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Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in prayer and Frances Watts led in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director
Shira, Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director Wheeler, Planning Director Wagner, Senior
Planner McGinnis, and Acting City Clerk Green.
ABSENT: Commissioner Howell (due to illness)
Mayor Vandergrift read the State of the City Address, which is attached to these minutes as
Exhibit A. He was assisted in a powerpoint presentation in conjunction with his speech by
Neumeyer Productions and Trooper Advanced Technology. He introduced guests Ken Cone of
Florida Power and Gretchen Adent of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce.
In his address Mayor Vandergrift had designated Mrs. Willie Fields as citizen of the year,
noting that she was probably the oldest living citizen in Ocoee. Mrs. Fields had celebrated her
99th birthday on January 17th. The Mayor introduced Mrs. Fields and several members of her
family who were also present.
In a footnote, Mayor Vandergrift announced that Orange County will be resurfacing A.D.
Mims Road starting in February, 2000.
Recess: 7:45 - 8:00 p.m.
In a brief address, Kindra Harrington, of West Orange High School FFA, explained the
functions of the FF A and the need for funding for the State Fair Steer Raising Project.
Mayor Vanden!:rift, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the grant
application for West Orange High School FF A for $500 to help cover the cost of raising the
Chapter's steer for this year's State Fair. Motion carried 4-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
The Consent Agenda consisted of the following:
. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of January 4,
2000 and December 21, 1999.
. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Brookstone Unit 1
Subdivision Final Plat.
. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Two Non-Exclusive
Temporary Easements, a Drainage and Access Easement, and a Non-Exclusive Perpetual
Slope Easement Agreements with Village Marketplace Investors, Ltd. and Authorization
for Payment of $250.00 to Cover their Costs in Reviewing and Executing the Agreements.
Referring to the Brookstone Final Plat, Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Vandergrift
expressed a preference for low-profile pedestals or underground utilities in new developments.
After some discussion, it was agreed, without objection, to request staff to prepare an
ordinance with that provision.
Mavor Vandenrrift. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the Consent
Agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
Gary Hood, as president of Ocoee Little League, addressed the City Commission about the
need for practice fields and the wear and tear on the fields by groups who were using them
without authorization. Mr. Hood reported that the A.A.U. teams are using the fields for
practice. City Manager Shapiro responded that the A.A. U. teams should not be using the
fields and the City will send the Police Department to remove the teams from the fields if
necessary. Mr. Hood also stated that the fence to the lights needs to be repaired and Mr.
Shapiro said that the fence has gone out for bid.
Commissioner Howell called in to report poor television reception of the meeting and to
congratulate the Mayor on a speech very well done.
Commissioner Anderson
. Reported a citizen complaint about unsolicited phone calls and e-mails and asked if
research could be done so the Police Department could direct individuals with this problem
to the proper authority, i.e. FCC. Mr. Shapiro explained that if it involved bank fraud it
would be a federal matter. Mayor Vandergrift invited Commissioner Anderson to draft
an article for the next newsletter about this issue.
Commissioner Johnson - None.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
Commissioner Parker
. Announced R.S.V.P. Line 407-656-2218, and said that live e-mail and call-in are available
during this meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift
. Read a letter received today advising that Deputy City Clerk Fran Gosnell had received
Certified Municipal Clerk certification and extended his congratulations.
. Announced he had received a letter from Orange County that A.D. Mims Road will be
paved in the year 2000.
Planning Director Wagner presented the staff report for the proposed Amendment to the
Special Exception (Plantation Grove) Case #1-3SE-98. He explained that Mr. Thomas Daly,
representative for the Hess Station, had requested that the lighting for the station be allowed to
be designed consistent with the existing Mobil Station at the Plantation Grove Shopping
Center. He said that staff was recommending language to be added to Condition of Approval
No. 11 of the Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception for the Hess Station to allow them to
design the site consistent with Mobil, but that they would have to meet all of the City's other
site lighting criteria.
In the discussion about lighting which ensued, City Attorney Rosenthal recalled the
discussion and issues when the original Special Exception was adopted. He said Commission
action at that time did not specify lighting with respect to compliance with the current Code
and that was why the Amendment was brought to Commission.
Thomas Daly, Daly Design Group, was present on behalf of Amerada Hess Corporation. Mr.
Daly pointed out the lighting range of other service stations in the area. He said if the new
Code were taken literally, the lighting for the Hess Station would be 70% dimmer than for the
Mobil Station, and he cited public safety concerns.
Attorney Rosenthal explained that staff's position is unrelated to public safety, but is based on
consistency within a single Planned Unit Development. He said staff does not believe that
approval of this lighting sets any precedent for any other lighting of gas stations within the
City of Ocoee or in any way impacts from a public safety standpoint or otherwise what they
may bring before Commission with some revised lighting standards which may well be less
than what is being proposed for the Hess Station and less than what is in existing stations.
