HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-00 Minutes SS MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL BUDGET SESSION HELD SEPTEMBER 20, 2000 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL AND DETERMINATION OF QUORUM Mayor Vandergrift called the special session to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Commission Chambers and announced this is an advertised public hearing to finalize the budget and adopt a final millage rate for the City of Ocoee. The City Commission has previously approved a tentative millage rate of 4.94 mills which represents a 28.47% increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 3.845 mills. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Public Works Director Smith, Human Resources Director Psaledakis, Finance Director Horton, Fire Chief Strosnider, Police Chief Mark, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Information Systems Manager Ross, Recreation Director Nordquist, Planning Director Wagner, Capital Projects/ Transportation Planner Friel, Principal Planner Lewis, Building & Zoning Official Velie, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira, Finance Supervisor Carter, Budget Analyst Brosonski, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING Finance Director Horton announced the proposed millage rate of 4.94 mills for the fiscal year 2000-2001 for the proposed budget is 28.47 % increase in millage over the rolled-back rate necessary to fund the budget. The funds will generate revenues to be used for: . equipment . new City programs · additional personnel and salary adjustments citywide . leasing vehicles, and · department operations. City Manager Shapiro reviewed his memorandum dated September 20, 2000: Human Resources Director Psaledakis had negotiated the liability insurance down $34,500 which would allow lowering the millage rate somewhat. Mr. Shapiro stated further the interest on the Coca Cola property purchase could come from the settlement in the amount of $700,000 just made for the City Hall last Monday. This revenue would provide funds for a sinking fund to cover that interest. Therefore, the millage calculated for that $150,000 in interest could be removed. He said that would reduce the millage from 4.94 mills to 4.7387. The public hearing was opened, and the following citizens took part in a vigorous and spirited discussion regarding the purpose of the proposed increase and the effect it would have on their Ocoee City Commission Final Budget Special Session September 20, 2000 lives personally. Several indicated they were not opposed to the increase in salaries but felt it could be accomplished some other way. Mr. Max Jacobs, 2247 Mountain Spruce Street, thanked City Manager for the reduction and spoke against raising the millage at all. He presented a petition with 20 signatures concurring. Mr. Rafael Rondon, 933 Grovemere, spoke against the increase. Former Mayor/Commissioner Lester Dabbs, 619 Caborca Court, spoke several times through the meeting in favor of the increase and stated for the record that he has never told any hiring official to hire anyone. Mayor Vandergrift read the names of the following cItizens who had telephoned their objection to the increase: Roberto Fontanez, 2406 Griffin Ct., Evelyn Padilla, 2457 Andre Ct., Vince Santo, Janet Jacobs, 2247 Mountain Spruce, Mr. Campbell, 2214 Mountain Spruce, Francine Asuncion, 2263 Mountain Spruce, Pauline Henry, 2228 Mountain Spruce, Mrs. Morris, 2240 Mountain Spruce, Mike Allaid, 2254 Mountain Spruce, Hugh Berdette, 2200 Mountain Spruce, Mr. Watson, 2239 Mountain Spruce. Former Commissioner Jim Gleason, 856 Hammocks, spoke. Police Officer Parker addressed the issue of what would happen to service if the budget is cut back and they have to operate without backup or materials. Mr. Walter Poplin, 2622 Coventry Lane, spoke against the increase and encouraged citizens to change the form of government to a strong mayor form of government. Mrs. Candy Everly, 2621 Coventry Lane, spoke against the increase. Mr. Philip Turner, 2625 Coventry Lane, thanked the City for being able to live in a great place, and thanked the police officers and firefighters especially. Commissioner Johnson read a telephone message from Brian Pounds, 121 Wesmere, objecting to the increase. Detective Traci Payne gave some information about police officers' salaries. Lieutenant Goclon, Police Department, spoke in favor of the increase. Some of the above statements were made during and after the Comments by Commissioners listed below. Mr. Dabbs, Mr. Rondon, Mr. Poplin and Mr. Gleason approached the lectern several times to speak. Page 2 of 6 Ocoee City Commission Final Budget Special Session September 20,2000 COMMENTS BY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker said she had spent many hours reviewing the material provided for this budget and had not found a way to reduce the figures. She said we have to pay for what we get and those who have been providing the services are due some consideration. Commissioner Anderson said that the police increases are included in the 4 mills, but the fire and general employee increases are not. He said the increase in millage was about 89 % towards increases in salary and/or manpower, and 11 % toward services. And, as the percentage of salary vs budget was about 68 %, he felt the increase in millage should be at that same rate instead of more. He said he was in favor of the police increases, and had discussed during the budget workshops the areas in the budget he felt could be reduced. Commissioner Howell said he agreed with both Commissioner Parker and Commissioner Anderson. He had originally been opposed to the increase until he discussed the issue with citizens city-wide, and found that most of those he talked with were in favor of the increase if it meant taking care of the people who provide the services. He listed those things done by the City that were supposed to be the responsibility of the School Board and Orange County, but that the City had taken care of so that the children would be safe, along with the other projects needed. He said the City will need to have an increase sometime and it would be easier in the long run to do it now rather than wait until it would have to be a larger increase than that presently proposed. Commissioner Johnson asked that the City employees present stand and a large portion