Chairman McKey called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairman McKey led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag. Vice -Chair Laney said the opening prayer; the roll was called and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Chairman McKey, Vice -Chair Laney, Treasurer Wilsen, Members Ball and Yost.
Also present were Staff -Liaison Sgt. Nylander and Recording Clerk Turner.
ABSENT: Members Pickett (excused), and Zielinski (excused).
*Recording Clerk Turner read into the record Member Hollingsworth's letter of resignation
effective January 10, 2012.
Approval of CACOPD Minutes for July 28, 2011
Vice - Chair Laney made a motion to accept the minutes for July 28, 2011, seconded by
Treasurer Wilsen. Motion passed unanimously.
Chairman McKey stated that the CACOPD roster has been updated and that the board should
review for accuracy. He continued to say that there are many openings on the board and if
current members know of anyone that would like to join, to pass along the information. Vice -
Chair Laney stated that she attended the CPA to encourage recent graduates to apply, and the
board should follow up with them with an e -mail containing board information and requirements.
She continued to say that she will draft an informative letter and forward to Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander. Chairman McKey suggested that she bring the letter to the next CACOPD meeting
so the board can review it, and Member Laney agreed. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander asked that
the letter be forwarded to him as he has all the e-mail addresses of CPA graduates. Treasurer
Wilsen stated that the CPA graduation was excellent, and he agrees with the board to draft a
Update on the Community Picnic
Chairman McKey stated that he and Treasurer Wilsen attended the Community Picnic. Vice -
Chair Laney stated that she attended and helped clean-up. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated
that the event went well and many people attended. He continued to explain that there was a
gaming bus, free food, and family fun. Chairman McKey stated that there was a problem with
getting power, and Treasurer Wilsen stated that he will help with that issue at the next event.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that the next Community Picnic is tentatively
scheduled for October 6, 2012. He explained that the picnic has been pushed back due to the
Update on Citizens Police Academy
C r Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that the CPA had eighteen (18) graduates in
December, and the graduation dinner was hosted by Marco Anthony's Italian Restaurant. He
informed the board that this CPA added new topics such as forensics. He continued to say that
CACOPD Meeting
January 26, 2012
the next CPA will be within the next few months. Vice - Chair Laney asked that when a date is
confirmed to send a special invitation to CACOPD members that have not yet attended.
Quarterly Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that:
• The Gun Safety Class will be limited to City of Ocoee residents, business owners, and
community partners.
• The next Gun Safety Class will be held February 11, 2012, at the police department from
8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
• The class size will not exceed eithteen (18) people.
Vice - Chair Laney asked if participants will be able to shoot a gun, and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander stated that there will not be live firearm range shooting. Chairman McKey asked if
there will be airsoft shooting, and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that there is only dry fire
with dummy rounds. He informed the board that contact should be made with Ofc. Levin at 407-
905 -3100 extension 3024 if interested in registering.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that the S.A.F.E. class will be scheduled for the
end of February and is only open to females. He continued to say that the police department
purchased a video update for the S.A.F.E. class.
Member Yost asked Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander to e-mail him with upcoming event
information and he will put it in his neighborhood's HOA newsletter. Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander stated that as soon as he gets all the information he will e-mail it to everyone.
Member Laney asked if there are a lot of shell casings at the gun range. Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander stated that the range gets cleaned up manually. Vice - Chair Laney stated that she
attended a show in Las Vegas where she saw a special machine that would pick up the shells.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that the police department does not have the funds to make
such a purchase, but thanked her for the suggestion.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Chairman McKey stated that he would like to see a greater number of people volunteer for this
program. He updated the board by telling them that around twenty (20) people are currently
going through the program. Vice - Chair Laney asked for an update on the apprenticeship
program sponsored by the National Association of Homebuilders. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
stated that a meeting was held, however, is unsure of the status. Vice - Chair Laney stated that
there will be a homebuilders' convention in February and she will follow -up at that time.
Update on Fat Boy Chronicles and Anti Bullying Campaign
Vice - Chair Laney informed the board that the Fat Boy Chronicles is a film that was shown at
the Ocoee Film Festival, and won the People's Choice Award. She continued to say that she has
been in touch with the producer who would like to show the film during the "Movie in the Park"
event, or as a back -to- school event. She explained to the board that the movie is out in theaters,
but as a limited release and the producer is very interested in showing the film in Orange County.
