HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(A) Approval of NPDES Annual Report and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Certification StatementAgenda 02-03-2004 Item VII A Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Jim Gleason ire Cater of Good Zil, t STAFF REPORT Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David A. Wheeler, P.E. ZJO,-h/ Director of Public Works DATE: January 26, 2004 RE: NPDES Annual Report Permit 1— Year 7 and Permit 2 — Year 1 ISSUE The Public Works Department requests that the Mayor And City Commission review the yearly Annual Report required under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) NPDES program and authorize staff and its consultant to make any corrections and submit the Annual Report on to EPA for their review and acceptance. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION Attached for your review is the draft Annual Report for Permit 1 — Year 7 and Permit 2 - Year 1 under the NDPES Stormwater Permit originally issued on April 1, 1996. The same Annual Report is being submitted for both permits. The permits require the submission of a report each year to show compliance with the various permit conditions, possible deficiencies, and requested permit modifications. The City's Annual Report is to be incorporated with the Annual Reports from the other co - applicants and submitted as a single document to EPA for review and approval. Orange County Environmental Protection Division is responsible for writing sections 1, 2 (with the exception of Table 2-7), 4 and 7. Each co -applicant is responsible for their respective portions of Table 2-7, section 3, and section 6. Table 2-7 is a summary table of the activities required/performed each permit year. Section 3 provides a detailed narrative of the year's activities, program deficiencies, and program adjustments to meet the permit requirements. Section 6 compares the year's projected budget versus actual dollars spent and offers the next year's budget. Representatives of Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. will be present to provide an overview of the draft Annual report and to answer any questions which the Commission may have at this time. RECOMMENDATIONS If there are no significant revisions to be made as a result of your review, we request that the City Commission authorize Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. to finalize the Report, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Certification Statement to be attached to the Final Report so that it may be submitted to EPA. NPDES ANNUAL REPORT PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 (APRI L 1, 2001 - J U LY 31 , 2002) and PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 (AUGUST 11, 2002 - JULY 31, 2003) PREPARED FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE Center of Good Llv1� g JAN UARY 2004 Orange County, Florida Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 (April 1, 2002 - July 31, 2002) and PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 (August 1, 2002 - July 31, 2003) January 2004 Prepared by CITY OF OCOEE Engineering Department 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 SIGNED CERTIFICATION STATEMENT TO BE PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER Orange County, Florida Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NPDES ANNUAL REPORT for PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 (04/01/02 - 07/31/02) and PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 (08/01/02 - 07/31/03) Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that the materials contained in this document and all attachments relating to my jurisdiction were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Representing the City of Ocoee, Florida S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date Attest: Jean Grafton, City Clerk For the use and reliance only by the City of Ocoee, approved as to form and legality this day of , 2004. Foley & Lardner, Paul Rosenthal, City Attorney Approved by the Ocoee City Commission in a meeting held on 2004 under Agenda Item No. PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE NOTE: This section will be prepared by Orange County and does not involve activities associated with the City of Ocoee. 2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN EVALUATION 2.1 Overall Evaluation ............................................. 2-1 2.1.1 Objectives of the Program .................................. 2-1 2.1.2 Major Findings .......................................... 2-2 2.1.3 Major Accomplishments ................................... 2-2 2.1.4 Overall Program Strengths/Weaknesses ....................... 2-3 2.1.5 Future Direction of Program ................................ 2-4 2.2 Summary of Elements ........................................... 2-4 3 NARRATIVE REPORT Introduction.................................................... 3-1 3.1 Structural Controls Maintenance .................................. 3-2 3.2 Development Planning Procedures ................................. 3-9 3.3 Roadway Maintenance ......................................... 3-14 3.4 Flood Management ............................................ 3-19 3.5 Municipal Facilities ........................................... 3-29 3.6 Pesticides, Herbicides, and Fertilizers ............................. 3-30 3.7 Illicit Inspection/Investigation/Enforcement ......................... 3-38 3.8 Field Screening ............................................... 3-43 3.9 Spill Response ................................................ 3-45 3.10 Public Reporting of Illicit Discharges .............................. 3-46 3.11 Oil and Household Hazardous Waste .............................. 3-49 3.12 Sanitary Sewer Seepage ........................................ 3-51 3.13 High Risk Industrial Facility Inspection ............................ 3-53 3.14 Construction Planning Procedures ................................ 3-66 3.15 Construction Inspections ........................................ 3-70 3.16 Education Activities ........................................... 3-75 3.17 Monitoring Activities .......................................... 3-77 3.18 Additional Elements of the SWMP ............................... 3-79 Page 1 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 4 MONITORING PROGRAMS NOTE: This section will be prepared by Orange County and does not involve activities associated with the City of Ocoee. 5 PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS 6 FISCAL ANALYSIS Introduction................................................... 6-1 6.1 Cost of Program Operations ...................................... 6-1 6.2 Funding Sources ............................................... 6-2 Page ii PERMrr 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMrr 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT Section 2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN EVALUATION 2.1 OVERALL EVALUATION January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The City of Ocoee developed the Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP) in 1992- 1993 as a means of providing an integrated approach to delivering stormwater management services to the citizens of Ocoee and complying with the requirements of EPA's evolving Stormwater NPDES Permitting Program relative to the preparation of a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP). The intent of the ISMP was to provide a summary of current City stormwater management activities organized in a manner generally consistent with EPA's intent and direction as expressed in the Final Rule (November 1990). 2.1.1 Objectives of the Program The primary objective of the Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) prepared pursuant to the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) Permit application requirements, is to reduce annual and seasonal pollutant loads discharged to receiving waters to the maximum extent practicable. This objective will be met in the SWMP through the use of a comprehensive planning process, provision of opportunities for public participation, continuing intergovernmental coordination activities and operation of a program for effective stormwater controls and management practices. Key features that this plan must address include: • Structural, non-structural and source control measures to reduce pollutants contained within runoff from commercial and residential areas. • Programs to detect and remove illicit discharges and improper disposal of non-stormwater substances from the MS4's storm sewer systems. • Programs to monitor and control pollutants in stormwater discharges from municipal industrial activities such as landfills and hazardous waste facilities. • Programs to implement and maintain structural and non-structural best management practices to reduce pollutant loadings from construction sites. City of Ocoee Page 2-1 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE The City's SWMP is intended to provide an integrated approach of implementing stormwater management services for the citizens of Ocoee. 2.1.2 Major Findings The City of Ocoee, as part of the University of Florida's LAKEWATCH Program, has accumulated lake water quality data for a period of record from July of 1992 to the present, for several lakes within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee. The water quality data collected (total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a and secchi depth) allows the City of Ocoee to determine the Trophic State Index (TSI) for each year in order to: a. Establish trends (e.g., degraded water quality); and b. Focus structural and non-structural capital improvements to those lakes which indicate fair to poor water quality standards. The water quality data and TSI for several lakes within the City of Ocoee have served as a basis for developing stormwater management master plans and drainage basin studies. Note that the latest Trophic State Index Report produced by the City of Ocoee (2003) has been upgraded to contain a detailed trend analysis to demonstrate the performance of the City lakes (based on the TSI value). 2.1.3 Major Accomplishments Many of the tasks required by the NPDES MS4 Program have been part of the City's stormwater management and maintenance program for many years. The following are some of the latest major accomplishments that are directly or indirectly required through the NPDES program: From August 1996 to the present, the City of Ocoee has constructed over $1.5 million in stormwater capital improvement projects. Between April 2002 and July 2003, the City of Ocoee has constructed the following stormwater improvements: Pioneer Key II Mobile Home Park Drainage Improvements; Starke Lake Drainage Well Maintenance; and Spring Lake Water Quality Retrofit Project The study of the Lake Lucy/Lake Florence/Lake Stanley basin (which encompasses portion of the City of Ocoee) was completed by Orange County. City of Ocoee Page 2-2 PERMTr 1- YEAR 7 & PERMPr 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE Public education on stormwater issues has been enhanced and increased in frequency. The City of Ocoee has performed a school activity at a local elementary school (e.g., Citrus Lake Elementary School) with the intent to familiarize students and school personnel with the daily tasks performed and machinery utilized by City of Ocoee - Public Works department personnel. In addition, the City of Ocoee has started to distribute door hangers related to lake education in neighborhoods with a direct discharge into an open water body (e.g., Lake Olympia). 2.1.4 Overall Program Strengths/Weaknesses Ocoee's SWMP generally worked well in the time period encompassed between April 2002 and July 2003. The following are a few key strengths and weaknesses. Program Strengths • Enhanced inspection and maintenance programs for stormwater facilities. • Enhanced public education programs on stormwater-related issues. • Improved intergovernmental coordination with adjacent municipalities and regional/state agencies. • Enhanced training of staff related to stormwater issues. • Erosion and sediment control programs are consistent with State and Federal requirements. • Enhanced coordinated record keeping practices. • Enhanced spill prevention coordination practices. The City of Ocoee has purchased and distributed among City personnel, spill kits to be utilized in case a spill case is reported and/or observed. The City of Ocoee has a qualified individual "on -call" twenty-four hours a day to take immediate action in case a spill takes place. City of Ocoee Page 2-3 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE Program Weaknesses Public education on stormwater issues; particularly use and application of pesticides / herbicides / fertilizers needs to be increased in frequency. 2.1.5 Future Direction of Program With the completion of the drainage basin studies and the capital improvement program, the City of Ocoee will continue to implement and construct stormwater projects that address flood protection and water quality issues. These projects will meet and/or exceed the requirements of the NPDES Program. 2.2 SUMMARY OF ELEMENTS A summarytable (Table 2-7) ofthe appropriate S WMP (Storm Water Management Program) annual activities has been prepared by the City of Ocoee which documents in a concise form the program activities and Ocoee's compliance status with quantifiable permit requirements. Administrative elements of the stormwater management programs are discussed in the narrative section presented in Section 3 (Narrative Report). .;. ., .;. City of Ocoee Page 2-4 Q) rAr� V) uV) a 0 w U cd O �. cn 00 bA cd u WJ4° . w N -0 Cd ej a ZI N tD dab c� 0-0V ^ PO a w ~ n 0 � Fil WCp Cd ci O C E" w b m o o cn cn •� ~ cn CIOO� O Q ¢ bACd k U v � U cd •cd O O a3 � •-� p 71tn En dQ N � C M aW Cd 0 0 N kn N as O a N O cC U O •" Vl 1 40. ;� C> N �i � a •� � � N O � � U . � � O Oato g.U� u cd c PLO 00 00 � � U O Q ~ � � � N cl G � W � � •-� �r N � Q tbZ3 >a •.. �' v� o on > �, PLO ci F+z cl O + En O 'C �, V) bA U a� a� U oA" p a to "G to o �. c+- O ¢, N 4-4 U U C7 can e ���aIII M M M aw .n U M c eq • h+y U ~ ° cn ti cn ��� �. ° � M � w � ; .-. 0 00 o o cn L �. QCA cn w cn x gam, W o cd d03 CL cn w ,, G ° No o .� o a w 3 Q fj aw m 0 0 � a C3 w N N v N °? . 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Subsequently, the elements contained in the SWMP have been updated and revised to comply with the general and specific conditions of Orange County's initial MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) permit (Permit No. FLS00001 I - Effective Date of April 1, 1996). As required by the NPDES permit (Part V.C., pages 61 to 66), each permittee (e.g., City of Ocoee) shall contribute to the preparation of an annual system -wide report to be submitted no later than six (6) months following the effective date of the report. The NPDES permit also states that the ANNUAL REPORT shall contain a Narrative Report (Section 3) that discusses the following eighteen (18) elements of the SWMP: 1. Structural Controls Maintenance 10. Public Reporting of Illicit Discharge 2. Development Planning Procedures 11. Oil and Household Hazardous Waste 3. Roadway Maintenance 12. Sanitary Sewer Seepage 4. Flood Management 13. High Risk Industrial Facility 5. Municipal Facilities Inspection 6. Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers 14. Construction Planning Procedures 7. Illicit Inspection/Investigation/ 15. Construction Inspections Enforcement 16. Education Activities 8. Field Screening 17. Monitoring Activities 9. Spill Response 18. Any Additional Elements of the SWMP City of Ocoee Page 3-1 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The format of the Narrative Report shall include a concise discussion of the following for each of the eighteen (18) elements: 1. Objective of the SWMP Element 2. SWMP Element Activities a. Activities Completed b. Activities in Progress 3. General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies b. Results of Activities 4. Status of the SWMP Element with Respect to the Part III Schedules of the Permit 5. Assessment of the Element a. Strengths b. Weaknesses 6. Assessment of the Controls 7. Proposed Element Revisions The following sections discuss the eighteen (18) elements of the SWMP in the format required by the NPDES permit. City of Ocoee Page 3-2 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.1 STRUCTURAL CONTROLS MAINTENANCE 3.1.1 Obiective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE • Operate the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) facilities and any stormwater structural controls in a manner to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). • Maintain a current inventory of public and private stormwater management facility components that require operation or maintenance. • Enhance the present operations and maintenance program for public stormwater management facilities. 