of the audience stood. He discussed the reasons in general for the increase, noting there are tax dollars paid/collected that do not appear to be for the benefit of all those paying the dollars and he stressed that some benefits are indirect - such as the grant to the West Orange Alliance made last month which will support a health facility for those who have no insurance. He said he would support a 4.73 millage. Mayor Vandergrift read from a prepared statement reinforcing his position stated each year that the City should have adopted the TRIM roll-back rate in order to avoid raising citizens' ad valorem taxes, rather than telling the citizens the City is not raising taxes when the millage stays at 4 mills. He said he thought staff should be looking for other ways to raise revenues, such as grants. He noted that the reason expressed for raising the millage was so that the City could increase employees' pay and benefits to keep them from going to higher paying jobs with other agencies, but his research showed an average number of employees leaving with only 5 of those being for higher paying jobs. He reaffirmed his position that a different solution to the situation should be sought. After listening to the exchange with the citizens, City Manager Shapiro offered to conduct free Institute of Government classes for those citizens interested in learning more about how government works, TRIM Act, etc. Page 3 of 6 Ocoee City Commission Final Budget Special Session September 20, 2000 MOTIONS BY COMMISSIONERS FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE PROPOSED TENTATIVE BUDGET Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to amend the adopted Tentative Budget to remove the interest payment of $155.000.00 for the Coca Cola Property and the savings of $34.500 on insurance oer the City Manager's recommendation. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no. Commissioner Howell said he had a problem with an employee receiving a 17 % to 19 % increase (5% across the board, plus 5% for reclassification, plus 3% cost of living, plus 4% merit). City Manager Shapiro explained the 19% was for the policelfire increases to ensure new employees would not be earning the same as three-year employees next year. Commissioner Anderson moved not to give 5 % increase across the board to general employees, excluding the program set up for policelfire. Motion died for lack of second. Commissioner Anderson moved to eliminate for this current budget the 4 % merit increase for general employees, which would not affect any merit pay increases for police and fire. Motion died for lack of second. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to alter the budget by anyone making over $50.000 getting a one time pay increase of 3 % on the anniversary of the day they were hired. eliminating the 4 % merit. adding a 5 % across the board increase for all employees and hiring a city attorney rather than contracting out the city attorney. Mr. Gleason cautioned the Commission not to splinter the employees. Motion lost 1-4 with Commissioners Anderson. Howell. Johnson and Parker voting no. RECESS to recompute the proposed millage rate and rolled-back percentage increase was not necessary. ANNOUNCEMENT BY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE OF THE RECOMPUTED PROPOSED FINAL MILLAGE RATE AND THE PERCENT BY WHICH THE RECOMPUTED PROPOSED MILLAGE RATE EXCEEDS THE ROLLED-BACK RATE. THIS PERCENTAGE IS THE PROPOSED FINAL PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN PROPERTY TAXES. Finance Director Horton announced the recomputed proposed final millage rate was 4.7387 mills which exceeds the rolled back rate of 3.845 mills by 23.243 %, and which percentage is the proposed final percentage increase in property taxes. MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE No. 2000-25, SETTING THE FINAL MILLAGE RATE City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance setting the final millage rate. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2000-25. setting the final millage rate at 4.7387 mills. Page 4 of 6 Ocoee City Commission Final Budget Special Session September 20,2000 Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to amend the motion to sunset back to 4 mills next year. Motion lost 2-3 with Commissioners Howell, Johnson and Parker voting no. City Attorney Rosenthal read into the record that the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee and the rolled back millage rate is 3.845 mills. The percentage by which the proposed millage exceeds the rolled back rate is 23.243 % . The millage rate proposed by the Ordinance is 4.7387 mills. COMMENTS BY CITIZENS There were no further comments by citizens at this time. COMMENTS BY COMMISSIONERS There were no further comments by Commissioners at this time. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE No. 2000-25, SETTING THE FINAL MILLAGE RATE Motion carried 3-2 with Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Anderson voting no. MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE No. 2000-26, ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance adopting the budget. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2000-26. adopting a Final Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1. 2000. and ending September 30. 2001. consistent with the Tentative Budget as amended at this meeting. COMMENTS BY CITIZENS There were no citizen comments at this time. COMMENTS BY COMMISSIONERS There were no further comments by Commissioners at this time. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE No.2000-26, ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET Motion carried 3-2 with Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Anderson voting no. Commissioner Howell read two telephone messages from citizens and commented he hoped to never go through another budget like this one. He said he was in favor of this increase to keep from having to make a larger increase later on, and that he looks forward to seeing those things budgeted being done. ANNOUNCEMENT BY MAYOR VANDERGRIFT OF END OF BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Vandergrift declared the end of the budget public hearing. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 6 Ocoee City Commission Final Budget Special Session September 20, 2000 The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee 1\ Page 6 of 6