HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08b SMW GeoSciences, Inc. Assistance for St. Johns River Water Management District Water Conservation Cost-Share Grant i re Cetlter_..r of G°°d
Meeting Date: May 1, 2012
Item #_,
Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Charles K. Smith, P.E. Department Director: Charles K. Smith
Contact Number: 407 - 905 -3159 City Manager: Robert Frank
Subject: SMW GeoSciences, Inc. Assistance for St. Johns River Water Management District
Water Conservation Cost -Share Grant
Background Summary:
The City shall receive, if accepted by City Commission, a water conservation grant in the amount of
$66,184 for the study, tracking, and eventual City -wide implementation of conservation initiatives
utilizing the City's smart water metering system in the Admiral Pointe, Sleepy Harbor, Veronica
Place, and Hidden Oaks neighborhoods (totaling 388 meters). Staff recommends utilizing the
services of SMW GeoSciences, Inc. in the City's study efforts. The consulting services shall be based
on the following work tasks:
Evaluation of Historical Water Use
Evaluation of Detailed Water Use from FlexNet
Incorporate Detailed Water Use into the Irrigation Audit Program
Assistance with Development of Access Database
Project Status Reports and Program Refinement
Should the Mayor and City Commission approve the use of SMW GeoSciences, Inc. for the
provision of professional services to assist the City in completing a smart meter technology study;
with the the work to be paid for by the St. Johns River Water Management District grant?
Motion to authorize City Manager to procure professional services from SMW GeoSciences, Inc., to
perform grant study assistance based on SMW's Work Order #26, SJRWMD Cost Share, Strategic
Water Conservation Planning, with a fixed fee not to exceed $50,000.
Work Order #26, SJRWMD Cost Share, Strategic Water Conservation Planning, from SMW
GeoSciences, Inc.
Financial Impact:
The funds to be used for this service shall be taken from Utilities Administration line item 401 - 531 -00 -3128
(Professional Services), which will be covered by the revenues received from the grant.
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x")
Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use:
Ordinance First Reading X Consent Agenda
Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing
Resolution Regular Agenda
X Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney N/A
Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A
Reviewed by ( ) N/A
Scope of Services
Work Order #26
SJRWMD Cost Share
Strategic Water Conservation Planning
April 19, 2012
SMW GeoSciences, Inc. herein referred to as the CONSULTANT, provides this proposal for the scope of
services for Work Order No. 26 to assist the City with the development of a strategic water conservation
program for water customers in Admiral Pointe, Sleepy Harbour, Veronica Place and Hidden Oaks
utilizing detailed water use information from smart meters. This project will be partially funding by a
cost share grant from SJRWMD (50% cost share) and will serve as a pilot study for the use of smart meter
technology for water conservation planning for customer leak detection and the City's irrigation audit
Project Description
The purpose of this project is to develop a water conservation plan to strategically reduce residential
potable water use by utilizing detailed water use information using advanced meter infrastructure (AMI).
The City already has infrastructure in place and will be installing 388 new smart meters in Admiral
Pointe, Sleepy Harbour, Veronica Place and Hidden Oaks. Historical water use will be evaluated to
develop a customer profile for a starting point for water conservation planning associated with this
Following the installation of the new meters, water use for the first complete billing cycle (one month)
will be evaluated. This evaluation will provide insight into customer water use habits and frequency of
customer leaks. Based on the findings associated with evaluation of water use data for the first billing
cycle, the CITY's current irrigation audit program will be refined through enhancements to educational
material and HOA coordination and high water users will be targeted for irrigation audits and assistance
with irrigation controller programming. The City will also implement a proactive customer leak
detection program.
This project also included development of an access database to track water use and water conservation
activities for accounts associated with this project. This database will allow the City to track its water
conservation activities and customer response by account, and estimate water savings associated with its
irrigation audit program, thus allowing the City to strategically promote water conservation to the
appropriate customer base.
The summary of project costs is included as Attachment A.
Scope of Services
The budget and scope of services provided herein are associated with Task 2 (Incorporate Detailed
Water Use into Irrigation Audit program) of the City of Ocoee Strategic Water Conservation Planning
Project contract, which is part of the SJRWMD Cost Share Program.
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Task A: Evaluation of Historical Water Use
The CONSULTANT will evaluate three (3) years of historical water use data and
information found in the Orange County Property Appraiser database and develop a
customer profile for water customers in the Admiral Pointe, Sleepy Harbour, Veronica
Place and Hidden Oaks developments. Monthly water use data will be electronically
provided by the CITY and will be in a format that is compatible with Excel.
The CONSULTANT will complete the evaluation of historical water use and will provide a
letter report to the CITY. The report will provide a customer profile consisting of:
• Number of accounts per consumption range
• Estimate of indoor and outdoor use
• Comparison of average annual water use to lot size and allocation
determined by GWRAPPS
• Statistical analysis of water use
The CONSULANT will work with the City to determine a threshold of water use that will
be used to generate custom queries using the Flexwares software. Customers using more
than this threshold may be targeted for additional water conservation.
Task B: Evaluation of Detailed Water Use from FlexNet
The CONSULTANT will meet with the CITY'S Water Conservation Coordinator following
the complete full billing cycle (one month) to review graphical and tabular account level
data for high water use and leaks. Based on the review of the detailed water use data at this
meeting and account level data provided electronically by the CITY (in an Excel compatible
format), the CONSULTANT will evaluate water use to determine what factors contribute to
high water use.
