HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-00 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 4, 2000 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Former Mayor Lester Dabbs led in prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Building/Zoning Official Flippen, Plans Examiner/Building/Zoning Official Elect Velie, Assistant Building/Zoning Official Washington, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Police Chief Mark, Planning Director Wagner, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, and City Clerk Grafton. Also present were Engineering Consultants Todd Brimmer and Fursan Munjed. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PRESENTATIONS: RETIREMENT LAMP TO BUILDING/ZONING OFFICIAL FLIPPEN. Mayor Vandergrift expressed his appreciation for the high quality of Mr. Flippen's leadership in the Building Department. City Manager Shapiro presented the retirement lamp to Mr. Flippen and also expressed his appreciation. Department heads came forward to bid him farewell and Mr. Flippen spoke briefly. ROADWAY LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING FOR MAGUIRE ROAD. - PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS City Engineer Shira said that the design for the Maguire Road widening was almost complete and he introduced Todd Brimmer and Fursan Munjed, PEC. Mr. Munjed presented two typical lighting sections of Maguire Road on the overhead, with segment one being Maguire Road south of the Turnpike and segment two from the Turnpike to Mercantile Ct. Mr. Brimmer said the design was in strict adherence to Xeriscape and all the plants will survive without augmented irrigation. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, noted that the bike paths were diverted from Highway 50 and he objected to that. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the plan as presented. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION OF FINAL COMMENTS ON POWR CAMPAIGN. Carlman-Booker-Reis Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 4, 2000 Ms. Caroline Reis spoke briefly about the gratifying reception of the POWR program by the organizations, scouts, homeowner associations, and businesses in the City of Ocoee and then she introduced Lisa Lockridge, who has supervised the program for the past year. Ms. Lockridge gave a power point presentation of the overall program. Mayor Vandergrift thanked CBR for educating the citizens of Ocoee regarding water conservation, and said the City would take CBR's lead and move forward. Recalling a challenge he had made to the commission at the beginning of the program last year he presented certificates to the commissioners according to their standing in the report from the Utilities Department showing the total gallons saved in the past 11 months. The first prize of a $50 savings certificate was presented to Commissioner Anderson for reducing his water consumption for 10 of the 11 months and second prize for reducing consumption for 8 of the 11 months went to Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Anderson asked that the $50 certificate be given to the Christian Service Center, as he had conserved water as his civic duty, not for gain. City Attorney Rosenthal said that for financial disclosure purposes the record should reflect that the City of Ocoee was making the donation, rather than Commissioner Anderson. City Manager Shapiro advised that Community Relations/Projects Director Shira would be in charge of continuing the water conservation program and he would be asking for an additional person in her department with the new budget year. PROCLAMATIONS: Rose Dalbow, a student in the West Orange High School Law Magnet Program, read the following proclamations into the record. 1. NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK - MAY 21-27, 2000. 2. FLORIDA CRIME VICTIMS WEEK - APRIL 9-15, 2000. 3. SUPPORT CENSUS 2000. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda consisted of items A and B. City Manager Shapiro requested that an item which had arrived too late to be included in the packet be added as item C, which was a grant application from Bahia Shrine for the purchase of circus tickets. This was done without objection. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of March 21,2000 and Canvassing Board Meeting of March 15, 2000.(CITY CLERK) B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Non- Exclusive Temporary Easement Agreement with Eva E. Meridith-Kral for the Maguire Road Widening Project. (ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DoTY) .. This also authorizes the payment of $250.00 to Eva E. Meridith-Kral to cover her costs in reviewing and executing the agreement. C. Grant Application from Bahia Shrine for circus tickets in the amount of $400.00. Page 2 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 4, 2000 Mayor Vandergrift noted that the clerk had advised that in the final draft of the minutes of the March 21 meeting the names of Finance Director Horton and Finance Supervisor Carter had been added to those present. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner HowelL moved to approve and accept items A, B, and C of the consent agenda as corrected. Motion carried 5-0. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. Leonard Divorkis, Scoutmaster of Pack 198, thanked Mayor Vandergrift for inviting the scouts to have their camporee at the gazebo over the weekend of March 24 - 26, and said they all had a great time. Mr. Patrick Buckles,709 Rich Drive, addressed Commission regarding the scoreboards and said they were not yet in service, although they had been delivered and were in place some time ago. City Manager Shapiro advised that the timing had been bad for City staff to take care of the electrical work due to the work load already scheduled. Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to engage Amber Electric to take care of the job. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Howell advised for the record that two of the scoreboards are already in service and the only one remaining out of service was the major league field board. Mayor Vandergrift displayed the award to be given for involvement in the upcoming Code Enforcement Poster Contest and the trophy to be given to the winner and he encouraged students to take part in the contest when it was presented in their schools. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Howell: I) After stating for the record that the scoreboards at two of the fields work, leaving the major league field scoreboard still to be wired, he thanked City Manager Shapiro and Staff for wiring the scoreboards. 