W. M`Leod, CEB Re or • ' - _ lerk Robert Godek, Chair an Page 11 of 11