This will include:
• Number of customer leaks detected by the smart meter system
• Consumption analysis summarizing number of accounts in specified
consumption ranges
• Estimate of indoor and outdoor use using detailed water use data based on a
representative number of accounts
• Evaluation of irrigation rule compliance in relation to high water use
(customers using more than the predetermined threshold)
• Review of one day of water use for the top 20 highest water users in
comparison to local rainfall data to estimate homes where the rain sensor
may no longer be functioning correctly.
Task C: Incorporate Detailed Water Use into the Irrigation Audit Program
The CITY is responsible for the preparation and production of educational material related
to leak detection and efficient irrigation techniques and the distribution of this material to
accounts that are associated with this pilot study. The COUNSULTANT will provide
recommendations and review and provide comments on educational material related to the
project, upon the request of the City. The CITY is responsible for costs associated with
document preparation and printing. The CITY will select and contract with an outside
consultant other than SMW for preparation and production of educational material.
City of Ocoee - Work Order 26 Page 2 of 5
The CITY will begin targeting high water use customers following the final billing cycle of
the 2nd quarter of 2012. The CITY will send out high water user notifications for 2'
quarter in July 2012 and begin actively promoting its irrigation audit program and irrigation
controller programming assistance programs to these customers. If customer response is
low, the CITY will attempt other forms of customer notification in an effort to meet with at
least 10 customers for the 3` and 4' quarters of the 2012 calendar year. Customer
selection will be at the discretion of the CITY and all audits will be provided by the CITY.
Task D: Assistance with Development of Access Database
The CONSULTANT will assist the City in the development of a database to track water
conservation related activities associated with this pilot study. The CONSULTANT will
provide guidance for template development and reporting. The CITY is responsible for the
development and maintenance of the database and implementation in accordance with the
contract schedule.
Task E: Project Status Reports
The CONSULTANT will provide quarterly status reports to the CITY for all water
conservation related tasks provided by the CONSULTANT.
Task F: Program Refinement
This program will need to be refined based on customer response, the amount of time
required to retrieve the data and staff availability, and seasonal changes in customer water
use habits. The CONSULTANT will prepare a summary report of 2" quarter and 3` quarter
activities based on information provided by the CITY and will provide recommendations for
program refinement.
The fee for all tasks included in this work order is $50,000 (fixed fee) and also includes time spent for
meeting attendance, project coordination, conference calls and general project administration. The rates
and fees contained in this proposal are in compliance with the CONSULTANT AGREEMENT for
Professional Services for Consumptive Use Permitting (CUP).
Limitations and Exclusions
The CITY will be responsible for activities associated with all implementation and work order
managements systems. The City is responsible for database development and maintenance.
CONSULTANT deliverables are dependent on timely receipt of all necessary information from the CITY.
Pursuant to our discussions with the CITY, the anticipated project schedule is included as Attachment B.
Submitted for approval bK AL/LAJ 2,1 ripa ,' , Date: 1 //19 c20
SMW I/eoSciences, Inc.
Jennif l Bolling, P.E.
Vice President
City of Ocoee - Work Order 26 Page 3 of 5
Attachment A
Summary of Project Costs
The total project cost is $132,367.
Quantity Cost/Unit Total Cost
Pearl Water Meters 388 $101 $39,207
520m Dual MXU Trans - receivers (double) 144 $148 $21,349
520m Dual MXU Trans - receivers (single) 100 $135 $13,500
Licensed copies of Microsoft Access 2 $155 $310
Access Training Classes 2 $400 $800
Computer Equipment with software 1 $2,200
Professional Services by Consultants
SMW GeoSciences, Inc $50,000
Brochure production (professional services by outside consultant) $5,000
Total $132,367
50% Cost Share $66,183
City of Ocoee - Work Order 26 Page 4 of 5
Attachment B
Anticipated Project Schedule
Task Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Monthll Month 12 Month 13 Month 14 Month 15
Qty- meter installation <
City- provide billing data to SMW (within 2 weeks of City /SJRWMD contract execution) <
SMW /Qty -work on enhanced educational literature <
SMW - provide 1st Qstatus report <
SMW - provide letter report to City (initial customer profile) < i
Gty /SMW- work on data base design <
City- finalize enhanced water conservation literature and new irrigation audit form
City - collect water use for one billing cyde < 1
City /SMW- work on data base design < �
Gty- provide billing data to SMW (one month of water use collected from AMI system <--->
for applicable communities)
SMW- provide 2 Q status report <
City- mail 2nd Q high water user postcards <
City- customer leak detection program implemented <
Qty -data base for high water user tracking and leaks completed <
Qty- contact HOAs to promote water conservation program <
Gty- perform audits and irrigation controller programming assistance forfirst round
of high water user notifications
SMW - provide letter report to cltysummarizing first month of smart meter findings <
aty- data base for irrigation audits completed C
SMW- provides 3rd Qstatus report <
City- mail 3rd Q high water user postcards <
City- literature refinement, if necessary H
City- provide data to SMW
Gty- perform audits and irrigation controller programming assistance for second
round of high water user notifications
SMW- provides 4th Qstatus report <--- ->
SMW - provide letter report to Qty of findings and recommendations for program
SMW- Final status report < >
• SMW deliverables dependent on timely receipt of information from the City
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