HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(A) MVP Neighborhood Matching Grants City Manager Jim Gleason Agenda 03-02-2004 Item VII A Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Janet Shira, Assistant to the City Manager DATE: February 20,2004 RE: MVP Neighborhood Matching Grants ISSUE The City ofOcoee has $20,000 budgeted for MVP Neighborhood Matching Grant projects for this fiscal year. There are a total of 13 projects which represent $30,650 in requests. BACKGROUND The MVP Program provides grants of up to $2,500 to qualifying Ocoee neighborhoods and community organizations. The basic premise of the MVP Program is to improve the quality of life in Ocoee by assisting Ocoee residents and organizations in making improvements to their neighborhoods or creating programs which benefit our citizens. It is hoped that the MVP Grants Program will empower groups to take advantage and take responsibility for planning and implementing projects that address their specific needs. Groups are encouraged to partner with local businesses, churches, and other community agencies and civic organizations on these projects. It is hoped that these partnerships will strengthen the sense of community in Ocoee. To qualify for an MVP Award, projects should be submitted which either beautify the neighborhood, address public safety concerns, or foster cultural, recreational, or educational wants and needs of the neighborhood or organization. Applications will be judged on how well they meet the criteria, the amount of involvement from the neighborhood or organization, whether the neighborhood or organization has a partner or partners to contribute to the project, and the feasibility of the project. Neighborhoods and/or organizations must contribute a combination of cash, in-kind donations of goods and services, and volunteer time to the project. Because of the competitive nature of the program this year, a staff committee was formed to assist in reviewing the applications. The committee was comprised of three City employees. These employees individually reviewed the applications and submitted their rankings based on the following criteria: . The level of effort that went into development of a project team . How involved the team will be in the project . The detail provided on the project timeline and the feasibility of the timeline . The attempt that was made to get community partners involved in the project . The level of documentation to back up project costs (quotes) . What level of research was done on other requirements (permits, etc.) Page 2 DISCUSSION A meeting was then held to discuss the results of the individual rankings. At that meeting, discussion also took place about which applicants had received MVP funds in the past, how to divide up the available funds, and other important information to consider prior to staff formulating a recommendation. Table I provides a list of the applicants in alphabetical order, the amount of money each applicant is requesting, how they ranked after the committee members individually reviewed the applications, what other issues were then discussed, the total amount of money that applicant has received in past MVP grants, and finally, the amount staff is recommending for funding based on the maximum grant funds of $20,000. Table I Applicant Money Ranking Comments Recommended Total $ Requested Funding Awarded in Previous Grants Admiral $2,500 2 Good application. Will serve everyone $2,500 $2,500 Pointe in neigbborhood. Cross Creek Management company as project 0 $2,500 9 leader is not allowed; some quotes not $7,000 provided Hidden Glen Need $1,700 in cash from $1,700 3 neighborhood to meet expenses. Only $1,700 $5,000 show $1,130 Lake Chain link fence not allowed per 0 Olympia $2,500 13 Planning; no HOA minutes included in $4,500 suooort of oroject; no match orovided Lake Grate should be part of HOA 0 Olympia $2,500 5 operating/maintenance budget; already $15,000 Club received $15,000 in past grants; Lakeview $1,950 1 Somewhat concerned with funding $1,950 Village solar lights since they are not affixed $2,500 Ocoee No volunteer hours. Would like to see Elementary $2,500 12 parental involvement as match. How $2,000 $5,000 manv students will benefit? Ocoee Little $2,500 11 Short on funds to cover costs (quote $2,000 League for $21,000; total of $4,500 nledged) -0- Remington $2,000 6 Doesn't allow for volunteer $2,000 -0- Oaks involvement Richfield City has already paid for 3 signs; no $2,500 7 detail on plants/sod quote; questions $1,350 $5,200 about fence Sleepy Have they received pennit to replace Harbour $2,500 8 dock from state agency? $2,500 -0- Condos Temple $2,500 10 No quotes; no information on $1,500 -0- Grove discussions with Progress Em~erv West Orange Good application. Appears to serve a Christian $2,500 4 lot of people. $2,500 -0- Service Center Page 3 Admiral Pointe and the West Orange Christian Service Center provided all the necessary documentation in their applications. Their projects meet the qualifications of the program and will serve many people. Hidden Glen, Lakeview Village, and Sleepy Harbour Condominiums also provided thorough applications with only minor comments from staff Hidden Glen will need $570 more in cash from the neighborhood to meet the expenses they have shown. The only issue with Lakeview Village was a concern by staff that the solar lights are not a permanent fixture. And the only issue of concern with Sleepy Harbour Condominiums is whether they can get the necessary permits from the state for the dock replacements. Although there were some concerns with the Remington Oaks and Temple Grove projects, staff felt it was important to encourage new applicants. In the case of Remington Oaks, staff felt the neighborhood could have contributed more funds. They will need to work with the City on designing the lighting and adding shrubbery to their design to hide the fixtures. With Temple Grove, staff is recommending funding for signs only, limited to replacement or new signage not to exceed 24 square feet per the Land Development Code. There is no evidence in the application that Progress Energy has been contacted about relocating the utility pole. There are no quotes provided, so staff is estimating a contribution towards the new signage. Staff is also recommending reduced funding for Richfield subdivision. The City originally paid for a different sign than the one they show in their application. In previous grants to Richfield, the City has paid for new signs at their main entrance and a new sign at their shared entrance with Coventry; therefore, staff is not recommending that the City pay for any contribution to signage. There is a fence they are asking to replace which borders a pond the City owns and maintains. Staff is unsure who originally installed the fence. Weare recommending that if the fence is on City property, and if the residents whose lots abut the fence are in agreement, that funding be allowed to replace it. Staff is not recommending funding for landscaping the front entrance. Richfield has received funding in the past for landscaping and irrigation at their main entrance. It appears the sod they are requesting is an operation/maintenance cost that should be budgeted for in their regular budget. In summary, once the applicant submits evidence that the homeowners along the fence line are in agreement with replacing the fence, staff is recommending the City allow a grant of$I,350 to replace it. This is the amount they received on a quote which includes labor. Staff is not recommending any funding for three of the applicants. Cross Creek has a project leader that does not live in the subdivision. Applicants are told that the MVP Program's primary goal is to get neighborhood people working together to accomplish a project and that management companies should not be involved. There are only five households represented on the project team (and only four of those signed the application). The program requires a minimum of seven. Other concerns expressed by staff about this project were the lack of quotes and whether or not the homeowners had contemplated using professional environmental consultants to ensure they were using appropriate water plants. Staff also felt Lake Olympia did not provide adequate information for funding. There were no minutes of the homeowners' association approving the project and they did not provide any matching funds. They also did not check into pemtitting issues and the Planning Division indicated that a chain link fence would not be pemtitted. Staffalso felt that not all of the wrought iron fence was beyond repair and that if it was simply an issue of replacement of an existing item, it should be budgeted as an operational and maintenance item in the homeowners' association budget. Page 4 Staff also suggests that Lake Olympia Club not receive funding this year. They applied for a fountain in one of their retention ponds as well as to replace an overflow grate in the pond. Staff feels the grate is a homeowners' association operation and maintenance issue. Although the fountain definitely qualifies as a beautification/enhancement project, the pond was not designed as a wet pond so the water level would not support a fountain. It should also be noted that this neighborhood has received the maximum grant award every year since the program was initiated ($15,000 to date), so staff is recommending to award grants to other applicants this year. Lastly, two of the applicants have submitted projects that staff feels are worthy of funding because of the number of people potentially impacted, but not at the full amount requested. Little League has requested $2,500 towards the installation of shade structures for spectators and players. The quote in the application indicates a cost of$2l, 433. Their application shows a total of $7,000 in cash ($2,500 from the City and $4,500 from Little League). Staffis recommending a grant of $2,000 towards the shade structures if they can be phased in. The Recreation Director has indicated he is aware ofthe proposed project. The other things mentioned in the application (pressure washing and painting) are considered operation and maintenance issues and staff does not feel they should be funded with the MVP Grant Program. The other applicant, Ocoee Elementary School, is proposing a summer literacy program. Staff feels this qualifies for a grant and that it has a definite positive impact on the community, but would like to see parental or other volunteer involvement in the program as well as teacher participation. Staff is recommending the City grant $2,000 of the $2,500 requested. Although staff does not take into consideration what district a project is in, we are providing some information in Table II that may be of interest. Table II District Number of Total Dollars Recommended Percentage of Funds Number Projects Requested by all Funding for that Requested that are Submitted from Applicants in that District Recommended for that District District Funding in that District 1 I $2,500 $2,000 80% 2 6 $14,450 $8,950 62% 3 2 $5,000 $2,500 50% 4 4 $8,700 $6,550 75% All applicants were mailed a letter notifying them of this meeting. They were also provided a copy of this staff report. So that you may be able to see the applications and attachments, we have scanned the documents and they are attached to this report as provided in Table III. Page 5 Table m RECOMMENDATION Attachment Photo Attachment Attachment Attachment Photo Attachment Photo Attachment Photo Attachment Attachment Photo Attachment Photo Attachment Photo Attachment Photo Attachment Photo Attachment Staff respectfully recommends that the City Commission approve the funding as recommended in Table I above. If the Commission approves funding at its March 2nd meeting, the checks will be prepared for presentation at the March 16th meeting. Cc: Wanda Horton, Acting City Manager MVP Neighborhood Grant Applicants City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Admiral Pointe Project Leader: Gary Smith Address for Project Leader: 922 Keaton Parkway Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-718-1929 (Evening) 407-656-3230 Email Address: gary@admiralpointe.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: This project's goal is to improve the physical appearance and to enhance the use of a small park within the Admiral Pointe subdivision. By doing this our park will once again become a area that will provide adults and children of Admiral Pointe a place to enjoy. The subdivision is located at the north end of Montgomery Road and is located between Starke Lake and Lake Olympia. The park sits at the intersection of Keaton Parkway and Chauncy Court, on Starke Lake. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 2003 How many members are in the association? 155 homes Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? Yes What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, v.P., Committees, etc.):Five Member Board of Director: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director, Beautification and Social Committees. 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? The current Home Owners Association was formed in June, 2003, at which time the builder of our subdivision turned the association over to its residents. The first election of officers was held at that time. The election was open to all residents and will occur annually. If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. June, 2003 meeeting of residents to elect a Board. The Board meets monthly. A beautification project of two retenion ponds was completed in June, 2003. This included planting over 20 trees and laying a large area of sod. This project was done in conjunction with our award of a MVP Grant from the City of Ocoee. The project resulted in over 110 volunteer hours by residents and it accomplished all project goals. The HOA has implemented a web site to enhance communications within our community as well as a periodic newletter. A work day took place in September, 2003 at which time 20 residents volunteered their time to beautify the front entrance area of our community by weeding and planting flowers and shrubs. The HOA sponosored a Hawaiin Luou in October, 2003, in conjunction with the City ofOcoee Founder's Day. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Annual Dues. 100%. What is the name of the proposed project? Park Renovation Poject What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) $2,500 Briefly describe the proposed project: To improve the appearance of the community park and to enhance its use. The park is a focal point of our community but in its current condition, it is not usable. Our goal is to provide a restful place for our residents to spend time together as families and neighbors on the shore of Starke Lake. This project will enable our community to have a special place to gather for community events, for family picnics and outings and for those residents who want to spend time alone. The children will also get to enjoy the new playground set. List the project goals: (1) To install a new play ground set. (2) To re-sod the majority of the park which is currently mostly weeds and is full offire ant nests. (3) Spuce up the current landscaping. 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: Project Leader Gary Smith 922 Keaton Parkway 407/656-3230 gary@admiralpoint e.com Historian Anita Gibbons 796 Lancer Circle 407/905-0423 anita@admiralpoint (Photographer) e.com MontWy & Final Laura Wright 887 Chauncey Court 407905-5389 laura@admiralpoint Reports e.com Coordinator Partner/ Bill Buechner 1078 Coastal Circle 407/656-1930 bill. buechner@lmco Volunteer .com Coordinator Ad-Hoc Chris Townsend 1075 Coastal Circle 407/905-9806 chris@admiralpoint Member e.com Ad-Hoc John-Michael 1043 Coastal Circle 407/656-9965 jm@admiralpointe. Member Castillo com Ad-Hoc Joe Warren 893 Chauncey Court 407/905-9029 joe. s. warren@disne Member y.com 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. A subcomittee of the Board was formed in July, 2003 to research, design and recommend a plan for the renovation of the park. This committee consisted of 8 residents; none of whom are Board members. A large number residents will voluteer their time to prepare the park for new sod, lay new sod and install the new play ground. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. The subdivision is located at the north end of Montgomery Road and is located between Starke Lake and Lake Olympia. The park sit at the intersection of Keaton Parkway and Chauncy Court, on Starke Lake. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawio2:. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: No Private Property: No. Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: Yes. (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City ofOcoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 ProDosed MVP Awards Proiect Bude:et Neighborhood/Organization: Park Renovation Project Project Name: Admiral Poiute PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners arld Cash Contributions): $2500 $3750 $ $ $ TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) ~~~1reLLY\d SeT $2500 $3750 $ $ $ $ $ $6250 TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: $ $ $ $ Volunteer Labor Hours x $1 Olhr $2620 e 00. = ~ ~ < a.. ~~ <=: -=~ ~~=i ::;g Oil e '-' = .- 00.:C~ e=~"O == = = oo.::;g: ~"O= ~o- Z.f~ H 0 ~ ~ ~'o ...... Oil a.. ~.- ~ ~~~ ~Z= N'l1I.l= _"' M <~- ;;Jga ~U= <OM >~ ~,C 00. .- OU ::;g~ ~ 1:) o '0' I-< p.. !::: o .~ 6 !::: ~ ..:.t: I-< tIi p.. o ~ Z t) o '0' I-< p.. o ~ o ~ ~ en ~ ~ o en ~ ~ ~ a:l - en ZZ 00 enp.. ~en ~~ ~ ~ o z o - E-; ~ ~ ~ o u o "S '0 p.. t;; I-< '8 ~ i:i o .~ N 'E tIi ~ o ::a o o --e o :@ Ol) .- o Z ~ E-; .( o E-; ~ f-< en ~ en .( E-; '"0 00 !::: ~ tIi..ot+-< '"0 0 0 . ~ s _ g o ~ ~.- ~~O~ S 3 ~ '"8 o t:J g. ~o cl:l . ~ ...... 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JilL I/LL - II/LC-. 94) (circle OM) Pick Up at StDN I Pick Up at Warehouse I beIiwry Only I DeIiwry . ~ (circle one) ddress: ;ty S1'ate:_ Lip: Paid by: I- Cash _ Debit _ Check # _ Credit Cord # Exp. Date tone: )urce: )Id By: #~/rJ ?o~if- Hol/- fk..r1 (p,i~. 2A. . 9u.. Ke4un IfCJ/VY L?~o~ A- ~'-I)L I VISA Me. AMEX *Revised 01/01/OZ. - ThE!!! ORIGINA.L Red"""DOd PlaYHE!!t: Co.....-.pany ;sALE PRICING GOOD THRU 01/15104 _OFF PGtI DESCRPI10N saL T PRICE INSTALL PGtI DESCRIPTION . SELL 4 SKY KING 3T $8.29Sr $5.668 $500 44 CHAIN LADDER SWAP $199 5 SKY KING 1 $3,295 $2.966 $300 44 ANGLED CLIMB WALL LG $579 6 SKY KING 2 $3.995 $3.596 $350 44 LARGE CLIMB WALL $499 7 SKY KING 3 $5,795 $5.216 $450 44 SMALL CLIMB WALL $379 8 DAKOTA 3 $5,795 $5.216 $450 44 HOOKED FIREPOLE $99 10 DAKOTA 1 $4,295 $3.866 $350 44 ROPE RUNG LADDER S99 11 DAKOTA 2 $4,995 $4.486 $400 44 360 DEG. TIRE SWING $199 12 SKY TOP 3T $3,995 $3.596 $4OD 44 CARGO NET $149 13 SKY TOP 3 $3,495 $3.146 $350 45 OVERHEAD CLIMBER $395 14 SKY TOP 2 52.595 $2.336 $300 45 SAFETY HANDlES PRo $19 15 SKY TOP 2A $2.195 $1.976 $300 45 STEERING WHEEL $19 15 SKY TOP 1 $1,995 $1.796 $300 45 TELESCOPE $19 16 PLAYHOUSE 3 $3 995 $3.596 $475 45 PERISCOPE $19 17 PLAYHOUSE CABIN $2.295 $2,066 $300 45 BONKER BAG $99 I 18 PLAYHOUSE 1 $2.995 $2.696 $4OD 45 HEAVY DUlY RAMP $295 19 PLAYHOUSE 2 $3,695 $3.326 $450 45 SOLAR UGHT $179 20 OUTBACK 3 $3,695 $3.328 $400 45 ROPE BUCKET $69 22 OUTBACK 2 $2,995 $2.696 $350 46 TURBO SLIDE $699 23 OUTBACK 1 $2,395 $2.156 $300 46 SUPER SLIDE $299 24 HIDEOUT 3 $3,095 $2786 $375 46 SCOOP SLIDE $369 26 HIDEOUT 2 $2.795 $2.516 $350 46 WAVE SLIDE 8' S99 Xl HIDEOUT 1 $1.995 $1.796 $300 46 WAVE SLIDE 10' $149 28 SIERRA 3 $3,995 $3.596 $-150 47 KNOTTED ROPE WIDlSC $49 ~ SIERRA 1 S2.295 $2.066 $4OD 47 TODDLER SEAT 60" $79 - S2.696 SIERRA 2 $2,995 $350 47 PLASTIC GLIDER $179 . ;;J2 CLUBHOUSE 3 $2,_ $2426 $350 47 REDWOOD GUDER $199 33 CLUBHOUSE 1 $1,_ $1.526 $300 47 BELT SWING 60" $39 34 CLUBHOUSE 2 $2.295 $2.066 $300 47 4-CHAIN TIRE SWING $129 35 CLUBHOUSE 2A $2.095 $1,. $300 47 TRAPEZE WIRINGS 60" $39 36 SWING CUMBER FORT $1.2951 $1.166 $300 47 4X8 DBL SWING ARM $179 36 SWING CUMBER F2 $1,795 $1,616 $300 47 4X6 SGL SWING ARM $169 37 SUNTOWER $1,095 $986 $250 48 FREE STAND. CUMBER 5 HIGH $499 -:g MINI PICNIC TABLE, ST $149 $134 $25 48 FREE STAND. CUMBER 7' HIGH $599 38 SWING CLIMBER 2 $1,195 $1.076 $300 48 SEESAW 8' $239 39 SWING CUMBER 1 $895 $806 $250 48 SEESAW 10' $269 40 MEGA 1 $5 495 $4.946 $700 48 DLX. SANDBOX If $229 40 MEGA 2 $8:295f $7,466 $500 48 DLX. SANDBOX 6' $299 41 MEGA 3 $9.995 $8.996 $9OD 48 STD. SANDBOX If $139 42 2 POS BEAM STD HANGERS $395T INC. 48 STD. SANDBOX 6' $179 3POS BEAM. 2SWIOISC S525f INC. 48 SANDBOX COVER 4' $79 42 4 POS BEAM AS PIC,.. $5951 INC. 48 SANDBOX COVER 6' $119 42 4 POS SKY HIGH BEAM $8451 INC. 48 PORTABLE BALANCE BEAM 8' $79 42 SWlNG(()VERHEAD CLIMBER S7A51 INC. 48 PORTABLE BALANCE BEAM 10' $99 43 BURMA BRIDGE $679 $100 48 SMALL REDWOOD SIGN $79 43 SUN DECK $995 $50 48 LARGE REDWOOD SIGN 5991 43 FREE STAND BEAM $995 INC. SUPERDECK STAIN 1 GAL $291 43 MINJ-DECKWISUDE $1149 INC. SANDBOX COVER STIPH $129 \fERAL PICNIC TABLE DK&SR $495 INC. SANDBOX COVER HOISCFORT $109 lIEIW. PICNIC TABLE HO& SCF $245 INC. DUCTILE SWING HANGERS PR. $391 lIEIW. PICNIC TABLE, ST $295 INC. NYLON SWING HANGERS PRo $191 :,:!!(;';.)D~~L~r'{ Qi= :~~:,:~_;.~.,j\}~<.1 rO:'f; P. C;~L;.r,!n{) }"Y: "J~.. ~~.~~~'~rt .~ !'..f~:~:; Pffr~rn~;i;JD. ~'-. ~2i-Z;.1 PHONE 407-339-4402 FAX 407-339-6488 '1 Ot.t L ll.+s ~ J f J? t.U/e~ ~ '3 S? {p I C~% ~ r:f/~ ~ t~/~. /~f /vI!~;t~.~.<./ / 7/.~; J--~ fi..l~ 11I-Y Iljl, I I 111:".0 ( , ,..5-1.3 01/13/2004 15:42 407282441& PROPOSAL 18 ~N~C~Q (407)273-6993 Fax (407)282-4416 6682 Hotmer Avenue · Orlando, Florida 32822 ~ I ( (I , . ~ I I , .,. ........ --, ONE STOP SOD ~~ l'J.L Proposal No. Sheet No. Date. ~# /.3 ' 2000 'I Work to be performed at -- 1;..1 ~tf.. I~ y JJ .".--- l' _<J c' ~6. " ,l..,r) JS'"" I" " I' ,,"':'~O .' .t- fq t. "'-"" . c CI ) Respectfully Submitted Per: ,r'''o?''~'''''''' (Note - We m~~thi'- proposal if not aooepted within :::.a "days,) ~IM' ..,~.~..",~ . ACC:~).