HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-11 MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION November 1, 2011 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER Invocation — Commissioner Keller Pledge of Allegiance — Ocoee Police Lt. Dreasher Roll Call and Determination of Quorum — Acting City Clerk Sibbitt L B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation Regarding "All In Campaign" Dick Batchelor gave a brief presentation regarding support of a resolution which would urge the Florida Legislation to support local home -rule power over City -owned property, especially public parks and other public places where children play. He acknowledged that the city has an ordinance in place but he would like for the city to also entertain this resolution. Commissioner Hood said he would like to see something like this get passed by all municipalities. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen inquired if Mr. Batchelor had the resolution with him because the commission has not seen it. City Manager Frank said he believes the resolution was presented to them the first time Mr. Batchelor sent his representative to speak before them. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen said she would like for this to be put on the next agenda so that they will have time to review the resolution Mr. Batchelor is requesting their support on. C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - None D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank announced the following: 1) On the dais in front of them is the ordinance that pertains to no smoking at city parks if someone from Mr. Batchelor's office does show up. 2) Several meetings ago the Districting Commission had presented their preferred board plan 5 to the commission, which some on the commission did not think was the best plan. There was also an alternate Board Plan 6 presented. The commission remanded the plans back to staff to see if it needed to go back to the Districting Commission. City Manager Frank said he had a chance to speak with each person on the commission and he believes at this point it does not need to go back to the Districting Commission because he felt that everyone was fairly comfortable with Board Plan 6. If the commission would like to have a consensus or discussion tonight that would be helpful for staff so they can move ahead. Commissioner Hood said he had no issues with Board Plan 6. Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller had no comments. Mayor Protem Wilsen said she has no problems with either plans but she does have stronger feelings toward the board plan submitted by the board. Commissioner Johnson commented that he is not in favor of board plan 5 and feels Board Plan 6 is the better of the two. Mayor Protem Wilsen said she was more in favor of Board Plan 5 because she feels that the Districting Commission was looking toward the future balance in population. City Manager Frank City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 explained that Board Plan 6 kept each of the districts within a closer deviation. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that this board plan discussion would not affect the upcoming election. He further said the decision they make tonight would be to bring back an ordinance so that there will be a public hearing before the commission. City Attorney Rosenthal suggested that they make a consensus decision tonight on the Board Plan 6 and then they can put this on the next agenda as a consent agenda item. This will allow him to work with staff on the schedule to bring back an ordinance as a public hearing. Consensus from the Commission is to put Board Plan 6 on the next agenda so they may make a formal motion which would then allow staff to work on formalizing an ordinance for the public hearing. 3) The 2011 Poker Run will be held this Saturday, November 5 and registration begins at 9:30 am. Cost will be $10 per participant and $5 for each additional hand. First 100 participants will receive an event t -shirt. The Ocoee Police Department in conjunction with the Ocoee Founder's Day Festival Committee will hold this 10 Annual Founder's Day Poker Run. The event will feature motorcycles, classic cars, and hot rods driving to five stations to collect playing cards. Best poker hand will win. Proceeds from this event will benefit the City of Ocoee Police Department Holiday Toys for Kids in Need Program. To register or make a donation contact Sgt. Nylander at 407 - 905 -3160 ext. 3315. 4) Handgun Safety Class in Saturday, November 19 from Sam -lpm. This is a free handgun safety class for Ocoee residents, Ocoee business owners and employees, and city partners. Class will be taught by Ocoee Police Officers and held at the Ocoee Police Department. If interested contact Officer Teddy Levin at 407- 905 -3160 ext.3024. 5) Ocoee Farmer's Market will not be held this weekend due to the Ocoee Founder's Day celebration but will open again on November 11 with new hours of 3pm -7pm. The public is invited to come to the market for fresh produce, farm fresh eggs, prepared food, and much more. For any more information please call 407 -905 -3100. E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood 1) None Commissioner Keller - 1) inquired if the survey for Forest Oaks Subdivision has gone out. City Manager Frank said it has and they did have a slight error on the zip code of the return address for the survey's but that has been corrected. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said they are apologetic for the error even happening. He further explained the surveys did go out last Tuesday and the postcards advising of the correction on the zip code went out on Thursday of last week as well. Mr. Shadrix said the surveys are being returned to them pretty rapidly and based on the responses they have received it appears it is a good scatter pattern and not confined to just one local. He further provided printout of past commission discussions relating to Rich Drive and the Clerk distributed them for their review. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen inquired as to when the deadline is for the surveys to be returned. City Planner Rumer said the deadline is November 23` which is the day before Thanksgiving. He further announced that they did receive 10 more surveys today. — — Page 2 City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 Commissioner Johnson - 1) announced that the Founder's Day Golf Tournament was a great success. He further announced this Friday begins the Founder's Day entertainment which will include a kick off of the Toys for Tots Program by Aaron Tippin. Performance by Sammy Kershaw is to follow. On Saturday morning there will be Marketplace featuring arts and crafts, as well as, the 5K Race sponsored by Chick Fila. Commissioner Johnson further announced that on Saturday at 1 pm they will have a special veteran's program with entertainment and festivities will continue on until 10pm. Saturday's entertainment will include local performers as well as performances by Little Texas, Daryle Singletary, and Joe Nichols. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen 1) announced the Marketplace will consist of artist and local businesses and is open from 9am -6pm. There will also be a Classic Car Show on Saturday starting at 9am. F. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items #1 through #3 with Item #4 being pulled for separate consideration. Motion carried 4 -0 with Mavor Vandergrift being absent. 1 „- .vApproval 1 1 4 g = @ y a ' ' 9 @ P # ! 6' 1 9 �' ; 9 ° i @ 6 .r 18 20 (Ci g O ��� s Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Mayor Vandergrift being absent. App+ l<n>l l>rl+ nt to t h ; 9 i t r '` e .@ $ ... R er e:. ) Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two -year terms. Currently, the Human Relations Diversity Board has eight (8) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15) members. Members of the Board shall be residents, business owners, or owners of real property within the City of Ocoee. One application was received from Mr. William Floyd with an interest in serving on the board. The applicant works in the City of Ocoee, but resides in Clermont. Section 111 E. of the HRDB bylaws provide for the commission to waive the membership qualifications when deemed appropriate. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Mayor Vandergrift being absent. � Approv 1. f City ._ 1 !: � i �� s c ► g) __ Following a stormwater site inspection by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the City was required to upgrade the Public Works vehicle wash down facility to meet current industrial discharge mandates. The upgraded facility was budgeted in the Stormwater program as its purpose is to provide treatment of the water leaving the Public Works compound. The City Commission has allocated $95,000.00 for replacing the vehicle wash facility. Due to additional DEP requirements that increased the total cost, Public Works is requesting the $69,687.97 remaining from the Prima Vista Outfall Project be allocated to the wash facility to adequately cover the costs. The purchase order for this work will be awarded through the City's Continuing Services Contractors. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0 with Mavor Vandergrift being absent. Page 3 - - -- City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 *Y. 4 t7 , .. a f Pf2 5 � 1. ! 'fib 8 :MAW' ' F t m I != i 4 i .. # t! The Utilities Department utilizes liquid chlorine as its disinfecting agent in the treatment of its potable water and wastewater. The department anticipates the purchase of 76,000 gallons of chlorine for water this fiscal year for a total annual budgeted amount of $68,400.00. The department also anticipates the purchase of 63,875 gallons of chlorine for wastewater this fiscal year for a total annual budgeted amount of $57,500.00. Total expenditures for the fiscal year should not exceed $125,900.00. The City has been procuring chlorine from Odyssey Manufacturing, for which Odyssey has extended their contract conditions (piggybacking) from their contract with Sarasota County, awarded March 23, 2011, by Sarasota County Notice of Bid Award Bid No. 11 1333HR. Staff recommends the City of Ocoee accept the terms of this contract, effective April 11, 2011, and valid for one year, with two one -year renewal periods for a total of three years. Odyssey's contractual price with Sarasota County is $.70 per gallon, the same price the City has been paying while piggybacking off of their contract with the City of Oviedo. This Item was pulled from the Consent