HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-00 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 18, 2000 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 15 p. m. in the Commission Chambers located in City Hall, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Commissioner Anderson led in prayer. Mrs. Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Assistant City Attorney Doty, City Clerk Grafton, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Finance Director Horton, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Human Resource Director Psaledakis, Planning Director Wagner, Public Works Director Smith, Recreation Director Nordquist, Budget Analyst Brosonski, and Buyer Tolbert. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Years of Service Awards: S Years - Addison Jenrette, Richard Blake, James Como, William Parker 10 Years - Judy Henry, Glen Brimer, James Kelley, Deborah Bertling, Jeanne Washington, Kenneth Minnick, Richard Jeunette The history of each of the above employees was read by a Commissioner as the awards were presented and the department directors in turn spoke briefly, expressing appreciation for the individual employee's work CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Without objection, items E and F were pulled for separate consideration. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve items A, B. C, and D of the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of June 20, 2000 and Special Session of June 26, 2000. (CITY CLERK GRAFTON) B. Approval and Authorization to Award Bid BOO-OS, Purchase of Standby Generator and Transfer Switch for Lift Station #1 to Emergency Power Systems, Ltd., a Division of Locke Well & Pump Company, in the Amount of $29,471.00. (BUYER TOLBERT) . There are no parts available to repair the existing generator, which is a military surplus unit purchased by the City in 1991. There were 8 responses to this bid, ranging from $67,408.00 to $29,471.00. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 2000 C. Approval of the Purchase Agreement with Ralph and Shirley Mocny, as Co-Trustees of the Ralph Mocny Revocable Living Trust for the Maguire Road Widening Project. (ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DOTY) . According to the Project Design by PEC, the City needs to acquire certain properties along Maguire Road for its widening; this 6 acre parcel is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of SR 50 and Maguire Road. Staff recommends approval of the Purchase Agreement executed by Ralph Mocny and Shirley Mocny as Co-Trustees, authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to close the transaction, including but not limited to, the Easement Agreements. D. Approval and Authorization to Award Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Donald Smith $728.00 for Innovative Idea. (CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR SHIRA) . Mr. Smith's innovative idea uses reclaimed water to reduce the polymer consumption at the sludge press, resulting in a saving to the City of $7,286.00 per year. PULLED ITEMS E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Willows on the Lake - Final Subdivision Plan. (PLANNING DIRECTOR WAGNER) . This is Project #LS-99-012 and was reviewed by Planning and Zoning Commission July 11. The staff report and recommendation, not available when the agenda was prepared, included the recommendations of the DRC and Planning Zoning Commission: Staff recommended approval of the Final Subdivision Plan for the Willows on the Lake Subdivision, including the additional condition regarding trees (providing four 3" DBH oak trees along the eastern edge of the retention pond next to the Lake Johio Road extension and along the north side of the pond next to the southern boundary of Lot 76) which was recommended by the DRC, as date stamped received by the City on July 6, 2000. Commissioner Anderson proposed that the brick wall scheduled for the Publix development be put up before the rest of the construction as a buffer and to provide privacy for the residents. He then raised questions about the recreation area. Mr. Richard Quaid, president of QN Holdings and developer/builder of the project, was present to answer questions. He stated that, if anything happened to prevent Publix from putting in the wall, he would do it himself, as it was important for him to be able to move forward with his development. He said further that he would match the wall that he is putting down Clarke Road, taking it all the way down to his second gated entrance. City Attorney Rosenthal cautioned the Commission to remember that Mr. Quaid is not obligated to build the wall first before he starts his development and he advised them prior to stating the motion that it was not necessary to include the wall in the motion, as Mr. Quaid's statement was a matter of record and was a factor being taken into account by the City Commission in approving the project. If for some reason the developer should deny it, Commission would have the ability to not issue the certificate of completion or CO's until after it was resolved. Page 2 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 2000 Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the