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Minutes of the West Orange Summit Meeting held February 28, 2000, at 7:00 P.M. in the
Windermere Town Hall.
Mayor Karen Ruenheek
Council Member Tom Johnson
Council Member Bill Osborne
Council Member Jerry Van Dyke
Carl Patterson
Cecilia Bernier
Dorothy Burkhalter
Council Member Larry Dobson
Council Member Don Greer
Aiso Present: Mayor John Land, Commissioner Billie Dean, Commissioner Mark Holmes,
Commissj~ner Marilyn McQueen, Ant. City Administrator Jack Douglas, Jr., Mayor Jon VanderLey,
Town Manager Harold Emeric~ MSt. Town Manager/Planner Jay Evans, Mayor S. Scott
Vandergrift. Commissioner Scott Anderson, Commissioner Nancy Parker, City Manager Ellis
Shapiro, City BngineerlUtilities Director Jim Shira, City Planner Director Russ Wagner, City Capital
ProjectslTransportation Planner Brad Friel, Mayor Jack Quesinberry, Commissioner Thea Graham,
Commissioner John Harriman, Commissioner Howard Marbury, City Manager Hollis Holden, City
Clerk Kathy Montoya.
OPENING" INVOCATiON: Mayor Ruenheck caUed upon each mayor to call their meeting to
order, gave the invocation and led everyone 'in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,
t. Unfund~d MAndAi....! .. CArl PAtterson';' Town of Windermere
Mr, Patterson presented each mayor a list of unfunded mandates for information only.
1. Tranlpnrtation
Mr. Hollis Holden. City Manager of Winter Garden updated everyone on the transportation
plans from the City of Winter Garden.
Jack Douglas, Assistant City Manager of Apopka reviewed the position on the Apopka
Bypass stating the State needs to support it.
Jon VanderLoy, Mayor Of Oakland, addressed the Highway SO congestion issues and other
West Orange Transportation issues. There will be a meeting of the West Orange South Lake
Transportation Task Force on March 30, at 9:00 A.M. at South Lake Hospital.
W~1~:01 00. 02 ~~W
Wett Orange Summit MeetiOI Minute.
Pale 2
February 21. 2000
3. Ann_ntion
EUis Shapiro. City Manager of Ocoee, stated that a bill to define an enclave and to set forth
a procedure to eliminate enclaves by a Special Act of Legislation is needed, or a bill to aUow
voluntary annexation of an enclave and thereby creating a reduction of the enclave.
4. T~I~ommunicatioll.
Ellis Shapiro. City Manager of Ocoee, stated that the committee should support any
legislation that provides equity among the telecommunication industry players and that protects the
rights of the 10call11unicipalities to levy taxes.
s. Mt!trophu,
John Land, Mayor of Apopka, gave a report on the Metroplan. The current number of
members is 19. The West Orange municipalities need to take and have an active role in making
decisions on this organization.
6~ Share Revenue Sharinl
Jack Douglas, ~5tant City Administrator of Apopka. updated the West Orange Summit of
chanses in the tax tevenues that effect the amount municipalities receive. He also stated that there
are few new sources that are being work on to increase the revenue sharing allocations for the
rnunicipaJities. Mr. Douglas stated there needs to be a committee bill that would 1) replace revenues
with a share of the State sates tax, 2) make up some ofthe lost revenues, 3) readdress amounts which
Cln be used (or bonding etc. .
7, West Ondg~ Pro~lem ~.olutiod Committee
Mr. Hollis Holden, City Manager of Winter Garden, expressed his concerns regarding the
problems existing in trying to resolve common problems between Municipalities and the County. A
committee of senior staff members from Municipalities and Orange County needs to be formed to
discuss resolutions of these problems. City of Winter Garden will host the first meeting.
Old Busilles!
Mr. Jim O.Neal. resident for the City of Winter Garden reported on C.A.C. meetings he has
, , New Bosidesll
~ 1.0 IIIOvlld to ha", ~ CoPes ancI Town's SlJIlfmevJben ~thin w~ ~~~ C~~
meet and further diSQJ.. ~lie fOllowipa; Tr:t:;~~ ~~t1~ ~~~71. 0 0-
C.A ~p Agreement Motion was seconded ~ n e I er f1 v r
W~2S:0t 00. 02 d~W