Mr. Wagner said the information provided to Commission when they consider the revised
lighting standard in the public hearing will include various levels of lighting and how they are
affected by public safety.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
As had been recommended by staff, Mavor Vandenrrift, seconded bv Commissioner Parker,
moved to amend Condition of Approval No. 11 of the Preliminary Site Plan for Special
Exception for the Hess Station bv adding the following language at the end of the condition:
"However, site lighting illuminance levels mav match those of the existing Mobil Station at
Plantation Grove Shopping Center, except that lighting design shall otherwise conform to all
additional Ocoee Land Development Code provisions pertaining to site lighting." Motion
carried 3-1. with Commissioner Anderson voting "No. " Mayor pointed out that he believes it
is the intent of this Commission that all lighting for any of these service stations be drafted
Responding to a letter from a citizen, Commissioner Johnson pointed out that citizens should
investigate what is planned for a neighborhood before they purchase a home, as much of what
is happening now has been planned for a long time, and in fact, projects have been upgraded
from the original plans. Commissioner Johnson stated for the record that he is sorely
disappointed in the Ferdinand apartment project (Esplanade), and he does not feel the project is
what they promised it would be. He said he wanted to be certain that the Hess project would
not be a disappointment. He urged citizens to call the City if they need to be informed about
plans for an area.
Mayor Vandergrift left the dais and Mayor ProTem Anderson presided.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the proposed ordinance by title only.
As Commission had no objection to a combined staff report, Senior Planner McGinnis
presented the staff report for Ordinance No. 00-01 and Ordinance No. 00-02, annexing and
rezoning a 1.37 acre parcel located on the east side of Clarke Road, approximately 200 feet
south of the intersection of Clarke Road and Ocoee-Clarcona Roads. The land use designation
for the pond is low density residential and the request for rezoning is RI-AA. She said the
Development Review Committee recommended approval of the annexation ordinance on
November 17, 1999 and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the
annexation and zoning ordinances on December 14, 1999. The annexation request is
consistent with The Joint Planning Area Agreement, the State criteria, and the City standards.
She said the requested rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land
Use Map, the Land Development Code, the Joint Planning Area Agreement with Orange
County and surrounding land uses and zonings.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
The public hearing was opened for Ordinance No. 00-01, and as no one wished to speak, the
public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No.
00-01. Clarke Road Pond Annexation (Case No. AR-99-09-0n. Motion carried 3-0. Mayor
Vandergrift was away from the dais.
City Attorney Rosenthal read by title only Ordinance No. 00-02 (Case No. AR-99-09-01)
providing for change of zoning classification from Orange County A I Citrus Rural District to
Ocoee RI AA Single Family Dwelling District containing approximately 1.37 acres located on
the east side of Clarke Road, approximately 200 feet south of the intersection of Clarke and
Ocoee-Clarcona Roads.
The public hearing was opened for Ordinance No. 00-02, and as no one wished to speak, the
public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Parker, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to find the proposed
rezoning to be consistent with the (1) Comprehensive Plan: (2) Future Land Use Map: (3)
Land Development Code: and (4) Joint Planning Area (JPA) Agreement with Orange County,
and to adopt Ordinance No. 00-02, Clarke Road Pond Rezoning (Case No. AR-99-09-01),
rezoning the subiect parcel from Orange County A-I to Ocoee R-IAA. Motion carried 3-0.
Mayor Vandergrift was away from the dais.
As Commission had no objection to a combined staff report, Planning Director Wagner
presented the staff report for the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site
Plan for Silver Crossings, a proposed development involving 9 acres of land located in the
northeast quadrant of the Clarke Road and Silver Star Road intersection. The public hearing
had been continued from December 21, 1999 in order to resolve outstanding issues. Mr.
Wagner said the revised plans meet all City requirements, and the three waivers requested by
the developer are supported by staff and they are as follows:
1. Relocate landscaping materials from the service area at the back of the building to the north
side of the brick wall facing the adjoining the residential area.
2. Conforms site lighting with National Lighting Standards that are to be considered for
inclusion in the Land Development Code.
3. Permits a small number of parking spaces to be reduced in size for compact cars in order to
maintain the required total number of spaces and to permit inclusion of required pedestrian
and landscape areas within the parking lot.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
Planning Director Wagner said that staff recommends approval of both the Preliminary/Final
Subdivision and Preliminary/Final Site Plans with the three (3) waivers.
A combined public hearing was opened for Silver Crossings, Preliminary/Final Subdivision
Plan and the Preliminary/Final Site Plan.
Martha Lopez-Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, stated that she is concerned about the parking
in the southeast corner. If there is no parking spot in that area, the driver will be forced to
Steve Brandon, of Brandon & Company, the developers of the proposed project, said the
parking lot was redesigned to provide back-inlback-out parking partly as a more efficient way
to get parking spaces. This would also meet landscaping, sidewalk, and code requirements.
Commissioner Anderson questioned Mr. Brandon if backing-up was the only way to exit the
dead-end parking space and if this was supported by staff.
