HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes - December 6, 2011 MINUTES December 6, 2011 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen (arrived 7:38 p.m.), Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC (Commissioner Wilsen arrived at 7:38 p. m.) Steven VanVarick with Ocoee Lions Club presented a $500 check to the Ocoee Soccer League, as well as, $500 check to the Ocoee Police Department for the Toys for Kids in Need Program. He further invited the residents of Ocoee to a dinner meeting on the 1 and 3rd Monday of the month. Their organization is 501c3 tax deductible so they are looking for monetary donations, eye glasses, and hearing aids which they give back to the community. Mr. VanVarick announced the Lions Club is having a Turkey Shoot fundraiser on Saturday, December 10 at 8a.m. They are also looking for Lions Club members and he believes there will be a special prize awarded to any new members. Further information was announced regarding their upcoming events. Commissioner Wilsen briefly added that she works with the Christian Service Center and the Lions Club has really helped many individuals who came to them and could not afford glasses. Police Chief Brown thanked the Lions Club for their contribution towards the holiday toy drive. He further announced that Operation Santa which will be going through all the neighborhoods is also collecting toys for their program. D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank announced the following: 1) The Citizen Police Academy graduation ceremony is scheduled for December 09, 2011, at 7:00 pm. The event will take place at the Ocoee Women's Club, located at Four North Lakewood Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761. Any questions regarding the Citizen Police Academy, contact Officer Teddy Levin at 407 - 905 -3160 ext. 3024. City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 2) Handgun Safety Class - Saturday December 17, 2011, from 8:00a.m. until 1:OOp.m. This is a free handgun safety class taught by Ocoee Police Officers. The class is held at the Ocoee Police Department. If interested, please contact Officer Teddy Levin at 407 -905- 3160 ext. 3024. 3) The Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting its annual Winter Wonderland event on Saturday, December 10 from 5:30 - 8:30 pm. at the Beech Recreation Center. Admission is free, but everyone is encouraged to bring a non - perishable food item. Santa will arrive, and kids can have their picture taken. There will be arts and crafts, snack, and door prizes among other fun things for kids. The movie "Mr. Popper's Penguins" starring Jim Carrey will be shown at 8:30 pm. outdoors behind the Beech Center. 4) Qualifying for the City General Election closed on Monday, November 21, 2011, and the results are as follows: District 2: Rosemary Wilsen and Nancy Cox qualified and the election will be held on January 31, 2012, in conjunction with the Presidential Preference Primary. District 4: Joel Keller qualified with no opposition; there will be no election for this District. Referendum Question: Title: AUTHORITY TO GRANT LIMITED PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIONS FOR QUALFIED BUSINESSES THAT CREAT NEW JOBS. All residents of the City of Ocoee are urged to vote on this important issue. 5) Utilities Department is having a Rain Barrel Workshop to be held on January 21, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Utilities Administration Building, 1800 AD Mims Rd. At the 2011 AWWA (American Waterworks Association) Fall Conference, the City of Ocoee received the Water Conservation Award of Excellence for the Rain Barrel Program. 6) Item #9 on the Consent Agenda inadvertently had the copy of the developer's agreement missing so he is asking if they can pull this item off to be heard separately. Copies are being made and will be placed on the dais. E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood 1) congratulated the Ocoee Cheerleaders for finishing 8 in the nation this past Monday night. 2) wished anyone travelling this holiday season safe travels. Commissioner Keller- 1) reminded everyone about Operation Santa which started December 5 They will be out today as well as Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week, and toys are being collected by the volunteers for the Kids in Need Program. 2) thanked his district for allowing him to run again unopposed and the vote of confidence they have given him to represent them for another three years. 3) asked if the Rich Drive item and the city -wide tow service can be moved up on the agenda since there are several people in the audience for those issues. Commissioner Hood briefly thanked the Lions Club for all the work they did on the Christmas Parade. Mayor Vandergrift - 1) also thanked the Lions Club and everyone who helped and participated in the Christmas Parade. Page 2 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 F. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the Consent Aqenda Items #1 throuqh #8 with Items #7 and #9 beinq pulled to be heard separately. Motion carried 5 -0. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. � The terms of Members Robert McKey, David Ball, and Wilda Schoeppler Pickett will expire on January 1, 2012. All have indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment. The following reflects the attendance of the board members: Robert McKey attended 8 of 9 meetings; David Ball attended 7 of 9 meetings; and Wilda Schoeppler Pickett attended 5 of 9 meetings. There are no applications currently on file. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. ....... .. . . . ............ .. .. . ..xxi .. M_ ,....,. iffIiLII e m. In November 1995, the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorized the purchase of the Motorola 800 MHz Radio system, which is still being utilized by the City in conjunction with Orange County's radio system. Also purchased with the radio system was a service maintenance agreement. The agreement is required for equipment that is no longer under factory warranty. Included in the agreement is all covered radio equipment currently owned by the City of Ocoee with the exception of the radio equipment purchased by the City for the Fire Department. The most recent agreement expired as of September 30, 2011. The proposed agreement takes effect October 1, 2011, and runs through September 30, 2012. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. r e . The City does not currently have a continuing contract for Architectural Services. In compliance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), Florida Statutes Section 287.055 and Chapter 21 of the City's Code of Ordinances, the City solicited statements of qualifications from architectural firms or individuals that are interested in providing general professional architectural services for various planning, design, and development review projects. The City intends to award continuing contracts to one or more firms deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform the required services. The contracts shall automatically be renewed annually unless terminated by the City in writing, for a maximum of five (5) years from the date of the execution, with an optional one year renewal. The scope of work to be performed through task orders issued under the continuing contract may consist of, but will not necessarily be limited to: planning, inspection and assessment, conceptual design, construction plans preparation, and construction management for public projects by the City. Typical assignments would include, but would not be limited to the following: Planning and design of a new Community Center in Bill Breeze Park, Planning and design of an expansion at the Ison Center on Adair St., evaluation, reuse, and remodeling of existing public buildings, and Design of new public buildings and accessory structures. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. Page 3 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 ! 1 1 1 1 I I ! 1 ➢ i 1 S 1 1 r E$ , 7, 9 B! a 8 e 1 The budget for Fiscal Year 11/12 includes the four -year lease - purchase of (2) replacement Side Load Garbage Trucks for the Public Works /Sanitation Department, and (1) replacement Brush /Wood Chipper. The Florida Sheriff's Association and other governmental agency bids were reviewed for the best pricing based on factors such as price and options available. The City of Ocoee participates each year in the FSA co -op bid, and the bid encompasses dealerships in the Western, Northern, Central, and Southern parts of the State of Florida. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. rst a,�n Y n " ap e a „ 'I " r. e" � w� i 1 8 4 I � 1 Clarke Public Works has solicited pricing for the delivery and installation of St. Augustine Floratamt sod on the Clarke Road landscape improvement project. Whisper Winds Landscaping, of Ocoee, provided the lowest price at $14,592.00. Public Works is requesting Commission approval, per the Purchasing Code, to issue a purchase order to Whisper Winds for the aforementioned sod as Public Works has issued previous purchase orders to the firm for yard waste disposal at their mule mulching facility through Sanitation in the amount of $23,000.00. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. � 7 ., . 0 e a � �' %�°s� 1 1 c g e rte - 7 2 o .' � . � Southern Building Services, Inc. was one of 10 firms selected by the City Commission for pre - qualification under the Small Construction Contract procurement (RFP 11 -04) in Fiscal Year 2011. The contract for participation in this construction program was executed by the City on February 15, 2011, with a term of five years. In order to enhance its competitive position in the marketplace, Southern Building Services was dissolved as a corporate entity and subsumed by Sherron Building Services, Inc., as woman -owned business. With the completion of the corporate restructuring, Sherron Building Services now seeks to accept the role of small construction project contractor previously awarded to its predecessor firm. This item was pulled to be heard separately. Commissioner Johnson said he was concerned about handing a contract to Sherron Building Services, Inc. even though they went out of business while holding the same contract as Southern Building Services, Inc. CIP Manager Butler explained that it is his understanding that the name change reflects a change in their ownership. He is not aware if they officially went out of business but he knows their assets were purchased by the other company. Without objection, this item was pulled to research the concerns raised by Commissioner Johnson that Southern Building Services, Inc. went out of business and came back with the new name of Sherron Building Services, Inc. Item to be placed on the January 3' agenda. Page 4 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 r x � ; . „ - Y � i E""1 ' 1 . 11 B ii 1 1 E 1 I 4 0 I+ t _ B I � i a ', t l I a I :, '�2e k � , m t r �, 0 t! t I � ` ` - ` 0 I i 3 t i F ' til a I. � AI: MACTE Engineering & Consultin g , I nc. was one of three firms selected by t C Comm for pre - qualification under the Surveying &Mapping Services Contract procurement (RFQ the City 11 -02) on Dece in Fiscal ber Year 2011. The contract for Continuing participation in this construction program was executed by m 7, 2010, with a term of five years. MACTEC was acquired by AMEC Environment & Infrastructure and will begin to operate under the business name of AMEC E &I, Inc. on January 1, 2012. With the completion of the corporate restructuring, AMEC E &I seeks the 's f a request for contract assignment. Approved on Consent. Motion carrie City 5 - acceptance o ° .'e � r � �. � , I � r , o s e I s a "1 � a to • I �� � .It • I The Ocoee Town Center four Final (4) Subd buildable ivisi lots. The subject Phase 1 site area on Plan (FSP) for Phase 1 proposes for development a commercial subdivision consisting of j is approximately 5.7 acres in size. Phase 1 will also consist of associated infrastructure, peripheral landscaping, subdivision garden wall and subdivision signage. City Planner Rumer said this is a Final Subdivision Plan and before them is a signed developer's agreemen The Ocoee Town Center Final Subdivision Plan (FSP) for Phase 1 proposes for development a commercial subdivision consisting of four (4) buildable lots. With this subdivision they will see the relocation and ivi construction of Maine Street. City Planner Rumer also advised that they have received three site development permits from projects they have approved. City Attorney Rosenthal apologzed for the developer's agreement not being in the packets and briefly summarize the developer agreement to the Com mission. bdivision Plan for Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the Ocoee Town Center Final Su Phase 1 and Development Agreement. Motion carried 4 -0 with Mayor Vandergrift away from the dais. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES The subject property is located on Single - Fam the west side of 3r ' Street; approximately 191 fee s of Center Stre The subject parcel has one existing ily No development proposal is e. The Applicant has requested annexation into the City Residence. limits mainly for potable water connecplanned at this tim tion. a. Annexation Ordinance b. Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Annexation and Rezoning Ordinances for the Campfield Property locate at 524 3rd Street. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for January 3, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter Page 5 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 1 , , 44, ` � ,. : aka rr a t r _ >s s 41f, v ! - m � _ t!� ° .° . � a s s � :��� � �;� The subject property is located on the west side of 3rd Street; approximately 346 feet south of Center Street. The subject parcel has one existing Single- Family Residence. No development proposal is planned at this time. The Applicant has requested annexation into the City limits mainly for potable water connection. a. Annexation Ordinance b. Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Annexation and Rezoning Ordinances for the Luna Property located at 520 3rd Street. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for January 3, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. �re it { bile, 6 e B , R ' 0 8 d 1 J jy ° e A a .. e � , rs off ° i f � " ! ° The subject property is located on the east side of 2nd Street; approximately 346 feet south of Center Street. The subject parcel has one existing Single - Family Residence. No development proposal is planned at this time. The Applicant has requested annexation into the City limits mainly for potable water connection. a. Annexation Ordinance b. Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Annexation and Rezoning Ordinances for the Medina Property located at 521 2 Street. Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for January 3, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. 7:59 — 8:08 P.M. RECESS — VISIT FROM SANTA E , t� t 6% 9� o a tm to et ' e : 17f :efef.4 . u . a Y az A M The Capital Improvement Element (CIE) of the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is a requirement of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS) and enables implementation of the Plan goals, objectives, and policies needing capital funding for a 5 -20 year planning horizon. Each year, the table section of the CIE will be updated to ensure that the adopted list of capital projects in the CIE matches the City's newly adopted fiscal year budget and approved five year Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The CIE does not propose any new projects not previously reviewed and approved by the Commission. In 2011, the Florida Legislature enacted legislation allowing adoption of the annual amendment to the CIE to be accomplished with a single public adoption hearing. The amendment is also exempt from inclusion in the twice - yearly large scale amendment process. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for January 3, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. Page 6 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 0 11 1 - , 1 i1B P I t 1444 1 ! r # 1 11 11 i , s 'ar a t ° s. °e . p t , "` " As an economic incentive for new development, City Staff proposes a Code Amendment for the temporary suspension of the Fire Department plan review fee for commercial projects for one year retroactive to December 6, 2011. The plan review fee is ' /2 of 1% of the value of construction. Mayor Vandergrift announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for January 3, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. 6 1 �'� 1 1 1 1 1! 1 1 t e' 1 1 1 :� 1 '( 5 �" 1 1 74? - 11,A3 I r # i i 1/ 1 t 1 8 i : 1 ' t ! ) , 1 ,, '414 ! �' s 9 i "' ' 1! 4 8 i - ""tt 4141:101. 1 1,14R� 1;12 1_ I ' � � 1 1 � il k` it m era r s ' a f rt �r e f i . The City of Ocoee's SJRWMD Consumptive Use Permit (C.U.P.) requires the City to adopt SJRWMD- approved conservation standards for High - Efficiency Plumbing and Florida - Friendly Landscape Irrigation Standards for new construction. Ordinance 2010 -007, adopted June 15, 2010, has been updated to include the required water - conserving plumbing and irrigation standards and has been accepted by SJRWMD. Mayor Vandergrift announced the Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for January 3, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES — PUBLIC HEARINGS G 1 !1 !; 1 ; r s r r a +a 1 a L 4 : The subject property is located on the south side of AD Mims Road and approximately 240 feet west of Johio Shores Road. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Martinez Property annexation and initial zoning on November 8, 2011. City Staff presented a brief summary and overview of the requested actions. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Annexation of the +/ -3.19 acres parcel of land known as the "Martinez Property" with an Initial Zoning classification of "R -1AA ". a. Annexation Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the annexation ordinance. Principal Planner Fabre stated the proposed Annexation and Rezoning is for the +/- 3.19 acre parcel of land known as the Martinez located at 9051 A.D. Mims Road. Mayor Vandergrift opened the public hearing. As no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Page 7 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve Ordinance No. 2011 -020, Martinez Parcel Annexation. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen away from the dais. The annexation ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title: TAX PARCEL ID #s 09- 22 -28- 0000 -00 -032; CASE NO. AX- 08- 11 -30: Martinez Parcel Annexation ORDINANCE NO. 2011-020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 3.19 ACRES, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF AD MIMS ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 240 FEET WEST OF JOHIO SHORES ROAD; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, FINDING SAID ANNEXATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. b. Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the rezoning ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the public hearing. As no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve Ordinance No. 2011 -021, Martinez Parcel Rezoninq. Motion carried 4 -0 with Commissioner Wilsen away from the dais. The rezoning ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title: TAX PARCEL ID # 09- 22 -28- 0000 -00 -032; CASE NO. RZ- 11- 08 -19: Martinez Parcel Rezoning ORDINANCE NO. 2011 -021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM ORANGE COUNTY R -CE, "Country Estate District" TO OCOEE R- IAA, "SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING," ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 3.19 ACRES, LOCATED ON THE south side of AD Mims Road, APPROXIMATELY 240 FEET west OF Johio Shores Road; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 8 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 * - b 1 1 { A ! t 8 ! I 91 C E t' f t B p $ . p . t ® ' t 1 f' z ° WS Q 5, C Internet cafes have become a trend, offering "pay -to- play" devices similar to casino -style slot machine computers with sweepstakes and chances to win cash and prizes. Internet cafes essentially skirt state gambling prohibitions by describing their operations as pre - determined sweepstakes and, as such, consider themselves not to be involved in gambling. These simulated gaming cafes have large amounts of cash on site and stay open late, thus are inviting targets for crime. In April 2011, a cafe near Apopka was robbed by armed men, gunfire was exchanged, and one person was killed. Virtual gambling victimizes and preys upon those with gambling addictions and those in our community who can least afford losing rent and food money to the lure of sweepstakes and easy winnings. In January 2011, Seminole County banned such activity citing an increase in crime correlating with the opening of nine such cafes. An ordinance imposing a temporary moratorium on the opening of new Internet Cafes / Simulated Gaming Devices will allow staff to study and report to the Mayor and City Commission on issues relating to Internet cafes by a date certain. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Police Chief Brown explained that staff recommends they adopt the ordinance to impose a temporary moratorium on the opening of new internet cafes and simulated games. He said there are moratoriums throughout the county and Orange County just passed a complete prohibition on October 31 against internet gaming. Police Chief Brown said staff will be looking at the county's ordinance further to see if that is something the city should consider. Mayor Vandergrift opened the public hearing. As no one wished to speak he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve Ordinance 2011 -029 Imposing a Temporary Moratorium on the Opening of New Internet Cafes / Simulated Gaming Devices per staffs recommendation. Motion carried 5 -0. ORDINANCE NO. 2011-029 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO INTERNET CAFES, AND SIMULATED GAMING DEVICES AND SIMILAR INDOOR ENTERTAINMENT AND AMUSEMENT ACTIVITIES; ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; IMPOSING A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM ON THE OPENING OF NEW BUSINESSES OR COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE RELATED TO GAME ROOMS, ARCADES, INTERNET CAFES, SWEEPSTAKES REDEMPTION CENTERS, ESTABLISHMENTS USING SLOT MACHINES OR SLOT MACHINE -LIKE EQUIPMENT, OR OTHER SIMULATED GAMING DEVICES, AND SIMILAR INDOOR ENTERTAINMENT AND AMUSEMENT ACTIVITIES; PROVIDING A PROCEDURE FOR EXTRAORDINARY HARDSHIP; DIRECTING STAFF TO STUDY AND REPORT TO THE MAYOR ON ISSUES RELATING TO INTERNET CAFES BY A DATE CERTAIN; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES, SEVERABILITY, CORRECTION OF SCRIVENER'S ERRORS, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 9 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 I. PUBLIC HEARINGS � 4 I f 3 E E !7 6 'AP 13 ! . � . �ro � � .: � L° z B a C hY , s s# 1 ! s t f" 8 4 D .. 1 e 1 I The 1999 Capital Improvement Refunding Revenue Bonds were issued to finance the acquisition of the Beech Center, the City Hall Complex, a Public Works Facility and fire stations. The principle amount currently outstanding on the bonds is $8,185,000 with interest rates of 4.5% to 4.75 %. The bonds mature October 2028. The City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain bank qualified financing to refund the 1999 Capital Improvement Refunding Revenue Bonds (not to exceed $8,400,000). The RFP was issued to take advantage of lower interest rates. Responses were received on October 31st from three financial institutions- Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB &T), JP Morgan Chase, and SunTrust Bank. Low interest rates coupled with bank qualified financing resulted in proposed savings from $72,293 to $120,380 annually or $1,228,983 to $2,046,466 over the remaining life of the bonds. Interest rates range from 2.23% to 3.21 %. Finance and the City's Financial Advisor reviewed and compared the proposals to determine the best opportunity for the City. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Resolution. Mike Galvin, First Southwest Company, Financial Advisor to the City, said that the City would be able to lock in 2.51 % interest which would save $106,000 annually, and $1,800,000 over the 17 year period for a present value of 1.459 million dollars. We also have the flexibility to prepay at any time without penalty. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. As no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hood thanked staff for their good work getting this done and saving the city so much money. City Attorney Rosenthal said that there is a Certificate as to Public Meetings and No Conflict form that needs to be signed by all commissioners that basically says they did not violate the sunshine law in connection with the resolution just passed and none of them are employed or in a contractual relationship with SunTrust. He passed the form around to be signed. Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2011 -014 to authorizing the issuance of the capital improvement refundinq revenue note as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5 -0. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2011-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING REVENUE NOTE, SERIES 2011 IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $8,400,000 TO REFUND THE CITY'S CAPITAL IMROVEMENT REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1999; PROVIDING THAT SUCH NOTE SHALL BE A LIMITED OBLIGATION OF THE CITY PAYABLE FROM SALES TAX REVENUES AS THE PLEDGED REVENUES AS PROVIDED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS, SECURITIES AND REMEDIES FOR THE OWNER OF SUCH NOTE; MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; APPROVING THE FORM OF AN ESCROW DEPOSIT AGREEMENT; DESIGNATING THE NOTE FOR THE EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN TAX - EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS CONTAINED IN SECTION 265 OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 10 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 ; 111.4 M e a� ! t�. r s ro 4 * _I aY• The City Commission requested a survey of the homeowners in the Forest Oaks Subdivision and a public hearing to consider the permanent closing of vehicular access from Rich Drive to Hackney Prairie Road, except for access by police, fire, ambulance and emergency vehicles. Currently, Rich Drive terminates before Hackney Prairie Road and is inaccessible due to the changes in elevation between Hackney Prairie Road and Rich Drive, and an existing gate located at the end of Rich Drive. The City mailed out 292 surveys to the homeowners in Forest Oaks asking them to make a selection between permanently closing the vehicular access from Rich Drive to Hackney Prairie regardless of the proposed Hackney Prairie Relief School and keeping the access opened if the proposed Hackney Prairie Relief School is approved. Of the 106 completed surveys, 103 requested that Rich Drive be permanently closed and 3 requested it remain open. Eighteen surveys were returned by the post office as non - deliverable with no forwarding address. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. City Planner Rumer explained that a survey was completed at the request of the commission and the results of the survey and residents comments are in the agenda packet. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., confirmed that this resolution is to keep the road closed. He advised he is in favor of permanently closing the road as it has been since the development was built. Mayor Vandergrift mentioned that there would be an emergency gate kept in place so police and fire can still get through. Planner Rumer added that there is an elevation change in the road and as part of the ri -party Hackney Prairie School Road Improvement Agreement between Ocoee, Orange County, and the Orange County Public Schools, they will be constructing a connection from Hackney Prairie Road to Rich Drive along with a sidewalk, but the city's responsibility will be to restrict the vehicular access only; there will still be sidewalk connections. Rich Mills, 505 Rich Drive, asked if there would be walk though gates for the kids. Mr. Rumer advised there will be walk - through gates. David Cain, 710 Rich Drive, stated most of the neighbors are in favor of keeping that road closed. He is opposed to the school being built there, but would like to see the road remain closed even if it is built. Lindsey Asay, 711 Rich Drive, said the neighborhood is very safe with only one way in and out; he added that the survey showed something like 106 in favor of keeping the gate closed and three opposed. He said that is a definitive answer and hopes the commission votes in favor of the citizens. Susie Favreau, 1420 Prairie Lake Blvd., lived there since the subdivision was first built. She said there is an issue with speed on Prairie Lake Blvd now, and there was a fatal accident because of it. If the road is opened up the traffic conditions will get much worse. Danielle Duppenthalez, 510 Withers Court, said it is very important to keep those gates closed for the safety of the children. She is also interested in getting speed bumps in place. No one spoke in opposition to the permanent road closure. Mayor Vandergrift closed the public hearing. Page 11 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 Commissioner Keller said since this started back in July it has been very clear that the residents are overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the road closed as it has been closed for 27 years. Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2011 -015 approving the permanent closing of vehicular traffic between Rich Drive and Hackney Prairie Road, except for emergency vehicles in the Forest Oaks Subdivision. Motion carried 5 -0. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2011-015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, PERMANENTLY CLOSING VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM RICH DRIVE TO HACKNEY PRAIRIE ROAD, EXCEPT FOR ACCESS BY POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE AND EMERGENCY VEHICLES; PROVIDING FOR THE CITY TO ALLOW TEMPORARY VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM RICH DRIVE TO HACKNEY PRAIRIE ROAD AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY MANAGER; PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 tt t 6 t i t `s � s t v 11,11'ikhilP ' 1 1191°1.11 4 ' 3 W The subject property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Ocoee - Apopka Road and Fullers Cross Road. It is approximately 97.90 acres in size, and is currently vacant except for several abandoned agricultural structures. The property is currently zoned PUD Low Density. The Future Land Use designation is "Low Density Residential" which allows up to 4 dwelling units per acre. The PUD allows for a residential community that combines townhomes and single- family detached homes in a neo- traditional neighborhood design concept. The Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) proposes a total of 254 residential units with a requested net density of 2.6 units per acre, which does not exceed the underlying land use density capacity or maximum allowed. Of the 254 total units, 80 are proposed for townhomes, and 174 are proposed for single - family detached residential lots. Of the 97.90 total acres, approximately 40.02 acres are planned to be reserved for either open space or park area. Of the 40.02 acres, approximately 23.5 acres are programmed to be conservation and buffer areas. The development is proposed to be developed in 4 phases. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that there is a court reporter here with respect to this public hearing. Principal Planner Fabre gave a brief history of the development project. He advised there was a last- minute change in the front setbacks at the townhomes which will now be 10' as opposed to the 5' reflected in the staff report. Staff recommends approval with some conditions dealing with vested rights for the school concurrency that the City Attorney will address. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that the staff report addressed the matter of school concurrency in the last two paragraphs. This project is subject to the requirements of school concurrency unless the residential development is exempt from school concurrency under the provision of the Amended Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and Implementation of Concurrency between the City, School Board and the County. The project was pulled from a previous agenda because it did not meet school concurrency at that time. Since then the Page 12 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 developer has applied for vested rights with respect to school concurrency. Staff reviewed that application and issued a Certificate of Vesting with respect to full school concurrency which under the Interlocal Agreement makes the project exempt. That cues the commission to act on the Preliminary Subdivision Plan this evening with the understanding that under the terms of the Interlocal Agreement and our Land Development Code, there is a 30 period to file an appeal for any certificate of vesting issued by the City Planner. That appeal would come to the City Commission. We are still in the appeal period. Staff recommendation basically says if an appeal is filed and the Certificate of Vesting issued by the City Planner is overruled, the project would have to comply with school concurrency and the approval tonight would be deemed to be automatically revoked. The staff recommendation is to prevent the commission from being in a position where some subsequent act has the effect of making the project not need school concurrency and not be exempt and that would assure compliance with the Interlocal Agreement. Mayor Vandergrift opened the public hearing. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., inquired if townhomes are considered low density. Principal Planner Fabre explained that this is part of a PUD, and it takes into consideration the whole development and the protected areas. Mr. Monacky further inquired as to what the sizes were for the single - family lot. Principal Planner Fabre said the lot sizes vary starting at minimum lot size of 4,600. Mr. Monacky asked for length and width. Mayor Vandergrift stated that due to lot variations and oddity of sizes, they go by square footage and we have a minimum square footage that they complied with. Principal Planner Fabre said the smallest minimum lot width is 55' and the length varies. Tracey Crow, 1770 Fennel Street, Maitland, FL, representative for Eagle Creek of Ocoee, said that they read the staff report and they are in agreement with the one change that was made with respect to setbacks for the townhomes. She said they understand they are in the middle of the appeal period. She added, with regard to density, when they rezoned the property to PUD, they agreed to a lesser density than what was allowed. It was above 3 and now it is below 3 for the total overall site density. She has a team here to answer any questions. Tyrone Smith, Orange County Public Schools (OCPS), Planning and Governmental Relations, said that they are here tonight objecting to the approval of the Preliminary Site Plan (PSP) because it failed school concurrency. The City issued a Certificate of Vesting and OCPS plans to file an appeal against the determination by the City. It is based on common law vested rights and the developer has known since 2008, prior to the approval of the rezoning, that it would have concurrency at some time in the future. The Development Review Committee (DRC) and Planning and Zoning Board (P & Z) records show that school concurrency was discussed and was a continued issue up until the approval of the PSP. Staff recommendation is based on DRC and P & Z opinions; however, those boards reviewed it before the Certificate