HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-26-12 MINUTES OF THE CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEETING HELD APRIL 26, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Chairman McKey called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairman McKey led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Vice -Chair Laney said the opening prayer; the roll was called and a quorum was declared. PRESENT: Chairman McKey, Vice -Chair Laney, Members Pickett, Yost, and Zielinski. Also present were Mayor Vandergrift (8:42 pm), Deputy Chief Goclon, Officer Levin, and Recording Clerk Turner. ABSENT: Member Ball (excused), and Treasurer Wilsen (excused). As Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander was not present, Officer Levin attended in his place. Approval of CACOPD Minutes for January 26, 2012 Member Zielinski made a motion to accept the minutes for January 26, 2012, seconded by Member Yost. Motion passed unanimously. Special Guest Chief Brown As Chief Brown was not present, Deputy Chief Goclon attended in his place, and gave a presentation on his behalf Deputy Chief Goclon informed the board that the police department participated in several events, and gave a brief description of each of the following: ➢ The Citizens Police Academy ➢ The Gun Safety Class ➢ The Women's Safety Class ➢ Upcoming Teen Academy ➢ 5K walk for MADD (Ocoee PD was top dollar contributor) ➢ Special Olympics Torch Run ➢ Honor Guard representation at multiple events ➢ NAMI Walk ➢ Collective Bargaining Contract ➢ Teen Driver Safety Academy- instructed by Officer Timothy Allen ➢ Prescription Drug Take Back Program ➢ Kicks for Guns (gun buyback program) Member Yost asked to be e- mailed information regarding City events so that he may include them in his Homeowners Association (HOA) Newsletter. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that CACOPD members may be added to the public press release distribution list. Member Yost stated since the Sanford incidence, homeowner's insurance has gone up for neighborhoods with a Neighborhood Watch Program. He continued to say at his last HOA meeting, residents of Forest Trails discussed removing Neighborhood Watch signs, but he disagreed stating that they serve as CACOPD Meeting April 26, 2012 a deterrent. Deputy Chief Goclon suggested getting to know neighbors, and what vehicles should be parked in their driveways. Member Yost continued to say that approximately every six (6) months, the Ocoee Police Department is invited to Forest Trail's HOA meeting to discuss safety issues and current trends. Member Yost proceeded to ask if it is acceptable to keep Neighborhood Watch signs throughout the community. Officer Levin stated that he has yet to hear of any issues between insurance companies and neighborhoods with the Neighborhood Watch Program. He continued to say that he is currently in the process of setting up the program for a local neighborhood. Vice - Chair Laney stated that she recently attended a HOA training seminar offered by the owner of an insurance company specializing in homeowners' associations. She explained that that the seminar offered expert advice from an attorney, CPA, and an owner of a property management company. She continued to say that one of the major topics of discussion was HOA security. She stated that she desires to see Ocoee conduct HOA training for new board members, and include heads of HOAs, code enforcement, police department, parks and recreation, and an attorney specializing in HOA law. She suggested the police department sponsor the training. Vice - Chair Laney continued to say that these trainings can be held every six (6) months to discuss specialized topics. Member Yost asked if the training could be exclusive to HOA board members only, and Vice - Chair Laney stated that relaying information to the public as a whole allows the opportunity to educate on relative topics. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that he cannot speak for other City departments, but if invited, the police department will attend the training. Vice - Chair Laney stated that she will compile a proposed agenda of what a training seminar such as mentioned should contain. Vice - Chair Laney also stated that she will coordinate efforts with Joy Wright, the City's Community Relations Manager, to approach other departments and put it together. Chairman McKey asked for a motion to see if the CACOPD supports the idea. Vice - Chair Laney made a motion to sponsor a Neighborhood Safety Summit, seconded by Member Yost. Motion passed unanimously. Board discussion ensued regarding the Neighborhood Safety Summit timeframe- May or June, 2012. Update on Spring Fling Deputy Chief Goclon stated that the Spring Fling started approximately seven (7) years ago as a police department sponsored safety education and awareness event, and has transformed into a showcase of city of Ocoee services. He informed the board that the event allows for the