HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-12MINUTES December 4, 2012, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Johnson. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Attorney Cookson, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation — Pedestrian Safety Month — November 2012 Mayor Vandergrift read and proclaimed November 2012 as Pedestrian Safety Month. Presentation of Ocoee Police Department Officer of the 3rd Quarter Award to Officer Teddy Levin CACOPD Advisory Board Vice Chair Victoria Laney and Chairman Rob McKey presented the award of Officer of the 3M Quarter to Officer Teddy Levin for his success as a Community Affairs Officer. Vice Chair Laney also recognized Detective Ganoe for her investigative work on a battery case. Police Chief Brown also congratulated Officer Teddy Levin for being an excellent addition to the Community Affairs Division. Police Department Promotions Police Chief Brown announced the recent promotion of Sgt. Mark Olson and Sgt. James Berish. Both were pinned by members of their family. Fire Department Presentations and Promotions Lt. Paramedic Ken Strickland was presented with an award and a rocking chair for his 25 years of service with the Ocoee Fire Department by Fire Chief McNeil, Deputy Chief Hoover and Mayor Vandergrift, Lt. Paramedic Ken Strickland was also presented with an ax and helmet to honor his years of service. Police Chief Brown also thanked Ken Strickland for his service as a trustee member on the Fire and Police Pension Board. Fire Chief McNeil announced the promotions of Engineer Paramedic Ron Tosi to Lt. Paramedic and Firefighter EMT Curtis Love to Engineer EMT. Both were pinned by members of their family and presented with helmets. City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 Fire Chief McNeil read a press release from September 25, 2012, where a 16 month child was found unresponsive in a pool and Fire Rescue 25 crew members were the first responders which resulted in the saving of the child's life, A surprise visit was made by 19 month old Leah (who was the child rescued) and her family to recognize Battalion Chief Mike Reed, Lt. Paramedic Corey Bowles, Firefighter Paramedic William Mendoza, and Firefighter Paramedic Joe Ponzini for their quick response and rescue that day. C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Nathan Dunn, Congressional Aid to Congressman Daniel Webster, presented Mayor Vandergrift with an award congratulating Health Central Hospital on their 60t" Anniversary. Ocoee Lions Club Members Bob Godek and Cathy Sills presented the Ocoee Police Department with a check for $550 to go towards the "Holiday Toys for Kids in Need" program. Ocoee Lions Club Member Sills also thanked the City of Ocoee for allowing them to continue the Christmas Parade and further announced that in addition to the money collected they were also able to contribute a van load of toys which was the entry fee for the parade. Police Chief Brown thanked the Ocoee Lions Club and announced that the "Holiday Toys for Kids in Need" program has more registrants than ever. They have over 600 kids and 250 families that are in need this year so he encourages anyone that can contribute toys to please drop them off at the Police or Fire Department. Emergency Item Code Enforcement Case — Elise Blackwell Sepielli, 421 Vandergrift Drive Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines gave a brief overview and presented exhibits on the Code Enforcement Case for the violations cited on the property located at 421 Vandergrift Drive. Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines advised that a fine of $35,520 has accrued on this property. Compliance was gained on the property when it went before the board in July and an affidavit of compliance was issued on October 1, 2012. He advised this case has not been in front of the Code Enforcement Board for the consideration of a lien reduction so they will be requesting the City Commission to make some exceptions. The next scheduled meeting for the Code Enforcement Board will be on January 22"d. Commissioner Keller asked if the fines started accruing in July. Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines answered affirmatively. He further advised the case also went before the Code Enforcement Board in July and was found in compliance. Commissioner Keller inquired how much they were charged a day. Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines said the respondent was charged a $100/per day per violation in which there were quite a few violations. The fine also includes the abatement costs of $345. Commissioner Keller inquired what staff time the city has invested in this property. Assistant Director of Support Services Gaines said he does not have administrative cost calculated as of yet since they did not present this request before the Code Enforcement Board but if he had to guess administrative cost would be roughly $700.00. Emmett Hitechew, on behalf of Elsie Sepielli, said Elsie who is 85 years old has been placed in an assistant living facility since she is unable to care for herself Mr. Hitechew said there is a __ - Page 2 - -- City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 buyer who is interested