Planning Director Wagner stated that when the plans were first presented there were some
adjoining driveways and they were eliminated to get additional parking spaces. He stated that
the rows were short enough for drivers to see down the rows for available spaces, and they
expected most of the spaces to be utilized by employees.
Mayor Vandergrift returned to the dais.
Martha Lopez-Anderson stated that the residents of Silver Bend are excited about Publix, and
that they welcome the developers and wish them the best.
The public hearing was closed.
As had been recommended by staff, Commissioner Parker, seconded bv Commissioner
Anderson, moved to approve the Preliminarv /Final Subdivision Plan and the Preliminary/Final
Site Plans for Silver Crossings, including the waivers specified thereon, as date stamped
received bv the Citv on January 10, 2000. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Parker said she was pleased with the way the developer has presented the
project and discussed it with the surrounding property owners and the way that the staff and
developer have worked together to work out issues before they came to Commission meeting.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the staff report regarding the Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990, requiring utilities to develop plans to identify the potential for, and
prevention of accidental releases of hazardous chemicals. Golder & Associates have developed
a Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Jamela Water
Treatment Plant. Those RMP were completed and submitted to E.P.A, and Golder &
Associates have submitted a proposal to prepare the second half of the requirements of the
Clean Air Act Amendment. This is the preparation of a Process Safety Management Report.
There are fourteen (14) points that must be addressed. Mr. Shira recommended that the City
Commission authorize Golder & Associates to proceed with the proposal with a thirty (30) day
time extension.
As had been recommended by staff, Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner
Johnson, moved to authorize the transfer of $15,000.00 from the Utility Administration
Reserve for Contingency account to the Utility Administration Professional Service/Other
account. and further authorize Golder & Associates to provide the services related to the
Process Safety Management program as detailed in their proposal dated October 20, 1999,
with the addition of a 30 day extension. Motion carried 4-0.
The following items are listed in the order considered.
City Attorney Rosenthal presented the staff report regarding the March 14, 2000 election.
He explained that the General Municipal Election will be held concurrently with the statewide
presidential primary, and that the Supervisor of Elections will be administering the General
Election. He said it is recommended that the City Commission acting as the City Commission
and the Canvassing Board members acting on behalf of the Canvassing Board (1) approve the
proposed answers to the Supervisor of Elections as set forth in his memorandum, (2) adopt the
Orange County Canvassing Board review criteria with respect to absentee ballots as set forth in
correspondence from the Supervisor of Elections to the City Clerk dated November 16, 1999
and establish those criteria as the City criteria, and (3) designate a member of the City
Canvassing Board to attend, along with a representative of the City Clerk's office, the election
day meeting of the County Canvassing Board and report back to the City Canvassing Board the
municipal absentee ballot results as reported by the Supervisor of Elections.
Commissioner Anderson left the meeting at 9:08 p.m.
Beverly Willis, of the Supervisor of Elections Office, was present and confirmed that their
office ordinarily prescreens the absentee ballots as the voters signatures are on file in their
In discussion about designating a member of the City Canvassing Board to attend the election
day meeting of the County Canvassing Board, Ms. Willis said the County Board usually meets
at noon on the day of the election for a pre-screening of those absentee ballots that have been
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
received in the office, and they will review them again at the end of the day for anything that
has arrived in the interim.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve staff's
recommendation except for a change in item three to provide that a representative of the City
Clerk's office will attend the election dav meeting of the County Canvassing Board and report
back to the Citv Canvassing Board the municipal absentee ballot results as reported by the
Supervisor of Elections. Motion carried 3-0. (Note: Mr. Rosenthal's Memorandum along
with Mr. Cowles' letter are attached to these minutes as Exhibit B.)
Staff recommended that Commission set as polling place(s) for an April 11, 2000 Run-off
Election, if needed, either the Ocoee Community Center for District 2, and the Beech
Recreation Center for District 4 or Beech Recreation Center for both Districts 2 and 4.
After some discussion, Commissioner Johnson seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to
set as polling places for a run-off election on April 11, 2000 (if needed) the Community Center
for District 2 and the Beech Center for District 4. Motion carried 3-0.
Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director Wheeler was available to present a staff report and
answer questions regarding the change order requests. This change order request was initiated
to compensate the contractor for additional work requested to adjust unit quantities on
numerous construction items and "final out" the projects.
As had been recommended by staff, Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner
Parker. moved to approve Change Order NO.1 with Wharton-Smith, Inc. for CIP Proiects 4,
20, 21. 26 & 27. Motion carried 3-0.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira was available to present a staff report and answer
questions regarding the addendum to the contract with PEC for additional design services for
Maguire Road. This proposal covers the following aspects of the project:
1. Design a stormwater pond.
2. Design and permitting of a sanitary sewer line and force main relocation to an existing lift
station, made necessary for the construction of the above pond.