3.1.2 Element Activities The City of Ocoee (Public Works Department) has been involved in a long-term continuing operations and maintenance program for public stormwater management facilities, historically focused on flood prevention and control. Some of the elements of this program have already been developed and are in use. The City's current structural controls inventory is summarized in the following table: Structural Controls Total Number Stormwater Treatment Ponds: ► City Ponds ► Private Ponds ► HOA Ponds ► Other Government Ponds 61 88 68 10 Drainage Wells 5 Stormwater Pump Stations 0 Major Drainage Ditches 3.5 miles Other Drainage Ditches 2.8 miles Roadside Ditches 7.8 miles Roadside Swales 1 15.5 miles City of Ocoee Page 3-3 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT a. Activities Completed (1) Conducted inspections of structural controls. January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (2) Maintenance of structural controls associated with the City's primary conveyance system consists of major ditches, lake -to -lake connections (e.g., Lakes Moxie and Peach) and other hydraulic conveyance sections. Maintenance activities included: • Ditch Bank Mowing • Ditch Section Maintenance • Ditch Bank Erosion Control • Closed Conduit Maintenance • Maintenance of Drainage Wells (3) Maintenance of 61 publicly -owned stormwater management ponds serving mostly residential developments. The City of Ocoee has contracted out (Groundtek of Central Florida, Inc.) typical lawn maintenance activities of the City ponds and the City staff supplements this with non -lawn maintenance activities. Groundtek provides the City of Ocoee with weekly status reports summarizing the activities conducted and the pond number. Maintenance activities included: • Inspection to determine the Maintenance and Operating Condition of the stormwater pond and control structure • Inspection of irrigation systems • Mowing of side slopes and maintenance berms • Bank erosion control • Chemical application for weed control (along fences only) • Skimmer maintenance • Removing obstructions associated with control structures • Fencing installation and repairs • Debris removal • Record keeping for maintenance and rehabilitation report • Completed Standardized Inspection Forms for wet/dry retention/detention facilities (4) Maintenance of approximately 6.3 miles of major drainage ditches and other conveyance ditches that provide primary conveyance within the Northwest Ditch, Starke Lake and Lake Lotta drainage basins. The City of Ocoee has dedicated one (1) crew of two (2) full-time employees to perform this task. The two (2) man crew is equipped with a hydraulic excavator and dump truck capable of maintaining the 6.3 miles of major and other conveyance ditches within the City limits on a 5-week cycle (10 times annually). City of Ocoee Page 3-4 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (5) Periodic maintenance of culverts, inlets and catch basins associated with the primary conveyance system on an as needed basis. The total number of city-wide culverts, inlets and catch basins requiring sediment, litter and debris removal during the permit year is unknown. Likewise, the recommended frequency for removal of sediment, litter and debris is highly variable. However, during routine maintenance of ponds and ditches, the City's drainage maintenance crew will inspect the culverts, inlets and catch basins and perform the necessary maintenance if required. (6) Maintained an internal record system (via daily logs) to track inspection and maintenance activities performed during Permit 1 - Year 7 (April 1, 2002 to July 31, 2002) and Permit 2 - Year 1 (August 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003). After submittal of the Part 2 NPDES application, the City of Ocoee began preparing/developing a formal Drainage Maintenance Program in order to address hydraulic conveyance capacity, flood protection, water quality protection, and erosion prevention. Upon completion of the Engineering Report (prepared by Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., dated September 1994), the Maintenance Program established the following in order for City staff to maintain an internal record keeping system: • Visually inspected and identified all major and minor drainage ditches, roadside swales and ditches, primary culverts and stormwater ponds (public and private) within the City of Ocoee; • Tabulated the total linear feet of city -maintained ditches and swales and the total number of city -maintained ponds; and • Developed city-wide maps delineating ditches, swales, primary culverts, stormwater ponds, and drainage easements/right-of-ways. (7) Periodic inspection of five (5) drainage wells associated with Starke Lake, Spring Lake, Lake Lilly, and Lake Johio. City staff inspects the performance of the drainage wells once a week. (8) Four (4) employees with the City of Ocoee's Public Works Department (Stormwater Drainage Maintenance Section) received certification as stormwater technicians through the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA). Currently, the FWPCOA has established a voluntary program for operators to receive a "State Stormwater Operator Certification." The goal ofthe FWPCOA Certification Board is to educate municipalities regarding the components of maintenance of a stormwater management system. As part of the short course and examination, the FWPCOA has prepared textbooks (manuals) for Level "A", "B", and "C" certifications. City of Ocoee Page 3-5 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE • Mr. Buddy Elmore (Operating and Stormwater Supervisor) has received certification as a Level "A" Stormwater Technician, Level "C" Industrial Pre - Treatment Technician and is a Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector and a Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector; • Mr. Ken Bruce (Crew Chief) has received certification as a Level "B" Stormwater Technician and is a Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector and a Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector; • Mr. Larry Miller (Equipment Operator II) has received certification as a Level "B" Stormwater Technician and is a Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector and a Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector; and • Mr. Tommy Brown (Equipment Operator II) has received certification as a Level "C" Stormwater Technician and is a Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector and a Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector. (9) Assessed the accomplishments of the inspection and maintenance program as compared to the EPA target goals outlined in Table II.A. Lb of the MS4 permit (Part II, pages 7 through 15). (10) Developed an inventory of privately owned stormwater management facilities based on the previously mentioned City of Ocoee Drainage Maintenance Program completed during September 1994 and the completed drainage basin studies. Based on the 1994 Engineering Report, the total number of privately maintained stormwater ponds within the City of Ocoee was 86. As of the end of Permit 2 - Year 1, the number of privately maintained Stormwater and control structures that discharge into the MS4s or Waters of the United States was approximately 156. b. Activities in Progress Routine maintenance activities which are conducted on a continuing basis, in both proactive and reactive postures, include: (1) Inspections of structural controls to determine maintenance needs. (2) Proactive and reactive cleaning activities of stormwater facilities to remove collected pollutants and maintain hydraulic capacity. (3) Periodic maintenance of primary culverts, inlets and catch basins to control velocities and remove collected pollutants. City of Ocoee Page 3-6 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE (4) Update the inventory needs with respect to routine and periodic maintenance and revise/update the existing facilities inventory (tables and maps). (5) Implementation of a work order program in order to track actual productivity for the identified maintenance activities. (6) Maintenance of record keeping systems to track inspection and maintenance activities performed during the duration of the NPDES MS4 Permit. (7) Annual assessment of the accomplishments of the inspection and maintenance program as compared to the EPA target goals outlined in Table II.A.I .b on pages 7 through 15 of the MS4 permit. (8) Analyze actual productivity measures for selected activities (e.g., average daily production rates), prepare maintenance frequency recommendations and identify priorities in both routine and remedial maintenance activities. (9) Ongoing identification and inventory of privately owned stormwater facilities. 3.1.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) Approximately 6.3 miles of drainage ditches and other conveyance ditches maintained 10 times annually (5-week intervals). (2) Sixty-one (61) stormwater management ponds maintained 26 times annually (2-week intervals). (3) Periodic maintenance and repairs to approximately fifty (50) primary system culverts. (4) Mr. James "Buddy" Elmore, Public Works (Operating and Stormwater Supervisor) became a qualified Stormwater Management Inspector and Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). City of Ocoee Page 3-7 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (5) Mr. Tommy Brown (Equipment Operator II) received his certification as a Level "C" Stormwater Technician from the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA). (6) Mr. Keith Brooks (Equipment Operator II) received his certification as a Level "C" Stormwater Technician from the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA). 3.1.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.1.) relative to this element include: i Conduct inspections and maintenance of structural controls. Maintain an internal record keeping system to track inspections and maintenance activities performed during the permit. Annually assess the accomplishments of the inspection and maintenance program compared to the target goals outlined in Table II.A. Lb on pages 7 through 15 of the NPDES permit. • Requirement: • Status: Annual Requirement In Compliance Identify and inventory each privately -owned and maintained storm water management facility that discharges into the MS4. • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance 3.1.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Improve water quality through proper erosion control and removal of litter, debris, and sediments. (2) Reduce pollutant loadings to the City's MS4s and/or Waters of the United States through proper maintenance of stormwater management facilities. (3) Improve reporting/tracking procedures in order to justify staffing and equipment requirements during budget discussions. City of Ocoee Page 3-8 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE b. Weaknesses (1) None at the present time. 3.1.6 Assessment of Controls The current staffing and equipment associated with the City of Ocoee's Drainage Maintenance Program are adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES Program (Part III.A.1.) and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). 3.1.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-9 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.2 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCEDURES 3.2.1 Objective January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The objective of this S WMP element is to provide a proactive method for controlling discharges from areas of new development and significant redevelopment in the City of Ocoee. The City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan has been prepared in accordance with Chapter 162, Part II, Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, F.S., and Rule 9J-5, Minimum Criteria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Determination of Compliance, F.A.C. Relative to the SWMP, the drainage element of the Comprehensive Plan (adopted on September 18, 1991) provides planning tools to implement regulations pertaining to stormwater quality and quantity. The City of Ocoee has undertaken its comprehensive stormwater planning process with the following goal: Preserve the water quality of the lakes in the City of Ocoee; protect the public from adverse flooding effects due to stormwater runoff; and manage the surface water collection, conveyance and storage systems to ensure public health, safety and welfare. In order to address this goal, the City of Ocoee established the following objectives: Objective 1 The City shall protect the water quality of City lakes through the implementation of performance standards described in 62-25 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and design standards for the 25-year frequency, 24-hour duration storm event. Objective 2 The City shall provide for the elimination of flooding effects resulting from the concentration of stormwater runoff due to rising water in new and existing development through the adoption of Levels of Service (LOS) standards for drainage facilities. Basin studies for adoption of LOS standards were completed by 1992. Objective 3 Existing facility deficiencies will be identified and corrected on a priority basis. The public health and safety shall be the foremost priority. Objective 4 The City will design a stormwater management program sufficient to accommodate the projected demand through the year 2010. Objective 5 The City shall properly manage systems to ensure that they are correctly designed, installed and maintained. City of Ocoee Page 3-10 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.2.2 Element Activities January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Planning activities which affect flood control and water quality management are conducted at different levels within the City of Ocoee to meet a variety of St. Johns River Water Management District and Orange County, as well as Federal (EPA, FEMA and ACOE) and State (FDEP and FDOT) objectives, rules and regulations. Currently, all residential, commercial and/or miscellaneous site improvements (e.g., building additions and parking lot expansions) require formal review and approval from the City in order to proceed with construction. Projects involving a proposed building area less than or equal to 25,000 square feet require review and approval through the Building Department while projects involving building areas greater than 25,000 square feet, in addition to residential and commercial developments, require review and approval through the Development Review Committee (DRC). In either case, as a condition of approval, the City requires the owner and/or developer to provide the City a copy of the approved stormwater permit, with conditions, from the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) prior to the approval of the site plan, plat or building permit. a. Activities Completed (1) Intergovernmental coordination between the City of Ocoee, Orange County, and adjacent municipalities (City of Apopka, City of Winter Garden, and the City of Orlando) for planning and regulation of development activities. (2) Intergovernmental coordination between the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Regional (SJRWMD) and State (FDEP and FDOT) agencies for planning and coordination of water quality management activities. The City of Ocoee and their stormwater consultant (Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc.) have been actively involved in periodic meetings sponsored by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and attended by Orange County, FDOT, FDEP, City of Orlando, South Florida Water Management District, and the Cities of Apopka, Maitland, Eatonville, Winter Park, Winter Garden, and Windermere. The meetings are conducted by an intergovernmental coordinator (Ms. Nancy Christman) employed by the SJRWMD. The focus of the meetings are to develop a partnership with local governments to identify joint stormwater projects associated with flood protection, aquifer recharge and water quality. The projects discussed during the "Working Group Meetings" are then brought to the attention of the District's Governing Board and staff for use in their strategic planning and budgeting process. (3) The City of Ocoee completed/adopted the "Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)" and transmitted the document to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) which approved the report in November of 1999. City of Ocoee Page 3-11 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT b. Activities in Progress January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) The City of Ocoee has revised the Comprehensive Plan to be consistent with the approved Evaluation and Appraisal Report and submitted to the DCA for review and comment. The revised Comprehensive Plan amended the drainage element to incorporate the results of the completed drainage basin studies, incorporate the Capital Improvement Plan, and revise / update pertinent information. The DCA review is an iterative process where the City receives comments, revises the plan and re -submits to the DCA. (2) Ongoing coordination between Orange County and its adjacent municipalities for planning and regulation of development activities. (3) Ongoing coordination between Orange County, the SJRWMD, FDOT, FDEP, and the other local governments during the monthly working group meetings to address planning and coordination of water quality management activities/projects. (4) Continue to employ the policies of the Local Government Comprehensive Plan (LGCP) which guide future development into those areas most able to handle it and away from environmentally sensitive areas and flood prone areas. 3.2.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. The current language contained in the City of Ocoee's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code prevents any development within environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands); prevents any development within the 100-year flood plain; and requires stormwater management facilities to provide stormwater runoff peak flow attenuation and water quality treatment. b. Results of Activities (1) On -going coordination meetings with regulatory agencies and local governments to strengthen the City's Comprehensive Plan in order to enhance programs/regulations regarding water quality, conservation areas, flood plains, and sediment and erosion control. 