~F PROPOSAL The abOve prices, specifi~S and conditions tisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to,dO the work as specified. Pay wi\! be made as outlined abOve. ~.~,,, , 1"/'" .....,.,. Date /" -r-- ...._--~ Signature Signature '\.\. \ VJ.' .a...., y.. n'-'".a.V. ~O I nn. ..v I \1'1 YVI,.U -.J \lIo &\ oJUU "'V~, .&~,,,. ~.. . ::, '..:; . .::;. :.'. . :;~: :: ~ .. .: . . . . , -~...."...,..' ,- -.-............... January 14, 2004 ~ (i.- -. o - _~v IfiPA N~'~ Admiral Pointe Subdivision AU&: Ms. Laura Wriabt (407) 905-S39B1fax Re: Delivery of(4) pa1lc1s St. Auguttiae Ftoratam sod PROPOSAL q1~+\..- :::;.113 /.; 3-t \' ~ \~\Z S .k K Sod rnmoanv. Inc. submi1S the fo11owing specifications and estimateS: . To ddiwr (4) four pallets of St. Augustine Floratam sod at a unit c:ost of SI00.85 each pallet. To1al is: $403.40. . Pke im;ludes: tax., deIiwIy and 55.00 pallet 4cpOsit, wJ.1M;h is refilodable upon return of pallets. S at K So<l ecmpany, Inc. doeS not provide watering. fa1ili1illg or rolling of ;iod unlcu o~ spccificd. M'p-PTANCE OF PROPOSAL lbe ~.ecl hereby ag;epIS. spCcifi.cationI tcnD8 and CODditicmB Gontained in 1biB proposal and ac1moWledp dJat this is . bindiDg contract. S &. K Sod GOIIIpIDf is haeby authorized to do the work as specified. BY: , ;~J (persOD8l gucu.n1Dr of payment) Date: 3200 Chad I...ane, Kissimmee, Florida 34746. Kissimmee (407) 847-5639. Orlando (4')1) 821-6142 ADMIRAL POINTE PARK RENOVATION PROJECT "Before" Photos December, 2003 t j�71 '.:t.,...e, „. k `r (/ .4 1 _ . . • ,., �, r � a , , y.111 iti • tv, :, Ps • air u s . 1 • b a 1`,t, Kia %,q4 H4 v• r`.Sx7 4 k r x'49 +� _s �. A:,�i'�' 4`w �. . � • / j ~ �. - e f ma y} 1,-,;,-; ,, b �{ r. t, q - ti 4:!{x^ k5 t• .4,...._ „, ,,,,,424,-7, • t. .. .1:.,i. ....,.. � _' ,y y.. .' ',' t. f LR , ti .a • ADMIRAL POINTE PARK RENOVATION PROJECT "Before" Photos December, 2003 • • • • '.. - '+ r * s *rte $4 ;4 r ',aj8, • ' nit ix+ ¢ • ;u"ate (-, " , . : •r5 • a n, • ' i , ,, ye r f , z 4<.. ".tt . Y + F 4"''..,',.' - r ,4--•,e- C '..'t .., r J '� �c z "•-6F i a,_ e f g,. .A 1 4.`i`'°d k s '.� • v ,`.4_• '- 727i.:,:"..;,.43, 11E,.1.- '. _ r r , :::Li ifl 0. afE 1.1a_ 1 Fr iZ — ,.. ., .0- i '".,ter •�.. 3 :i. __ • :S}.. a. .J +. ADMIRAL POINTE PARK RENOVATION PROJECT "Before" Photos December, 2003 Y age t t ' Tri.', I L- /;'i 0 .,� .•..ems y .• }' - , J `S!•` Ali y 1 p-<' i Mr $ ...i'..fie u'-if,,. i is ,; s 4, y j +. �') f$ a t. 4 :- ' '1p t '� 4 , y ;.014414, 4.i • ,mac . r 1 4 c ' , - • . vR { I Iii _ *war A114"."''......."10111,"" "Afe .. te' r,.' -"'/i."'.. '0Y� Iir .. s' 3 3 f• L ADMIRAL POINTE PARK RENOVATION PROJECT "Before" Photos December, 2003 6 . • 44 L4 4 � �•; •i,'•nip3 *Ti 3tik k.', �. u 4.. kiut .. rs l 41,- .-, . "- s i T a ;a,T.. ‘ .4.-r:''' ,,, •} . `.+Y ° • , Ora +� � 1 r , I. MM , r t�' 4 ,� f 1 i a . ' +4 t•,I -' tS ,._ •• �1 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE C1\oss vf\~(~ Of Oto~~ Name of Neighborhood or Organization: . . \ C'~f~\i{ ~ r;. O~ r11 Q~ Project Leader: ~ V) \. \\ ~ 'V~~.\l\')f~ ~u~o~f\ Sf. Address for Project Leader: 'u)'I~t(~\\ GA'~YO~~ ~\r 1~1C61 ., iIQ.1-,~q~ (S~~~S~D'1, ~S~? \oq i Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 1 (Evening) I _ . 4Y(~\ll\@ GnJ{~~~'J<f~~rCfV(1 r1\\1f\.\f1~'N\(~(J C<J ~ \ Emml Address: .~ Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please desc. ribe. the pop~lation s9"'J~: W(~{ '. rn\J\(OJ\~~ '1",\'0 ' SO~1v\ '. (T\ O()~ ~ I~'\), ~~lJl(.. \~hN-,\]{\\f\(~( Cr\A0[lU~\~(Of\~Oh~{~'O (l~vt~G)<lr CO) FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. \iis Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? \ UYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? \ ~ ~ 1 How many members are in the association? 3 '7., ~ Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? ~ 65 What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.):~ 1> ..Mil o~ ~ ~~ (c;. \ H \<?(C (1\1\( S~ 4 How does thi'associatiop. elect its l~dership? :')hen an;! how often ar~ elections held? Ll-'U{,<J~ '51 1't\"N'\t'P~F?Y\\!\f <)Y~Orl'\00~. C1\'5 ~~(\;(,ot-\ru 11~~ ~~ \\1~'i\C~ o'r G~~hi 't~\1~ If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? "\ ( s How many members are in the group? "3" "'- How many homes are in your neighborhood? '3 '2.~ What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? \ qq ~ How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the a~tivities apd.~rojeJts you hav<aayeoJlIlplished in the past two years. \.. L~~i)0vA111\\{q "r rnYt&J\J\\~ ~'O~V ~ t?O 0 v (1A1-t'OfJ7 ~. ~~\~v\~()\\v\OO-o ~ {)\A)t-\{~'I\ 'Vfli '. -1 W\\;, Vl i'\1~ I(Q mJ'\rCY\ lr~ \f>\( () ~ fl\\=\(hhf\v ~ iJO~ { 1\~. \ Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighb. or!lOod ~oup's fur~s? \ 0(\(1,:", f\"'~\1~1h1'\ u~ i 'V\J ~ '1 \J" \ List the project ~oals: [ (' t \ 1\ [ C. C ~(AN ~ IQ vJhh \ Y1 \r\1\ r\~ VI (1) ~ ~ ~ r, "~ t \)j ~ 'JS R~\l{i\.(\C. Irt/\ -<'5 i 0 ~,,{d1 0 <v\ p\" ~ ~~~ Ail{) llf\v0,,-ro ~Ofl\'S ()(J:fPIr,'~ -\0 ~I\{ \r\1\"'~1 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS Project Leader S1~t\t{~ 0~ 110 r) O~ Historian R~1 (Photographer) ~ r- C~ rr\~(()C Monthly & C A 1\0 (, Final Reports COl"{J'(Qt~ Coordinator Partner/ C~ N~\ Volunteer rr\0vH~ 1 Coordinator 'V \1 rH V \IV! ~ Cj S{(~ ~\C;{~ n\LIA 'B {ft~1J ~~~f ~{1Y\rfl~~ TELEPHONE EMAIL o '" b~q.-q ~ q 0 ~01/ ~?It\ /~4~~ (y r ~~1~<b(HO 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. l l t ? \ + "' b"\~ 6~ 5 'lJq "I\{ Co rtJlT\ J tt 11"1 ~ f\<l{ '\'j{€!'-I Ii c<,-J(vi \ t-l.~ GIt\l t1J U~1~' lvqJ~II~~ 11~-o 'TI(~\0\o~ I1lAf)\~& '1~O\i(~S "j~./~O f / ~~v~ ~^t~~CJ uhw ~~~~ ~ fJV\1 f6 /\0 ~Gv~ 17ft-i .-ro 1vvrNl "('~{ ~~ (?(-<f\~ \ 0 N. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. G ~i (A^K~t\A~~ rt\~~~~ "\J1\~u) \~(?0 If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Bude:et . . . c 1\ o~q c1\~~\~ NeIghborhood/OrgamzatlOn: \i . \~1{~IO~l('O~'U ~tA01(\fd)V\f(\O'~ Project Name: PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): -v;1 0 ~1ltD TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: $ $ \0 OOQ / $, . I (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported b two written quotes. Pleas:tattach the written~uottts to this prpject budget){ I'{,W ?\Q.v~,(\t f~",R~<0', 0~~ ~.(<f\t\-\'{;'V $1q,o 1-\-00 'Ovvl,\J~~1J @ ~ t. q') '1 ~o $ li 0 <) ~ no 1\ \tC ,\r\ {u) \1\{1Jf? ~ib ,00 I~OO $ ~OO fo~1' It.\({\rV't1 @ f l. ~, ?~D $ 7f~ 0 ~OO Ntf(1",( l,.-lv-\"~@, ,\\~,vo DJ01) $ qoo tq~ 1~l~~ IjJ ~ ~O/ ~ooo $1()oO ~lJO $ TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $3; t bo ,.I ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: $ $ $ $ $q OD.v L Volunteer Labor ~Oo Hours x $10/hr 15 e rn = ~~ -< ~ ~~ -<"d -- = ~ f"I. ~ = - ~.- ;>: ~-; :8 = e "-"'.- .- rn..c~ ~~"'d == = = rn~: ~"'d= ~o- Zo~ ..c...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'o 0 ~ ~ ~ -- .- ~ ~ ~ ~Z=.Q =:lrn=-- -< "'~ ~ ~ .......,~~- ....0=.....- ., ~ = '" ::aON-? >~ ~ ~.c ~ rn._ ~ OW ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---z. o ,- c '-~ ~ ~ c..) ~ Z ...... Q Q) .0' ~ P-< ~ o ~ i:i o ...... t<j N 'm OJ) ~ o ::0 o o 12 o :2 OJ) ...... Q) Z Q r.il Q r.il r.il Z r:/) r.il U ~ ~ o r:/) ~ - -:z.. Q ~ c;> ~ r.il (7 03 ~ ~ ~ r;.-- ~~ ~ r:/) ts:: ($,. --;z... r.il ~ ,,~ ..,p \..l> p-<~y \c- ~ r.il f-< ~ Q Z o >-< f-< r.il ~ P-< ::E o u --s- o - .:;. o ~ ~ ...9 -r- ~ '"L 0' -iQ~ ~~ ../ ~ '-<. ~ ~.'" ~:-:->? u.' .So "-$- 0 ~cs:; -Z <0 ~ <::::7 ~ <:;> U1 ~ ,.:> "2- ~ \Sl c- u <::> '-...; ~ c:-z <3- -r- % -s- (:;::> q ~ <0 --s- o .9 \cP '-.r' - \:9\:::p .-< .-< ~ f-< -r- -::5""' --s- -S- ~ ~ Q Q 0 <:> ~ <:) 0 ~ <:;7 - <0 --- - ~ V"" -- .-- - ~ \.n ~ -SI> \:P ~ f-< r:/) .~ -:? ~ -.;;> ~ --:C ~ ~--i -(: ~ ~ cr ~ cs.:- &-!> ~ --:s 7" --r-- ~ ~~ '-< era; v -? ~)> ~ ~-:s: .S' 0 ? ~ Q~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ r:/) . <;) ~ '& v ~ ~ € c...:> '"3 v f-< (.) c.P ~ -Z I() 1\1\ \\ JlO<l'V ff~{ CJ\.t\i~PI, ~_..r~ ,. /" ~- <I' '>< (^-\, \ " i. jl\\.. ',.~......, '.___"; 1,'J ..;" / \/oJ / "y?/ Or. 'V QJ\'< u) ~ I{ ~;f" S \.tOO'\) ~ ry 07 II\, ~ LJ,1~,,) J ~- Go 0 \ t('\ C ~'>'---.J, '0 /7 .:; r (": 1.1 ---. N(J RQJP\J(\ G 1 \;\1r-\{S (..<'\ .A, \..) t~l o () ..-'\ () 0 fJ 1\ >'-' ,-,', '()V1\ ~'f-.J'~l '\ ~"'''IL >l"i;i 1/..!1~:... i:~ \\ )i ~f /i't'''' jA/~ ; ,~ ':. v~:J. i ';\ 'I "r .""" -,~ ''''~ '(;~, i)Af\\,\~QO'O \i~(. r (~,! ~/~ ~~f{J l. L\/ ,~ ~/,,<.r {(' ,M -, r'i~. ,; /1f\V ,,' d"! 'r,), .,' f,\"F' h., ,. ,,' \ i, I. ..~.':f}~) 'j ./1 (: <.f ..;..,r v! 'if,' , .I;l)" gi "r; " ~,I", \ .I j " ,J "oj' ..; '7t'~O < .I", j ;' " J'/ <.r i ! ". /... .~ )"". \ . , .'-..- /~ ~~ .--4 /". V r) J ~,' ! ,,~~-},,-/ 1) 1\H;" v ~ ,{)(i c \n Gl/i- 0--;." r ." .Jt'1 .... \ --JI '\ ~~J p\Q.J~"\~ 1 v~~;;s /""-\ '0 , /' -<,.; \ /i j j (~i . c/ ) tL! ' !' if!! :t' "\-.":. t'7 - . ,- '\, 1, ;.\. ;/,1 : , ~(~~ ~~\{~OUJ ~\)\)1 o o /: / Duckweed 1/4 lb (Lemna minor) Page 1 of 1 Aquatic Plant Depot DUCKWEED 1/4 LB (LEMNA MINOR) Duckweed is a tiny (1/16 to 1/8 inch) green plants with shoe-shaped leaves. Each plant has two to several leaves joined at the base. A single root hangs beneath. Excellent a as Gold Fish food. FSP600 $1.95 . Order 1 httD:/ /www.aauaticolantdeoot.comlduc l41blemmi.html 0112012004 Riccia fluitans 1/4 lb (Out of Stock) ~YI SHOPPING Aquatic Plant Depot RICCIA FLUITANS 1/4 LB (OUT OF SToCK) This plant hovers atop the surface of the water. It is composed of a mass of green stringy material which is related to liverwort. It prefers a pH between 6.3 and 6.9, making it very suitable for the livebearer tank. Propagation occurs naturally, but can be done by simple separating part of the plant. It is a very good oxygenator and prefers soft water. FSP602 $6.00 httn'//murw ~(1ll~ti('nl ~ntrlp.noU~om/crvs 141h.html Page 1 of 1 01/2012004 Fontinallis 1/4 lb (Temporarily out) [IV' SHOPPlNG Aquatic Plant Depot FONTtNALLlS 1 /4 LB (TEMPORARlL Y OUT") Is a versatile plant which provides excellent cover for small fry A thick mass of green, it can be fixed to decor, to which it will quickly root itself, or left as a free-floating ball which will rest on the bottom. The moss can easily be propagated simply by dividing the clump. FSP604 $1.95 nttn'//mmm ~f1l1 ~ti('nbntr1f':nnt .c.nm/fon 141h.html Page 1 of 1 0112012004 Tropical Night Bloomer Lilies (Nymphaea) Home N<:!w Arrivals Amphibians Anubias Aponogetom ,Books, Posters & Etc. Bunched Plants Carni',orou5 Plants Care for a Planted Tank Complete Aquarium Assortments Cryptocoqrnes CLJStomer Remarks Floating & Spawning Snails & Fiddlers links Marginal Plant5 MiscellamloLf5 Plants Sagittaria Swords Terrarium Plants Vallisneria Water lilie5 and Lows Water Garden Care In5tructions Show Order Aquatic Plant Depot TROPICAL NIGHT BLOOMER LILIES (NVMPHAEA.) As the sun of the day fades the blossoms of the night blooming water lilies start to unfold. They are usually fully open about an hour after the sun goes down. They will remain open until about noon the next day. These lilies are great for the person on the go and not home during the day. Feed every 3 weeks for abundant flowers. Flowers open from Dusk until 9 AM or later. Sun to Part Shade Pot Size: 2 Gal & Up Zones: 9-11* Spread: 36-72" Submerge pot 6-18" below water surface *Please refer to the Zone Chart and Planting Instructions on our Home Page under Water Garden Care. ,# . Pink . Red ~:~ White httn-//\XJuJUJ l'lIllHlti('nhmtrlp.not ('omltronnio-hloom html Page 1 of 1 01/20/2004 Hardy Lilies (Nymphaea) Amphibj.w-s Anubias AponGgetcm-s BOGks, Posters & Etc. BLanched Plants Carnivorous Plants Care fGr a Planted Tank Complete Aquarium AssGrtmcnts Cr yptocoryncs CustGfl1er R<:>marks Floating & Spawning Snails & Fiddlers links Marginal Plants MisccUanco:.<Lfs Plams Sagittari<.\ Swonis Terrarium Plants ValJi!iflcria WiJlter Lilies and lotus Wat{!r Garden ure InstfLDctions Show Order Aquatic Plant Depot HARDY LILIES (NYMPHAEN Hardy water lilies should generally be planted 12" to 24" deep. Dwarf varieties do best when planted 6" to 18" deep in small ponds where they won't have to compete with more robust varieties. All perform to their utmost ability when given sufficient growing room. Hardy Water Lilies come in a wide range of colors, and can tolerate greater water depth and surface aggitation than tropical lilies. They begin to bloom earlier in the year than tropicals and will tolerate freezing temperatures. Feed monthly for abundant flowers all summers. Flowers open from 9 AM until 4 PM. Sun to Part Shade: Pot Size: 2 Gal & Up Zones 4-11 Spread: 18-60" Submerge pot 6-18" below water surface *Please refer to the Zone Chart and Planting Instructions on our Home page under Water Garden Care. E:3 Changeable . Peach/Orange (Nymphaea) lliymphaeg} . Pink lliYmQl]g~ill II Red (Nymphaea) . White . yellow iliy-mphaea) LNymph~em httn'//www lllllUlticn lantrlenoLcom/hardvl ilies.html Page 1 of 1 01/2012004 Red (Nymphaea) H()fJle New Arrival> Amphibian'i AnLlbias Aponogetom Books, Posters & Etc. Bunched Plant'i Carnivorous Plants Care for it Planted Tank Complete Aquarium Assortments CryptoCo.ryne5 Customer Remarks Floating & Spawning Snails & Fiddlers Links Marginal Plants Miscellam:clfs Plants Sagittaria Swords Terrarium Plants Vallisneria Water Lilies and lotus Water Garden Care l"structiom Show Order , Privacy PoliCY Search J Y.'SHOPPING Aquatic Plant Depot REO (NVMPHAEN ~ \l{' .~ .. ,~~ "',' ,. ... (I ,.. 11 Attraction (M-L) Out of Stock $13.50 II lli'~YJMLQut of Stoc~ $15.00 II....'..... RemQr:andt (M-L) ; Out of Stock ~ ~ $15.00 httn' / /umml ~nl1~ti('n bntrlf'Tl()t ('()m/rf'rl htm 1 II ;" Perry's Baby Red (S) Out of Stock $13.50 Red Packaged Tu Q.~I $10.00 Page 1 of 1 0112012004 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Hidden Glen Homeowner's Association Project Leader: Jack Evans Address for Project Leader: 2414 Kalch Ct Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-468-3823 (Evening)407-290-3456 Email Address: iackevans 2000@vahoo.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: Front entrance. Johio Shores and Stricker. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 8/21/89 How many members are in the association? 58 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? yes What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 4 Directors & 3 on the Architechtural Control Committee 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? An annual meeting is held in January. Elections are held when an officer elects to resign or if homeowner's suggest a change in leadership and held during annual meeting or special meeting if so needed. If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. Annual Homeowner's meeting plus a fall meeting in 2002 & 2003. MVP Project for 2002 & 2003. Progressive Holiday Dinner in 2002 & 2003. Block Party in 2002 & 2003. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? 100% Mandatory Homeowner's Dues - paid annually What is the name of the proposed project? Hidden Glen Entrance Renovation - Phase 3 What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) $1,700.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: We will be replacing the old entrance lights (sign lights) along with new scrubs to camouflage lights. Put Coach lamps on each side of sign on top of brick column. Take down dead Laurel Oak tree with a new Laurel Oak tree. List the project goals: (1) Improve lighting on signs. (2) Replace old lights (1988) with new updated lights. (3) Replace dead tree with a new live green tree. 6 List a minimum of seven homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Project Leader Jack Evans 2414 Kalch Court 407-290-3456 Historian Tami Mann 2417 Lie1a Lee Court 407-578-0101 (photographer) Monthly & Dave Eden 2418 Liela Lee Court 407-296-3743 Final Reports Coordinator Partner/ Leslie Clark 2416 Liela Lee Court 407-294-7117 Volunteer Coordinator Project team Kathrein Markle 2422 Liela Lee Court 407-295-6803 member Project team Nancy LaFleur 2415 Lie1a Lee Court 407-295-6226 member Project team Debra Biehn 2400 Kalch Ct 407-578-3990 member 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Have input on what type of lights and scrubs that are to be installed. Remove existing scrubs where new lights are going. Plant new scrubs after lights are put in. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. Front entranceway of development If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawin2:. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) Ifthe proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: yes Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (Y ou will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner ofthe private property or common area.) 8 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Bude:et Neighborhood/Organization: Hidden Glen Homeowner's Association Project Name: Hidden Glen Entrance Renovation - Phase 3 TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: $ $ $ PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $600.00-S;~.... h, "'-11 $1800.00-J..t (,~ $350.00 ~ r~..Q.. $500.00 _1\4&.0~ $150.00 -l~~ $ ~ lli1 CS~S) ~ :~ ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Volunteer Labor Hours x $101hr $ $ $ $ $560.00 17 e 00 ~ ~~ <~ ~ ~ <= ~ ~ -. ;., = ~~;:: ~ ~ ~ ~ = .~ 00.:dE-l ~~"O ~ ~ = =~~ ~"O~ ~o- Zo~ .=..... E-l~ ~ ~ .c' .= 0 ~;., ~ .... ~ ~~~ ~z= I'Y'\~= _ '" M <~- ...,~~ 1-'0= ~~= <OM >~ E-l.c 00 .... OU ~J E-l ("rj (l) r:n ~ ~... o o '.g :> o o ~ (l) U ~ .t:i ~ o (l) 6 o (l) "0 "0 ~ Q) ~ z ...... u (l) '0' 10-< p... o r..r.J o r..r.J r..r.J Z rFJ r..r.J U C!: :::> o rFJ r..r.J C!: r..r.J ......:l t:O ....... rFJ ZZ 00 rFJp... C!:rFJ r..r.Jr..r.J p...C!: o o '.g ....... u o r:n r:n ~ r:n 10-< (l) ~ o (l) 8 o ~ o (l) 6 o (l) "0 "0 ::a ::i o '.g N .~ bO 10-< o --- "0 o .8 10-< o ;g bO ....... Q) z r..r.J E- ~ o ~ r:: r..r.J ......:l p... :E o u r..r.J E- -< o E- C!: -< E- rFJ ~ rFJ ~ E- - d :> o 10-< 0.. < r:n 10-< (l) ~ o (l) 8 (l) o ...... ~ ~ r:n ~ :> r..r.J ~ g ...... ("rj o o N I '<T N I .-< .-< ("rj o o N I '<T N I .-< .-< ,bO bO .S o ...... ....... (l) ...... (l) ~:E :E r:n bOlo-< o (l) ....... 0 ~ ~ _ (l) p... 8 . 0 ~~ r:n "0 :E (l) ...... o ~ o t:O r:n "0 ~ (l) N ....... ] ii: --- 10-< r:n ~ (l) ......"tiS S"O -"0 > ~ .E (l) ~ C\l 10-< ,r:l (l) o 00 ~ :> r..r.J ~ g ...... r:n ~ :> r..r.J ~ g ...... '<T o o N I .-< N I .-< '<T o o N o ("rj ...0 u 8 :E '<T o o N I .-< N I .-< '<T o o N o ("rj ...0 u 8 :E r:n "0 ....... ,r:l 10-< (l) :> o o d t:O .~ gf "tiS '.0 ~ ~ S:E ~ gf 0.. ....... ] ~ cjp:; --- r:n ,r:l 8 u r:n (l) :> o 8 (l) r:n 10-< 10-< B ~ r:n ~ - ~ 0_ o 0 E- :> r:n ~ :> r..r.J ~ g ...... ,.-... "0 -B (l) "tiS "0 '-" .-< ....... 10-< < ,.-... 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R(~o\St. OLD Sc."- u CI S IJ ~o",,-OF\ C,f....\<; . (j'joTJof ~'DiJ. PHONE NO. : 4075784705 ,- 'roposal A TREE PRO SERVICES, INC. P.O., Box 60707,6 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32860.7076 (407)"578-9228 FAX .(407) 578.4706 Jan. pag9 No 19 2004 04:59PM P2 FROM R TREE PR0 SERVICES 01 Page~ PROPOSAl SUSMlirEO TO Hidden Glen HOA PHONE' 407) 889-'3000 JOG NI\ME OIlTh January 19, 2004 5TAEET 2422 Liela Lee Court JOe I.OCATION Front entrance of sub division JOO PHOt-l~ CITY. ST II TE ~nd ZIP coo~ Ocoee, F~orida 34761 IIRCHITIiOT PATE OF PLAt-IS We hereby aubmll 5PltCilicalions end e~tim:l.\es lor Cut down & remove (1) de3d Laurel Oak tree in front $285. Clean up tree debris. Grind out stump $75 (leaving mulch from stump) '~*Electric lights will need to be removed **Ocoee Arbor permit to remove tree ................... ..... ,.......,,-,-. .... ." ..,.., ....."".",...,.",....... ......-............ ". \It 'rl1pDIH! h~r8by to furnish rnatEHial and labor - complete in accordance with above sptlcifications, for thtl sum of: **Three Hundred Sixty and no 100/ths*** 360.00 dollars ($ ) PllYl11el11 \0 l>6 made as follOws: 30 days upon cQmpl~tion of wo,k AU mAlMi~1 U; gVOfon\eed to 8B Bpecaled. All work 10 bo com plated in "workmAnllko mAnnor according to standard practice.. Any ~"~r~liQfl or ~ovlQlIon trom abOve apeclflcaUona involVIng extra COIIllI will be 8'UICU!M only upon wrillen orden;, and will become an extra charge (Ner and <Ibove !he 98llmalB. All agreeM6I'I~ ebntingent upon stlik9ll, Qccld9n1.8 or del8ylllJeyoM our control. CHlner to carry r.1'B. tornadO ~nd othor nIK855I1f)' Irn;urance. Our worl<erll are fullY ooYerW by WoOOT1an 8 Compen&8lion In""r~nc.. ~~ Inl\Jr9S\ per monll1 on paBI due Invol_ ~ not paid by 30 daya, Atl8r 30 days oallflelion ~nd ~\Iomoy s fns ~ddo<1. Nol resllOnilb1e for ~ny d~m~go \Q un~ef grOllnd uUlltl88 due 10 alump grinding Auih(;lIi~~O Signature ~ No19: This proposal may be withdrawn by us If not aceopted within .t\cttptancr of 'ropo13al- Thf;' abovf;' pri~es, specificationS "nc;f conc;fitiQn~ lire s'tlsfllctOry llnd are /lereby llccepted. Vol) are authonzed to do the work as 5pec~ied. Payment will be maoe as ou\liMd 3b~. Signature SignahJrl~ VCLM 4777 Old Winter Gd 407 291 4966 10.2 t;.Hi. r- t ?~ ~ ~.'t\\i fi~; ~.' -",' (.; !~: r:f,'5'I."'':. '~,,:"" "-?;. ~ ~ (~ ~- : . " 1 ~~"; :~'., ':{if ::!,:":'): ~~~:~!:~:, .~ fJ. l... C;:, .......t ~ e .\..... .;...;.....:,~" l. '.. .....Q.1..........- ~~H. 9310 :;-1 .~;: Tree Care SerV1ces Authorization for Extra \>Vork ~r,_~"""--"""'~7V'~"':.~ t; /,.-/to/-t? ~/ ;nt Name _~~..i... e~- Namc~ ,eric-.ioil of \Vork'&'.., 1ft- INTERNAL USE ONLY ~ ~ .1 "'i Client Number Job Nmnber/Coding_ Pmchase/Viork. Order ~ --.1'1 . .;\ ~ ,I ~ \ I j . 'I ~ l ~ ~ Total ~ t . Tax Code: .' o o Do J:iolmail; send invoice bnck to branch Attnch copy of siglH:d apprcvallcttcr wiinvoic.; --r"'....,.~ ~ml ~\ I rl ~ I~~I -t~~ I Type of La bOT, Equipment or Materials Used Unit Cost ((~lLC /'1..{' A..-Jr" _'.~' ___-.-- N'_ . is\Cl.il.;;ti,"'Il'oS to .Tl)h Sup.:rin1cnd::1lt: No ~\lH'k t~ to h..: r.:rfonn~J witbo1,.."t this \In~tru~til'.'OS to C~mtr~~ctoT or Owner: Thi~ work nrd~r pn.lp,~rly ~ign~t\ by your agcl1t has llL.:tD ".,," :"w'W..."", '" i,,, "":'0" cOO"~ ","', .M ,', ",' by'" ,""OW, ~,,' "". ~,_~" ,".0'"'''''' " ,of,:",' rt" """,, ,,^ i pooi" ~,~'p.ci"' by , ''''' of ,hi, "',, 11110 C.m\l".:\Or '" Owr.