Agenda to be heard separately. Commissioner Johnson inquired as to why this item is not put out to bid. He understands they are piggybacking but what if they can get it cheaper. Utilities Director Smith explained that there are two main vendors in the State that provide the bulk vendors and Odyssey is one of the bulk vendors. He further said they are going with a bid that was recently done and awarded to Odyssey which is why they are requesting to piggyback. Mr. Smith said they can try to redo it and go out to bid since they may be able to get a cheaper price. Commissioner Johnson said if there are two bulk vendors then they may be able to get one to bid cheaper. Utilities Director Smith said if the commission would like for him to bid this out then he can. Commissioner Johnson said he is speaking on his own behalf and not for the commission. City Manager Frank explained that what they typically do with materials like this is find a larger county that gets a bulk bid. They have done RFP's in the past but it is not typical to get a better price then what a large county would. They do much better with piggybacking for these types of material, City Manager Frank advised Commissioner Johnson that if he is not comfortable with this then he could suggest since this is a one year contract with two one -year renewals, when one year is up, if they feel we can get a better deal at that point we can go out to bid at that point. He explained they do not have to renew it for two one -year periods. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved for approval for piggybacking on Sarasota County's contract for bulk sodium hvpochlorite for a one year term with no renewals. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen inquired if they renew would they get the same price. City Manager Frank said he is not sure what the exact wording on the contract says because it may have a cost of living percentage with the renewals. City Attorney Rosenthal asked Commissioner Johnson for clarification on his motion. He further inquired if he motion was for the contract that the city signed be for one year without the option for renewals or is he requesting they have the option of renewal. City Manager Frank advised that if they go out for bid to see the pricing that is out there then they would just not renew this contract after the first year. He further said his recommendation would be to approve this as presented before them tonight and if they do not get a better bid then they can renew. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that he does not believe that is the motion Commissioner Johnson made. Commissioner Johnson agreed. Utilities Director Smith said he would recommend that if they allow them to go on and piggyback then they can go out and look for the most favorable prices. He is sure that this vendor will honor that price. Then within the next 90 -120 days staff can put a packet together and put it out for bid. If — - - — Page 4 _.__..___ City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 they do not get a better price then they can continue on with the contract. Commissioner Johnson advised that would not do the city any good in a year from now when the contract is up. Commissioner Hood agreed and clarified that prior to the term we would send out an RFP for costs from other companies. After discussion motion carried 4 - 0 with Mayor Vandergrift being absent. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE to 2 � i '4 i 1 '; : 4 1 R t The ordinance providing for the PRR's has not been amended since 2007. The city manager has requested the human resources director complete the draft revisions of the PRR's. This revision of the PRR's is a comprehensive edit and includes some new provisions. These were discussed with the department directors for review, input and revisions. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Human Resources Director Williford gave an overview of all the changes that were made to the Personnel Rules and Regulations. He explained that some of the changes being proposed are clarification issues by departments while some are changes that have occurred with the state laws, pension, and collective bargaining units. Human Resources Director Williford briefly explained that the Personnel Board met to review the changes and their recommendations were for approval with the consideration of the tiered payment schedule for educational reimbursement. He explained that the current policy allows for those that receive a grade of a "C" or better to receive a 100% reimbursement of their tuition. The Personnel Board suggested a tiered system but after much discussion decided it was best to allow city staff to create that system. Human Resources Director Williford said what is before them tonight does include the tiered system recommended by the department directors. He explained the reimbursement plan being proposed says that if you receive a grade of an "A" of "B" you receive 100% reimbursement and a grade of a "C" will get 75% reimbursement. Anything below a "C" receives no reimbursement. Commissioner Johnson said he does not feel that all people are "A" students and they should keep it as is with reimbursement being received if you get a "C" of better. He explained some employees who work and then have school