3.2.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.2.) relative to this element include: City of Ocoee Page 3-12 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE Continue to employ the policies of the Local Government Comprehensive Plan (LGCP) which guide future development into those areas most able to handle it and away from environmentally sensitive areas and flood prone areas. Requirement: Prior to the end of the Permit Term (by March 31, 2002) Status: In Compliance 3.2.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Facilitates coordination between the City of Ocoee, Orange County and its adjacent municipalities for planning and regulation of development activities. (2) Facilitates coordination between the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Regional and State agencies for planning and coordination of water quality management activities. (3) Technical and financial assistance from the St. Johns River Water Management District's local government assistance program. The programs available to the City of Ocoee include the following: • Local Government Partnership Projects • Comprehensive Plan Technical Assistance • Ordinance Development • Geographic Information System (GIS) Maps • Intergovernmental Coordination Meetings • Regional Water Supply Planning • Land Acquisition and Management • Environmental Education • Technical Reports and Data • Workshops • Well Plugging Program • Wellhead Modeling Program • Water Conservation • Stormwater Cost -Sharing Programs • Flood Credit Assistance Program b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. City of Ocoee Page 3-13 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.2.6 Assessment of Controls January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The controls implemented through the comprehensive planning process and adopted in the City of Ocoee's current Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code are adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES Program (Part III.A.2) and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). 3.2.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-14 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.3 ROADWAY MAINTENANCE 3.3.1 Objective January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The City of Ocoee currently operates and maintains a network of public streets and roads to serve the citizens of Ocoee. The City also subcontracts with consultants and contractors to design and build roads to address current traffic demands (e.g., Clarke Road, White Road and Maguire Road) as well as future traffic demands (e.g.,Old Winter Garden Road). Many of these transportation facilities contain drainage facilities intended to keep the driving surface dry and safe for public use (e.g., curb inlets, catch basins, storm sewer pipes, roadside swales, etc.). The objectives of this SWMP element are to: • Operate and maintain public streets, roads and highways in a manner to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). • Intercept and remove pollutants associated with roadway runoff prior to their discharge to receiving waters. Maintain safe roadway surface conditions to protect motorists, pedestrians, and public and private property. Most of the transportation facilities designed or upgraded after the early 1980's include stormwater attenuation and/or treatment facilities as required by the SJRWMD, as well as FDOT and FDEP stormwater programs. 3.3.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) Updated the inventory needs with respect to routine and periodic maintenance and update/revise the existing facilities inventory (tables and maps). (2) Updated the inventory of existing stormwater management facilities serving the City roadway system to assist in planning of maintenance activities and to document the types of structures and methods of treatment that are being used to reduce pollutant loads from the roadway system. (3) Developed and implemented a municipally -operated litter control program for roads and streets within the City of Ocoee. As part of the maintenance of roadside swales and ditches, the City of Ocoee staff removed all litter and debris prior to maintenance activities (mowing, erosion control, etc.). City of Ocoee Page 3-15 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (4) Implemented a street sweeping program within the City of Ocoee. The City of Ocoee has dedicated one (1) full-time employee to perform this task. This full-time employee is equipped with a street sweeper, capable of street sweeping the 99.4 curb miles within the City limits on a 2-week cycle (26 times annually). The material collected by the street sweeper is temporarily stored at the City of Ocoee's wastewater treatment plant on A.D. Mims Road and eventually hauled to a Class III landfill (private) on Keene Road. The street sweeper is also equipped with a vacuum device to remove sediment and debris from curb inlets and catch basins associated with the secondary conveyance systems. The street sweeping program focuses on removing sediment and debris from inlets that have a direct discharge to City lakes (Waters of the United States) on a 2-week cycle and inlets that discharge to stormwater ponds on a 4-week cycle. (5) Maintained the approximate 15.5 miles of roadside swales that provide secondary conveyance associated with stormwater runoff within City right-of-ways. The City of Ocoee has dedicated one (1) full-time employee to perform this task. This full- time employee is equipped with a bush hog and a weed eater which is capable of maintaining the 15.5 miles of roadside swales within the City limits at 4-week intervals (12 times annually). (6) Maintained the approximate 7.8 miles of roadside ditches that provide secondary conveyance associated with stormwater runoff within City right-of-ways. The City of Ocoee has dedicated one (1) full-time employee to perform this task. This full- time employee is equipped with a tractor mounted side -arm mower and a weed eater, capable of maintaining the 7.8 miles of roadside ditches within the City limits at 4- week intervals (12 times annually). (7) Repaired eroded areas (regraded and sodded) within the 45 miles of City right-of- ways on an as -needed basis in order to prevent erosion and reduce sediment loading to Waters of the United States and/or stormwater ponds. (8) The City of Ocoee performs only minor roadway repairs such as pothole repairs or asphalt patches. When the City performs this work, the guidelines set forth within the DEP Stormwater Management and Erosion / Sediment Control Manual are followed. If the repairs are more substantial a contractor is hired to perform the work and is required to submit plans that contain erosion prevention and a sediment control. City of Ocoee Page 3-16 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDE5 ANNUAL REPORT b. Activities in Progress January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE A significant portion of the City's annual Public Works Department budget is allocated to the operation of the stormwater management features serving the streets and roads within the City of Ocoee. Routine maintenance activities which are conducted on a continuing basis, in both proactive and reactive postures, include: (1) Street sweeping to remove the trash and accumulated particulates. (2) Maintenance of the City's roadside swales and ditches focusing on secondary conveyance systems and storm sewers. General responsibilities include the following key activities: • Ditch Bank Mowing • Ditch Section Maintenance • Ditch Bank Erosion Control • Closed Conduit Maintenance • Hydraulic Structures Maintenance (3) Maintenance of catch basins, grates and other stormwater structures. (4) Transportationplanning associated with road repair which comply with the City of Ocoee's 1993 Integrated Stormwater Management Plan. • Provision of Erosion and Sediment Control • Attenuation of Stormwater Discharges • Treatment of Stormwater Discharges • Interim and Final Site Stabilization • Control of Impacts to Wetland Systems • Buffering 3.3.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. City of Ocoee Page 3-17 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT b. Results of Activities January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Approximately 15.5 miles of roadside swales maintained 12 times annually (4-week intervals). (2) Approximately 7.8 miles of roadside ditches maintained 12 times annually (4-week intervals). (3) Approximately 99.4 curb miles street -swept 26 times annually (2-week intervals). (4) Approximately 45 miles of right-of-way repaired periodically to address erosion problems. 3.3.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.3.) relative to this element include: i Provide a description of the municipally -operated Litter Control Program(s) for highways and streets within jurisdictional area for incorporation into the permit. • Requirement: Provide in First ANNUAL REPORT (submit by September 30, 1997) • Status: In Compliance Implement street sweeping program within jurisdictional area and properly dispose of collected material. • Requirement: • Status: Effective Date of the Permit (April 1, 1996) In Compliance Provide the maintenance schedule for storm water structures (i.e., catch basins) and roadside ditches. • Requirement: Provide in First ANNUAL REPORT (submit by September 30, 1997) • Status: In Compliance City of Ocoee Page 3-18 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.3.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Improve water quality through proper erosion control and removal of litter, debris, and sediments. (2) Improve reporting/tracking procedures in order to justify staffing and equipment requirements during budget discussions. b. Weaknesses (1) None at the present time. 3.3.6 Assessment of Controls The current staffing and equipment associated with the City of Ocoee's Drainage Maintenance Program is adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES Program (Part III.A.3) and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). 3.3.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-19 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.4 FLOOD MANAGEMENT 3.4.1 Objective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Ensure that water quality impacts on receiving waters are assessed for all flood management proj ects. • Evaluate the feasibility of upgrading, repairing or replacing existing structural flood control devices in order to provide additional pollutant removal. 3.4.2 Element Activities The City of Ocoee developed its Master Stormwater Planning Program in the early 1990s during the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan. The focus of the drainage element of the Comprehensive Plan was to provide adequate flood protection to the residents of Ocoee. However, the Comprehensive Plan also directed its attention to water quality in order to preserve the lakes within the City. a. Activities Completed (1) Completed the Inventory and Problem Area Definition Report for the Big Wekiva River Basin Stormwater Management Master Plan (SWMMP) during September of 2001. The Phase I Study identified numerous water quality and maintenance related (e.g., erosion) improvements for further study and implementation. (2) Completed the DRAFT report for the Lakes Stanley, Lucy, Florence, Barlow and Lenore Basin Study during September of 2002. The recommendation of the study included maintenance -related improvements (e.g., Lake Stanley Drainage Well) as well as enhanced water quality monitoring of the five (5) water bodies. (3) The following tables (Tables 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3) provide a prioritized project list and the construction schedule/project status that will be updated and submitted in subsequent ANNUAL REPORTS. City of Ocoee Page 3-20 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR i NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-1 PHASE 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Problem General Location Project Schedule/ Area No. (and Description) Project Status 1 Dovetail Court (Coventry Subdivision) Construction Complete ( install underdrains) 2a Pioneer Key I1 Mobile Home Park Construction Complete (upgrade outfall pipes) 3 Flewelling Street/Russell Drive Intersection Construction Complete (install inlets and exfiltration system) 4 Kimball Drive (install ribbon curb) Construction Complete 6 Coventry Subdivision (install roadway underdrains) Construction Complete 8 Amber Ridge Subdivision Construction Complete (install underdrains) 9 Sawmill Subdivision - Southwest Pond Project on Hold (install an outfall system) Forest Oaks Subdivision Project on Hold/Plans 60% 11 (install an outfall system) Complete (Easement Required) Pioneer Key I Mobile Home Park Project on Hold/Plans 95% 16a (upgrade outfall pipes) Complete (Easement Required) 17 Ocoee Hills Road/Pinewood Lane Intersection Construction Complete (replace exfiltration system) 18 Bluford Avenue/Orlando Avenue Intersection Project on Hold (install inlets and exfiltration system) (Need to Resolve Traffic Related Issues) 19 Sawmill Subdivision (install roadway underdrains) Construction Complete Little Spring Hill/Northern Durango 20 Intersection (replace damaged storm sewer Construction Complete pipes) City of Ocoee Page 3-21 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-1 PHASE 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Problem General Location Project Schedule/ Area No. (and Description) Project Status Windswept Court (Harbour Highlands 21 Subdivision) (install interceptor inlet and Construction Complete pipe) 23 Sullivan/Silver Star Ditch (install inlets and pipes) Construction Complete Project on Hold 25 Franklin Street Area (install inlets and pipes) (Need to Resolve Easement and R/W Issues) 26 Lakeview Village Subdivision (replace inlet) Construction Complete 27 Nancy Ann Terrace (replace damaged storm sewer pipes) Construction Complete City -Wide Drainage and Roadway 28 Improvements (59 individual projects On -going throughout the City) 29 Doreen Avenue/Lady Avenue Intersection Construction Complete (roadside swales) Prairie Lakes Boulevard (Forest Oaks Construction Complete LAPPROXIMATE Subdivision) (install roadway underdrains) PHASE 1 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $2,100,000 City of Ocoee Page 3-22 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-2 PHASE 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Problem General Location Project Schedule/ Area No. (and Description) Project Status 2b Pioneer Key II Mobile Home Park Project on Hold (Funds Currently (stormwater pond) Unavailable) 5 Center Street Ditch Project Design (stormwater pond and outfall system) Currently Underway 10 Apopka -Vineland Road Unnamed Lake Project Out to Bid (install an outfall system) by Orange County 16b Pioneer Key I Mobile Home Park Project on Hold (Funds Currently (stormwater pond) Unavailable) 24 Lakeshore Drive at City Hall (reconstruct Project on Hold (Funds Currently the road and install a storm sewer system) Unavailable) APPROXIMATE PHASE 2 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $1,950,000 City of Ocoee Page 3-23 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-3 PHASE 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM General Location Project Schedule/ Drainage Basin (and Description) Project Status Fullers Cross Road Project on Hold Northwest Ditch (retrofit existing basin outfall culverts) (Funds Currently Unavailable) Northwest Ditch Palm Drive Sidewalk and Drainage Project on Hold (Funds Currently Improvements Unavailable) Northwest Ditch Miscellaneous Roadway Cross Culvert Project on Hold (Funds Currently Replacements Unavailable) Spring Lake and Spring Lake and Lake Johio Drainage Well Project on Hold (Funds Currently Lake Johio Maintenance (flood protection) Unavailable) Spring Lake Flewelling Street Baffle Box (water Construction quality) Complete Spring Lake Retrofit Three (3) Stormwater Ponds to "Wet" Project on Hold (Funds Currently Detention (water quality) Unavailable) Retrofit the Candlewood Shores East Project on Hold Lake Johio Stormwater Pond Outfall (localized (Funds Currently flooding) Unavailable) Retrofit the Victory Baptist Church Project on Hold Spring Lake Stormwater Pond Outfall (localized (Funds Currently flooding) Unavailable) Starke Lake Starke Lake Drainage Well Maintenance Construction (flood protection) Complete Starke Lake City Hall Ditch Alum Injection System Project on Hold (Funds Currently (water quality) Unavailable) City of Ocoee Page 3-24 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-3 PHASE 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM General Location Project Schedule/ Drainage Basin (and Description) Project Status Starke Lake Aeration System for Lake Prima Vista Project on Hold (Funds Currently (water quality) Unavailable) Starke Lake Fifteen (15) Pollution Control Devices Project on Hold (Funds Currently (water quality) Unavailable) Starke Lake White Road Drainage Improvements Construction (localized flooding) Complete Starke Lake Lakeshore Drive Stormwater Treatment Project on Hold (Funds Currently Improvements (water quality) Unavailable) Spring Lake and Miscellaneous Roadway Cross Culvert Project on Hold (Funds Currently Lake Johio Replacements (localized flooding) Unavailable) Lake Meadow Nicole Boulevard Baffle Box (water Project on Hold (Funds Currently quality) Unavailable) Prairie Lake Forest Oaks Subdivision - Sediment Project on Hold (Funds Currently Control Devices (water quality) Unavailable) Lake Lotta Construct a Stormwater Pond / Urban Project on Hold (Funds Currently Wetland / Passive Park (water quality) Unavailable) Lake Lotta Miscellaneous Roadway Cross Culvert Project on Hold (Funds Currently Replacements (localized flooding) Unavailable) Lake Lotta Drainage Easements (drainage Project on Hold (Funds Currently maintenance) Unavailable) APPROXIMATE PHASE 3 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $4,560,000 City of Ocoee Page 3-25 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT b. Activities in Progress January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Update the Capital Improvement Program (i.e., Tables 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3) to incorporate the recommendations from future drainage basin studies and the outcome of future drainage workshops with the elected officials and the public. (2) Continued participation in the University of Florida's LAKEWATCH Program. The City of Ocoee, as part of the LAKEWATCH Program, has accumulated lake water quality data for a period of record from July 1992 to the present, for twelve (12) of the nineteen (19) lakes within the limits of the City of Ocoee. The water quality parameters being collected on a monthly basis include: total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chlorophyll -a and the secchi depth. The purpose of participating in the LAKEWATCH Program is to monitor the lakes, establish trends, and provide "real world" data to support the expenditures of funds associated with water quality projects for each of the municipalities involved. (3) Water quality impacts on receiving water will be assessed for all flood management projects identified in the drainage basin studies. The feasibility of upgrading and/or repairing existing structural flood control devices to provide additional pollutant removal from storm water shall be evaluated. (4) Incorporate the key findings and recommendations of the lately performed drainage basin studies, with respect to pollutant load reduction and water quality issues, into the appropriate program elements of the Integrated Stormwater Management Plan. 3.4.