HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 Approval of Community Grant Program - July 2013 Cyclerp
Meeting Date: August 20, 2013
Item # t I
Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Joy P. Wright Department Director:
Contact Number: 407 - 905 -3100 x9 -1530 City Manager:
Subject: Community Grant Program — July 2013 Cycle
Background Summary:
The Community Grant Review Board (CGRB) met on August 6, 2013 to discuss the 13 applications received for
the Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The Community Grant
Program provides financial grants of up to $500 to non - profit organizations and civic groups located within the
city limits or are located outside the city limits but benefit residents of Ocoee. The grants are awarded twice
yearly to acknowledge excellence and further the contributions these local organizations bring to the Ocoee
There is $5,500 allotted for this cycle of the Community Grant Program. The Community Grant Review Board
voted to fund 10 organizations in the total amount of $4,900; see attached list. The following three organizations
were denied grant funding: Girl Scouts West Orange Service Unit, Ocoee Church of God /Lighthouse Christian
Academy and Indian Horizon of Florida. The reason for each recommendation is in the attached minutes.
Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the $4,900 funding recommendation made by the Community
Grant Review Board?
Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Community Grant Review Board's
Community Grant applications
List of recommended grant awards
Minutes of the August 6, 2013 CGRB meeting
Financial Impact:
$5,500 funding is available for the grants. The total of all recommended awards is $4,900.
The following organizations are recommended to receive grants:
The following is a description of the applicants' proposed projects
1. Autism & Related Disabilities Gym Program
Swimming lessons, BBQ /pool party for families, bowling night for families
2. The Gift of Swimming
34 swim lessons for deserving Ocoee residents
3. Ocoee High School Athletics
Refurbish stadium entrance area, the main area for spectators entering facility
4. Boy Scout Troop 922
Tents, Coleman stove, dutch oven, grill, pots and pans, camp chairs, canopy
5. Care Feline TNR, Inc.
Assist Ocoee residents with the trap, neuter and release of feral cats
6. Troop 198 Eagle Scout Project
Enhance butterfly garden near Starke Lake, add new plants, trim existing plants, add mulch
7. Matthew's Hope Ministries, Inc.
Offset transportation costs for homeless with purchases of bike, monthly bus passes, bike lights and bike locks
8. Ocoee Elementary School Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Purchase teacher professional books, incentives meeting supplies and office supplies
9. Junior Achievement of Central Florida
Sponsor 1 of 20 classes at Ocoee Elementary that receive a volunteer - taught JA program based on financial literacy
10. Barkie's Legacy
Offset weekly costs, supplies, dog food, treats, crates
Autism & Related Disabilities Gym Program
The Gift of Swimming
Ocoee High School Athletics
Boy Scout Troop 922
Care Feline TNR, Inc.
Troop 198 Eagle Scout Project
Matthew's Hope Ministries, Inc.
Ocoee Elementary School PLC
Junior Achievement of Central Florida
Barkie's Legacy
The following is a description of the applicants' proposed projects
1. Autism & Related Disabilities Gym Program
Swimming lessons, BBQ /pool party for families, bowling night for families
2. The Gift of Swimming
34 swim lessons for deserving Ocoee residents
3. Ocoee High School Athletics
Refurbish stadium entrance area, the main area for spectators entering facility
4. Boy Scout Troop 922
Tents, Coleman stove, dutch oven, grill, pots and pans, camp chairs, canopy
5. Care Feline TNR, Inc.
Assist Ocoee residents with the trap, neuter and release of feral cats
6. Troop 198 Eagle Scout Project
Enhance butterfly garden near Starke Lake, add new plants, trim existing plants, add mulch
7. Matthew's Hope Ministries, Inc.
Offset transportation costs for homeless with purchases of bike, monthly bus passes, bike lights and bike locks
8. Ocoee Elementary School Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Purchase teacher professional books, incentives meeting supplies and office supplies
9. Junior Achievement of Central Florida
Sponsor 1 of 20 classes at Ocoee Elementary that receive a volunteer - taught JA program based on financial literacy
10. Barkie's Legacy
Offset weekly costs, supplies, dog food, treats, crates
Type of Item: (please mark with an `x')
Public Hearing
Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by '
For Clerk's Dept Use:
Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
Regular Agenda
Chairman Sills called the regular meeting of the Community Grant Review Board to order at 7:00
p.m. in the Commission Conference Room at City Hall. Chairman Sills called for a moment of
silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Sills, Vice - Chairman Carrington, and Members Dunn and Henderson. Also
present were Community Relations Manager Wright and Recording Clerk Turner.