She continued to say that she has found another program, Students in the Know, which is a
bullying academy. She explained that it is a free, thirty-eight (38) minute online program for
students regarding anti - bullying. She stated that the SRO's should communicate with the
organization and that the program is funded by grant money. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander asked
CACOPD Meeting
January 26, 2012
Vice -Chair Laney to forward the information to him and he will look into it. Treasurer Wilsen
stated that this is a wonderful idea especially since it is a free program. Member Yost asked
how the program works, and Vice - Chair Laney explained that the school signs up for the
program and the students go online and take the class. She continued to say that the program is
grade and age appropriate. Chairman McKey stated that this is a good thing for the SRO's to
coordinate with the schools. Board discussion ensued about participating in the program. Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that once he receives the information he will coordinate
Update on Founders' Day
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that his major involvement in Founders' Day was the Poker
Run, which was very well attended. He briefed the board on the following:
• The Poker Run started at Frank's Place and ended at the City's fairgrounds.
• Approximately eighty (80) miles in distance, travelling through Apopka and Lake
• The Poker Run raised a lot of money for the holiday toy program.
Chairman McKey stated that he was at one of the stops, Murphy's Pub. Treasurer Wilsen
informed the board that he rode in the Poker Run with his daughter and wore his helmet. He
stated that there was confusion with the last stop, and it should be clearer for next year's ride.
Chairman McKey stated that the Spring Fling event is March 10` Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander stated that he will set up the CACOPD's tent if they would like to attend. He
continued to say that the police department's Traffic Unit will also be there to hand out safety
brochures and materials. Chairman McKey asked if the Florida Highway Patrol will bring their •
rollover device, and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that the police department is having a
meeting about the event and will bring up the suggestion. Chairman McKey suggested that the
police department should offer attendees the opportunity to have their bicycles registered and to
fingerprint children. Treasurer Wilsen stated that attendees of the Spring Fling event will be
issued passports again this year. He explained that the passports are used to collect stamps from
certain booths, and once completed will receive a prize. Chairman McKey asked that the
CACOPD be a passport stop, and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that he would look into
that. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that PC Cruiser will be there in addition to the Traffic
and Marine Unit. Vice - Chair Laney asked if PC Cruiser participated in any of the City's
parades, and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that it has not. Vice - Chair Laney stated that
the City paid extra for the special motor. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated he will have to
make sure the battery will last that long. Member Yost asked if the Sheriffs helicopter can be
included at the event, and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that they would need a larger area
than provided. Member Yost also commented on Lake County's D.A.R.E. Charger, and Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that the police department has a D.A.R.E. vehicle as well, and it is
a Ford Fusion. Board discussion ensued about local agency D.A.R.E. vehicles. Treasurer
Wilsen asked if during the event, a seaplane can land on Starke Lake. Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander reminded the board that the Spring Fling event is a City sponsored event and not a
police department sponsored event. Member Yost asked about event flyers so that he can
include it in his neighborhood's HOA letter. Vice - Chair Laney suggested he e -mail Joy Wright
for the information. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that he will provide a lot
of giveaways, pencils, pens and coloring books. Chairman McKey offered to contact the NRA
for giveaways.
CACOPD Meeting
January 26, 2012
New Business
Treasurer Wilsen informed the board that he is the new chairman of the Citizen Advisory
Council of the Ocoee Fire Department (CACOFD), and that the CACOFD expressed interest in
joining forces with the CACOPD. He explained the reasoning behind the suggestion is to maybe
save time and money. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that Chief Brown and Chief McNeil
will have to discuss the issue. Vice -Chair Laney stated that it would be nice to go to one of the
CACOFD's meetings. Board discussion ensued, and the board agreed to be open to the idea.
Member Yost and Chairman McKey stated that it will allow for more volunteers at the events.
Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that he will speak with Chief Brown about the idea.
Treasurer Wilsen invited the CACOPD to attend the CACOFD meeting scheduled for February
9, 2012, at 7:00 pm at the main fire station.
Activity Report
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that burglaries are on the rise, but they come in
waves. He continued to say that there are no specific areas that are heavily concentrated, and
that residential burglaries happen during the day. Chairman McKey stated that it appears as
though there are still some concerns at the Little League fields, and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
stated that the department is aware and taking care of it. Chairman McKey asked if there are
grants to get twenty -four (24) hour surveillance cameras, and about the hiring off -duty officers.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that he is not sure about the grants, but he is the contact
person for off-duty if interested. Vice -Chair Laney stated that she recently attended a
community redevelopment meeting and would have liked to see an officer there to address
certain issues. Member Yost stated that he always requests an officer to be present at his
IL neighborhood's HOA meetings, and this makes the residents feel comfortable to ask questions.
Chairman McKey suggested Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander make contact with Russ Wagner to
coordinate efforts. Vice -Chair Laney stated that the businesses can help post the City's events
in their stores, and if the police department attends their meetings this would build rapport.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander asked to be informed of the next meeting.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that the process is ongoing. Chairman
McKey asked how becoming accredited benefits the police department, and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander stated that it is recognintion as a state accredited agency and prestige.