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. The current language contained in the City of Ocoee's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code prevents any development within environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands); prevents any development within the 100-year flood plain; and requires stormwater management facilities to provide stormwater runoff peak flow attenuation and water quality treatment. Also, the completed drainage basin studies and the Capital Improvement Program incorporate several water quality projects to reduce pollutant loads associated with urban stormwater runoff. City of Ocoee Page 3-26 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT b. Results of Activities January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Finalized seven (7) drainage basin studies that incorporate twelve (12) drainage basins. The completed drainage basin studies incorporate approximately 7,400 acres of land area within the City of Ocoee, or approximately 80% of the incorporated area. The South Maguire Basin (south of the Turnpike) and the McCormick Road Basin are the only basins that have not been, nor are currently being studied. The study of the McCormick Road Basin will be initiated as the City continues its growth to the North in the coming years. With respect to the South Maguire Basin, it is likely the City will not study this area since the basin is 100% built -out with permitted residential and commercial developments that satisfy the water quality and quantity requirements. 3.4.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.4.) relative to this element include: Implement the floodplain management regulations within the Land Development Code that require future flood management projects to assess and minimize the impacts of the water quality of the receiving water. • Requirement: Effective Date of the Permit (April 1, 1996) • Status: In Compliance Develop a priority list and construction schedule of the retrofit projects recommended by the master basin studies completed to date. • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance Include a copy of the prioritized project list and construction schedule in the ANNUAL REPORT. Provide updates to this list in future ANNUAL REPORTS as additional master basin studies are completed. • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance (Refer to Tables 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3) City of Ocoee Page 3-27 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.4.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The City of Ocoee's Capital Improvement Program is divided between 1) upgrading existing facilities and 2) construction of new facilities needed to accommodate new growth in the City of Ocoee. One of the key efforts at present is the ongoing effort to upgrade and retrofit existing facilities to meet both flood control/prevention and water quality objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Much of the City's existing infrastructure constructed prior to the late 70's and early 80's was built initially for flood control purposes and did not incorporate water quality features into facility designs. Most of the older facilities were designed for smaller design storms and do not meet current design standards. Consequently, a significant portion of the City's resources are involved in improving inadequate drainage systems in residential and commercial areas to meet current service levels in terms of both stormwater runoff quantity and quality requirements. a. Strengths (1) Reducing pollutant loads associated with stormwater runoff in the older urbanized basins by incorporating water quality proj ects into the Capital Improvement Program (e.g., regional stormwater ponds, sediment baffle boxes, pollution control devices, alum treatment systems, etc.). b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.4.6 Assessment of Controls Historically, the City's retrofitting effort for developed areas has been focused on identifying appropriate facilities for retrofitting and evaluating the potential costs and benefits of the proposed projects. The City of Ocoee's current philosophy on retrofitting developed areas is best summarized as follows: Retrofitting will occur naturally as drainage basin studies are completed to solve flooding and water quality problems. Capital improvement projects will be undertaken to remedy existing problems. Selective projects will be undertaken each fiscal year to construct cost effective retrofit controls on existing facilities. • Limited projects will be undertaken in the foreseeable future to retrofit selected existing facilities as budgetary constraints allow. City of Ocoee Page 3-28 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.4.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. 3.5 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES 3.5.1 Objective January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The objective of this SWMP element is to identify measures to monitor and reduce pollutants in stormwater discharges from facilities that handle municipal wastes and sewage sludges. 3.5.2 Element Activities Since there are no municipal waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities that discharge to a MS4, the City of Ocoee was not required to develop any programs to address Part I1.5, page 17 of the NPDES permit. Refer to the NPDES Part 2 MS4 permit application, Section 3.2 and 3.3, regarding a discussion and listing of the known solid waste, domestic, and industrial facilities within the City of Ocoee. a. Activities Completed (1) Not Applicable b. Activities in Progress (1) Not Applicable 3.5.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) Not Applicable b. Results of Activities (1) Not Applicable 3.5.4 Status Relative to Part III (1) Not Applicable City of Ocoee Page 3-29 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.5.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Not Applicable b. Weaknesses (1) Not Applicable 3.5.6 Assessment of Controls Not Applicable 3.5.7. Proposed Element Revisions Not Applicable January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE City of Ocoee Page 3-30 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.6 PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, AND FERTILIZERS 3.6.1 Objective January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The objective of this SWMP element is to provide for regulation and training to achieve the following: • Reduce to the maximum extent practicable the discharge of pollutants related to the storage and application of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers applied to public right-of-ways, parks and other municipal properties. • To reduce the amount of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers used by citizens, City employees and commercial applicators under contract to the City. • Education and certification of public and private applicators as to the proper application procedures for use and disposal of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. • Continuation and improvement of the City's existing program to carefully regulate and improve the City staffs use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. • Education of the Public as to the proper application procedures for use and disposal of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides as well as the potential environmental and health impacts of their misuse. 3.6.2 Element Activities The City of Ocoee has limited the use of chemical treatment to control growth along fences associated with existing stormwater ponds only. The City of Ocoee does not utilize chemical treatment to control aquatic and/or nuisance growth in stormwater ponds, drainage ditches or lakes. The Public Works Department does routinely apply pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers under the direct supervision of a certified operator, to the City parks, ballfields and right-of- ways. City of Ocoee Page 3-31 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT a. Activities Completed January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Required all applicators employed by the City to obtain certification and attend continuing education classes. The Public Works Department has employed, for over eleven (11) years, a licensed and certified applicator (Ms. Alice Tate -Barnett, Parks Supervisor) to direct, supervise, and train fellow employees on the proper use and application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers associated with the City of Ocoee's parks, ballfields, municipal property, and right-of-ways. Ms. Tate -Barnett is a certified operator with the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bureau of Entomology and Pest Control, Certified Pest Control Operator, in the category of Lawn and Ornamental (File No. H-0004025). As part of the Certified Pest Control license, Ms. Tate -Barnett is required to attend four (4) hours of State approved courses per year (two (2) hours associated with safety and two (2) hours of core courses). Ms. Tate -Barnett also holds a State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Restricted Pesticide Public License which is renewed every four years (license number 006534). As part of the restricted Pesticide Public license, Ms. Tate -Barnett is required to attend twelve (12) hours of State approved courses per year. (2) Development and maintenance of an inventory of accepted products pursuant to Section 487.041 (Registration), Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Rule 5E.2.022, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). (3) Acquisition and maintenance of valid permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to apply herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides. These permits describe what materials may be applied, where they may be applied and how application is to take place. (4) Required pest control applicators employed by the City for maintenance of right-of- ways to comply with the standards set forth by the State of Florida in Rule 5E- 9.007(8) to prevent/minimize contamination of stormwater runoff within the right- of-way. (5) Use of additives to prevent/minimize spray drifts during the application of these herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. (6) Compliance with guidelines set forth by the State in Chapter 487 (Florida Pesticide Law), Florida Statutes and Chapters 5E-2 and 5E-9, FAC, for application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers on public right-of-ways, ballfields and common areas, to protect the public safety and health and to minimize pollutant discharge to City stormwater systems and Waters of the United States. (7) Provided proper training for employees who apply, store or mix pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers on an annual basis when new and/or unfamiliar chemicals are added to the City's programs. City of Ocoee Page 3-32 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (8) Developed a comprehensive application program which tabulates the product, frequency, location, use, timing, and method of application by City staff (refer to Table 3-4). It should be pointed out that each application is documented by a standard form that includes information such as the date of application, plants/area treated, reason for treatment, chemicals used, rate of application, amount used, applicator and authorization of application. (9) Required chemical suppliers to supply a material safety data sheet (MSDS) when chemicals are delivered. The MSDS sheets are kept at the Public Works facilities for access to the employees. A 3-ring notebook containing the MSDS sheet is also located at the Fire Department in case of an accident (e.g., chemical comes in contact with the employee). (10) Maintained a storage facility to house chemicals and equipment which complies with State guidelines (Rule 5E.022(4)) for ventilation, safety and security. (11) Minimized formal disposal by requiring that all quantities of chemicals be used in chronological date order and shelf life age. When a certain brand of herbicide is discontinued, the remaining amount is used in full before a new chemical is used. The BMP implemented by IFAS (Institute of Food and Agricultural Services) calls for a triple rinse when discarding empty containers. City of Ocoee Page 3-33 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-4 CHEMICAL APPLICATION PROGRAM BY THE CITY OF OCOEE Product Timing Method of Application FERTILIZERS 21-0-0 As Needed Granule treatments are applied through a Vicon spreader or a small push type spreader. 12-2-14 As Needed Granule treatments are applied through a Vicon spreader or a small push type spreader. 15-10-15 As Needed Granule treatments are applied through a Vicon spreader or a small push type spreader. Milorganite As Needed Granule treatments are applied through a Vicon spreader or a small push type spreader. 34-0-0 As Needed Granule treatments are applied through a Vicon spreader or a small push type spreader. 15-5-15 As Needed Granule treatments are applied through a Vicon spreader or a small push type spreader. INSECTICIDES Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Talstar As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- gallon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Orthene As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- allon sprayer. City of Ocoee Page 3-34 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-4 CHEMICAL APPLICATION PROGRAM BY THE CITY OF OCOEE Product Timing Method of Application Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Oftanol 2E As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- allon sprayer. Dursban Bait As Needed Granule treatments are applied through a Vicon spreader or a small push type spreader. HERBICIDES Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom MSMA As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- gallon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Image As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- gallon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Three Way As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- gallon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Pre-m As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- gallon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Sencor As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- allon s ra er. City of Ocoee Page 3-35 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-4 CHEMICAL APPLICATION PROGRAM BY THE CITY OF OCOEE Product Timing Method of Application Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Banvel4S As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- gallon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom 2, 4-D As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- allon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Basagran As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- allon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Atrazine 41, As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- allon sprayer. Blanket liquid treatments applied through a 200-gallon boom Roundup As Needed sprayer. Spot treatments using a 4-gallon backpack sprayer or a 25- allon sprayer. (12) Reuse of excess spray mix and rinse water from equipment cleaning for re -application to a labeled site or diluted for other operations. Empty and rinsed pesticide containers are disposed of at Orange County's sanitary landfills. (13) Maintenance of daily chemical control records, which are written by the Parks Supervisor (Ms. Alice Tate -Barnett) in compliance with State rules (see Section 487.160 (Records), F.S. and Rule 5E-9.014). All records are maintained and made available upon written request pursuant to the records retention requirements of the Florida Statutes. (14) Refer to Section 3.16.2 regarding the public education element of the SWMP. City of Ocoee Page 3-36 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT b. Activities in Progress January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Continue the ongoing annual work program activities as previously discussed under Activities Completed. (2) Continue to implement and promote public education programs regarding the proper use, storage and disposal of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. (3) Continue to implement and promote public education programs regarding the proper use, storage and disposal of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. 