Chairman McKey called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairman McKey welcomed new Member Timothy
Alcuri, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and requested a moment of silence for our men
and women in uniform; the roll was called and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Chairman McKey, Vice -Chair Laney (arrived at 7:05 p.m.), Treasurer Wilsen,
Member Ball, Member Yost (arrived at 7:08 p.m.), and Member Alcuri. Also present were Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander and Recording Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Member Zielinski (excused), and Member Santana (unexcused).
Approval of CACOPD Minutes for January 24, 2013
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to accept the minutes for January 24, 2013, seconded by
Chairman McKey. Member Ball pointed out a redundancy in the minutes. A vote was called
and the motion passed unanimously.
Welcome New Member Timothy Alcuri
Chairman McKey introduced Member Alcuri to the board and Member Alcuri thanked
everyone and stated he has been in the military and the Coast Guard for 16 years, and currently
works for Orange County Code Enforcement. Vice -Chair Laney asked if Member Alcuri
planned on attending the Citizen's Police Academy to which he replied yes.
Surveillance Camera Presentation by Chief Brown and Lt. Bryant
Chief Brown addressed the board by saying it is a complicated venture because of the
technology involved since this is a multi -level program that includes still cameras, surveillance
cameras, and red -light cameras that can be linked together and viewed live. Member Yost asked
if wireless cameras purchased by communities can be linked as well. Chief Brown replied it is
possible; however this is limited by resources and technology. Discussions ensued on this topic.
Chief Brown continued by saying the line -of -sight technology is what the Police Department is
looking into; however, this is also an issue because the Police Department does not have the
resources to pay for tower rentals or for towers. Lt. Bryant stated he was tasked with obtaining
cameras for the interview rooms and other areas at the Police Department. Because of the
Sunshine Laws, recordings are to be kept for 30 days, and the current system only holds
recordings for 20 days; upon researching, he came across Wildfire Connections, which is a
wireless and line -of sight- camera system and offered recording capabilities if five cameras were
purchased. Also, Public Works had a budget for five security cameras, and if purchased from
Wildfire Connections, the Police Department would get $5,000 to $ 6,000 worth of equipment
for free. The next step was obtaining the vertical real estate infrastructure to get the line -of -sight
needed from Public Works to the Police Department. The Orange County Services Building on
Story Road allowed the use their tower and Health Central Hospital agreed to the use of the roof.
In order to expand the system, the Community Redevelopment Agency was contacted and any
businesses wanting to partner will need to purchase a camera for $2000 to $2500. This covers
CACOPD Meeting
April 25, 2013
the southwest side of the city; however, to expand, a line -of -sight is needed. The idea to get the
HOAs involved by adding cameras in the neighborhoods that could read license plates was
brought up but the obstacle is the vertical real estate because of the cost. If the Commission
approves the use of the budgeted camera system to work with Wildfire Connections to set the
infrastructure in the south of the City, the businesses in that area can buy into the system. The
next step is to request bids to include the neighborhoods. The Water Treatment Plant has a radio
tower but it is not high enough and radio technology will not work because, during high- usage,
the video or image is not clear. Member Alcuri interjected by saying a dedicated network is
needed. Lt. Bryant agreed and continued by saying it is just a matter of the Commission
approving the project to start with what is available now, but the Police Department will not have
the money to put up cameras for everyone. Wildfire Connections stated they could work with
the cameras currently at the Police Department and there is a good possibility that other existing
cameras will also work; however, they can't say for sure. Member Yost asked if Forest Trails
could join if they acquired a system compatible with Wildfire Connections. Chief Brown stated
the Police Department is just now focusing on getting phase one started. Vice -Chair Laney
asked if the radio towers on Clarke Road can be used but Lt. Bryant replied the owners would
need to authorize the use as well as the cost to lease it. Discussions ensued on this topic.
Member Alcuri suggested waiting for the Police Department to have the initial system and then
asking Wildfire Connections for compatible products. Lt. Bryant suggested contacting Wildfire
Connections and provided the website, www.wildfireconnections.com Member Yost asked if
the Police Department could provide guidance as to where to locate the cameras and Lt. Bryant
stated that Sgt. Nylander and his unit can provide with site and safety inspections but not
technical aspects. Discussions ensued on this topic. Chief Brown asked the board to keep in
mind that not everyone in our communities agrees with the cameras because of privacy issues;
therefore, neighborhood agreements will have to be in place since the video will become public
record. Chief Brown stated a wired system is the best option but Progress Energy will not let
the Police Department use their poles and Lt. Bryant stated Duke Energy had an agreement with
Wildfire Connections in the Carolinas that may carry over but that has not been the case. Chief
Brown added that since this is the community's money every aspect has to be addressed.
