HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes OUTLINE
March 20, 2012, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Hood. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: City Attorney Cookson, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Proclamation — Sexual Assault Awareness Month — April 2012
Jody Swain with the Victim Service Center of Central Florida briefly explained the advocacy
services the center provides and how they collaborate with law enforcement to meet the needs of
sexual assault/crime victims. Mr. Swain gladly accepted the proclamation which was read by
Mayor Vandergrift.
Proclamation — Peabody Duckmaster — 3 Week of March
Mayor Vandergrift announced that this proclamation is special and is a once in a life time
thing. He thanked Victoria Laney for arranging to have him be Duckmaster at the Peabody
Hotel in Orlando. He briefly read the proclamation drafted for him by the Peabody Hotel
proclaiming the third week in March as Duckmaster Appreciation Week.
City Manager Frank made the following reports:
1) In order to ensure periodic updates on CRA activities, a Community Redevelopment
Agency Board meeting is planned for 6:00 pm ahead of the City Commission meeting on
April 17, 2012. A presentation will be made to show progress to date on various CRA
signage and enhancement initiatives, the Blackwood Avenue Streetscape Project, and the
iShopOcoee.com website project.
2) The Parks and Recreation Department will be sponsoring its Annual Easter Eggstravaganza
on Saturday, April 7, 2012, at the Jim Beech Recreation Center from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
There will be Easter Egg Hunts for children from infants to 12 years of age; along with
prizes, bounce houses, arts & crafts, face painting, coloring contest, clowns and pictures with
the Easter Bunny. For more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 407-
905 -3180.
3) The Ocoee Fire Department is offering an American Heart Association Friends and Family
CPR class on Wednesday, March 28th. The class which begins at 6pm will be held at Fire
Station 25 located at 563 S. Bluford Ave. in Ocoee. Please call Fire Department
Administration during business hours at 407 - 905 -3140 to register for this free class.
City Commission Regular
March 20, 2012
Commissioner Hood — 1) announced that he appreciated all who helped with the St. Patrick
Day's Festival; it was a successful event. 2) announced the Ocoee Lion's Club Turkey Shoot on
March 31 at the West Orange Girl's Club.
Commissioner Wilsen- thanked all the participants and city departments who made the 7th
Annual Spring Fling a success. They had a wonderful event with record attendance. She further
personally thanked Deputy Chief Goclon, Martha Lopez- Anderson, Marge Johnston, Debra
Booth, and Carl Booth for their work as the committee who made this event so successful.
Commissioner Johnson thanked the Recreation Department for the Friday Night Food Truck
Festival and Movie in the Park. He believes they also had a record attendance for this event.
Commissioner Keller - 1) gave kudos to everyone for both the Spring Fling and St. Patrick's
Day event. He attended both and really enjoyed them equally. He further said he also enjoyed
the Food Trucks on Friday. 2) wished the Ocoee Lion's Club good luck with the Farmer's
Market which will be moving back to McKey Street starting this Friday. 3) explained that
Sawmill did not get their Special Event Permit form in time for the road closure for their Annual
Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 31 Mayor Vandergrift inquired if this event has had
road closure before and if the Police Department had any problems with the road closure. Sgt.
Dreasher was present and stated the P.D. had signed off on the permit today for this event.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to approve the road
closure in Sawmill for their Annual Easter Eqq Hunt on Saturday, March 31
Motion carried 5 -0.
Commissioner Keller advised Public Works Director Krug that (4) four barricades would be
needed for this event.
Mayor Vandergrift — 1) announced that the city has had an active two weekends with events in
town and everyone did a fantastic job with the events. 2) announced the Little League and Girls
Club are in full swing and encouraged citizens to go out and watch/support the teams. He further
said the high school teams are doing pretty well. Commissioner Hood briefly gave an update
on the high school sport teams currently in session.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the
Consent Agenda Items #1 through #6. Motion carried 5 -0.
