HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-2012 CITY OF OCOEE
Chairman Maxwell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Member Boudokhane gave
the invocation and Member Turner led the pledge of allegiance. The clerk
called roll and determined there was a quorum present.
PRESENT: Chairman Maxwell, Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins, Member Turner,
Member Boudokhane, Member Cornell and Member Joseph
ALSO PRESENT: Recording Clerk Williams, and Liaison Wright
ABSENT: Member Snytkin, Member Rangaswamy, and Member Anjum (A /E)
January 5, 2012
Member Boudokhane, seconded by Member Cornell, moved to approve the
January 5, 2012 minutes as written. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Maxwell welcomed new member, Ms. Patricia Cornell and asked if
she would like to address the board. Member Cornell greeted the board.
Chairman Maxwell asked each member to provide their perspective of the
event. Member Joseph thanked the board for their hard work and patience
during the planning process of the event. She suggested going forward being
more mindful of the expectations of speakers and to acknowledge publicly
during the event the many volunteers and service providers. Member
Boudokhane apologized for an email she sent thanking members that excluded
some members and thanked Member Joseph for securing such a great speaker
(Lucas Boyce). Member Turner stated she was extremely pleased with all the
activities surrounding the event (reception, parade and celebration) and looks
forward to future events. Chairman Maxwell asked Member Cornell if she could
provide a participant perspective of the events. Member Cornell stated she did
observe the parade, but did not attend the after events, but has heard nothing
but positive feedback from within the community. Vice- Chairwoman Hopkins
echoed the comments of the other members, further adding she thought the
board should also inform the speaker of their expectations, recognition of the
Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes
February 2, 2012
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volunteers should be added to the program and addressed throughout the
event, and they will need to rent more chairs for future events.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins stated that the overall cost of the event is coming in
well below budget. The last minute donations and sponsors really helped make
it a successful event with minimal cost. Liaison Wright informed the board that
Winter Garden waived the $200 fee for the stage and port -o -lets and that
videography is still outstanding. Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins expressed her
displeasure with the port -o -lets stating they were dirty and arrived two hours late.
Vice- Chairwoman Hopkins stated $200 honorariums were budgeted for Jeffrey
Redding, Allie Braswell and Garden Community Choir. Chairman Maxwell asked
the projection date in getting the honorariums paid. He also stated that Allie
Braswell mentioned he did not receive the honorarium due to him from 2011.
Liaison Wright confirmed Allie Braswell did not receive an honorarium as
budgeted and approved in 2011. Chairman Maxwell stated the board needs to
incorporate in their process obtaining the proper documents necessary for
payments at initial contact with an individual or organization.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins stated that a couple of volunteers at the event
contacted her to volunteer again they were kids that had volunteered in past
events. Also stating, the Police Explorers were a tremendous help.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins thought that having the previous year's essay
contest winner read their essay at this event was a great idea, and it's better to
have them sit down front with their family versus on the stage.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins, seconded by Member Turner, moved to approve
honorariums in the total amount of $1,000.00 as follows: $200 for Jeffrey Redding,
$200 for The Garden Community Choir, $400 for Ocoee High School Band and
$200 for Allie Braswell (in addition to the $200 owed from the previous year's
event as budgeted and approved). Motion carried unanimously.
Member Joseph inquired if Jeffrey Redding was getting $200 as a speaker in
addition to being a choir member. Chairman Maxwell stated Mr. Redding's
honorarium as a guest speaker was separate and apart from the choir.
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February 2, 2012
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Member Boudokhane stated she has been unsuccessful in finding an alternate
location for the event due to the broadcasting constraints. Chairman Maxwell
had suggested Ocoee High School which will provide more space for
participants and their families, but Member Boudokhane has been informed
they do not have the ability to broadcast the event live.
Member Boudokhane stated the first place winners will be the only individuals
that will read their essay at the awards ceremony, and the grand prize winner
will be announced after all the essays have been read.
Member Joseph stated the prize structure will be the same as in years past.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins recalled it had been decided to award prizes of $20,
$40, $60 for 1 St 2nd, and 3rd place winners with an additional $40 for the grand
prize winner.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins asked how many schools have been invited to
participate in the event. Member Boudokhane stated 10 schools were
contacted. Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins stated that will be awards of $120 per
school, multiplied by 10, totaling $1200 for awards. Member Boudokhane said
she will need to purchase refreshments. She estimates the cost to be about $400.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins suggested allocating $2,000 for the total event cost.
Member Boudokhane, seconded by Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins, moved to
allocate $2,000 as total cost for the Black History Month "Essay Contest ". Motion
carried unanimously.
Member Boudokhane suggested sending a letter to the Publix corporate office
asking them to be a yearly sponsor for all Human Relation Diversity Board events.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins suggested asking per event instead of asking them
to make a long -term commitment.
Delegation February 6, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. - West Oaks Library
Work Session February 9, 2012 @ 6:00 p.m. - West Oaks Library
Judgment February 16, 2012 @ 6:00 p.m. - TBD
Member Boudokhane, seconded by Member Joseph, moved to accept the
progress report of the Black History Month "Essay Contest" as presented by
Member Boudokhane. Motion carried unanimously.