3. Design and permitting of the relocation of existing water utilities to accommodate an
existing 54" diameter Conserve II reclaimed water main.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
4. Design and permitting of an extension of a 12" water main to connect to facilities installed
As had been recommended by staff, Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner
Parker. moved to approve Addendum No. 00-1 to PEC's contract for the not-to-exceed
amount of $47,740.00. Motion carried 3-0.
City Manager Shapiro presented Community Relation/Projects Director Shira's memo
regarding the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Mayor Vandergrift stated that he
would like to have an informal barbecue outside or use the Beech Center. Discussion ensued.
Mayor Vanderi!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve an informal
barbecue at the Beech Center for the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Motion carried
Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department-The terms of Members Applegate,
Aycock, Hager, Minor, Shaner, Sills, Slimick, and Snow will expire February 1, 2000.
Mayor Vanderi!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to reappoint the above
members for terms to expire February 1, 2003, with the exception of Nell Minor, who does
not wish to be reappointed. Motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner Parker -None.
Commissioner Johnson
1. Said there are yard trash problems at Lady Ave. and Doreen Ave. The trash pick-up standards are
not being met according to the contract.
2. Announced a call in from a citizen on Center St. regarding speeding and running stop signs.
3. Asked that the City Commission receive a report on developers who have not paid their outstanding
fees to the city. He further stated that no license should be issued until the outstanding fees are
paid. Mr. Shapiro said that the Finance Department provided the Building and Planning
Departments with the information, and further, that the Finance Department should sign off as the
final step before the license is issued.
Commissioner Howell - absent
Commissioner Anderson - absent
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2000
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Announced a call in from Commissioner Howell requesting more details on agenda items
so citizens will understand items being discussed.
2. Announced an anonymous call in regarding whether the franchise with T.W.C. was
approved. Mr. Shapiro stated that the franchise has not been approved at this time but
expects it to be an agenda item in February.
3. Expressed concern to the Breeze Family in Bill Breeze's lingering critical illness.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
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~~ lv/VIJI
Actmg City Clerk Green
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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Exhibit "A" to City Commission Minutes of January 18, 2000
OcOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258
(407) 656-2322
Ocoee 2000-The Future is Now.
Welcome to the year 2000 version of the state of the city address reflecting our
accomplishments in 1999. Depending on your perspective this is the fITst report of
the 21st century. I am happy to report to you, the citizens, that your government
services never faltered because of the Y2K bug everyone predicted. This is because
of a dedicated staff that made advance preparations to prevent a loss of services.
With the upgrading of our computer system and a new user-friendly telephone
system, we are prepared to give optimum service to our citizens over the next
several decades.
We remain the fastest growing city in Orange County, averaging more than one new
home per day over the past seven years. Our current population is approximately
22,800, which means in the year 2003 it will be over 29,000 and in 2010, nearly
35,000. The City Commission, in partnership with city employees and countless
volunteers throughout the community, has managed some phenomenal
The Recreation Department under the leadership of Bruce Nordquist has had the
most significant changes in the past year. With the cooperation of the Public Works
Department, the recreation advisory board, elected officials, and a lot of other staff
members, they have added the Jim Beech multi-purpose Recreation Center. This
15,000 sq. ft building contains basketball courts, volleyball courts, meeting rooms,
kitchen, and offices for the recreation staff. Two soccer fields were completed that
serve over 300 boys and girls. By the way they compete together and the girls can
kick just as hard as the boys.
Plans are underway to add a family aquatic center to the recreation complex. A
dance room, exercise room, showers, and restrooms will also be a part of the center.
The multi-purpose facility is being utilized by wheel chair basketball teams from
Ocoee and Central Florida, they compete with teams from across the state and
nation as well as on any given evening or day young adults of all ages and children
are making this facility a community asset.
The recreation department is also spearheading the cooperation with the state Fish
and Wildlife Game Commission to establish our own Starke Lake as one of the Fab
Five lakes in Orange County to get funds to improve fishing and other recreational
activities connected with this wet park. We have active recreation programs from
Senior Citizens field trips, to all kinds of before and after school activities for our
youth, and everything in between.
I would be derelict in my duties if I didn't mention the World Series championship
our Ocoee Big League team won in Tucson, Arizona, this past summer. They
defeated Canada in the fmal game, to end a sweep of the series. We could not have
been represented by a more gentlemanly, sportsmanlike group of young people had
we hand picked them for those qualities. Thanks Guys. The Ocoee Bulldog cheer
leaders represented us in the National Championships held at Walt Disney World
recently and walked away with 3rd place in one division and 6th place in another.
Way to go ladies. Our thanks to all the coaches and parents for the sacrifices you
make for our youth. We are proud of you all.
This past year the various city departments have been extremely busy with growth
and all of the challenges that go along with it. I could write a speech on each
department alone of their accomplishments and challenges for the future but in the
interest of time I will only touch on the significant ones that represent the tip of the
iceberg that their everyday duties require them to perform.