Quarterly Award for Officer
Member Yost stated that he attended the last award presentation, and that Vice -Chair Laney did
a great job. Vice -Chair Laney thanked Member Yost, and stated that there is only one (1)
nomination for Officer of the Fourth Quarter Award; therefore, a vote is not necessary. She
moved that it be accepted as written and declare the nominee as Officer of the Fourth Quarter.
A motion was made by Vice -Chair Laney to select the officer nominated for Officer of the
Fourth Quarter 2011 Award, seconded by Member Yost. Motion passed unanimously.
Staff Liaison Sgt. Nylander told the board that there are seven (7) nominations for the Officer
of the Year 2011 Award; however, there are only five (5) officers nominated. He explained that
the officers that win the quarterly awards are also eligible to win the Officer of the Year Award.
He continued to explain that Nomination #4 and #7 are for the same officer and Nomination #3
and Nomination #6 are for the same officer; nomination # 1, #2, and #5 are different officers.
CACOPD Meeting
January 26, 2012
Board discussion ensued about the nominations, and Vice -Chair Laney and Treasurer Wilsen
agreed that due to lack of details and background information, Nomination #1 could be
eliminated. Chairman McKey stated that the officer in Nomination #3 went the extra mile, and
Vice -Chair Laney and Member Yost agreed. Vice -Chair Laney stated that her favorites are
Nomination #3 and #6, and Nomination #4 and #7. Vice -Chair Laney selected the officer in
Nomination #4 and #7. Vice -Chair Laney also stated that Nomination #5 was really impressive.
Treasurer Wilsen stated that the officer in Nomination #4 & #7 was very impressive.
A vote was called:
Nomination #3 and 6- Chairman McKey, and Member Yost
Nomination #4 and 7- Vice -Chair Laney, Treasurer Wilsen, and Member Ball
A motion was made by Vice -Chair Laney to select the officer in Nomination #4 and #7 for the
Officer of the Year 2011 Award, seconded by Treasurer Wilsen. Motion passed 3 -2, with
Chairman McKey and Member Yost voting for the officer in Nomination #3 and #6.
The board asked to know the name of the selected winner for the Officer of the Year 2011
Award, and Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that he will discuss it with the Chief Brown and
then send an e -mail with all the winners.
The board discussed the nominees for Civilian of the Year 2011 Award. Vice -Chair Laney
stated that Nomination #1 is very detailed, and Member Yost agreed.
A motion was made by Vice -Chair Laney to select Nomination # 1 or the Civilian o
f f the Year
2011 Award, seconded by Member Yost. Motion passed unanimously.
Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander explained to the board that there are three (3) nominations for
Volunteer of the Year 2011 Award, and Nomination #3 received two (2) nominations. He
continued to explain that they are volunteers, and are not paid employees of the City of Ocoee
Police Department. Treasurer Wilsen stated that volunteers go to police events to help out.
Vice -Chair Laney asked if police interns receive college credit, and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander stated that they do. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that Nominations #1 and #2
were both interns. Vice -Chair Laney asked when the bicycle repair event takes place, and
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that it generally takes place in the middle of December as
part of the holiday toy drive. Member Yost nominated Nomination #3.
A motion was made by Member Yost to select Nomination #3 for the Volunteer of the Year 2011
Award, seconded by Treasurer Wilsen. Motion passed unanimously.
Vice -Chair Laney and Chairman McKey asked if they could know the winners of all the
nominations, and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that prior to divulging names, he wanted to
receive permission from Chief Brown. Member Ball stated that he understands the reasoning
behind blacking out the names of the nominees; however, feels that once the board has made the
selections, the names of the winners should be divulged. He continued to say that there should
not be a delay in revealing the nominations. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that he will
speak with Chief Brown about the issue and get back with the board. Member Ball stated that
CACOPD Meeting
January 26, 2012
as a board they should be aware of who they nominated. Chairman McKey stated that allowing
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander the time to discuss the issue with Chief Brown is acceptable.
Update on Citizens Police Academy
Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Quarterly Award for Officer
Accreditation Status
Activity Report
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Update on Anti- Bullying Campaign and Students in the Know
Update on Spring Fling
Revealing Names of Award Winners
Update on Meeting with CACOFD
Set Next Agenda
Treasurer Wilsen asked if there are any recent updates for the police department, and Staff
Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that the police department recently hired four (4) new officers and
are currently at capacity. Chairman McKey asked how the union negotiations are going and
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that the process is ongoing. He continued to say that
training has been enhanced with the addition of a Use of Force simulator. He explained that the
simulator helps with observation skills through verbal commands, and has over three- hundred
(300) different scenarios. Member Yost asked if Ocoee officers use their Tasers often, and
4 110 Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated that the situation they are in dictates the use. Member Yost
asked if the use of a Taser can be demonstrated at the Spring Fling Event, and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander stated not likely.
Meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, ,-(gf
, i
i iana Turner, Recording Clerk Rob McKey, Chairm.