development of community relations, and collaboration with neighboring agencies. He continued to say that a lot of local agencies and businesses assist with the event. He informed the board the event is funded by forfeiture funds and a Commission approved budget. He explained that the Spring Fling event is free to the public, and provides many activities, such as rock climbing, prizes, a DJ, and free food. Update on Citizens Police Academy Officer Levin handed out applications for the Citizens Police Academy (CPA) to all board members. Chairman McKey inquired about the Ride -a -Long program, and Recording Clerk Turner stated she is the contact person and will gladly supply all necessary information to anyone interested. Chairman McKey informed the board they should go on ride -a -longs to gain knowledge of police work. 2 CACOPD Meeting April 26, 2012 Quarterly Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E. Officer Levin informed the board the S.A.F.E. and Gun Safety Class receive great reviews from the public. He continued to say that the Gun Safety Class reaches attendance capacity each time. He informed the board that the upcoming Gun Safety Classes are scheduled for May 19 , June 16 and July 14 , 2012, at the police department from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Update on Meeting with CACOFD Chairman Mckey informed the board that he attended the CACOFD meeting to discuss joint efforts between the two (2) boards, but felt as though the boards have different goals. He continued to say that there are mutual events the boards could collaborate on, but a merge may not happen. He stated that during the meeting, discussion ensued about the new fire substation in the Fountains West Plaza. Deputy Chief Goclon informed the board that on some occasions the police and fire departments do collaborate, such as CPR Training for employees and the public. Board discussion ensued regarding fire department personnel requirements. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice Chairman McKey stated he would like to see more people volunteer for this program. Officer Levin stated there are ten (10) active participants in the program, and last month, four (4) participants completed the program. He continued to say how much the program benefits the participants. Chairman McKey stated he can attest to the benefit of the program, as he attends the meetings and watches the transformation of the participants from juvenile delinquents to responsible citizens. Member Zielinski inquired about the program, and Officer Levin and Chairman McKey informed him that Neighborhood Restorative Justice is a diversionary program for at -risk youth. Officer Levin stated that the program allows youth to correct bad behavior by giving back to the community. Chairman McKey informed the board that meetings are held at the police department every few weeks. Officer Levin stated the participants are required to sign a behavioral contract with a mid - program (45 days) review. Board discussion ensued regarding the benefits of the program. Update on Fat Bov Chronicles and Anti - Bullying Campaign Vice - Chair Laney stated she is working on finding sponsors for Mike Buchanan, the producer of Fat Boy Chronicles, so that he may showcase his movie. She continued to say that Mr. Buchanan is coming to Osceola County, and she is currently working with the Orange County Library System and local public schools to have him come for the Week of the Family (October). She stated her desire is to have Mr. Buchanan attend Ocoee schools, and make a big push to invite every neighborhood to attend. She continued to say she would like to see the police department donate money from forfeiture funds to help sponsor a showing of Fat Boy Chronicles. Chairman McKey asked if the School Resource Officers (SROs) have mentioned a bullying issue in Ocoee schools. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that bullying has always been an issue, and it is always good to have awareness of the issue. Officer Levin stated that the police department participated in an anti - bullying campaign held at the West Oaks Mall. He continued to say he works closely with the SROs and no major incidences have been brought to his attention. Member Pickett stated that bullying is an issue in schools, and she and her husband are very active in local schools. She continued to say she is currently doing freelance work for a parental alienation organization, and offered Vice -Chair Laney assistance with the anti - bullying campaign. Vice - Chair Laney thanked Member Pickett, and stated she will relay information regarding this matter. Member Pickett stated that effective communication and awareness regarding bullying is needed in order to make a change. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that 3 CACOPD Meeting April 26, 2012 legislation and school sanctions should be enforced. Member Yost asked if schools currently offer anti - bullying awareness. Vice - Chair Laney stated that the Fat Boy Chronicles could be a part of schools' anti - bullying campaign. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that at the high school there is a SAFE Coordinator that helps students with bullying issues. He continued to say that the police department will gladly coordinate efforts with local schools on an anti - bullying program, and the board can work with Staff- Liaison Sgt. Nylander as he is the SRO supervisor. Revealing Names of Award Winners Board discussion ensured regarding revealing the names of award winners directly after nominations and votes are taken. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that it is permissible to divulge the names of award winners directly after a vote is taken. Officer Levin stated from now on, after nominations are made, and a vote is taken, names of the winners will be divulged. Officer Levin announced the award winners from the previous meeting: Officer of the Year- Detective James Berish, Officer of the Fourth Quarter- David Gray, Civilian of the Year- Wendi Cady, and Volunteer of the Year- Peter Cady. Member Pickett asked Officer Levin if missing a day of the CPA would disqualify her from the entire program, and Officer Levin stated missing one class will not be a problem. Member Yost asked if there are make -up days for missed classes, Officer Levin stated that there are not as each class is only offered on a specific night. Activity Report Chairman McKey asked what the officer response time is for a call. Deputy Chief Goclon stated it is less than four (4) minutes, and in emergencies, even quicker. Vice - Chair Laney asked if the non - emergency response time is also around four (4) minutes, and Deputy Chief Goclon stated it is. Chairman McKey asked how things are going with Apopka Dispatch, and if there is a noticeable change in service. Deputy Chief Goclon stated there are some issues that need to be worked out. Board discussion ensued regarding the new dispatch center. Member Yost stated that during one of his HOA meetings, he heard very positive things about the police department's response time. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that response time is dictated by the type of call, but the police response time is rather quick. Member Yost stated that the Ocoee Police Department is one of the best and most professional agencies he has ever seen. Member Zielinski agreed with Member Yost. Accreditation Officer Levin read into the record an e -mail message from Sgt. Randy Conyers, Accreditation Manager: It is ongoing. We are completely revising and bringing all of our policies up to date and that is what is so time consuming. Most of our policies are very old and must be updated prior to becoming accredited. As these policies are updated and compared with the accreditation manual, it will often spin off more policies. PowerDMS was purchased and implemented and helps with the accreditation process. This allows us to track everything for the accreditation process. It allows our members to sign for their policies digitally. Once all the policies are updated and /or created, the process of building files for accreditation will begin. Once that is completed we will have a Mock assessment. Once the mock is completed we will correct the things that are recommended for us to change and /or add. After everything is complete we will have our assessment where the assessors will spend 3 days in our agency reviewing all of our policies to see that we are actually doing what we say we do. Accreditation is not only for prestige, but it can help 4 CACOPD Meeting April 26, 2012 with liability issues as well. When an agency joins a team of other agencies that have the same type policies it strengthens them and leaves less to be sued about. The time frame for having this completed is within the next 3 years (hopefully sooner). Quarterly Award for Officer Vice - Chair Laney read into the record Nomination #2 for the Officer of the First Quarter, 2012 Award. Chairman McKey stated the nominated officer fulfilled so many existing programs. Member Pickett commented that the nominee's title is Technology Training Officer, and asked who he trains. Deputy Chief Goclon stated he trains police department personnel regarding department applications. Member Yost asked if the officer is fulfilling his job description, and Deputy Chief Goclon stated that he is, but he is excelling at it. Board discussion ensued regarding the benefits of social media. Member Pickett stated that while driving with her teenage son, they witnessed an Ocoee officer viewing Facebook while driving. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that using a laptop while driving is against policy, and will address the concern. Vice - Chair Laney read into the record Nomination #1 for the Officer of the First Quarter, 2012 Award. Member Yost asked for information regarding the "Motor Challenge ", and Deputy Chief Goclon explained to the board that the Florida Department of Transportations "Motor Challenge" is a series of campaigns regarding enforcement activities, such as Click It or Ticket. Member Zielinski stated he has witnessed enforcement activities in the local area. Member Pickett stated that she is torn between the two (2) nominations, because she deals firsthand with social media and understands the efforts to reach the numbers described in Nomination #2. She continued to say the officer in Nomination #1 helped reduce injury crashes, which is no small feat. Board discussion ensued regarding the nominations. Vice - Chair Laney asked if the City's "fatality free" in 2011 can in some part be attributed to the red light cameras, and Deputy Chief Goclon stated the cameras do play a big part in the reduction. He continued to say that at the intersections with red light cameras, crashes have decreased by twenty -five percent (25 %). Discussion ensued regarding red light cameras in the City. Member Pickett selected the officer in Nomination #1, and Vice - Chair Laney seconded the selection. Chairman McKey stated that the officer in Nomination #2 really pushed the envelope. Member Zielinski stated too often back office employees do not get enough recognition, and feels this is a great opportunity to recognize someone that does train other officers. A vote was called: Nomination #1- Vice -Chair Laney and Member Pickett Nomination #2- Chairman McKey, and Members Zielinski and Yost A motion was made by Member Zielinski to select the officer in Nomination #2 for the Officer of the First Quarter, 2012 Award, seconded by Member Yost. Motion passed 3 -2, with Vice -Chair Laney and Member Pickett voting for the officer in Nomination #1. 5 CACOPD Meeting April 26, 2012 Deputy Chief Goclon informed the board that Officer Jack Davidson is the officer in Nomination #2, and the selected officer for the Officer of the First Quarter, 2012. He also informed the board that Officer Travis Clark is the officer in Nomination #1. Member Pickett asked what the board could do to encourage more nominations. Deputy Chief Goclon stated when sergeants nominate an officer, it is because that officer has done something to really stand out, and if the sergeant feels as though squad members are not going above and beyond, there will not be a nomination. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that the winning officer is always very honored and appreciative of the award. Vice - Chair Laney invited board members to attend the award recognition so they may see the entire process. SET NEXT AGENDA Update on Citizens Police Academy Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E. Quarterly Award for Officer Activity Report Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice Update on Anti- Bullying Campaign and Students in the Know Founders' Day Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit Set Next Agenda Chairman McKey invited Mayor Vandergrift to address the board with any information or suggestions. Mayor Vandergrift thanked the board and attending staff for all they do. He asked Deputy Chief Goclon how many line officers and support personnel are employed with the police department. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that there are eighty (80) sworn officers, and of those eighty (80), twelve (12) are considered support personnel. Mayor Vandergrift suggested dividing the award into categories, line officers and support officers. Deputy Chief Goclon explained that the awards are categorized; the officers have a quarterly and yearly award, and civilian and volunteer support staff are eligible to receive a yearly award. He explained that dividing the quarterly award for officers into two categories may be difficult as of the twelve (12) support personnel, six (6) are part of the administrative staff. Vice - Chair Laney briefed the Mayor of the CACOPD's sponsorship of the Neighborhood Safety Summit. Mayor Vandergrift stated this is a good idea. He also suggested a uniformed officer attend the Human Relations Diversity Board's (HRDB) meetings, and relay important information in response to the Sanford incident. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that the police department liaison for the HRDB is Lt. Dreasher. Board discussion ensued regarding the cultural diversity of the city of Ocoee. Member Pickett suggested to Vice - Chair Laney to expand the Neighborhood Safety Summit to more than neighborhoods with HOAs, as many neighborhoods do not have HOAs. Vice - Chair Laney explained that HOAs are non - profit corporations, and have liability for what goes on in their community, and are generally organized with boards that have a leadership structure. She continued to say that maybe an additional Safety Summit can be held to address neighborhoods without HOAs. Meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. 6 CACOPD Meeting April 26, 2012 Respectfully submitted, 1101 .01114. . , -11. "a Turner, Recording Clerk Rob McKey, Chairman 7