HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-01-2012 CITY OF OCOEE
Chairman Maxwell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins
gave the invocation and Member Boudokhane led the pledge of allegiance.
The clerk called roll and determined there was a quorum present.
PRESENT: Chairman Maxwell, Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins, Member Turner,
Member Boudokhane, Member Cornell and Member Joseph `'
ALSO PRESENT: Recording Clerk Williams
„ _
ABSENT: Member Anjum (A /E)
February 2, 2012 ,
Member Boudokhane, seconded by Member Cornell, moved to approve the
February 2, 2012 minutes as written. Motion carried unanimously.
Member Cornell explained to the board the layout of the report and how the
information is separated by content.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins stated there is a discrepancy in how the honorarium
to Allie Braswell is being paid; $200 of the $400 stated comes out of the 2010-
201 1 budget. Also there are still outstanding items for Chik- Fil -A.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins, seconded by Member Boudokhane moved to
accept the treasurer's report as stated. Motion carried unanimously.
Member Cornell stated that she would like to budget money for promotional
items that have the board logo instead of the city's logo.
Chairman Maxwell thanked the board for an outstanding job in organizing and
executing the event. Member Joseph stated she did not attend the event, but
wanted to thank Member Boudokhane for her hard -work in executing the
event. Member Turner thought the event was a great success and suggested
considering having an overall winner from each grade and age category (i.e.
elementary, middle and high school). Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins suggested
choosing a different topic other than a biography; it has become mundane.
Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes
March 1, 2012
Discussion ensued regarding other areas of the event (i.e. refreshments, DVD
copies, photography). Member Boudokhane expressed her gratitude to
everyone for their participation in the event and suggested requiring the essays
to be typed [and that the board] use a different writing topic. Member Cornell
suggested having a rehearsal of the essay contest prior to the live event and
including more elementary grade levels..a
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins gave brief explanation of the board's presence at
spring fling. Member Cornell inquired if they will use spring fling to promote
participation in Fiesta de Colores. Vice- Chairwoman Hopkins stated they will
have the picture boards up with photos of their various events. Member Cornell
asked if anyone else would like to volunteer at the board's Spring Fling booth.
Chairman Maxwell asked the board to review the budget and make notes for .
comments in open discussion. He then began to explain the budget breakdown
and the reasoning behind such an aggressive total budget number being
Chairman Maxwell went over the population numbers for Ocoee residents and
the geographical make -up of each district. Member Joseph suggested using
the commissioners to reach out to their districts. Member Cornell suggested
targeting the religious organizations for outreach.
Chairman Maxwell asked the board for suggestions of when the event should
be held. Member Boudokhane suggested June, as the kids will be out of school,
and not many events taking place. Member Cornell suggested sending out a
survey to potential participants soliciting feedback on participation in event,
volunteering, donations /sponsorship, and so forth.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins stated if the board moves forward with International
Day, they need to eliminate Fiesta de Colores. Member Joseph inquired if the
same could be said for the MLK, Jr. and the essay contest. Member Cornell
stated MLK, Jr. is an event in celebration of a national holiday and should not be
viewed in the same manner as the other events.
Member Boudokhane asked if they would be hosting a function or event for
ADA Awareness every month. Chairman Maxwell stated the view on the
proposed budget is that the yearly total will be distributed over the twelve
months. Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins suggested planning an event in conjunction
with another major event, partnering with another organization.
Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes
March 1, 2012
Page 3 of 3
Member Boudokhane asked how much money was awarded by the city in the
past considering the $56,000 that is being requested with this proposed budget.
Chairman Maxwell stated the board was awarded $7,000 in FY 2011-12.
Chairman Maxwell suggested the appointment of a historian for the board to
document events and arrange scrapbooks and picture boards. Member
Boudokhane volunteered for the position.
Chairman Maxwell seconded by Member Cornell moved to accept Member
Boudokhane as the board historian. The question was not called, no vote was
Member Joseph asked that they include an event in March, the month
recognized as "Women's Month."
Further discussion ensued surrounding hosting International Day, advertising,
type of publicity, length of event and sponsorship.
Chairman Maxwell stated that he wants year round sponsorship solicitation.
Member Cornell inquired about getting decals made up that state proud
sponsor of Human Relations Diversity Board.
NEXT AGENDA - April 5, 2012
Spring Fling Debrief
Fiesta de Colores - creation of sub - committee
MLK, Jr. Event and Celebration - creation of sub - committee
Proposed budget for 2012 -2013
Member Boudokhane - none
Member Turner - none
Member Cornell - none
Member Joseph - inquired if the Mayor sent out the "thank you " letters for the
MLK, Jr. event participants.
Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins - none
Adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Tisha Williams, Recording Clerk William Maxwell, Chairman