HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-26-05 Minutes SS
October 26, 2005 at 6:30 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the Special Session to order at 6:30 p.m. III the Commission
Chambers of City Hall.
Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner
Parker, and Commissioner Hood
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Human Resources Director Carnicella, and City Clerk
Human Resources (HR) Director Carnicella discussed the salary survey. He said the first
item that that needs to be considered is the adjustments to pay grades; accepting the new
minimum and maximum for each grade, which would include a handful of employees that would
need to be moved to their new minimum in their pay range at a cost to the City of less than
$30,000.00. Commissioner Hood asked about position #54, where the new minimum would be
lower than the previous one, and asked if that employee would receive a demotion or pay
decrease. HR Director Carnicella advised that no employee would be adversely affected from
a salary perspective.
HR Director Carnicella said that Laurie Barefoot from HRMP was supposed to be here tonight
to discuss the process used for their analysis, however, they suffered serious hurricane damage in
West Palm Beach and will not be able to attend the meeting. He said he has made some
recommendations for issues that stand out, but it would take several months to do a
comprehensive review, which would include an external and internal market comparison to our
salaries. He said he feels the HRMP recommendations are a good base to start out with and
would like to see the Commission approve the plan. It would move the salaries to be more
consistent with what is happening in the market. When a more comprehensive look is done,
adjustments can be made over time. He said the options now are to accept the plan as
recommended by HRMP, or do not make any changes until the more comprehensive review is
completed, which will take several months.
Commissioner Johnson said that he feels we should adopt these recommendations, and take
another look at it during the mid-year budget review, to determine if budget adjustments need to
be made to fund other changes.
HR Director Carnicella said the HRMP recommendations to make necessary adjustments
proposed approximately $206,642.00 in funding. When the police and fire departments are
removed from that figure, because of the labor negations in progress, it is approximately
City Commission Special Session
October 26, 2005
$140,000.00. City Manager Frank said there is approximately $10,000 - $20,000 under police
that includes general employees (non-union) that would have to remain in the recommended
Commissioner Anderson asked about how the new pay scales were determined, and if everyone
from an old pay range would be moved to the same new pay range. HR Director Carnicella
said the only positions that were moved to a new grade, were moved because of system used to
weight their position. The analysis used 10 factors to rate each position, each factor carries a
"weight," and a number value is assigned to each position. That number value would determine
if any position needed to be moved to a different range. Those factors include positions
requiring certifications or licenses, specific skills or management experience, etc. to do their job.
Discussion followed regarding: the accuracy and subjective nature of the study done by HRMP;
raising salaries of all employees below the "mean" salary for the City of Ocoee because they
have not kept pace with the market, and the funding needed to do that; using the Florida League
of Cities survey to assist with our comparison; HRMP position comparisons with other cities
only being done when another city has a position that matches the job duties; using different
methods distribute the budgeted funding for salaries in a more fair and equitable way; giving
end-of-the-year checks to employees who are "topped out" in there salaries; morale problems
that may be created in different scenarios; changes in position titles such as Spray Technician;
HRMP being a very well recognized firm in this field and used by many municipalities in
Florida; and that a motion to approve the recommended minimum and maximum ranges would
not affect the other issues or adjustments to individual positions.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
approve the new Pay Grade Order for all new grades, 10 through 37, including job
titles, overtime status, and the minimum and maximum salary ranges, as
presented by staff and recommended by the HRMP Study: and raising the
salaries of employees who are below the new minimums in their grade, at an
implementation cost of less than $30,000. Motion carried 4-1, with Mayor
Vandergrift opposed.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to table the
discussion regarding the individual salary survey adjustments, until an in-house
comprehensive review can be done of all positions, and the salary survey is
finalized, on or before April 1 ,2006. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Anderson said he would like to address switching the COLA and Merit increase,
as discussed during the budget process. Commissioner Johnson asked if the City Manager could
advise where that money would come from. City Manager Frank we could probably come up
with the additional $125,000 from money left over from the salary survey, project accounts, or
operational accounts if we took a look at them at mid-year.
Commissioner Anderson moved to switch the COLA and Merit increase from
what was adopted with the FY 2006 budget hearing (2% COLA and 3% Merit), to
3% COLA and 2% Merit Increase. Motion died for lack of second.
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City Commission Special Session
October 26, 2005
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adjust
the COLA and Merit Increases from what was adopted with the FY 2006 budget
hearing (2% COLA and 3% Merit), to a 2.5 % COLA increase, retroactive to
October 1, 2005, and a 2.5% Merit increase, payable on the employee's
anniversary date: and automatically increasing the minimum and maximum of the
salary ranges the additional .5%, at a cost to the City of approximately $37,500.
Vote was not taken at this time due to subsequent amendment.
HR Director Carnicella pointed out that the only employees that may be negatively affected by
that would be employees who are topped out and only received COLA increases, they would lose
the.5 % COLA increase.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to amend the
motion, deleting any increase in the minimum and maximums of the salary
ranges due to adjustments in the COLA and Merit. Motion carried 5-0.
A vote was taken on the original motion, as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Johnson said he thinks we should reward the long-term employees who have
stayed with the City over the years when wages were frozen and whose salaries have reached the
maximum. He would like to give them their Merit Increase in cash (check) at the time of their
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to provide for
merit increases to those "topped out" employees who have already reached the
maximum in their pay grade, by issuing those employees a separate check,
equivalent to their merit increase, payable on their anniversary date. Motion
carried 5-0.
Commissioner Johnson asked if Commissioners could meet individually with the HR Director
we bring the item back before the Commission. HR Director Carnicella said that the rules
would have to be changed by ordinance, which will take a month. He asked if we could move
forward with first reading of the ordinance and hold individual discussions with the
Commissioners to answer any questions they may have.
Consensus of the Commission was to have individual discussions with the HR
Director and City Manager regarding the recommended changes to the Personnel
Rules and Regulations, and to hold a workshop, if necessary, prior to the second
reading of the ordinance to adopt such amendments, which would occur on
December 6, 2005.
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The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
City of Ocoee