of Vesting was finalized. If you approve this, you would be approving a subdivision which has not qualified through the Interlocal Agreement; they are here this evening to object to such approval. He added it is the intention of OCPS to resolve the issue as soon as possible. City Attorney Rosenthal said with respect to the DRC and P &Z, school concurrency is not a requirement for those bodies to consider this matter; they are advisory committees to the City Commission. As stated in the staff report, the project is in an appeal period, so staff provided in their recommendation what would happen if it were found that the project is not exempt from school concurrency either by the Commission or some judicial determination. It provides that the PSP Page 13 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 approval at that point would be voided which we believe to be consistent with the terms of the Interlocal Agreement. The agreement provides the City as the body which determines exemptions from school concurrency and provides the School Board with a right to appeal any exemption determination under common law vested rights in accordance with the procedures set forth in the City's Land Development Code; that procedure is an appeal to the City Commission. He added that ultimately either party could then appeal the city commission determination in accordance with the applicable judicial processes. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if the School Board voted to appeal this or if it is staff initiated. Mr. Smith said this is a staff initiated objection in accordance with common practice. He stated they were not party to the Development Agreement or the P &Z and DRC reviews which they generally are when there are school issues. City staff came to them to advise them they are moving forward with the Certificate of Vesting. The school board staff is here to object to the PSP approval and to advise that they will appeal the Certificate of Vesting. Mayor Vandergrift clarified that there has been no hearing on this before the Orange County School Board on this issue. Mr. Smith said that will not occur unless there is some type of litigation that needs to occur. Mr. Smith added that the all of the city records show that staff had encouraged this applicant to do the school concurrency; which is uniquely different than the Capacity Enhancement Agreement which falls under the Charter Amendment and Martinez Doctrine. This occurred when concurrency was being implemented throughout the county and this project was one of the first to be subject to concurrency. The developer of this project came in and applied back then and was given a determination; based on that determination the project was left stagnant for a long time. They received the letter of notice from OCPS that their application was expiring and they needed to renew; staff reiterated to them they needed to resolve the concurrency issue to move this PSP forward. It was sometime later that OCPS learned that staff was entertaining a Certificate of Vesting application. Discussions were held last week between OCPS and Ocoee's staff with the Vesting determination already being drawn up in favor of the applicant. Mr. Smith stated that they never satisfied the concurrency; basically, they failed at the middle school level. He stated the Certificate of Vesting is a back door for getting approval around school concurrency. He added that the building of the school on Ingram Road had to be pushed back to 2016 due to funding levels; concurrency would have allowed this applicant to pay that mitigation cost and moved the building date up to 2014 or 2015. He added that if an applicant pays his mitigation costs, it is in writing that the building of that school moves up. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said staff was given an application for vesting of concurrency. They reviewed it and based on the merits of that, as well as a legal sufficiency review, they stand by their recommendation that the City Commission approve this PSP. The merits of the case regarding the Vesting Certificate will be weighed out in the form of an appeal before the commission at a later time. This is about the approval of the PSP. City Attorney Rosenthal stated, with regard to the reduced density, that is an issue that does not go to a concurrency question, rather the Martinez Doctrine under the County Charter which predates school concurrency. Because this project was effectively downzoning the school impact from its straight zoning to the PUD, it was not required to obtain a Capacity Enhancement Agreement. School concurrency was not in place at that time; it came in on the same agenda following the adoption of the PUD for this project. This project was adopted by the City Commission prior to the adoption of the ordinance implementing school concurrency in this city. Page 14 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 Mr. White stated that the trigger for concurrency is not the rezoning, but the approval of a preliminary site plan. City Attorney Rosenthal said there is no argument that the project is subject to concurrency, the staff agrees with that and so advised the applicant throughout the process. What is in question is in regard to the long list of items which exempts a project from school concurrency under the Interlocal Agreement between the cities, the school board and the county. One of those agreed exemptions is if an applicant applies to the city for a vested rights determination with respect to school concurrency and receives it, the school board has the right to appeal that finding in accordance with the City's Land Development Code. That procedure would bring that appeal to the City Commission. In terms of the timing, the Interlocal Agreement requires that the City respond to the Vested Rights application within 30 days; he advised they were about 4 -5 days late with that determination. We had a pre - application meeting with the applicant prior to the submittal with the Vested Rights application to make sure they fully complied with the procedures in the Interlocal Agreement. There are no disagreements between the City and the OCPS on that; the question will be whether or not the project is exempt under common law vested rights. Julie Kending- Schrader, Greenburg Traurig, 450 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, attorney for Chevron, said Mr. Shadrix and Mr. Rosenthal covered most of her points. She added that they understand staff's determination that if there is an approval of the PSP tonight it will be contingent on whether or not there is an appeal filed and the results of that appeal; they respectfully request to move the project forward. She stated that was their position when they filed the documentation with the school board and put in the caveat reserving the right to review their right to an exemption as contained in the OCPS operating documents. It has always been their intent to proceed on a dual path and she apologized that that did not come across clearly to the school board. She said they understand if the PSP is passed tonight, they may have to be back before the Commission if an appeal is filed and it would have to be resolved before there was a final PSP. Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. Smith from OCPS about the timeline on the elementary school site near Ocoee High School that Ocoee helped them buy. Mr. Smith said it is not in the 10 year plan. He discussed buying the property back from the school board at the same low rate it was sold to them. He felt a K -8 being built out there would have helped with concurrency. Mr. Smith said the concurrency issues are on the middle school level, so a K -8 would have had no impact. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see someone come back representing the entire school board, not OCPS staff. Mr. Smith said there will be an item on the agenda next Tuesday before the School Board. Mayor Vandergrift asked if they could speak at this meeting. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that he does not think any member of this commission should appear before the Orange County School Board and speak on whether or not they should pursue this, since the Ocoee City Commission is the body that will adjudicate on the results of any appeal. Mr. Smith said they do not want to stop development; they just want to be sure that it goes through the proper process. Commissioner Keller asked if there is a reason we are not delaying this item until after the appeal period is over. Consensus was that it needed to move forward. Pastor Gary Howell said they are in favor of the project and their only concern was the driveway agreements. They wanted to be sure they lined up and that seems to be happening. Page 15 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Eagle Creek per staff recommendation. Motion carried 5 -0. Commissioner Johnson told Mr. Smith that they meant no disrespect to him and he always does a great job representing OCPS. J. REGULAR AGENDA t . . rF , - A letter was sent to members of the Historic Commission with regard to removal of items from the Withers Maguire House. The premises have been temporarily locked until the problem is resolved. Members of the Historic Commission have been invited to join the discussion. Mayor Vandergrift removed this item from the agenda. i t' R e e e i 9 a 0 , 'u°ar 99 t k v)! 