3.6.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None. b. Results of Activities (1) Proper application of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers associated with the City of Ocoee's ballfields, parks and right-of-ways by certified and licensed staff. 3.6.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.6.) relative to this element include: Provide the details, for incorporation into the permit, of the specific public education program(s) designed to encourage the public to reduce the use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Requirement: Provide in First ANNUAL REPORT (submit by September 30, 1997) Status: In Compliance City of Ocoee Page 3-37 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE Development and implementation of public education program(s). • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance Require proper certification and licensing for all applicators contracted to apply pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers on municipal and FDOT property. • Requirement: Effective Date of the Permit (April 1, 1996) • Status: In Compliance i Provide a description of the program and procedures implemented to reduce the contribution of pollutants associated with pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers discharged to the MS4. Where no comprehensive program of this nature exists, the permittee(s) shall develop a program that shall include implementing proper training and procedures for municipal employees (including educating the public) who apply, store, or mix these products. • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance Submit a summary of the existing or developed program and procedures in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT. • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance Implement the program developed to reduce the contribution of pollutants associated with pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers that discharge to the MS4. • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance City of Ocoee Page 3-38 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.6.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Reduction of pollutants to the Waters of the United States due to proper training in the application and disposal of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. (2) Increase public awareness with regards to the detrimental consequences of utilizing pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. The City of Ocoee makes topic -related pamphlets available to the public and to Home Owner Associations at City Hall and during special events, such as Founder's Day. b. Weaknesses (1) None at the present time. 3.6.6 Assessment of Controls The current staff with the City of Ocoee have been properly trained, certified and licensed with the State in order to adequately meet the requirements of the NPDES Program (Part III.A.6) and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). 3.6.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-39 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE 3.7 ILLICIT INSPECTION/INVESTIGATION/ENFORCEMENT 3.7.1 Objective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: • Identify and assess non-stormwater discharges and determine which of these discharges can be permitted for disposal into City stormwater management facilities and receiving waters. • Develop and implement a suitable inspection program for enforcement of City ordinances that prohibit certain non-stormwater discharges. • Develop and implement suitable field protocols and staff training as required to implement a program for tracing and documenting illicit and prohibited discharges to the City's stormwater management facilities. • Operate an on -going illicit discharge tracing program to identify and document the illicit connections and discharges to the City's stormwater facilities. 3.7.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) Executed an interlocal agreement with Orange County and the co -applicants that established control of the contribution of pollutants from one permittee's portion of the municipal system to another permittee's portion of the municipal system. (2) Created a list of non -storm water discharges allowed to be discharged to the MS4 that is consistent with the non -storm water discharges listed on Page I1-18 of the NPDES MS4 permit. The following is a list of non -storm water discharges allowed in the City of Ocoee: • water line flushing; • lawn watering/landscape irrigation; • diverted stream flows; • rising ground waters; • uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR 3 5.2005 (20)) to separate storm sewers; • uncontaminated pumped ground water; • discharges from potable water sources; • foundation drains; • air conditioning condensate; • springs; • water from crawl space pumps; • footing drains; City of Ocoee Page 3-40 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE • individual residential car washing; • flows from riparian habitats and wetlands; • dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; • street washers; and • discharges or flows from emergency fire fighting activities. (3) Completed the development of an inspection program to enforce current City ordinances that prohibit illicit connections and illegal dumping into the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems). The inspection program consists of the following steps: Step 1 - The City of Ocoee's Engineering Department will update, on an annual basis, the number of industrial sites within the City limits (refer to Table 3-5)indicate the business name, address, service provided, SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code, and whether or not the site discharges to an on -site stormwater pond or directly to the MS4. Currently, there are approximately 177 industrial sites within the City of Ocoee. Step 2 - The City of Ocoee's Public Works Department will visually inspect the outfall from the industrial sites tabulated in Step 1 during dry weather conditions. The visual inspection will determine if non -storm water flows are present or signs of contamination such as residues are within the outfall pipe or on the ground surface. The City inspection will document their findings with pictures and completion of a standard form. Step 3 - If signs of residue and/or flow are present, the inspection will proceed upstream in order to track the source of the flow or signs of contamination through the storm line or from the inlet by systematically opening manholes until the flow is observed entering the storm line from a specific source or is not present anymore. If the flow is present in a manhole but not present in the next upstream manhole, the source can generally be located because the discharge has been isolated to a relatively small area between manholes. Direct tracking from overland discharges can be easily followed on foot by an inspector. Another type of visual inspection, which may be used, is through closed circuit TV. This involves guiding a camera (which is designed for inspecting wastewater systems) through the storm line until a source is observed. This type of inspection would be used when the source of discharge cannot be observed through manholes. Step 4 - Notify the business owner of the illicit connection and request resolution immediately. A copy of the notification will be sent to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Step 5 - If necessary, initiate enforcement action in order to terminate the illicit connection. City of Ocoee Page 3-41 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (4) Initiated the illicit connection inspection program associated with industrial sites. b. Activities in Progress (1) Coordinate with Orange County regarding a training course and supporting materials for training City of Ocoee Public Works employees in the procedures and safety aspects of illicit discharge investigation and documentation. City of Ocoee Page 3-42 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.8 FIELD SCREENING 3.8.1 Objective January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The objective of this SWMP element is to operate an annual outfall screening program to detect the presence of illicit discharges to the City of Ocoee's stormwater facilities and/or Waters of the United States. 3.8.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) No activity required during Permit Year 1 (April 1, 1996 to March 31, 1997) and Permit Year 2 (April 1, 1997 to March 31, 1998). (3) One-third (1/3) of the outfalls were to be field screened during Permit Year 3 (April 1, 1998 to March 31, 1999). However, due to lack of available manpower, 1/3 of the outfalls were not field screened. (4) To bring the program back on schedule, two-thirds (2/3) of the outfalls were screened during Permit Year 4. (5) The remaining one-third (1/3) of the outfalls were screened during Permit Year 5. (6) The entire MS4 was screened during Permit Year 6. b. Activities in Progress (1) None at the present time. 3.8.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) During the outfall screening program the City can determine if there are any illicit discharges to the Waters of the United States and sever them if necessary. By eliminating the illicit connections the overall water quality of the receiving water body is improved. City of Ocoee Page 3-43 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.8.4 Status Relative to Part III January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.7.b.) relative to this element include: Conduct field screening of the MS4 for illicit discharges and improper disposal as shown in Table II.A.7.b. on page 21 of this permit. Collect inventory information on outfalls and on portions of the MS4 not mapped and update the database system on an on -going basis. Maintain a log documenting the results of all field screening performed. Requirement: At least 1/3 of Grid Areas Screened in Permit Years Three (April 1, 1998 to March 31, 1999), Four (April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000) and Five (April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001) with Entire MS4 Screened Once / 5 Years Status: In Compliance 3.8.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) The entire MS4 has been screened which allowed City staff to determine if there are any illicit connections. b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.8.6 Assessment of Controls The City of Ocoee initiated the dry weather field screening program during Permit Year 4 (April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000) to locate and eliminate illicit discharges and improper disposal into the City's MS4 in accordance with Part III.A.7.b., Page 4, Box 2. Currently, the City of Ocoee contains one hundred twenty-two (122) known outfalls of which fifteen (15) are considered major outfalls (MS4 greater than or equal to 36-inches in diameter). The City of Ocoee performed field screening of 2/3's of all outfalls during Permit Year 4 and completed the remaining 1/3 between April 1, 2000 and March 31, 2001 and document the evaluations within the ANNUAL REPORT. The City of Ocoee field screened 100% of the outfalls during Permit Year 6. City of Ocoee Page 3-44 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.9 3.8.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. SPILL RESPONSE 3.9.1 Objective January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The objective of this SWMP element is to prevent, contain and respond to spills that may discharge into the City of Ocoee's stormwater management facilities. 3.9.2 Element Activities Currently, the City of Ocoee has no in-house capabilities with respect to staff, equipment, or public education to effectively mitigate pollutant discharges to surface waters from spills. The City of Ocoee continues to rely on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to implement programs associated with spill prevention and response. a. Activities Completed (1) Reported spills, if any, to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Central District office. b. Activities in Progress (1) Distribute a pamphlet entitled "Lake Care Tips", which describes to the residents of Ocoee the proper procedure to report a spill. This pamphlet is available to the public at City Hall, during special events, such as Founder's Day and at Rotary Club meetings. The pamphlet is also available to Home Owner Associations. In addition, the City of Ocoee has started to distribute door hangers related to lake education in neighborhoods with a direct discharge into an open water body (e.g., Lake Olympia). Note that the aforementioned pamphlet is part of the information contained in the door hangers. 3.9.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) Creating awareness of procedures on how to report a spill within the City of Ocoee. City of Ocoee Page 3-45 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.9.4 Status Relative to Part III January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.7.d.) relative to this element include: Provide a description of the spill prevention/spill response plan and procedures implemented to effectively mitigate pollutant discharge to surface waters from spills. • Requirement: Provide in the First ANNUAL REPORT (submit by September 30, 1997) • Status: In Compliance 3.9.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Not Applicable b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.9.6 Assessment of Controls The current protocol of reporting spills to the FDEP (Central District Office, Orlando) is adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES Program (Part III.A.7.d.) and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). 3.9.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-46 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.10 PUBLIC REPORTING OF ILLICIT DISCHARGES 3.10.1 Objective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Develop and implement a program to promote, publicize and facilitate public reporting associated with illicit discharges and/or improper disposal of non- stormwater disposal into the MS4. • Maintain a complaint log documenting reports of suspected illicit discharges and dumping into the City of Ocoee's stormwater conveyance systems. 3.10.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) Developed a program to facilitate public reporting of illicit discharges and improper disposal of materials into the MS4. The program informs the residents of Ocoee what to look for and how to report incidents. (2) The City maintains a public reporting hotline (R.S.V.P.) which allows residents to inform the City of any illicit discharges or illegal dumping. When the citizen reports are received, they are logged in and documented with details on the complaint as well as the actions, if any, that were taken to resolve the problem. b. Activities in Progress (1) Continue educating the public about illicit discharges and illegal dumping. 3.10.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) Creating awareness of stormwater concerns within the City of Ocoee. City of Ocoee Page 3-47 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (2) Developed and implemented a public reporting program. The "Citizens Guide to Stormwater Pollution" pamphlet created by the public education committee has been distributed during Founder's Day events and at a Rotary Club presentation. The City is also showing a video tape created in conjunction with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) entitled "Stormwater - A Mixed Blessing". Commissioner Parker is distributing the pamphlet and videotape to Home Owners Associations within the City of Ocoee to educate the residents about stormwater concerns. 3.10.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.7.e.) relative to this element include: Develop a program to promote, publicize, and facilitate public reporting of the presence of illicit discharges and improper disposal of materials into the MS4. After development, include a summary of the public program in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation into the permit. Requirement: Within 30 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by September 30, 1998) Status: In Compliance Implement the public reporting program. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance Maintain a citizen complaint log documenting all reports of illicit discharges and what actions were taken to investigate and resolve the problem. Include a summary of this log in each ANNUAL REPORT. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance 3.10.