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AUGUST 24, 2000
Mayor Vandergrift called the work session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
The roll was called and a quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, Building/Zoning Official Velie, City Clerk Grafton, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Community Relations/Projects
Director Shira, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter (arrived at 9:45 p.m.), Budget
Analyst Brosonski, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Human Resources Director
Psaledakis, Information Systems Manager Ross, Planning Director Wagner, Police Chief Mark,
Police Captain Wilson, Public Works Director Smith, Recreation Director Nordquist and Utilities
Superintendent Holland.
City Manager Shapiro requested that the procedure for this work session be altered from the line-
by-line review of each page to instead give some direction on 4 or 5 programs and the job
reclassifications/descriptions that must be decided by the Commission so that the rebalancing of the
budget could begin.
Mr. Shapiro advised a revenue problem has come up in the last few days regarding the pre-post
school day care program. He said the State of Florida department governing such programs has
begun including municipalities and the City must either not charge a fee or do away with the
program, as the City's facilities do not meet the requirements. After considerable discussion
regarding possible solutions, during which Commissioner Anderson asked that the law be explained,
Mr. Shapiro said he would ask the city attorney to provide the legal issues in writing on Monday.
The discussion moved forward to other issues and Commissioner Johnson stated that he objects to
the practice of adding 16 hours to the personal leave of an employee for not getting sick during the
fiscal year. He added that he also wants to separate the annual leave from sick leave and not have
sick leave be reimbursable time when not used. Both Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner
Anderson requested having the labor attorney look into separating vacation and sick time.
PolicelFire Personnel Grades
Upon reviewing the pay grade options requested at the last work session for police/fire personnel,
Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson and Parker preferred Option #4 (3 % and 3 grades
increase), and Commissioner Anderson said he wanted a guarantee from the union that they will not
come back and open up the dollar amount. Mayor Vandergrift said he believed the City of Ocoee
was in line with other cities the same size and that retention of employees was not a valid reason to
increase salaries, because the benefit package is still superior.
At Mr. Shapiro's request the discussion moved to section 7 of the budget workbook.
Ocoee City Commission Work Session
August 24, 2000
Personnel Additions/Reclassifications
Page 7-1: Information Systems - Add Information Systems Technician, Grade 8 - 3 in favor.
Page 7-3: Community Relations-Admin Assistant II, Grade 6 transferred from City Manager to
Community Relations and reclassified to Admin Assistant III, Grade 8 - 3 in favor.
RECESS 8:45 - 9:05 P.M.
Page 7-1: Finance:
Finance Supervisor - reclassify from Grade 18 to Grade 19 - 3 not in favor.
Accountant - reclassify from Grade 13 to Grade 15 - 3 not in favor.
Buyer - reclassify from Grade 9 to Grade 10 - 3 in favor.
Accounting Clerk 1 - reclassify from Grade 5 to Grade 7 - after long discussion about
whether to go to Grade 8 or not, 3 were in favor of approving to Grade 7.
Human Resources:
Two HR Specialists - reclassify from Grade 10 to HR & Collective Bargaining
Specialists Grade 14 - 3 in favor of reclassifying to Grade 12.
HR Technician - reclassify from Grade 5 to HR & Collective Bargaining Specialist
Grade 14 - 3 in favor of reclassifying to Grade 10.
Add HR & Collective Bargaining Specialist Grade 14 - 3 in favor of adding 1 to
Grade 10.
Planning: 3 in favor of approving as presented.
Page 7-2:
Facilities Maintenance: 3 in favor of approving as presented.
Commissioner Howell asked again to see exactly what each department asked for in their original
budget request.
Law Enforcement:
Boxing Club Coordinator, Grade 13 - consensus to keep this and change to Grade 10.
The discussion ended with this category on page 7-2.
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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