61 li s o9� City Planner Rumer briefly stated this item is a request from the district commissioner, Rusty Johnson, due to a petition he had received regarding pedestrian access to the Westbrooke Elementary School via the Villages of Wesmere Subdivision. He further gave a history of the development of the subdivision and stated that as part of the subdivision of approval, there was a condition that provides for pedestrian/bicycle access for students, parents, teachers /guardians, through the Villages of Wesmere. Walking residents from other subdivisions can use this access as well. City Planner Rumer said what is becoming an issue on the site is that since construction has commenced and the gates to the subdivision are being left open during the day, parents are parking in the subdivision to pick up their children at the pedestrian gate, verses using the school car circle line. Staff has reviewed the concerns and there are two options that can be offered to the HOA, 1) they can close the pedestrian gate until build -out of the subdivision and the city would not enforce the provision of the plat at this time, or 2) the developer and HOA can petition the city to remove the condition of approval for the pedestrian access which may require a public hearing. Mayor Vandergrift briefly commented that recently he has come to understand that we do not have an elementary school in town that has enough room to hold cars on the property. He had suggested to several other surrounding mayors that they try to move the acreage for elementary schools from 15 acres to 20 acres so that they may be able to put some kind of trail that would hold the car traffic. Kathleen Korbelak, owner of one of the townhomes in the subdivision, said the subdivision is turning out to become very beautiful and is a very nice subdivision. She said the problem they are encountering is that the subdivision is becoming a drop -off parking area for the school both in the morning and afternoon. She is respectfully asking if a solution can be considered. Page 16 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 Michelle Young, Velvet Leaf Drive, said the back of her property faces the school and she has counted no less than 20 -25 vehicles in the subdivision at one time. She further said the parents actually park their cars and get out of the vehicles to go pick up their children from the school. The other concern the residents have is with the construction going on in the subdivision. They have also witnessed children running through the construction site. She feels that temporarily closing the gate until the build -out is completed would be a good option. City Attorney Rosenthal interjected and stated that a third option is that since this is private property and also a construction zone, the HOA can put up the appropriate signs in accordance with Florida Law that there is "No Parking" on the streets. This would then allow them to contact the Police Department for enforcement so that they can be ticketed or the vehicle can be towed if abandoned. Police Chief Brown said if this option was considered there will have to be a traffic agreement approved first. He said that they have these same issues with other elementary schools and they do issue citation as well as educate the parents. Commissioner Johnson commented that they just need to make this a simple process and just close the gates. He said they can send notices to the Elementary School advising them that the access gate will be closed. Kevin Kramer, subdivision developer, said these issues have come up at their HOA meeting and they heard from a lot of residents who are complaining about this. They advised the residents that they would contact the city. He further said that he feels Commissioner Johnson was getting to a pretty good solution in that they prefer at this time to close the gates. The property is still under construction and they would prefer to not have pedestrians crossing through there. They can come up with a long -term solution once the build -out is done, but as a temporary solution, they just need to stop the vehicles from parking there now. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if once the build -out was completed would the gates be closed. Mr. Kramer said the vehicle gates would be closed since this is a gated community; however, the pedestrian gates would remain open. Commissioner Hood inquired if the pedestrian gates had a code on them. Mr. Kramer said it does not. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the standard PUD condition for all gated communities is that they have the pedestrian gates open so that children can go through the subdivision rather than on the main street. Commissioner Johnson inquired why there was not a gate at Cross Creek near the back by the school. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the condition requires that the gate not be open all the time but that it remain open a 1 /2 hour window in the beginning of the day and end of the day. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve temporarily closing the pedestrian access gate from the Villages of Wesmere to Westbrooke Elementary until build -out and then readdress the issue after build - out is completed. Vote was taken after subsequent discussion. Commissioner Wilsen inquired as to how soon the gates would be closed. Commissioner Johnson said the gates could be closed by tonight. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they could give the school a courtesy notification on what has been decided tonight. Commissioner Hood inquired as to who would be responsible for locking the gate. Mr. Kramer explained they can put a padlock on it. Commissioner Wilsen suggested they put a notice up for a week advising that the gates will be closing. A brief discussion ensued on how they would be notifying residents and temporarily closing the gates. Page 17 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 Commissioner Wilsen inquired if there were many children in the subdivision attending Westbrooke Elementary. Ms. Young said currently there are not any children from Villages of Wesmere attending the elementary school. Commissioner Keller said they should notify the school board that they are closing that gate because that may affect the bus route. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if the notification from the school board should be handled by the HOA or city staff Commissioner Keller is not asking for this to be part of the motion, but his recommendation would be that if they move to approve this, then staff should send notification as a common courtesy. After discussion the motion carried 5 -0. ! i . .. . . , . . • City Manager Frank stated that on October 30 the City of Ocoee issued a request for Letters of Interest for City Attorney services and the responses were opened and reviewed on November 22, 2011, at 2:00 pm. He said staff members including himself, City Attorney Rosenthal, Human Resources Director Williford, and Assistant City Manager Shadrix reviewed the responses and recommend the following four firms that they felt most closely met the needs of the city: 1) Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta (Suzanne D'Agresta) 2) Fowler, O'Quinn, Feeney & Sneed (Thomas Feeney) 3) Shepard, Smith & Cassidy, P.A. (Clifford Shepard) 4) Shuffield, Lowman & Wilson, P.A. (Scott Cookson) City Manager Frank asked for direction on how to proceed. Commissioner Wilsen said she understands that the four firms recommended are the ones that have had municipal experience, and it was also based on rate. Mr. Frank answered in the affirmative. She stated she would like to meet with all four of them. Commissioner Hood agreed that he would like to interview all four candidates and suggested the city hold a workshop. Commissioner Johnson said he thinks if they received ten Letters of Interest they should look at all ten firms. They discussed giving each firm five minutes to make a presentation; and then discussed 10 minutes. Mayor Vandergrift asked for a spread sheet that shows all of the firms, if they are national or local, and a formula for rating some other criteria. There was discussion as to when to have a workshop; City Attorney Rosenthal said he would suggest they try to get this done in December to allow enough to transition before he leaves on January 31, 2012. Consensus was an evening on either December 27, 28, or 29, 2011 from 6:00 — 8:30 p.m. . Mayor Vandergrift would like to lay out criteria and a rating system so they are all rated equally. Commissioner Wilsen said Commissioners can submit questions so that all attorneys are asked the same questions. City Attorney Rosenthal said there should be an item placed on the January 3, 2012 agenda for discussion and /or action on this item. He also advised that hiring a city attorney is purely a decision of the Commission, there is not prohibition of contact or criteria set forth in the request for letters of interest. It is an individual decision for each commissioner. He said they are not prohibited from talking to them or vice versa. Page 18 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 ,� ._ p . VIW AI The City has been using various towing companies on a rotational basis for the wrecker towing services for public roads and City vehicles. However, the public was being charged different rates and the rotation list was increasing creating the need for additional staff time to verify new companies and for tracking purposes. The estimated current annual towing charges for the public roads is $130,000 (approx. 