staff recommendation: i.e., approve the Final Subdivision Plan for the Willows on the Lake Subdivision, including the additional condition regarding trees (providing four 3" DBH oak trees along the eastern edge of the retention pond next to the Lake Johio Road extension and along the north side of the pond next to the southern boundary of Lot 76) which was recommended by the DRC, and as date stamped received by the City on July 6, 2000. Motion carried 5-0. F. Approval and Authorization to Award Bid BOO-06, Construct Concrete Sidewalks at Various Locations Throughout the City to Gibbs & Register, Inc. (BUYER TOLBERT) . Staff recommends authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement with Gibbs & Register, Inc. and to authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and Staff to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the agreement. Commissioner Howell asked what the cost of the sidewalks would be if they were constructed in-house. Public Works Director Smith advised that due to time constraints, it was not possible for his crews to do the job. After discussion, Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve the award of Bid BOO-06 to Gibbs & Register, Inc. and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the agreement. Motion carried 5-0. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Ms. Denise Lenko, 1117 Kimball Drive, read from a prepared statement listing problems she has observed (transients in wooded areas, teenagers loitering or speeding in cars), particularly in Peach Lake Manor, and providing possible solutions (increase patrols, write more tickets, use motorcycle patrols, enforce City Code No. 115 regarding nuisances, clear out undergrowth on city property and post no trespass signs). Mr. Bill Henderson, 1115 Kimball Drive, confirmed Ms. Lenko's report and added his own expenence. City Manager Shapiro advised he would have the appropriate staff in a meeting right away to resolve the problem. Ms. Lenko asked for authorization to use the City seal on business cards and act as an ambassador to other cities' code enforcement boards. City Manager Shapiro stated he had a problem not controlling the cards and proposed that, if the Commission so wished, the City should provide business cards for all the different boards. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to use $500 from Community Promotion account to fund business cards for the different boards. Motion carried 5-0. Page 3 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 2000 COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Announced the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council workshop regarding the future of the Lake Apopka basin to be held July 20, 4-8 p.m. at Woodlands Lutheran Church in Montverde. 2) Announced Lynx express service from Ocoee to Orlando on SR408 (starting at West Oaks Mall in Ocoee). There was discussion regarding Lynx asking for support (funds), but there was no specific request and no action was taken. PUBLIC HEARINGS SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING OF ORDINANCE No. 2000-21, RELATING TO FIRE IMPACT FEES. (CAPITAL PROJECTS/TRANSPORTATION PLANNER FRIEL) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. Capital Projects/ Transportation Planner Friel summarized his staff report, saying the proposed Ordinance is the first change to the Fire Impact Fee Ordinance since 1991. The City has collected almost $4.5M in impact fee revenues during that time. Although the City has been able to build two fire stations and purchase needed equipment, it has become increasingly difficult to continue to maintain fire protection services throughout the City due to the increase in calls since 1991. He noted the anticipated growth over the next 20 years and the necessity to revise the Ordinance to accommodate the anticipated growth patterns in order to maintain quality service. He said the Fire Department prepared the Community Fire Protection Strategic Plan which outlined the need for relocation and expansion of the existing main fire station, the addition of another fire station/training facility, the purchase of additional fire fighting equipment and the need to move away from a district based fire impact fee to a community wide fire impact fee. Mr. Friel recommended acceptance of the Fire Impact Fee Update and approval of Fire Impact Fee Ordinance 2000-21. The public hearing was opened. During the discussion, Mayor Vandergrift pointed out an error in Table 9 on page 28 of the Fire Impact Fee Study and City Attorney Rosenthal opined that Mr. Friel should provide a corrected page for the Clerk's official file. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to accept the Fire Impact Fee Update with a corrected Table 9 and adopt Ordinance No. 2000-21 as presented. Motion carried 5-0. RECESS 8:41 P.M. - 8:S4 P.M. Upon reconvening, Mayor Vandergrift asked again that the doors to the Chambers be fixed so that they open/close silently. Page 4 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 2000 OTHER BUSINESS BUDGET. (CITY MANAGER SHAPIRO) SET TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATE. City Manager Shapiro announced that, under the TRIM act, the property appraiser is required to notify the property owners by a certain date the tentative millage rate each entity is considering. He listed the issues causing a need to increase the millage and he recommended going to 5 mills. During the ensuing discussion, Human Resources Director Psaledakis and Ken Enlow, spoke briefly about the insurance coverage. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to set the tentative millage rate at 5 mills. Motion carried 3-2 with Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Howell voting no. BUDGET HEARING DATES. City Manager Shapiro presented a tentative schedule to hold budget public hearings and workshops as follows: Public hearings September 7,2000 and September 20, 2000 at 7:00 p.m.; Workshops August 3,9, 14 (or 17 depending on the Board of Adjustment schedule), 24, and 29 - all at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt the schedule as presented above. Motion carried 5-0. ApPROVAL OF EMERGENCY PuRCHASE OF GEARBOX FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FROM I. KRUGER IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,373.00. (CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR SHIRA) City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the staff report, advising one of the gearboxes which drive the aeration rotors at the wastewater treatment plant failed and a replacement part had to be ordered from Europe. It was handled as an emergency purchase with permission from City Manager Shapiro, but since the amount exceeds $10,000 the city's purchasing procedures require City Commission approval. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve the emergency purchase of the gearbox from I. Kruger in the amount of $13,373.00. Motion carried 5-0. AUTHORIZATION AND ApPROVAL FOR PEC TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK OUTLINED IN THEIR PROPOSAL FOR THE WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN UPDATE DATED MAY 1, 2000 FOR A FEE OF $79,600, FUNDED FROM THE PROCEEDS OF THE 1997 UTILITY BOND ISSUE. (CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR SHIRA) City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira was present to answer questions. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to authorize PEC to proceed with the work outlined in their proposal dated May 1. 2000 for a fee of $79,600 to be funded from the proceeds of the 1997 Utility Bond Issue. Motion carried 5-0. Page 5 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 2000 RECLAIMED WATER RETROFIT DESIGN FEES TO HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,SOO FOR WATERSIDE AND SILVER GLEN SUBDIVISIONS. (CITY ENGINEER/ UTILITIES DIRECTOR SHIRA) City Engineer/ Utilities Director Shira was present to answer questions. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to authorize additional compensation in the amount of $7.500 to Hartman & Associates, Inc. for the design of a reclaimed water distribution system in the Waterside and Silver Glen Subdivisions. Motion carried 5-0. WORK ORDER #21 FOR PEC IN AMOUNT OF $IS,6SS PLUS $SOO FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES -REFLECTIONS SUBDIVISION - GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE IMPROVEMENTS. (CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR SHIRA) City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the staff report, advising this is the proposal authorized at the April 24, 2000 stormwater workshop. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Work Order No. 21 for PEC in the amount of $15,655 plus $500 for reimbursable expenses for the design of underdrain improvements necessary to alleviate groundwater seepage problems in the Reflections Subdivision. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION RE MAIN FIRE STATION INCLUDING PRELIMINARY FOOTPRINT AND LAND ACQUISITION. (FIRE CHIEF STROSNIDER) Fire Chief Strosnider advised the Fire Station at 125 N. Bluford is overcrowded and the search for available-suitable properties for relocation has narrowed down to the property on Bluford and Orlando Avenues between Columbus and Orlando Avenue. On December 21, 1999, Architects Design Group, Inc. was awarded the contract for the design of Fire Station One, and authorized to proceed with the site and space study. Chief Strosnider introduced Mr. Kevin Ratigan, Vice President of Architects Design Group, Inc., who gave a power point presentation which included the needs study, site layout, and cost estimate for the new fire station. Mr. Shapiro stated for the record that the firefighters will have an opportunity to have input in the interior design of the building, as they will be the occupants. At the end of his presentation, as Mr. Ratigan began to list the recommended authorizations needed; i.e., acquire site at Bluford/Orlando Avenues, look at off-site improvements, adopt the Spatial Needs Assessment and Master Plan, build the facility to the year 2020 needs, Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the staff recommendation on the property acquisition and the footprint as presented. Motion carried 5-0. ApPOINTMENT TO BOARDS. (CITY CLERK GRAFTON) EDUCATION COMMISSION- a. Lester Dabbs' Term Ends July 2000 - (Does not wish to be reappointed.) Page 6 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 2000 Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to appoint Randy Freeman to the Education Commission to fill the seat vacated by Mr. Lester Dabbs for a term ending August. 2002. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift said Martha Lopez-Anderson would be willing to serve on this commission as well. Tamela Vercamen's Term Ends August 2000 - (Does not wish to be reappointed.) Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to appoint Jenny Wilsen to fill the seat vacated by Ms. Vercamen for a term ending August, 2002, and Martha Lopez-Anderson to fill the seat vacated by Mr. Morin for a term ending August. 2002. Motion carried 5-0. Sherrall Applegate, Dian Hooper, Inge Loeffler, Berwyn Oltman, Rosemary Wilsen - Terms End August 2000. No action was taken on this item. Jeffrey Morin Resigned - Term Ends August 2000. See motion above appointing Martha Lopez-Anderson to this position. Kathie Glass and Cassie Lindenauer Resigned - Terms End August 2001. No action was taken on this item as there were no applications on file. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - Kristi Failla Resigned - Term Ends October 2000, and Lewynn LeBaire Resigned - Term Ends October 2001. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to appoint Angelique Bowen to fill the seat vacated by Ms. Failla and to serve a new term to end October 1. 2002. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to appoint Thomas C. Werts to fill the seat vacated by Ms. LeBaire for a term ending October 2001. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker: No comments. Commissioner Johnson: Page 7 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 2000 1) Asked Mr. Shapiro for a report on Professional Parkway. Mr. Shapiro responded that it would cost an estimated $15,000-$20,000 to retop and he recommended that it be added to the Wurst Road Project as funds were presently available to take care of it. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to ask the County to resurface Professional Parkway, and, that failing, to pursue another option to piggyback on another entity's contract for retopping, and, that failing, to add the resurfacing of Professional Parkway to the Wurst Road Proiect. Motion carried 5-0. 2) Suggested building a house on the lots on Cumberland that the City is responsible for mowing. Mr. Shapiro proposed contacting the Habitat for Humanity people. 3) Noted that the Howell property on S. Bluford Avenue is grown up and needs to be mowed/cleaned up. 4) Thanked Public works Director Smith for getting Mr. Workman moved. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Said this was a difficult budget this year and asked whether a mid-year budget would have mellowed out the problems somewhat. Mr. Shapiro said he thought not. 2) Asked for an update on the meetings with the Mall. Mr. Shapiro said the first meeting got their attention and they were moving forward with cameras, etc. for security. Mayor Vandergrift said a dress code for the Mall may be in order. 3) Noted that Ms. Lenko's presentation tonight indicated that the City needs to be proactive against crime. Mr. Shapiro said he would have a meeting with staff immediately to deal with it. 4) Announced July 29 - August 6 is the period to buy clothes tax free. Commissioner Howell: No comments. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Said he continues to get complaints that the Planning Department is not moving plans through in a timely manner and he had suggested in the past getting a contract planner to help speed up the process. Mr. Shapiro said it would be better to hire a person and there was a planner in the budget for next year. There was discussion about hiring a retired person. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to take funds from Contingency and authorize Mr. Shapiro to look at the average salary of a planner and attempt to find someone to fill the position until the next budget. Motion carried 5-0. 2) Said the developers in the perimeter of the town are said to be avoiding coming into Ocoee because of the image that the City is hard to deal with. He wants to open up a dialogue to speed up the process. Mr. Shapiro responded that the citizens would be affected by speeding up the process and should be allowed a voice in the matter. He said he would put a community forum together. 3) Said that in the past he interviewed candidates for office and wants to do 15 minute interviews to show on Channel 10. Page 8 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 2000 4) Noted that the sidewalks south of Oakland Avenue need to be edged and the grass mowed. Commissioner Johnson added the tree limbs need to be trimmed as well. Mayor Vandergrift said the cypress trees should be trimmed also. 5) Appreciated the sidewalks going in before the opening day of Citrus Elementary School. 6) Said the Police Department should get with the Principal regarding traffic control and child safety for opening day. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11: 15 p. m. Attest: APPROVED City of Ocoee ! '5:~tT'fl\ Jl ?1-- I (~M_" S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 9 of 9