The Planning Department is continuing a close relationship with the Orange County
School District in planning and siting of schools within Ocoee. At present there are
1 high school, 4 elementary schools, and 1 middle school being contemplated and
planned for the next 10 years in our community. In addition the Ocoee Middle
school is being rebuilt and modernized and will be completed within 2 years. This is
being accomplished through the state of Florida as a pilot project for other school
districts. The funds already earmarked for the project are nearly 27 million dollars.
Not only will the school be modernized but will allow more students to be
accommodated in a better and more educationally conducive atmosphere than
present. The school will be without portables when fmished. There is an elementary
school currently being built at the comer of Clarke and Silver Star Roads to open in
September of this year to relieve overcrowding at Spring Lake elementary school
and virtually eliminating portables there also. The site of the new elementary school
will be adjacent to a new public library to begin construction within a few months.
We are negotiating for a site for a new Ocoee High School, that we hope could be a
reality within 5 years.
The city has been lauded by the school board for our self determination of
continued excellence in our schools. Through the efforts of the our volunteer
Education Commission, we have formed a partnership with the school system to
place parks near schools to help provide some relief on the system for providing
extracurricular activities. The school system and city just bought a 25 acre parcel of
land for a park and elementary school. The site is south of the Publix shopping
center and east of Maguire Road to relieve Windermere and Lake Whitney
elementary schools in the near future.
After all of this planning, the Building Department is charged with making sure that
all buildings are built to code and will withstand the forces of nature we sometimes
endure by living in central Florida. This department has, under it's umbrella of
responsibilities, code enforcement; plans review and approval; electrical, plumbing,
framing, and general inspections of new homes; mobile homes; arbor ordinance
enforcement; and, last but not least, the animal control officer, devoted to raising
awareness of animals to our community in all aspects from neutering, to strays, and
making us aware of responsible pet ownership. These dedicated employees have
performed over 11,300 inspections in the past year, and we can all feel a little safer
in our homes because of them.
The Fire Department responded to 2907 calls for service in 1999. This represents a
7 to 10% increase over 1998. They educated over 7000 school children during fire
prevention week on how to be better prepared in case of home fires, Preliminary
plans are being devised for the relocation of Fire Station One. A grant of $50,000
for back up radio equipment is being sought. Fire personnel participated in the
Children's Burn Camp at Walt Disney World. They also provided emergency
weather radios for Day Care Centers.
The engineering and utilities department is continuing to move toward a city-wide
water reuse system that will not only save energy but save you money in the long
run by allowing you to water your lawns with recycled water at a lower rate. Public
awareness is the cornerstone of our water conservation program, embodied in the
POWR program. This logo stands for "Protect Ocoee's Water Resources." Through
education we are trying to get citizens to look at ways we waste water and to reduce
our consumption by 100/0. There may have to be an adjustment in water rates for
reasons of conservation, but we pledge to you that we will not leave any stone
unturned in our search for better solutions. Your help is critical in this endeavor so
think "How Can I Save Water?" and give more POWR to your money.
The engineering and utilities department is completing the second stages of
correcting some of our long-standing drainage problems. If you look around town,
or maybe even in your neighborhood, you will see contractors hard at work fixing
these nagging issues. In addition to the those duties, this department supervised the
resurfacing of Orlando A venue, and will oversee the upcoming road replacements,
widening, and four landings. These include Maguire Road, Silver Star Road,
Professional Parkway, and parts of Old Winter Garden Road. They have also
contracted, engineered, and completed several miles of new water mains being
installed that will improve water pressure and fITe protection for many of our
Public works has it's hands full with maintaining of road ways, ditches, garbage
removal, park maintenance, and building maintenance among other duties that don't
fit into other departments' depositions. They have moved the public works center
from Flewelling Drive to the industrial park and supervised the conversion of the
old public works site into an enhanced parking area for Little League and Bulldog
complexes. This department has continued to update, renew, and add new
equipment to better serve our needs. The parks department has rebuilt several
athletic fields. They continue to spruce up the city and its parks to make your
community a more delightful place in which to live.
The police department continued changes this past year to better protect our
community with the take-home car plan which allows an officer to be assigned his
or her own car to drive home and be responsible for. At present eligible officers
must live in the city. With this plan, police cars are parked in our neighborhoods
instead of at the police station. After thorough study of similar programs from other
governmental entities, this program was implemented with the endorsement of our
police advisory board. The commission and the police department will be
reviewing extensions of the program this year. The Police Department sought and
won a grant that will allow us to add more police officers in the next two years
which, with our growth, will keep us in the upper percentile of officers per
populace compared with other local governments. Currently we have more than 61
sworn officers. Our fITe stations are also police substations, which should enhance
safety of the public by moving the officers closer to the neighborhoods.
Our bicycle patrol seems to be popular with the public and allows our officers to
communicate more directly with our law abiding citizens to encourage cooperation.