~r. (,;v" C\:st,)ll'''''' lA'?Y hJ 1.'1" ag"nL AtL. otll~r Win be lomardcJ t\1 your ofIic.:: lor payrn"111 wl,.:n the work '" c(1mpl~tcd. All w<),]: ".\',11 h,: ,pi" ,,, '" ", ",,,,,,,,,, 01 m" ,"d' C..,,, , " 'ST h ' , ,bm''''' " ,." b='" \",rt'_' '" "x,_, ,,"b ,', 'G",,~" "'" M' ","';00'" wbi," ,'" pri.," '" ,"',"'" :""'m::~~ I;"';'''''''''''' boO. "''"'''''''' -'_ ~;o~' I~ \lC'tlleyCrest Representative Approved by Client Representative D"te r-='L- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE 'CRM 96.2 CUENTS COpy WITH INVOICE 01/22/2004 15:20 4072940409 ALL STATES LIGHTING PAGE 01 - " ALL STATES LIGHTING o.alllf .ad.strl.. Ullltlnl and Malntlnanc. January 22, 2004 Proposal no. 1931 Estimate no. 8355 PROPOSAL " SUBl\1nTJriG TO: Hidden GIeB Joblo Ocoee, FL AttD: Jack EV8D1 LOCATION OF WORK Johlo I I~ ~~ Part m Wo propose to furnish all the materials and perform all the labor necessary for the completion of: To install (4) dewrativc fIXtUres OD each of the four columns by the signs. PS48~-31EB Black S26S.00x4 ~$1060.00 ~ P'483-30 White Sl'O,00x4 "'$ 600,00 . PS449-73 Vinta@eGold $ 170.00x4 ""'$ 680.00 . -Misc;. Material $ 310.00 .Labor and permit $1300.00 COA-CH- L.A tV\ f ..s All material is guaranteed to be as specified. The work will be done according to the drawings and specifications $Ubmitted. It will be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of ($scc above- ). Any alterations or deviations from the above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written change orders. It will become an extra charge above the estimated quotation. AU agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond oW' control. The owner is to carry fire. tornado and other necessary insurance upon the above work. Respectfully submitted by: Rhonda RillS Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us within 30 days. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are accepted. All StAtes Ughting Inc.is authorized to do the work as 'l*ified. Paymeut terms:Net 30 Signature of acceptance: Date: 3780 Silver 'star Road · Orlando, Florida 32808 (407) 294-0404 . FAX (407) 294-0409 · (800) 323-8667 www.allstateslighting.com 01/22/2004 15:20 4072'346489 ALL STATES LIGHTING PAGE 132 r ~L $fATES LIGHTING 0."_ Industrla.LiIIlUn, and Malntenancl January 22, 2004 Proposal no. 1930 Estimate no. 835~ PROPOSAL SUBMITTING TO: BiddeD Glen Johio Ocoee, PL AttD: Jack Evans LOCATION OF WORK Johlo .. Part D We propose to furnish all the materials and perfonn all the labor necessary for the completion of: To insUll (2) MIll 00 Flood fixtures at each sian 10 uplight signs. ~ ~ L.r (:) H"-- Concrete will be needed to secure the J-box for thig fixture. 0 All hook-ups included. ~-~ ~ All material is guaranteed to be as specified. The work will be done according to t~e drawings and specifications submitted, It will be completed in a subs1al1tial workmanlike manner for the sum of ($1,795.00. ). .Sales tax included Any alterations or deviations from the above apc~ifications involvinJ extra costs, will be executed only upon written change orders. It will become an extra c::harge above the estimated quotation. All apeements ate contingent upon strikes, awcidents or delays beyond our control. The owner is to cany fire, tornado and other necessary insurance upon the above WOIk. R~ly submitted by: Rhonda Riggs Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us within 30 days. ~ ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions arc satisfactory and are accepted. All States Lighting Ine.is authorized to do the work as specified. Paymellt terms:Net 30 Sj~ture of acceptanec: Date: 3780 Silver Star ROad. Orlando, Florida 32808 (407) 294-0404 . FAX (407) 294-0409 · (BOO) 323-8667 WWW.IllstatesllghtinQ.com 01/22/2004 15:20 4072940409 ALL STATES LIGHTING PAGE 03 ALL SfATES LIGHTING ..,... _: Olallt! Industrial u,hUng Ind Mlllltenance ~ JanuatY 22, 2004 Proposal no. 1929 Estimate no. 8355 PROPOSAL SlJBMITIJr(G TO: Hidden Glen Johlo (Xoee, FL '.. AUa: Jack Evans LOCATION OF WOBJ( Johio ~ ... Part I We pIOpQ&e to furnish all the materials and perform all the labor necessary for the completion of: To install (2) 8' outdoor sign strip fixtures on the ground to up-light each entrance sign. All hook-ups included. g i 5Ta.. \ p L-\ C:, H- '\ All material is guaranteed 10 be as specified. The work win be done according to the drawings and specific;:atioDJ submitted. It will be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of ($2,120.00. ). .Sales tax included Any alterations or deviations &om the above specifications involving extra costs. v.ill be ~ecuted only upon written change orders. It will become an extra charge above the estimated quotation. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, xcidents or delays beyond our control. The owner is to carry fue. tornado and other necessary ioswance upon the above work. Reape~tfully Ilubmitted by: Rhonda Riggs Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us within 30 days. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The abo'\'c prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are accepted All States Lighting Inc.is authorized to do the work as specified. Payment terJDJ:Net 30 Signature of _ceptm~e: Date: 3780 Silver. star Road · Orlando. Florida 32808 (407) 294-0404 . FAX (407) 294-0409 · (800) 525-8667 www.allstateslighting.COm SEe. Solazzo Electrical Contractors, Inc. Date: Jan~ 9; 2004 ." Hidden. Glenliome Owners ASsociation 24 I 4 Kalch Court . Occoee, Florida 347~ 1 Attention; Jack Evans lffi: PropoSal for sigilage Ughting Please "xcept ourproposalJor the project mentioned~bove with'the fonowing qualifications. 1. Furnish the necessary m~ DIKilabor to mnove (3) ~ quartz.light fixtures. 2. . Relocate exmring conduit, wire, and boxes so they are about (5) feet away from the front apd center of the sign. Install new conduit~ wile and boxes as ~eded_ . 3. Install (2) new 50 watt metalhaJide.li8ht fhrtu,es to the relocated boXes to shine OD the front sip. One'fixture per ,ign. ... Total Cost for this Proposal $ 6~tOO '$lb~ L.JbHl -- Thank for the_ opportunity to bid on your up-coming project. C.brl5 Solazzo Proj~ Manager Agreed and Accepted by: Date: e9P7JlI'l . . ~ 1331 Green Forest Court, Unit # 5, Winter Garden/Florida 34787 POOne (407) 877.4000"'; Fax (407) 877-9~50 .i~"" SEe . Solazzo Electrical Conttactors, Inc. . Date: January 14, 2004 . Hidden Glen H~ OWners Association 2414Ka1ch Court (k.coee, Florida 34761 " Attention: Jack Evans . RE: }lr()posal fot Pier lighting Please except our proposal for the ptoj<<t mentioned above with the following quaJifieations. 1. Furnish.the necessary material and Jabor~o install (2) Iigbt fiXtures on the colUJ11R! on each side of the entry signs. Total of(4) light &iures. . . . 2. . Drill holes in the center of the colunms as deep as possible and run the wires out the . rear side of the entrance signs.'All wire Will:be in cOnduit were it is exposed. . 3. Electrical circuit will be picked up at each receptacle behind the signs, and 'will come on and.oifwith existing lights.' . . 4. Price inc~es lamps. , 5. . Price includes (4) pedestal mount for t~ lights and:will match ftxturcin color. Total Cost fOr this Proposal Thank tOr the opportUnity to bid on your up-comingproje<;t. CotK1 L-I. b t1 --- , <JOO' I 0 . C kn"'e. Chris Solazzo . Project Manager Agreed and Accel;ted bY: _ ; Date: CtQllOlnl . . 1331 GteenForest.Court, Unit # S, W~terGardC.i Florida 34787 . . .. 1" . Phone (407) 877-4000 - Fax (407) 877~lS0 i d .......".jI"~... .& &VU~.. ~l.U.l.lt.> rtt.g~ 1 VI ~ ~ /'loO.'~ rvt4t41f~J All., 'f "'r .... ~#. ~tt' ,'1'&1" .1........ . "'.,q,f t ,"J, ~fi: . I :1.. · . .. 9987QZ Outdoor Olde Bronze I L . . Post Mount 3lt Incandesce"t enter l'tItm No. ~ I ..:...</ . , t.... .':; Se8dy gl_ divided Into dl.monel p casts itn EUiabeth8n glow in your e OIde Ifronze finish. ~D~" '.==~ KICHLER Hetght: 25- Wkfth: 9.5" Number of BUlbs: 3 MaxImum Wattage: <lOW Bulb Base: Cend'lebra Voltage:: 120V Style: Traditional Bulbs: bulb not inc!ltJded Shacr. or Diffuser: ClI!AR S!!DV Body Mlfter181: . Shippable Via UI UL ~f1d/or CSA lISted use: Subb" I . .l.o V1.w other'products in ~e ICina". La.!!!U!!9 'eunity, .c lack .. ... '1'0 Top Photogl'lPtlS and drBWIngs herein on eaCh incJiVid..... page al'G the property of KIehl.. and . repnxluced Without ISid1Ier's written consent ~red bV" _.MANDm dtrhr 0'2004 AU R1ghb ReWvBd. uce or thiS W.b sItIl, corwtJtuta .cceptoam;e of tM User .-grfMtn1ent .Thls~ ii aptintzed .rorthe ~ bIowwf: ~"lf~ ~ 7111ld ~ ...' .t"..~~"~~"u:.u&.:f_..t'~."~v,,u .. ..,....;.,.,.'6.... vcu , ....,.... ~,"'.u"""...u . ~J ,J"w......,~y..uv....u. ~"a.# ~...,..,"'!' . i 1 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards. Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE 1_ Ct k(' V / CL1\.) 1/1' IIe-ia ~ .-J Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Project Leader: j/ I cl<; ~ l~(.t(t Address for Project Leader: 1,::) t-l LO..J'::f'--t) i C_~~i ,-12r~ I J e F. 1_ -~. l' ../'\ 1-7 ) //. { (..I C C/ Lel2 J L ~ J.. u., Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407 ;>] 77 -}) ,;JLI (Evening) if {/7 S 't'7 -3,')8/1 Email Address: VL!<fl (- (' @ /1 (:it .Ce' /''y\ Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must.be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: 'II -, C. {)I~(l Cf:: It:c.o t.. I ( "1'\(1 ,.J L (L .. p.. I i.t'.u......) J) r. 1h~ L, d!._J!..- t:'A\'+-'r'Cli o v, e ,+l{:..\j'- FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? }') C) UYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? UNo: 1'\ U) Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? _ How many homes are in your neighborhood? J [e What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): . How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: . Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. '. i)'1\O(Y({'/..- m,e.c:tl;l(i <il) nel'd'lb(y'h'-)OLQ~ /If) '/e){- .',::dreQ:H/(i),f be tl-1o.-:f-Ibox(s . - '.' "- r)lud-1 n( -/-c ,.j.-;-fjl'l>,Cer f..u{l.~'il~ OJ'c.+- ~i') ,11/l/-<- Fr5herr . . - . :) nl~Q+ (IY' [(1 ~'Xl'(leA- r:)h I r(i/ r-e'~ )'Y1 VPL1-I-o eo lie c6 I/ -Por wo.-.~.er bi 115 ' L( S' 0_ 6 ,.]c;[..'~)- Wo~- k~(i) cn'i- Con~J{~':'~ .nlvP Loor~ -~'r efl'frfJ()ce.L...:x~- {Q5 n"l L,\J~ cl 'J t-U L- L.L'L U (V dL U ll.-) L.'-th .'1'10 rU2.-j L.-U e 1'1 (:uJ2, .) .' ) h 'c. ,J. ',> ,,'J., .' )" _ { -,)'.:- ( I (J hoo.l2 ,~e..~. : 00' 1,1 c ~CJ/l-cc:r- , ,/' if {-ol l..i,J(:L>f~~f- hills . Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is 'funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? '\h C,')C0 e::r Ie CL.t--L ,C'-, (lC <-i1:~) LtL () 5 f) (11 eflll n) c} ( !l ~Q (Y,O n)2L' ) [, u~ '0 kCn,Q () ~ '-* ~c ( L-' Cr"> -IV c~ PC-I!) 1",- hc.LOe- ~'kJ<- c).' l~'n L~O Cu nUL ~O ~ I'll (~- ('f ~, 'f (! on-I-f'.{bu~ ... What is the name of the proposed project? lLlfe.-() /~;,l'-Z~) 1)1' l'('~ Er1'--1-rfJ(TI- 6eou'l'{~ ,ce. What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) Briefly describe the proposed project: i..J e OJ C2- pi Q Q n ; "j 0 n -ill () ISh; ~ f)e.u) {In( @ ef}+tyWOj 'Ifl,01 waD Jk1ru<l-erJl }~50 'd~' f)~ Shrubs C( b0f7. J I (J 0 P <0 (Ii( ma.l f)'f-e.nf/DcJl.-- cf I i IIle u)cd-er) R J.5o 501 a.r ~A 1);5 (n 0 Cc . t; Jj3b~'~ we.. woc..-J!d) a..Q5o /lk~ 40 puJJ. IQuflF bo.x dJL.r ?- L oS 'fa b< t:dJJ{~ W .sd Drn~entaJl -+ro(~s //j ,) 4-- (Q a :S~)':/O ('IL{JI ae 9- 4- K ~ I ; ) €.QC1i-<; I:> L.L;-{) R,; rYl och 5 0 01 Q: L. h . I LA.) e. C--OLA a:-~.wv-&.. 1st t e project goa s: (1) r::/lJsh -I2enc..a . PI&1S /(150 ~:r cJ1CUlyziJ (] /dill'!.-. 60 /}a5 F:' /. r / . { -r / · 'cnDU-qp , (2) ~J :~ h (Juyi,<,(>('o Pi 19 . ,-e - <<It 2 (I p.., <f I '- I II · 10 q! J 11 (3) Q nQ.9. n~t'Jh6o-rhooc~ h<? pr-oL-LC0. -+en O-G D~ deu6JopfY\-(L.fd) cj LU~K 1Jo~ as O-~, 1. ~ <10 *,r1&UJ ..QCLeJ\ o~ \() e:rttr, S'::fer -'-~ u) e..P c.v MSL n€LU neljhJoerS- 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Proj ect Leader VI C~<l~ l(~1 LcuK.e \....) i eLZJ,)) {' . Llo'7 -IY'7 7- VL-Kau-; e OCL,.eQ I ~L ~3,~a. L-f AOL .e..onl Kf-Ir\ ~)L( 707\ Historian ~t\6l0 '-\dD LL\\.W \.(' wTIt . L~01 bS b (Photographer) ~\J \ \,OflQS Oe l}{\ f? \ --::\--\ :SL)dS '5 ~r) b \ Monthly & ' Ir)(J:J1C~LJ )31 LcbKev e "', )r Lf0'7- / I ,{'-./ ~ Final Reports (YJCU'(lIS CCC{!J2 t-L 877- Coordinator ) .Jlt lilrA 7S/? Partner! SJ~1'\y , '730 Lo:.).:. e.:....l) )\(~.]) . LI b) - 1t>30- Volunteer ~) L/ I n C;f\JL...!.Y UC.&-<LQ.) -( L 39;)5 Coordinator 3 Lf J)<<, ( -...... G-\c~\~, . -1 0 ~ lL~ \_t,--\L.C~U'l, llO1 <;S-l-l ~"\(\O-. ( \L D ~\)QQ ~\\ C~Y5~ ~"\ ~ \1'- ~~\.\/) 10 \ .-r-ev " 7/1 IAkeut'ew Dr '/-"7.- 0S'j---- +.er' 0 r([2 le//sov-tt. 1e ./2t 1 j'l\.e.J\4rr o . FL- 55?'?- {OeE/ .;;l/-7(,.,J ~ .-It 'f 1)a.9 Lt:.-ke t/(c'i.^--Or' l( 0 7 - tl? 56 tv Do.",-eiCJo @ DOt\ e [(j" Ue-oc'€- F/ 3V7~1 (J C/Jt( (! FL ,f t<.eo ?1 t 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. r Cu () u..p L~ u.) ill 1<.{J{)( ~ P {'O,.)'2 d" . vol u.al-€fL{" 5 ~OIl1 ~~ 1~t=~- ~ill heQp_ ~Jj ~~:: 7:/ I {~;;(}5(!~ ~J~jld(JU fu1j . I '0 fa 5 L lYJar Ie cj (J It 1/ U) II h e tV wtJ1Jir I ~ ) cI A i / - {)/1 ~on; /J L1 OIlSL c.Oho ~ nO"t h eQo J QJ::LY'\ C o~rff" i bc....d~ m on ~ j cI S opplle5, Wtlat is the location ofthe proposed proj<:!ct? If the project is not physical III nature, please provide a. description of whom it will serve in what general area. ~ [a,-k () a-& cfo cQD CorneyS ~ 5D uU~ If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define th~ exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawiul?;. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) 5 ~ a.-H-acJ>.ec9. Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Co r (U2f eJ)1>r-An~clOLnrQ. Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (Y ou will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighbor400d Matching Grants Program , . 2003/2004 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Budl!et Neighborhood/Organization: L ().A(~j 1<2..uJ \J i / / CL~ . Project Name: Late-if i .eW U j I/o (r- r; f) i-rIM C-Q.... i3 (J 4. u-J i-t I('.td If)/) PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): / ,$~ / $/. TOTAL CASH REVENUES: / ~oza ~ PROJECT EXPENSES: p L -e..a-S e S.82.. (L.+{-a C('l~ (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. 0 Please attach the written quotes tEl this project budget) .j I n;J~er 4 ..(!.e;i, IIZ,P-rAy:J 'bl). e:.- .1 L I <-to-G- f1JSA t).~(- ~ISiJl ~CLfL q..,rDU()~ ~77 D,/ V In t- . - L{.\ . N $ ~ pos C-ou-er5i C-Qj)S I bra..c.k.0tJJ <'I 5~S '/f)..'-/ I CJ '1 ~ OOSI~ c{ {IQ.A'Y1~rr~ .- (otfl}!!.- $ _10- 6' &; /1 riD pr<- p lara 715 @ 119')..Qt;L. /-I Dt11JLL~~~ ~ $) ) 0 3'~ /0 ShrL-t;bGe-r3CILe~ 5~~d/'~J \ @ 797..9-A.. $ 79 '}o . if ~~/~)~~erlnGU~ -- p(2f~ 3000/ \JJ~yl pla..n~f?s C)~/tOJlO- ,~0?30<?!2 56rlL -.; St-'. ~v(5 iJ51JJtU2-GJ(~,"-/1e-~ Bl~ j'-fXLUdS(Zp9~~o ~'I 50/0-1- II eh?s ~ app~o-x /7/:/~:l2a.- ;..,-, /l ~_ $ '2[;)Q cO /1~5 m/~ v /750L~./ JJ'2V~ 0 ~D() 0'. ~ TOTAL OF PROjECT EXPENSES: $- /CfS/ ~ $/~!5o ~ $ I ;7~ ~ ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: i d 5CUjo P cJ2":'S ~ 3d'::w. . b;ow\ 6 i (/ ])Oi1~oO . $ L'15'OflV / 11 S +0..1 ( a:h 0 n of ~CJ2.- - / cd?0t' <NrJ eo 5Jr<!/n<"4:f$ lT/~~(J"r-t rD-tof;((('~ ('I-;;)"ll ' ) rOU/lcL-t J,~~y '$ ..J-. r e... f"h u I e.. h I ~ $ Volunteer Labor ( !J j5 Hours x $10/hr ,';;~O) $ . '(70 COfAn fed r7/tr5 -. 970 ~ .J~ (pO- d) -':;00- 5(){) oa &0 -- 15 ] 13 .~ ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ < = ~ .J -;:::-: ~ = .~ ~0= .~ ~ bllSCQ "-" = .... tZl:a~ ~~"Cl J s:l ~ ~ 0 tZl~ = r ~ "Cl ~ ;;. ~ 0 - '-' Z~~ ~ ~].~ C < .= 0 --::::> ~ .!21l 'W ~~~ ~~ ~ g "' M ~ ~ " ~ 00 f U 0 .. ~OM ~ >~ ~ ~ C ~~ tZl .... o U /J ~ ~ ~ ~ \l) j r:> '~ 1 \J ~ ~ \.. W ..--. J \i ,j, / \J ~ ,~ ,~ ? ';:J ~ ~ \j , ...-....j Q) ~ z ...... Q Q) '0' H ~ ~ o ...... 1d N .~ on H o ;a o o .e o :2 on ...... Q) z Q ~ Q ~ ~ Z en ~ U p:: ::J o en ~ if) I -:~<?' <t. ~ <:t '>--- ~ ~ ~~ i--:l E9~ en \)) Z Z - 00 ~ en~ \ p:: en U g:~-s ~ j f -&- ~""'- ~ ~i'~~~- -> ?>~ -> "> z:J ~ '~ ~ t-< <r: Q Z o ....... t-< ~ i--:l ~ ~ o u ~ () o 'D f:J (0 ~c ,Q~ rf\ \ . (\ U (\ .~ pO o o \b ~ t-< <r: Q t-< p:: <r: t-< en \t - -- ':...J ':J H ~ ~ ~ A ~ en <r: t-< <.0 C-- ":J- o o a a 16 CO ;' e ~~ :J () () D a ~ cO ., g ~ lt~ ~ .,cY) t3~ ~ 3 c ~~ ~~r Q.. o~- I-OJ ":)- ~ 0,8 ~ CC ~ -- cx~- .... '-1 ~ -> eeL. ~c~ J~ g ~ ~ ~ G o f6 -:s= ...... ...... -J - ..... c!.. ~ g / } ro(Yl'o) ~ ~ ~~ C- ~ ----------------- ......~ '~ v~(i1 hlAl/fP6V U tf 4Vo \)10 ~ 075-p I S2 \-~09 ~ ) \\ Q) * ~ , - 9.r .$.,['> c(j L I 1: A ~)~ :;L 0 ~7z~ i(3 \f) ~ co, ~ (" O? oJ) ""3 ] \... CY 1- Q) ~ A ) c-<S1 - C ~ VJ Q) ~ ~ ~ ---J J W- e i Q) I~\ ~ 0 to '$ ! <::C 0 . I ) EfC) 1 '-' I - . I e ..Q-+ :5 I cU0 '-{,I f r .5'~3h j' SlCIS-!'';<? ,(h,QJl + 7S" /+'IPO$ I;) 0 Yr I Ad& V fkfJc.(! 'r ~- ~ h:+ s )d~_ L/ II , Posr/ ~ 9/ / Adkf) n - - M..ft II /' Ill' ~ <::..JL- I if ! 7'oOSr /1((2& I . ~ 0; 5e.C--~.o05 O-Q '~<:.JL lI2 POSl>S /QO~ J~ - .6(0 b 0 r- &-.ar pi 0JICtn, C J/ 1"1 Ope.,) 10 sh.ubs d~x 'SCC11[1,,~ or bo)(uxi& h~ I a S olcLr .J lq/}-OS &-CL s'd-sG 61L( 4o-6a.X stJ (ou- l LCJltOS refla,-& ~y ej J~ef' --Pol' sprJf)We5 J- 1(g~ p(Qf):tzr- box. . sodL . +\J I" I (Z:CJl- /1 r-o u nd-u(J I9Z"t! .no'.'!II K>F.!I ... n """'" ............ """... - ... ~~~ ~~ ~:~E~~ ;~~~~;5Ei~-= I~[~ ;'.'~::~':~;::::;;~~;~1::'~;j~~~:'~~~~~' Framing &. Trim P.O.Box 1134 Ocoee, Fl. 34761 407.947-3513 FAX 407-877-7486 . ',. ~ :"ij)/f.,,,",, .;" Proposal This is to the Lakeview Village Improvement Club. This is for the installation of fencing at the entrance to the subdivision. The fence is to be supplied by Lakeview Village. The labor cost for this job is $500.00 ,F ) I /j .........-...- ' ...- - :."~~'~/I ("..- ;~(:.~/ // ,.i' /) . Robbie Garver.-'" ~c; Sold to: .iJM..e. J : ~~ ll' (~ Address: 'T/Vl Or oJ~rYt.e At- City, State, Zip , OeD eR- \ FL- . Mark's Treeworks P.O. Box 933 Ocoee, FL 34761 407 -877 -0458 7932 INVOICE '"'fA ..r T' I rf\ he'!" tL (7 p' r- iP r". M.J'/' ,,/jp<; .....t..A rJ. ',- '" rY;'- ('lti?11 t l/t<' ~ (7 e. ~ I ...,- F"\ -J.-}- j }~ /7 II 7J;;U1 'TV'P: r' -<; 0:5 )7t"'ce5C,(l!' 1../ /J ,i r r-' +'~"O/1 j- (? n..;.. rYi fie,? Of""e$;'l (?;-., /10 u f 1:1 <-iN' d (J I ( -I- )1 I ., 1~ '1" i J'7 C ~ P j, ,1 /"" -11"'&/1/1 t) a.h ,) .f .,14"'......;.1 P'')./ ''7,-... t1 /1 Ii /U /11)" >1 ,,} -/A /'\ +1'". /3 I 'nPu/ OJ .~/7 ~ c.. I h;--/eA ~ -1-,... fu:~f :5 /,) C" 'd tot';) 1~ 1\"') fo,f/' I n ( / 11 8.-</ (~ r- rfr"":> c, o 1"CdS ~I-D n P'...- "':; c5 d r~ r' ,.Q , . -Ir, 7/lrp{~1 /J U./(", 1/ 4' / / (""'f PO rJ t? P'Vr-'~) I /<1 e ~"f;':7 " d r- b 11'/<1 .f.' D'\._ f/1 etA.! ~ A{).e; { 0. if' 8.d7 'f . , <"{"" (' I-P' Q /l- /l 0, i- t.? t' e..!}1 CI I ch a I j hf"('J !l,rel Cr"). ("In l~iJ;.? f t1 ~c b elf/fA f {} /1 t:J 1/' ~ c; :"; hI'" ..{!f\ I' to I El.. lJ l hG 11 f' l.t...; ~I 'S o6i ... W'5VV ~ I f . ~ r J J. / Lf;--;1 J 1/ /I/<..A/.... I / "" - )/1 /J/J f/VJ-- f/ ", // 1/ ,..... ~t q-.:> )O~ TOTALS. 5c p, l-e.v. t :s + (I'll o_:+e-S. ,tX.;5il''Cl ~CQ. lS-40VYl LP 5 e G1) ( 0/'1 S @ '--l r-z ~ 8- L{ - Lo f?OS-oS @ ,0, ~~ - L9 pO<S ~0 @ 2 .~_ -eeL -= UJ ~aps @ - 3"37- I Lo brac(GzJ)'S @ I 50 - VY\ l 5 ~ :) GL -euJ:s ~, \J In y ( ~ c.:o (\ Lf -e.-~ LOuJ.e3 0 'J- i7 ~ . (p S;;:J? l(ou-Q{S) qpoO 3<-( ;;0 . c6 dLf'- JLf 00 0;0 oc) (J_~ ""/) {P(Q +-en~ l 0{J :5 ulJ +0 + ~ cf Is; g -:- r C-r (Yl l + d 30 ~2 . . _ _ q I( ;" - :.3 ~ ~ lo 0\ U-(i 6s @:> I "L L I (- I 0 (~'\ ., II 0 J 0 IS VIr ~'0ber ~ '1 e/'7 ,,-(~,!~~<!vif~0) ? 9 70 .. P('l~ @ l.oles, Hot1w J:uyoO+, 1<' 11, QJ--O , ~ ~ i. l {(Y'lq- -fo ( Sj'J(//nkl42.r ~ &- d ~- BLL:dP1 of?erccf<<J! enltj - enD e(edrlc.l~ J Gui+r il ( ':::( UJ :t I' r j tL+UJY\ 'S upp! :::J id,)L[ 5 olar L l 3 h-+ 5. - 3 :()O qJ L(' Low-€- S - l![ So Zf2.a.-.. i- f ~O--f~l - 1 L{;)5 ~ i~ r"tD y1~ V.ee{)6- Jf?o~ oQ -_-ocJ - ,I 5 062 - b P (}L t let s@ qt.9 =-ec;x. -4 fro -- ! PI Qzflkr boxes-. ,61 @ lc6fidoo~ · (U-iL p\CLtI 0(\ 7 (S;' I Vi () Y I pIO.f)kr. 100 X C?/1 ~G-c--l'\ "5 I~ - +0 S.e;6 OtlnCL1016'1WS II). I-f uJe ~OurJ~f ~ I ncJL OiU - ~.~ piau, Or, 8~i-i-(f~ r+ IoUt'f+ LJ5(1~ . V (ny ( ~~3, Dr 1,k.s2. vYlcd-eJ'Iaj!, oCJ 02 00-- r.er-b I I (zxuat f!. Don dLu.fJ - [prior +0 I~u'j' sCxO) ., O-DA LS i Y ~ r 111( I+- . i t-erl C_ 1"8 - t PICUI-bs -- ~ I rr I ~e-r- ~ 1 Solou Ll31J1Jti~ I I rlLVl+cr 60xes I i i I i Fer'btl (z:.sll /~OU(]d-up I: 5062-- I "IoilGLI s Ii ~ il \' Ii I I: Ii i :3 0 39- l-{ f.p?? ~ IqO~ 00 62;). ~ 3dO~ ') c::> CJ cY 00-- dDO~ 4 800-0 )q SO 6?5- City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards, Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: _L o....~ e. Ol'-(t't\fl'a.... Project Leader: _\-\eG._~if SheV"') Address for Proj ect Leader: \ 3 "i 1 b l Y Mfl'a.. P aAL Cc. 'rr.1.R- D~ ) pL- ?:frHt; t ltCSl- -3'l~ -'tlO (-CtJA Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) L{01-'(gSb-~~ (Evening) '-l61-~foS.Io-&IoQ) Email Address: h She~ 6) c-:t--I. r (" . ~ Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: ~f- J/v1~ l'~ rfrsr ~lM--rJvJ cn(~lP/J? ert/'5.Uhd.IV~'<::'/<SY\../ pmp-e/~ ~ fi'~+~1AL &-# 01 S,'lWf~ +4--Q. /;^l... r~ o.l~ Ie)+- " )f1.t an. Fi'(~>r ~ FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? 4. !5 If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? I ~ 7~ How many members are in the association? 0() Ho.1+fC S Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? '-1. t..~ What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (president, V.P., Committees, etc.): IJfc~ J1;)e.-Nt - rife D Kobetb lJ,c.e /~c..o!)eN'T - ,A4A,(,Y 13t1.vb~f E r. c Sk.q... - St2.c reA-a.f''1 Bra.MY -ruA~- 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? lSy vrrt: /C(,CC.-rlb 1.1 . I 4- ye-A,e. "IV t..c UNo: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? _ How many homes are in your neighborhood? _ What is your group's organizational structure? (president, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? _ If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. ..- f\AP-tJ- e-tM ~ -.3 ~ -lAf~...kJ. ~~ l~~ ~ p}~J:Jd. f~ ~ aj- ~y;J.f'M/U' ~ t+~~~_dV\t(^ fk:~O{----- Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? MflN.