Treasurer Wilsen asked if the Police Department had an estimate on how much money will be
asked of the Commission and Lt. Bryant stated he believed it was $10,000 for the Public Works
cameras and the infrastructure; any extras will be supplemented with the Police Department's
forfeiture money. Chief Brown added that the Police Department does not need to ask for that
money but the City Manager wants to make sure these are the Commission's wishes and the
Police Department wants direction on how to proceed. Discussions ensued on this topic. Chief
Brown added that Wildfire Connections was not aware of the Sunshine Laws in Florida and
about keeping the recordings for 30 days. Member Yost asked about the Sunshine Laws and Lt.
Bryant explained anything the Police Department does, if it is recorded, has to be kept for 30
days and it becomes available to the public. Discussions ensued on this matter. Treasurer
Wilsen replied that if the Police Department is not asking for funding but direction, no
Commissioner is going to vote against. Chief Brown agreed and Treasurer Wilsen asked what
the hold up is. Chief Brown replied that before spending the money, there must be assurances
that the system will work. Discussions ensued on why the project is not moving forward and the
use of forfeiture funds. Chairman McKey asked if Public Works is the pilot program to which
Chief Brown replied yes. Treasurer Wilsen asked for an estimated timeframe and Lt. Bryant
continued by saying the focus needs to be on Public Works and the first phase. Discussions
ensued on this topic. Chairman McKey stated he knows the Parks and Recreation Department
wants a system as well and Lt. Bryant added that camera systems at the different parks will need
CACOPD Meeting
April 25, 2013
to talk to each other as well as to the Police Department. Discussions ensued on this topic.
Treasurer Wilsen asked Chairman McKey about the status on the letter sent to the Commission
regarding the CACOPD's support for the cameras. Chief Brown replied he asked the CACOPD
to wait. Discussions ensued on this matter. Lt. Bryant stated that what needs to be supported
now is the Pilot Program and Treasurer Wilsen added the CACOPD is supporting the City in
moving forward with the surveillance cameras. Discussions ensued on this matter. Treasurer
Wilsen asked if the CACOPD can take a stand and advise the Commission. Chairman McKey
stated the letters can be done individually. Member Alcuri added that when technology is
concerned, it is better to start at a small scale because of the impact it may have on the Police
Department's equipment. Member Yost agreed but added why the CACOPD can't, as a group,
advise the Commission. Vice -Chair Laney added the CACOPD advises the Police Department.
Discussions ensued on this matter. Chairman McKey added the CACOPD can write a letter
stating it is the consensus of the board to move forward with the camera system and Chief
Brown said he would put it on the record. Vice -Chair Laney asked if the Police Department
has contacted the school on Colonial Drive with the big cross since it could be a good place for a
relay. Discussions ensued on this matter. Chairman McKey added that any suggestions can be
emailed to Sgt. Nylander. Member Yost asked for an update on the squatters and Lt. Bryant
suggested Member Yost contacts Detective Grogan and continued by saying the City now has
the Vacant Property Registry which allows for better monitoring since all properties in financial
distress have to be registered. There are 966 houses in Ocoee that have to be registered.
Discussions ensued on how this Vacant Property Registry works and how it helps deter squatters.
Lt. Bryant also added the fee to register is $200.00 and so far, the City has made $25,000.
Discussions ensued regarding who should register and the benefits of having the Registry.
Chairman McKey thanked Lt. Bryant and Chief Brown for their information and added the
board will be updating the letter in support of the cameras; and also, expressed his desire to move
forward with this project. Chairman McKey added he would have never envisioned the red -
light cameras assisting in crime solving. Chief Brown added he hopes these will be at the four
corners of the city. Chairman McKey asked Chief Brown if the three new cameras are working
now to which Chief Brown replied not yet because the State has to approve the plan and obtain
Update on Spring Fliny-
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander explained there was a great turnout and Chairman McKey was
there; he added the Police Department had the robot, the cars and everything else. Chairman
McKey added he would have liked to see more volunteers from the board and continued by
saying the Police Officers and the Police Explorers had cooperated and also fingerprinted the
public. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander added a company was supposed to come and fingerprint
digitally but they were a no -show and added Chairman McKey helped with informing children
on gun safety.
Update on Founders Day
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated it was a success and helped the toy drive. He does not know
where it will take place this year but there are businesses interested in participating. Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying this year the Police Department will be having a
Dodge Ball tournament again and hopefully more teams will participate; it will take place at the
Jim Beech Center.
