HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-2012 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE
REGULAR MEETING HELD ON September 17, 2012
The meeting came to order at 6:05 PM in the meeting room at the Parks & Recreation Administrative
Office, 125 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761. The roll was called and a quorum was declared
at that time.
PRESENT: Chairman Heard, Vice -Chair Baxter, Members Applegate, Rainer & McKey, Parks and
Recreation Director Jeff Hayes (Director Hayes), Ex- Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen and Sr.
Administrative Assistant Dottie Godek.
ABSENT: Member Barber (excused), Member Gleason (excused) and Member Watring (unexcused).
Member McKey, seconded by Member Rainer, moved to accept the regular meeting minutes from
July 16h 2012. The motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Heard mentioned that Sr. Administrative Assistant Dottie Godek had sent out an
email asking Parks & Recreation Advisory Board to oversee the games. Member Mckey said that
Thursday might work for them. Chairman Heard has enough help to do Friday night. Chairman
Heard asked how many games there will be — Parks and Recreation Director Jeff Hayes
(Director Hayes) said that they had 5 -6 games last year but the games needed to be improved.
Director Hayes said that there will be a minimum of 5 games he thought. Sr. Administrative
Assistant Dottie Godek asked if anyone was available to work the games on Saturday night and
no one volunteered. Director Hayes said that the West Orange Girls Club (softball) was also having
an event on their property Saturday. They were going to be charging admission & selling tickets but
just for the Girls Club event. Director Hayes said that if there were not enough volunteers for the
game area they would have to hire some people for Saturday. Member Applegate asked about
parking — Director Hayes said that the Parks & Recreation Department and the Girls Club are
coordinating and will be planning the parking so there is enough room for everyone. Director
Hayes said that we were having basic food, hot dogs, hamburgers etc. but the Girls Club was
bringing in one or two food trucks. Chairman Heard mentioned that Gator's Dockside will come out
and cook your food and have some giveaways. Sean from Gator's will stay out all day long and do
the food — the organization has to provide the food however. Director Hayes mentioned that the
themes of the rooms in the house this year are centered around "horror movies" and passed out a
flyer. Member Rainer asked about pricing & Director Hayes said the charges were for the house
and the walk. Everything else is free. The board then had a general discussion regarding the
Haunted House.
Director Hayes presented it again at attorney day for one last review. Director Hayes has had to
add in an appeal process for any type of violation and the Ocoee Police Department is reviewing all
ordinances to be sure the process is consistent across the board. Ocoee Police Department was
supposed to have it back to Director Hayes by the next week so Director Hayes can possibly
present it to the City Commission in October or November. They are also looking at fees as follows:
1s offence is a warning
2nd is a $50.00 fine
3rd is a $100.00 fine
There was a discussion of the ordinance and the fees.
The board had a discussion of which crafts they were going to purchase for the craft tent at the
Founders Day event. A foam necklace, a drumstick hat and a scratch pumpkin were chosen.
Vice -Chair Baxter, seconded by Member Mckey moved to purchase the crafts for the craft booth.
4 members approved 1 opposed. Motion passed unanimously.
The following people have volunteered to work:
Vice -Chair Baxter — 9am setup until about 11:30.
Chairman Heard
Member Rainer
Member Barber if she is available
Director Hayes reported that the Vignetti tennis court signs have been corrected and the time
adjusted. They go off at 10:30 pm. Tiger Minor tennis court lights are on until 10 pm.
Member Applegate mentioned that the Bulldog Field sign for traffic going westbound on Silver Star
Road is there but there is no sign for eastbound traffic. Director Hayes said he will put in a request
to the city sign shop.
Director Hayes said that Parks & Recreation is working with the "Friends of Ocoee History
Preservation" for the repurposing of the house. He said that he thinks that a plan has been worked
out to everyone's agreement. There will be a commission workshop on October 10 2012 at 6:00
PM. It is a public meeting in Room 109 at city hall. Sr. Administrative Assistant Dottie Godek
will send a reminder about the meeting to the board members.
Ocoee is the second parade this year starting at 1 PM on Saturday December 1, 2012.
Member Mckey requested "Light up Ocoee" flyers be available at the upcoming city events.
Member Rainer, seconded by Member McKey made a motion to judge lights starting on 12/17/12
with the board members meeting at the Beech Center at 6:00 PM. Motion passed unanimously.
Member Rainer, seconded by Member McKey made a motion that the remainder of the advisor)/
board money be spent on purchasing "sandwich boards" for advertising of various city events. Motion
passed unanimous /.
1) Approval of minutes
2) Haunted House Update
3) Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Budget
4) Withers Maguire House Update
5) Update on Community Center
6) Update on Park Ordinance
7) Founders Day Recap
Director Hayes mentioned two program related issues:
* *The pool is closing for the season on September 30 2012
* *The Cheerleading program will be back at the Community Center at least until December of 2012
Director Hayes also mentioned checking into a youth golf program. He said he attended a
conference recently and picked up some literature on program ideas. Member Mckey said that he
hoped the city's golf course would donate some time. Director Hayes said they had been contacted
in the past but they weren't very receptive. Director Hayes also said that if they wouldn't help
there were other avenue's that could be explored. Ex- Officio Member Rosemary Wilsen said
they were leasing the golf course land from the city but that she would check into it. Director
Hayes said that there would be information available for the next meeting. There was a general
discussion regarding the golf course.
Chairman Heard mentioned that the batting cages have weeds growing in them and the city must
maintain them yet the city says it doesn't have keys for the batting cages to enable them to maintain
Chairman Heard asked what improvements were being made at the Ison Center and Director
Hayes said that the parking lot was being expanded as well as a patio area being added. There will
also be work done to improve the acoustics of the building.
Director Hayes said that if anyone knows anyone who might be interested in becoming a Parks &
Recreation Advisory Board Member (or any other board) have them contact the City Clerk's office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
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Chairman Heard Sr. Administrative Asst. Dottie Godek