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Creating awareness to reduce stormwater contamination. City of Ocoee Page 3-48 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT b. Weaknesses January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.10.6 Assessment of Controls Distributing pamphlets and videotapes to the residents of Ocoee is increasing the public's awareness to the potential for pollutants within stormwater to migrate to Waters of the United States. This education program will potentially reduce the pollutant load to the Waters of the United States. 3.10.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. 3.11 OIL AND HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE 3.11.1 Objective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: • Effectively prohibit the discharge or disposal of used motor vehicle fluids, household hazardous wastes and similar wastes into the City's stormwater management facilities. • Reduce the intentional discharge or disposal of animal wastes, grass clippings, leaf litter, and similar wastes into the City's stormwater management facilities. • Eliminate the disposal of white goods, used tires, batteries and similar materials into the City's stormwater management facilities. 3.11.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) Developed and implemented an Outreach Plan to inform the public of the locations of nearby collection facilities for used oil and leftover household chemicals. City of Ocoee Page 3-49 PERMIT i - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (2) Between April 2002 and July 2003, the Public Works Department conducted a Rotary Club presentation and a Founder's Day event in order to educate the public on proper disposal of various products. The City of Ocoee informed the residents of the events via public notices in the local newspaper (West Orange Times); during City Commission meetings, which are televised; and through their web site (www. ci. ocoee.fi. us). (3) Distributed a pamphlet for the citizens of Ocoee entitled "Lake Care Tips", which incorporated discussions of proper disposal of chemicals. b. Activities in Progress (1) Refer to Section 3.16.2 (Education Activities). (2) Continue to implement the Outreach Plan to inform the public of the locations of nearby collection facilities for used oil and leftover household chemicals. 3.11.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) Reduction of improper disposal of various products to the MS4, Waters of the United States, and the City's primary conveyance systems. 3.11.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.7.£) relative to this element include: Develop an Outreach Plan to inform the public of the locations of nearby collection facilities for used oil and leftover household chemicals. Provide a description of the outreach plan in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation into the permit. Requirement: Within 24 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1998) Status: In Compliance City of Ocoee Page 3-50 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.11.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Reduction of improper disposal of various products to the MS4, Waters of the United States, and the City's primary conveyance systems. b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.11.6 Assessment of Controls The current Outreach and Public Education Programs are adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES program and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). 3.11.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-51 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.12.1 Objective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE • Prevent and eliminate unpermitted discharges of dry and wet weather overflows from sanitary sewers into the City's stormwater management facilities. • Eliminate or reduce the infiltration of seepage from sanitary sewers into the City's stormwater management facilities. 3.12.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) Identified areas served by septic tanks. The City of Ocoee's Engineering Department prepared a wastewater systems map that delineates areas served by septic tanks versus central sewer systems. This map was transmitted to EPA (Michael Hom) under separate cover on May 29, 1998. (2) The City of Ocoee has implemented a sanitary sewer system inspection and maintenance program. The City visually inspects the sanitary sewer systems with a television camera. If a leak is detected, the j oint and/or pipe will be grouted and/or removed and replaced. b. Activities in Progress (1) Update the wastewater systems map based on new development and/or annexations. 3.12.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) Prepared a Wastewater Systems Map that delineates residential and commercial areas served by septic tanks versus central sewer systems. (2) Reduced discharges from sanitary sewer systems that potentially contaminate the groundwater and which ultimately discharge to the Waters of the United States. City of Ocoee Page 3-52 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.12.4 Status Relative to Part III January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.7.g.) relative to this element include: Develop a program to limit the infiltration of sanitary seepage into the MS4. Requirement: Within 30 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by September 30, 1998) Status: In Compliance Implement program developed to limit the infiltration of sanitary seepage into the MS4. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance Identify areas served by septic tanks. Advise appropriate State Agency of violation if constituents common to wastewater contamination due to malfunctioning septic tank systems are discovered in the MS4 during dry weather field screening. Requirement: Effective Date of the Permit (April 1, 1996) Status: In Compliance 3.12.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Reduction of discharges from sanitary sewer systems that potentially contaminate the groundwater and ultimately discharge to Waters of the United States. b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.12.6 Assessment of Controls The current sanitary sewer system inspection and maintenance program is adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES Program and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). City of Ocoee Page 3-53 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.12.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. 3.13 HIGH RISK INDUSTRIAL FACILITY INSPECTION 3.13.1 Obiective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: • Maintain a list of all industrial stormwater source discharging to MS4. • Develop a monitoring program for high risk facilities. 3.13.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Developed a list of the industrial sites located within the City of Ocoee as defined by the City of Ocoee (refer to Table 3-5). Please note that the City's classification differs from the NPDES permit classification. City of Ocoee Page 3-54 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE SITE BUSINESS NAME SERVICE SIC ON -SITE DISCHARGE NO. PROVIDED CODE POND TO MS-4 I Lions Club Membership Organization 8699 YES 2 Lions Club Membership Organization 8699 YES 3 Parking Lot Automobile Parking 7521 YES 4 Parking Lot Automobile Parking 7521 YES 5 Sauer Septic Systems Septic System Manufacturer 1711 YES 6 Crittenden -Langley Citrus Fresh Fruits (Oranges) 5148 YES Distribution 7 Crittenden Fruit Company, Fresh Fruits Distribution 5148 YES Inc. 8 Certi-Fine Fruit Company, Fresh Fruits Distribution 5148 YES Inc. 9 Tee Pee Lumber Building Materials 503 YES Wholesaler 10 Reinforced Plastics, Inc. Fiberglass Manufacture 1789 ;' YES I I One Off Motorsports Sheet Metal Fabrication 3 YES Manufacture 12 F & M Mafco Contractor Supply 5039 YES Distribution 13 Classic Car Care Freight Carriers 42l,,,.. YES 14 Ed Schmidt, Inc. Truck Repair Shop 7539 YES Sunshine States Sales Auto Exterior Repair and 7532 YES Painting Armstrong Air & Heating Residential & Commercial 1711 YES HVAC 15 Florida Laundry Systems Commercial & Industrial 5046 YES Laundry Equipment Sales City of Ocoee Page 3-55 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE SITE BUSINESS NAME SERVICE SIC ON -SITE DISCHARGE NO. PROVIDED CODE POND TO MS-4 West Orange Fork Lifts Fork Lift Services YES Green King Lawn & Garden Services 5261 YES 16 Florida's Finest Pest Control Disinfecting & Pest Control 7342 YES Services Enterprises, Inc. & FL Car Transport Cars to 421, YES Carriers, Inc. Dealerships Mi Ranchito, Inc. Lawn & Garden Services 5261 YES 17 Shore Land's of Florida Boat Trailer Assembly S,i92 3" YES YES 18 MC Supply, Inc. / Industrial Supplies 5085 Whitaker Oil Company 19 Adams Manufacturing Heavy Equipment YES Company Manufacture 3 5141 20 SYSCO Food Distribution YES 21 American Sanitary Toilet Partitions542 YES 22 Elan Industries Laminated Counter Top 1751 YES Manufacturer 23 Cox Lumber Company Wood Truss Assembly 110VYES 5087 24 Walter T. Tucker Equipment Equipment Sales YES Sales, Inc. 25 City of Ocoee's Governmental Services ---- YES Public Works Building 26 Duston & Roberts Unknown 5091 YES 27 Overnite Trucking Freight Carriers l YES 28 Overnite Trucking Freight Carriers',, YES 29 Transformations All Occasion Prop Builder 1799 YES 30 Seminole Tracking Freight Carriers' 3 '; ____ YES 31 City of Ocoee's Governmental Services YES Public Works Building 32 Evans Tires and Treads, Inc. Tire Wholesale & 5014 YES 11 City of Ocoee Page 3-56 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE SITE NO. BUSINESS NAME SERVICE PROVIDED SIC CODE ON -SITE POND DISCHARGE TO MS-4 33 Jay -Co Controls Steel Conveying Equipment 01 YES 34 Territo Electric, Inc. Commercial Electric 1731 YES 35 Bennett's Pottery Supply Pottery Supplies & Related Products YES 36 C & N Trucking Haul Rock, Asphalt & Sand ? i� YES 37 Ronnie Van Den Brink Auto Sales Auto Sales / Export Specialists 5012 YES Sunshine Cleaners Commercial Cleaners 7211 YES Cummins Custom Cabinets Cabinet Manufacturer 434 , , G ' YES Integrity Body Shop Auto Painting 7532 YES J.D. Diesel Repair Auto Mechanic 7538 YES Horizon Motors Auto Retailer / Wholesaler 5012 YES Unlimited Customs Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 38 New Wave Investment Group, Inc. Recreational Investments 6282 YES D'Elegance Motor Cars Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES Central Motion Auto Brokers Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES Vision Motors, Inc. Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES Caribbean Motors Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES Action Air of Florida HVAC Repair 1711 YES 39 Cooks Power Equipment Snapper Lawnmower Representatives 5083 YES Executive Car Care Auto Detailer 7549 YES A -Plus Plumbing Repair / Remodeling Residential 1711 YES 40 Home & Graphics Home Painting 1721 YES La Veneto Italian Ice Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts�� 20 4' ' YES City of Ocoee Page 3-57 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE SITE NO. BUSINESS NAME SERVICE PROVIDED SIC CODE ON -SITE POND DISCHARGE TO MS-4 41 United Motor Company (UMC) Repair Auto Motors 7538 YES Quality Furniture Repair Furniture Repair 7641 YES Ocoee Paint & Body Auto Repair and Paint 7532 YES 42 Precision / Collision Repair Specialist Auto Mechanic 7538 YES Arry Snyder Studio Painting 1721 YES Ed's Transport, Inc. Freight Carriers wr2k, °' YES Associated Auto Brokers of Ocoee, Inc. Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 43 Devan Lowe Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 44 Joe's Paint & Body Shop Auto Repair and Paint 7532 YES 45 Cortez, Inc. Mechanical Contractors 1799 YES 46 Joe's Paint & Body Shop Auto Repair and Paint 7532 YES 47 Formula 1 Automotive Reconditioning Auto Detailer 7549 YES 48 Auction Lot Auto Auction 5599 YES 49 Stetson Auto Transport Auto Transport SM YES Ocoee Business Plaza - Mini Warehouses Storage *i s 2Z, 7231 YES Exquisite Nails & Tan Salon Nails & Tanning YES Paralegal Services Legal Services 8111 YES 50 Dry Cleaners Laundry Services 7216 YES Quick Stop Chinese Restaurant Restaurant 5812 YES Beauty Works Beauty Salon 7231 YES Josephine's Antiques Used Merchandise Store 5932 YES 51 Hi -Lift Auto Detailer 7549 YES 52 Gettings Production Video Production Company 7812 YES 53 FPIS, Inc. Brochure Distribution 7319 YES City of Ocoee Page 3-58 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE SITE NO. BUSINESS NAME SERVICE PROVIDED SIC CODE ON -SITE POND DISCHARGE TO MS-4 54 K & R Food (outside City limits) Meat Distribution to Retail Chains 5147 YES 55 Perdue Food Distribution (Chicken) 5144 YES 56 SYSCO Food Distribution 5141 YES 57 Teak Isle Manufacturing Metal Window Frame Manufacturer 4 YES 58 Teak Isle Manufacturing Metal Window Frame Manufacturer 4� "'' �A YES 59 Parking Lot Automobile Parking 7521 YES 60 Parking Lot Automobile Parking 7521 YES 61 Wayne Automatic Fire Sprinklers Fire Sprinkler Sales & Installations 1799 YES 62 Johnson Mini Warehouses Mini Warehouses5 YES 63 Mader Commercial Contractor 1542 YES 64 Sunspot Production Radio Station 4832 YES 65 City Electric HVAC System Distribution 1711 YES 66 Jeff Smith Truck Trailers 7I YES 67 Auto Clinic Auto Repair 7538 YES 68 Meurett Sign Company Sales, Installation & Manufacturing of Signs 3 93 YES 69 Ground - Tek Groundworks Landscapers / Landscape Equipment Manufacturer 1799 YES C13 Transport Auto Transport ';x YES 70 Pitt Stop Auto / Permits Auto Transport ?12 YES Exotic Motor Cars of Central Florida Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 71 Rich Masney Auto Transport Auto Transport 41 ;... YES 72 Cable Vision Industries Cable Utility Company 4841 YES City of Ocoee Page 3-59 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE SITE BUSINESS NAME SERVICE SIC ON -SITE DISCHARGE NO. PROVIDED CODE POND TO MS-4 73 Gosiger Southeast Machine Tool Distribution YES 74 Professional Offices Miscellaneous Business 738 YES Services 75 Professional Offices Miscellaneous Business 738 YES Services 76 Boca Bookbinding Bookbinding and Related 2789 YES Services 77 Vinyl Products, Inc. Soffits / Vinyl Siding 5033 YES Manufacturer 78 CCN Investments Financial Investors 6726 YES 79 Blumenauer Corporation Commercial & Industrial1 YES Pumps Distribution 80 Parkway Professional Center Office Building (under 738 YES construction) 81 Professional Offices Medical Services 8011 YES 82 Radio Tower Mobile Communication 4812 YES Lewis Wasserman, M.D. Medical Services 8011 YES 83 Machuga Chiropractic Chiropractic Services 8041 YES Frank Casserino Construction Company 15 YES Construction, Inc. 84 Clinical Measurements Inc. Medical Services 8011 YES (CMI) 85 Four Seasons Tours Tour Company 4725 YES 86 Namasco Norcross Steel Sheets Sales 349 YES 87 West End Professional Park Miscellaneous Business 738 YES Services 88 Oakwood Plaza Miscellaneous Shopping 594 YES Goods Stores 89 Sign Factory Sign Manufacturer 95t8 ..:'' YES 90 Robert Hancock Trucking Freight Carriers YES 91 FX Productions Scenery and Display for 7922 YES Theaters City of Ocoee Page 3-60 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE SITE NO. BUSINESS NAME SERVICE PROVIDED SIC CODE ON -SITE POND DISCHARGE TO MS-4 92 Joe's Auto Repair Auto Repair 7538 YES 93 Khatib Auto Sales Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 94 Miller Motors Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 95 E & K Building Supplies Wholesaler 5039 YES 96 Ocoee Self Storage Storage YES 97 Air Conditioning Service / Welding AC Repair / Welding Fabrication 1711 YES 98 Amber Electric, Inc. Commercial Electric 1731 YES 99 Run - About Auto Dealers Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 100 Mini Storage Rentals Storage :,2 YES 101 Glenn's Paint & Body Shop Auto Repair and Paint 7532 YES 102 Used Cars Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 103 Petrotech Southeast, Inc. Industrial Fluid Recovery & Gas Distribution 299 YES 104 Reds Auto Auto Repair 7538 YES L & J Transmissions Transmission Repair 7537 YES 105 Sanders Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. Roof Services 1761 YES 106 Crawford Tire Service, Inc. Tire Repair and Auto Services 7534 YES 107 Sunshine Roofing, Inc. Roof Services 1761 YES 108 Orange County Service Center General Government Office 9199 YES 109 Florida Auto Auction Auto Wholesaler 5012 YES 110 Ocoee Health Care Center Medical Services 8011 YES III Express Care Medical Hospitals 8011 YES 112 CFI Trucking and Warehousing 4�M YES City of Ocoee Page 3-61 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE SITE NO. BUSINESS NAME SERVICE PROVIDED SIC CODE ON -SITE POND DISCHARGE TO MS-4 113 Professional Offices Miscellaneous Business Services 738 YES 114 Valvoline Oil Change Oil Changes 7538 YES Lake Olympia Shopping Center Various Shops 5331 YES Exxon Station Gas Station 5541 YES YES First National Bank Bank 6021 YES 115 Summerville at Ocoee Assisted Living 8052 YES 116 WOKB Radio Station 4832 YES David Boers, D.D.S. Dentist 8021 YES Edward Jones Investments Finance 6211 YES Frank Hernandez, D.M.D. Medical 8011 YES Big Daddy's Pizza, Inc. Pizzaria 5812 YES O.C. Tanner Ryan, Inc. Unknown - YES 117 Progressive Media Group, Inc. Finance 6211 YES West Orlando Pediatric Medical 8011 YES Center for Diagnostic Imaging Medical 8011 YES Access Healthcare of Ocoee Medical 8011 YES Gilman and CIOCIA, Inc. Unknown - YES Pediatric Therapy Services Medical 8011 YES U.S. Brick & Block Construction Materials ft 32i YES 118 Moonlight Landscaping Landscaping Materials 5261 YES Sun Trust Bank Banking 6021 YES 119 Don Olsen Tire Total Car Care 5531 YES 120 Hudson's Furniture Furniture Store 5712 YES 121 Plantation Gardens Rehab & Nursing Center 8052 122 7-1 I Convenience Store 5411 