740 tows annually) and the approximate current annual cost for City vehicles is $10,000 (approx. 85 tows annually) for a total of $140,000. However, this contract would provide for the towing of City vehicles at a reduced cost, with no charge for Class A (up to 10,000 pounds) vehicles. With this contract, the public will be charged across the board rates at reduced costs. Purchasing Agent Tolbert explained that the city has not had a formal contract in place with any towing company and has been using various towing companies on a rotational basis for the wrecker towing services for public roads and City vehicles. She further said the approximate current annual cost for City vehicles is $10,000 which they did not go out for quotes on. According to the purchasing code they need contracts and because of the multiple companies requested on the rotational list the city decided to take it out to bid for proposals. The city received four proposals in which the selection committee met and voted to recommend they award the proposal to the Car Store of West Orange, Inc. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that there is a bid protest that was filed on behalf of Johnson's Wrecker Service. Staff has reviewed the protest and provided a response on November 18, 2011, denying the protest. This item was on the November 15, 2011, agenda but was continued because of the protest. Commissioner Johnson said during the process of the RFP the Commission was not notified about this going out to bid. He recalls years ago that they had a commission discussion about tow services being put on rotation. There are several local towing companies who bid that are local and he would not mind having staff take this item back and look into a blended pricing and keeping it on rotation. Commissioner Wilsen said she was wondering if all four of the vendors would go with the same low rate as The Car Store of West Orange, Inc. while on a rotational basis. Commissioner Hood said some of the concerns he had was security, as well as, the inconvenience of a person having to drive a farther distance to pick up their vehicle. He added that some of the facilities were not as secure as others. Lt. Brad Dreasher, who visited all the car towing services sites, said that some of the companies did not have cameras and briefly explained what he witnessed at each site inspection. Commissioner Johnson inquired if that was in the requirement for the bid. Purchasing Agent Tolbert answered affirmatively. Commissioner Johnson inquired as to how many wrecked vehicles have been stolen from some of these places. Lt. Brad Dreasher said he cannot give him that information but they have had several complaints regarding items being stolen from inside the car. Commissioner Johnson said he would like to be shown records where a vehicle owner has claimed something was stolen when their vehicle was towed because he has sat on this commission for 25 years and has not had one person come before the commission to say something has been stolen out of their car when they tow it. Lt. Brad Dreasher said they just had such a complaint. He further explained that as far as for court prosecution they need to make sure that there is security available because they cannot tell the court system they are 100% sure without a reasonable doubt. Commissioner Johnson said his personal view is that everyone is having a tough time and these businesses are local. He further said he does not understand why they cannot do a rotational process where staff comes up with a charge that will work for everyone. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if in the bidding process it was discussed that one person was going to get the bid but they could refer out Page 19 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 business. City Manager Frank said he had heard something to that affect. Purchasing Agent Tolbert explained that they had a pre -bid negotiation session in which there strategy was to ask the bidders whether or not they would agree to a blended price or agree to be on a contract with others. She further explained that some were favorable; some said they would with only two others on the contract, and some replied that they bid it. Purchasing Agent Tolbert said one company did qualify their bid to say that the prices were only based on them getting the entire contract. Jim Sills with Ace Wrecker Service said that in the RFP contract it states, "Can you supply a security camera within 30 days ". He was also asked this question in the interview in which he replied, "yes ". Mr. Sills said they had already been in contact with a company to install cameras. He further said there was another question regarding if there was a lift so they had also contacted a company to install a lift. He said he was also asked at the interview regarding charging the same amount as everyone in which he also agreed to charge one set amount. Mr. Sills said they have been doing business for about 50( ?) years with the City of Ocoee without a contract and he knows of other companies that have 35 -40 years into the business, as well. Mayor Vandergrift said the question he would like to ask is, if they have a blended rate that everyone would agree on, what would it cost the customer and the city. Purchasing Agent Tolbert answered that for a "Class A" service with the lowest bid being $65 a blended rate would then be $92.38. She further explained that Sly's Towing bid $115 and the question is can the bidders do it for $92. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if it was part of the contract that the tow company, if necessary, can contact another company to come in and so the work. Todd Paquette, Car Store of West Orange, explained that he bid his reduced rate to do everything and if they decide to keep the bid between four vendors then his rate would have to go up. He further said the numbers he put in his contract was for them to do all of it. The reduced prices were for the city and the consumers that the Police Department sends to them. Commissioner Hood said they should be thinking about the citizens because they have a chance to pay $65 to have their vehicles towed as opposed to the blended rate of $92. He further said he did not know who the local vendors were in the city until the other day and feels that out of good faith staff had put out the bid and bids came in. He does not feel that they should be negotiating this at the dais but that they should be sending it back to staff and then they can address staff in which direction to take. Commissioner Johnson explained that he is not negotiating it and nothing against the two police officers but he feels they should have had different people from different departments to vote on the bids. Commissioner Hood said he did ask about that as well and was told that two police officers went out to grade all the locations because of not wanting to violate the sunshine laws. Commissioner Johnson advised Mr. Paquette that he has never heard of anyone charging $65 and he had a company vehicle towed at one time. He further said the $65 is what is going toward the city and the customers are not going to get charged that. Mr. Paquette advised that $65 is what the customer would be paying. Purchasing Agent Tolbert clarified that $65 is what the customer would pay and it's no charge for the city. Mr. Paquette said they filled out a contract and the numbers they put in was on the assumption that they would be doing everything. Sly Cawley, Sly's Towing and Recovery, said he was one of the other vendors that had agreed to the blended rate. He is in a current rotation system with four other companies that charge a blended rate of $125. Commissioner Hood inquired as to what was the rate they put in the bid for "Class A ". Mr. Cawley stated he bid at $115. Mayor Vandergrift inquired from staff as to how long this contract bid was for. Purchasing Agent Tolbert said it would be a five year contract with an optional one year extension. She further noted that they did put the RFP out Page 20 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 letting the bidders know that the city could choose one or more (multiple) company's and did not advise them that this bid would be for just one vendor. City Attorney Rosenthal clarified that right now the city does not set or regulate the rates on the rotation list so there is not necessarily any uniformity in rates. One of the things that would be established by entering into a contract is an establishment of a rate by virtue of having that contract. In terms of the RFP, there was not anything that obligated anyone, if it were one or more, to have a uniform rate unless they put a notation. The RFP does give the city some flexibility to negotiate the issue but does not bind anyone to agree. City Attorney Rosenthal further said the reason this is also on the agenda tonight is because the responses will expire this month and staff wanted this to come before the Commission tonight for action and direction. The Commission could under the RFP award this bid to more than one vendor and have different rates, depending on the rotation, or they can have a negotiated rate. He advised they also have the option of rejecting all the proposals and go back out with something different. Commissioner Hood said he feels in all fairness to the low bidder he is not sure why they would do that. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if there was a reason they picked five years. Purchasing Agent Tolbert answered that most of the city's standard term contracts are five years. Commissioner Johnson said he was going to inquire about that as well because he feels it should be three years. Discussion ensued as to what each vendor was charging for each class. Mr. Cawley explained that a requirement for rotation for the City of Winter Garden is that the tow company cannot charge the city. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if tow companies can charge the residents of Winter Garden what they please. Mr. Cawley said a rate was set of $125 for the residents of Winter Garden. Commissioner Hood inquired from staff if they took into consideration other municipality contracts with wrecker services. City Manager Frank said they did take several things into consideration and many issues came up which is why they put it out there to let the vendors give us the rates for the different categories and they would then evaluate the whole package. Commissioner Hood inquired if it would be in the best interest for them to discontinue all the proposals and send out another RFP with a set rate to see who comes forward. City Manager Frank said they could do that but they have three companies tonight who might be able to let them know what they prefer. He further added that there is one company who filed an appeal but is not present tonight. Commissioner Hood said he personally feels that if three out of the four companies showed up then those should be the companies they work with. Mayor Vandergrift said he does not agree because they have a low bidder and he feels there was a legitimate bidding process. The only thing he would change is the term of the contract from five years to three years. Mayor Vandergrift moved to award RFP #11 -002 to the lowest bidder the Car Store of West Orange. Motion died for lack of second. Commissioner Johnson said he agrees as mentioned earlier that they should send it back to staff and come up with a blended rate. Commissioner Hood said he would like for all the other companies to agree to the low proposal. Commissioner Keller advised that he does not believe the low bidder would even agree to the $65 if they do a rotation. Mr. Paquette explained that is why the numbers are what they are. Purchasing Agent Tolbert advised Mr. Paquette that the RFP says one or more. Mr. Paquette acknowledged that the RFP did state one or more. Commissioner Johnson said he feels that with the RFP stating one or more it posed a kink in this bid. Commissioner Wilsen said she agrees with so many of the discussions but is also concerned with what the citizens are going to pay as well as the security of the vehicles. Mr. Page 21 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 Silas stated that before the proposals were presented everyone was charging the same price. Mayor Vandergrift inquired as to what is the breaker of the contract should they chose them and they cannot pick a vehicle up. He inquired if they would send that call to someone else. Mr. Paquette answered if they cannot pick up a vehicle then they can sub the work out at no cost to the city. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if their subs would have to meet certain criteria's. Mr. Paquette said they do not have any subs and can do everything in house. Commissioner Hood, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to award RFP #11- 002 per staffs recommendation to Car Store of West Orange with the contract being for three year's. Commissioner Johnson said he is going to oppose the motion because he feels this can be worked out where everyone can tow. He said the way the RFP reads it could be one or more company awarded the bid. He further said he also feels they should not be putting employees from the same department on the bid committee. After discussion the motion was replaced. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to award RFP #11 -002 as a three year contract to the three selected vendors with a blended rate and city vehicles to be towed at $0 cost. Commissioner Keller said he wanted to discuss some of his points. He did not like the idea of a five year contract and secondly feels that most of the vendors placed a bid based on the fact that in the past this has always been awarded to more than one vendor. The RFP also indicated it could be awarded to one or more. Commissioner Keller said he would like to see the city come up with a blended value while keeping all city vehicles at $0 cost. Commissioner Wilsen explained that she would like to see issues, such as the term of the contract, worked out before it even comes before the Commission because they should be setting their direction beforehand. A brief discussion ensued regarding the process of the RFP's. After discussion motion died 3 -2 with Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Hood, and Commissioner Wilsen opposing. Vote was taken on original motion: Commissioner Hood, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to award RFP #11 -002 per staff's recommendation with the contract being for three year's. Motion died 3 -2 with Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Wilsen opposing. A brief discussion ensued as to whether a resident would be able to contact another tow company should their vehicle break down. Purchasing Agent Tolbert advised this RFP is not for a private vendor to residents. Commissioner Hood briefly advised that a resident can contact whoever they chose for towing services. 5 MIN. RECESS Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to award RFP #11 -002 per staffs recommendation amending the term of the contract to a two year term. Motion carried 3 -2 with Commissioner Johnson and Keller opposing. Page 22 City Commission Regular December 6, 2011 K. STAFF ACTION ITEMS -none L. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Keller shared that he recently read in Governing Magazine that one of the states out west the district courts have ruled that digital billboards are illegal. He said they ruled it illegal because of the flashing lights and on state and federal highways there are laws prohibiting flashing lights. He said this is just something they should think about since they have discussed digital billboards in the past. Commissioner Johnson - said he knows in the budget process they all tried to do certain things with the money but they are the only city that he knows that does not have any Christmas lights. He further said they have money in reserves just sitting there and it would not hurt to spend just a little money for Christmas lights since the residents are the ones asking for it. He heard that Winter Garden had about 6,000 people at their Light Up Winter Garden event. Commissioner Wilsen advised she has not heard from anyone but they can address this at next year's budget. Commissioner Hood asked for City Manager Frank to put the Christmas Lights in the budget next year and not on the wishlist. He further said they should budget $75,000- $100,000 for the lights. Commissioner Wilsen - 1) said she was appointed by the Commission to be the representative on the Tri County League of Cities and she is also a director on their board. She further announced she is passing out a pamphlet for them to please read regarding the legislative priorities. 2) reminded residents of the Turkey Shoot this upcoming Saturday and also do not forget Operation Santa will be collecting toys. Commissioner Hood — Wished everyone a Happy Holidays! If you travel stay safe, and also reminded residents that kids are off from school so they should drive cautiously. Mayor Vandergrift — Wished everyone a Happy Holidays! ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:26 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 23