1. Approval o mutes` or ° e egu ar ommiss on Yee mg Held March 6, 2012. (City
Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
2. Appointments to the Human Relations Diversity Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve two -year terms. Currently, the Human Relations
Diversity Board has eight (8) members and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more
than fifteen (15) members. Two applications were received from Carmen Ortiz and Morgan Curry with an
interest in serving on the board.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
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City Commission Regular
March 20, 2012
3. Approval to Expend and /or Grant Forfeiture Monies to Law Enforcement Related Uses
and Charities. (Police Chief Brown)
Pursuant to Florida State Statutes 932.7055 "...any local law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000
pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than fifteen
(15) percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug
prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
4. Award of Bid #B12 -04 Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2012 to Ranger Construction
Industries Inc. in the amount of $292,026.60. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City of Ocoee, Florida (City) solicited bids from qualified contractors to furnish labor, supervision,
materials, equipment, supplies and incidentals for the asphalt paving projects for fiscal year 2012 for roads
within Forest Oaks Subdivision (Log Run Ct, Tranquille Oaks Dr, Shumard Oaks Dr, Sherwood Oaks Cir);
Sawmill Subdivision (Millstream, Canyon Tr, Timber Ridge); Meadows Subdivision (Little Aspen Ct, New
Meadows Ct, Fort Collins Ct, Meadow Sweet Ct); and Arizona Ct, Idaho Ct; Jamela Dr, Kimball Dr; Pine St;
and Carriage Oaks Ct in the City of Ocoee. The construction generally consists of an asphalt stabilized base
course from a mixture of the existing bituminous concrete pavement and existing base course material. In
addition, the contractor shall furnish and install asphalt pavement on the recycled road base. All work of this
contract shall conform to the applicable technical specifications of Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" Latest Edition, and "Roadway and Traffic
Design Standards" Latest Edition including any amendments thereto. The total budget for asphalt paving is
$409,550, including the future paving of Marshall Farms Road. The estimated budget for this project is
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
pprova o ' tormwater Vacuum Truck Re- Build. (Public Works Director Krug)
The approved Stormwater Division's 2011/2012 budget included funding for the re -build of the 2001 Vactor
truck, unit 149. This scheduled work is due to the normal wear on the equipment from regular use. The
authorized Vactor dealer in the Central Florida area is Environmental Products of Florida, located in Apopka,
which provided an estimate of $64,782.80 to complete the work. Fleet also solicited a price comparison from
an alternate vendor, Southern Sewer Equipment Sales in Fort Pierce; however their cost for the same work was
quoted at $94,823.35.
Public Works recommends awarding the work to Environmental Products of Florida in the amount of
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
6. Approval of Special Event Permit Request for Road Closure for Farmer's Market.
(Building Official Washington)
During the March 6, 2012, City Commission meeting, Mr. Jim Sills, 205 South Lakeshore Drive, approached
the City Commission to allow the Farmer's Market to continue under the direction of the Ocoee Lion's Club
and be relocated to the downtown area of McKey Street. Mr. Sills said the Lion's Club could handle everything
and their membership would volunteer to monitor the event. He stated the only thing they needed are the
barricades to close the street. The Commission voted 5 -0 to close McKey Street every Friday from 3pm -7pm in
the winter months and 4pm -8pm in summer months for the Ocoee Lion's Club and the local vendors to take full
responsibility of the Farmer's Market. Mayor Vandergrift clarified that the city field located on Bluford
Avenue between Oakland Avenue and McKey Street would be used for parking. Mr. Sills has requested access
to the city power pole located on McKey Street. He advised the Lion's Club will reimburse the City for all
electricity used by the Farmer's Market. Mr. Sill requests using the Parks & Recreation power cords until April
27, 2012, to allow the Lion's Club sufficient time to acquire suitable power cords of their own. Finance has
provided past invoices for the power pole ranging from $12.53 to $14.36 per month.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
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City Commission Regular
March 20, 2012
7. Award of Bid #B12 -03 Reclaimed Water System Retrofit for Prairie Lake Subdivision
Phase I & II to S.L. Williams Consulting Corp., in the Amount of $546,792.14.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
In conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City), bids were solicited from qualified
contractors to construct the reclaimed water system retrofit for Prairie Lake subdivision (Project). All work for
the project shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by
the City of Ocoee, as subsequently modified by the City of Ocoee. The proposed project will be awarded and
constructed in conformance with the plans and specifications. Bids shall be deemed to include all items
necessary for the furnishing, delivering, and installing of all materials, equipment, incidentals, and services,
including all labor, for the work, which generally includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the construction of a
reclaimed water distribution system within an existing residential subdivision that is already substantially
occupied by residents. This retrofit project will utilize directional boring methods so as to reduce the amount of
surface damage and restoration work required. Preservation of existing utilities and private property is an
important aspect of the work.