YES YES City of Ocoee Page 3-62 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE SITE NO. BUSINESS NAME SERVICE PROVIDED SIC CODE ON -SITE POND DISCHARGE TO MS-4 123 Womack Auto Sales Auto Sales & Service 5012 YES 124 Holiday Inn Hotel 7011 YES 125 Mobil Station Gas Station 5541 YES Town Square Mall Various Shops 5331 Nations Bank Banking 6021 YES YES McDonald's Food Service 5812 YES Arby's Food Service 5812 YES 126 Goodyear Auto Service 7538 YES 127 Denny's Food Service 5812 YES 128 Miller's Fruits Fruit Stand 5431 YES 129 Ralph Johnson's Car Lot, Towing Service 5511 YES 130 Extra Attic Storage = 4225 YES 131 U-Haul Self Storage Storage 422 132 Dunkin Donuts Food Service 5812 YES 133 West Orlando Medical Plaza Healthcare 8011 YES 134 Colony Plaza Hotel 7011 YES YES 135 Shell Station Gas Station 5541 YES 135 Amoco Station Gas Station 5541 YES 137 Village Marketplace Various Stores 5331 138 Hardee's Food Service 5812 YES YES 139 Meineke Mufflers 7533 YES 140 Scotty's Various 5211 YES 141 Health Central Hospital 8069 142 Centra Care Medical Care 8011 YES YES 143 Business Plaza Various Stores 5331 YES 144 West Oaks Mall Various Stores 5331 YES 145 Good Homes Plaza Various Stores 5331 YES City of Ocoee Page 3-63 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT TABLE 3-5 TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE SITE BUSINESS NAME SERVICE SIC ON -SITE DISCHARGE NO. PROVIDED CODE POND TO MS-4 146 One Stop Car Care Car Repair 7538 YES YES 147 Handy Way Gasoline Food Service 5541 YES 148 Ocoee Plaza Various Shops 5331 YES 149 Business Plaza - 437 Sobik's, Several Businesses 5331 YES YES 150 South Lake Towing AC & Heating 7623 YES 151 Labor Ready Temp. Workers 7363 YES 152 Superway Food Store & Gasoline 5541 YES 153 AMSouth Bank 6021 YES 154 Business Plaza Silver Star Ext. 8741 155 Palm Tree Properties Real Estate 6531 YES YES 156 Christian Service Center Unknown - YES 157 DJ's Auto Auto Sales 5012 YES 158 Ocoee Cafe Food Service 5812 YES 159 Master Taxidermist Taxidermist 7699 YES 160 Albertson's Shopping Center Various Shops 5331 YES First Class Dry Cleaners Dry Cleaning 7216 YES 161 High Line Auto Sales & Service 5511 YES 162 Plantation Grove Shopping Center Various Shops, Dry Cleaning 5331 YES 163 Windermere Animal Clinic Veterinary 0742 YES YES 164 Coastal Gas Convenience Food Store & Gasoline 5541 YES 165 Cumberland Farms Food Store & Gasoline 5541 YES 166 Chevron Food Store Food Store & Gasoline 5541 YES 167 Superior Water Right Salt & Chemical Free Water Cond. 5074 YES 168 Walgreens Variety Store 5331 YES YES 169 Dunkin Donuts Food Service 5812 YES YES 170 Bur er Kin Food Service 5812 YES YES City of Ocoee Page 3-64 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE TABLE 3-5. TABULATION OF INDUSTRIAL SITES WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE SITE NO. BUSINESS NAME SERVICE PROVIDED SIC CODE ON -SITE POND DISCHARGE TO MS-4 171 Donato Restaurant Restaurant 5812 YES YES 172 Crown Bank Bank 6021 YES YES 173 Silver Crossing Shopping Center Various Shops 5331 YES YES 174 Publix Grocery Store 5411 YES YES 175 BP Gas Station Gas Station 5541 YES YES 176 Bassett Furniture Store Furniture Store 5712 YES YES 177 j Walmart Shopping Center Various Shops 5331 YES YES (2) Developed a monitoriniz program for industrial facilities within the City of Ocoee. Of the 177 known industrial sites, as defined by the City of Ocoee, (refer to Table 3-5), none are considered "high risk" facilities according to the facilities covered under the multi -sector storm water general permit. The City of Ocoee acknowledges that the table may be somewhat outdated and will make a concerted effort to update the list. The City will continue to monitor the industrial sites for illicit connections. It should be noted that the majority of Ocoee's industrial sites do not fall under the EPA classification for industrial sites. b. Activities in Progress (1) The City of Ocoee will enhance its enforcement procedures by sending a Notice of Violation to those facilities having stormwater discharges to the MS4 which violate water quality standards and then proceed with enforcement actions. A copy of each Notice of Violation will be sent to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2) High -risk facilities located within the City of Ocoee that discharge into MS4s are inspected twice a year by City personnel. New high -risk facilities are evaluated to determine if the new discharge is contributing a substantial pollutant lo9ad to the MS4. This evaluation is performed as part of the occupational license inspection required for new facilities. City of Ocoee Page 3-65 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE 3.13.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) Inspected and compiled a list of all industrial stormwater source discharging into the MS4 (refer to Table 3-5). (2) Developed a monitoring program for high risk industrial facilities. 3.13.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.8.a. and Part III.A.8.b.) relative to this element include: Develop an inventory of all existing high risk facilities discharging into the MS4. This inventory shall identify the outfall and surface waterbody into which each high risk facility drains. • Requirement: Within 24 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1998) • Status: In Compliance Based upon historical information and available monitoring and screening data, prioritize the identified high risk facilities. • Requirement: Within 24 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1998) • Status: In Compliance Develop procedures for inspecting high risk facilities and establish an inspection schedule. • Requirement: Within 24 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1998) • Status: In Compliance City of Ocoee Page 3-66 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE After development, include a summary of the procedures and inspection schedule in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation into the permit. • Requirement: Within 24 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1998) • Status: In Compliance Maintain a list of industrial storm water sources discharging into the MS4 and update the list in ANNUAL REPORTS. • Requirement: Effective Date of the Permit (April 1, 1996) • Status: In Compliance Develop a monitoring (or self monitoring) program for high risk industrial facilities. Include a description of the specific enforcement steps to be taken to require compliance with local storm water ordinances if violations are identified. After development, include a summary of the monitoring program in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation into the permit. • Requirement: Within 24 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1998) • Status: In Compliance 3.13.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Table 3-5 provides the City of Ocoee a summary of the industrial sites which can be correlated to the field screening program if dry weather flows are present in the future. b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.13.6 Assessment of Controls Continually updating the list of industrial sites enables the City to keep track of the industrial sites and their outfalls. More specifically, the City can monitor the "high" risk facilities and prevent any potential contamination to the Waters of the United States. 3.13.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-67 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.14 CONSTRUCTION PLANNING PROCEDURES 3.14.1 Objective The objective of this SWMP element is to: January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Implement the use of structural and non-structural best management practices during construction to reduce off -site discharges of sediments and pollutants. 3.142 Element Activities The City of Ocoee has been regulating discharges from construction activities to meet earlier City Land Development Code requirements prior to the issuance of the NPDES MS4 permit. a. Activities Completed (1) Review erosion and sediment control requirements to determine if modifications are necessary to correlate with the appropriate Water Management District requirements and EPA's NPDES Construction Activity General Permit and summarize the necessary modifications in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT. Currently, all residential, commercial and/or miscellaneous site improvements (e.g., building additions and parking lot expansions) require formal review and approval from the City in order to proceed with construction. Projects involving a proposed building area less than or equal to 25,000 square feet require review and approval through the Building Department while projects involving building areas greater than 25,000 square feet, in addition to residential and commercial developments, require review and approval through the Development Review Committee (DRC). In either case, as a condition of approval, the City requires the owner and/or developer to provide the City with a copy of the approved storm water permit, with conditions, from the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) prior to the approval of the site plan, plat or building permit. Typically, the SJRWMD stormwater permits contain the following language as conditions for approval of the projects: • Turbidity barriers must be installed at all locations where the possibility of transferring suspended solids into the receiving waterbody exists due to the proposed work. Turbidity barriers must remain in place at all locations until construction is completed, soils are stabilized and vegetation has been established. Thereafter, the permittee will be responsible for the removal of the barriers. City of Ocoee Page 3-68 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Permittee must select, implement, and operate all erosion and sediment control measures required to retain sediment on -site and to prevent violations of water quality standards as specified in Chapters 62-301, 62-302, and 62-4, F.A.C. The permittee is encouraged to use appropriate Best Management Practices (BMP's) for erosion and sediment control as described in the Florida Land Development Manual: A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (FDEP, 1988). • The permittee must construct and maintain a permanent protective vegetative and/or artificial cover for erosion and sediment control on all land surfaces exposed or disturbed by construction or alteration of the permitted project. Unless modified by another condition of this permit or specified otherwise on a District -approved erosion and sediment control plan, this protective cover must be installed within fourteen (14) days after final grading of the affected land surfaces. A permanent vegetative cover must be established within sixty (60) days after planting or installation. The permittee must maintain cover on adjacent ground surfaces which may be impacted by construction activities until the District receives the engineer of record certification that the project is constructed according to the permitted plans. • At a minimum, all retention and detention storage areas must be excavated to rough grade prior to building construction or placement of impervious surface within the area to be served by those facilities. To prevent reduction in storage volume and percolation rates, all accumulated sediment must be removed from the storage area prior to final grading and stabilization. During a pre -construction meeting, which is required for projects involving DRC approval, the City, owner and contractor will address and discuss the conditions of approval and specific conditions contained in the stormwater management permit issued by the SJRWMD and the SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) if the project exceeds five (5) acres of disturbed area (NOTE: thresholds have been lowered to one (1) acre). During construction, if City staff observes violations of the SJRWMD permit, the City immediately contacts the Water Management District's Compliance Department and informs the WMD of any observed violations. In addition, the City currently has the legal authority to revoke a building permit and/or terminate a site construction permit if the activity, during any stage of work "is not being done in accordance with the terms of the permit or the applications upon which the same was issued." This language is contained in the "Code of the City of Ocoee", Chapter 51, Section 51-30, Pages 51-16 through 51-17. (2) An inspection form has been developed to track construction projects, which are required to install erosion and sediment controls and to document the installation, maintenance and effectiveness of the controls. City of Ocoee Page 3-69 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT b. Activities in Progress January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Implement the tracking system and subsequently integrate the records with the education program for training site contractors. (2) Review the City of Ocoee's Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) to ensure that it remains consistent with regional, state and federal erosion and sediment control regulations. 3.14.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) Adequate regulations to continue the enforcement of sediment and erosion controls. 3.14.4 Status Relative to Part III Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.9.a.) relative to this element include: Review erosion and sediment control requirements to determine modifications necessary to correlate with the appropriate Water Management District's requirements and EPA's NPDES Construction Activity General Permit. • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance Summarize the necessary modifications in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation in the MS4 Permit. • Requirement: Within 12 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1997) • Status: In Compliance City of Ocoee Page 3-70 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE Incorporate the necessary modifications to the erosion and sediment control requirements. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance In the Land Development Regulations, incorporate guidelines and recommendations for reducing the amount of sediment leaving construction sites. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance In lieu of revising the Land Development Regulations, the City of Ocoee has the following mechanisms in place to specifically address erosion and sediment controls during construction: © The City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, which provides planning tools to implement regulations pertaining to erosion and sediment control measures, demonstrating compliance with NPDES regulations; ©"Design Review Guidelines" specifically addressed to handle erosion and sediment control measures; Building Code requirements which require a Notice of Intent (NOI) (if site is greater than 1 acre) and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); © A Stormwater Inspection Form which is utilized to perform inspection activities of construction sites after heavy storm events; and ® SJRWMD permit conditions enforcing erosion control BMPs during construction. Track construction proiects required to install erosion and sediment controls. Document the installation, maintenance, and effectiveness of the controls. Integrate these records with the education program for construction site contractors. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance. 3.14.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) The current regulations will continue to allow City inspectors to enforce proper sediment and erosion controls. City of Ocoee Page 3-71 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT b. Weaknesses January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.14.6 Assessment of Controls The current Land Development Codes are adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES program (Part IH.A.9.a.) and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). 3.14.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-72 PERMIT 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.15 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS 3.15.1 Objective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Provide a program for periodic inspection of construction sites to ensure compliance with stormwater management requirements. • Enforce the requirements for the use of on -site control measures to minimize the off -site discharge of sediments and pollutants related to construction activities. Provide training for City of Ocoee inspectors and municipal construction site operators regarding the appropriate use of erosion and sediment control measures. 3.15.