CACOPD Meeting
April 25, 2013
Update on Gun Safety Class and SAFE
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board the SAFE class took place last night and 18
women participated in this very popular class that is scheduled every other month. Vice -Chair
Laney requested to be invited for the next class to get some of the women interested in serving
in the CACOPD. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander added Chief Brown and Mayor Vandergrift
stopped by the class and also added classes can be targeted to special groups such as students.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander also stated the Gun Safety Class will take place on May 11 at 8:00
a.m. and it is only open to residents of Ocoee but it is already full due to its popularity.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander explained this program is for first -time juvenile offenders that have
committed petit -theft or similar, and once they complete the program, the offense is taken off
their record, but the juveniles have to do community service, are drug tested and have to write a
letter of apology. It is held at the Police Department twice a month and a representative from the
State Attorney's Office comes and leads the meeting. Member Yost asked if there are good
results. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied yes, and further explained he tallies numbers every
year to see how many successful completions there are. Chairman McKey stated it takes place
at 4:45 PM on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at the Police Department and help
is always needed. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying that he met with the West
Oaks Mall Security Director who is coming up with a lot of programs and ideas, and on May 18
there is a Law Enforcement and Military Appreciation Day from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The
Police Department will be participating with the Traffic Unit, the K -9 Officer, and all the
community activities just as at Spring Fling and Founder's Day. The idea is to bring business to
the mall. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying the West Oaks Mall will be
remodeled to house a community room for the Police Department to hold the S.A.F.E. and Hand
Gun Safety Classes, and possibly some Department training. Discussions ensued on this topic.
Treasurer Wilsen asked about the substation and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander explained it is
out of the public view and has nothing to do with the community; he also added the Police
Department has three new fingerprint readers that enable officers to corroborate identity, if a
person is wanted, or has been arrested before, as well as the facial recognition software that can
help identify a person and match the picture to a database which includes pictures from driver's
Anti - Bullying Campailln
Sgt. Nylander informed the board of the new free coloring books for this year that talk about
bullying and will be handed out at Police Department events. Vice -Chair Laney stated Chief
Rowley, who is charge of the Recreation Department at Orange County, was provided with a
copy of the Fat Boy Chronicles DVD and it will be shown at an Orange County event; once this
happens, she will ask the Recreation Director in Ocoee to play the movie. She would like to see
the reaction it gets from an audience and maybe it can be shown at the "Movie at the Park" event
or similar. This movie won the Audience Choice Award for the Central Florida Film Festival
held in Ocoee.
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Vice -Chair Laney stated she will picking a date and explained to Member Yost that at the
summit, HOA Boards and members of the public are invited to talk about the neighborhood
watch, code enforcement, the new camera system and an attorney provides a legislative update
on HOA laws, water conservation, venders, among other topics. Member Yost asked where it
CACOPD Meeting
April 25, 2013
will take place. Vice -Chair Laney replied she would like to have it at the Jim Beech Recreation
Center or at the Ison Center and is open to anyone. Board discussions ensued on this subject.
Quarterly Award for Officer
Vice -Chair Laney stated she likes Nomination # 1 because it shows the officer went the extra
mile and had knowledge of the Hispanic population being targeted. Chairman McKey asked
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander about the statistics for this officer who worked a total of 429
events, and if this is exceptional. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied yes and stated he knows
this officer is very proactive. Board discussions ensued on the nominations.
A motion was made by Vice -Chair Laney to select the officer in Nomination # 1 for Officer of
the First Quarter 2013 Award, seconded by Member Ball. Motion passed unanimously.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander revealed the names of nominees:
Nomination # 1 - Officer Daniel Schilling
Nomination # 2 - Detective David Gray
Treasurer Wilsen asked if the CACOPD needs to purchase the gift card and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Nylander replied these are already purchased for the year.
Activity Report
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board of burglaries occurring during the day and
officers canvasing the neighborhoods and performing traffic stops. At nighttime, officers are
stationed at different locations with their lights on to deter crime. Discussions ensued on this
subject. Treasurer Wilsen also added a grill had been stolen from a neighbor for scrap metal
and asked if any footage was captured; Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander added he did not know but
he knew about another case where surveillance video was available. Discussions ensued on this
Volunteer Program
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that this week he is working on a job
description for the Volunteer Program. At this time, the Police Department has volunteers that
perform fingerprinting, help with letting the buses out at the middle school to help relieve the
traffic, and also in the Records Department. Member Yost asked when the next Citizen's Police
Academy will take place for Member Alcuri to attend. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied it is
not scheduled yet but it will take place during the fall and he will inform the board on the date.
Set Next Agenda
Board discussions ensued regarding the surveillance camera presentation of today, including the
money that will be needed, the budget, and how to set it in motion, as well as the Commission's
involvement in the matter. Chairman McKey asked Treasurer Wilsen to bring the draft of the
letter for review and send to Sgt. Nylander. Discussions ensued on when it will be brought
before the Commission. Treasurer Wilsen thanked Member Alcuri for joining the CACOPD.
A. Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
B. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
C. Anti - Bullying Campaign
D. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
E. Quarterly Award for Officer
CACOPD Meeting
April 25, 2013
F. Activity Report
G. Volunteer Program
H. Set Next Agenda
Treasurer Wilsen encouraged Member Alcuri to participate in a Ride -A -Long and Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander asked Member Alcuri to contact him to schedule it. Board Discussions
ensued on the Ride -A- Longs.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:59 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Made eine arz4�ecording Clerk
b McKey, Chairman