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September 29, 2005 at 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the special session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and determined a quorum was
Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that this was an advertised Public Hearing to finalize the budget
and adopt a final millage rate for the City Of Ocoee. The City Commission has previously
approved a tentative millage rate of 4.95 mills, which represents a 20.27% increase in millage
over the rolled-back rate of 4.1158 mills.
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in millage under the roll-backed
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Finance Director Horton said the budget is balanced on a 4.95 millage rate, which represents a
20.27 % increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 4.1158. Ad valorem tax revenues are
being increased to provide funding for operating expenses, personnel, capital improvement
projects, and the purchase of equipment and vehicles.
1. Comments by Citizens.
Max Jacobs, 2247 Mountain Spruce Street, says he is concerned that the City is not bringing
accountability and tax relief to the residents of Ocoee through the budget process. He said that
the residents should have justification for the new budgeted positions, telling them how it is
going to improve their services.
Commissioner Johnson raised a question as to whether or not Mr. Jacobs should be allowed to
continue, since he had gone over the allotted time.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Mavor Vanderarift, moved to allow Mr.
Jacobs to continue speakina. Motion carried 3-2. with Commissioner Johnson
and Commissioner Parker opposed.
Mr. Jacobs said he felt the Commission should vote on the rolled-back millage rate.
Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing
September 29, 2005
2. Comments by Commissioners.
Commissioner Parker said that growth is a big factor in this City, you cannot keep delivering
the same serviced to a larger number of people without expanding the employee structure. The
Assistant to the City Manager has been discussed since Ellis Shapiro was City Manager. She
said our Community Relations Department has done everything they have been asked to do, and
she is certain they will continue to do so. Our budget process has gone the way that every budget
process in every community has gone, and the public and the Commission have had access to the
budget for a few months and have had ample time to meet with staff and ask questions.
Commissioner Anderson said he does not feel we are addressing the police and fire issues in a
pro-active manner, he is not in favor of some the new budgeted positions, he is not happy with
the methodology of the salary survey, and he would like to see the money from some of the new
positions placed into contingency and use them for projects or an increase in the COLA.
Commissioner Howell said he is not in full agreement with the salary survey, and there are new
positions that may not be needed. He said he agrees with 80% of the budget, but disagrees with
some areas.
Commissioner Johnson said he doesn't like being told he doesn't have accountability, when he
works hard to understand all that is going on. He trusts the City Manager to do his job. All
Commissioners have to make difficult decisions according to what they feel is right, and
residents should not accuse them of not being accountable, just because they have a different
City Attorney Rosenthal explained the order in which the budget process must follow, in that
the first thing addressed would be to any and all amendments to the proposed tentative budget, by
changing or deleting specific items that were previously adopted in the tentative budget. He also
advised that this budget does not obligate or require the Commission to adopt the salary survey,
the funds will be placed in contingency, and the salary survey will come back to the Commission
as a separate action.
3. Motions by Commissioners for amendments to the proposed tentative budget.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to amend
the adopted tentative budQet to eliminate the followinQ positions and all
eQuipment related to such positions. and to remove fundinQ associated therewith
from the budaet: Assistant City Manaaer. Code Enforcement Supervisor. Parks
and Recreation Operations Manaaer. Park Ranaer. Community Relations
Administrative Aide. and addina back the Assistant to the City ManaQer position.
No vote was taken at this time due to further discussion.
Commissioner Howell asked for a RECESS to recalculate the effect of this motion on the
tentative budget and proposed millage rate.
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Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing
September 29,2005
After the recess, Finance Director Horton advised the effect of eliminating five positions and
adding back one position, as stated in Commissioner Anderson's motion, results in a $190,580
difference, dropping the millage rate to 4.83 from the current 4.95.
Commissioner Howell said he agrees with the previous motion, except the Assistant City
Manager. If we do pass a motion to delete positions, he would like to see the money go into the
contingency fund. Commissioner Anderson said he was trying to come up with something that
would reduce the millage rate back to last years rate, and placing money in contingency would
not do that.