~^1 a~ ~ What is the name of the proposed project? What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) -==t Q \ 'S 00. (yO Briefly describe the proposed proj ect: -1l.Lf \ a.u-- -ge ~ ~ f j' ~ ~ - ~ ILl (,l). 'S\M. 06 ~uJod l\^~~. -rr~e...ILI.SK(J ..Q__l'1 l~ ol~ ;ff%)..,rv..;f{~ct C<.4^~ ~~ p~~~ ()~ (?n_{...~~lI\~_ ~ -tLL S\JJod 1v..~\'w/2 y}x7~ ~~ ~ ~Y\V"~ +- ~~ /~ ru<ud.PAj<; ~ List the project goals: ~ (1) ~ralr ~~f.l) - L 41a.&... (2) f()A'u~ Ut~h'a ~~ (3) 6 List a minimum of seven homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Proj ect Leader ~~e~ 13~1 O''fl\.tf\~ Av~C/tZ.le.- ~C51-~IiS~ - h~d ~.r'(.CA IlA- Oc..ea 1Pi- 3tf~( S~~ Historian ~ /3SI OLYM?(;... p~ fUl.d LlD1--~05 - (Photo grapher) ~ !)UUft 1 ~ 3~( D'1'l-'1- Monthly & 0< \- S~ \?:>S 3 D\I.f~a. 1'L ~hU. Lict~ ~st.(- 1 Final Reports DLf13 Coordinator ~ , Partner/ )V1~ l3~S Ol '{M.pio.... pt.- ct ~ If()1- - Volunteer "(sf'}'" Coordinator (6~ ci l(Vi Vv-tL \ 6C~ o.~ PL ci. ftJ...L ltut ~-:r- ~ o <;~( G~ 13l'\ Ol'i*a. t1: o:.~ L{ Of- - ~:}=T- ~s.5L ~~ C~..~ \3l<,( Ol~ ~.", () r- u: n./..( L/6+--~S~" ---? SOS/v - \Gli~ .....~- -----...- .-..-----. S (). e.. l ~~ L{ Ol -{""'f'o... PIC. C:rtJ.z -Pr( r'v\. sfri5 ~ -------. .... P:I~ ~ ~tll + lA~ \ ~~5 O~'t"'PID...P~ Ct.'~ C~) :&a~,s..-.-,..._-~ 1-------- --'" - ~~--- _ _ ~~ ._r~'_ ~._.- ",.-_.~. . ,,1/ 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. ~~ ~J.:,~b\'llh~ ~ ~^o/~/I#~fiJ6J ~O pr~5>\ ~ I W~. ~~A)11 ~ ~of- o.uJif- e.-p'~h~ Je~ (~<~~ \S 4t.A1l"t- AAA.Jy. ~ L,JrVUtJll- L(Ovv S~~j,Ly( . What is the location of the proposed project? Ifthe project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. N~ blnAAd61AA~~ j,..'~ bf> ~'Vl~ h ~t-- Strut Q. A rL S I k/(J f S l--a.,r ruoa.J-. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawine. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) - Su- q (..l..9~ If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: \ / (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Budl!et Project Name: ~4\ N_ I . L-lt tp LJ I 't I\A.-f"1 c-- rtfO,{'( ~ ih$tt.Ll +V, L~ Oli~ Neighborhood/Organization: PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): $ $ $ TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) Dlf'(l\L St:'~ Of(-rif.J..oJ. c1~ ! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Volunteer Labor ,,"/ ,~ ~ Hours x $1 O/hr $ $ $ $ $ 35 Q'I > of> 15 e rLl = ~E ~~ ~- f ~ ~~ bJle -- = .... rLl:a~ ~~"Cl == = = rLl~: ~"Cl= ~O- o~ ..=.... ~ "" ~ ~ 0 ~ ..c' ..= 0 bJl"" ~ .... ~ ~~-.:t ~Zo ~~o " M ~- ...,~f'f') ....00 ~~O -(OM >~ ~~ rLl .... OU ~~ ~ Cl) ~ Z ..... U Cl) '0' I-< p.. ~ Q ~ Q '\ ~ "J ~ ~ Z :j r:/) ~ :.:) u 1 .:::.. p:: 1;.1_ :J ,J 0 tJ r:/) $ ~ ~ 1 J j J ~~ ~ j ~ ......:l J: II ~ \f) VJ V' ........ ,i r:/) j J j zz 00 l i: ( r:/)p.. tf p::r:/) .-.J g:~ ~,J~ ~ t-< -< Q Z 0 ........ t-< rI' ~ ......:l 0 ~ ":T p.. - c p ::8 ~ -:r--- ---...> ~ '"" r If) 0 ~ - u r--5- ~ cr - - ~ t-< -< (l\ Q 0 ~ ~ - j - 'T rc r-:::-. T 1 -< <> 0 - ~ ----.) t-< N ....... r:/) - -- C'6 -s- ~ - ~ ~ 0 I:> < i; ! .\ Jlj' "I ( J: t' ~ .~ \ ~€ ( + ~j 4J Q.. ."~ ~l .~ ,~4 ~ ~::: 3~ lM p~ r:/) J~ ~~ i" -< Q.:!f= - '" t-< ~.; ...... ...... i:i o ...... "'Cd N .~ 0.0 I-< o ::0 o o .e o il 0.0 ...... Cl) z f!l AT-HOME SERVICES PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT ~ SJ;O,TE ZIP JOB#: !J;AD#: o WOOD FENCE 0 Q'I'HF.A' o VINYL F~NCF. SPECIFICATION, ~ to follow slope of grQund, lOp rail to be straight (customer may fiU in low spots later) o Rlnce to follow colltOur 01 ground (boltom olle<lc& 10 bl! in contact with ground) o fence to be leVel with highest llfooe (customer may fill in low spots later) o Fence to be I_I with lowest grade (IrerWling in high spots) [j Fence to be level and spIil me gtadil (trenching in high SpolS - customer may fill in law spol6 laler) ~,<f:(~';>K~ TYPE fENCE: OI'eralll.ength: Walk Gate: .,.-- CHAIN UNK Wire Gauge: Diameter Top Rail: Diameter line post, ~ $pacillllmJll'UOliOfta: ~.~~~~~'~:.:trl ~4"l~1 rIJlli:;"'i:!if"'\"~'j;ff'~"'~ .~,"'''' '~'{P~";v.' , .'r. ..t~}:'",;, ~ ' '. ..,QI;,...L:k~ ,\:l.""~':H."l,. ..~..'t_~ ~ FENCE DIAGRAM i: ~ KEY: .. .. " ~, .. ~ .:, , r--"'--" BUilDINGS: I I I...____.....l .J ,~ I; '. i: ,'I " ... ..' ; " .. ... ~' .~ ..,. '" .,. } ~ -', ". ~ ., " " .. FENCE llN~ TO BE i;RECTED:- DOUBLE GATE: 6'0 , ~ ~ :' hI' ~ :. ~ : .': I> _ " ~ ~ , 8 .. .. \ , "'''6'''''' " .".,.,.... , ' " '~"..,., ,/1:: ' ;,,', ,. .....' "", '" 0 ,:., ~::: ~'; :~~::.,~; J.(;1f!' :;::: , ,'. '-,'~"'.., '1#/10>"', " " ;i.,J-.."".", . .. '2:.m,..,~. :"h '.,;..,,: '. :~' ~,,;~ ," "v~"Y"" ~(OlQ"" "J ". .~ JI ~ :,~. n.' ': IliI ''1' r. " r'" ...... ! "' ,,', .;. ~,~,:.' ~. . , '. " "L :I 2 '" ;' ~. . ' :. ~," .::. -1J~ . ,,~ . "::: ::: : ,:.~ , ", --,U!7_ii:9~~3~:.','.:' .. .~.,.,.~~ "~'. ......".:.:' ;'.. .. .:./..'/1:,' .' . .' ," ~ ..':, - -.' .' . . "'.' :: I: . :,#'Jl.. _ ,'<,.... ~ ~ . ._. . . -. ' " .,-...., ' . , ' . TlE-ONS: X (G$t Pennission) TERMINAL POST: 0 EXISTING F!;NCE **** WALK GATE 6 0 RESPONSIBILITY OF PURCHASI:fi: I agree to locate and identify \I1r: properly line. ea5eml3H1~ and all Uf'\del'ground ,cables af\CI pipes. It Bny sa.'vi"" address is subject to anll' e&SerTllln1S. covenams or other legll! gncumbrwlOe$ that could eIfect lnatallalion, I ilgIW 10 ",loon The f:lome Oepo\ prIor to instalfaflon, I agree that r am solely responsible for the location of the fence doscribed In ltliS proposal. I will also defend and indemnify The Home Depot ror all QO$I$ in conneo\ion with any claims maae by any third party about the location and or slyle of too fance. I am respon&lble ror any $J)$Olal work described in thiS proposal. Initials UNUSUJI,l CONDITIONS, ADOf1'IOtlAI. ctlJlflGES: I agree that The Home Depot has Ih<> right to make additional charges if unusual ground condi- ~Ql\$ hinder 1l1e installadon, Such unusu,ll.I ground c;ondition3 ~y be rock 'ormmfQns, tree roots, and olMr .imill!( obslacles. Afly charges n~ssary to Sllli8faotorlly c;ompl818 the ill&1alllltion WIll Dr: ~etl on addllional'abor, equipment and maWriai costs, Innlals CASH PFlICE: $ Approximalll MontI1ly Payment $ (may .ary or nol be applicable - upon credir approval) METHOD OF' PAYMENT: (The credit wrms and con(hliO/lS, if appticabfe. are provided on II 5e~ document) F'ffC$ WJI/d tor rhirty (30) days, ~: paym~m.... follOWS: $ ~ pQyrl1eDl by chllCk; 6ANK ASOERENCE: CONTACT NAM!;; PHONE iJ o Credit Card: Circle 0I1e: ",D Me VISA AMEx DISCOVER Card# A\,Il\'Iorlzed Cardholder'" 5ign<lture: . Exp. Date: o Home O'lPot El<t"~Credft ~ SUBMITTED 8Y r.;;....l, 1,.-..... ) A.PPROVED BY REPRESENTATIVE '/J 'OXJI'V MANAGER lIWe. the owner(s) Of the premises descrtbed al)Qve (referred to tf1rougnoul as "Purchaser(s)") Qlter to contract with The Home Depot to furnish and arrange for the de)iv~ and Inslallation oj aH materialS fl9CQSSary according to the aooulI specifications, THE TERMS AND CONDTTlONS OF ltttS AGREEMI!NT ARE CONTAINED ON BOTH SIDES OF THIS FOfIM. PlJFlCHASER'S SIGNATURE: SPOUSE'S SIGNATURE: DATE: yOU, THE PURCHASER. MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANYTIME PRIOR TO MIONIt;lHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS AGREEMENT. SEE THI: ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANC!;LLATION FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. HDIFOO1-0900-5,Fl ld WdPG:p0 vG0G 6l 'uPI Lp6~LGj7j7lv 'ON 3NOHd X~j SNOSanH 13N~I aN~ aI~~a : WO~ CONTRACT Date: Buyer( s): Address: City: Job Site: 219 Geneva Drive Oviedo, FL 32765 Office 407-971-7804 Fax 407-971-8403 -:J;k41-( 5 ;2 Or) { Of \fiV\.~ ,co- p&; l=- I '3 r L/ q () I y "..., r.c.. f (iJ!:-- Cy~(e OCeH'e ~L-- State: r~ , CcwVlfJ^.V\ {\J< <1-+ ~ '{j\' .~4e-r -te.~c L-:v-fL- ( _AFA MEMBER ~ -. American Fence ~__ Association, Inc. b BBB --y,;- MEMBER CENTRAL FLORIDA PO.#: Attn: H~-'5~~ Home Phone: 1/07 - (/jl .. ~ 50 Zip: }'I76! Business Phone: Site Phone: Fax: CHAIN LINK SPECIFICATIONS (All chain link post set in concrete) HEIGHT FABRIC GAUGE ' if ,SIZES ' If D 3 D 6 IX 11-1 /2 frlf'lL Top Rail I r4, tt.-f: OD Walk Gate Posts kJC ;Z iz OD D 4 D 8 1:819 Line Posts iJ.: / U..:f...oD Drive Gate Posts - OD tWIt:: D D End Posts .2 '/). 'y ?<:-WD Walk Gate Posts OD ~ Corner Posts - OD Drive Gate Posts - OD I -1; 3j. ~()L{. 731/t; PERMIT NEEDED ~ES DNa VIf':.lYL COATING TENSION WIRE ,M'Green '012-1/2 ga. ~ Black ~ ~4-~ l ~10' o TAKE DOWN & HAUL AWAY FOOTAGE Of~~{ ~~e- ~~.. DYES DNO NOTES '1' ( 'I [-;;-:;:;.1. ,~'. II _-,1 { / .1.J ';1''''' \.~y__v ;;,1; 'f-'J r~,,l I~,J f:/tre..:\.{ f f' tU B ;1,,' i -:i'. '<1 ~ I \~ Ii _.() , I h ~ \.1 r ~ . It)(jl~ t:YlC'f, SJt\Jt\ e, 'ro, to (1,1-0 pvt:{ / \\ o.tt' C) f e)),.s t I fl ~ \' ~ 0 \~ ! (EJ1tr ..J-. dJJ IY}j) 5 . \! ( ,~".\ oJ L !e "} '''~O" ,t) I ( ,)~ \\)\l ' r .Q" ii' , I UliN"'- t,',.'?- J +e...l/l<:"'~ l.i~'to-~ *' ,\..fc. b:- .. , ILJ ~ -ilL -.j; , ~ l J\j 'C.-e..- , Lump Sum Total ~. L34 51 i ;2 "f Less Deposit {{;z 4 I 7, 0 f6 itS"" ~ b 321 .. I Initial 'fJ WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR SPRINKL~ HEADS & LINES u; I __ c;~;j-c~ Dated: ~ersoJJ J/i< '^- ( ThA nrn\li~inn~ on thA r ,VAr~A ~ic:lA of this contract are made oart of this contract. ! -.--~-~ -~_.. ~-".."- ~-~.., ~-- ~'_.--._~ (j-~;,~{- 2t= A~fF(k, ~{, f,;':t:lv ~ { ot}lkd "_.._.~~~ .." "~.~ ----,-" 71..1 + I (Nt! ,. fl [> 0 f Ct'. , .' .-- 12/26/03 12:00 FAX !41 001 ......... (711)) ~24 fax ('170) lJ85M11J PftoIIB ('I'n'I) 60341.5 FBJI (776) 103-.6711 PhOII8 (104l521-49S6 F. (704) ~ PIlon (804) ..t780 P. (104) 20-1382 ,...... (1'0$) 3a&o28OD I'M (703) S8H2(17 c=1i::ii=i=~ ........ (011) 3&<118..".. (912) J8U216 ...._ (?!1') SS&.11105 F1IJc (7Z1) 6360186 PMne (tltI1) .1M6&& Fax (581) M5N71 P.O. # Attn: ~d.u-k~~ Home Phone: Business Phone: iI5? ~ JZr6 s- /cr5/ t;PF 7.r~ ragelof2 <if,&lOlSt ~"- /mMlll1IIIn, Inc. CONTRACT Bnyer(s): Address: Walk Ga\e Posts DrIve Gale PosIs Walk Gate Frame Olive Gate Frame COATtNG rean CB~ IJ TENSION WIRE BARB WIR& C 12-112 9a. 1s..112 ga, g 7 gSA/;r g 1m:. o o SIGNS o REFERRAl o ~' .. .... . I' .-. \' , . . I _ . . , , ' I . . .. . . .,' I ,~ ~+t-H-++-H-+-+"++~" i ! -tl '--1Y' ~-'i.""'~'~~~"'+-'N'r.......-t'~-(iA-.~~y,~, . ~~ "'''1'''''-''-] I ; ..~:'-~+. r-'l'+++-i-'O.tt+-irH +.+ -1"-' '... -' ~~.~+""r+..n ,.~,..._~y_....1.... ...0-.11:.... '-i"J...!~..e.,~.."/trJ.'J;"'N",,,,,,,~--,--,, ; '/; ; ; ~ i i : ! ; i ; , :~: ; ; ! ; .--1.......~. ' , ! 'V; ; ~.T"L_.....L._~r; -,.\....-i~Z!jfifJ.. t: y1 .....L_L-t--Lr..' 1 I ! R! ; I I 1 ' ! j tri \ ' ; Lf ! ; ! ~ -~'-4 - - ~..-....-.,-".."-..,..''"'- ... '''-;--n' y.---y-- j j 1 ' ! :~ l j ! 1 J LJ I . tJ 1 ; I ~ [ \ --+~"l.No''''''i''''V''' " .,..,_."'!"-..."'T'......-':-HU't;'-"T!t"'r'~': ,-,"'- ~~:t.t't- ~-~1+ti~tt-'t+t~ t4- l----.~-"~~- . -m--'-"~-"~--~-~'--' ~L,..,--,-u---"-_.__.. ".... . ...----....." ---.--. [~tt$1~-:=~tfl~~['i~.1:.i......: i~li.: HOW DID YOU HERE ABOl1T US? YElLOW PAGES CORNER LOT ~V" /" No TAKE DOWN & HAUL AWAY FOOTAGE C Va C No ~ :=. TERMS: Fbumdn,g o CasblCbec:k Upon CompletiOD [J Credit Card: 1)pe: Exp. # Less Deposit BaIa:a.ce DUE: IIpOB JmI2lbdon Pcn>onal guar.wtct:~ INITIAL WE AU NOT LIABLE FOR sPJuNKLER HEADS & lJJttS The signMory belolv, irrespectiye of any title, hereby pcr.iOnally <md individually guaranlccS payment of this obliption. Buyer(s) By: Dated; SALESPERSON ~ The provissions on the reve:rse llide of Ibis contmcl are made plIlt of dlis conlract. r .rA'"~ City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards, Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE /1 Name of Neighborhood or Organization: ~ ~/~/::; t/L l/ /?? ~//l c.. . L vi /:3 Project Leader: ;VI (' /< r:/J 0 /? ~ V Address for Proj ect Leader: 2 0 / 0 L Cj /J? po 5 j:) ff? / t/,L? I CJC6Ec p. 3'1"7c;/ / Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 107 ;2 9~ Jo (/1 (Evening) 5' Aa7t , Email Address: ---- Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: :5/ L (/ IE- <... 5' r/J;e t1J";D FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? HYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) Jlr5' f When was it formed? / /' 2 () . if 0 How many members are in the association? 7 2- Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? '! C e;; What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): &E5/ f.)~/'I'r , :s t> F} tz. D C;> ;- 5 cc",z,tf3r/J1! '-'/ '/'--, /7 / ~//< eer--ote ~ 'I- '17< ~/-15' U 4 .LE /2 .~/?e~ ) 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? Ai ..J/1/l/ 1//1 (2' m R n/3c/Z C ~ e-c" r ff- ;B~4-/ll) ',&/71/3 ~ /C. rc ;e 3 7C/1,e -;- L-k fl/ll/,C 3 /Ylc /lid co,e ,(i,4'-;W If' reo,"',eo ,/" V+C/I) '/J/c ~t?,1/Z:D /JP,rCO/A/T5 3 O~hC-r~,dS' rJf!. / t/~A~. / f ~Ef I f)/3,1// /?'? d:5: r ;;5 G- /9 g~,41Z j) ,,/77 r ~ pet< UNo: Do you have an active neighborhood group? When was it organized? How many members are in the group? _ How many homes are in your neighborhood? _ What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? ~EE /J;3o t/ c For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? - If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. /? /1/ ~/.4 L.. ;IJJ e e '7/ IVC;- //11 7;; ,v' v/i ~ fA, 13/ t3 tfr? /V 6:S ~,eoo "J T 7ft-e GAA ' /4:f/J/ /!/ J,A L c! ~ f? / ..>r>r:l /15 A,ery dfi/p /l/V/lIv,,;!"- d/ft2/sr_A$ -! /6/-/'r/AI<5 &/II''7",6'S'7": ~ /.nP~6r&?:> AA-;V;Dsc4;O/A/6 /1'f/.}5C.:z::-/ z:t;aT ~, Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? if e /I(t.L 'I '0 () tIC ." " ?:, c:> CJ " '" / / t!) CJ ~ t7 ~~ /70 /?;J..c 0 CAJ N 6/2 .:5 ~Atj/ I What is the name of the proposed project? ?#45P ~ ~64rt3t:> ~CI//r/7/d /AJ ~A-cr fJ.II What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) rI ;l, ,)"'.:::; Cl, 0 (0 Briefly describe the proposed project: fi ,f?/f C' (/ /u/.? /1 r~ c:> /f///VG L / & /77~ l> / HU/./7/-9/ A/' #..AI ~c. ~er~/vft o"v rfi!?fi/"1 o /1/ ~ /l (! -r /9 4' /1/ {) ~ /J~C c /1 6/0/4 r~ O;J p'1/;!?.r<;C~c?w u# ('I /d/ TP'rir . /l/?E/f h/~ 5{/;/c/)" List the project goals: (1) (2) (3) /3t!-A (./17 Fq '//-/E #/2c/J / ;/ /l./C'~~,q -:;.-c::. h()~/3,..ery !/4LUtFS / ;viI/I' I'L t/ tC /l1 Cree ffi4J eDl/(//tI C~) /iU Dr 5/ h /1,// ,v' G ;;;; UI~ 'P / I//S/ 0/1/ 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL - Project Leader ph t: K (1Jv(l) ~ jc.-v OL ,/P1 //t/~ '))~ 'ftJ1 J.'f<i: .fO eft; I /------ Historian LytfttVI1 {;ffr#1lP 1/)5 1f01 (Photographer) OL 1/:11;0,15 'lJ f!. . 1,;- ~ 2'1t tit?i Monthly & fYJl k;;. .J; ,4i(C ;> /(0/ IN;,e //1 '1/ C pre. '1-07 - Final Reports 8" fe,O fi '3 ~ Coordinator "J,,'1O Partner/ poNI/to ft.Vrf/ /YI13f- {O7 Volunteer /~y 6LYIl/fJU5 pI!., fi.? 03b1 'f ~' Coordinator ftll(!7 -5411'0./ ){o, /1"7>/!.IA,rlC- '1) ~ I/o,? J-t1?J /C,t/S 5 ------ Ii fo~I11A.~ fJuet 11'J-0 3 'to? t-( o L- '11)1 fJ(J 50 7) fJ- -r13 t,rh, 'V lp .----- 6b~r1-11)/j1/{., ~tJJ J( I fit-( AL"',toP(Jl/~ )X2 'j,q /-'3)..10 7 --- ..IIfN fa-t;/}N 0 2-tJ I ~Lj4/~t/S 'VR ~~l ~ll( L'I.~) I; J.-1r; ..J~ 'If tAt'! (.. ;$f!tJ;./,/, 1 I'd. {' OL7#JPV~ 'P(2 1/07 ,> II< "" \..~ /I' :t-1f 't~8 (S' 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. 'Dee / p~ ~o C'" /;!7'lO/U ,?/);C ;:;:/0#;09/ /J & E r ;8 / ,P5 ~(? /~ -;T-P e r ~(/4L (//!rE '//-r'e /J/ DS What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. rJ'/f /1 c r /I V/J OL7ft1/'US p,~ f c/ C Ifthe proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements ofthe project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: /I/o ;/0 Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: Yc 5 / (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 Proposed MVP Awards Project Bud2:et Neighborhood/Organization: pL//f5&f / ~ Project Name: ,/ /J-/~e c:>L '1 ;?7 ;0//9 , CL.t/~ PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): $ j (ib, 60 $ 3). 'ft,t> rJ TOT AL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXFENSES: $ .---- $ --- $ f1 'Ir. 00 (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) /1,11 ~~ ,E?~2:7??-/c / ;1/ C ' , / "ti lJft"e FL/'uA,/r/9/d...{ ..... /J.-e/?A77tf2;tl . I/Vc / m/rE~ /~orJ /f),;?,e/<: . TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Volunteer Labor $- Hours x $101hr $ $ $ $ $ '1 '0 () , ()O 1'; e rJJ. ~ ~ ~ < .. ~~ <= --.~~ ~ 0 ~ ~" ~ ellS 'V -- :: .- rJJ.:2E-- ~~"O - ~ :: o::~~ rJJ. :: ~"O ~~ ~gs: z.:::...... ~ .. e.J ~ 0 ~ ~ ..c '0 't """"'.:::.. ~ ,~~ ~z~ \\j CQ "rIl ~ '\I) <~~ ;:)00 ~ e.J 0 ~ <O("'l '\. ~ ~ "'( ~ >> rJJ.;::: OU ~~ E-- Q) ~ z 0 ~ \1\ ~ \^ " ~ 0 ~ \J ;( ~. ffi " .~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ z )< ~ \ C/'J \i. ~ ~ l}. ~ U ~ ~ ~ "- ~ 0 ~ ~ \i\ 0 J ~ C/'J ~~ ~ ga ~ 'l -'to. ~ \) ~) \l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E9 'Z C/'J zz - ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ C/'Jp... ~C/'J \J \l J Eega ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ t-< ~ \\ 0 '" z ~ 0 ....... ~ .~ t-< ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ...... ~ ~ "- CJ p... \ \ ~ 0 ~ u \\1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ , ~, \ ~ ~ \ t-< ~ i:i C/'J 0 ~ .~ ~ N ~l ...... ~ ~'.~ ~) ~ ~ bIJ \:.. r----. l-< ~ ~~ ~ l, 0 ~ ~ --.. '\!j "d ~\( \J-.. ..~ ~~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ..t:: '\I ~ l-< II.[ \r 0 ~ ~ '(\( :a ~ \l ) ~ 't ~ ~ ~ bIJ C/'J ~~ ...... ~ k~ i.'t Q) '7 t-< ..... (,) Q) '0' l-< p... ....... ....... :r ~) ~\ \ ? .::::.: ~ \;... ~ \'t r-../~:"'.. r _ '\,. ,,- ~ \ . x... Y- \'f.- .f... )(. f.. ( '< K, 'f ~ ''y ~ ~ -- t9L~E 'eta 'aao~o t S 9 ' x 08 ' 0' d sJo~~allO }O pleos ~'~ ~ ~ 'v\ () \\. ~. '" ~ "-.J ~ '- ~ 37;) 2//(7 >' /7 Cld OCY';& ( I ' I I I NOl~VI~OSSV S~3NM03WOH sn'~ VldWX10, 3~V1 <J ~ ~ Sales Order B16469-A Order Date 12/12/03 LAKE FOUNTAINS & AERATION, INC. 4155 St. Johns Parkway Suite 1800 Sanford, FL 32771 USA Telephone: 407/324-1515 Fax: 407/324-1344 Bill To: LAKE OLYMPIA CLUB 201 OL YMPUS DR OCOEE, FL 34761 Ship To: LAKE OLYMPIA CLUB 201 OL YMPUS DR NICK PAGAN A OCOEE, FL 34761 407-298-5049 THIS IS A BID/ESTIMATE Customer I Ship Via I F.O.B. I Terms I Purchase Order Number 48234 lOUR TRUCK I SANFORD FL I 50% Deposit, 50% COD I Verbal Qty. Shipped Item Number I Unit of Measure I Required Date I Unit Price Back Ordered Item Descriotion I Discount % I Tax T Salesperson I Reference No, I RH I Qty. Ordered Extended Price o F2400NF EA 01/26/04 .5HP,120V FLOATING AERATOR o L350T EA 01/26/04 3 - 50WATT, 12VOL T LIGHT KIT o DELIVERY EA 01/26/04 INCLUDES POSITIONING FOUNTAIN IN LAKE 1119.00 y 1099.00 Y 250.00 Y 1119.00 1099.00 250.00 DELIVERY INCLUDES POSITIONING FOUNTAIN IN LAKE, ANCHORING THE FOUNTAIN TO THE BOTTOM AND RUNNING THE CABLES TO THE SHORELINE. ALL ON-SHORE ELECTRICAL WORK MUST BE DONE BY OTHERS (MOUNTING CONTROLS, TRENCHING, CONDUIT, FINAL HOOKUP). ELECTRICAL WORK SHOULD BE DONE BY A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN. Approved by: (Date) Non Taxable Subtotal 0.00 Taxable Subtotal 2468.00 Tax (6.500%) 160.42 Name Title Total Order 2628.42 Print Date: 12/15/03 10:34 AM Customer Original Page 1 FOUNTAIN DESIGN GROUP, INC, CASCADE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN SERVICES COASTAL CONTROLS 465 GOOLSBY BOULEVARD DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 954/422-5678 FAX 954/422-9967 Toll Free 1-800-446-1537 November 23, 1999 Mr. Nick Pagano LAKE OLYMPIA CLUB PO Box 651 Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear Nick: Enclosed please find our spec sheet and pricing on our one horsepower ARIES floating fountains. The price is $3,185.00. The price includes installation in the lake but does not include any onshore work. Your licensed electrician is responsible for mounting our control panel, hot wiring, and bringing the conduit to the lake. Our control panel is ETL listed (equivalent to UL) and meets all NEC codes. Delivery is approximately 3 to 4 weeks from date of order. A 50% deposit is required with your order, and the final payment is due upon start up. All work is guaranteed for one year from date of installation, except for light bulbs. Thank you for your interest in our product. Please call me, if you have any questions. Sincerely, f1~bJ.~ Richard W. Johnson RWJ@ Ene. FOUNTAIN DESIGN GROUP, INC. CASCADE FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN SERVICES COASTAL CONTROLS 465 GOOLSBY BOULEVARD 954/422/5678 DEERFIELD BEACH,FL 33442 1-800-4461537 FAX 954/422-9967 FOUNTAIN SPECIFICATIONS ARIES 100 FOUNTAIN SHALL CONSIST OF: I ROTOCAST FLOT A nON UNIT WITH FOUR W ATERTlGHT COMPARTMENTS FOR BALLAST I IHP,230V, I-PHASE, SUMBERSIBLE FOUNTAIN PUMP WITH STAINLESS STEEL MOTOR I STAINLESS STEEL INTAKE SCREEN I CUSTOM STAINLESS STEEL PUMP MOUNTING HARNESS I BRASS THREE-TIER CASTLE DISPLAY JET I 500W, IIOV, SUBMERSIBLE FOUNTAIN LIGHTS, HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION, WITH HEAVY DUTY ROCK GUARDS, TEMPERED LENSES, STAINLESS STEEL FASTENINGS, AND MOUNTED ON STAINLESS STEEL BRACKETS I 100' LENGTH 12/3 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CABLE, PUMP I 100' LENGTH OF 14/3 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CABLE, LIGHTS I ADJUSTING GATE VALVE 2 MOORING ROPES I CONTROL PANEL CONTROL PANEL (ETL LISTED): 230V /1 PH/20AMP/NEUTRAL NEMA 3R ENCLOSURE CIRCUIT BREAKER - PUMP CIRCUIT BREAKER - LIGHTS I 24 HOUR TIME CLOCK - PUMP I PHOTO CELL - LIGHTS DISPLAY: A THREE TIER DISPLAY WITH THE CENTER STREAM REACHING A HEIGlIT OF APPROXIMATELY IS' TO 18' AND THE TWO LOWER TIERS APPROPRIATELY BALANCED. THE FOUNTAIN IS ACCENTED WITH 500 WATTS OF QUARTZ LIGHTING, ~ Amber Electric, Inc. P.O, Box 737,630 Kissimmee Avenue, Ocoee, Florida 34761 State Cert. #EC0000700 Phone (407) 656-2335 Administration Fax (407) 656-1673 Commercial Fax (407) 656-9375 Purchasing Fax (407) 656-497 December 31, 2003 Nick Pagano Lake Olympia Club HOA P.O. Box 651 Ocoee, Florida 34761 We propose to provide labor and material for the Fountain service for the sum of $2,850.00. Scope of work is as follows; 1. Direct bore under the street from the pedestal to the service area. $1,600 2. Install a 60amp service at the specified location. 3. Install controller for fountain and make connections. Items 2,3,&4 $1,250 4. Bid includes permit fees. 5. Work to be done during normal work hours. Terms: Billed 100% on final. Any additional work will be done time and material at a rate of 40 dollars per man per hour, .---., Very truly yours, Quote valid for 9.Q-days /' ././//..