ABSENT: Member Butler (A /E)
Chairman Sills welcomed new Member Henderson, who spoke briefly about himself.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting held on February 6, 2013.
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to approve the minutes of the
Community Grant Review Board Meeting held February 6, 2013. Motion carried unanimously.
Application No. 1 — Autism & Related Disabilities Gym Program
JoAnne Houwers attended to represent the organization. She explained that this is a program to
help support individuals with disabilities in attaining their full potential. Funding would be used for
swimming lessons, barbeque and pool party for families, and bowling night for families.
Chairman Sills confirmed with Ms. Houwers that the program serves approximately 200 Ocoee
Vice - Chairman Carrington asked how many swimming lessons were offered for the year, and
how many students were Ocoee residents. Ms. Houwers responded seven lessons were offered, and
approximately four were Ocoee residents.
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City
Commission award the grant funding of $500 to the Autism & Related Disabilities Gym Program.
Motion carried unanimously.
Application No. 2 — The Gift of Swimming
Susan Polder attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used for two pre - qualified
children to receive swim scholarships. Each scholarship provides seventeen swim lessons at the
reduced rate of $15 per lesson.
Chairman Sills confirmed with Ms. Polder that the program served approximately 25 Ocoee
residents in 2012.
Community Grant Review Board
August 7, 2013
Vice - Chairman Carrington asked if the grant money could be earmarked for Ocoee residents, and
Ms. Polder responded in the affirmative.
Member Henderson inquired if there are local foundations that fund swimming lessons, and Ms.
Polder answered in the affirmative.
Member Dunn inquired if the $500 grant money is for two students to receive lessons, and Ms.
Polder responded in the affirmative.
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Henderson, moved to recommend that the City
Commission award the grant funding of $500 to The Gift of Swimming. Motion carried
Application No. 3 — Ocoee High School Athletics
Scott Drabczyk, attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used to refurbish the
stadium entrance area, which is a main walkway for spectators entering the facility. The project is to
help provide a safe area for student - athletes waiting to be picked -up after a sports event and for
Vice - Chairman Carrington asked if the land in question is owned by the Orange County Public
School System (OOPS), and if they are assisting with funding the project. Mr. Drabczyk stated the
land is owned by OOPS, but they do not contribute funding to the athletics program. Vice -
Chairman Carrington asked if City funds were pledged for this project. Mr. Drabczyk replied,
"no ".
*Vice- Chairman Carrington, seconded by Chairman Sills, moved to recommend that the City
Commission award grant funding of $400 to Ocoee High School Athletics for the Phase 2 cost as
specified in the application. Motion carried unanimously.
*This motion was amended at the end of the meeting. Please see the amended motion below.
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to amend the initial
recommendation that the City Commission award grant funding of $400 to Ocoee High School
Athletics for the Phase 2 cost as speciried in the application, to the grant funding requested in the
amount of $500. Motion carried unanimously.
Application No. 4 — Boy Scout Troop 922
Doug and Denise Heath attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used for tents,
Coleman stove, Dutch oven, grill, cooking supplies, camp chairs and canopy.
Ms. Heath explained that Boy Scout Troop 922 is a new troop and has no camping equipment.
There are currently eight troop members, and six live in Ocoee.
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to recommend that the City
Commission award the grant funding of $500 to Boy Scout Troop 922. Motion carried
Community Grant Review Board
August 7, 2013
Application No. 5 — CARE Feline TNR, Inc.
Melissa LaNinfa, Vice - President, attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used
to assist Ocoee residents with trapping, neutering, and releasing feral, abandoned or stray felines.