2) Thanked the Fire and Police Departments for their presence at the Glad Tidings Church Community Day celebration and expressed his appreciation to the Commission and citizens for supporting the event. 3) Thanked Mayor Vandergrift for inviting him to his birthday party Saturday. Commissioner Anderson: I) Concurred with Commissioner Howell regarding the Glad Tidings Church event. 2) Asked John Vogt to come forward and log him onto the internet so he could receive e-mail throughout the meeting. Commissioner Johnson: I) Opened a discussion regarding the upkeep of the entrance to Pioneer Key Park. When Mayor Vandergrift suggested calling a work day for volunteers to come forward, Scoutmaster Bruce Holmes volunteered his scouts to assist when a date is set. Page 3 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 4, 2000 2) Noted that there are potholes at the post office mail drop where citizens drive through, and asked that Public Works take care of it. Commissioner Parker: I) Thanked Mayor Vandergrift for the tickets she won placing second in the water conservation contest and said she would donate them to someone. 2) Said she was a part of Team Ocoee in the Relay for Life and commended the team for their efforts in fund raising for cancer, sayi~g that, although the Isleworth Team won first place with the largest dollar amount in donations, Bill Simon of Team Ocoee collected over $3,000, which was more than any other single worker in the entire Relay. Recess 8:35 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Mayor Vandergrift thanked the Bulldogs for the plaque and photo for this season which had been delivered earlier in the week. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None scheduled OTHER BUSINESS As there were several citizens present for the discussion regarding the City Volunteer Boards, that item was moved to be considered at this time. REVIEW OF CITY BOARDS/COMMITTEES. (CITY MANAGER SHAPIRO/CITY ATTORNEY ROSENTHAL) In general discussion regarding this issue, it was made clear that, although term limits had been a matter that several had wished to consider earlier in the year, that was no longer a matter to be pursued. Each Commissioner in turn expressed appreciation for the services of the volunteers and noted that more citizens are needed to fill the positions on the boards already in place. All agreed that some of the boards could benefit from some guidance on parliamentary procedure and focusing on the purpose of the individual board, such as CACOPD. Commissioner Howell suggested that the commissioner who is the ex officio member should have a work session with the board and that it would be helpful to find out what other cities' boards do, as well. When Commissioner Anderson suggested a facilitator be brought in, City Manager Shapiro said he would like to meet with the board and determine what they would like to do, before engaging a facilitator. Commissioner Parker suggested a mInI seminar for new board members as a method of training. Commissioner Johnson proposed a survey be sent to each board member to learn what they want. Mayor Vandergrift invited those present to give their input: Mr. Dick Lucas, CACOPD, said he would like to see the board become more productive and he suggested the Robert's Rules of Order be reviewed for new board members. Mr. Cecil Sims, CACOPD, said he has noted code violations and wants a hot line for speeders. Ms. Denise Lenko, Code Enforcement Board member, I) spoke against term limits, 2) wanted education for new members such as watching a videotape of previous meetings and/or other Page 4 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 4, 2000 cities' meetings, 3) wanted a police liaison to the Code Enforcement Board, 4) wanted to see recognition for those who have served several terms. This last brought about a discussion regarding the need for a TV/Audio department and City Manager Shapiro advised that he will propose a full time person for that purpose in the next budget as there was definitely merit to having the Code Enforcement meetings televised in particular, as well as the other major boards. Former Mayor Lester Dabbs, Education Commission, said that each committee should look at how and why they were put together, and that each group needs someone with experience but also needs new blood. Mr. Bruce Holmes, Code Enforcement Board, suggested the volunteers may also be a part of the TV crew. Mayor Vandergrift proposed that, as the Parks department usually has no one attending the Parks and Recreation Board meetings, that they should either send someone to represent the department or the name should be changed to Recreation Board. He also pointed out that the Damage Reward Board had never met and the Crime Line serves that purpose anyway. Without obiection, City Attorney Rosenthal was directed to put together an ordinance to repeal the Damage Reward Board. Mayor Vandergrift called attention to his handouts distributed at the beginning of the meeting regarding other advisory boards to deal with waterways, trails/bikeways, housing, downtown improvement, and business and asked for discussion. Commissioner Parker suggested that the Mayor's proposed boards might best serve as study groups for a specific time and purpose. Commissioner Anderson suggested that the board openings be put on the Website and the government channel. CHANGE ORDER No.1, REUSE PUMPING & STORAGE FACILITIES WITH MILMJR CONSTRUCTION CO. (ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER WHEELER) Assistant City Engineer Wheeler presented the staff report saying that this change order included 23 items of changes, 9 of which were reductions in cost with the overall reduction of nearly $25,000. Mayor Vandere:rift seconded bv Commissioner Parker, moved to approve Change Order No. I with Milmir Construction, Inc. by decreasing the contract amount by $24,828.00, with an increase in contract time of twelve days, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. I. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Howell was away from the table.) VEHICLE AND MATERIAL STORAGE BUILDING PROJECT - CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES. (ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER WHEELER) Assistant City Engineer Wheeler presented the staff report proposing the hiring of Mr. Phil Harlow to provide contract services for project construction inspection and administration for Page 5 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 4, 2000 the not to exceed amount of $43,200.00 for the vehicle and material storage building project. He said that Mr. Harlow would sign off on the liability as to the structural integrity of the project. Commissioner Anderson raised the question of workman's comp and social security. After discussion, Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve the staff recommendation to approve the contract employment of Mr. Phil Harlow to provide contract services for proiect construction inspection and administration for the not to exceed amount of $43,200.00 for the Vehicle and Material Storage Building Proiect, give it back to the Finance Department to work out the details regarding workman's compensation and social security and authorize City Manager Shapiro to execute the Employment Agreement. Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioner Howell and Commissioner Johnson voting no. EXECUTION OF SERVICES AUTHORIZATION No. 2000-PD-00l WITH ARCHITECTS DESIGN GROUP, INC. (POLICE CHIEF MARK) Chief Mark gave the staff report requesting approval for the space needs assessment. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Services Authorization No. 2000-PD-00l between Architects Design Group Incorporated and the City of Ocoee for Spatial Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study in the amount not to exceed $22.300.00. Motion carried 4-0. (Mayor Vandergrift was away from the table.) FOUNDERS' DAY ENTERTAINMENT. (COMMUNITY RELATIONS/PROJECTS DIRECTOR SHIRA) Community Relations/Projects Director Shira said that staff is looking for authorization to expend $15,000.00 for the main entertainment for Founders' Day. She added that she has received $13,500 in sponsorship money already. Commissioner HowelL seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to authorize the expenditure of $15,000.00 for the headline entertainment for this year's Founders' Day. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: CLEANNET OF CENTRAL FLORIDA. (COMMISSIONER HOWELL) City Manager Shapiro advised that there had been many complaints about the current custodial service for the municipal complex and that John Horan, Foley and Lardner, had recommended meeting with a representative of Cleannet to determine what reasonable costs may be associated with termination of the contract if that should be the decision of this Commission. After a lengthy discussion, during which Commissioner Johnson proposed hiring a cleaning staff instead of bidding out the job again, City Manager Shapiro asked for more time to communicate with Cleannet in order to either straighten out the service or be better equipped to make a recommendation. Mr. Richard Amstutz, Cleannet, advised that he was retired military and had been brought on board by Cleannet on March 20 to bring the company into the 21st Century. He has been Page 6 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 4, 2000 working with the staff for 4 nights and expects to be able to make a difference within two weeks. Mayor Vandergrift asked that a Commissioner take on this as a project and Commissioner Johnson volunteered. City Manager Shapiro said that Public Works Director Smith would keep in close touch with this and report back at the May 2 meeting. STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports at this time. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Parker: Announced the RSVP number: 407-656-2218. Commissioner Johnson: I) Suggested that if Staff needs help, like John V ogt, part -time help should be hired until the position is filled. Mr. Shapiro advised that he already has a smart-guy to help him and that, after one more interview, he will be in a position to hire the Information Systems Manager. 2) Wishes to discuss housing problems and develop a plan at a future meeting. 3) Reminded all of the June 3 ceremony and razing of the old Ocoee High School building. Mayor Vandergrift suggested a game type of reunion for old schoolmates, similar to that described to him by Jim Riffle in Winter Garden. Commissioner Anderson: I) Noted that the Mayor picks up trash with a nail on the end of a stick and asked if someone would provide him with a grabby tool. 2) Thanked Public Works Staff for striping Montgomery going north of White Road and also for the stop sign at Lake Olympia. 3) Read a message from a citizen regarding the inadequacy of the lights at the major league field. Mr. Shapiro advised that there were plenty of footcandles, but the lights need to be adjusted - which will require renting a bucket truck. Will try to get it done during the break between series. 4) Read a message from a citizen regarding the difficulty seeing the turn into the Beech Recreation Center. Mr. Shapiro said the railroad may require a crossing change as they had allowed a crossing for the sewer plant, not a public access place. In response to Commissioner Howell's question regarding holding up Wurst Road for this, Mr. Shapiro said he would talk with Staff and separate it out so that the turn would be made more visible very soon. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Said it should be possible to put a turn lane on A.D. Mims Road to the railroad track. 2) Has asked several times that reflectors be put at the Beech Recreation Center turn. 3) Said he wants to look at the Wurst Road plans again. Page 7 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 4, 2000 4) Said that shopping centers should be required to have trash receptacles at regular intervals in the parking lots, and noted that the parking lots behind the post office and in front of WalMart are a mess. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that they are required in the Activity Center Ordinance. Commissioner Johnson noted that the shopping centers frequently paint over the City's No Parking in the Fire Zone signs and they do not get painted back. 5) Said that, during this time of growth, it would be appropriate to have signs erected that the City is in partnership with those who are involved with putting in paving (like Tomyn Road) and improvements, such as the library and the school. 6) Complimented Staff on the lake front work and suggested a layer of sand and picnic tables. 7) Reported that he had been requested by Congressman Mica's office to send a resolution in support of the commuter rail. Noone wished to formally express support of the rail at this time and no action was taken. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Attest: APPROVED City of Ocoee <:'~ 1l 11 ~.::::J ~. ~;t S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor' Page 8 of 8