Crimewatch members are keeping an eye out for you and if you don't belong or
have a group in your neighborhood you should. Call the police department for more
The Police department is processing grant applications for more than one million
dollars. The department responded to over 28,000 calls this year, and yet we still
have the second lowest crime rate in Orange County, only following our
neighboring city, Windermere.
The fmance department has been outstanding in their resourcefulness in adapting to
the new computer system for reporting our income and expenses over the past year.
F or the 11 th year in a row they have received a Certificate of Achievement for
Excellence in Financial Reporting given by a national accrediting agency of
governmental organizations. They have set up a program for you to be able to pay
your water bill electronically from your bank account. They worked to reorganize
our bonding structure to allow us to refinance 12 million dollars to get lower interest
rates as well as about 4 million dollars extra to build a pool and meet other needs of
the city.
The Human Rescues department is the heartbeat of our city employees, with hiring,
transfers, promotions, insurance responsibilities, and all things relating to our 294
employees. In addition this department is in charge of the youth art display at city
hall. They oversee a program that allows employees to improve themselves through
continuing education that is funded by the city. The Human Resources department
assigns work details to individuals that need to give community service through the
court system.
Our volunteer commissions have been active this year to give you more input into
your government and to provide you with an avenue to get involved to be sure that
we, as leaders, take the right directions on issues. The Charter Study Commission
reviewed our charter to see if it meets the needs of our community today, After
several public hearings they reported back to the commission recommendations for
3-year terms for elected officials to reduce the need for elections every year and
give more time to the officials to make decisions on challenges without the need to
campaign every other year. You voted to accept this recommendation and this
Marchyour officials will be elected.for 3-year terms.
The Community Relations Director, Janet Shira, has moved us forward with
programs of citizen involvement, more education and information getting out to the
populace, and several other areas that have been overlooked in the past because of
too much and too rapid growth. The MVP-Most Valuable Partnerships is a grant
program instituted by the City Commission to get neighbors involved in enhancing
their neighborhoods and thus the entire city. The program allows for groups to
apply for matching grants from the city up to $2,500 to do good things for the
neighborhoods. Founders Day Fireworks was another project. Our fIrst city events
calendar was published last year and improved upon this year with children's
drawings being the cornerstone. You may pick up a calendar at city hall or some
local businesses in town. They will be collectors' items one day. A web page was
started and improved upon, and we have gotten many compliments on this project.
Our job openings are published on this site also. The informative quarterly "News
to You" newsletter has been a huge success in getting information to citizens about
your community. This department oversees the RSVP telephone number 407/656-
2218 that guarantees you an answer to your questions or problems within 48 hours.
We have hopes that this will serve you better in the future. The phone is answered
24 hours a day, 7 days a week if not by a live person then by an answering Inachine.
When used it has been an invaluable tool for staff and citizens alike to accomplish
our objectives of frrst-rate service. Janet and staff, please accept a personal thanks
from the Mayor and commission on your accomplishments this year.
The City Clerk's offIce is responsible for taking minutes of all sanctioned meetings,
keeping the ordinances codifIed and up to date, and basically being sure everything
that is handled by them is by the book and lawful.
Our task as elected officials is to keep you, the public, informed as to how we spend
your hard-earned tax dollars. The city newsletter has been received with enthusiasm
and we intend it to grow with our community. One of the foremost ways of
communication is through live television coverage of our commission meetings.
This is done through the hard work of the television crews furnished and trained by
West Orange High School and West Side Tech at little cost to our citizens. Our city
is the only city in Central Florida that does it "live." Thanks to Donna Giffy, a
volunteer citizen, we have call- in service, but we need additional volunteers to
cover all of our other commissions. Please get involved. We also have live email
service during the meetings. For more information watch Channel 9 on Time
Warner Cable the frrst and third Tuesday of each month, with reruns in between.
The citizen of the year for this report is by circumstance probably the oldest living
citizen in our city. Willie Fields just turned 99 last week and is still going strong.
She moved to Ocoee in 1929 and was the mother of one of our former city
commissioners and leading citizens, Delma Fields. While growing up here myself,
she was a neighbor and was known to me as Mrs. Fields. During my preteen years I
used to walk by her house going to Ocoee Elementary school. When I got old
enough to mow yards she was one of my clients. Mrs. Fields has sisters that are also
in their nineties and they have been celebrating with her this past week with parties,
visits, and a reception held in her honor by the Starke Lake Baptist Church this past
Sunday. In the time I have kno\V,Il Mrs. Fields, I don't think I have heard an unkind
word spoken about her. Mrs. Fields, congratulations, and may you live through the
next millennium
In closing, I want to thank this commission for their tireless efforts in tackling some
tough challenges in the past year. We don't have problems, just challenges and
opportunities. The quality of dialog and thoughtfulness applied to every decision
made, no matter your views has been unsurpassed in my years of public service. I
hope it will continue in the future regardless of who represents our city. Thanks also
to my editor in chief, my wife Beth, without whom this speech would not
necessarily make sense. Her continued support has allowed me to accomplish a lot
more for our city than I could imagine alone. Last but not least are the volunteers
that make up our commissions for the city and all of those that volunteer through
the civic, school, and athletic organizations within the fabric of our community.