Liaison Wright inquired as to who will be following up with the schools about the
essay contest and reminding them of the deadline. Member Joseph asked if
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February 2, 2012
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Liaison Wright recommends they split the contact to the schools or have a single
contact person. Liaison Wright suggested having a single contact person.
Chairman Maxwell reminded the board that it was decided in the October
meeting to award J. Lester Dabbs, Jr. a Community Service Award at this event.
Chairman Maxwell will coordinate with Liaison Wright to send out an official
invitation to Mr. Dabb's relatives located locally. He further, asked that seats be
reserved down front on the night of the event for Mr. Dabbs, Jr. family.
Chairman Maxwell tabled the creation of a sub - committee for this event due to
the absence of several board members.
Member Joseph would like the board to be more involved within the community
to encourage citizenship (i.e. meet your neighbor, recognition of more national
holidays). Create a committee that focuses specifically on fundraising year
Member Turner echoed Member Joseph's comments of the fundraising
committee, but would also like to have a cultural arts festival for all nationalities
within the Ocoee community.
Member Cornell was also excited about the cultural arts festival.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins suggested the board partner with other
organizations locally before taking on another big event. By partnering with
other local organizations the board establishes notoriety.
Member Boudokhane would like to outreach to disabled individuals and the
singles within the community.
Chairman Maxwell spoke to the board about the informal statement of Mayor
Vandergrift at the MLK, Jr. Event and Celebration regarding organizing an
"international day event." He further stated it is going to take open
communication from all board members.
Chairman Maxwell asked that the board be provided with a copy of the Florida
Sunshine Laws. Recording Clerk Williams stated every new board member has
been provided with a copy of the Florida Sunshine Laws. Chairman Maxwell
asked that all the board members be provided with a copy of the presentation
seminar created by Foley & Lardner in October 2003. Recording Clerk Williams
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February 2, 2012
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will provide an electronic copy to the board members. Chairman Maxwell
explained to the board that the chair or vice -chair is the person tasked with the
responsibilities to ensure completion of event task. Further stating Liaison Wright is
available for support, but the chairman is ultimately the person responsible for
the event task. Chairman Maxwell requested that a presentation on Florida
Sunshine Law be made to the board. Recording Clerk Williams will research the
possibility of having this done and report findings back to the board. Chairman
Maxwell asked that board members do not arbitrarily contact Liaison Wright
and /or the clerk's office. Member Boudokhane stated she sought the assistance
of Liaison Wright and Recording Clerk Williams when she encountered some
technical difficulties. Chairman Maxwell asked that when board members reach
a milestone in planning and execution of an event that he is made aware.
Recording Clerk Williams reminded the board that email communications can
quickly and easily become a discussion which violates Sunshine Law; emails
should be distributed for informational purposes (make a statement) and should
not ask questions or solicit input for topics to be discussed by the board.
Chairman Maxwell asked Member Joseph to lead the fundraising committee.
Member Joseph accepted and asked Member Turner to assist her.
Chairman Maxwell gave the board some demographics of the city population.
Asking the board to start brainstorming ideas for an event of this nature
projecting 2013 as the year in which this event will debut. Chairman Maxwell
acknowledged the entry of Mayor Vandergrift and asked if he would like to
make any comments surrounding his vision for this event. Mayor Vandergrift
explained to the board his vision for this event. Further discussion ensued.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins gave some information about other days of
international inclusion observed around the world (i.e. international day of
family, culture languages, etc.).
NEXT AGENDA - February 2, 2012
Black History Month "Essay Contest" Debrief
Fiesta de Colores - creation of sub - committee
MLK, Jr. Event and Celebration - creation of sub - committee
Proposed budget for 2013
International Day Preliminary Planning
- -- create a fact - finding committee
Sunshine Law Review for board by city staff
Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes
February 2, 2012
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Chairman Maxwell proposed to nominate a board member to act as treasurer
for all HRDB funds, render reports to the board monthly, write letters of
appreciation to sponsors. Member Cornell stated she has been HOA
bookkeeper for eight years. Chairman Maxwell asked if she would consider
accepting the position.
Vice- Chairwoman Hopkins, seconded by Member Joseph moved to create the
position of treasurer to track all HRDB funds in coordination with the board Liaison
as allowed in the by -laws of the board. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Maxwell called for nominations for the position of HRDB treasurer.
Member Boudokhane nominated Member Cornell, who accepted the
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins, seconded by Member Boudokhane moved to close
nominations. Motion carried unanimously.
Member Boudokhane, seconded by Member Turner moved to elect Member
Cornell as HRDB treasurer. Motion carried unanimously.
Liaison Wright stated in the fundraising efforts they can refer potential sponsors
to the City of Ocoee YouTube sight. Member Joseph inquired who will be
responsible for creating the videography. Liaison Wright stated Mike does
freelance work for the city. Member Joseph inquired if there is a template
currently being used by the city to solicit sponsors.
Member Boudokhane - none
Member Turner - none
Member Cornell - none
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins - none
Adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Tisha Williams, Recording Clerk William Maxwell, Chair ' an