HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #05 Community Grant Program - January 2012 Cycle C of Good Ll oCQ ( . AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 6, 2012 Ite # 5 Reviewed By: Contact Name: Joy P. Wright Department Director: Contact Number: 407 - 905 -3100 xi -1530 City Manager: Robert D. Frank Subject: Community Grant Program — January 2012 Cycle Background Summary: The Community Grant Review Board (CGRB) met on February 8, 2012 to discuss the 9 applications received for the Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The Community Grant Program provides financial grants of up to $500 made to Ocoee non - profit organizations and civic groups outside City limits which benefit residents of Ocoee. The grants are awarded twice yearly to acknowledge excellence and further the contributions these local organizations bring to the Ocoee community. There is $6,000 allotted for this cycle of the Community Grant Program. The Community Grant Review Board voted to fund 7 organizations in the amount of $3,500. Two organizations did not receive recommendations to receive grants: The Daughters of the American Revolution Orlando Chapter and Total Freedom Program. The Daughters of the American Revolution Orlando Chapter, while a worthy organization, did not meet the grant criteria as their program does not directly benefit Ocoee residents. Total Freedom Program did not have a representative present at the Community Grant Review Board Meeting, and therefore they were automatically disqualified. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the $3,500 funding recommendation made by the Community Grant Review Board? Recommendations Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Community Grant Review Board's recommendation. Attachments: None Financial Impact: $6,000 funding is available for the grants. The following organizations are recommended to receive grants: Organization Requested Recommended American Legion Tommie Sanders Memorial Post 109 $ 500 $ 500 Boy Scouts of America — Central Florida Council $ 500 $ 500 Bread of Life Fellowship, Inc. $ 500 $ 500 Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc $ 500 $ 500 Garden Community Choir $ 500 $ 500 Ocoee High School Baseball Team $ 500 $ 500 Winter Garden Heritage Foundation $ 500 $ 500 Total $ 3,500 $ 3,500 The following is a description of the applicants' proposed projects: 1. American Legion Tommie Sanders Memorial Post 109 Boys State Program — Send two boys to Tallahasee to learn about state government 2. Boy Scouts of America — Central Florida Council Scouting programs and uniforms for 4 at -risk youth 3. Bread of Life Fellowship, Inc. Diesel fuel for food trucks to pick up donated food 4. Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc Propane gas for Daily Bread Program 5. Garden Community Choir Music for spring concert featuring patriotic songs 6. Ocoee High School Baseball Team Baseball facility improvements 7. Winter Garden Heritage Foundation School education programs for museum to educate visiting students TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: $3,500 Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading ./ Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by N/A 2 CITY OF OCOEE C\-4) Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JANUARY 2012 When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue payment. Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JANUARY 27, 2012 49 99 ® ♦ ®9 � ®����® Name of Organization: Winter Garden Heritage Foundation Address of Organization: P.O. Box 770657, Winter Garden, FL 34777 Contact person for this application: Kay Cappleman (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number 407 -375 -4833 E -mail address: kcappleman @wghf.org What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. We are seeking funds to help underwrite the expenses associated with our school education programs. The program expenses include staff salaries $24,000 and printed materials $2000. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Yes What is your organization's primary funding source? WGHF's funding sources include: gifts & memberships, fundraising events, grants, and merchandise. How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? WGHF's funding sources in FY 2010/11 included: gifts & memberships $36,491; fundraising events $90,614; grants $36,116; merchandise $8,018. Funding sources for the 2010/11 school education programs included: Sembler Corporation $5000; W.O. Chamber Committee of 101 $1000; City of Ocoee $500; Bond Foundation $5000, Bloom N Grow Garden Society $2000, W.O. Junior Service League $1000; Chicane Family Foundation $1000; Winter Garden Rotary $1000; program revenue $8789. What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Complete listing above. What is your annual budget for this year? Organization budget $143,000; School Education Programs budget $26,000 Last year? FY2010/11: Organization budget $171,239; School Education Programs budget $25,570 List the fundraisers your organization holds? MusicFest, an outdoor multi - cultural music festival, is held annually in October; a golf tournament is held annually in May. How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have? Members 475; Volunteers 125, part -time employees 6, How many live in Ocoee? Approx. 90 Page 2- Quarterly Community Grant Program Application How many clients does your organization serve? Museums 17,200; MusicFest 20,000; Education Programs 2,675; Other events /programs 3,700 How many live in Ocoee? Approx. 6,000 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? yes Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? yes If so, how much money did you receive? 2008 $250; 2010 $500 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? Yes If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? In our History Research Center we have an extensive collection of materials pertaining to the history of Ocoee which is used by researchers (much of which was used in writing the recent Ocoee History book). We also provide educational programming to three Ocoee elementary schools and West Orange High School. MusicFest, a free street festival, attracts approximately 4,500 Ocoee residents. Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes, we accept volunteers to work as museum docents and to help in the History Research Center with clerical work and the cataloguing of historic items. We also use volunteers to help produce our annual events and festivals. Currently 9 of our valuable volunteers reside in Ocoee. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? We documented over 5700 volunteer hours in 2010. Each volunteer keeps a log of hours worked. The hours are then recorded in PastPerfect, our museum software. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: Accomplishments in 2011 include: "Pic of the Week," a weekly historic photo posted in the West Orange Times and Facebook; a 13 -stop audio walking tour using a free iPhone ap called QTours; awards from Florida Trust for Historic Preservation, United Arts, and Heritage Preservation; 90 classes from 20 different schools participated in our education programs; new website installed; two receptions honoring local "History Makers." Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Teachers rate our education programs highly. Typical teacher comment: "I learned more about local history on this field trip with my students than in the previous thirteen years of residency." Susan Steinmeyer, 4 grade teacher, Spring Lake Elementary Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e-mail jwright @ci ocaee fl.us. Submit applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive... Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received RECEIVED JAN 18 2012 Was Application Received Complete? yei If not, Date Application Retur d Non - Profit Status On file Attached • Winter Garden Heritage Foundation Board Meeting January 10, 2012 The Winter Garden Heritage Foundation Board met on January 10, 2012 in the Railroad Museum at 6:08 p.m. Those present: Bill Richardson, Phil Cross, Betty Goodwin, Ted VanDeventer, Ann Bailey, Julie Teal, Karen Grimes, Annie King Morris, Mary Beth Asma, Brenda Smith, Ward Britt, Ron Sikes, Betsy Shaw, Iry Lipscomb, Peg Thomas, Lori Gibson, Andy Davis, Chuck Simikian, Kay Cappleman, and Lynne Sylvester. Lori introduced Bill Richardson, a new Board member from the First Baptist Church. Ken Kelly, who was not able to come tonight, will also be on the Board. Brenda Smith is rejoining us, having served in the past. Ann Blakeslee will return in March. Ward gave a brief over -view of Board member responsibilities. The Board contracts were signed for the year. The minutes of December 6, 2011 were read. Ward moved to approve, with a second by Ted. The motion carried unanimously. The Treasurer's report was sent by e -mail. We presently have $64,000 for operations. The P &L showed that we spent less per month the last quarter. We received $6192 in grant income, including the United Arts Operations Grant. Ward reported on the Building Committee. The first order of business is to find a surveyor. Then work will commence on space requirements and the facade. The capital campaign will kick off with a letter in this month's newsletter and includes the cover story that was in the West Orange Times. Kay reported that a $500 grant from Ocoee is available. Ward moved that we apply for the Ocoee Community Grant. Ted seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The town manager of Windermere asked if we would act as a repository for all of their historic items. That would mean that we would catalogue, maintain, and hold their items, but they would retain ownership. Kay is consulting other museums and will get back to the Board after getting more information. On February 8 a new exhibit will open at City Hall, with a reception for the King family, our latest History Maker honorees. We also may have a speaker that night, Alzo Reddick. The newsletter is going out late again, and has wrong names on the addresses again. This is a concern, and Kay is talking with Andy Crabtree about finding another printer. Andy Crabtree and Will Blaine want to have a line of merchandise show - casing Winter Garden. They possibly will use the museum as their sales outlet. The Lakeview Middle School Project is coming up beginning January 27 through March 19. We will have 600 6 th graders coming through Winter Garden. They then will do a multimedia project about the city. May 16 there will be a reception for their projects. Lakeview's 85 Anniversary celebration is on May 18 and 19, so the projects will coincide with that. We received $500 from Stasha Boyd and Mike Lutz. That went towards our new computer server, which allows multiple usage in the Museums. Spring Fever is April 14 and 15. We will be doing the label show and need volunteers. Ward is starting on the Golf tournament. "Save the Date" cards will be sent out soon. They will also be able to pay on -line. The date is May 14 We need volunteers. Remember that "hole" signs bring in the most money, at $100 each. Our goal is $20,000 this year. Phil reported on the Museums attendance. The Heritage Museum has 1218 visitors in December, with a total of 10,687 for 2011. The Railroad had 581 in December, with 7,785 for the year. The Railroad Chapter had a total of 2082.5 hours for 2011. The FCRR track upgrade project got their $18.5 million grant to make improvements on the line. Work should start as early as April on the north end. The CFCNRHS Board will be making plans for the 100 Birthday celebration of our own Railroad Museum, the former T &G RR Depot. That will be in 2013. The Museums committee is also in the process of making a list of closure dates, which will be presented at the February meeting. Remember that February 11 is "A Very Special Evening with Jill Towers" at the American Legion Hall on Plant Street. We have 150 tickets, which can also be purchased on -line. Thank you to Ron Sikes for underwriting this event. There will be a Music Fest meeting sometime at the end of the month to discuss this past year's event. Our next meeting will be on the first Tuesday of the month, February 7, because of the conflict with Valentine's Day. Ted moved to adjourn, with a second by Ward. The meeting ended at 7 :03 p.m. Submitted by Andy Davis, Secretary S OU CITY OF OCOEE Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JANUARY 2012 When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue payment. Only one entity from each organization' is eligible to apply for a :grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JANUARY 27, 2012 10 40 10 10 10 10 10 10 40 10 40 10 40 10 10 00040 10 O1010 40 10 1040 40 0 4010 40 Name of Organization: Garden Community Choir Address of Organization: PO Box 770234, Winter Garden, FL 34777 Contact person for this application: Nancy F. Knepper (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number 407 694 - 9562 E -mail address: knancyknep @gmail.com What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. The choir is seeking funding for music for our Spring concert, featuring patriotic, American folksongs and spirituals. Music is one of our highest budget items. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Grassroots fundraising events and soliciting from community organizations and businesses. What is your organization's primary funding source? Individual donors and grassroots fundraising How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? In 2011, we raised about $24,000, most of which was used for the choirs trip to New York City to perform at Carnegie Hall in April 2011. What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Concert revenue, membership fees, and grants from foundations (we are just gearing up to apply for such grants) What Is your annual budget for this year? $31,000 Last year? $30,800 List the fundraisers your organization holds? cheesecake sales, Winter Garden Pizza Co. 50/50 raffles, Valentine's concert by the Garden Chamber Choir, performing for special community events, and iGive.com How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have? How many live In Ocoee? We have 86 members currently, 1 community leader, and no paid employees 12 members live in Ocoee. Page 2-- Quarterly Community Grant Program Application How many clients does your organization serve? How many live in Ocoee? 