1'd like to welcome new citizens and new or enlarging businesses. We need all
businesses and all citizens to help and partner with your government to build our
community of Ocoee into the very best place to live, work, and raise a family. So
join in. We are here to make Ocoee truly the "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING" forlall of us.
Have a Happy and Prosperous 2000.
Respectively Submitted,
s. Scott Vandergrift
Exhibit "B" to City Commission Minutes of January 18, 2000
Agend:~ 1-18-2000
Item VII E
Cuern-MATrliR NUMIll:R
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee
Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Altomeyf,L
January 12, 2000
Canvassing Board: March 14 General Election
The March 14 General Municipal Election will be held concurrently with the
statewide presidential primary. As a result, the Supervisor of Elections will be adrnini"tering
the General Election, includIng the mailing, receipt and opening of absentee ballots. The City
Commission recently approved an agreement with the Supervisor of Elections allocating
responsibilities for the General Election, and, if needed, a municipal runoff election. All
requestS for absentee ballots will be referred to the Supervisor of Elections who has accepted
responsibility for the distribution of such ballots. It is necessary ior the City and Supervisor of
Elections to agree upon arrangements for canvassing absentee ballot results for the general
election. Attached hereto is a copy of correspondence from the Supervisor of Elections dated
November 16, 1999 which addresses this issue in further detail and proposes certain solutions,
and asks certain questions.
The Ocoee City Cha.rter requires that the City C3I1vassing Board meet at 12:00
Noon following the day of the election and that the City Canvassing Board canvass the returns
and declare the results at that meeting. In the past, the City Clerk has delivered. to the City
Canvassing Board the results from the polling places along with unopened absentee ballots
which have been prescreened by the Supervisor of Elections. This procedure will not be
possible for the general election since City absentee ballots will be in the same envelope as the
County absentee ballot and. will be returned in one envelope. The County Canvassing Board
will review the absentee ballot envelopes on the Monday prior to the general election, make a
decision as to the acceptability of those ballots, and proceed to open the ballots. If the City
Canvassing Board were to utilize different criteria from the County Canvassing Board or reach
a different conclusion regarding the ~tabi1iry of a ballot, this would lead to a potentially
complicated siruation. In order to avoid conflicts, it is our recommendation that the City of
Ocoee and its Canvassing Board defer to the County criteria. and the decision of the County
Canvassing Board with respect to the acceptability of ballots and allow the County Canvassing
Board to open and count the City absentee ballots and report the results thereof to the City.
The Supervisor of Elections raises several questions which are set forth below
along with our proposed answers:
QUESTION 1: Are there any other criteria not mentioned above that your
city canvassing board has used for reviewing ballots that might result in a
rejected ballot? PROPOSED ANSWER: The City Canvassing Board does
not have any additional criteria to supplement the criteria identified by the
Supervisor of ElectioDS in his November 16. 1999 letter.
OUESTION 2: Would a city representative as designated by the city
canvassing board wish to make a spot check through the accepted ballots prior
to their being opened on Monday, March 13, to verify that they meet your
canvassing board criteria for acceptability? PROPOSED ANSWER: The
City Canvassing Board does not desire to spot check the accepted ballots prior
to their opening and will defer to the determination of me Supervisor of
Elections and the County Canvassing Board.
QUESTION 3: After the accepted ballots have been opened, would you
want the city absentee ballots to be processed along with the county ballots?
Would you want a member of the city canvassing board present?
PROPOSED ANSWER: The City requests that the County process the City
absentee ballots along \vith the Count"j absentee ballots. The City would
request that a representative of the Ocoee City Clerk's office be present at the
time the City absentee ballots are processed by the Supervisor of Elections.
QUESTION 4: If they are to be counted in the presence of the city
C3IlV3SSing board, but not simultaneously with the county ballots, would you
wish them to be placed back into the opened absentee rerorn envelope?
PROPOSED ANSWER: The City will not require that the City absentee
ballots be counted in the presence of the City Canvassing Board, but would like
the opportunity to have a representative of the City Clerk's office present at the
time of counting. Accordingly, it is oot necessary for the City absentee ballots
to be placed back in the opened absentee return envelope.
QUESTION 5: Could at least one member of your C3Ilvassing board be
present on eleCtion day when the county canvassing board meets to review those
ballots which have been held for canvassing board review according to the
criteria specified above? As an alternative to election day, could your
canvassing board find some time on Monday, March 13, to meet in my office
and review questionable absentee ballots and to "'bless" those which are
acceptable by our standards? PROPOSED ANSWER: The City would like
to have a representative of the City Clerk's office and at least one member of
the City Canvassing Board present on election day whenever the Count'j
Canvassing Board meets to review ballots held for review according to the
criteria set forth in the November 16, 1999 letter from the Supervisor of
Elections. It is not necessary for the City Canvassing Board to separately meet
with the Supervisor of Elections to review questionable absentee ballots or
"bless" acceptable ones. The City Canyassing Board will defer to the decision
of the Supervisor of Elections and the County Canvassing Board on whether or
not to accept an absentee ballot. The City requests that the absentee ballot
resultS be jointly delivered to the City Clerk's representative and the City
Canvassing Board member present at the County Canvassing Board meeting.