Purchasing Agent Tolbert briefly explained that bids were solicited from qualified contractors
to construct the reclaimed water system retrofit for Prairie Lake subdivision (Project). This
construction is for a reclaimed water distribution system within an existing residential
subdivision that is already substantially occupied by residents. Staff recommends that the City
Commission award the bid to S.L. Williams Consulting Corp., in the amount of $546,792.14, as
the lowest bidder. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if this was over the estimated cost and if they
have made the money up some place else. Purchasing Agent Tolbert explained that an
additional $44,205.39 is needed for bid award, plus a 5% construction contingency of
$27,339.61, for a total project budget of $574,131.75. The original budget for this project was
$512,400.00, less expenses to date of $9,813.25, leaving a current available budget of
$502,586.75. Purchasing Agent Tolbert explained that staff recommends the additional funding
requirement for this project of $71,545.00 be re- appropriated from fund 401 - Lake Olympia
reclaimed water retrofit project funded in this year's Capital Improvement Program. City
Manager Frank explained that there are funds in the Utility Fund for this.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to award Bid
#B12 -03 Reclaimed Water System Retrofit for Prairie Lake Subdivision Phase I & II
to S.L. Williams Consulting Corp., per staff's recommendation. Motion carried 5-
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City Commission Regular
March 20, 2012
Election of Mayor Pro Tem. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Section C -9 of the Ocoee City Charter states: ... The Mayor pro tem shall be elected from among the
Commissioners by the City Commission but shall continue to represent the district in which such Commissioner
resides. The Mayor pro tem shall be elected at the first City Commission meeting following the swearing in of
the candidates elected at each general city election ... and shall serve as Mayor pro tem until the successor is
On March 20, 2007, the Commission created a policy to elect the Mayor Pro Tem annually, even in non-
election years, by rotating down through the seniority list, beginning with Commissioner Johnson for the term
of March 2007 -2008. Mayor Pro Tem and Board Liaisons are being elected in March to stay consistent with
annual elections, despite the unique situation this year of the General Election being held in January in
conjunction with the Presidential Preference Primary. The following elections have been made since 2007:
2007 -08 Commissioner Johnson
2008 -09 Commissioner Hood
2009 -10 Commissioner Keller
2010 -11 Commissioner Johnson
2011 -12 Commissioner Wilsen
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to appoint
Commissioner Hood as Mayor Pro Tem. Motion carried 5 -0.