12 We do not have clients, but our members reside in Orange, Lake and Seminole Counties. Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? Yes if so, how much money did you receive? $500 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? if yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? The choir participated in Ocoee's Martin Luther King, Jr. program, Music Fest, Christmas and spring concerts and special community events when we are invited. Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Our Goal is 'Building community Through Song ". The choir members sing and perform in rehearsals and concerts come from the Central FI. area. The group is very diverse racially, ethnically, culurally and by ages. No auditions are required for membership. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? since 2011, the choir members have contributed approximately 9447 hours for rehearsals, concerts, fundraising events, board and committee meetings tracked by sign -up sheets, volunteer signups and meeting minutes. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: Received 501(c)3 status in July 2010. Incorporated in September 2010. Had board training in 2010. We performed in 12 concerts and 7 community events. We also performed in Carnegie Hall in April 2011. Please Include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Please see attached for additional information. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e-mail jwricht(a,ci. ocoee.fl. u s. Submit applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive... Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received JAN 2012 /; 3v Was Application Received Complete? s !Pl Date Application Returned . ..__ Non - Profit Status On file Attached lam ► ardeii Co munity Choir BuiLP1NG coMMVHITYTHIIOVGH SONG January 23, 2012 Reference to Our Meeting Minutes Regarding Ocoee Community Grant Application Garden Community Choir Meeting, Monday, January 23, 2012 A Motion was placed before the choir by Nancy Knepper to authorize Garden Community Choir, Inc. to apply for a Community Grant of $500 from the City of Ocoee. It was noted during the discussion that we had successfully applied for this Grant in 2010 and 2011. The motion passed, and Nancy Knepper was directed to prepare and submit the necessary grant documents. Respectfully submitted, / eddits Martin Collins Board Chair A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR ORGANIZATION #CH32249 MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE WITHIN THE STATE 1.800-HELP-FLA (435-7352). REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. 100 %0F GIFTS RECEIVED ARE RETAINED BY THE CHOIR. EIN: 27. 0999439. The Choir was very honored to be invited to perform at Carnegie Hall, April 17, 2011. The Garden Community Choir was a featured choir for a 15 -20 minute program and then joined approximately 100 additional choir members from across the nation to sing John Rutter's Mass of the Children. The grant from the City of Ocoee assisted some of the 87 choir members who participated in the event to be able to make the trip -- a truly "once in a life -time experience." This was a $120,000 project, completely supported by the grant, individual donors and grass- roots fundraising events. One of our members co- incidentally met some folks from the Central Florida area after the concert. They were very proud to know that Central Florida's communities were so well represented in such a renowned venue by such an excellent choir of volunteer members, The Choir is anticipating more opportunities to perform in the coming years in concerts and competitions. The Garden Community Choir is proud to represent Ocoee, Winter Garden, and other Central Florida communities. OPQ50 • FLORIDA Consumer's Certificate of Exemption a aaios tti \'.1 , . da Statutes 08/06/10 Issued Pursuant to Cha ter 212, Flor DEPARTMENT p OF REVENUE i 1 85-8015429853C-2 07/21/2010 r 07/31/2015 X5.01 {C) 3) QRQANIZ ATION Certificate Number Effective Date .r .� i. Expiration Date j �. ���ptiQn:Cai�ego�r - -: r 4. ti 4 ._ I _ { r��- F. .. n r . t - _- .. �� This certifies that = 1. ` _ ,= i - "5 GARDEN COMMUNITY CItOIR INC Li -'• - �_ -'..:7.:,,:-.49..1._,,-.:2--_,,c--= . r'. + z+ ': - _ . .i �` • '.L + {r �j -a s. - Sk %.:�? � -s+% -.. - : s �:?: _ ?i<:c 15719 ARABIAN WAY � �� MONTVERDE FL 34756-3307 r- ` ;t ' i `'' ? .: - _ } :��: {�� �.�, .�� r�,"- � "� -fir; � tF .r yl :;!!4:!363-:::::',-'?: - _ f rte, -- . ; `a'_- f ' C is exempt from the payment of Florida sales and use tax on real property rented, transient r`erttal fangible personal property purchased or rented, or services purchased. -` - - .3 F LOP. F D A Important Information for Exempt Organizations R 04/os / \...: _ DEPARTMENT .. .._-..._ - .. OF REVENUE 1. You must provide all vendors and suppliers with an exemption certificate before making tax - exempt purchases. See Rule 12A- 1.038, Florida Administrative Code (FAC). `--" 2. Your Consumer's Certificate of Exemption is to be used solely by your organization for your organization's customary nonprofit activities. 3. Purchases made by an individual on behalf of the organization are taxable, even if the individual will be reimbursed by the organization. 4. This exemption applies only to purchases your organization makes. The sale or lease to others by your organization of tangible personal property, sleeping accommodations or other real property is taxable. Your organization must register, and collect and remit sales and use tax on such taxable transactions. Note: Churches ^_ _____ are exempt from this requirement except when they are the lessor of real property (Rule 12A- 1.070, FAC). 5. It is a criminal offense to fraudulently present this certificate to evade the payment of sales tax. Under no circumstances should this certificate be used for the personal benefit of any individual. Violators will be liable for payment of the sales tax plus a penalty of 200% of the tax, and may be subject to conviction of a third degree felony. Any violation will necessitate the revocation of this certificate. 6. if you have questions regarding your exemption certificate, please contact the Exemption Unit of Central Registration at 850- 487 -4130. The mailing address is. PO BOX 6480, Tallahassee, FL 32314 -6480. CITY OF OCOEE" Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JANUARY 2012 When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to Issue payment, Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JANUARY 27, 2012 0<> 40. ©®000000®000000000000000 Name of Organization; f-- wvricna L r 6.roN-- M nie C. M/ =M 0tz. L 05 log Address of Organization: 6ov. c, G to { o c o t ( L 3q->6,1 Contact person for this application: TV o rosr (2-0 Mr-r n ) 6a (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number E -mail address: p or i ti A 6 CM , 22, Com ` t 7 -. (o SG - 7) & What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. S fy ( rT - AcFt Eb I?