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) Conducted a series of inspections for each active construction project. At least 4 to 5 inspections were scheduled during the construction phase of each project for compliance with the City of Ocoee Land Development Codes and the conditions of the SJRWMD permit and facilities acceptance. As part of the site inspection process, commercial and larger residential construction sites were inspected for erosion and sediment control BMPs. Individual, single family residential construction sites were not normally inspected for erosion and sediment control BMPs. (2) The City has five (5) Certified Stormwater Management and Erosion / Sediment Control Inspector (Mr. Buddy Elmore, Mr. Ken Bruce, Mr. Tommy Brown, Mr. Keith Brooks and Mr. Larry Miller). (3) Developed and implemented a procedure to have building permit applicants submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) (if site is greater than 5 acres) along with a copy of their SWPPP plan to the Engineering Department. (4) Implemented the inspection program for construction projects to ensure compliance with local stormwater ordinances and maintain a log documenting the inspections conducted. (5) Modified the inspection process and implemented the checklist. City of Ocoee Page 3-73 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDE5 ANNUAL REPORT b. Activities in Progress January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Advanced training for new and/or existing inspectors (via programs such as the FDEP's and the Florida Water and Pollution Control of Operators Association -FWPCOA- program). (2) Enforce the inspection program by issuing a Notice of Violation and a Stop Work Order to those construction site operators which repeatedly do not maintain compliance with the approved erosion and sediment control BMPs and permit conditions. (3) Advanced training for existing inspectors. (4) Weekly in-house meetings with inspectors with regard to erosion and sediment control to ensure compliance with local stormwater ordinances. 3.15.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) The City of Ocoee continues to dedicate four (4) full-time employees (Mr. David Wheeler, Mr. Rod Winfrey; Mr. Frank Bruce; and Mr. Otis Patton), with assistance from other engineering staff as needed, to monitor, inspect, and supervise the proper use of structural and non-structural controls during construction to insure the reduction of sediment leaving sites during construction. (2) The City does not deem it feasible to train all the staff, but will train inspectors and plan reviewers, beginning with inspectors. (3) During the Development Review Process, construction sites greater than 5 acres must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) and a copy of their S WPPP to the Engineering Department. (4) Mr. David Wheeler, P.E. (Construction Manager) has conducted training classes for the Alabama FDOT and Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. (Alabama and Florida branches) in BMP and erosion control procedures. (5) Development and implementation of a Stormwater Inspection Form which includes verification that sites greater than 5 acres it must have a SWPPP. City of Ocoee Page 3-74 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.15.4 Status Relative to Part III January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Compliance, implementation and augmentation schedule items identified in the Part III matrix (Part III.A.9.b. and Part III.A.9.c.) relative to this element include: Implement the inspection program for construction projects, described in the SWMP within the Part 2 application, to ensure compliance with local storm water ordinances. Maintain an internal log documenting the inspections conducted. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance Provide proper training for appropriate personnel in proper storm water management and erosion & sediment control (FDEP is developing a Statewide erosion, sediment and storm water control training and certification course for inspectors. Completion of FDEP's course would serve to fulfill this training program requirement). Requirements: Existing inspectors: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) New inspectors: Within 24 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1998) Status: In Compliance Develop a formalized inspection checklist covering current storm water management and water quality inspection items in order to standardize the inspection process. Include verification that construction sites subject to the NPDES Storm Water Regulations have a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan on -site. Include the developed checklist in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation into the permit. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance Implement the use of the developed checklist for all inspectors. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance City of Ocoee Page 3-75 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Evaluate whether it is feasible and beneficial to develop and implement a City-wide certification program for construction site operators, plan reviewers, and inspectors. If a certification program is deemed feasible, develop and implement a program for construction site operators, plan reviewers, and inspectors. Requirement: Within 36 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by March 31, 1999) Status: In Compliance The City of Ocoee has deemed feasible but not necessarily beneficial to develop and implement a City-wide certification program for construction site operators, plan reviewers and inspectors. Mr. Buddy Elmore (Operating and Stormwater Supervisor), is a qualified Stormwater Management Inspector and Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector issued by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), who is in charge of BMP and erosion control training of appropriate personnel within the City of Ocoee. Develop a procedure to notify building permit applicants in developments which, because of their size are subject to the NPDES storm water regulations, of their potential responsibilities under the NPDES permitting program for construction site runoff. After development of the procedure to notify building permit applicants subject to the NPDES storm water regulations, include a summary of procedures in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation into the MS4 Permit. Requirement: Within 18 Months of the Effective Date of the Permit (by September 30, 1997) Status: In Compliance 3.15.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Ensuring the proper training of the City inspectors and plan reviewers should improve the ability of the City to inspect/enforce erosion and sediment control measures. b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. City of Ocoee Page 3-76 PERMrr 1 - YEAR 7 & PERMrr 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.15.6 Assessment of Controls January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) The current staffing and regulations are adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES program (Parts III.A.9.b. and III.A.9.c.) and the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). 3.15.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-77 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE 3.16 EDUCATION ACTIVITIES 3.16.1 Objective The objectives of this SWMP element are to: Educate the Public regarding the benefits of stormwater management programs and the potential consequences from improper use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides to water quality and environmentally sensitive areas. The S WMP element also serves to educate the public on the proper disposal of these materials, waste oil and other toxic materials. Provide an educational program on the proper design and operation of construction sites to control site discharges of pollutants to City stormwater management facilities and receiving waters. Secure Public input on the use and management of the City's lakes to meet citizen needs for recreation, aesthetics and water quality. 3.16.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) Distribution of the "Citizens Guide to Stormwater Pollution ...... How You Can Help" pamphlet to citizens of the City of Ocoee. This pamphlet contains the basic information with respect to grass clippings and leaves; automotive and household waste; fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides; car wash water; erosion and sediment control; and important phone numbers. (2) Distribution of the pamphlet entitled "Lake Care Tips.... Help Protect Our Lakes and Water" to the public and to Home Owner Associations at City Hall throughout the year and during special events, such as Founder's Day. (3) Made a videotape entitled " Stormwater .... A Mixed Blessing" available to the public and to Home Owner Associations at City Hall and during special events, such as Founder's Day. (4) Made a videotape entitled "Stormwater Pollution Prevention... Doing Your Part" available for in-house training. Note that such videotape was also aired on the local public cable channel. (5) The Public Works Department completed the storm sewer inlet marking program to educate the public about the City's drainage facilities, reduce illegal dumping into storm sewers and provide a visual warning to citizens on the hazards of illicit discharges. The program is designed to use either City forces or volunteers to mark City of Ocoee Page 3-78 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE storm sewer inlets in the City. The program uses preprinted vinyl disks which are bonded to storm sewer inlet covers or curbs and contain the following message: "NO DUMPING... DRAINS TO LAKE" In addition to the inlet marking program, the City has also installed approximately 25 to 30 signs informing the citizens of the receiving water body associated with the major drainage ditches. b. Activities in Progress (1) Continue distributing both pamphlets to the citizens of the City of Ocoee. (2) Continue distributing the FDOT videotape to Homeowners Associations upon request and air on the West Orange cable channel. 3.16.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. b. Results of Activities (1) Not Applicable (no activities performed). City of Ocoee Page 3-79 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.16.4 Status Relative to Part III January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE There are no compliance, implementation or augmentation schedule items specifically identified in the Part III matrix relative to this element. However, public education activities are included in the compliance, implementation or augmentation schedule items for other program elements previously discussed in this ANNUAL REPORT. 3.16.5 Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Making the public aware of the consequences of dumping contaminants into inlets and ultimately water bodies. b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.16.6 Assessment of Controls The current education program is adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES program. 3.16.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-80 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.17 MONITORING ACTIVITIES 3.17.1 Objective The objective of this SWMP element is to: January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE Estimate the Event Mean Concentration (EMC) values for the parameters listed in Table V.A.1 of the NPDES permit (page 57) based on the discharge characterization program proposed in the Part 2 permit application and discussed in Section 4 of the ANNUAL REPORT. Provide estimates of the annual and seasonal pollutant load of each "major outfall" within the City of Ocoee. 3.17.2 Element Activities a. Activities Completed (1) Met with USEPA and FDEP Staff to discuss the objectives for FDEP's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) and the commitments the County and Joint Applicants would have to make in order to satisfy the MS4 Permit requirements through SWAMP participation. (2) Met with Orange County and the Joint Applicants, relative to Part V.B. l monitoring program, and decided to not participate in FDEP's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program and continue the operation of the discharge characterization program for specific land uses initially started in the Part 2 Application process. (3) In addition to water quality parameter monitoring, the City of Ocoee is also involved in the University of Florida's LAKEWATCH Program as previously discussed in Section 3.4.2.b.(2). (4) Executed the interlocal agreement with Orange County regarding the discharge characterization program/joint collection of monitoring data. b. Activities in Progress (1) Orange County has implemented a detailed water quality sampling program in an effort to establish water quality trends. City of Ocoee Page 3-81 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.17.3 General Element Discussion a. Element Deficiencies (1) None at the present time. b. Results of Activities January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE (1) Executed the interlocal agreement providing for joint collection of monitoring data between municipalities, Valencia Water Control District, FDOT and Orange County. (2) Continued collecting lake water quality data for twelve (12) of the nineteen (19) lakes within the City of Ocoee and estimated the trophic state index from April of 1992 to the present. 3.17.4 Status Relative to Part III There are no compliance, implementation or augmentation schedule items specifically identified in the Part III matrix relative to this element. However, per the monitoring program, the discharge characterization/monitoring program will be continued during Fiscal Year 2002/2003. 3.17.5 Assessment o Strengths and Weaknesses a. Strengths (1) Increased dialogue and cooperation between interlocal agencies. b. Weaknesses (1) No weaknesses have been identified in this program element at the present time. 3.17.6 Assessment of Controls By monitoring various water quality parameters, the City will have a tool for predicting trends within the Cities water bodies and identifying pollutants. 3.17.7 Proposed Element Revisions None. City of Ocoee Page 3-82 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 3.18 ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS OF THE SWMP January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE At the present time, the City of Ocoee proposes no additional components to the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). Based on the activities summarized in the Part III matrix, the activities completed to date and the activities in progress are adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES program (Parts II and III). City of Ocoee Page 3-83 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE Section 5 PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS 5.1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS At the present time, the City of Ocoee proposes no additional components or modifications to the City's Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). Based on the activities summarized in the Part III matrix, the activities completed to date and the activities in progress are adequate to meet the requirements of the NPDES program (Parts 11 and III). D:\lwork\Leylah\Cities\Ocoee\NPDES\Oe-261\Permit Year 7\FRONTSECYR7.wpd City of Ocoee Page 5-1 PERMIT I - YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR I January 2004 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT CITY OF OCOEE Section 6 FISCAL ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The MS4 Permit for Orange County requires the individual permittees to provide a complete fiscal analysis for their Storm Water Management Program implementation, both for the past calendar year and the next. The MS4 Permit also requires the permittees to indicate budgets and funding sources. This Annual Report provides City of Ocoee's estimate of annual expenditures to accomplish the required management, monitoring and reporting programs in Permit 1 - Year 7 (April 1, 2002 to July 31, 2002), Permit 2- Year 1 (August 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003) and Fiscal Year 2003/2004 and also indicates the sources of funding to be used for program implementation and operations in each year. 6.1 COST OF PROGRAM OPERATIONS The City of Ocoee's expenditures related to the MS4 Permit, specifically implementation and operation of the Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) are divided into three (3) types of expenditures. Specifically, Basin Studies/Engineering, Maintenance/Operating, and Capital Outlay. The following provides a summary of the budgeted versus actual expenditures from April 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003. Budget Amounts from April 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003: • Basin Studies/Engineering • Maintenance/Operating • Capital OutlU • TOTAL Actual Expenditures from April 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003: • Basin Studies/Engineering • Maintenance/Operating • CapitalOutlU • TOTAL $ 95,269 $ 906,080 $ 521,383 $1,522,732 $ 48,889 $ 724,838 480 127 $ 1,253,854 NOTE: Administration Expense Transfers have been added to Operating/Maintenance amounts. Debt Service Transfers and Repair and Replacement Transfers have been added to Capital Outlay amounts. City of Ocoee Page 6-1 PERMIT 1- YEAR 7 & PERMIT 2 - YEAR 1 NPDES ANNUAL REPORT 6.2 FUNDING SOURCES January 2004 CITY OF OCOEE The City of Ocoee's MS4 Permit program elements are funded primarily by the Stormwater Utility fee. The following table summarizes projected funding sources that will be used to fund the continued development, implementation, operation and management activities required by the MS4 for Permit 1 - Year 7 (April 1, 2002 to July 31, 2002), Permit 2- Year 1 (August 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003) and Fiscal Year 2003/2004. Funding for Fiscal Year 2003/2004 is committed and projected based upon the current fund capability projections and other commitments from each fund. It should be noted that funding sources for Fiscal Year 2003/2004 may change. Funding Sources from April 1, 2002 to July 31, 2003: • Stormwater Fees $ 1,607,040 • Interest Earnings $ 13,925 • Other Revenues $ 0 • TOTAL $ 1,620,965 Funding Sources for Fiscal Year 2003/2004: • Stormwater Fees $ 1,242,000 • Interest Earnings $ 8,000 • Other Revenues $ 0 • TOTAL $ 1,250,000 .;. V* .;. City of Ocoee Page 6-2