Vice - Chairman Carrington inquired how many feral cat cases are being addressed in the City of
Ocoee. Ms. LaNinfa responded that there are approximately five appointments for this week in
Ocoee, and a total of 155 locations within Ocoee since the organization's inception.
Vice - Chairman Carrington noted that the application is missing the non -profit status letter, and
asked that she provide Staff - Liaison Wright with the letter.
Member Dunn asked if the grant money could be earmarked for services in Ocoee. Ms. LaNinfa
responded in the affirmative.
*Chairman Sills, seconded by Vice - Chairman Carrington, moved to recommend that the City
Commission award grant funding of $200 to CARE Feline TNR, Inc. Motion carried (3 -1), with
Member Henderson opposing.
*This motion was amended at the end of the meeting. Please see the amended motion below.
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to amend the initial
recommendation that the City Commission award the grant funding of $200 to CARE Feline
TNR, Inc., to the grant funding requested in the amount of $500. Motion carried (3 -1), with
Member Henderson opposing.
Application No. 6 — Troop 198 Eagle Scout Project
Alec Nachtsheim, Eagle Scout Candidate, and Theresa Nachtsheim, Assistant Scout Master,
attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used to enhance the butterfly garden in
downtown Ocoee, and to make a memorial in honor of the Mayor's late wife, Beth Vandergrift.
Vice - Chairman Carrington stated that if the board recommends approval of the grant, they will
need to provide their non - profit status letter. Chairman Sills asked if the non - profit status letter is
on file as grants have been approved previously for Troop 198. Staff - Liaison Wright stated she
will research the matter.
*Vice- Chairman Carrington, seconded by Chairman Sills, moved to recommend that City
Commission award grant funding of $300 to the Troop 198 Eagle Scout Project Motion carried
*This motion was amended at the end of the meeting. Please see the amended motion below.
Vice- Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn, moved to amend the initial
recommendation that the City Commission award the grant funding of $300 to Troop 198 Eagle
Scout Project, and increase the grant funding to the requested $400. Motion carried
Community Grant Review Board
August 7, 2013
Application No. 7 — Matthew's Hope Ministries, Inc.
Karen Gowing attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used to offset
transportation costs for the homeless guests by providing them with bus passes, bicycles, bike locks
and bike lights. This will allow them to job- search and attend doctor's visits.
Member Dunn applauded the efforts of Matthew's Hope Ministries, Inc.
Chairman Sills asked if the organization receives any funds from the city of Winter Garden. Ms.
Gowing responded that the city of Winter Garden does not contribute any funding. Chairman Sills
asked if the grant money could be earmarked for the Ocoee guests. Ms. Gowing answered in the
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Member Dunn moved to recommend that the City
Commission award grant funding of $500 to Matthew's Hope Ministries, Inc Motion carried
Application No. 8 — Girl Scout West Orange Service Unit
Wendi Snider attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used to offset the cost for
camping trips and events hosted by the Girl Scout West Orange Service Unit.
Chairman Sills inquired if the grant money would go directly to this specific unit, or if it would go
to the organization. Ms. Snider explained that the check would need to first go to the Citrus
Council; however, the funds would come back to the West Orange Service Unit.
Member Henderson inquired about the missing formal organizational support documentation. Ms.
Snider stated that she had requested the letter of support; however, has not received it.
Vice - Chairman Carrington stated that to be consistent with past practice, he would recommend
denying the grant application due to lack of supporting documentation, and asked that Ms. Snider
reapply for the January grant cycle.
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Chairman Sills, moved to recommend that the City
Commission deny grant funding of $500 to the Girl Scout West Orange Service Unit for lack of
letter of support, and encourage the Service Unit to reapply during the January cycle. Motion
carried (3 -1), with Member Henderson Opposing.
Application No. 9 — Ocoee Elementary School PLC
Cheryl Johnson, attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used to help purchase
teacher professional books, Incentives Meeting supplies, and office supplies. She continued by
saying that teachers stay after school, on their own time to help children who are still struggling
with reading.