[M tzED P cru What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) 500 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? /1/4) 4 What is your organization's primary funding source? / a s s 1 u 6 A - v> V u'D CZ A- i s r� t How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? f1 ov What other sources of revenue does your organization llave? F F t -to w Pig hl QERtof.,R CotPc Rt'av ri c , �� What is your annual budget for this year? /pad 6-14). Last year? / p U U 00 List the fundraisers your organization holds? i^0014DWR`C a Ry rG NT How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have? yQ How many live in Ocoee? 340 Page 2 - Quarterly Community Grant Program Application How many clients does your organization serve? / o How many live in Ocoee? J Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Y F Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? 6 s if so, how much money did you receive ? / °� c Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? if yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? ytS . M6mba (4-1- . Mr+yC eLkce ( rA 46 op v r,e, 't ,t,J G (LAW . / N -o 60 LE-$4 6_ re- n y' t- ?Novi i NF 0 o P r) v61 � ,a_ r.14, i 1 t4 r., ict Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? yF5 How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? 3 o i idveis - cGo as > 1JG- Po h r Mka. L 4. iaLy r►oF, (? ti Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 r months: R. S' Arc a,, 8 0y6 -rte rd. n_ovtbF M6-» 4fT. 4 1 ht vai' - i s "to � {cLt7tz,� 0 f on-y tC OL'L /}N0t O -oo4_ I3 L r Please Include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: J' La nT „� � it,, rtC HAW) • U T S s r J ) 9, 0 - /I u C:>/ — g oo'c on, f Otl N`�j !z's Day .._ 1" 6- r1.c.l4-F A Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e-mail jwiic;iflt(u)c i.c uc,e.(l.us. Submit applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive... Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only RECEIVED JAN 19 2012 Date Application Received Was Application Received Complete? y 5 If not, Date Application Retur Non -Profit Status On file Attached r 'L7 -I cD CO o cn st - o co v * (0 �- = 0 o co st 0 . o •-< 5 CD -, a a s a 7 - o (v _ c c, o (D :W5 on CO (D 0 O `.< -a Y_".-- + n `O C]. O C �' Ql O N � "� O ° fn < "0 CC7 N O �, a c co :<°. • 3 Q ° o r a n m o \% 3 V V \' 3 •a m cn 0 U > Q. � 3 n 0 w �,' to 3 - 0 •• -1 CD °' D iD 0 p - I < -i )> - I co a) . 0 m 3 = a) o m w cD o °� �_ 3 cc- 0 0 v 3 O O3 ° CD a z c o Q m i ° ° "' ° D n a 3 • co__ can aCD sn n C (D O O •'� N O O co p - Q) L < ° C2 o CD t N CD Ocy N cn a O C 0 . (D 0- 0 D) CD -7 SS? O W F) at O nc o� °� �naoo tin�� o °oc . -+. `-C O O O 7C 0 < * 0 Da Q ' 3 (D 0 O -, 0 - -'. r. co r O = 7 O u) co to < (D a CA U �. ( I ) O 0' c co CD 0 fQ -a (D (D 0 (O 0 O (D - CD (L] , (. 0 • co * Q) 7• (D D =• ES - E" ti . o m a p o °' o a o 0 t o co 3 a' ? co 0. 0 0 0 0 3 cD n;. o (n o" to (n --1. 3 v sv - ( ¢ o cD ca ..< co r 2 m ° - • n> a 522 -o 3 • m n m co o 0 3 m a 3 o co CD c co -- o° ca c Al 5 (D ° o 0 < FE,- c ` o < 0) co (" 0 ° CCD 0 co E .--s: O • CD • 0 co (D ,-. CD (D 0 V, (o O ° N Ft). a) < 7 A) O - j- (D . CD 0. P 0 O 0 Cl. * 0 D --', .-s ,-. C f�' C7 CD .--. 0 5. � ° -. ,_,. a < (D co Q 0 • m o a c ( m (07 O 0. - a ca. N 3< N° ca Q 0 • .-CI) ) o ° CD 3 n 3 0 . •. 0 m - 0 (DD m 0 c v o ( �• -° v r . `.- o � ' co (D r O 5' 0 -' u O 0 c O ..... 3 a) C- CD .• ( 0 O O c 0) ° 0 a co 3 v kr c 0. 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The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to camplete a Cit /_Of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue payment. Only one. entity fi'orrt 0;001i organization is oligible to .apply for a grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up.to DEADLINE to - gtiaibi'rit S i at n: JANUARY 27, 20 i 2 • 00000 0000000000000000 j Name of Organization: Q CO1 (� /- I7(c)h 4 sk' / L Address of Organization: / 9.2.5 0 f Contact person for this application: C-cnc (The confact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number %a i- `/C /- /2/ E -mail addrOss: e--/h A - �� her9 -4 - J C S, •I' What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. 6 9,se �'„t c„- , � L r / 1 (E.d-ve oe - ),/ - s • What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $ 5 . O`er Is your organization gettr g funding from any other source for this specific project? s What is your organization's primary funding source? - °r 40 How much money does your organization receive from'your primary funding source each year? r b9 4/ EC, i fix_ What other sources of revenue does your organization have? ttk ,eC C..)( 0,4 5c J . 'i _ 0 L - 4 1 4 - st9 / } � / � I � / � / Gz. z� 1 rc. / S 0C4 What is your annual budget for this year? Last year? if 0, - /2,' - List the fundraisers your organization holds? . C � � c Ji`i;ci. -•/4 s "�G..11; ��Jci: e�l�� Jh'��! c How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have? Mow many live in Ocoee? • .. �/tiLGr �I� e -f t `L fig-i 0 C U/9 c 1`>r -C • Ear /ix 33-6 l `/ C 09-c-f f �. : -y <- �/it e i_.(7 -3— �f�-r � e-At . n /9n 1 r . i?.. v7. C 1 1 • . .;`i • Page 2- Quarterly Community Grant Prourarfl APPlicatlon .. - • -- How many clients does your organization serve? How many live in Ocoee? ill L L 3 0 Cit s. - Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? id you receive a grant from he City of Ocoee? Aird i Cs if so, how much money did. vivi receive HON et Tie ..... Does your organizatio volunteer in the Oco community? if yes what volunteer � - J IL� S . Gtt`(7 ?'.�... /✓V� (, War W i 1 • /• activities do you participate in? ( Er C(1�/ ---...5, e r , .S, . .�o "W c� c. o , •C_r — 2 L� Li `ter - C, - /4R a (.4(.., Ccr ic, / .f Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? 1 --' 7 T -44- 6--46(--/E--- d2 dcv ebe,lys tlel { c.v JT c� PI( t/�} /� /arc-= . C /�% -'�i C/7 -7e-s . How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization - contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? 7 s As J'"'/' 6A s f >/e4 - '9S Mk' I/ ,, 1-L C CLV/9cli , J 6-.4 ^6 T ✓i' %C" ar i cfc c tit 1 A,4e. ,. .. ` Please list the specific a ccompli yaurorgunization'tras achieve inrth past 24 months: uck°~ 4,2t..- P %.,( 7- }l at /3 dr? j lg'4 c L l' 63 -/t 'T?A-- Le - t ac- etc u - fir' i PV c-6 9C- 1 ID fl . o`�Gc-` 7 '` t d f c-C 6 ( \ee 41( ,/1 C;,g_YeA I- /.4.- ., 0 c. ~✓` ` ,q,.._ ttppt r,„ ms's -i' 4-"i o r J _ Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific J / grant request that you feel would help the City in making. its decision: I G'yC c.•e i - /9,1 c - �._ 70 G,J '� 4- 7 3 l c at t /r 77 DC's/ /- r c / r/ ,,, / as , ,..5- -.,r T6. (\(cr is ` /`,i G' _, %f ti ' ( / / mi � Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organizat &A.:: supports this application. r.6q- For more information, please call Community Relations at (407)'905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e -mail ( iwrightfti.ocoee.fl.us. . Submit applications to:- Ocoee City Hall • .y• 150 N. Lakeshore Dr v_e, . Ocoee, FL' 34761 . __._. __. _. -. For Staff use only RE CEIVED JAN P, 7 2011 . r v a 141- Date Application Received ! Was Application Received Complete? +\ 0 PP- t i k# oROc if not, Date Application Returned ,v. r) Non - Profit Status On file Attached 5..,090A -•'1 1'c 'ea • L .