HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 Purchase of Fire Department Structural & Wildfire Protective Clothing She center of Good 4, •!� AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: December 18, 2012 Item # 9 iewed By: Contact Name: Fire Chief Pete McNeil Department Director: Pete McN it Contact Number: 407 - 905 -3140 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Purchase of Fire Department Structural & Wildfire Protective Clothing Background Summary: The FY 2012/2013 budget provided $20,203 in account 4400 for the lease /purchase of 42 sets each of structural and wildfire protective clothing. An additional $11,995 was approved in account 5204 Protective Clothing. Currently, Ocoee Firefighters are outfitted with four different types of structural gear at various stages of age. Additionally, they do not have any wildfire protective clothing or a back -up set of structural protective clothing. Approval of this requested purchase will outfit all Firefighters, Engineers and Lieutenants in new state of the art protective structural and the lighter weight wildfire protective clothing. The addition of the new structural protective clothing will assure that all personnel have the best protection available today as well as allowing them to use their current clothing as back -ups when their first line clothing is down for cleansing and decontamination processes. In addition, the current gear will be used for training which will greatly reduce the wear and damage that results from training operations. The addition of light weight wildfire protective clothing will reduce the chances of heat related injuries and illnesses while fighting wildfires. The use of thick heavy structural clothing while fighting wildfires puts a great deal of body heat related stress on Firefighters. The Fire Department has the opportunity to piggyback off Lake County Contract #12 -0806H with Fisher Safety for the purchase of both Morning Pride structural coats and pants, as well as Tecgen wildfire coats and pants at a total cost of $92,190. With the attached quote there is also the opportunity to actually receive a 35% discount on the Tecgen gear as opposed to the 20% discount available through the Lake County contract. This additional discount is due to the purchase of both structural and wildfire gear together, as well as the manufacturers desire to get the Tecgen product into our area. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the purchase of 42 sets of Morning Pride and Tecgen protective coats and pants at a cost of $92,190? Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioner authorize the purchase of 42 sets of Morning Pride and Tecgen protective coats and pants at a cost of $92,190. 1 Attachments: Fisher Safety Invoice Quote for Morning Pride and Tecgen protective coats and pants Lake County Florida Contract #12 -0806H (relevant pages to piggyback purchase) Financial Impact: This purchase will not have a negative impact on the current FY 20012/2013 budget. If approved, the lease purchase of the requested protective clothing will be combined by the Finance Department with other City lease purchases to create and annual cost that falls well within our current lease payment and protective clothing budget. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by N/A 2 Fisher Fire and Emergency Services Fisher Safety 3970 Johns Creek Court Suite 500 Suwanee, GA 30024 Re and Y Services Phone: (407) 758-2183 Christina. soinelli(t$thermofisher.com QUOTATION (Quote good thru Feb 1, 2013) Person Quoted: Corey Bowles Date: December 11, 2012 ACCT #: Company Name: Ocoee Fire Dept Phone: 407.760.8423 Address: 563 S Bluford Ave Fax: City and State: Ocoee, FL 34761 Quoted By: Christina Spinelli FOB: Origin QTY Part # DESCRIPTION LIST PRICE CONTRACT PRICE VOLUME DISCOUNT OCOEE PRICE EXT. PRICE 42 FLOCOE000083 LT0 -641G Morning Pride Bunker Coat $ 2,348.75 $1,103.91 573.02 $1,030.89 $ 43297.38 Ocoee 42 FLOCAE00084 LT0- 4lG Morning Pride Bunker Pants $ 1,746.14 $820.89 $56.58 5764.11 $ 32,092,62 Ocoee 51,795.00 42 small-3XL Tecgen Black Tecgen BLACK Coat $ 374.00 5243.10 $40.00 5203.10 $ 8,530.20 Ocoee I 42 small -3XL Tecgen Black Tecgen BLACK Pants $ 338,31 5219.90 523.00 5198.90 $ 8269.80 Ocoee $463,00 5400.00 Lake Coarrty Contract $ 92,190,00 120806 -H LAKE COUNTY 1- L0Et1DA CONTRACT NO. 12 -0806H For Fire Equipment and Supplies LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, its successors and assigns through its Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter "County") does hereby accept, with noted modifications, if any, the Bid of Fisher Scientific Company, LLC (hereinafter "Contractor") to supply Fire Equipment and Supplies to the County pursuant to County Proposal Number 12-0806 (hereinafter "iTf "), - closing dated March 21, 2012 and Contractor's March 20, 2012 ITB response thereto with all County ITB provisions governing. Special Clauses: Public Records All electronic files, audio and/or video recordings, and all papers pertaining to any activity performed by the CONTRACTOR for or an behalf of the COUNTY shall be the property of the COUNTY and will be turned over to the COUNTY upon request. In accordance with Chapter 1 19, Florida Statutes, each file and all papers pertaining to any activities performed for or on behalf of the COUNTY are public records available for inspection by any person even if the file or paper resides in the CONTRACTOR's office or facility. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the files and papers for not less than three (3) complete calendar years after the project has been completed or terminated, or in accordance with any grant requirements, whichever is longer. Prior to the close out of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall appoint a records custodian to handle any records request and provide the custodian's name and telephone number(s) to the COUNTY. Prohibition against Contingent Fees The CONTRACTOR warrants that they have not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR to solicit or secure this Contract and that they have not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR, any fee, commission, percentage, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Contract. This Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of each of the parties and of their respective successors and permitted assigns. This Contract may not be amended, released, discharged, rescinded or abandoned, except by a written instrument duly executed by each of the parties hereto. The failure of any party hereto at any time to enforce any of the provisions of this Contract will in no way constitute or be construed as a waiver of such provision or of any other provision hereof, nor in any way affect the validity of, or the right thereafter to enforce, each and every provision of this Contract. During the term of this Contract the CONTRACTOR assures the COUNTY that it is in compliance with Title VIi of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended, and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, in that the CONTRACTOR does not on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability or marital status, discrimination in any form or manner against the CONTRACTOR employees or applicants for employment. The CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that this Contract is conditioned upon the veracity of this statement of assurance, A copy of the Contractor's signed Proposal Is attached hereto and incorporated herein, thus making it a part of this Contract except that any items not awarded have been struck through. The attachments noted below (if any) are attached hereto and are also made a part of this Contract, Attachments: N/A No financial obligation shall accrue against the County until Contractor shall make delivery pursuant to order of the County Procurement Services Director. The County's Procurement Services Director shall be the sole judge as to the fact of the fulfillment of this Contract, and upon any breach thereof, shall, at his or her option, declare this contract terminated, and for any Toss or damage by reason of such breach, whether this Contract is terminated or not; said Contractor and their surety for any required bond shall be liable. This Contract is effective from June 12 1012 through June 30 2013 except the County reserves the right to terminate this Contract immediately for cause and/or lack of Funds and with thirty (30) day written notice for the convenience of the County. This Contract provides for four (4) one (1) year renewals at Lake County's sole option at the terms noted in the Proposal. Any and all modifications to this Contract must be in writing signed by the County's Procurement Services Director. LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA B 4 . - 4-z- " 4:twL -1 Sen or ontracting ricer Date: '46 /2 *?�J /2-.- 41 Distribution: Original -Bid File Copy - Contractor Copy - Public Safety 'Earning Community Confidence t hough Excellence in Service' Office of Procurement Services 315 W. Main, Suite 416 P.O. Box 7800 Tavares, Florida 32778 -7800 Ph (352) 343-9839 Fax (352) 3439473 SECTION 4 - PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SLCNATURES 1'1'l3 Number: 12 -0806 Have you supplied the required Catalogs and List Price Sheets? YLS . NO 87. MILWAUKEE ST R A P Discount from current price list `Y. �'- Price List N. Date of Price I.isl Warranty'`_,, . Stocking Distributor'?._ Yes _ _ No ,, --'' Lead time: _, l lourly rate for repair and service..$'' ``• _ (per hour) lvtinimum order (if any) $-' , -,, Handling fee it ,Jess than ntinimtun order S ~ ` --. 1 S ° �; Name/Telephone/Cell/Beeper oft Emergency Contact ...,„. _ , __ ` Have you supplied the required Catalogs and List Price Sheets? YRS NO RR. MORAN (FLASH) „ Discount from current price list % ✓ °'` " f 'Priee,.( Nn. Date of Price List ' y Warranty ���_ ~ Stocking Distributor? ' _ No Lead time: . ' fr .,` Hourly rate tar repair an selvicc $ _ - (er hour) Minimum order 'tatty) $ llandlin .f c if less than minimum orders -'.-.. NacfielTcicpltonefCel l/Recper of Emergency Contact H;cve Ynu supplied the required Celebes and List Price Sheets? YI S NO i 9k 1 89. MORNING PKIL71t b 4 1){pne .,! 41 1j 4N4r ,r► - r \ t,� Miscount from current price list _ 3 .3 % PC Price f,lst No. _ /t.+ [late of Price List 3 -1 `f 2.-. V 61 SECTION 4 — PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES ITH Number 12-0806 _ ... i _ i . ' .. I .