Discussion occurred between Finance Director Horton, City Attorney Rosenthal, and the
Commission regarding what steps would be necessary to bring the millage rate back to last year's
rate of 4.5789 with regard to projects and additional contingency that were added to the budget
and adopted at the tentative budget hearing, which brought the millage rate up from 4.5789 to
Vote was taken on previous motion. Motion failed 1-4. with Commissioner
Howell. Mayor Vanderarift. Commissioner Johnson. and Commissioner Parker
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to amend the
adopted tentative budaet. to remove all of the capital proarams added at the
tentative budaet hearina and remove the additional $159.000 placed in
continaency at the tentative budaet hearina. leavina the budaet as oriainally
presented by staff. Motion failed 2-3. with Commissioner Howell. Commissioner
Anderson. and Commissioner Parker opposed.
Commissioner Parker said she thinks those additional projects added were things that really
needed to be done, and things we have been promising the residents.
Rosemary Wilsen, 2019 Shady Maple Circle, said she did not previously understand that the
City Manager's proposal to bring in an Assistant City Manager and eliminate two other positions
is actually creating a cost savings to the City of $7,000.00. She said she is in favor of making
those changes, now that she understands that. She said she still has doubts about the Assistant
Parks and Recreation Director (Operations Manager). She thinks we should not eliminate the
capital projects to reduce the budget, because they are items that are really needed.
Mayor Vandergrift said those additional capital projects would be done eventually, eliminating
them from the budget this year does not mean they will never happen. They should go through
the CIP process. Commissioner Parker said the items on the capital projects list, such as traffic
calming and street lighting, are things that the residents asking for right now. They do not want
to wait 3 years for them.
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Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing
September 29,2005
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to amend
the adopted tentative budaet. to delete the Code Enforcement Supervisor. Parks
and Recreation Operations Manaaer. Park Ranaer. and the associated eQuipment.
and place the money into continaency for salaries or other proiects. Motion
failed 2-3 with Mayor Vanderarift. Commissioner Johnson. and Commissioner
Parker opposed.
Jim Sills, 205 South Lakeshore Drive, said a lot of time has been spent putting this budget
together, including the additional projects, why don't we just pass the budget at 4.95 mills and
move on. The funds are in contingency for the wage and class study and that can be decided
later. The budget comes annually, if the positions don't pan out, they can be eliminated while
they are still on probation. We are not a small town anymore and we can't think like a small
town. He is a taxpayer, but he feels the budget should be adopted at 4.95 mills with all projects
Rosemary Wilsen, said the Commission shouldn't "nickel and dime" everything; something has
to be approved because it is the final budget hearing. She believes the Park Ranger position is
needed to keep our Parks safe and secure.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to make no
amendments to the adopted tentative budaet. and to adopt Ordinance No. 2005-
012. settina the millaae rate at 4.95 mills for the FY 2005-2006. Vote was taken
after discussion.
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that motion would be considered on the basis that there had
been no amendments to the adopted tentative budget. Therefore, the proposed millage rate is
4.95 mills, which represents a 20.27% increase in the millage rate over the rolled-back rate of
4.1158 mills.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
Mayor Vandergrift said he felt the salary survey has errors, and he thinks we should do an
inside survey. He would like to take the $247,000 and roll back the budget and millage rate, and
do a new survey and go from there. He said that as long as there are 12 police officer positions
vacant, it does not make sense to place six more positions. He would like to pursue Robocops
and other technological means for law and traffic enforcement. Police Chief Goclon said he
could hire 12 officers tomorrow, but it would not be the type of officers you would want in the
City. We need to make tough decisions now, about how to entice better quality officers, or we
will pay the price in the long run. Weare in the process of hiring people with the new
qualification requirements that eliminate college requirements and eliminate two years prior
military or law enforcement experience. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to give the
money for the positions in the budget and look into alternatives if the positions are not filled.
Mayor Vandergrift also stated he does not have a problem eliminating the $490,000 worth of
CIP projects because they have not gone through the due process of the Capital Improvements
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Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing
September 29,2005
procedure. He is not sure about some of the assistant director positions, and he does not agree
with the purchase of the stump grinder.
After the discussion. a vote was taken on the previous motion. Motion failed 1-4.
with Commissioner Howell. Commission Anderson. Mayor Vanderarift. and
Commissioner Johnson opposed.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to amend the
adopted tentative budaet. by deletina two items from the list of four proiects that
were previously adopted: Street Liahtina at $175.000 and Downtown Parkina at
$98.000 for a total of $273.000.