� j Ocoee High School fit '� ifk 1925 Ocoee Crown Point Parkway Pili f - Ocoee, FL 34761 r // ' `.1 ', Phone: 407 -905 -3000 'Colt � : I�H Soo Fax: 407-905-3099 January 31, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: Please note that I fully support the funding request submitted to the City of Ocoee's Community Grant application by Ocoee High School's baseball team. Sincerely, William J. Floyd Principal "The Orange County School Board is an equal opportunity agency" *PO CITY OF OCOEE Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JANUARY 2012 When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue payment. Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JANUARY 27, 2012 ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ Name of Organization: Boy Scouts of America- Central Florida Council Address of Organization: 1951 S. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka, Florida 32703 Contact person for this application: Antoine LaFontant Daytime phone number (407) 703-0261 E -mail address: Antoine .Iafontant @cflscouting.org What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. This grant will assist in the average cost of Scouting for four an at -risk youth in our Scout reach program. Scout handbook $15, Uniform shirt $25, pants $25 and campership for the summer $90.00. Total amount $620.00 What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Yes, Through Community grants and fundraising support by local businesses. What is your organization's primary funding source? Fundraising through community support such as our corporate contributions, Family support for Scouting and United Way are our primary source of funding. If so, how much money did you receive? N/A Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? Yes- Beautification projects are annually completed at schools and churches in the Ocoee area. Also a number of Eagle Projects have been done in an effort to help the community. Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes- Adult leaders volunteer their time at Pack and Troop meetings to assist the youth in having a quality program. These meetings at held in the Ocoee area at Ocoee Elementary, Victory Baptist church and Ocoee Oaks Church. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented ?' A volunteer provides an average of 1100 hours to Scouting. From weekly meetings, weekend campouts, attending training and community service activities in the Ocoee area. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: Annual Eagle and community beautification projects are conducted in the Ocoee area. Cub Scout Packs at Ocoee and Spring Lake Elementary school help annually in projects at their school. Also we have our outreach in Scouting for Food campaign to help local Food Pantries. We collected 5000 pounds of food to be donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank drop -off site at Winn Dixie Supermarket- Ocoee location in November of last year. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. (See attached information packet) RECEIVED JAN 2 7 2012 ; /6 "- 1 'Cc an C`o L cf. 3 5 k •I ` k --- cc cc How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? In the West Orange area we have receive dose to $48,000 to help support scouting in the West Orange area. (See attached how that helps the Scouting program) What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Scouts are encouraged to participate in council fundraisers, including popcorn and discount cards. The Council also applies for other local grants and fundraises. What is your annual budget for this year? Last year? Our 2012 budget was approved for $5,800,000 to serve all of Central Florida. List the fundraisers your organization holds? Our Community fundraiser is Dinners and Luncheons in Central Florida, Golf and Clay Shoot tournaments, Popcorn and Camp Discount Card sales by Scouts. How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have? In Central Florida we have close to 27,000 Scouts and over 8,000volunteers served by a staff of 43 employees. How many live in Ocoee? In the Ocoee area we currently have over 210 Scouts and 40 Adult volunteers How many clients does your organization serve? N/A Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? No Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? No CENTRAL FLORIDA COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA January 31 2012 To Whom It May Concern: Please note that I fully support the funding request submitted to the City of Ocoee's Community Grant application by Senior District Executive, Antoine LaFontant for Scouting in the Ocoee area. Sincerely; r -. i Ron A. Oats CEO /Scout Executive Central Florida Council Boy Scouts of America Central Florida Council BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Wayne Densch Boy Scout Service Center br` 1951 S. Orange Blossom Trail 2 0 0 Apopka, Florida 32703 -7747 Office: 407 -889 -4403 Fax: 407- 889 -4406 -�-- BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA * CENTRAL FLORIDA COUNCIL Who Pays for Scouting? Youth Members Assisted by their parents or guardians, boys in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Varsity Scouting and young men and women in Venturing pay their share from personal savings and participation in money - earning projects. Members buy their own uniforms, handbooks, and personal equipment and pay their own camp fees. Packs, Troops, Teams, and Posts Weekly or monthly dues and funds from approved money - earning projects meet expenses for supplies and activities in the Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, Varsity Scout team, and Venturer crew. These monies help pay for camping equipment, registration fees, Boys' Life magazine, uniform insignia, special activities, and program materials. Community Organizations Each chartered organization using the Scouting program provides a meeting place and adult volunteer leadership for its BSA unit(s). The chartered organization and local council must approve unit money- earning projects before the launch of the project. Central Florida Council Financial resources for the Central Florida Council (the local nonprofit corporation chartered by the National Council) come from an annual Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign, local United Ways, foundation grants, special events, project sales, investment income, trust funds, bequests, and gifts of real and personal property. These funds provide for professional staff supervision, organization of new Scouting units, service for existing units, training of volunteer leaders, and maintenance of council camps. They also finance the operation of the local council service center, where volunteer leaders can obtain literature, insignia, advancement badges, and other items vital to the program. In addition, the service center maintains advancement and membership records. National Organization Funds to support the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America come from registration fees, local council service fees, investment income, Scouting and Boys' Life magazines, sale of uniforms and equiprnent, contributions from individuals, and foundation grants. These monies help to deliver the program of the BSA (through four regional service centers and more than 300 local councils) to chartered organizations that use the Scouting program to meet the needs of their youth. Prepared. For Life gt "em a CITY OF OCOEE � 1 � Community Grant Program Application e Funding Cycle: JANUARY 2012 When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue pavmenf. . ............................... Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JANUARY 27, 2012 0 00000 00000000000000000000000000 Name of Organization: j } r , e ( 7,1 0 n4 Ar Address of Organization: /0 7/ _.. - % , e 7 c 3 76/ Contact person for this application: (iezei cc / (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number L id 7-/e -5 4 j- D9 7? E -mail address: f (',I p / 4J0 O() ° eo mot What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. (3 /El p , j C � i 4 t. to s What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500) Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? ND What is your organization's primary funding source? 7 - ' / )e A d e How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? 7 6 , 6 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? What is your annual budget for this year? . 0) le Last year? 200k_ List the fundraj,sers your organization holds? 1 .� tre s' Li too., r )( I:/ lr' 1 How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have? How many live in Ocoee? V 0 .. ,. -ir Page 2 - Quarterly Community Grant Program Application How many clients does your organization serve? 50 How many live in Ocoee? (Li Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? NO Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? iv rA If so, how much money did you receive? N r'1 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee comm nity? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? L/',`3, toe_ %5C? �2ac,+ r !c V h itju,r5 )o M-' bra-Ad !>f'e/ Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? [ c} kX ft_(t ate. /t€/ 4Op )r l.ap(1 /c.s fir, &(J Ott-/ r eectc_ /tQ . How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? t L/ 39 ko L4 `!t_ 2011 c } 161 - ffner< e 0(7 (75 ex e Q_) / Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: ticv tic I2aue_ ko uusc:./ f 3 / / � ' . 11,e p(%5 e- /rriC it IA_ 5 PegA )o G rrLP /C_ `y t' rule rL, k Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: we / ) l ek CI D - 1 - 1 .1/4,2 r e6 r'nraL.A pu AF S Az.a./ )-0. /) 30- Pr c3 -' Gi rr u 4 C 1 o ke3 I Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e-mail iwright@ci.ocoee.fl.us. Submit applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive... Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received RECEIVED JAN 18 2012 Was Application Received Complete? N o If not, Date Application Returned Non- Profit Status On file Attached kof 'Total Freedom 1 Q An Alternative Addictions Program You Can't Fight What You Can't See www.totalfreedomprogram.org Dear City of Ocoee, Jan 10, 2012 Total Freedom Program is a 501 (C) 3, non - profit, residential discipleship program that has been helping to save the lives of individuals bound by addiction over the past 13 years. Total Freedom accepts individuals of all socioeconomic classes: the businessmen /woman, the housewife, as well as individuals out of jail and off of the streets, there is no entry fee to our program. We provide food, clothing, and shelter for them while we teach them the valuable skills necessary in order to maintain sobriety as well as a healthy and productive lifestyle. We also have homeless outreaches, where we feed approximately 140 a month as well as make our services available to them. Total Freedom is fully self supportive, with a highly dedicated full time volunteer staff. We are not funded by the government and operate solely off of fund - raising and donations. In fact 100% of our funds go directly to feed, clothe, and shelter those in need. We thank you for considering a grant to our non - profit. Total Freedom Program is confident that the City of Ocoee recognizes the desperate need for assistance in a society where addiction has run rampant. For further information please contact us at the number listed below. Thank you for your precious time and may 2012 bring much prosperity to you and your families. Respectfully, Ca-P, [(( ( , P 10 Carlyn Edmond Vine of Life Ministries/ Total Freedom Program Tax ID 593488709 Fundraiser Department 407 - 654 -0979 tfhelp2@yahoo.com yahoo.com www.totalfreedomprogram.org 1001 Idaho Ct. Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone: 407 - 654 -0979 Toil -Free 877 -717 -9879 Fax 407 -656 -9221 CITY OF OCOEE �:? 1° Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JANUARY 2012 When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue payment. Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JANUARY 27, 2012 0 0000©000000®00©00®0000000®000©0 Name of Organization: Bread of Life Fellowship, Inc. Address of Organization: P. O. Box 770451 532 N. Bluford Ave. (Warehouse) Winter Garden, FL 34777 Ocoee, FL 34761 Contact person for this application: Mark Anthony (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number 407 - 654 -7777 E -mail address: office @breadoflifefellowship.com What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. Diesel Fuel. With the rising cost of diesel fuel, it is one of our largest operating expenses. This grant money will be used to purchase fuel to keep our trucks on the road to pick -up donated food. The current rate of Diesel Fuel cost $3.79 a gallon, one of our trucks holds 160 gallons, the other truck is 100 gallon tank. One tank cost $606.40. What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500.00 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? We will use other non - restricted contributions throughout the year to keep our trucks on the road. What is your organization's primary funding source? Contributions from individual donors, churches, ministries, memorials and grants How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? Approximately $158,000.000 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Fundraisers. What is your annual budget for this year? 206,667.50 Last year? $159,317.00 List the fundraisers your organization holds? Golf Tournament, Banquet How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have? 2 Salary, one Part -time, 60 dedicated volunteers How many live in Ocoee? 1 employee, 25 volunteers rage z- wuarrerry c.ommunny uranr rrogram /4 pp /car/on How many clients does your organization serve? Over 50,000 annually How many live in Ocoee? Over 3,000 Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? Yes If so, how much money did you receive? $500.00 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? Our warehouse is located in Ocoee. We sort, pack and distribute food on a weekly basis with local volunteers. We provide soda and snacks to the Ocoee Lions Club and help with other community events when the need arises. Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes. We host Food for Families three times a year at the Ocoee High School where over 400 volunteers come to sort, pack and deliver food boxes on Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? Over 4,000 volunteer hours were tracked in 2011 through sign -in sheets at the warehouse and at Food for Families events Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24 months: 54,620 families received food boxes, moved 3,120,958 pounds of food through our warehouse, tracked 4,272 volunteer hours at the warehouse and Food for Families events, received over $105,000.00 in grants in 2011. A new Harvest warehouse in under construction to adjoin our current facility. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: Bread of life Fellowship, Inc. has been in existence since 1991. We are making a difference in the lives of those we serve. We not only offer a hand -out, but a hand -up by sharing the Love of God through our monthly food programs. We strive to live up to our mission statement and motto: To care for those in need by sharing life's necessities and a message of hope. Have Faith. End Hunger. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. See attached letter from board meeting. For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e-mail jwright@ci.ocoee.fl.us. Submit applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive... Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only RECEIVED JAN 19 2012 Date Application Received Was Application Received Complete? �(- If not, Date Application Returned r Non - Profit Status (/ On file Attached gO BREAD , 4F LIFE FELLOWSF --HP HAVE FAITH. END HUNGER January 17, 2012 To: City of Ocoee Quarterly Community Grant Program The following Board Members are in total agreement to apply for this Community Grant from the City of Ocoee. Thank yo f4t• Anthony President/Founder Ruth Ann Anthony Vice President ki • Walt Cob Board Chair Jacqulyn Jones Treasurer /) Alt-rt Wanda Kenney Secretary 532 N. Wilford Ave. Ocoee, FL 34761 P.O. Box 770451, Winter Garden, FL 34777 (Office) 407- 654 -7777 (fax) 407 -654 -8724 office @breadoflifefeflowship.com www.breadofiifefeflowship.com CITY OF OCOEE Community Grant Program Application Funding Cycle: JANUARY 2012 When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter). Please remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue payment. Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500. DEADLINE to submit application: JANUARY 27, 2012 ❑ ❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ Name of Organization: Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc. Address of Organization: 300 West Franklin Street Ocoee, FL 34761 Contact person for this application: Mary Lee Walker (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) Daytime phone number: (407) 425 -2523 E -mail address: mIwalker @christianservicecenter.org What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. Gas (Propane) What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500 Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? Yes What is your organization's primary funding source? Charitable donations from over 1400 individuals. How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each year? $290,000 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Over 400 churches and faith based groups, 52 civic organizations, 98 corporations, 45 foundations, and 19 government sources. What is your annual budget for this year? 1,329,119 Last year? 1,069,788 List the fundraisers your organization holds? Feed the Need How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have? Three Employees live in Ocoee. How many live in Ocoee? Approximately 150, volunteers, 50% (75) live in Ocoee. Page 2 — Quarterly Community Grant Program Application How many clients does your organization serve? How many live in Ocoee? Daily Bread serves over 60,150. About 60% live in Ocoee. Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? Yes If so, how much money did you receive? $500 Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do you participate in? N/A Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? Yes How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are those hours tracked or documented? More than 150 volunteers were tracked using a sign in method providing approximately 200 hours per week or 10,400 annual volunteer hours. Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24months: In 2010, West Orange FES served 2026 families and Daily Bread served over 56,883 meals. In 2011, 60,150 meals were served at daily bread, and 1,908 families were served in West Orange through the family emergency center. We are celebrating 30 years of being present in the West Orange community and 20 years of serving at our Daily Bread. Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: For 40 years the Christian Service Center has helped the homeless and working poor in Central Florida. In 1981 demand required an expansion outreach ministry into the West Orange community providing family and emergency service. In 1991, our West Orange location began serving daily bread. Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization supports this application. January meeting occurred 1/26/2012. Minutes to be available week of Feb. 1, 2012 For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e- mail jwright @ci.ocoee.fl.us. Submit applications to: Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive... Ocoee, FL 34761 For Staff Use Only Date Application Received k 9:7 � O" 1 1 • 3 0 el _ prv Was Application Received Co • lete? If not, Date Application ' 'reed ] Non -Profit Status On file Attached January 25, 2012 Ms. Joy Wright Community Relations Manger Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear Ms. Wright: For 40 years, the Christian Service Center has reached out and made a difference in the lives of those in Central Florida who are in need of help and hope. Please find enclosed a City of Ocoee Community Grant Program Application for review by the City of Ocoee's Community Grant Review Board, in hopes of a continued partnership to help our West Orange neighbors. This year, the Center is requesting $500 to help with the cost of gas for our Ocoee location's Daily Bread Program. Invoices showing these expenses are also enclosed. In 1981 due to the increased demand of the impoverished in the West Orange community, an outreach ministry of the Center was established to provide Family & Emergency Services. Since then hundreds of thousands of individuals have been touched through this compassion ministry. In 1991, our Daily Bread program expanded into the Ocoee location providing comfort to the hungry. In 2010, over 56,883 nourishing noon -time meals have been served to individuals in West Orange who would otherwise go hungry. The requested funds will help cover the cost of basic kitchen supplies that would allow this vital ministry to continue. Thank you for your continued support, friendship and for considering our 2012 community grant request. Please feel free to contact Mary Lee Walker directly with any questions at 407 -425- 2523 ext. 230 or mtwalker @christianservicecenter.org. Sincerely, I t f 1 i 11 ,.: Robert l . Stuart Executive Director E 407 425 2523 FAX 407.425.951 3 308 WEST CENTRAL BLVD ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32801, WWW.CHRISTIANSERVICECENTER.ORG CHRISTIAN SERVICE CENTER FAMILY 8 EMERGENCY SERVICES DAILY BREAD FRESH STAFIT 411)SFOCUS In Paltre ?sh pxlth Un ted': lay IF PAVING ©Y MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, VISA OR AMERICAN EXPRESS, FILL OUT BELOW CHECK CARD USING FOR ?AWE NT HERITAGE PROPANE NW 1=41 ` " f .