in purchasing the home but they will need to address these issues soon before they can move forward. He advised that they have cleaned up the home since Ms. Sepielli was unable to do it herself. Ms. Sepielli unfortunately was taken advantage of by neighbors and her grandchildren. Mayor Vandergrift inquired what Mr. Hitechew's relationship is to Ms. Sepielli. Mr. Hitechew advised he has a Power of Attorney to act on her behalf, there are no relations between them. Lynnette Hitechew, owner of the assistant living facility where Ms. Sepielli resides, said that no one else would have taken Ms. Sepielli in. She advised that she and her husband have cleaned up the home and have done everything they can to help Ms. Sepielli. Mrs. Hitechew said that whatever money is made on the sale of the home is all that Ms. Sepielli will have to live off of. Dixie Phillips, Wright Choice Realty Inc., said they have a buyer who is ready to close tomorrow but with the lien against the property they cannot proceed with the closing. She advised the condition of the home is really bad and the neighbors have shared that they have contacted the Police Department at least 200 times due to squatters moving in. Ms. Phillips said they have done everything to bring the house up to code and would like for the City Commission to release the lien on the property so they can get it closed. She explained that the buyer will be renovating the home and paying off the three years of taxes that are also due. Ms. Phillips said that one of her fears is that Ms. Sepielli has a son who will be released from jail soon and this can set them back if he moves into the home and they have to go through the eviction process. She is requesting the City Commission to release the lien so they can close, and whatever is decided tonight as the reduction amount will be put into escrow until they can meet with the Code Enforcement Board. Mayor Vandergrift inquired how soon Ms. Sepielli's son would be out of jail. Ms. Phillips advised he would be released on December 7, 2012. City Attorney Cookson said there are a couple of options that he and city staff has come up with since this a unique circumstance. The City Commission can determine an amount that they would anticipate, not exceeding as far as a lien reduction, that will be put in escrow until it can go through the Code Enforcement process. They can than release the lien and after the Code Enforcement process and ruling the respondents will come back to the City Commission where it can ultimately be decided if the amount they set tonight is the right amount. If so, than that money can be released and paid to the city. City Attorney Cookson said if they think it should be an amount less than the limit set tonight, they can refund money back to the owner. Mayor Vandergrift said without objection he would like to declare this an emergency item. Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved that the fine at 421 Vandergrift Drive be reduced to $5,000 and be placed in escrow until the January 22, 2013, Code Enforcement Board Meeting, Commissioner Keller commented that he feels this is a property that had a great turn around on correcting the violations and to be consistent with what they have done in the past he thought $2000.00 would be more of a reasonable reduction. Commissioner Wilsen said they are handling this case outside of the normal process so if they decide on a lesser amount later the owner will be refunded. Commissioner Wilsen said she understands his concerns but feels this is a quick fix and their final decision should be made after the Code Enforcement Meeting. After discussion motioned carried 5-0. Page 3 __ City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 DOLLAR GENERAL DISCUSSION WITH SILVERBEND RESIDENTS City Planner Rumer gave a brief overview of the proposed retail Dollar General Store that is to be built on Silver Star in front of the Silver Bend subdivision. He said the vacant properties are zoned C2, commercial tracts that are part of the Silverbend subdivision. He displayed the site map and explained the proposed entrance on Silverbend Road, and said there will also be a right - in turn off of Silver Star Road. The project has gone through the Small Scale Site Plan Review Process, under the Land Development Code that does not require review or approval by the City Commission or Planning and Zoning Board; the approval is a staff level approval. Commissioner Hood inquired if the developer asked for any variances or waivers to the code. City Planner Rumer advised that the developer did not ask for any waivers or that would have gone before the commission for approval. The project did not necessitate any wavers to move forward. City Attorney Cookson said he has discussed this issue with staff with the understanding there would be residents wishing to appeal the project. lie advised that tonight the residents are only coming before them as members of the public and it is not a public hearing. It is not a forum to provide evidence or make arguments, just to give them an opportunity to voice their concerns. He advised that any appeal process would have to go before the Board of Adjustment as a Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing. They