afterwards may have a tough time earning an "A" and he feels the fact that they go to school at nights or on weekends is a great thing. He further inquired if the current system just not working. Human Resources Director Williford said he does not feel there are any problems with the current policy they have. They have not had any objections or issues from any employees at this point. City Manager Frank asked that Mr. Williford please clarify the current reimbursement policy. Human Resources Director Williford said the current system allows those who receive an "A, B, or C" 100% tuition reimbursement and anything below that is no reimbursement. City Manager Frank briefly — — — Page 5 — — City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 explained they have had quite a savings after implementing some changes last year which tighten up the rules. Commissioner Wilsen said she had no problems either way but does feel that there is an incentive for an employee to receive an "A" if 100% reimbursement is given. Commissioner Keller said, having taught before, he also feels that there are some students who understand everything but cannot test well. He further said his concern is that he does not see them saving that much money with the proposed change. A brief discussion ensued regarding the grade system. Consensus from the Commission was to leave the Education Reimbursement Program as is. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for November 15, 2011, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None I. REGULAR AGENDA x � ; � , I. s r a stem ! r � 1 0 t o u. a �� � �� b C f a. Approval of Interlocal Agreement between City of Sanford and City of Ocoee, and City of Ocoee — MaxWest Agreement for the Disposal of Biosolids from the City of Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility. The City of Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility currently receives and treats approximately 1.68 million gallons per day of wastewater from its customers. This produces 2,160 wet tons per year in biosolids (activated sludge). The biosolids are hauled and disposed of in a manner which meets regulatory requirements using Shelley's Septic Tanks, Inc., DB /A Shelley's Environmental Systems. Shelley's utilizes land application as its primary method of disposal and has a non - exclusive contract with the City that expires on July 16, 2012. Staff discovered a method it prefers in the successful partnership between the nearby City of Sanford and MaxWest Environmental Services, Inc. MaxWest has available capacity and is capable of hauling the City's biosolids to the Sanford facility; and Staff is recommending the City enter into a disposal agreement with MaxWest by utilizing an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Sanford. Since this decision is linked to the Private - Public Partnership Letter Agreement with MaxWest (agenda item to follow), Staff also recommends any action taken on this issue be consistently followed with the partnership item. Utilities Director Smith provided a PowerPoint presentation explaining the biosolids disposal alternative and MaxWest partnership opportunity. Commissioner Johnson inquired what the charge is for the consultant that they will have to use. Utilities Director Smith explained that it would be about $15,000. He further explained that the consultant would work with city staff over a 6 months period to help advance them and get them at a high level of pressing. To hire an outside consultant through an engineer firm would cost about $40,000. Commissioner Johnson inquired how they would know that if they do not put it out to bid. He further inquired if they are the only company in this business. Utilities Director Smith said they are the only company in the area that does this. Commissioner Hood inquired if they would need to hire more city staff. Utilities Director Smith said they would not. Commissioner Johnson inquired if the city is paying the consultant. Utilities Director Smith — - Page 6 City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 said they would pay the consultant for 6 months but if the commission does not want them to use the consultant then they can take the consultant out of the agreement. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen said her concern is that eventually if the company they use is not able to take the ash they will be left with a lot of press material. Utilities Director Smith said then they would have to find another location. He further briefly explained that what they are really going to do is secure a portion of MaxWest's plant which they are holding abet for the city to use. Then at a point when they feel there is an opportunity to open up the same facility in Ocoee they will move to the city. Commissioner Johnson inquired as to how much money they would have to pay up front to have this process put in and further inquired as to how long the contract would be. Utilities Director Smith explained that this is being completely funded by MaxWest. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen said she believes Commissioner Johnson is jumping to item "6b ". Utilities Director Smith said what they are securing tonight is the ability to use MaxWest and to send our sludge to Sanford. Commissioner Hood explained that the process they are using now where they dump the sludge on land is not very favorable. Commissioner Johnson said it just seems to be the Utilities Enterprise Fund is easy access to spend out of. He further said he would like to know how long the letter states that they would have to keep MaxWest if they put their facility here. City Manager Frank explained that this is something that would come back at some point in the future when there is a customer base. He further briefly explained the Letter Agreement between the City of Ocoee & MaxWest Environmental Systems, Inc. City Attorney Rosenthal briefly advised that discussion is flowing back and forth between items 6a and 6b and they really need to be careful as to which item they are talking about in comments and in answering the questions. Jeff Synder addressed the Commission and briefly explained they have a 20 year contract with the City of Sanford which was executed about 3 '/2 years ago. He further briefly explained the interlocal agreement they are proposing under item 6a with regards to disposal of biosolids. City Attorney Rosenthal interjected and explained the two agreements the commission would be approving under item 6a advising that the agreement with MaxWest is for a two -year term and anything beyond that term would have to come before the city commission. Mayor Tem Wilsen said she was confused with the comment made regarding the enterprise fund. She is under the impression from what she heard from Utilities Director Smith that this will be less of a financial impact in the long run by using the process proposed tonight. Utilities Director Smith said in the long run if they form a partnership it will be very advantages because if they have a facility located in Ocoee then they will not be hauling the biosolids off -site and when other municipalities want to use our facility, the city will share that revenue with MaxWest. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that item 6b is speculative and further stated that he believes Commissioner Wilsen was inquiring if item 6a costing more or less. Utilities Director Smith answered that item 6a would cost about $9500 (projected) more a year then if they would stay with Shelley's. Commissioner Wilsen said she would like to see the city on the cutting edge and being ahead and this is personally a direction that she feels will be up and coming. Commissioner Hood said he feels this would also be beneficial if other municipalities bring their sludge to our facility. Commissioner Johnson inquired if the city would be required to do a 20 year contract such like Sanford. City Manager Frank briefly explained they are not at that point yet but if they do get to that point a contract would come back before the commission. Commissioner Wilsen asked Utilities Director Smith to briefly explain again to the commission and viewers watching the agreements they would be approving on item 6a only. Mr. Smith explained the agreements, as well as, he explained the financial impact that -- Page 7 -- City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 they would incur which would be covered by their budget. Commissioner Keller commented that he likes what is being proposed. The city has found a way where they can make money which is a lot better and safer than a landfill. He further commented that he likes the idea that this is something that down the road the city can return to the citizens by keeping their millage rate down. Commissioner Johnson inquired from Mr. Synder if they were the only company in the State of Florida in this type of business. Mr. Synder answered that they are currently the only company in the United States that offers this service and the only commercially operating biosolids gasification facility that they know of. They are corporate offices are located in Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Sanford and City of Ocoee, and City of Ocoee — MaxWest Agreement for the Disposal of Biosolids from the City of Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility. Motion carried 4 -0 with Mayor Vandergrift being absent. b. Approval of Letter Agreement for Private — Public Partnership for Biosolids Processing between the City of Ocoee & MaxWest Environmental Systems, Inc. MaxWest Environmental Systems, Inc., partnered with the City of Sanford, has co- located a biosolids (activated sludge) processing facility at Sanford's South Water Resource Center. The facility provides disposal services to wastewater treatment facilities generally located in Seminole County. The processing facility dries and gasifies sludge to a non - sludge ash and is capable of processing 80 tons per day. Staff recommends City Commission consider a similar partnership for Ocoee whereas MaxWest would eventually co- locate a facility on the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility campus. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the Letter Agreement for Private — Public Partnership for Biosolids Processing between the City of Ocoee & MaxWest Environmental Systems, Inc. Motion carried 3 -1 with Mayor Vandergrift being absent and Commissioner Johnson opposing. J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS - None K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Hood - asked Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Hayes if they could do a presentation for the haunted house as well as provide numbers at the next meeting. The commissioner said he could see that there was a great deal of effort put into the project and that there was a lot of attendance as well. The commissioner then brought up the matter of tipping fees. He asked what fees the City is being charged for each individual step. Public Works Director Steve Krug replied that the City is charged $37.72 per ton for garbage. The City is not charged to dump recyclable materials. Commissioner Hood continued that there is a concern with individuals removing cans from the recycle bins. Director Krug explained that is against Ocoee's ordinance to remove debris from the recyclable materials container. Commissioner Keller asked if the City would have an opportunity to use the facility and have the vendor compete with Orange County. The director said that they would like to think so. Orange Page 8 City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 County's tipping fees have gone up 6 %. Director Krug said the City is in negotiations about the matter. Commissioner Hood said it would be great to have an interlocal agreement with Apopka. They have gotten a sweet deal, the commissioner said. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen said she hopes residents understand that recycling saves money for the City in tipping fees. Commissioner Johnson - said there are two different medians in town that they do not take care of enough one is on Bluford and Geneva. The other is off of Bowness on Kissimmee. It is not mowed and people throw trash there. Commissioner Hood also said the grass on Silver Star Road with all that grass that got burn still needs to be replaced. Krug said he knows the locations and will take a look into the matter, and that they can definitely clean the area up. Commissioner Johnson said that they could plant something there. Director Krug said that there may be some left over funding to do planting. Commissioner Johnson said there are a number of street lights that are not working. Commissioner Keller said they have had neighbors report and on average it took about 2 1/2 months to get the street lights back on. Director Krug said citizens can contact his department and his staff can contact Progress Energy using a work order that contains a number which the City tracks. Commissioner Johnson said he received a compliment about the thorough pick up of debris the public works staff did using the claw truck. Director Krug said he will relay the compliment to his staff. Commissioner Johnson inquired about the pick -up schedule. Director Krug said it's the first recycling pick -up for the month. Commissioner Keller said the MVP grant started today. An application can be picked up today at City Hall. The application submission deadline is November 30 The commissioner said that there is a concern by Forest Trail regarding the median. The funding for flowers for the median has been cut. Commissioner Keller said that residents are wondering if they could apply for the grant to beautify the median owned by Orange County. The commissioner assumed that the group would have to obtain some sort of agreement for maintenance to avoid having their improvements cut down. City Manager Frank said he believes there would have to be an agreement between the County and the HOA. He said the question for the commission is if the commission wants to consider such a project for the grant. Commissioner Keller also wanted to mention that he went to the last Apopka meeting and said they have agreed to be a host city. Apopka will get $1 million dollars as a signing bonus. This will save them $1/2 million a year on tipping fees, and they will receive another $' /2 million. In total it is basically a $21 million deal. There are concerns that it is to close Clarcona Ocoee Elementary School. The commissioner wasn't sure how this would affect Ocoee's building plans. Commissioner Hood said that he thinks the County owns all of that property. Commissioner Keller did ask Apopka to hold off on approval of the matter so that Ocoee, Apopka and the County could study the possible impact, but the Apopka officials went ahead and made their decision. Commissioner Keller brought up the matter concerning Waste Management. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said he has spoken with Mr. Dave Green of Waste Management who said the company would like to speak with Ocoee's commission and staff about the Apopka plans before making any additional moves. The City will be meeting with Waste Management on two days next week, the assistant city manager said. Mr. Green is also planning on attending the November 15th commission meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen said she was approached by a resident regarding boating on Spring Lake. She knows that there is an ordinance against it but she does not recall why that is. Page 9 - - -_ - - - City Commission Regular November 1, 2011 Commissioner Johnson said he recalls discussion regarding the lake was not big enough and there was no access into the lake. Further discussion ensued regarding lakes with similar size issues. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee 4 Be = i enberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page — — — — 10