HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-2012 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD ON May 21 2012 CALL TO ORDER The meeting came to order at 6:09 pm. in the meeting room at the Parks & Recreation Administrative Office, 125 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761. The roll was called. PRESENT: Members Barber, Gleason, McKey, Epps, Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes, Ex- Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen and Sr. Administrative Assistant Dottie Godek. Member Rainer arrived at 6:16 pm. ABSENT: Chairman Heard (excused), Vice -Chair Baxter ( unexcused), Member Applegate (excused), and Member Watring (unexcused). GUESTS: None Member Mckey asked if anyone had Member Applegate's address. Member Barber responded that she had brought a sympathy card if anyone would like to sign it. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes mentioned that in case anyone didn't know Member Applegate's son had passed away. Sr. Administrative Assistant Dottie Godek said that if anyone wanted to do anything further to please see Cathy Sills at the Utility Counter. As neither the chairman nor the vice Chairman was present, Member Barber conducted the meeting. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Member Mckey made a motion to accept the minutes from the 1/23/12 meeting and Member Barber seconded. The motion passed unanimously. B. PARKS INVENTORY PRESENTATION Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes handed out copies of his presentation on the parks in the Park System. He also had a slide presentation for the board members. He pointed out the city borders, and then the board had a general discussion regarding the various parks and the equipment they contain. 1 Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes went over the proposed plan for the renovation and addition of an additional softball field at the Vignetti property. He said that $300,000 had been allocated for the first phase however the costs came in considerably higher (approximately $500,000) so the project is being reevaluated. There will be a city workshop for several projects on June 19 2012 at 5:00 pm. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes listed several projects that may be discussed at the workshop. Member Gleason asked about the restrooms at Vignetti Park and Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that they are open only during field use because of the vandalism. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that the other park restrooms are open during park hours and that the park ranger goes around and locks the restrooms every evening. Member Mckey asked if a private vendor could have a permit to sell refreshments at the parks. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that some of the parks have concession areas already. Member Rainer said that people are encouraged to bring their own food as there are grills available. Ex Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen said that they are neighborhood parks and perhaps the vendors wouldn't find it profitable. Member Mckey said that it would be up to the vendors. It was noted that any vendor would have to have City Commission approval to sell. C. WITHERS - MAGUIRE HOUSE Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that the city commission has directed the Parks & Recreation department to manage the house, and we are going to look at developing a program plan for the house. It was previously a museum however we are exploring alternative uses. The commission's purpose is to have more community access to the house and to generate revenue. Three rooms are going to be repurposed as rentals for wedding preparations. We are looking at tying the house into the community center and gazebo activities and will start to promote it as a wedding venue. Member Rainer asked about alcohol use - Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that you can always approach the commission to issue a waver for alcohol since the city does not normally allow alcohol. There are no fees set at this time. Member Rainer asked if the museum was going to be done away with & Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that it wasn't clearly defined yet but said he was going to be meeting with the City Commission in the coming weeks. Member Mckey mentioned that perhaps Valencia or UCF history students could be asked if they would be docents, dress in period costume and explain the house to visitors. Member Mckey said he hates to see that aspect of the house be lost. Ex Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen asked if at one meeting the P & R board could have a tour. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that definitely it could be done, but that right now the house is being painted so it isn't in viewing order. 2 D. SPRING FLING The next spring fling is tentatively set for March 9th 2013. Member Rainer asked when Founders Day was, and it was stated that the Founder's Day event will be November 2 & 3 rd of 2012. It is planned for the first weekend in November. E. EGGSTRAVAGANZA Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said it went very well, there were a lot of kids, and next years event will be the same weekend as it traditionally is - the Saturday before East F. PARK LIGHT AND CLOSING TIMES Member Gleason said that Vignetti Park closes at 11 PM but the lights go off at 10 PM. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that he thought the lights go off at 10:30 PM but he would check to be sure. Member Gleason said that she thought the signs said that the lights went out at 10:00 PM. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that the signs should say that the lights go out at 10:30 PM. Ex- Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen said that the signs and the timer should be synchronized. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes will verify. G. UPDATE FROM LITTLE LEAGUE & BULLDOGS REGARDING SECURITY CAMERA PURCHASE H. PARKS SECURITY CAMERAS Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that they are looking to include in the budget request for this year some security cameras primarily for the Beech Center. The cost is very expensive. There are a variety of cameras out there, and the ones they are looking at are about $6000.00 per camera. Member Barber asked about the feed /monitoring. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said there is a wireless feature to download the still pictures. Member Barber asked if Parks & Recreation department would be involved in the monitoring, Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said they would. Member Gleason asked if there were any security cameras, Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said 'no not at present'. I. PARK ORDINANCE UPDATE Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that he doesn't have any updates at present. He is taking it back to the city attorney for review and placement on the review agenda. Member Barber asked if that's the one where the city manager would have the authority to grant permission to have alcohol at the facilities. Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that yes it was and added that any larger events will need permission from the city commission. 3 SET NEXT AGENDA The advisory board set the following agenda for the July 16 2012 meeting: A. Approval of Minutes B. Withers- Maguire House Update C. Park Light Times / Signs Update D. Park Ordinance Update E. Founder's Day Update F. Ideas for replacement of Art Booth at Founder's Day. QUESTIONS /COMMENTS: Member Gleason asked about trash pick up on lakes - does Public Works pick up trash? Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that Parks will pick up in parks that have water but Public Works does some cleanup as well. Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes said that he thought Public Works also does some cleanup on Starke Lake but that the Parks Department also does cleanup. Member McKey said the mayor in the past has had a Lakeshore clean up day. Member Barber mentioned that Member Brett Epps has handed in his resignation and said that he is moving to Savannah, Georgia. The board gave their congratulations & best wishes to him. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm. Agaa-X—_ \ d Acting it Barber Sr. Administrative Asst. Dottie Godek 4