would have to present evidence as to where the staff was wrong in approving this. The board would make a recommendation and that would be brought back before the City Commission where a final decision would be made. The plans have been approved and did go through the whole plan review process. No that the staff approval is complete; the appeal of that decision would go through the Board of Adjustment Meeting as previously described. City Planner Rumer said we currently have a Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for December 20, 2012, but the appeal would have to be advertised 7 days prior to the hearing so the scheduling of that would be tight. Mr. Cookson said the appeal would need to be an appeal of the decision of city staff pointing to what it is the staff did wrong looking at the Code and approving that. The appeal period would be ten calendar days from tonight's meeting. That appeal would be established by a letter to City Planner Mike Rumer, and then it would be scheduled for the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment's recommendation will come before the City Commission as a Public Hearing. There is no fee for this appeal. There was discussion about the appeal and advertising timeline. The City Manager clarified that there is no reason Mr. Rumer is aware of that the meeting could not occur in early January. Commissioner Keller advised the residents to stay appraised of the timeline so that if they wish to appeal it they will not be surprised. Mayor Vandergrift read the Civility Code on the back of the speaker form. He stated that the residents will now be getting two more hearings and if they would like to save their comments for those hearings it will be appreciated. Otherwise, he will go through the list of speaker forms and see who still wishes to speak. The following people spoke in opposition to the project: Joe McElroy, 1826 Cassingham Circle, Silverbend Wendy Sigman, 1833 Cassingham Circle, Silverbend Marie Upton -Murphy, 2662 Aclobe Circle, Silverbend Eleanor Miller, 1643 Cassingham Circle, Silverbend Olivia Bridges, 1643 Cassingham Circle, Silverbend Shaharazade Kayume, 1838 Cassingham Circle, Silverbend Martha Lopez -Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, Silverbend Roberto Vargas, 2510 Alclobe Circle, Silverbend Page 4 City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 Brian Crawford, Developer of the Project, said that through the process of site selection they specifically picked this site because it did not require variances or waivers and already met the code for their anticipated project. Ile stated they have met with residents to try to assist with the concerns that they have; they are trying to do as much as possible without creating changes or delays that would place a big financial burden on the project. He already told them they will extend the sidewalk down to the library so kids could get to the library, restaurants, and their school without crossing the driveway or going out to Silver Star. He feels that the development of this project does not pose any more of a threat for kids to walk out to Silver Star as it did before, and may in fact be safer after the project. Mayor Vandergrift said that the Commission will look forward to seeing this case at a later date after it has been through the process with the Board of Adjustment. He advised them to get with City Planner Rumer regarding the timeline. D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank made the following announcements: 1) There is an additional handout for Item #7 on the dais in front of them. 2) The Ocoee Police Department will be partnering with Walmart for our "Shop with a Cop" event. Approximately forty children registered. Each child will go shopping with an officer and spend a $75 gift card. The city would like to extend thanks to Walmart for donating the gift cards. Walmart will also be providing refreshments for the children and photos with Santa. This event will take place at the Ocoee Walmart. 3) Santa will be visiting the historic Withers -Maguire House on Friday, December 21st from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. Santa's visit will be held during the City's Food Truck and Movie in the Park events at Bill Breeze Park. Individuals can grab a bite to eat and watch the movie "Arthur Christmas" at 7:30. Bring a camera for photo opportunities inside the Withers - Maguire House. 4) The City of Ocoee Parks and Recreation Department is currently holding open registration for its Youth Basketball League through January 5, 2012, at the Beech Recreation ("enter. The season will begin on Saturday, January 26th. The Department is also seeking volunteer parent coaches, individuals interested in volunteering can call 407- 905-3180. E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Keller— 1) announced Operation Santa will begin tomorrow through December 18, 2012. Check the website to see when it will be in your neighborhood. As the police stated earlier, there is a great need for the Toys for Tots this year more than ever; if you can help out by donating an unwrapped toy, it would be appreciated. 