-' -' ,L/'~ / Accepted , 200 tf By Gary Rewis By PALMIR ~ L. ELECTRIC TO: Lake Olympia Club HOA PO Box 651 Ocoee, FL 34761 Nick 407-298-5049 January 21, 2004 Artn: Phone: Payment Terms: Net due unon receint of invoice. We propose to furnish material and labor for: Wirina for fountain. For the sum of: ~ 3.195.00 . Three Thousand One Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars and 00/100. Tax and permits included as follows. We are pleased to offer our price for the electrical portion of this project. Our price is per plans and specifications and the following qualifications: Description of Work 1) Furnish and install required conduit and wiring to feed new 60-amp 120/240-volt underground electrical service. 2) Furnish single point connection to customer furnished fountain control panel (not to exceed 5 horsepower). 3) Furnish and install two inch conduit sleeve from controller to edge of water. Fountain cables to be installed by others. This proposal will act as a contract and is binding. Work will not be scheduled until original is signed and returned to Palmer Electric. All work to be done in a neat and workman like manner in accordance with the best available practices and manufacturer's recommendations. Palmer Electric assumes no responsibility for damages to underground obstructions not physically indicated. t of2 Palmer Electric will exercise reasonable care during the installation; however, sod and landscape replacement, irrigation repairs, and utility charges are not included. All work to be completed between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. No overtime is included. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at407-646-8700 ext. 729, or you may fax me 407-645-2536. Very truly yours, CL b''''- ( Chris Bach Commercial Estimator THIS QUOTATION IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS, Accepted by : Date PALMER ELECTRIC COMPANY STATE liCENSE # EC00018S8 87S JACKSON AVENUE · WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 (407) 646-8700. FAX (407) 645-2536 20f2 JAN-15-04 67;10 AM RLITIGLIANO 1 407 Mll\t'~ IKlJN WUKi\~ RAILINGS · SCA(tN GATI:S COLUMNS · GATES · WINDOW GUAHDS TRUCK RACKS' WELDING REPAIRS GATE OPERATORS ClJSTOM WORK 281 8330 p.el 300 WOOl Mltohell HammOCk Ad, Oviedo, FL 32765 Sean Wlilhi!J!-jtorJ Customt1r's """'" 110 /ISI ~ Orde!' No, 4f~- ~';~.!::!..!7.. Date-lt,_. I.. 00 .l M_ 7f-df--~-k~-----r------- Md<C~'..,{~T& {!4f--,!j~ /-J ___ City ..---C?-.-.---.... St(ltQ,~, SOLD BY CASH C.o.D, CHARGE ON ACC'T M[~SE. PAID OUT RET'D BU!j: 4076S+SB?3 Cell: 407-448.2013 QU,A,N DESCAIP'IION p{.1ted: -cA-~-- ~ ~t.L..__' 1',1", _ -, k o __._ ~.;f)-t1.-.I. / 'I i(Z!J ,CI ---~,~- .~........-- 3," ,)(v7 PnlCE AMOUNT c; '15"3 :;t..<..c; P. .:J. 1:. 'AI! CU(1TOM wonK nll^nANTrrn i' vr An~ QN P4JNT. Rp.C"p.!\I<l,1 f;~/_...._,_._,__..__,__ ______.. ..,_. Jan OS 04 09:20a David Shear 530 690 9083 p, 1 Fib ... ~~~~~~~~#i#~i~]~j;!11i~~!t . ____, Composite Str'uctures Fiberglas!> Gr<ltil'\9 and Stlvctl,,;ral S]/st""'J1$ FAX Subject: Quota!iC?~ Date: 1/9/04 I Pages: 1 -- - To: Lake Olympia Club From: Fibergrate Homeowners Ass. David Shear Nicholas Pagan Phone:904-342-0086 Phone: Fax: 530-690-9093 Fax:407 -298-5049 Nicholas, I did not have your phone nUlTlber and could not call you to discuss. Please keep in mind that you need to purchase an entire sheet of grating and then cut it to size. We only sell the materials, we do not install. This fiberglass grating can be cut with a standard wood working circular saw (you might want to have a carbide tip blade because of wear). We are proposing a 3x1 0' panel, so hopefully only one cut will be made, Hopefully you can make the 36" dimension work instead of the 35", if not just cut as well. You will have an extra piece for another area or future need. The hold-down clips are stainless steel. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards, David Shear, Territory Manager VISIT US @ http://www.fibergrate.com Fibergrate, 1154 Linwood Loop, Jacksonville, FL 32259 Jan 09 04 09:20a David Shear 530 690 9093 p.2 4115 Keller Springs Rd., Suite 224. Addison, IX 75001 800-527-4043,972-250-1633, Fax: 9'72..250-1530 - lUll L~ 1 T ... Bid Type: Firm Quotation No. 01 090402 L--9ustomeJ: lake Olymeia Club Homeowners Ass. .~. I Daj~:-i11709/D4 . Address: Phone: Ocoee, Fl 34761 LFax: 407-298n5049 Attent;on: Nicholas Pagan ____. __ Project: Retention Pond Drain Location: ~ I J .L - I - .-.- -nil'" - 11.__ L Fibergrate appreciates the opport.unity to bid on your FRP requirement, and offers the following quotation for your consideration, Fibergrate is one of the original pioneers in the FRP fabrication industry and has amassed more years of experience in FRP fabrications than the majority of our competitors combined. FCS has the experience and capabilities necessary to design, manufacture and fabricate the materials for your project to ensure that the assembly at the job site will proceed smoothly. NOTES and EXCEPTIONS: Hold down clips not included. Standard cutting tolerances of +1/8", -5/16" apply. No drawings will be provided. Freight not included, PRICING: ~~~~~epih,J5"~S,C~~~ig~pa~L dk gray;'nV1 $4~~~~--~~ I 710~Q~O I M-2 Hold Dowrl_G!jQ}.ssemby !Qq~ Q! ?_~L.________~~1 Ij 31.50 $ 31.50-j i _ -.----- ---- ________TOTAL _ _, $.441.50 J L_.__~ ____ _ . I _-'-___.-J DELIVERY; Please allow 5-10 days for shipping. .cb~ad times are subiect to re\,lIew uQQ.!l.@.~t of order. In mqny instances lead times can be improved,} This quotation was prepared by: David Shear Ph: 904.342"0086 Fax: 530~690.9093 Prices quoted are based on only one (1) shipment. Any variation will be invoiced as freight differential, i.e" split shipments, early releases, alternate destinations, or reduced quantitie.s, -~ 11..1 - ._r_ IliAil~ . -II 11 r T-- ~~ City of Oco.ee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE rF' Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Ocoee Elementary School Project Leader: Dian Hooper Address for Project Leader: 400 S. Lakewood Ave. Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) (407) 877-5027ext 224 (Evening)407294-8302 Email Address: hoooerd@ocos.net Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: Ocoee Elementary Students FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS, FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? no ICYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (president, V.P., Committees, etc.): 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (president, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? ~.' How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Literacy Committee Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): We are Orange County Public School teachers How many people are members of your organization? 15 Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? yes If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 100% " All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. We meet bi-monthly. During the past 2 years we have attended FLARE sessions to assist us wiJh building stronger readers, instituted parent breakfasts (to teach parents how to optimally strengthen their reading skills), incorporated author visits to encourage both reading and writing in our students, correlated Thinking Maps with our Basal Series to reach all levels oflearners, implemented writing strategies from Write From the Beginning, increased our 90 minute literacy block to 2 1/2 hours and raised our school grade from a C to an A. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is ftmded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's ftmds? Orange County Public Schools, Grants What is the name of the proposed project? Ocoee Elementary Summer Reading Program What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) $2,500.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: We currently are not provides with ftmds to hold summer session for our students. The funds will be used to pay salaries for teachers who are supervising, testing or offering assistance. We will have our computer lab open for students to sign up to attend sessions during the summer. Students will be given a pre-test on the Orchard Program which will diagnose individual areas of specific reading needs, then provide computer practice (through the computer games in the same program) to assist the student in gaining proficiency in those areas. Some additional individualized testing may be required as well to appropriately diagnose student needs for optimal academic support. List the project goals: (1) To diagnose student needs so they may receive proper intervention "to catch them before they fall". (2) To provide students with continued academic support over the summer. (3) The long term goal of this project is to ensure academic success in students, who historically have "drop out" potential. 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL ,s;' Project Leader Dian Hooper 400 S. Lakewood Ave 407877-5027 hooperd@ocps.net Historian Tammy 400 S. Lakewood Ave 407 877-5027 lundmat@ocps.net (photographer) Lundman Monthly & Dian Hooper 400 S. Lakewood Ave 407 877-5027 hooperd@ocps.net Final Reports Coordinator Partner/ Cheryl Johnson 400 S. Lakewood Ave 407877-5027 johnsoc@ocps.net Volunteer Coordinator Sheilla Johnson 400 S. Lakewood Ave 407 877-5027 johnsos@ocps.net Pao/Moenssens 400 S. Lakewood Ave 407 877-5027 moenssp@ocps.net Virginia Stumpf 400 S. Lakewood Ave 407 877-5027 stumpfv@ocps.net Katherine 400 S. Lakewood Ave 407877-5027 hermesk@ocps.net Hermesman 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Students who score leve12 and lower level 3 on standardized testing, will be offered the opportunity to attend the program. Generally, level I students are retained and 3rd grade level I students have the opportunity to attend FeAT summer camp. ,1" What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. The location will be in the computer lab at Ocoee Elementary. The project will serve students who score level 2 and lower level 3 on standardized testing. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please defme the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawine:. (please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grant~ Program 200312004 Proposed MVP Awards Project Bude:et ,F' Neighborhood/Organization: Ocoee Elementary Project Name: Ocoee Elementary Summer Reading Program PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): $2,500.00 $ $20,574.88 $ $23,0754.88 TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) Teacher Salaries $ 2,500 $ 4,000.00 $ 7,035.51 $ 2,289.90 $ 2, 193.76 $ 1,538.94 $ 1,399.82 $ 667.83 $ 490.00 $ 489.00 $ 308.00 $ 162.12 $23,0754.88 _ Orchard upgrades New computers Ink Software , Repairs A V equipment Expenses ( other) Annual Agreement Printer Hardware Furniture TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses, ** In-Kind Contributions: 17 Orchard upgrades $ 4,000.00 New computers $ 7,035.51 Ink $ 2,289,90 Software ;S:' $ 2,193.76 reparrs $ 1, 538.94 A V Equipment $ 1,399.82 Expenses - other $ 667.83 Annual agreement $ 490.00 Printers $ 489.00 Hardware $ 308.00 Furniture $ 162.12 Volunteer Labor Hours x $1 O/hr $ 18 ....... ....... U:l 0 ~ 0 IJ'J o w p:l IJ'J ~ 8''0 '"'l (b ~~~~ :> o..(b ~ 0 ..... IJ'J (b i:i '"'l ~.a ~ a- S 0.. 0 ~ (b i:i (b U:l !} '"'l (JQ ~ ~~ 8 0 ......~,o(b ~.g (p' p:l ~ ~ g 0.. wo..(bl:J" 0..U:l p:l S- . S' i:i 0 S' s:: (JQ (b (JQ fit 8 (b '"'l tiCi"g 8 - o (b S"~ (b !} 1-1; cr ....... a ~. w (b go ~ ~ B:: IJ'J ~ S ~ ~ (b N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 t::l ~ ~ ~ :> ~ t'I1 ~ g B:: () s:: - ~ 0 '< (b B:: N N N 0 0 0 '"'d 0 0 0 t"'" ~ ~ ~ t'I1 ~ ......... 0 Z t::l :> ~ t'I1 :::c:~ ~ t::l G;~ ~ ~ I ....... ~ IJ'J~ :::c: '"'dIJ'J ~'< 00 t"'" i 0 zz 0 S '0 IJ'J ~ ......... 0.. OJ 8 t"'" P ~ t'I1 t::l ....... ~ .....0 w () '"'d ~ (b 0 ~ 8 o 0 ~ ::P8 IJ'J l:J"'o ~'g (b ~ S- '"'l 0 c: J'1 ~ (b S' ~ U:l U:l '"'l ,:Y 8'~ Y' () 0..U:l 0 t'I1 (b 0 IJ'J a~ a z l:J" U:l ~ ~ t'I1 ~(b 0.. t'I1 t::l t'I1 t::l Z '"'d (b '"'l ....... .9. g: (b 0 ..... 0 z a- S 0 0 e:: (b 0 0 '"'l 0 (JQ 0 ~ (b (b ....... t'I1 N ~ - (b ....... 8 0 ? (b 0 a 0 ~ ~ 0 (b IJ'J ;~ (1) ~ t'I1 no - (1) ...' 00 8 (b ~~ (b '"'l a 6=' s,< ~ ~ NO> ....... Q~~ i:i QCe (JQ ~fD> '"'d NfD '"'l Q rIJ.... ~ 0 Q2:~ ~ ~fDt'!'j S ""Cl .... ~ "" (JQ ~ c c:r .0'" fD C ~ ~ "" .....c:r2: ""ClCt'!'j -C:;: = C. =~oo = = E5 c......~ ~ 00 ~e:~ .... = S(JQ ~~~ =""-- fD = = > f:"~ ~> ~~ ~ 00 S City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Ocoee Little League Project Leader: Gary Hood Address for Project Leader: 2028 Hedgerow Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-808-2558 (Evening)407-877-7662 Email Address: uroutgt@aol.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: 570 Flewelling Ave. Ocoee Little League Fields. Major and Minor Fields, serves 25,000 Ocoee residents. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT, Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? HYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, v.P., Committees, etc.): A How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Ocoee Little League Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain):Non-profit How many people are members of your organization? 1200 Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? No If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 98% ~ \ ~ " AU Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years.Ocoee Little League has monthly board meetings. In the past two years we have installed shade cloth with polycap(safety cover)for the fences on the Rookie, Minor, Major, Junior and Senior fields, new score booths, put a sprinkler system in for the concession stand, installed lightning detectors and remodeled the building to store equipment. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Our non profit organization is funded through sponsorships, donations, concession stand sales, and fund raisers. What is the name of the proposed project? Shade for Spectators and Painting the Structures. What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.)2,500.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: We are wanting to put shade canopies over the bleachers for the spectators for as many fields as we possibly can and our structures are in need of new paint. List the project goals: (1) Provide shade for spectators and players. (2) Provide foul ball protection for spectators and players as well. (3) Field enhancement. f,. List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: .......................,............,......... ~{(:~:~;~:~:~:~:~:~:~:i:~r:}~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:;:~;;:::~:~:~::;~:::~:~:}}:::::::: l:iilllllllillllili:lllililllll,!!III~IIII:I:lil!:I:ilIlilllllll,lllll:i!IIII:!llllillllllilllill:llllllilii1 ...,..,................................... :.:.;.:.:-:.;.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.:.:-:.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.; .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-:.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;-:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;. .......................................... ....,..................................... .....................................,..........."... .............................................. ................""",................... .................................................................................... :.:.;.;.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .............................................. .......................................... ..................,........................... .......,........................................ ...........,.,................................ :====.tiillo.====:: /_tti///:tt=::/=:::=::/:://::: ."......................................".., '.........'........................,.......,..........'.'....................................... :iiIIIIIII:ii:iiii,:,:::::::'::':::i::i: ................................................ 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Project Leader Gary Hood 2028 Hedgerow Circle Ocoee, 407-877-7662 uroutgt@aol.com FL 3476 1 Historian Dan Oset 68 1 6 Woodgrain Court 407-296-0693 koset@cfl.rr.com (photographer) Ocoee, FL 3476 1 Monthly & Final Karen Parker 969 Satin Leaf Circle Ocoee, 407-877-65 1 9 parkerkaren@att.or Reports FL 3476 1 g Coordinator Partner/ LeWynn LeBaire 302 Springlake Circle Ocoee, 407 -656-092 1 no email Volunteer FL 3476 1 Coordinator Duane Taylor 7 1 9 Lakeview Drive Ocoee, 407 -905-9 1 50 umpiredt@wmconn FL 3476 1 ect. com Steve Wood 253 1 Dovetail Drive Ocoee, 407-292-3903 paw56@earthlink.n FL 3476 1 et Vickie Britton I 689 Rachel Ridge Loop 407-298-0636 bamapup@aol. com Ocoee, FL 3476 1 Tony Daughtry 9000 Montevello Ct Orlando, 407-822-4205 tdaughtry@cfl.rr. co FL 328 1 8 m 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Contribute the labor of enhancing the painting, pressure washing, concession stand, dug outs, bleachers, and press box. Restencil the League Name and then put the shade cloth up. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. 570 Flewelling Ave, Ocoee, FL 34761. This will serve the Ocoee Little League Major and Minor Fields at Central Park. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawin2:. (please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written pennission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) Q MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 ProDosed MVP Awards Proiect Bud2et Neighborhood/Organization: Ocoee Little League Project Name: Shade for Spectators and Painting the Strutures PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): $2500.00 $4500.00 $ $ $ TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: Volunteer Labor Hours x $lO/hr $ $ $ $ $ lh e 00 ~ ~ ~ <, ~~ -- ~ ~ ~~~ ~OI)e -- =..... oo:a~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ oo~= ~"'C~ ~Q- z,g~ ~ 8 az ~ ..c .0 <.c"" ~ .~~ ~~~ ~z= _flJ= ~ '" M <~~ ~Q= ~(j= <OM ~'O ~ ~ 00.;::: OU ~~ ~ tI:l ~ ...... B 2 ..... r/.l ~ ..... ~ Ol) ::s .S ~ "S ~ 'Cd ....:l p., ~ "'0 - .E ~ ....:l tI:l ~ ...... ~ 0 0 ~ (,) ..... 0 (,) ~ d 0... r/.l 0 ...... .~ ~ N ~ .~ "'0 ~ e.o r/.l 0 ~ ::0 ~ 0 0 Z oS 0 ..... ;g (,) ~ Ol) '0' .- ~ ...... Z ~ ...............,... ',..."""1'.'."',.....,',.,..., ...... ......... ..... ........ ........ ........ :::::::::::m/::::::::::::I': ...... ........ (((w'::::, (((( ...... ........ I """1",,,," ................ ...... ......... ;1:ljlj:!lllililijijl::!III!! 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UUle l.eague . el10 Flew.nlno Ave l i Ocoee, 'Fl 34761 j Attrl: Lewynn LaSlilinil i Phone: 407-886-0'21 i Fax: 401..578.9974 ! l j i\f~"""""'~~IlI~&J717"i~ _____ ~.~~ trV- Contract Connection Inc. ItJ 50410uth 2nd Street Jacksonville Beach, Florida 322.60 Voice: 904a249-6353 Fax: 904~24e..a177 ltJIBIlr Ill"" ~. - "III I MIiIIIIJJIII o PO Box 848254 Pembroke Pines, Florida 33084..0254 Voles: 954-925~2eOO Fax: 954-925~OSOO ~ W1~ -----r'T T JOB NAME: OeoN little League PLEJI"SE ADVISE DELIVERY ADDRESS OOoel, Fl 3ot761 .o.ttn: l.awynn laSalre Phone: 407-658-0921 J Vit!1ck!~ ~llo~ SO-CustomS ~ ~.lIcri~!~~~ CIJs10m 9' X 18' X is' Shade Structul'f) w! (1) 11' & (1) 17 1 f'1} Galvanized Post ,~ - --L .rtlls Quote i.for MA T!RIAL COST ONLY Quantity Unit Price Discount 1 $2,075,00 5.00% Amount - $1,971,25 ~~ l ~lalln.ti'IJctlC)n;;.~rlotvprot;.~d 1brso~-;y;. FOB 'Faoto';y.Shlpptllg e..e IWtl"'ktl. Price Il'll\'lll.lde.; 5% ell.count pet City of JaekllloIJnllkt Btd f SC0549. 03, Standard Shade C'(lI\nGmlol'l Fabrlc cclora, elillVlillllzlild POlto & Freight. lPrloe f:.r..:;;!lIde.: Qff.lo.ding, Il1ltlll:lltIOfl, Ootlome Footlngfll, Plilfmlt., lengineerrt.d DtlWttnglJ1 Auembly, Sub 9ufflice, Storage' !lwQrk. I I I I , i I l ~ Material Sl.lbt-otal: $20,348.05 Tax: SO.OO InstaUatinn Chrge: $0.00 Freight: $1,085.00 Other: $0.00 I[:~:= Total=$21 ,4~3.05 ~:~] I I fleas. R.miLAU P.l.Yments to I flmbrokl Plo,. .Q1Jlg,! ...,~ L~~ DepoBlt'Regulr~d,=$1-;718.5! ] ....,__ ...~.lIlItJCOllll ~.._..........- Offh~a: 'Ii'$)( TlX fEnmpt: Yes PWiment T€mns: 50% Dtp-Ol':1Wt, eal.nee Up",n Dtllvery i On-f!';f'i;tday";, ea~h-m~lnvOlotl; oV'e7;i" dlya old ,;; subject to . ,.rvlce charge of 1 1/2% per ~~~~l~(;cePt~ Quotation I~C~8 ala? ...~.:!<n~lIdge, acceptance of this interest. Approval and lftf;captlnu of this propoG.i may be executlld by signing -~~- ^I... "",,""\I} below Ind ruing back to the office checked abl'.\lve. _L.4I~ ' Wf,l.(o.i H utng officer) (,,:ornpaD1V:__,___.._..____,........ -.____..,. '"'~.._".. Cate: __ AuthQrrl:id PlUrchuQr: ____ _" . ~ ._~ __ TltiG:. ~I.' .....- Page 2 of 2 Oftreu in: J,eborllliflt 881(:11" Ft. 1..8udiril~f/I, r,mps, OrlmrJo, PtnSlcoGc/I, Nip"!, A1Yantlll, Mtlboffl9 fnd WfSt Palm S.ch _ _ .. _ ,_.' ........ _.... '._' ....... ..... ., "_.",-' r--" I '.r '_' . -. I ,.... ,,-, ,-. I ".-. "._, ''lll , r._ ,-. I 4.. '-'!-' J''I:;J~k-'1'" 7o;J1.L I I Contract Connection Inc. ri1 504 South 2nd Street Jllcksonvme Beach, Florida 32250 Voice: 904..249006353 Fax: 904-249-8117 Quote No ~ 10C0144~ VGrs~on NO' , 1 Quote Date O'U23/2004 TodftY's Date 01/23/2004 Sall*p8.mon Mary Langley Entered By Misty Ship Via Best Way Fat.iory Shade Com"l$c'tlon 17l""~III- ----...... 'TIPJIQIV'" ..u.......... QUOTE'ro: Iro;~; L.I"le ~lgU~"'- 510 Flewelling Ave I OCGa8, FL 34781 ! Attn: Lewynn LaSalre I Phone: 407-656-09211 I Fax: 401<<57B~9914 i ~_\~_ ~_"_~lR__~toMh.-.n~ft--....allIIIIII1N ........", T DlIII:!IUIDIMIWIIIIIIll o PO Box 848254 Pembroke Pines, Florida 33064-0254 Voice: 954~925-2800 Fax: Sl54~925..0eOO -- . .... -- Joe NAME: Oeotle Llttlo League PLEASe ADVise DELIVERY ADDReSS Cce., FL 34781 Attn: Lewynn LaB.lre Phone: 407w656-0921 Quantity Unit Price Discount .-- 1 $3,238.00 5.00% ",nclor Catltog ,_ .....-.01><11 SC".cl.l$tom Ossr.riptlon .......___~..-r- Custom 13' X :30' X 15' Shade Stl'uotLIre wI (2) 15'8" (is!VGlfllzed PO$le Custom 13' X 30' X 15' Shade Stn.lcture 'III (1) 15'e" Galvanized Post custom 13' X 30' X 15' She/de structure wI (2) H' Gal\'snlzed Post Custom g' x 1 a' x is' Shade Structure wI (2.) 