Director of Finance Horton advised of the recomputed proposed millage rate if this motion
passed, which would be a 4.7788 proposed millage rate, which represents a 16.1086 % increase
over the rolled-back of 4.1158 mills.
Vote was taken after the recalculation. Motion failed 2-3. with Commissioner
Howell. Commissioner Anderson. and Mayor Vanderarift opposed.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to amend the
adopted tentative budaet by removina $159.000 from continaency. Motion carried
4-1. with Commissioner Anderson opposed.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to amend
the adopted tentative budaet by deletina Parks and Recreation Operations
Manaaer. Code Enforcement Supervisor. and the Park Ranaer positions. and
reclassifyina a Code Enforcement Officer to Code Enforcement Supervisor at
mid-year. No vote was taken at this time due to subseQuent amendment.
Commissioner Parker said she can live with the change in the Code Enforcement, but feels the
two additional positions in the Parks and Recreations are necessary because that department is
the most directly impacted by the growth of the City.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. amended the
motion to amend the adopted tentative budaet. to leave the Park Ranaer position
in the budaet and to add the Parks and Recreation Operations Manaaer in at mid-
year. Motion carried 5-0.
Director of Finance Horton advised of the recomputed proposed millage rate if this motion
passed, would decrease the budget by $236,285.00, changing the proposed millage to 4.8018
mills, which represents a 16.6674 % increase over the rolled-back of 4.1158 mills.
Vote was taken on the oriainal motion. as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift clarified that the intent of this motion and amendment was to hire a Parks
and Recreation Operations Manager in at mid-year, leave the Park Ranger position in the budget,
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Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing
September 29, 2005
eliminate the Code Enforcement Supervisor position, and reclassify a Code Enforcement Officer
to Code Enforcement Su ervisor at mid- ear.
B. Announcement by Director of Finance of the recomputed pro lage rate and the
percent by . ch the recomputed proposed millage rate exc the rol -back rate. This
percentage e proposed final percentage increase in property taxes.
City Attorney Rosenthal announced that the recomputed proposed final millage rate is 4.8018
mills, which represents a 16.6674 % increase in millage over the rolled-back of 4.1158 mills.
1. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2005-012, setting final millage rate.
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt
Ordinance 2005-012. establishina the millaae rate for ad valorem taxes of 4.8018
for the Fiscal Year 2005-2006.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
ORDINANCE NO. 2005-012
a. Comments by Citizens - none
b. Comments by Commissioners
Commissioner Parker - said she felt that they were presented with an excellent budget.
This was a long process, but they have come to compromises that address the resident's
needs, and took care of some of the concerns.
Commissioner Johnson - agrees with Commissioner Parker
Commissioner Anderson - said he would like to see the salary survey money that is put
into contingency, apply public safety money (police, fire, communications) to their
departments, and take all the remaining money in contingency and put in toward increasing
the COLA to 3%.
Commissioner Howell - said he would rather discuss the salary survey at the next
workshop; we need to look at items such as pay for higher-ranking people in the fire
Mayor Vandergrift- said we have watched democracy in action, heard from the public and
the Commission, and came to a compromise with dialogue and debate and a lot of patience.
He thanked the Commission and staff for their patience.
c. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2005-012, setting the final millage rate.
After discussion. a vote was taken on the previous motion. Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal announced that the name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee.
The rolled-back millage rate is 4.1158 mills. The percentage by which the proposed millage rate
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Ocoee City Commission Special Session - Final Budget Hearing
September 29,2005
exceeds the rolled-back rate is 16.6674 %. The millage rate adopted by ordinance 2005-012 is
4.8018 mills.
2. Motion to adOpt Ordinance No. 2005..013, adopting finalblldget.
a. Comments by Citizens - none
b. Comments by Commissioners
Commissioner Johnson said this is one of the most interesting budget processes he has
ever participated in, but it was good that everyone could compromise and come together to
accomplish this. He apologized to Mr. Jacobs for trying to keep him from speaking beyond
his allotted time earlier this evening, and said everyone is entitled to speak their opinion.
c. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2005-013, adopting the final budget.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt
Ordinance 2005-013. adoptina a final budaet for the Fiscal Year beainnina
October 1. 2005. and endina September 30. 2006; the final budaet, as amended.
will be attached to this ordinance as Exhibit "A". Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
ORDINANCE NO. 2005-013
I C. Announcement by Mayor Vandergrift of end of budget public hearing.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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