2) thanked the Lions Club for another successful Christmas Parade. Commissioner Johnson — None Commissioner Wilsen — None - - - - Page 5 _ _ - City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 Commissioner Hood — 1) also thanked the Lions Club for the great job on the Ocoee Christmas Parade 2) announced that on Wednesday, December 12, 2012, Operation Santa will be visiting most of District 1; he asked residents to check the websites for times and to please donate toys as they are badly needed this year. Mayor Vandergrift — 1) read a letter that he received from Bill Donegan thanking him for the support he received when he was in office 2) read a thank you letter from the Access Life, a non- profit group that recently hosted their event out at Bill Breeze Park. They thanked the city for supporting the event and for waiving the fees 3) asked that residents support the Ocoee High School basketball team; they are currently 5-0. The girls' basketball is also doing well. -- ------------------------------------------ F. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items #1 through #8. Motion carried 5-0. 1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held November 6, 2012. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Reappointments to the CACOPD. (City Clerk Eikenberry) The terms of Members Victoria Laney and Robert Yost will expire on January 1, 2013. Both have indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment for another three-year term ending January 2016. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Reappointments to the CACOFD. (City Clerk Eikenberry) "The terms of Members Glenn Richardson and Wayne Vaughn expired on November 2012. Both members have indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment for another three-year term ending November 2015. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval of Locally Funded Agreement — FDOT Intersection Improvements at Ocoee Hills Road and SR 438 (Silver Star Road). (Public Works Director Krug) The City has been supporting the FDOT intersection improvements on SR 438, Silver Star Road, from 2 Street to Olympus Drive, which includes the widening of the roadway to accommodate a new traffic signal and turn lanes at the Ocoee Hills Road intersection. At the January 3, 2012, meeting, the Commission formalized the City's desire to pay the material cost differential to construct the new signals utilizing an upgraded mast arm system by executing a Memorandum of Understanding with the FDOT. The FDOT held a Public Information Meeting for the project on February 29, 2012, in the. City Hall Commission Chambers and the project was well received by the attendees. In order for the FDOT to meet the programmed project advertisement for construction in February 2013, the City will need to complete the next step in the process and execute the Locally Funded Agreement with the FDOT. The Locally Funded Agreement is the mechanism to pay for the cost differential for the mast arm signals. The City incorporated $45,000.00 in the 2012/13 budget, however at this time the cost differential is estimated at $31,000.00. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Page 6 _ - - City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 5. Approval of License Agreement to Use City Property for Orange County Construction Trailers for the Clarcona-Ocoee Road Project. (City Engineer Wheeler) Orange County is proceeding with the widening of the last segment of the Clarcona-Ocoee Road project. That segment is from east of Clarke Road to the bridge at SR 429, the Western Beltway. The County project includes the widening the roadway to four lanes, stormwater collection and treatment, and miscellaneous improvements. The construction project is expected to last until May of 2014; however the contractor is ahead of schedule at this time. The contractor of record, DeWitt Excavating, Inc. is required to furnish trailers for the Orange County inspectors to use as field offices throughout the duration of the project. The contractor of record typically installs the project trailers on property owned by the appropriate agency. However, Orange County does not own any additional property along the project route. DeWitt approached the City shortly after the project started in May of this year about using a small portion of the Forest Lake property for the project trailers. The location of the project trailers was decided to be the southwest corner of the Forest Lake property that is adjacent to Clarcona-Ocoee Road and the road to the maintenance barn for the golf course. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Approval to Award a $37,780 Contract to Clear Village, Inc. for Reconstruction of the City's Computer Network from Funds Originally Budgeted for Server Replacement and to Transfer the Remaining Funds for that Capital Outlay to the Operating Budget for Acquisition of other IT -Related Equipment and Software. (Support Services Director Butler) The City's present computer network is configured like the spokes of a wheel, with all traffic coming through City Hall. Clear Village, Inc., the supplier of the City's SAGE permitting software, conducted a review of the City's current computer network configuration a few months ago as part of a disaster recovery planning project and found several issues with both the network's structure and operation. The City subsequently requested a proposal from Clear Village to re -architect the network. The new design will create sub -net hubs at major remote offices and major City Hall users so as to reduce network traffic congestion. This configuration will also address the structure of our servers and centralized data storage and support creation of departmental -level computer system administrators, which will allow greater control by the departments over their operations. As a result of the planned network changes, staff no longer expects to purchase large central computer servers from which to support all of City government, as were included in the FY 2013 capital outlay budget for the General Government Division. Staff recommends the City Commission award a contract in the amount of $37,780 to Clear Village, Inc. to reconstruct the City's computer network and transfer the remaining General Government Division capital outlay budget for computer server replacement to the operating budget for the acquisition of other computer -related resources. Of the $46,000 budgeted in Account No. 001-516-00-6405 (Computer Equipment/Software Capital Outlay), $38,000 will need to be transferred to Account No. 001-516-00-3128 (Professional Services/Other) and $8,000 to Account No. 001-516-00-5235 (Computer Equipment/Software Operating Expenses). Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 7. Approval of Assignment of the Exclusive Commercial and Multi -Family Solid Waste Collection Franchise to Waste Services of Florida, Inc. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) 'The City currently has an Exclusive Commercial and Multi -Family Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement with Waste Depot LLC DBA Waste Works which will expire December 1, 2014. Pursuant to the Franchise Agreement, the City received a Contract Performance Bond 96530 in the amount of $200,000 issued by United Casualty and Surety Insurance Company. On November 1, 2012, Waste Services of Florida Inc. ("WSJ") purchased certain assets of Waste Works including the City's franchise agreement. Pursuant to Section 17-Assignment of the Franchise Agreement, Waste Works is requesting the City's approval to assign the Exclusive Commercial and Multi -Family Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement to WSI. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Page 7 City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 8. Approval to Enter into a Contract with Forest Environmental Solutions LLC to Oversee, Manage and Broker the Harvest and Sale of Select Timber on the Crown Point Property. (Assistant City Manager Shadrix) As a result of recent evaluation of City -owned properties in the Crown Point Property area (see attached map), staff determined that not only do some of the properties pose potential issues during the dry season (where we are at an increased risk from wildfires), but some contain potentially valuable timber. On October 19, 2012, professional forester Joe Gocsik of Forest Environmental Solutions, LLC conducted a brief review of these lands at the staffs request and recommended their viability for harvest. The proposed contract provides that Forest Environmental Solutions, LLC will manage and supervise the identification, harvest, and sales of timber from these properties at the direction of the City Commission. The contract provides that Forest Environmental Solutions will be compensated 10% of the gross revenue generated by the timber harvest. Staff recommends that the City Commission authorize the execution of the attached contract with Forest Environmental Solutions, LLC with a motion that waives the City's purchasing procedures. The estimated commission for the contractor is well below the $25,000 limit approvable by the City Manager and cannot be determined ahead of time due to the dynamic nature of the market and the direction chosen by the City Commission on what type of harvest will be undertaken. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 9. First Reading of Ordinance for Wild (216 1st Street). (Second Readingand Public Hearing scheduled for December 18, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:1 S p.m. or soon thereafter).' (Principal Planner Fabre) The subject property is located on the west side of I" Street and approximately 900 feet south of Silver Star Road (SR 438) intersection. The subject parcel has one existing Single -Family Residence. The Applicant has requested annexation into the City limits mainly for potable water connection. a. Annexation Ordinance b. Rezoning Ordinance (Rezoning to R-IA) City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Annexation and Rezoning Ordinances. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing will be held on December 18, 2012, at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. 10. First Reading of Ordinance for Capital Improvements Element Amendment to Capital Improvement Program Table. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for December 18, 2012, Regular CommissionMeetingat 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter). (Principal PlannerFabre) The Capital Improvement Element (CIE) of the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan is a requirement of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS) and enables implementation of the Plan goals, objectives, and policies needing capital funding for a 5-20 year planning horizon. Each year, the table section of the CIE will be updated to ensure that the adopted list of capital projects in the CIE matches the City's newly adopted fiscal year budget and approved five year Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The CIE does not propose any new projects not previously reviewed and approved by the Commission. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing will be held on December 18, 2012, at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. Page 8 - _ _ City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 11. First Reading of Ordinance for Reduction of Impact Fees — Extension until January 1, 2014. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for December 18, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter). (City Planner Rumer) The City passed economic incentives for new construction earlier this year that are by ordinance set to expire in January 2013. The incentives included reducing impact fees for police, fire, recreational park, and transportation. Other incentives included the deferral of transportation impact fee payments until Certificate of Occupancy, and the waiving of the fire plan review fee, which is 1/2 of one percent of the cost of construction. With the economic conditions still in the state of flux as they were with the original passage of the economic incentives, and to remain consistent with surrounding local government agencies, staff is proposing to extend all but one of the incentives for one additional year. Staff is not proposing to extend the waiving of the fire plan review fee which will reinstate the fee. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing will be held on December 18, 2012, at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. 12. First Reading of Ordinance to Amend Section 173-56 of the City Code Regarding Adoption of a Cross -Connection Control Manual and Repealing Article VIII, Regulation of Sewer Usage, by the Adoption of a Sewer and Industrial Pretreatment Use Manual. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for December 18, 2012, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter). (Utilities Director Smith) The City last updated a Cross -Connection Control Manual in June 1990, and last updated the City Code of Ordinances' Article Vill, Regulation of Sewer Usage, in June 1994, The proposed ordinance will update both the Cross -Connection Control Manual; and remove the regulation of sewer usage currently in the City Code of Ordinances and replace those provisions with the "Sewer and Industrial Pretreatment Use Manual". The new ordinance also provides that future manual revisions can be by adopted by City Commission -approved resolution. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing will be held on December 18, 2012, at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. EH.H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None I. REGULAR AGENDA - None J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS- None K. -COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Mayor Vandergrift — 1) announced that there will be a visit front Santa at the December 18, 2012, meeting when "Operation Santa" stops by the commission meeting in the midst of the neighborhood visits. 2) announced that the Christmas Parade winners will be announced at the December 18, 2012 meeting at 6:45 p.m. 3) stated that the Christmas lights along the roads look very good Page 9 City Commission Regular December 4, 2012 Commissioner Hood— 1) announced he is wearing an awful "Florida Gator" shirt due to losing a bet to Commissioner Johnson. 2) said that the Ocoee High School Boys Soccer and Girls Soccer teams are doing very well. Commissioner Wilsen — announced that Light Up Ocoee will begin on December 17"', the Parks and Recreation Board will be going around judging lights. They will look at homes where an application has been submitted for judging; awards will be given out in January. Applications can still be obtained on the City website or call 407-905-3100 for more information. Commissioner Johnson — 1) announced the Christmas Dinner for the Needy on December 13, 2012, at Ocoee Middle School. Commissioner Wilsen said that tickets are required and are going very fast 2) announced Christmas looking good down Maguire Road as well as at the City Hall Complex 3) said he enjoys seeing Commissioner Hood in a Gators jersey. Commissioner Hood said he will pray for forgiveness. 4) advised residents who had been inquiring that the Maguire Road re -landscaping is in the planning stages and they will be planting around January 14, 2013. Commissioner Keller — 1) announced Operation Santa for most of District 4 will be on December 18, 2012. He said he will not be on the parade that night because it is the night of the Commission Meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Attest: 740Eiken erry, City Clcr�i APPROVED: City of Ocoee ��. cjtT c, S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 10