�AS7EA;ARD bu"COJEq Vnf ��"� AIERICIN EXPt 9307 BACHMAN RD CARD nu me:51 S3 1? ATURE CODE ORLANDO, FL 32824 -8061 35311 -546W BISTATUFE XP. DATE TEMP RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED STATEMENT DATE PAYMENT AMOUNT DUE YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER .1 11/25/11 $506.48 081303 2680101 DIRECT PHONE INQUIRIES TO: (407) 855 -1411 PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT TERMS AMOUNT PAID PAGE: 1 of 1 $247.65 Upon Receipt 653065C I IIIIII IIII IIIhhIIIIIIIIIIIhIIIIII IIIIIIInitiIIIIhHIIhlhil CHRISTIAN SERVICE CENTER HERITAGE PROPANE 808 W CENTRAL BLVD 9307 BACHMAN RD. ORLANDO, FL 32805 -1809 ORLANDO, FL 32824 -8061 35311- 54BWTDF0SE82K001104 IF THE ADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE IS INCORRECT, PLEASE ST 1T T PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT SHOW CORRECT ADDRESS ON BACK OF FORM. = -�. s-' 'r•.">' = �s ; +r"v:.: ni' 5- ..z; POST DATA _ ELY€ s f ; E f# Y p1 * h' is 0< r D C P9 A TJ A N ..� .. . � 2a. -z_�c 5i:s � t ..� .,. .. - - !!4 _ 10/25/11 Previous Balance 247.65 10/31/11 17395 58.4 Gals 215.32 10/31/11 17395 UTIL TAX-Ocoee 10% 21.53 10/31/11 17395 Trans Fuel Charge 5.00 11/25/11 L0014 Late Charge 4.00 11/25/11 L0014 Re-billing Charge 8.00 Regulatory Compliance 4.98 ACCOUNT NUMBER CA00ViN O CANtg, ' -'3 (1<1AJ - 6N17 s < r s,_: ttF DAY_S�°` ' , e ` " 8-00. VM 1) AYMEN1TATMD MTD 1E t;i 081303 506.48 270.83 12.00 221.11 2.54 $506.48 MESSAGES As a reminder to our customers, our credit terms are net 15 days. Late & rebilling fees # :ntyzzo ? -v = ,m will accrue for non payment after 30 days. erltage Propane Serving America With Pride MNII IN IMURIII @ - :,.i. ' ; :'. f . , ' , CITY OF OCOEE - Community Grant Program Application : Funding Cycle: JANUARY 2012 When completing this application, use only. the space provided. The only attachment : " ;i•;;`t, • ?`: should be the formal organizational support:documentation (minutes or letter). Please i ', ;,.,:t remember to complete a City of Ocoee vendor form or we will not be able to issue :: payment. Only entity from each organization Is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle; , , x v Applicants may apply forany amount up to $500. , DEADLINE to submit a lication: JANUARY 27, 2012 ' "'' pp , f 0000 000000000000.000000000®©0000 Name of Organization: 0a4 <9 hf c o f `/h& A ri e_„/) 2v (JELL +, or . Or 1e,t -ao Chc.0-ker Address of Organization: - K,e nr vec Ghap `1'fe.ccr� 't<4 1 c.. 6.0 cLcF. Contact person for this application: C�c� � , i= 34 14, 1 t : ' (The contact member must be a member of the organization.) , Daytime phone number E-mail . address: Q A01. Lo�)(o:-72?(i Olcbl:Q3 G 1. rr Go (Y) What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each item you plan to purchase. ProsLek Pear ( c)ir ‘s yar o f ice i 5. pig f _ "e (l ' ;` '` but V- -1 -- f[,,.i oncJ &KJ,ci - y cd The �czt�hc�l ' rs of `frke_ { rneri 2vc-'1"4,v :;; - \t> cxsarchcse_ prOaNACi Pyr r ec uer r c r r� Uz io,, - � ty '3i hl irte�t e3Ceni -er x► W dollar amount are you requesting? (The !max gra award is $500.) , . .. Is our organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? 1 P , irnarik to nber 6or.cabor1.3 ac k s - c Mem ' tP a t"LR What is your d primary funding source? How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each , : ;: :.: year? 113 3? , CD 0 What other sources of revenue does your organization have? , ri.i c-,ev -,E , s v�� c> Fs c,SZux . ry, yy yn ber sht Mei ti ( S t len F .N non -. What is your annual budget for this year? Last year? �� ' 4p pr0X i 5 , er - X) rox ,V f $, List the fundraisers your organizatio holds? v l � eSl {" 022- It-CMS C i'►"1.�2 *`►'t.bersh me e ftnc �&. -k O 'C c`r t41t - s h.►-J mczcle_ bti al err) be,r . : . How many members, volunteers and/or paid employees does your organization have? How many live in Ocoee? ,� �` p roxifri, ,c 5 "r Me .5 / it kern "r'orn bC6 ;r.1 +. i , , Page 2 -- Quarterly Community Grant Program Application il _ +a!i1 .ii ,Lt How many clients does your organization serve? How many live in Ocoee? f i l ir `� 1 Has your organization applied for a grant from the. City before? 1 , i sv,, ' Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? :\j e i ►`J' If so, how much money did you receive? ` ' ' : Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee: Community? If yes, what volunteer ' activities do you participate in? Pichc_i prdhGn vn M on k r - t s ine %nl arc c5ervlr� ,t ‘`.1--e_11.-1( o -i- • 1- e. \)5 eart'hcctf e o-crl IL Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents t volunteer? , k ( . 1 , , How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and how are, those hours tracked or documented? . Yom- kk- , -- tram, 1 e_o_Ethcct re_ ; ; s ; kb—CI 1k Hi 0(10.-k' VcUr\ a. kJ 01■Airker I Oci LO i`1-An C et� to 0 wl + ( :: t'lvt s C OC,c lme) d &LCI nr ,. d'o >, ) Please list the specific accomplishments youi organization has achieved in the past 24 : , : months: t.c�O -Ca 'C U�-C . s t Lca i 6 c-ho tars h i , 9 a�i�Pl cf arrac ec A c_o N le.L c J P OC' p npe c � t&Pe) S� 1 Cif )c� pcm C-t pe--!Q0 In \)Q_ - -can `S a.-ti f) e.5 Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific ;i grant request that you feel would help the City in making Its decision: (56c.) ee_ is c : ini_e_�t �,_\ Pal- o:c The C�r�.c r vr\o. �rnrnc &n t 1-c� w hich -r ve>5 �Jlr�e n � t e�c:v,ded r r It FO ...r . C� C�1ar �c�t� L �h�c Q� erx , ill P l l 1 hGtyc /)c>h nc . ese fur�cLs We >LLtd: V l� r. �Lu� sus a'`�` 'so o._I car , - +- n t c, t.cx�ack d2mon5iro. cx.�,r ppo ` . Please a ttac h documentat (mg minu or letter) to verify that your organization v(: supports this application. • -k-ne_ I r- .. ` For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e-mail {mac ! jwright a�ci.ocoee.fl.us. Submit applications to: : Ocoee City Hall 150 N. Lakeshore Drive... Ocoee, FL 34761 ' I° • For Staff Use Only = / . RECEIVED JAN 12 2012 ' / Date Application Received / /f 9/ eV O / a.: Was Application Received Complete? \/-f' _S If not Date Application Returned . Non - Profit Status On file Attached OD DAR qa hte cf the A mcn:a�ReNnhmon- Orlando Chapter DAR Danielle Kennedy 340 KaiIa Court Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear Danielle, On behalf of the Orlando Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, please submit an application for for the City of Ocoee Community Grant Program. Project Patriot is the official project of Daughters of the American Revolution that supports our Nation's worldwide war efforts against terrorism. The funds would be used to purchase personal care and/or entertainment items for our injured military personnel who are admitted to and recovering at Landstuhl Medical Center in Germany. The personnel who arrive at the medical center typically arrive with nothing. The items provided by Project Patriot goes a long way in showing our injured military personnel that there are American citizens who genuinely care for them, appreciate their sacrifices, and make them a little more comfortable in their situation. Thank you. , . i i, e 4;),y , ) /c , Christine Woods Orlando Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution