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AUGUST 14, 2000
Mayor Vandergrift called the work session to order at 7:00 p.m. The roll was called and a quorum
was declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, Building/Zoning Official Velie, City Clerk Grafton, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Community Relations/Projects
Director Shira, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter, Budget Analyst Brosonski, Fire
Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Human Resources Director Psaledakis, Information
Systems Manager Ross, Police Chief Mark, Police Captain Wilson, Public Works Director Smith,
and Recreation Director Nordquist.
As in the past, Commission agreed without objection to review the budget as presented line-by-line
beginning on page one and to adjourn at 10:00 p.m.
Information requested by the Commission earlier in the day had been placed on the dais along with
additional information from department heads: spreadsheet of health insurance carriers/options,
salary schedule, personnel changes over the past 5 years, job groupings and projected job grouping
changes, and responses from Finance Director Horton and Human Resources Director Psaledakis to
various questions submitted by Mayor Vandergrift.
Human Resources Director Psaledakis introduced Ken Enlow, Brown and Brown, to discuss the
health insurance situation. Mr. Enlow had prepared a spreadsheet of information that had been
distributed and he introduced Mr. Mike Reeves who would attend the Budget Workshop Thursday to
respond to any questions should that be necessary. Mr. Enlow said he would be present on
Wednesday to explain the current status and the proposed changes in coverage with Blue Cross/Blue
Shield to the employees. Commission agreed without objection to withhold the decision regarding
insurance until they could hear a report on the employee comments from that meeting.
The review of the proposed budget began, after the above discussion, with City Manager Shapiro
responding to questions regarding line items. Only those items for which the Commission requested
additional information or agreed to change will be listed in these minutes.
Page 3-8: Acct. 8200 Community Promotion $31,800 - Commissioner Johnson proposed the
policy be changed to consider grants for groups only rather than for individuals and
Commissioner Parker added that one of the tests for granting funds should be whether some
benefit would be coming back to the City. The Commission agreed without objection to
change the amount budgeted for this item to $20,000.
Page 3-8: Acct. 8204 W. O. Chamber of Commerce $9,000 - Commissioner Anderson raised
the question regarding how long this agreement was for and was advised that someone would
research and provide that information.
Ocoee City Commission Budget Work Session
August 14,2000
Page 3-9: Regarding the note at the bottom of the page listing the organizations the professional
dues were for in line item 5402, Commissioner Anderson asked that the amount for each
organization be included as well.
RECESS 8:22 - 8:40 P.M.
Page 3-20: City Manager Shapiro advised accounts 4905, 4906, and 4907 (Senior Program water,
tax and solid waste service) had been put into contingency until after the adoption of the
Page 3-23: Acct. 1503 Education/Incentive - Commissioner Parker asked that when an employee
earns a degree the Commission be notified so the Commission can recognize the employee.
Page 3-24: Acct. 5200 POL Supplies $-0- - The pool cars are being transferred to Public Works.
Mayor Vandergrift asked that when a line item is changed to another department it be so
noted as a line item with zeros.
Page 3-37: Acct. 6302 Maguire House - Commissioner Parker reported that Mrs. Elizabeth
Maguire had been present earlier to discuss this item but had to leave. In the ensuing
discussion Commissioner Parker agreed to meet with the Historical Commission to discuss
the needs versus availability of funds and to let them know the City is trying.
Page 3-39: Commissioner Howell said he wants to add a person to Facilities Maintenance and
will keep looking for funds to do this.
At this point in the discussion, Commission decided to continue until 10:30 p.m. after a short recess.
RECESS 9:53 - 10:10 P.M.
Page 3-41: After much discussion regarding entry level salary for police and fire departments
Commission asked that a chart showing those entry levels raised to both grade 11 and grade
12 be provided for the August 17 work session.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
City of Ocoee