9. Appointment of Commission Liaisons to Various Boards. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Each year in March, the Commission reviews the Liaisons Appointments to various boards and makes changes,
if needed. In 2011, no changes were made and liaisons remained as follows for the 2011 -12 election year:
Parks and Recreation Board — Commissioner Wilsen
Citizens Advisory Board for the Police Department- Commissioner Keller
Citizens Advisory Board for the Fire Department- Commissioner Johnson
Human Relations Diversity Board- Commissioner Hood
Personnel Board — Commissioner Johnson
Tri -County League of Cities — Commissioner Wilsen
West Orange Airport Authority- William Maxwell
W.O. Chamber of Commerce — City Manager Frank
MetroPlan Advisory Board- Commissioner Keller
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to have the
commission liaisons to the various boards, remain as they have been for the last
two years as follows:
Parks and Recreation Board — Commissioner Wilsen
Citizens Advisory Board for the Police Department- Commissioner Keller
Citizens Advisory Board for the Fire Department- Commissioner Johnson
Human Relations Diversity Board- Commissioner Hood
Personnel Board — Commissioner Johnson
Tri- County League of Cities — Commissioner Wilsen
West Orange Airport Authority - William Maxwell
W.O. Chamber of Commerce — City Manager Frank
MetroPlan Advisory Board- Commissioner Keller
Motion carried 5 -0.
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City Commission Regular
March 20, 2012
Commissioner Keller - None
Commissioner Johnson- said they enjoy having the new iPads for the commission meeting but
the problem they have is that they lock every 5 minutes and they have to sign back on; he would
like to have the City Manager, by direction of the commission, change it so they have the option
for it to never lock. Manor Vandergrift said without objection he would like for the
City Manager to take care of that. City Manager Frank said he is sure they can do
something to correct this and further said it was explained to him that the settings in the iPads are
being overwritten by our Microsoft Outlook when they connect into the system. There might be
some kind of patch to correct this but he did want to advise that it may not be corrected in a day
or two. Commissioner Keller said he is sure they can correct this because his personal iPad has
the option to lock in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and/or never. City Manager Frank
said he agrees those options were available but when they connect it to a network, the network
connection will override the iPad security. Commissioner Wilsen advised that the pop -up to
connect to the city network is also very annoying and at home she does not have to keep re-
connecting; she would like to see that issue resolved also. City Manager Frank said they will
take care of these issues. Mayor Vandergrift said he was annoyed today when he was trying to
get an e -mail but it never arrived. He is hoping that has been fixed. Commissioner Keller
further requested that when they work on those issues can they also get whatever is needed so
they can actually send print jobs from their iPads to the printer in their office. Mayor
Vandergrift said they will probably need two wireless connectors for printing, one in the City
Clerk's office and one in the Commissioner's offices. Commissioner Keller said he is not sure
if they will have to replace the printer or just get a wireless connector, but explained that since
they are using their iPads in place of their laptops they just need to be able to print. Mayor
Vandergrift said he would like to add that they need to have someone designated on staff that
they can call when they have problems with their iPads because he is not sure who knows all
they need to know about how to operate the iPad. City Manager Frank said he would
recommend Assistant City Manager Shadrix. Commissioner Johnson said that Gequita Cowan
helped him with some issues. Commissioner Wilsen suggested taking free classes at the Apple
Store. Mayor Vandergrift said he and his wife signed up for classes at the library but after 10
minutes of the instructor talking about everything other than the iPad, they walked out.
Co mmissioner Wilsen , one
Commissioner Hood , 7 1) reminded everyone about the Turkey Shoot on Saturday, March 31
2) reminded everyone about the Farmer's Market being moved to McKey Street starting this
Friday. Jim Sills, 205 S. Lakeshore Drive, said at the last meeting he asked for the Farmer's
Market times to be 3:00 -7:00 p.m. for winter months and 4:00 -8:00 p.m. for summer months. He
clarified that he meant daylight savings time and is requesting if the commission would grant his
request for the hours to change with daylight savings time. Commissioner Wilsen said this is
their event so she thought they can change the times at whatever date they wish as long as the
city is informed with regard to the road closures. City Manager Frank inquired if the power
cord issue for their event had been settled. Mr. Sills said that had a meeting on Monday and
they were approved to use the city's power cords until April 27 which would allow them time
to go out and purchase their own cords. He further thanked the Commission and Mayor for their
Commissioner Hood further wished the Mayor a Happy Birthday!
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City Commission Regular
March 20, 2012
Mayor Vandergrift — None
The meeting was adjourned at 7:41p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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