Under the procedures set forth above, at least one member of the City Canvassing Board and a
representative of the City Clerk's office will he present when the County Can.....-assmg Board
reviews ballots held for canvassing and certifies the absentee ballot results.
It respectfully is recommended that the City Commission acting as the City
Commission and the Canvassing Board members acting on behalf of the Canvassing Board (1)
approve the proposed answers to the Supervisor of Elections as set forth in this memorandum,
(2) adopt the Orange County Canvassing Board review criteria with respect to absentee' ballots
as set forth in correspondence from the Supervisor of Elections to the City Clerk dated
November 16, 1999 and establish those criteria as the City criteria. and (3) designate a
member of the City Canvassing Board to attend, along with a representative of the City
Clerk's office, the election day meeting of the Counrj Canvassing Board and report back to
the City Canvassing Board the municipal absentee ballot results "as reported by the Supervisor
of Elections.
Attachment( s)
-f..( -11.
~\..\:.S . SUP~1l
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i;f -r
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Supervisor of Elections
Orange County, Florida
Ensure the integrity of the electoral process.
Enhance public confidence.
Encourage citizen participation.
1 5~
November 16, 1999
Jean Grafton
City Clerk, City of Ocoee
150 Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee FL 34761
Dear Jean:
One of the compelling reasons for the 1992 decision not to have city elections held concurrently
with county elections was the loss of over 600 ballots which could not be canvassed by the
county canvassing board. The city and county ballots had been mailed in separate env.elopes
with separate return envelopes. In order to save postage, however, many voters placed both
ballots in one return envelope, in some cases mailing both ballots in the county envelope and in
some cases mailing them both in the city envelope.
For this reason, in the upcoming March election, we will be mailing out city absentee ballots in
the SAME envelope as our county ballot. The voter will then place both voted ballots in the one
return envelope addressed to the Supervisor of Elections.
We have applied this procedure in the past, and it has not been a problem for those cities that
agreed to this method; their canvassing board having agreed in advance to abide by the same
review criteria as the county canvassing board for these ballots.
In the past, ballots have been accepted by the county canvassing board if:
The voter has signed the absentee certificate AND
The signature is verified against the signature on record AND
There is a witness to the signature AND
The witness has orovided a sufficient address so that the witness could be. found. if necessRrv.
. . - . ....'"
The county canvassing board reviews all ballot envelopes where:
There is NO signature by the voter OR
There is NO witness to the signature OR
There is insufficient or NO address given by the witness OR
The voter's signature cannot be verified.-
It has been our experience that most of the ballot envelopes held for review by the canvassing
board are rejected.
119 West Kaley Street, Orlando . Reply to: Post Office Box 562001, Orlando, Florida 32856
Phone (407) 836-2070 . Fax (407) 317-7633 . TOO (407) 422-4833 . Internet: www.ocfelections.com
Jean Grafton, City Clerk, City of Ocoee
November 16, 1999
Page Two
Ballot envelopes which fall into the "accepted" criteria are opened on the day before the election
so that they can be processed during the day of the election. Prior to opening the "accepted"
ballots, a time is set aside and advertised allowing any member of the public to come in to
inspect the ballots.
It is my strongest desire to follow the above procedure for all cities on March 14, 2000. I
believe it will result in the fewest number of rejected ballots and will make it easier on the voting
public by allowing them to save postage by using just one envelope for both ballots.
In order to satisfy the requirements of ALL cities we need to know the following:-
1) Are there any other criteria not mentioned above that your city canvassing board has used
for reviewing ballots that might result in a rejected ballot?
2) Would a city representative as designated by the city canvassing board wish to make a spot
check through the accepted ballots prior to their being opened on Monday, March 13, to verify
that they meet your canvassing board criteria for acceptability?
3) After the accepted ballots have been opened, would you want the city absentee ballots to be
processed along with the county ballots? Would you want a member of the city canvassing
board present?
4) If they are to be counted in the presence of the city canvassing board, but not simultaneously
with the county ballots, would you wish them to be placed back into the opened absentee return
5) Could at least one member of your canvassing board be present on election day when the
county canvassing board meets to review those ballots which have been held for canvassing
board review according to the criteria specified above? As an alternative to election day, could
your canvassing board find some time on Monday, March 13, to meet in my office and review
questionable absentee ballots and to "bless" those which are acceptable by our standards?
By working together.and discussing these matters ahead of time, we will be able to make the
March election as smooth as possible for the voting public. I look forward to hearing from you
on these matters.
ill Cowles
Supervisor of Elections