17' G~lvB!nlll!!d Poats Custom 9" X 1 S' X 1 St Shade Structui"f!t wI (2) 17 112' GalvC'lltiled 1="081$ 2 $2,10e.OO 5.00% $2,12e.00 5.00% SC-Custom'l $3,222.00 5.00% SC-(lustom2 ,2 $3,211.00 5.00% SC-CU$tom3 Sl:~wCI.l:lrtom4 Amount 53,016.10 $3,oeO.90 $6,214.90 $4,005,20 $2,019,70 $20,348,06 $0.00 $0.00 $1,085.00 $0,00 I Spechd 1h8trUtltl0;;7Prlce p~ ibr 3.0 dilllfa, FOB Ftactory. Shipping e.s Material Subtotal: week.. PrlcelneludllllJ; 5% dliSocunt per City (If Jackoovnllle Bid '1# 100548- Tax: (J3, 8U1i'ld,lrd Shade Cf.lMlection Fmbl'ki cobra, C!JalvtII\'\la:ed Po.tI ,& Freight. In.tall.tlon Chrg.: !ll'rlge excllJdH: Ofl.loi!KlII'IOI In$t.a8llrtlon, COl1ct'lite Footlflg$, Permit.., Ilengit1fa~~ Omwint;lll, AIIl&8lTlbly, Sub S\lI'1ItC\\I, $'!:ofllge & sttrtwork. Freight: Other: I [ :)otal=$21 ,4~Q5 I I flease Remit All p.yml!ln~. to L_ .._..___.____ -~ [: etJ'llbro:- Plnea C:~; J Office: Ju Ta;1( Exempt: Y'$ De,po8it Requlr.dlill$1.Q.J~6,62 Payment rem-lis: ~@% O'jliiC!ll~l Bllarll;:1!i Upon Delivery J.On 'the flr.t dll~~h~ Invoices over 31 daYIiI old are subject to 11 &fJrvlce charge of 11/2% per l......!!!,~~,h, Signln!J.~~tin the Quotation .bove alao I!Icknowled aD acceptance of this Interest. Apl,m:wi\lI and (!cr;l/)ptGrlce of thlw prope'l; may be .",eeutlMi by signing below and ffl;l'l;lng back t.o th~ c1rlc,eJ) ctlec!<t1d abO\fe, \ . I . D . (I ulng Officer) Companl(.__.._,__.__ ......... -.~ ~~-~ lit.: --- p 1 f2 Au~horlzed lI'Ml'chg!f.Clt:.........._------ Tit!t:_ ~_~ age 0 om~'J$ In: JOOMOflVif{1IJ SNch, R. ~IM, Tamps, OrlMdo, Pens.co/iiI, N.pJos,. Atl/lnti, M,lhorn. Jnu West Pffm Beach -. Shade system mealurements are typical for each spectator stand at eaeh field. ( ~ r CT = r--- L 16'-0 ~~-.,-:: -"~-f':' '..... ~~.... ~....~....... ~ ="+~'" ,_,-1----'-' ----+,- --- --- -- "-" 'L__ .......,.... \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ Bleachers Shade system over bleachers Major Field 2,249 Sq.Ft. Minor Field 2,249 Sq. Ft, Ocoee Little League Proposed Shade System o Each shade section measuring 16 x 70 cost $3,.600.00 Ea. It will take four sections to complete the Major and Minor field. The cost would be $14,400.00, This cost does not incl"de monies for columns, exterior frame for material, engineering if needed, materials for mounting and securing columns to the ground and for connection of the shade cover to the top exterior frame. The shade material is made from Texalene which will protect spectators not only from the su" but also from fouled baseballs or other falling objects. Su"dance Mfg out of Orlando would be fabricating the covers. Contact name is Stu.arl407-46B-3316 Fax 407-296-4330. ('" U Baseball Field Major I Minor b> o , , '01 I 1 / I '~ / /// / j / ii' I r-7'--/-./ , .. I / ,.' I 1 / ,I " ! / I .I' . / I / / j' . / Cjl /1 ' / ._ j I ~~ f '/ / j i /-7 j I I 'I / ;' I : ,I ;' ! " Columns I Poles T~'p. / (Y\CLJ or fIeld- Illlno( r;clcL f-; .;~.-p:...c;........,~ '.-" "'--".- _. ~. r fi;:::t~~, r f:':~ '1- I'll I I _ I { 'I ~ .....~I.. . "i ' . ' !; (\,CiJ 0 I/' F~e lc~ . 1.- )l~j' OU~'T . ''''''+.''''~.''~ ~..;.:' City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: REMINGTON OAKS HOA Project Leader: JERALD JORDAN Address for Project Leader: 2079 HARGA TE CT OCOEE. FL 34761 Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-262-7616 (Ext 1024) (Evening 407-656-3630 Email Address: chynna9535@msn.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: The area of installation is on each comer at the intersection ofHargate Ct. and Hacknev Prairie. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT, Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 06/24/1999 How many members are in the association? 140 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? Yes What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, v.P., Committees, etc.): President. Vice President. Sec/Treasurer. Director How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? Elections are held annually. at an announced time and place. voted on by members of the Neighborhood. HNo: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? _ How many homes are in your neighborhood? _ What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? _ If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. Our neighborhood association was turned over to it's residents bv the developer late in 2002. We have had one homeowners meeting and 4 board meetings in 2003 and our annual homeowners in Ian 2004. Proiects include the installation of fencing surrounding our community pool and the Installation of security cameras to deter vandalism in the pool area. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Our association is funded through mandatory dues contributed by 100% of the homeowners. What is the name of the proposed project? Remington Oaks Lighting Illumination Proiect What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) Briefly describe the proposed project: We will be installing fixed halogen lights that will illuminate Each comer of the two entrances into the Remington Oaks subdivision. Our entrances are at Hargate Court at Hacknev Prairie and at Remington Oaks Ct and Hacknev Prairie. List the project goals: (1) Create an inviting atmosphere through the installation of lighting at our entrances (2) Show pride and ownership of our neighborhood (3) Promote harmony and a sense of belonging in working on a common boal List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Project Leader Jerald Jordan 2079 Hargate Ct 407-656-3630 Chynna9535@msn. com Historian Scott Rondelli 2088 Ancient Oak Dr 407-654-5193 (photographer) Monthly & Patricia Tice 1995 Applegate Dr 407-877-3524 Final Reports Coordinator Partner/ John Roberts 2099 Applegate Dr 407-654-5591 Volunteer Coordinator Volunteer Rolando Vargas 2118 Hargate Ct 407-656-0340 Volunteer Monica 2068 Hargate Ct Simmonds Volunteer Edgar Aguirre 2130 Hargate Ct 407-905-6068 Volunteer Jeff Scott 1970 Ancient Oak 407-760-9035 Volunteer Volunteer -! How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Members will plan. coordinate estimates for material and labor. ensure necessary permits are acquired. And install all hardware (where permissible by city code) What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. The lighting will be installed at the entrance to Remington Oaks subdivision on property owned bv Remington Oaks. Lights will be installed on each comer at the intersection ofHargate Ct and Hackney Prairie and Remington Oaks Ct and Hackney Prairie. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawin2:. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) (; MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 ProDosed MVP Awards Proiect Bud2et Neighborhood/Organization: Remington Oaks Project Name: Remington Oaks Lighting Illumination Proiect PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): Volunteer Labor: $2000.00 $2000.00 TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: $790.00 $ $4790.00 (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) Materials: (4) 250 watt floodlights (1) electrical. service (4) Photocells 300 ft pvc piping and fittings trencher rental labor Obtain necessary permits TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $280.00 $800.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $2.505 $115.00 $4000.00 ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: $ $ $ $ $790.00 Volunteer Labor 79 Hours x $10/hr e rI), ~ ~ ~ < - ~~ <~ -~Q,l ~~~ ~ gf.! ~:a~ ~,::"O ~ ~ = =~~ ~"O~ riiilQ- Zo~ .c...... ~ _ CJ ~ Q Q,l "Q. .c Q 1:)1)- ~,... ~ riiilQ,l"'lt' ~z= -~= _ '" N <Q,l~ ~~= ~CJ= <ON ;;>'0 ~.t> rI), , ... OU ~J ~ .... (..) d) o l-< p.. !:: o ':g !:: .~ - - - !:: .,p ...s:: ;.:3 ell ~ o !:: o !:: 's d) ~ dj ~ Z .... (..) d) '0' l-< p.. <:: o ::z:: ell ~ o !:: o !:: .S d) ~ Cl ell W ..... - Cl Q) 0 Q) 0 0..1 ] .... ~ 0..1 0' d) Z 0 - !:: > 0.. 0 (/J 00" 0 8 ffi Q) d) ... 0.. ~A 0 ell ~ g. l-< l-< l-< en" 0 !:: d) d) d) - c.S . Sl ::J 5 d) d) d) ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... 0 l-< Ad (/J .~ d) d) .... - - - 1d (..) ...... ~ 0 0 0 ..::! E: N :> :> :> ~ ~...... ell ~ 0..1 ell !:: ~ 0 ~ a a 00 8 t:Q ell ell ~ ..... 1:: 1:: 8 eI) d) d) "E "E ...... 66 .D .D 0 0 ] (/J 0 0 ....... ....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (..) (/Jp.. ...... O:::eI) .E .E - - !:: ~ ~ - 0 g:~ l-< l-< ~ 0 0 d) d) ~ ....... ....... ....... ....... '<:t t.r..:l 0 0 1- ~ d) <:: A ~ 9 - Cl ...... ....... 6 '<:t ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~ '<:t ..... '<:t ~ 0 d) 0 b 0 A ~ ~ 0 ::s 0 ~ d) ~ ~ ..... d) ~ ~ ~ "8 0 ~ r---A ...s:: "E ~ ..... (..) .... 0 ~ 0 a ~ ell :E (..) ~ d) ;::l u ....... ~ 1- eI) ....... "<t "<t 0 0 0 d) 0 C"l 9 N ~ ~ ~ -5" ....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 1- ~ to-. ~ ~ ~ 0 <e: '<:t 0 0 d) to-. ~ ~ ~ Cl 0 0 ~ 0 Q) d) d) ~ ~ 1- ~ Q) ~ ~ ~ ... ~ A ~ "'0 !:: <e: ..... I:: ti 0 a t;; 0 ti (..) E- o l-< t.<l Q) ...... ~ d) eI) ....... ...:l 00 ~ ~ eI) ell ..... 00 ...... 0 "a ~ 1) 'C ell 00 ~ ell ~ 0 Q) Q) ~ ~ ... d ~ 0 0 ~ l-< g. 0 "'0 ~ ~ d) "a ij q:: "a 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 .C ... '--' 'C 1) .~ ~ t) Q) d) d) Q) ell "'as Q) ..... ...... ~ "'as Q) c.. .g C p..~ .~ 00 .5 (/J 0 ,.g d) !:: d) t.<l g. <e: ~ 0 ~ ~ !:: ..c: (..) - 0 1- u eI) eI) p..~ ..... ..... id o ...... 1d N .~ 00 l-< o ;0 o .e o :@ 00 ...... d) z 01/23/2004 17:45 4073391503 CFE SVCS PAGE 01 CFE SERVICES 318 Oleander Way Casselberry, FL 32707 phone: (407)83()-lO10 Fax: (407)339.1(,(X~ PROPOSAL Specifications and Estimate Pa~e 1 of 1 w anua 22, 2004 I i Furnish labor and material to complete electrical 1 follows: I I I 1) Install (4) four 250 watt Metal Halide ~OdS, one at each corner. I 2) Build (1) one orphan service as necessapr. I 3) Install photocells on each neW fixture'l I I i I EXCLUSIONS: i No overtime. i Does not include permit fee. I Does not include additional services, as per our *"structions, (3) of the (4) comers already have existing services on the backs of the walls t1 be lit : PROJ>C:::6E l<l furnish maletl.a.l ~d labor, cOIDpleW! ,,, a<<ord.a~(,..e with "bov lllpe<:ifIl;Btionll, for the ~ Qf; 00... ...... ..... ...... .... .......... ....$3,885.00 I s DetaUed Above PROPOSAL. 000 FOR 30 DAYS roa~1W is guara.ntMd to bI? lQIspt'iC'ified. All work to be OOU'Ipleted in II W ntiaJ worlalUll'\Hb~, lu.'OOrdlng to pecifk.atiolls 8ubtNt~d,. pe~ standard pt.~Q'!8. Any altl:ration or devletlon f above ll~lOl.tl(IDll involving elCtJ.'iI costs ill be t:Xecuted only \ipo;l\ wJ:(tttro, oJ,'deI'!l and will becoole ~ additiorual d'1.8 Qver and abov~ UU$ ~tlmate. All. a~ts, ontlngent u,pon stJ.ikes, ilccimnt8 or delays bE:yond our control. Owner to l.:lI.ny itt1:, t()U'ado and other ~y iM\lt$tv:e. t wor~t'8 are fully covered by Wodcer's C'.AJIDpemllUon In/iIu.rance.Our wo..~ Are fully <:ov~d by Worker's Cotn~tion 1nst,1J'a,n~. I CCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: ! Date Jim Padgell Service Mana 'r Walt Weir Eleetrieal 311 Lakewood Dr Orlando FL 31803 MobUe Phone 407-947-8419 Home Phone 407-894-8166 January 22, 2004 To: Jeff Scott Project: Remington Oaks POA Quote for Lighting of 4 corner entrance Price: $4,000.00 Quote includes: 300 foot trench 2' deep from pool area to SW Corner lighting at Hackney Prairie Trench Work for hook up at NW, NE and SE corners at Hackney Prairie Road. Hook up to existing electrical located behind NW, NE and SE brick entrance walls. I hookup to breaker box at common pool area. For SW Corner lighting. 8 each 175 watt water-resistant floodlight fixtures. 4 each OFI protected Electrical Outlets. (l at each corner location). Up to $250 permit fees. Quote assumes that homeowners have appropriate right-of-way for trench locations. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at the above numbers. SjJ~ Walt r./J o a ~ ~ 00 ~ n o S (1) ~ r , I ~~ 2:: .~ ~ ~ 'ijo~ ~ :x 0 ~ ~. 0 ~3o.. ~. ~ ~ 3 (t ciQ. aG:4'~ (1)~~ G:4' ........ ~ ~ N ~ ........ .., ~ . .., ~ N ~ ~ ~" r::;) ~. 0 (1) ~ 3 0 ~ (1) (1) ~ ~ ~. ~ f""'+ (JQ (1) (1) ~ ~. ~ f""'+ ~ ~ · 00 ~ ~. 0..0 (1) ~ (1) (1) o..~ ~ & o~ Hj~ e;too (1)~ 00 0 ~ · f""'+ ~ <. ~ (1) ~ ~ ~~ ~~ .., ~ ~ .., ~ 0.. ~ ~. ~ ~ City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Richfield Homeowners Association, Inc. Project Leader: Leonarda Richardson Address for Project Leader: 2703 Springfield Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407291-9179 (Evening)Same Email Address: Richfield HOA@Yahoo.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: The east entrance of Richfield bordering Springfield Dr. and Coventry Ln. West entrance of Richfield bordering Johio Shores Rd. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? yes HYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? 1111/99 How many members are in the association? 71 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? No, we have a few rentals, but owners pay dues What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (president, V.P., Committees, etc. ):President, Vice President, Committes and management company. -~ " How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?vote,annually If No: Do you have an active neighborhood group? yes When was it organized? 1997 How many members are in the group? 71 How many homes are in your neighborhood? 71 What is your group's organizational structure? (president, Vice-President, Committees, etc.)yes How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held?Vote annually in January. For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? Ifnot, how many (either by number or percentage) are? .:;: AU Appliamts Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years.Annual membership meeting January, quarterly board meetings 4 per/yr. Annual Picnic and upgraded landscaping in the West entrance, for Spring and Christmas Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Mandatory dues, .97% ( 3 are in arrearage) What is the name of the proposed project? Upgrading East and West Entrance. What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.)$2500.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: ReplaceDamaged fence on the East border of Richfield and Coventry Subdivisions replace the damaged sinage at the East entrance to Richfield and upgrade landscaping at the West entrance. List the project goals: (1) Improve esthetics of Richfield (2) Promote neighborhood unity (3) Improve Neighborhood Identity t:.. List a minimum of seven homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Project Leader Leonarda 2703 Springfield Dr 407-291-9179 Richfield Richardson hoa@yahoo.com Ocoee,FL 34761 Historian Linda Riley 2740 Springfield Dr. 407-290-8896 (photographer) Monthly & Final Odessa Bowser 2700 Springfield Dr. 407-521-2985 RFHOA@ao1.com Reports Coordinator Partner! Keith Richardson 2703 Springfield Dr. 407-2919179 ~ /", I hn Volunteer Coordinator OlJV Tami Denhart 2119 Richfield Cove Dr. 407-523-3510 Robert/Cindy 2712 Springfield Dr. 407-6169082 Burns GalolMarianne 2722 Springfield Dr. 407522-1074 Olivo Marie & Ashley 2729 Springfield Dr. 407-298-7502 Outar Lexius Dogelus 2733 Springfield Dr. 407-299-5053 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Obtaining estimates, draft designs for sinage and landscaping, complete progess reports What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. If the proposed project is a physical improvement Qandscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawiof!. (please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Yes -Previous permission was obtained for the sinage in the 2000 MVP Grant.The Sign. was destroyed by an unknown force.!t will be restored in the same previously, approved location. Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area) o MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) A W ARBS The City orocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 Pronosed MVP Awards Proiect Bud2et Neighborhood/Organization: Richfield Project Name: East and West Entrance Upgrade PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contnoutions): $2500.00 $1000.00 TQTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: $ $ $3500.00 (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) W06J~ ~-e.,V1L~ .S'\~n <sh~6>1u. Sod} Plu.i\-tt\ J' $1150.00 $1350.00 $1000.00 $ $ $ $ $3500.00 TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: N cD d ~ \:) 0 U~I !It.S -lG.-\.0~ r A f~ Volunteer Labor 17 Hours x $101hr $200.00 $ $ $ $770.00 10 e rIJ. = ~~ <,t ~i _= <I,) ~~:i ~ ~e -- =.- rIJ.:EE-I ~(j"O I-I~= == "" = rIJ.~= ~"O= ~c- z~~ E-I '" (j ...- c <I,) ..... .Cl . ~.:c ....... ~ '" ~.- ~ ~<I,)-.:t , Z Q I-IfI.IQ ~ --<I,) ~ ~~a .;l o(j Q CI,) ~ N ~ ....... "-- ~ > Q 50 E-I .eo ~ rIJ..- ...... OU CI,) ~ J ~ E-I d ~ 1n CI,) ~ ] ..... m tI:S ~ ~ Z tl CI,) 'S' "'" ~ ~ c:: o '~ ,- U o m < Cl I ~ ~ 8 Cl m .- ~ ] ~ ,g ~ CI,) m ~ m ~ ] ~ - Q.. 0 "'" "is m Q.. cE c:: m.t:: "'" rn m~ m ~ CI,) ~ ~ m ~ d r/J ~ "'" 0{) ~ rn CI,)'- u~ tI:S ~ ] Q..rn 0 - - - ~ tI:S~ ~ S ~ Q.. - Q.. Q.. Q.. 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WCF 0642 PROJECT ESTIMATE WOOD FENCE PAGE: 1 CONTACT: RICHARDSON, LEONARDA CUST #: 23356053 SALESMAN: JOHN MORMAN SALESMAN #: 82300 PROJECT NUMBER: 25807 DATE ESTIMATED: 01/21/04 QTY 1 ITEM # 155787 ITEM DESCRIPTION FENCE AND INSTALL 6'WOOD PRIVACY EST 120' ROUGH ESTIMATE ONLY VAL D WITH ONSITE DETAIL ES~ VEND PART # FENCE TOTAL FOR ITEMS FREIGHT CHARGES DELIVERY CHARGES TAX AMOUNT TOTAL ESTIMATE 1,602.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $1,602.00 THIS ESTIMATE IS VALID UNTIL 01/28/04 MANAGER SIGNATURE DATE THIS ESTIMATE IS NOT VALID WITHOUT MANAGER"S SIGNATURE. THIS IS AN ESTIMATE ONLY. DELIVERY OF ALL MATERIALS CONTAINED IN THIS ESTIMATE ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY FROM THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER. QUANTITY, EXTENSION, OR ADDITION ERRORS SUBJECT TO CORRECTION. CREDIT TERMS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY LOWES CREDIT DEPARTMENT. LOWES IS A SUPPLIER OF MATERIALS ONLY. LOWES DOES NOT ENGAGE IN THE PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, OR GENERAL CONTRACTING. LOWES DOES NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DESIGN, ENGINEERING, OR CONSTRUCTION; FOR THE SELECTION OR CHOICE OF MATERIALS FOR A GENERAL OR SPECIFIC USE; FOR QUANTITIES OR SIZING OF MATERIALS; FOR THE USE OR INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS; OR FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANY BUILDING CODE OR STANDARD OF WORKMANSHIP. C'Cov~k '&-jT \ ~ Pr Te:- )L~~~ ( STATEMENT Date 81798 19~ I I I "'" ++----H ! -+- -l .--L.. i TO !N _ACCOLJl'iT W!TH ~i / ( " '/ ; t'" /' , . , " , ..--..- __..u , ;:. ; ~._._."~- f-- - e-- f. - -----.-.." I I I 11 1 TE.J-=?M~J , ; .' , , I (. ! , . I U.. I I II - --- ---, ---.---- - ---_.,-.- " I I - f--- .. ! / ~- .stock. Form 25812 :5 /--1 E & T - / Q F 3 E,{Al i1{ & E 114 e.nr Co Ce 2730 Sprini.fiCW Dr. Ococe! fL 34761 ': _~~/' ~ G/< /1S 5 \ DO' , cJ6\ ~_n~_// " ,:) ,,? I(>. i I I ! ~ \D ft) ~ : \~ ~ ~ \'> , /------> '::JHcC-j- c. ur.:5 ~ ~ N C\J ~/ ~ ~ \Cl ~ \Q IV) /' /' \ ~ :J.. 8L oC-K. S C;ONC/2 6/"6 ~ 570NE. 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"', '.,/ ,/r""'- ALFREDO COLON 36 s. PARK AVENUE WINTER GARDEN, FL. 34787 ESTIMATE 384 RED CORED BRICK $0.49 EACH 42 RED SOLID BRICK 0,55 EACH 7 60 LB, SAKRETE MORTAR MIX-TYPE S 3,28 EACH TAX TOTAL LABOR BALANCE DUE $188.16 23.10 22,96 $234.22 15.23 $249.45 800,00 $1042.45 "U Cll co CD SOLD TO m en ..... o n ;Ii; ::::::;:;:::: s: ~,! " ..... o CCI m :!:! n ;Ii; m Cl = :'Ii' "'9 .........~..... n~ .........~........ ~/ /~ n~< >CO "1"1> :1::=' <......> '1"""';;' /~/ iil~i <in i:111 m/ <~/ .........~........ :xr 'S< en n :c m 0 Cl W = ,... m Cl '"\:II I\) (1'1 _ (1'1 W n.... 0 ;Ii; I I = (1'1 to '"\:II Ol to Cl to to > ..... !"!'I = - i>' C") z Q, 0 '" " r- 3 ~ C CD ~2 en o c -I I "U l> ::D ^ l> < m '!l ('") Q) ;:.: Iii' < o ..... -n ~ r Z -I m ::D G) l> ::D o m Z 1k ~ t4 ~~ \? 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Z ..l- (') I" m en m ~ - (') m )>D::!1 () C ..., () 0 (fI c.... 0 {groo c 1\1 0 l: c:!:-o - 0 ;:O(fl::J III - <D (fI ..- III OJ III Cidi511 Z () C. C ? ..- c: 0 rri 't, i . . \ \ ! No~h e Y1-/Ya nc...e- .c.' ou..fh B~ nd~ ~ t1re-ttb +0 he rer.5OddJ f;J,'+h. f)~w plan)" si tvb~~Y) e e Soulh wa..L I .~ r1o,-tt- ~t forkOIl so+- ~ci LOll1( -fc ~~, '( e.pltU:f.J e e e Ve-S iriJ 5 t j'1 - l;aS J- --ellfr-a/t){!;~ . . gf\"'l\j~~ld Dr. cu'\d {!"ve4h-1 bord~Y.b' ---n.i 5 sy~ /AJA5 f~v:o."si {t!.f'troOe.d fit the c, 1 O+- OCOee- "11 O? ODD e. City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards, Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: ~:Jref/ Ii (). (- L0cYur G1'lcfc'7Jl; n/ f..i.rH 45511;-L <.:.. Project Leader: jkr It' e $rni fA Address for Project Leader: '/-06 --. ) 5" B. Or} (.1 I'll! 0 A V OCoff' J-.-L 31-1&J I Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 1u 1- (5 Lf. B+'77 (Evening) Email Address: Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City ofOcoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: 7hi5 trndomIYJ'lM'YI ;~ JOCccfeci uF) Or)ct;hd:O Aven~Le, ;,...., t-:he.. 40<.) bl 0 (.1 between the- properf:1 o+- TDlV\ \~t>s-\- (find ~o.ke..V,;m{A. VISt-a. i.t ho'-tS'\?:> 5 ~(Iies W.~,'Vl .~ bL'\.'vM(dcxn'es elr +h~ C;\-t-J o\- OC!e>ee I Fl-, FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS, FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? /e:;; UYes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) d I' Q'lt When was it forme? How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? Ye :;;, 57 What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (president, V.P., Committees, etc.): Yrl":f J' (~en t-., \/c e- P.re s, I Sen--c~G\f'J / ~r.i~S /A,rc'r J GrolA.nds, 'Pl.U \ cL l'"l~p' ) l::V\cl Soc~o\ Co yYl mitTec5 4 How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? ~~ Feb('vtIU'j 6'f eo.c~h yeo.r, .J..j1Xr~ )5 (IV) {tl'H'),,AGt.1 mf~t/\V1", J c\. 0 '\JYLer'c 0 1- +j~.j r o1+-ci.+i ve' I t<..'