-. w arran t y J 1 i ( 1 .1 . its ..:, , _, / Stocking Distributor? Yes V No__ *49:‘1:i Lead time: i 0'1 t 1 "1) X Hourly rate for repair anti service $ (per hour) Y O t .Mininuint order Of any) $ (i/ --- liandling fee if less than minimum order S - - Naine/Telephone/Cell/Beeper of Ihnergency Contact 1)1 iijii,e .._,)i)0 k.' 1/1 ( 7 .' c' 1/ ( IP 2- /.5 ,2j 3 Have you supplied the required Catalogs and List Price Sheets? V YS ._ NO 90. MSA Discount from current price list ,c.: 2.) % 1/? )/ .0%1 k..'e .; I .', Price List No. /1///q i - f. i Date of Price T.ist . ,...q) ,, / / Warranty 1 /1.1 '.. Y Stocking Distributor? Yes 1.' No Lead time: 7- 111 - )r.?.:7 ( j __..... , Hourly rate for repair and service $ -- (per bow) Minimum order (ifatty) $ _— Handling fee if less than minimum order Natoctl'elephone/CelT/Recper of Emergency Contact ' ( i , i , . , / 1, .- t',4) c i f 5 4 Q / J.) e 1 t:'?,.:Y/ J . . i f . Have. you supplied the required Catalogs and 1 .it Price Shuts'? /-. YES NO 91. NATALE (CIRCLE I)) Discount from current price list % ..,, Price List No. ,, Date of Price List _... ...,, . Warranty , , ,. Stocking Distributor? Yes 2 ,.. Nn Lead time: ...1,.._ limey rate ter repair and service S --.._ (per hour) 62 SECTION 4 — PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES 1113 Number; 12-MUM Additional Sheet (-} .tc Discount from current price list 2 " Price T.ist No i\A jA 4 1-1 Date of Price List k t•.) Warranty () 4 Stocking Distributor*? Yes V No Lead time: ".) ( ) Hourly rate for repair and service S (per hour) Minimum order (if any) $ Handling fee if less than minimum order NatnetrelephonefeellfB Cep cr of Emergency Contact .} 4.1 b )') Have vou supplied the required Cataloas and List Price Sheets? V YES NO Manufacturer: 7 , -.) Discount from current price list Price List No. 11,-)1 4- D ate of Price List C 4/(ifileol i Warranty Stocking Distributor? Ye No s Lead thne: _ hourly rate for repair and scMce $ (per hour) .N1iniintim order (if any) S Handling fee if less than minimum order $ !Name/Telephone/Cell/Beeper of 1 Contact • 1 e - / A ; Have you supplied the required Catalogs and List 90 SECTION 4 — PRICING! CERTIFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES 1113 Number: 12 -0806 By Signing this Bid the Bidder Attests and Certifies that: • It satisfies all legal requirements (as an entity) to do business with the County. • The undersigned vendor acknowledges that award of a contract may be contingent upon a determination by the County that the vendor has the capacity and capability to sw essfelly pw•forat the contract. • The bidder hereby certifies that it understands all requirements of this solicitation, and that the undersigned individual is duly authorized to execute this bid document and any contract(s) and/or other transactions required by award of this solicitation. Certification Regarding Acceptance of County Electronic Payable Process Vendor will accept payment using the County's VISA - based electronic payment system: ❑ Yes D No Purchasing Agreements with Other Government Agencies 'Phis section is optional and will not af'f'ect contract award, If Lalm. County awarded you the proposed contract, would you sell under the same terms and conditions, for the same price, to other governmental agencies in the State of Florida? Each governmental agency desiring to accept to utilize this contract shall be responsible for its own purchases and shall be liable only for materials or services ordered and received by IL ❑ Yes ❑ No (Check one) Certification Regarding Felony Conviction 11as any officer, director, or an executive performing equivalent duties, of the bidding entity been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years? ❑ Yes [ 3'No (Check one) Conflict of interest Disclosure Certification Except as listed below, no employee, officer, or agent of the firm has any conflicts of interest, real or apparent, due to ownership, other clients, contracts, or interests associated with this project; and, this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, Grin, or person submitting a proposal for the sane services, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or freed. DUNS Number (Insert if this action involve a federal funded project): 044.041140-0004:30110:1104 .. Firm Name: ( f , f7.:TJ T "7 �° r __ %}' f )I 7 1 Street Address: � f ��CI41, , j , j "r1�t ?,y ! t 1 4 -. L ` ( ,c-,.4 / 4, T - ' S , Mailing A ' dress (if different): . -rlJ TetephotteN { t .�rT) 7- 7.a LI Fax No.: li- maiI: -.t ,. "t)-.j, i ;Yi • '. MIN No. ? / ? - 29 W 2 13 -) Prompt Payment Terms: (2 % 3 days, net _3, 1, Signature: ( , �, A .-1 2 w: et f.4, •, _Date: "� ' �,� ' �. f Print Name: l hi) t)l..cct. C -'p : r . . /. f e ' Title: 4 Award of Contract: I the Conn Official Use Oil 13y signature below, the County confirms award to the above - identified vendor under the above identified solicitation. A separate purchase order will be generated by the Cnunty to support the contract. Vender awarded al: ❑ Sole vendor Er Pre-qualified pool vendor based on price ❑ Pre-qualified pool vendor (spot bid) 0 Primary vendor for items: D Secondary vendor for items: ( Other status: Signature of alit County official: Caz-•+e- t.- •- as,. -,r+ / ' ' 01)110166-T-- -1! — /Z-- Printed name: La5r 7fli1 � efh.f15L'/7 Title: 7"Zr r'7 Purchase Order Number assigned to this contract for billing purposes: 9)