HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-2012 CITY OF OCOEE
Chairman Maxwell called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Member Calloway gave the
invocation and Member Pierce led the Pledge of Allegiance. The clerk called roll and
determined there was not quorum present at 7:03 p.m., however upon the arrival of
Member Dawkins at 7:21 p.m. a quorum was now present.
PRESENT: Chairman Maxwell, Member Zaccaro, Member Dawkins, Member Calloway,
Member Pierce, Member Persad, and Member Joseph
ALSO PRESENT: Recording Clerk Williams
ABSENT: Member(s) Cornell, Turner, King and Vice - Chairwoman Hopkins were absent
excused. Member(s) Del Valle and Tiwari were absent unexcused.
Chairman Maxwell discussed his observation of collaboration between the board and
city personnel. He explained that the day prior to the Saturday Fiesta de Colores event
six board members arrived at Bill Breeze Park expecting to meet with city personnel to
assist in completing the final preparatory steps for Fiesta de Colores. Upon arrival they
found no city personnel and after contacting city hall was informed no one was
currently available to assist them. After quite a lengthy wait he contacted a city
commissioner that promptly arrived and offered assistance. He further stated he does
not feel city electors [the commission] and personnel are supportive of the board and
the objectives assigned to them. Member Joseph suggested inviting the directors of the
department to attend a meeting prior to the event to ensure everyone understands
what is expected of them. Member Persad agreed with Member Joseph further
suggesting to have at least two individuals aware of the responsibilities expected.
Chairman Maxwell stated the certificates of participation for the vendors that
participated in Fiesta de Colores were not sent out in a timely manner and received no
urgency on behalf of city personnel. Member Zaccaro stated she believes the board
needs to have a presence at every city commission meeting just as city departments.
The board agreed to make her their voice at the city commission meetings.
Member Calloway stated he was present during the time in which Chairman Maxwell
attempted to get some assistance in the preparatory set -up for the event. He echoed
the chairman's concerns that city personnel did not promptly respond to their request
for assistance until Chairman Maxwell contacted a city commissioner for assistance.
Chairman Maxwell stated that a few days prior to the event he walked the field and
marked ant hills with blue flags. He requested the field to be mowed. The ant hills and
flags were gone, but only because when they mowed the field they removed the flags
but did not treat the ground for ants. Member Pierce reminded the board that a few of
the volunteers left early due to ant bites.
Chairman Maxwell stated that Ex- Officio Hood has not attended more than three
Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes
October 4, 2012
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Member Curry stated that the field is sprayed beforehand for Founders' Day and
treated for ants. He suggested following up with the city as to why this was overlooked
for this event.
The invocation and pledge were done at this time, but have been noted above in the
call to order of the meeting.
September 6, 2012
Member Dawkins seconded Member Pierce moved to accept the minutes as written for
September 6, 2012. Motion carried unanimously.
Recording Clerk Williams advised the board that Member(s) Curry and Tiwari
attendance had met the three unexcused absences threshold for removal as stated in
the board bylaws.
Chairman Maxwell asked Member Curry to make his case before the board for his
excessive absences. Member Curry stated he works odd jobs and does not always
know his schedule in advance.
A consensus of the board was to retain Member Curry as a member. Chairman Maxwell
spoke briefly to Member Curry regarding the importance of his attendance at the
monthly meetings.
Recording Clerk Williams asked for direction regarding Member Tiwari. Chairman
Maxwell directed that she be notified of her potential removal from the board via
regular post allowing ten (10) days for a response.
Member Cornell provided the report to the clerk's office and Liaison Wright via email
advising of her absence from the meeting. Member Joseph inquired about the $362.00
for Mike Bissett itemized under Fiesta de Colores. Chairman Maxwell stated he believes
the $362.00 has been misstated in the reporting and should be allocated for the 25
DVD's. Chairman Maxwell suggested tabling further discussion until the November
meeting. Member Calloway stated he does not see the four (4) $25.00 gift cards
donated from Publix Supermarkets in the reporting. Member Joseph will contact
Member Cornell to confirm the donations and allocations related to Fiesta de Colores.
Member Pierce, seconded by Member Calloway, moved to accept the report as
presented in the absence of Member Cornell and will address the concerns in the
November treasurer's report. Motion carried unanimously.
Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes
October 4, 2012
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Member Joseph thanked the board for the teamwork exhibited by each board
member in getting things done for Fiesta de Colores. She suggested in the planning
next year to have a rain site and better coordination of event activities with the
Chairman Maxwell suggested establishing a Performance Standards Review
Committee to review all legally binding agreements between the city and vendors
participating in their event(s) to ensure all parties are aware of and prepared to meet
the requirements stated in the agreement. Further discussion ensued.
Member Joseph suggested each member write a bulleted summary on their
perspective of the event success and areas of improvement.
Member Joseph, seconded by Member Calloway, moved to approve each board
member compose a summary of their perspective of the event success and areas for
improvement with suggestions that will be used to compile a list of best practices.
Motion carried unanimously.
Member Calloway suggested having someone sing the national anthem live at the next
event and better delegation of duties among board members at the event.
Member Joseph stated the involvement in the sub - committee meetings is scarce and
more board members need to diligently try to attend more sub - committee meetings.
Chairman Maxwell distributed an outline and some talking points for the preliminary
planning of this event.
Board discussion ensued regarding religious and political affiliation of the board. Board
consensus was to remain neutral.
Member Calloway volunteered to lead the performance review committee.
Member Pierce seconded by Member Zaccaro moved to accept Member Calloway to
lead the performance review committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Maxwell stated the city commission suggested cutting this event. He thinks
this a great networking opportunity, and is not in favor of cutting the reception dinner
for this event. Member Joseph stated the comment was probably made because the
individuals in attendance of this event are city officials and board members; perhaps if
a purpose was assigned to this event it may not come off as HRDB throwing a party for
Chairman Maxwell outlined the various committees he believes will be necessary for
the planning of this event and asked for volunteers on each committee. Member
Joseph stated she does not understand the necessity of the various committees as their
will be one sub - committee in which everyone will be involved in the planning of the
Human Relations Diversity Board Minutes
October 4, 2012
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entire event. The dates chosen for were October 23 24 and 25th to check availability
at the Tom Ison Center at 6:00 p.m.
Member Joseph advised the sponsorship letter will be changed to reflect Liaison Wright
as the contact person, and the introductory date removed so that the letter is
generalized and can be used as necessary.
Member Dawkins seconded by Member Calloway moved to accept the letter with the
modifications agreed upon. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Maxwell asked the board for dates to host a sub - committee meeting for this
Member Dawkins suggested the city get more involved in making people aware of the
needs of these individuals within the community and incorporating ADA awareness into
all future Human Relations Diversity Board events. She is interested in hosting a resource
fair as the first ADA awareness event; not only focusing on physical disabilities, but
mental disabilities as well.
Member Joseph suggested bringing a purpose to the MLK, Jr. event reception by
focusing on a social issue within the community (i.e. ADA Awareness, health,
homelessness, etc...).
NEXT AGENDA - October 4, 2012
MLK Event and Celebration Preliminary Planning
New Brochure - Chairman Maxwell
ADA Awareness - Member Dawkins
Black History Month Essay Contest Preliminary Planning
Attendance - Recording Clerk Williams
No comments from any board members.
Adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
Tisha Williams, Recording Clerk William Maxwell, Chairman