-yI. ~ vY\. I (l I I.{,l'v\ d LAb h c ~t<:;iG -+0 e \ (l ct fh of ~ '~e.;1 \r- ~ S~ C! c., oJ,. if?V ) e e~Je r '5 h J(J. . UNo: Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? _ How many homes are in your neighborhood? _ What is your group's organizational structure? (President, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain): How many people are members of your organization? Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City of Ocoee? _ If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 5 All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. o ()\>L 'I- Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? /J)/ )UH1l.L-: O,).t)'\ e 1~.5 to c,-S S-CCL.JC\.I\--l C\i) V (J 1 /). W+eo:y l1u:.i r f I Yl4 e ) d oC!::C{5 e ~ What is the name of the proposed project? What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners. The maximum grant award is $2,500.) I J\X.- mc"- i i V)Wd},\ V 1(;\-<'\ + c:cW O-ft1 0 P ~ d S-CJ 0 t..'J, tJ be. n -€ e de d. Briefly describe the proposed project: t!c'11sh!-iC.f 6'"111 /ck I" h ed d (',' , , '/'Ii f-' I ,) C. O",v--t-i'"-",, , 'J -} ro-('II.I V1": ./ ~ (4<:. ('-'-1 of- I liiV1d eLl? cl::.. I' 11c. , -1 11\1 ~ LJ It i' 11c1 uk dt-n,~" S ~ti J - c<vlltcl... o)d p ( j " ,I c) 5 ) +nc^,'v\" ~,,<.') I 1 ' C .^,,;l cte c k.j'h") . List the project goals: (1) cDuY\6!tSh l1-vtd ~LL.-t (....w~ crd dock (2)::{ecoh ~-:hrfJ (' ~ v\. {)e.("v cPr' (k (CC 0,[;/(1 f")j (3) ~ pr'hV\j~ h SjJcc/~caj/d"J5 J 6 List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team. Only one signature per household: POSITION NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL Proj ect Leader ; ~ j-' Ie e. c5m'~ 1fD(r }'f8 () rlccxti.c All 'fcl~ 6$'1/-- KJf77 Ot C-tL) F L 3 t'q-bJ Historian 1/lo.,;J.oA t7r'/ d-lJ () AI" 1./.0'7- ,f '17'- 0 '73/-, ht<> .s-tl>r".,Q. t).O\,eDi'l1 (Photographer) /JtlJ?Y lei t,fo (' In ()C()€f' J Fi .347bl Monthly & t9 / II 11.'1~;[ /e r 'for.! - /;j./3 Orla.rJo All i!c7-isC-3Y<1/ Final Reports PL 34161 Coordinator o C'-oee J partner/ 46 io -I ~t!> o rlo.-"J 0 Av \.1 fl( \~ t $vn i th O~ oe e I (-"L :?47~\ /.f61- (,5'11- -8 '+ 11 ~lk" ~ \\"~ Volunteer Coordinator ~~ JJCL~- 13roadawalj I.jD if - tie . Or! a-~6 IJr '1oJ' g 11 - Y 01\.1.\"1 1-e e ( ()ct.-"Iec) F L, '31- 11.: / 3[{fd J j", )J. J. [)J1/ r! '5 t;o'f - ~;6 Or!tU~t' ;Jv 1.1t7#871- ~\K i~'( " () etH!Jl,) F L. 3<17bj 3qq-cr S~ /4 ().rJlfC JJei::sJn i!f)"/-/36 o r1vJuJ.i1 1111 :';'0 '{- b st- . ' O<'~Q :FL 3., 7b.l J J 9ti J ~f WriF-... l/, '4-A &.11, EniiAt lfO;2 -r~C- Ori~ Ik ifl/] - t,-J'6 Oee-eft pI- 347&1 6tJ7.3 ern eN ((Ie @ vrthIv. v el- I 7 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. '~, re:;/rJp,i1..-k ;'j/-e..;L h~ V,;> )iUl.,)af' eel"" slewl )(,.'.bc;r {;.- (..,~ f",-u....W ~jejl1 ,b; e:Je ClC(......"-'-ni.p J r!:: 11 4 i.s pr'O j ec A- . What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. '-Jh c[cH'"Jk '15 l~c(J<&. "t.lS'J.. ))bi~ ()t J-Ik 5i)J 1'YJ1fV1{"f1e' '00 ( }DC<.:L;fe,:,{ tct liD 0 Od~ fir) OCtJ-ee j If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Jf(-HJ-{)r-.,lc.c...J;-~~-, 0 L l! ~ I.:: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: 1-0 0 Orla:.~ AI/) 0 (,..R' <,~ ) (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right- of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) 8 MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Budg:et Neighborhood/Organization: 'i} "'i ee. p Ii' I / Jj.ti...rbo cvr (]~ M/ n huM kt\ , Lc:, t Project Name: .f~)J()A J dt'4j PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): cf Ije /f d ot: k(}.~~ 'e, DC $25"00 - $ />-'71 5' o~ TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: $ $ $ j;A J:; e>..s. (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) 3eYJ1~/(~h ~ Carl t:UAttl'f oi~j d()ckaj~' G.-m.5 M'It+ If X S/:; db d. II ?-..... 3i;),o d"ct::. i 1 j').. X:2D PloJ-.f!" .~,-r. II (P'llo P/tXJfcrt>.lwl:M~fs,j- n.t/)'I\~ G'rt:A-.V\-t W l('i...J-.-~ -i- 'Se ~'rr1 p {Vfo 9. (!~h ~1 S-o , os~ J If 06 , "C: ~ i.) O(), t! 6 lO()O,VC ~ _ c1 (; --"OD. - TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: 3 5.) S. vi' ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses, ** In-Kind Contributions: :Jernol/boYl 0/ Co.-r-h~1 ttWlt4j c-UJ dDC.0tA~-e- G rc\.Y) + {;.J n' 4-,' r1 j Sec..Lvv\Vlj 0-9= ')7\0 '~oSQ.,ls 1t.;D "3- I S-l> o-5J.- Volunteer Labor ....-: 1 0 ~ Hours x $10/hr 15 8 00. ~ ~ "" bll Q "" ~ ~ rI.l ;..I '...I -< = H ..-~~ ~ "" = ~= ~ bll S - <;::, -- = '... :.J\ oo.:a~ '" ~~"C ""' ~ ~ = =~~ ~ ~"C~ ~Q- ZQ~ c:: '=;..1 ~ "" CJ - ~ Q ~ E .Q' <:) .= Q '] bll"" ~ .... ~ ~~-.:t d ~zQ I1.l ~rI.lQ L r- M ~ - ~ :::5 ~~~ -l.!. <:) QQ ;) ~ ~CJQ a OM I... -c5 .;; >~ ~ :J?.. ~ C U 00. ,... .J OU -+. -...... ~ ~ 17) ~ .= Q) ~ Vb ~ --- -- '-' i:l - 0 -< ...... '..... 1d -Q N ~ .~ - -"">0 bJ) I-< 0 I!) ;0 g 0 0 f;J Z 0 ...... i u I!) '0' ...... I!) I-< Z ~ 1.\ ~~ - j !i' Q ~J ~ ..q ~ R ,. ~ ~ Q ..g " - ~ t~ <:;- ~ .;:- ~ ~ ~ ;:, .;;::. 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ADDRESS ._~' e e.,. / .t.If6 .~_._ LIf.d'.1'1~'A/{j.j M..[ CITY:-:STATE---'~-- ,._.__M__..'.._.._ _____.____m_____ We iicretlY propose \0 furrli fh~aterla:~, C\flt!.lonn thelarJOr. necessary forte comPlet:ti, ot , 7!;&"i!-~,~e4'?ifff ..; '~~-1~d'~w~c,l3Yi~~J:E-=<~];g-~;;:&illi--~, l~if~7;~~ --f2?~~g:~ W~,7,.~5"4'ci7~o,,. .,-=--~==-~b~--1 .i!o--fl~;7-'-.---- lo-32J~'rn~' <~1 r:;: .5~~CL_.q.s:_ ,~<:L\Je_ ..'_..'_m_..__..~~. 7':.6'O.--:.;'~?>. 1'. ..,-~:;;i; 'vcj_&~K ?) fla'-.'--- t!I, -tA.LEtJe;f-~:~q.s- ~~ e -, - . ---.- .. - .m_. ~l1---- Q . .C6'J!~. .L~~'.m.__~..~....~_~~~~~.~..-___~__=~,~jL~~_=m~_--." --------~~~-~~~-..__, -~,.==-.-~=1 -=[)e7i--d/~j;. .<ic.C1r~t-(5sr-=(I)t~ftc-;tdy=_ __-.-....-:7Sf; ..cs.~..-..-I .. . ---~~-~ ..._=-=~-----------=-----~.q6~:O.:es:J ~ A ,; on, ;ten" I " g" a' an' ood to be ;$ $ peed ied . a n" th~-;~ove~O!k to .be-p~ "o~m ed'n~cco~d "nc~~'~;~~'a~n~s=a~~ I :;;;;!!(}l~bmltted .~~ ,:bt2:~~zorn~I~;:,"1 .~. ~~~s~' ~ W()~nlike n.~'~;~:sF(~~~~llo Q ..u..m.) 1f";;;,:;;e; 't";} Uf -* Sir; f,cad- /,r<ye5.J h :- C 6.. V!{P~ I ::;: t:;':':~ O',"":~' ,.:':::;:.~,t"""A-""~~''':':;;':'''' 1 om I "-"""""; L I ! WORK TO BE PERFORMED AT: G1 -- ~ --(15 DATE OF PLANS Ai "'HITECT PHf."_ --"-""."_'-.~"._'~""_--'-'--'-~~ I ,dayS I I "fled Payments will RespectfuHy subrnitted ., f'iote. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, spfJcifications and conditions are satisf,~ctory and are 11ereby accepted, You are authonzed to do the work as 51 be made as ouWnect ,1bClve S:GNATURE.__..~__._~._...~___~._______m__....__~___ DATE_..__~_._____,~_____~..__~____~~.____________ ~Adams 9450 S I G NA TU R E.._____..__,.___.._.______.._______ ________....____,,_____, m" ~ ... " II - " E of , r 0'- " t\ w Vl -+ co ~ ~ ~h 9-J CJ w ~ ~ (]'.. - -- t '-l - o"C ) \ t ...... )oJ Se~ 25 03 OS:27a Lori Hod~skin 407-656-1452 p,2 HODGSKIl'''. Outdoor Living, In4c. .. Florida.s Finest Custom Built .. II II II i I , I IL___ Ir~ II , I ! I I 4/s'oJ.b.OO A 11~ARINA RECONSTRUCT I I I I I I I ! I I 1 I I II FOR SLEEF"Y HARBOR CONDOMINUMS September 9, 2003 11 I I i! ; "QUALITY IS NOT EXPENSIVE" IT'S PRICELESS" 4J! O(;()ce-^popka Ro,aJ . P.O, Bo,~ g'13 . Ucucc, /-o'L 34"/61 omce (407) 656.i 470 . Fax (407) 656.1452 ' www,hodgskin,coll1 .I.iccnse # CBe 05"'656 '- - _._-~- Sep 25 03 09:27a Lori Hod~5kin 407-656-1452 p,3 HODGSKI'" Outdoor Living, I04C. . Florida's Finest Custom Built. I L-.- [n. September 9, 2003 VI A F'ACSIMIL}: Sleepy Harbor Condnminiums AUn: Frank 408 Orlando Avenue .Winter Garden, Flori,da RE: Mariml reconstruction Dear Frank: We are plea:~.ed to quote tbe following per the attached drawing and specifications below: Fine:cr Pier Constru(JionllnstallatioD Demolition and removal of existing structure; Construct fiv.~ (5) 3' wide x 20' long catwalks; Construct om~ (1) 4' wide x 83' long main walkway; and, Construct on~~ (1) 6' wide x 6' long entrallce walkway. Specifications Skirt 6J6 ,80 CCA PT, set to' o.c., finisbed H.O.L. style 2x8 .40 #1, set 2' on center 21.:8 ,40 #1, each set of poles 2x6 .40 #1, each set of poles 2x6 .40 #1 Dense Select. hand nailed with ~alvanizl!d ring shank 2x6 .40 #1 Dense Select, hand nailed with gal,'aniz'ld ring shank Poles Frame Crosstles X-braces Deckin~ Includes: Local County permilt fee only State exemption pennit fee only Demolition of existhllg structure Labor and materiab for above described work Job site cleanup I .1 I: "QUALiFY IS NOT f,-'YPENSiVE -IT'S PRICELESS" 4J2 OcoCc.".Apopka Road' P,O, Bu.\ 843 .Ococc. PL 34761 ilHkc (407) 656-1470 ' Fax (407) 656- ]452 -ww......hodgskw.com . License # CBC 0576S6 ._-_.---_._._"..~-'_.. Sep 25 03 09:28a Lori Hod~skin 407-656-1452 p,4 Does not include: Any other County permit fees, if necessary Any other State permit fees, if necessary Mitigation fees, if neN~g8ary "As-built" Sunrey Variance fees, if any I,and Lease, if neccss uy Uftsystems Accessories Surveying Demucking Surveys Soil testin2 Railing Electric Plumbing Paint/Stain Options listed below Any other item not s'I)ecifically mentioned above NOTE: NOTE: Any work, changes, manipulations, adjustments, additions, ,ileletions, etc. d(lne to any and all I10dgskin Olltdoor Living, Inc. lift systems and/or portion of their construction projed, by anyone oth,er than a Hndgskin Outdoor Living, Inc. employee or representative will void the enDtract and warranty. There are absolute!)' no enepti(),ns to this criteri:l and Owner agrees to accept all responsibility an(! liability assochnted ,",'ith any of the above. The normal permitting process consists of applications to at leHld the DEP, EPD and Local County Building Department and tak~, at least 90 da~'s for' standard, non-questionc:d, applications. Certain circumstances relluire an application to the respective Town and/or City S!'( well. All of the normal fees and applications are included in the COIi.tract price, Howe".er, additional monies and/or time associated with public hearings, attorney involvement, home,)wner associations, etc. are not included are will be charged at $125.00 per man-hour or the cost of an atturney and reimbursement of allY and all fees, t !;)sts, etc, Due t'l) the recent change to Orange County Building Department's Boat !IJock Ordinance, an "as-buHt" survey must be compl'eted prior to obl'aining the final btl:.~t dock inspection. This is a mandatory Sep 25 03 OS:31a Lori Hod~5kin 407-656-1452 p.7 TOTAL INVESTMENT - $15.026.00 NOTE: PaymeKlt due upon re4::eipt or the Invoice. Final payment for the origin1l1 Contract is due within five (5) days from completion of tbe originnl Contract items above. Please see the attached Warranty. TERMS: DEPOSIT M081L1ZATION ROOF DRY -IN FrNAL $ 2,000.00 $ 8.000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,026,00 ACCEPTED BY: 9 ~/o3 Date Sleepy Harbor Condil)s. Date OPtion No.1: Upgrade to Dream l>eck vinyl decking instead of 2x6 .40 #1 wood decking. The Totallnvestment for Option No.1 is an additional $5,344.00. Please initiill here if you accept Option NIl. 1 _' If accepted, the Total Investment will be dUI: with the "mobilization" draw, Option No.2: Upgrade to Choice 1)I<<k composite decking instead of 2x6 .40 #1 wood decldng. The Totallnvestmcnt fOl' Option No, 2 is an additional $4,008,00. Please initial here if you accept Option Nt!). 2 __' If accepted, the Total Investment will be duc: with the "Mobilization" draw. NOTE: Yuu h:,lve 668 square fed uf wuud deck area. At $1.35 per square foot per ye::tr for wood related maintenance, you will pa)' apprllximately $901.80 plus tax per year x five (5) years == approximately S4,509.00 plus t~l!l:, fTJ7 - $"'09-.576(; T..,.."y, ..""mb., '., 20031 PM q . Li c..; ;z ~;~ 40720001.' p,02 PROPOSAL 9162(l(i3(l1 'J\!{'St;: r~1~~',~\.~~r~: ;:;:~~~~~~~r.~UCT~~~~~~, ~N'C. ~~:;;~(~~ ~:::!;!~:~~~'.:.~ 580;; 134;=:1';:) l~;ja~ Of1LA\r:,O, FI~:f)A :~;,:eno ,:..:J~?) ~~Ir;",,~'l~ ~ IF'-11( (t'HY1) ~~~~j..iJ ~~~;~~ I [;~~ ~/'~llf"J I FrO~ TO: SlQap)' HilI.tOO:C Cor,d,:)s ~Qe-~ O.lsng~ A'n=. OC()E1e FL 34161 J(JB NALlE:LC{,..-"J" RenovatiQl!ll ....t cl\>Q l'l(luse d(JciI: ~;~bl ~vl.:11111 ipe<;lfl;atoo;;, ",;j nllmil1e., 10" l I X""hll\l1l:lfF I J:;J!! PHON: I, > %Vttr.oVt exbting 110';':;'<,. :1.".;. l;Q )..;md;!U. Wen ~~~ ~reae: ~~ x $ * ~O 82 )( 4 - 323 ':S) '3 1? ;J,J = 3~O = j;\Ee ToUl S~,F'I:, Mliltarl<l1,f,l/DP.olgl:: ~~~ pi1~]l,IJ: ~"'~ jolt;tEl: .i ~)(G (Iec!rj7l(]: SI'-'1.v".,l~,I!!" ~jn9 Fh:.nk n.dhi. Pur"u:l: City uf O~ot.:" bul:'dil!g' piOlI'mit w:..th r;nginoocCld pla,n~ b:\i rl.I~.C. ~)g'~.~:~.i~; ~l 2y.~ t~p =ail wI ~~4 8Upp~LL, 3aJ~o~Gl li~e~l f~~", add $~~~.I'{'O Z. pg=~da t~ stainless steel screws, add $250~" ~ ~~"t,l:lll !1ddition~l "un deck lu~e4 fl' l'; 20'. 4de H,9;;:')'/vO 4. Rsmova axi~tin~ ~$Ck $urf~ce, joie~1 ~~O ;~06e meu~~re, h~~~ to l~~~fill, in$t~11 new Cl:OS~ ln~mC6rli, ~oi:ilts, deck; 3'12:'::lC8 wi (4) fOllr 1',81-1 b4 pLL<"~1g ;.-ith ;:;6J:Olit, '.cotal:$3,44l U~e!l' 1. ~o elect;ic ~etvice, wlJ:lnq. or fixtures ~~cl~dad in pI~po~al. 2. NO p~i~t or ~taln <..ncluded in P~CP~$.l. 3, ont'orueen \.ll'ida1'9':'n~\l1'ld abno::~itie!l including bllt :tot limited t::l -=;ee di;"'\etg2'r btrried ste.&l, pjpe.:Llr.e, I;'6tU/lI!I, or debris Hi),l be r"'!l'.c...~d 9~ ::lOllt. 414), r9 :O:t5 ever 3" lu : ,. 'drl"'."~ \Ve PrOPQ6e '~r."y to ,,,..1.11 ,''''.~~I c1d laoor - O;)fllpl~t81!1 ElfX,rd.."c. \~::~ th~ ~ &i>e::,;,<;r,i(l~t, lilt l;~ ,,\1'" ot. Ellevel\ J:llQ\llllil!'\Q. One 1:\>n4::-lii.:;l Tn'entv Ell"ld O:J/1CO .Doll.u:~4 0 JJ:...i [$ r~)ffl1'1irl 10 ~~ m~/lA In foiiJ'''u: 10' tet$~l\er:$1,112 Job Start;$3,3)G Dec~ ~et:~3,J36 JC~ Co~plete:$3,J1C l' ,110 00 ), Acceptance of Proposal- 'II" AM,'. rrIcA', .po:Kic~ti~f~ ~M Q)I"'lCiQ:.115 (1rtf ~lbli1l'itOfY and ::.r( n<:rQo"./ cc;:EtP~G YQLI ~.'i _.uh~ j,t:tJ Lv ,~(l1t.. ~Q1'1r. ~ ~~ltI$C.. P~'rMn' tNIl1lJ~ n1ii1.lJti .. l;i~IU 11,,(1 t.CO\'iS: 1-L'1~OJ D~1B r;rI )\(;etp!~""e: AIIlT'=ft,jII~ ;11 l!i'_t:"',"..llIl(Iol'l t,) ...0 .,,, .~t~f)c.::I. ,~I '\N'~,k ~ \!W'lI !'IoI'lN"'1I(~I'Dt1I'1 a frvr'ioc19rL'lIl ",,:,n.,. "'OQ'~:n3 10 ,~"J8'l r""''''' P", oJ"nlb, t( t.)II;.lI(l/lI"'''' aDO',", ~Ildfi;;a I'I,fhQlIl'ild ao"'l& ,.,..111I"'....: ~Q :Q~li 'lAD tc c~uCd 0'1)' LJIXl'l \\'r~'~llln:eu;.. .&I'; \Vii tl,cr:n'lo! ail (l)l,r.a Sigrl:J11Jr8 (tl":I= (1110' and St\:l'J9 t"6 Qs'!rn:-Jll;. AI ~q1.llre-ri'1. r.trt'~rt ")j() et~~i. ,::dI:f'f1:!'I d ~Y::i b.:IV"~ QUI' r;tr.1~ld OhI'l9l' to ~.;ny tr'tl, :OUWll'l, ,'ref other r'III!09ill)EI"Y Ir3l..1rcn:o. Cur N~ti; Thli p.ropc may be wor""i R1l LI 'I' <Q'......~ b, w"-",,,,':;011P<'Ei8~~" 1/I<lJ'llrOll w'~M~n 'J'~ u$ n ref RC(~r-!~d '..nllln 1;; c;!ilya =:~i;~ r..;.'UIr.r~IJ; nUl),J i-'.lltlt"'lIrAill)~.'t1eli...n~,rMJa.tI't I!iiiiIJ 1\-, R>:lIrdll r, ~O). m.'53aO Cll' rl~~..iIM 'mqIWIJ.''''. B Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3: 15 PM W. M. C, 4072900163 p,04 l ~g~ J i ~ - ~.:t.. ~f~ ~ ~ f ~o~ ...0 ~~ f, - 8 ~, z:. ~~~ & ~ V1 ~ . - ., ill ~- , m~-t 0 . -~ , '/I -.....-------..---.--1 I '811.; l ;>- ~ i ll.ill (') ~ L... ~a~ ~~;;- CA) :/ ~ C'btl ~~~ \II ~ z. ) r r ~ 'tfl. -0' ~ Sep 25 03 09:29a Lori Hod~skin 407-656-1452 p.5 ellpend iture that will be borne by the homeowner/builder and reimh\J:r~ed to Hodg!llkin Outdoor Living, Inc. Any and all mitigati'llD fees, including but not limited to those fees ass~illted with obtaining permit c'l)mpliance, will be borne by tbe bomeowner/buihler and reimbursed to Hodgddn Outdoor Living, Inc. NOTE: NOTE: Shoultl the Owner choose to utilize their own electrical contr2iCtor or perform the eledrical work themselves, the electrical work shall not commfDce until the work included in IIodgskin's contract ha:i been accomllllished, the permit has been closed out and the tinal payment bas been received. The attached WarnlDty dated October 1, 2000 consisting of two (2) pages il:S hereby made a part of this Agreement. This Contrlld constitutes tbe entire agreement, No ,'erbal or other written agreements or understandings shall be bonored. The prices for the installation of lift systems is based on our being able to insbDl new headers without, ollIer structural work being done to the balan(:l~ of the boathouse. If, during the renovation of this structure, it is d(!emed necessary to reinforce the strudure beyond the scope of work I iisted above, then a change order will be presented to you for your 31'proval prior to the extra work being accomplished. Some ,,)f the pressure treated lumber utilized on our proj,ects is a special order and is not available locally. The prices for this commodity fluctuate on a weekly basis, For this reaSOD, ttle prices quotetll in this proposal will be honored for one (I) week. You a~i the Owner arc responsible for the operation of your irrigation sysfem during construction. Silt and othe., deleterious material is stirrev up during our jetting. This stirred material may ~nter the intake of lake fed irrigation systems and may clog the pump and lines. We shall not be responsible for any materials entering the irrigation pump II)r lines. Please turn ~'our pumps off during construction, Due tc, heavy loads of lumber being transported for use on your job, your )curd may incur some damage. Specifically, ruts in the sod, accidentlllleakage on your driveway andlor sod, etc. Therefore, it is requested that any specitic instructions concerning the pla(:(~ment of materi :lIs, driving of vehicles, etc. be specified to the Project Manager at the time of the closing of the Contract. I10L cannot assume respOlJ:Sibilit)' for damage to your sod or driveway unles:l specifi~~ Sep 25 03 OS:30a Lori Hod~skin 407-656-1452 p.s instructions in writin= have been dictated to the Project MaJllager at the time of execution of the Contract. The deposits taken with this Contract lire used for the procurl~ment of permittiing. including but not limited to State agencies, County llgenc:ie:,. Municipal agencies, Design Review Boards and otheJ' entities involved with the permitting of your projed, There is an c:xtensive amount: of work and expense associated with the desi,gn and permitting stages and therefure, the deposit receil'ed with this Contrad is non-refundable. Constn!!ction Industries Rec:overv Fund: Payment may be llvailahle from the Construction Industries RecmTery Fund if you lose Bloney on a project performed under Contract, where the loss results from specific::d violations of Florida Law b)' a State-Licensed COJlltractor. For information about the recovery fund and filing a claim I eontact the Flurida Construction Industry Licensing Board at the following telephone number and address: Department of Business and Pro(es~iional Regulation, Construdion Industry LitensinJ1 Board, 7960 .~rllngton Expresswa)', Suite 300, .JacksoD\:iIIe, Florida 32211- 7467. Telephone: (850) 727~3650. The iJ!lterpretation and enforcement of this Agreement shall be goverm:d by and construed in accordance with the laws of th<<: State of Florid~1 unless othenvisc provided in the General Contract D{lcuments and shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall inure to and be enforcl'able by the parties. Whenever used, the singular name shall inclurll: the 1)lural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall hE' applicable to all genders. If it shall be necessary for either party to this Agreement'to bring suit to enf(lrce any provisions hereof or for damages on account of any breach of this Agreement, or under any indemnity provided hr in this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party on any issue in any such litigatilm and any appeals therefrom shall be entitled to recover from the otl!lcr party, in addition to any damages, interest at a rate uf 18% per aDIIlum from the date of owing, or other relief granted a:; a result of such litigation. all reasonable costs and expenses of such litigation and a reasonable attorneys' fee as fixed by the court, In the event any term or provision of this Agreement shall be held illegal, lllnenforceable or inoperative as a matter of law, the remaining terms:md provision of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and stlHII remain in full force and effect unless the overall intent of this Agreement is suhstantially defeated by su~h illegality o,r luck of enforN abili~'. Sep 25 03 OS:27a Lori Hodc;skin 407-656-1452 p, 1 HODGSKIN Outcloor Livillg, IllC. * F 1 0 l' i d a 's Fill e ~ tell s l 0 III U u i It .~. FAX TRANSMITTAL, 1;i\X 1/ /-tl!i 7---- ? )7 ~(} 95 2- -1'0: !-h,rn /~I _5;;;'I'~~ 1 f AT: FROM: ,=:fa ,.p r f<~ l~ I i ._....-,..--~r........__.-_. ........--.y.__._~_~'~h .~_~~. ..~... - COMMENTS: Pp-t"l;?t? ~ c'( /~___ ( ,~/- Numb!.:r ur pages includillg this COVCI' sheet: Pleaso do nol hesitate to <.'oulud lhc s(~IIIIe1 al our llllil:c irthcrc afC any puges missing Of llollc~ible. Thank YOll in advu 11CC. 432 O\:occ - Apupka ROUlI, Ococe, FL 347(d PO !lox UtlJ. O\:occ. FL 34761 (mailing) (407) (,5u- t '170 Otlil:C t407) 656-1452 Fnx www.Il(Wgskill.COIU 'J~i~ r.- . li~....J '1',1~ ~~ ~~: ~;'z.4. . jlP;,-, , "~~,;.~,.. t ',it "~~~ , -I'~~.~ ,\ ;I," :" ~..:. 'J~ !(l"!" b.f J~"'~ .' . .':" ~~ I ---r...,.-r ~~, ~ .f~ ~.., '4 :~.!C, ~.A' e "-~ ~ ;~'~ ~ -~ fA '~ :~ .;) _:'~'" i '7'~, ~ '~ , . .. . ,.~ ~ -~ ~ :~ ~ ,,~ .~~ ~ l:...~ ,:I ''!'' .~ 'I<~..I , " .~ . 2. to - ~ 'f"- ..."~ r= ~'=- ~..'''',,:,4' .f:t: IIt .. .. ... . .. .. .. .- .. .. -- .. .. . - .- -" '" '" '" '" '" - - -" -" "" " ~ ~ " ~ " ~ -- ~ ~ ~ '" ~ -- . City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Temple Grove Estates Homeowners' Association Project Leader: Edward L. Johnson Address for Project Leader: 500 Canby Circle Ocoee. FL 34761 Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407/254-6058 (Evening) 407/523-6346 Email Address: edwardliohnson@msn.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served:. Temple Grove Estates is located .7 miles east of Clarke Road along Silver Star Road. It is bounded on the north by Silver Star Road and on the east by Good Homes Road. Entrances to the subdivision are located on each of these roads. The Subdivision was first developed in 1992 and it is comprised of 133 single- family homes of mixed architectural styles. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? Yes If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page.) When was it formed? May 27. 1992 How many members are in the association? 133 Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? Yes. All homeowners are members. However. all members do not live in the neighborhood. Approximately, four (4) units are leased. What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, V.P., Committees, etc.): 2 iii) .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .i . . . . . . . . . . (II . .. .. - All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. The Homeowners' Association meets on a monthly basis. However, over the past two years, the Associations' primary focus has been to ensure the financial stability of the Association. In 2000, the membership voted to relieve a private company that was hired to manage the Association's assets and maintain the tenants of the Homeowners' Declarations. Unfortunately, the private management firm mishandled funds and neglected to hold homeowners accountable to the conditions of the Declaration. Since taking over the management of assets and administration of the Declarations, the Association is now financial solvent and has positioned itself to further improve the conditions of the neighborhood. Due to the prudent decisions of the Board, outstanding bills were brought current as well as developed an adequate bank reserves to conduct regular business for the community. This was evident by June 2003 when the community hosted its inaugural community block party. The block party boasted more than 250 residents who had an opportunity to simply fellowship with one another and learn more about their neighbors. The block party was such a success the community at-large suggested that this become an annual event and by Board action this has become a regular line item in the annual budget. In addition, the Board published the first edition of its neighborhood newsletter. The quarterly newsletter was first printed in October 2003 and the next edition will be distributed late this month. The newsletter highlights actions by the Board for those who are unable to attend the regular meetings, beautification and improvement recommendations, resident spotlights, etc. Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? The Homeowners' Association is funded through a mandatory annual assessment of $164 per home. 4 ~ ~ ~ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- '" -- -- -- " -- ... -- ... ... .. .. .. .. .- .. .. .. -. .. -- .. .- .. .- ... . . .. . - inconvenience to the residents and a potential public safety hazard should emergency response vehicles have difficulty locating the subdivisions entrance. Finally, the landscaping currently surrounding both entrances has severely degraded since its installation. The Silver Star Road entrance was further impacted by the roadway improvement proiect by the FDOT to that road, only exasperating the years of neglect. List the project goals: (1) Establish elegant entranceways into the subdivision. (2) Develop a long-term solution to safeguard infrastructure from weatherization and vandalism. (3) Ensure the neighborhood is consistent with the goals of the City in its beautification and preservation plan. (4) Establish a drought tolerant, low maintenance landscaping solution for the neighborhood entrances, by employing xeriscape technology, enabling the cost savings to be applied to other improvement proiects. (5) Establish a sense of pride in the neighborhood. (6) Consistency in the two entranceways. (7) Exhibit community pride in the City of Ocoee by the beautification of the Temple Grove Estates Neighborhood. 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ t . t . ~ .. .. .. 8 8 8 8 8 8 .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. the entranceway from the sidewalk to the subdivision wall. .. ". Please see drawing. ,. ,. - - ..., _ 8 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. o Meet with professional landscape architect o Community meeting to vote on a final design o Install lighting infrastructure o Volunteering to install plants o Celebrate unveiling of new entranceways What is the location ofthe proposed project? lfthe project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. This proiect will be located at both entranceways of the Temple Grove Estates Subdivision. The primary entrance way is located. 7 miles east of Clarke Road along Silver Star Road at the intersection of Roddy Red Road. The wall and landscaping on both sides of the entranceway will be improved. The secondary entranceway, located .1 mile south of Silver Star Road on Good Homes Road at the intersection of Auld Scot Boulevard will receive the same improvements as the primary location. If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable. Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawing. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Primary: Intersection of Silver Star Road and Roddy Red Road on the east and west sides of the entranceway from the sidewalk to the subdivision wall. Secondary: Intersection of Good Homes Road and Auld Scot Boulevard on the north and south sides of . . . . . . . . . . " " ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. " " e rLl ~ ~! ~ 00 <= -. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~.5 ~:a~ ~~"O ~ ~ = =~~ ~"O~ ~o- Z]~ ~ J. ~ ~]o <-=J. ~ .~~ ~~~ ~ZQ ~ ",00 ~ <~~ ~~Q ~CJQ <OM >~ E-;.o rLl .... 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NtH - ~ ..O().El)DO .-- .iJfJ J:ll ~ ~ ~ IW ... h ~~ ~~ 'S. h ~. ^ :; ~ ~ ~':.r ~ ~ .. <n t ~ r- ~ $I ~ ~ ~ =~~.2.: r;-{-Jt-~;-t-:- .' a~ ~li c 1:: !! " ~ r,l . h, e ~f u ~ ., i r .. ::: \, ~. ~ It. . I 3 1. '. '" " Primary: Silver Star and Roddy Red Sign: 8.8' x 3.1' Landscaping: 45' x 17.5' (10' from ROW) !!: . OJ d ~' ~ .. .. -'~ ./ " " " " 8 8 8 ... .. .. ..- e e ~ If) e ~ . . e e e e e e e 118 1ft ~ ~ If' e ~ ~ llle . .- - .. .. JIlt .. .. Temple Grove Estates Neighborhood Secondary Entranceway: Good Homes Road Entranceway :"'............,~... ........ ~....... '.:.......1.......'....".... ..c._..~.............. ~-i' ',~~ .!II<.... ~ . _'. . F#' !:::.:.,.~",,:-- _ .~.. 1 ' ~-~-.. '" . ._ 01; . .;,,-- ,>~ Streetlight splits marquee Damaged lettering No lighting for marquee " , .).~tII... ~3IIJ .:i~4 ~ .... .w' .. .; " " ~ " 'lI\ .. ~ ~ .. '8 ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e e e e.. e e 8 8 f!1J . e . . . . . .... #KTI009-3H Enlarged Page 6 of6 Mounting Information: Unit can be Concrete/Surface mounted or Dirt Mounted. Hardware for Concrete or Dirt Mounting NOT included. Price for Concrete/Surface Mount Kit is $10.00, and price for Dirt Mount Kit is $12.00. You will be asked if you would like to purchase the hardware of your choice from us when click on the "buy" button for this item. << Back To Previous Page << http://www.ccl-light.com/docs/land/hires/kt1 009- 3h.html 1/20/2004 City of Ocoee Most Valuable Partnerships (MVP) Awards Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name of Neighborhood or Organization: Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc. Project Leader: Peg MacDonald Address for Project Leader: 300 Franklin Street, Ocoee, Fl. 34761 (work) 910 Center St. (home) Phone Nos. for Project Leader (Day) 407-656-6678 (Evening)321-663-2127 Email Address: wocsc@hotmail.com Describe the neighborhood or project boundaries using streets & landmarks. The boundaries must be within the City of Ocoee. If the project serves a population without specific physical boundaries, please describe the population served: The KidsFOCUS Program serves Spring Lake, Citrus, Ocoee, Dillard, Maxey, Tildenville Elementary schools, as well as Ocoee and Lakeview Middle schools, providing tutoring and afterschool care, along with social skills groups, FOR NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS, PLEASE ANSWER THE NEXT SECTION ON FORMAL AND INFORMAL HOMEOWNERS' GROUPS. FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, PLEASE ANSWER THE SECTION FOLLOWING THAT. Does your neighborhood have an official homeowners' association (legal entity)? If Yes: (If No, skip to section on the next page,) When was it formed? How many members are in the association? Are the members all homeowners in the neighborhood? What is the official homeowners' association's organizational structure? (President, v.P., Committees, etc.): How does the association elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? ~ Do you have an active neighborhood group? How many members are in the group? How many homes are in your neighborhood? What is your group's organizational structure? (president, Vice-President, Committees, etc.) When was it organized? How does your neighborhood group elect its leadership? When and how often are elections held? For community organizations which are not "neighborhoods", please answer the following questions: What is the name of your organization? Christian Service Center for Central Florida, mc, Is your organization a formal "non-profit", an informal civic group, or other (please explain):Yes How many people are members of your organization? Our West Orange site has 4.5 employees, 138 volunteers and we see 1000+ clients per year Are all members of your organization either businesses or residents of the City ofOcoee? No If not, how many (either by number or percentage) are? 57% of the population served are from the City ofOcoee~ 41% of the population are from Winter Garden~ the remaining are from other West Orange locations, All Applicants Should Complete the Remainder of the Application: Please list the meetings your homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization has held and the activities and projects you have accomplished in the past two years. Our agency has been in the community for many years. We have had many projects accomplished, such as our Playground which was a volunteer project. We host a monthly Agency Network Meeting where local service providers get together to disseminate information. Our Daily Bread Program served over 35,000 meals in the last two years. Volunteerers provided nearly 25,000 hours of service during these same two years, Please describe how your homeowners' association/neighborhood group is funded. (Mandatory dues, volunteer contributions, etc.) What is the percentage of homeowners in the neighborhood who contribute to the neighborhood group's funds? Our agency is funded through donations from churches, businesses, individuals and foundations. We also receive support from United Way, Orange County Citizen's Commission for Children and other local municipalities. What is the name of the proposed project? KidsFOCUS Computers and Broadband enhancements What is the dollar amount being requested? (Remember, all dollar amounts must be matched by the neighborhood/organization and any partners, The maximum grant award is $2,500.)$2500.00 Briefly describe the proposed project: To purchase new computers, software and accessories for our KidsFOCUS Program that will bring current technology to students and families who would not have availability otherwise, List the project goals: (1) To make available computer technology for use by the students, for school projects etc., and families, for job searches and resume prep, (2) To upgrade software and equipment necessary for interface with DSL/Digital/Broadband Internet connections. (3) To enhance Administrative technology for the purposes of tracking demographic information and dissemination of this valuable community information. List a minimum of ~ homeowners' association/neighborhood group/community organization members who will serve as the MVP Awards Project Team, Only one signature per household: .... POSITION NAME ADD.RESS TELEPHONE EMAIL '.. .... Project Leader Peg MacDonald 910 Center Street, Ocoee, Fl. 407-656-7544 wocsc@hotmail.co m Historian Anne Walding 8536 Honolulu Dr., Orlando, 407-290-1408 (Photographer) Fl. 32818 Monthly & Fran Watts 43 Shell Key Ct., Ocoee, Fl. 407-656-5622 Final Reports Coordinator Partner/ Nancy Sell-Dane 2502 Lake Debra Dr,Apt. 7- 407-445-8599 Volunteer 303, Orlando, Fl. 32835 Coordinator Judy Ramos 62 West Cypress Dr., Winter 407-654-2408 Garden, Fl. 34787 Rosemary & 1019 Shady Maple Cirlce, 407-298-1574 Fred Wilsen Ocoee, Fl. 34761 Anna Cowley 402 Orlando Ave., Ocoee, Fl. 407-877-9429 Kathleen Bean 400 Orlando Ave., Ocoee, Fl. 407-656-1042 How will the neighborhood residents/community organization members be involved with the project? Please be specific. Each volunteer will be involved by offering services such as those assigned in addition to others supervising students who need assistance, teaching typing skills, improving reading skills, editing reports, assisting with internet searches and installing software etc. What is the location of the proposed project? If the project is not physical in nature, please provide a description of whom it will serve in what general area. This project will serve all students and family members of program participants involved with this agency. KidsFOCUS Program currently has 38 students enrolled, 28 are elementary students and 10 middle school students representing 30 families, with a total of 57 other siblings or significant individuals in the homes If the proposed project is a physical improvement (landscaping, sign, gazebo, etc.), please define the exact site location(s). Use street names and measurements from the curb, including measurements from sidewalks, if applicable, Also provide measurements of the project (height, width, length) and attach a drawine:. (Please be specific with the details of physical improvements.) Exact Location: (show on attached drawing) Measurements of the Proposed Improvement: (show on attached drawing) If the proposed project is a physical improvement, will it be located on: Public Right-of-Way: Private Property: Common Area Owned by the Homeowners' Association: (You will need to include written permission from the appropriate government agency for the public right-of-way or the owner of the private property or common area.) (List all expenses separately. Any expense over $250 must be supported by two written quotes. Please attach the written quotes to this project budget) 5 t1eW ~u\-ex- ~~ i'~t\~L6 lA-1ta..cho J MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS The City of Ocoee's Neighborhood Matching Grants Program 2003/2004 Proposed MVP Awards Proiect Bude:et Neighborhood/Organization: Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc. Project Name: KidsFOCUS Computers and Broadband Enhancement PROJECT REVENUES: Cash from the City: Cash from the Neighborhood/Organization: Cash from Partners (List of Partners and Cash Contributions): TOTAL CASH REVENUES: PROJECT EXPENSES: TOTAL OF PROJECT EXPENSES: $2500.00 $2220,00 $ $ $4720,00 $2500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $2500.00 ** Total Cash Revenues should be equal to or greater than total project expenses. ** In-Kind Contributions: 1 '1eA,("" 1n~("nLt Stnf~c..L ~ ~*~ .-Addm~ ~~OY\cJ ~te.. Adci\l10n0J ~ ~cr~rle6 Volunteer Labor m; n i morn G,b Hours x $lO/hr "* E.'(cL.1~ on"~\~ +U-b~~ &>P?'r:l: 1l> ~'tOI~ sl-~ ora -t2tmiliL~. $1820.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ $ 660.00 a r.n. = ~~ < - ~~ <= -=~ .~~~ ~ eJ) a ~J=o'" oo:a~ e:=~'C := = = r.n.~: ~'C= ~o- 70~ "'-<.=..... ~~ 8 ~ .co .= 0 eJ)- ~ .... ~ ~~~ ~z= ,.,.,11}= _... N <~- >---,~('f') ,..,0= ~~= <ON ~'8 ~c r.n. .... Ou ~~ ~ <n ~ Q) s Q) o ~ Q) "'tj g ] o M ~ ] <n M Q) =s 0.. s o U CI) g o ~ "'tj ~ o m z ...... (.) Q) .= 8 0.. ] c;f "'tj ...... M o s:: - ta M ~ Q) U M tS M ~ Q) u Q) o '~ CI) g ...... ...... <n ] U ~ o .~ .i M ~ o o -s o ~ Ol) ...... Q) z fE ~ <: M M IeI' Q) Q) M ..... 0 Q) Q) Q) ~ N ~ g Q) ~. 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Cor-nmunication surcr"larges may also apply With sor,le access numbers and in For details ane! access numbers call 1-800-846,2000. Check Witll your local phone to determine whether the access numt)er YOll select is a ioea! cail for your calling pian. i\ie\N U.S. members 1.3 and older" credit carel or checkjng account required. Use may limited especially dLning peak usage. Microsoft(F;",' software product(s) InCluded with this YOU Will NOT BE ABLE TO USE THE, PFWOUCT YOU NOT AC_:T!\/f\T!Of\] PROCEDURES. Procluct activation procedures and fVlicrosoft's pr"ivacy or upon certain reinstallations of the software product(s) or rec:onfigurations 01" teleohcne itoi! charges may apply) measur-es for SUCH COiviPL Y VViTH wili be detailed dur-ing initial launch of the the computer and may be cOillolete(l by Gateway.com - Sb-31O-B Page 1 of2 Gatevvay' 11&:1 CLOSE 1).!IrIDO\JJ : e2J PRinT THIS PAr::iE Item 'J'c:'-,<:'J_:~ Operating System: rVilcrosoft@ Wrndows@ XP ProfeSSional Application Software: Microsoft@ Works 7.0 AntiVirus Software: Norton AntiVirus 90 day Introductory Offer Processor: Intel@ Celeron@ Processor 2.6GHz \Nith 128:< cache Memory: 256MB OOR SORA/V! Hard Drive: 40GB ultra AT A 100 5400rpm hard dnve External Floppy Drive: Floppy dnve not included Optical Drive: 48x/24x/48x CO-RW Extended Service Plan Including limited Warranty: Value Service Plan-3Yr Parts/Labor;r~o Onsite/3 Yr Technical Support Case: Gateway Micro-Tower Case Expansion Slots: 3 PCI Expansion Slots External Ports: (6) USB (2 in front and 4 more In back) Parallel Senal and (2) PS/2 (USB Version 'ivlth \/Vin XP IS 20. Win 20001 1) Certification: Energy Star Compliant Monitors: Monitor not selected Video: Integrated Intel@ Extreme Graphics with up to 64MB dynamic video memory Keyboard: 104+ !<eyboard Mouse: Logltech PS/2 Wheel Mouse (no mouse pad included) Sound System: Integrated Enhanced Audio Speaker System: 1\]0 external speakers selected Modem: 56K PCI data/fax modem Network Adapter: Integrated !ntel@ 10/100 Ethernet Adapter Internet Service Provider: SiX months America Onilne@ Internet access Price: $619.99 . . _ ,Cd.-'" MI'I/~li/rtl)"'(.-- o. - _ ",'.. Prices exclude apPlicable~t~s-;;:;-d shipping and handling on Plasma TVs and Accessory Store purchases, l!2J PRinT THIS PAGE !~ CLOSE WinDOW: i;ci:uai speeds rnay vary ,,,"CO'. call 800,846-2000 or write to Gateway Terms 8-. Conditions. PO Box 1951. North Sioux City. SO 57049,1951 for a free ccpy of applicable limited warranties and service agreements. Services ma,! be prOVided by third parties. ,An authorized r-epresent2tive \vil! determine the method of service provided. You be to take or send your to an authOrized for service _ If you purchased on-Site s8i'Vice, it \,vili be only an authorized determlnes it is necessary t)UC8USe 'jour probiern cannot be corrected through ottler means. On-site service IS not available in all locations and excludes mice !:eyboards dockinlJ stations. externai per-ipherals and monitors. See agreements for specific terms and iirnitations. BEii\jC; CH!\RCJED A fl/iOf\lTHL Y FEE. CAf\jCEL BEFORE PROfViOTIONAL PERIC)D F-:i\iDS. rvlust register within the first 30 days after receipt of system to receive promotional offer You may incur surcharges e\/en (Juring promotional period for premium services or long distance charges on your phone bi!L deperKiing on iocation and calling plan. Communication surcharges may also ,3PP!Y with sOlne access numbers and In AK. For details and access numbers call 1,800,846,2000. Check with YOlir local phone company cieterilllne v.;heiller the access number you select is a loca! cali for calling plan. New US. rnembers18 and older credit card 0;. chec~(Jng account required. Use may b\::: limited dUring peak usage Certain software product(s) included ",vlth this C0!11puter use technologica! measures for protection. jf\j SUCH EVENT WILL NOT BE A,BLE TO USE THE PRODUCT iF YOU I\lOT FULLY COMPLY WiTH PRODUCT l\CTIVi\T!OhJ PROCEDURES. Product activation procedures and :\/iicrosoft's pl-jvacy policy \,vill be detailed during initial iaunch of the proctuct c.ertain reinstallations of the soft\ivare procJucUs) reconf1~Jurat;ons of the computer. and may fJ8 c0i11p!eted by !!lternet ()( leleprlone (toll charges may applY). As Advertised ':__,....1.,.. Dell recommends Microsoft@ Windows@ XP Outrageolls Deals For Dell Preferred Account well- qualified customers. Offer for eligible purchases over $500. Offer Detai!s Now you can get these complete and affordable Dell Dimension ™ 2400 desktops with Intel@ Celeron@ & Pentium@ 4 processors - as advertised on TV! ..",.,,- Don't forget to add a Dell printer starting at only $79. Look for Dell printers on the "Accessories" page before check out. ~ Check Out Our Outrageous Notebook Deals! See "As seen on TV" Software & Peripherals Dimension 2400 ~:; -22 q {)r -:-'1/ ( FreFfl i~QQ Now from $399 After $100 Mail-In Rebate Rebate Details This configuration only, ":'S ;) .-. ". 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Taxes and shipping charges are extra and vary. Minimum monthly payment is greater of $15 or 3% of your account balance. 2 For hard drives, GB means 1 billion bytes; total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment. 3 You can get a copy of our limited warranties and guarantees by writing Dell USA LP, Attn: Warranties, One Dell Way, Round Rock, TX 78682. To purchase warranty only or for information on other service options please call 1-800-915-3355 or visit www.dell4me.comltermsandconditions. 4 At-home or on-site service provided via third-party contract with customer. Technician will be dispatched if necessary following phone-based troubleshooting, often the next business day. Availability varies. Other conditions apply. The Home & Home Office site and offers contained herein valid only for end users and not for resellers and/or online auctions. Pricing, specifications, availability and terms of offers may change without notice. Taxes and shipping charges extra, and vary. U.S. Dell Home Systems Co. new purchases only, Limit of 5 systems per customer please. Dell cannot be responsible for errors in typography or photography. Copyright 1999-2004 Dell Inc. For customers of the 50 United States only. Site Terms I Terms and Conditions of Sale I Privacy Policy I About Delli Contact Us Top (~) Large Text Stt