Vice - Chairman Carrington asked for Ms. Johnson to explain the office supplies and Incentives
Meeting supplies line items on the application. Ms. Johnson explained that Incentives Meetings are
held after school hours, and some of the grant money would be used to provide snacks for the
Community Grant Review Board
August 7, 2013
teachers. She continued by saying that general office supplies are needed for the meetings and
Member Henderson asked if the school receives Title funding. Ms. Johnson responded that the
school does receive Title 1 funding; however, that money is very specific and does not cover the
Professional Learning Communities (PLC).
Member Henderson, seconded by Vice - Chairman Carrington, moved to recommend that the City
Commission award grant funding of $500 to the Ocoee Elementary School PLC. Motion carried
Application No. 10 — Ocoee Church of God/ Lighthouse Christian Academy
Thomas Odom, Lead Pastor, attended to represent the organization. Funding would be used for
playground improvements for the church and school.
Chairman Sills asked how many parishioners are Ocoee residents. Pastor Odom stated
approximately 50 Ocoee residents attend the church, and 22 Ocoee children are enrolled in the
Vice - Chairman Carrington asked if the playground is open to the public, and Mr. Odom replied
only during special events.
Vice - Chairman Carrington, seconded by Chairman Sills, moved to recommend that the City
Commission deny grant funding of $500 to Ocoee Church of God/Lighthouse Christian
Academy. Motion carried unanimously,
Application No. 11 — Barkie's Legacy
Jennifer Bark attended to represent the organization. She explained that Barkie's Legacy is a
large -breed dog rescue organization. Funding would be used to help offset the cost of dog food and
treats, supplies, and crates for the animals.
Chairman Sills asked if there was a pet adoption fee. Ms. Bark confirmed there is a pet adoption
fee. The fee is charged to help offset costs and to make the dogs valuable to the new owner. Ms.
Bark continued by saying that approximately thirteen dogs have been saved from the streets of
Ocoee within the last year, and six of the dogs have been re- homed.
Member Dunn, seconded by Member Sills, moved to recommend that the City Commission award
};rant funding of $500 to Barkie's Legacy. Motion carried unanimously,
Application No. 12 — Junior Achievement of Central Florida (JACF)
Susan Haugen, attended to represent the organization. Funding will be used to sponsor one of
twenty classes at Ocoee Elementary School that receives a volunteer- taught Junior Achievement
program. The program is based on financial literacy as the difference between a need and a want,
how a community works, and the skills needed for various careers. The program costs
approximately $550 to deliver one class. Funding will help offset some of the cost of training,
recruitment, recognition and evaluation costs, as well as program materials for each student,
volunteer and educator.
Community Grant Program Application
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
0 111 "Oil 0] L 4 1 k I M� 11 g
Dt'SC2 b;� I
Name of Organization: f ci � -) /
Address of Organization:
/ le"lei- )
Contact person for this application: i'i 61 jJQ Oejr�'Q )
(The contact member must be a member of the organizationT
Daytime phone number 6 cifol
E-mail address:
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase.
66 'U 1- 1 e S
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.)
$1 5 C U)
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
What is your organization's primary funding source?
0-+'t!0 r) s --Fu r' ,-/i . r L e- n q
) , ' J i
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
year? re
10, CLc/ -
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
oar v:oWus o')c ,3)- 1)
What is your annual budget for this year? Last year?
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee?
I J-
Page 2 -Community Grant Program Application
Floev many clients does y our organization serve? t_ How man live in Ocoee?
GL()GE., c,
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? a ,
®id you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee?
If so, how much money did you receive? �j' 5oo EV
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? WC Gt., P E'c �_r t r) - ems, i�r� S- c���aq �a�/�
1,r1'iI'I +'eS �. !i cl L7,%C�?��� V - 0v ( C
t e s d ViRn z ti n pr® i e a vencae or�dcoee residents to volunteer?
Does o' r ®r
1 h L'_L; r Y i r r� i _� �'1 c' �L_' f� L( C_' � C_[� i') Z U'L A- u t "ham e. r Au v j'n - 61-
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organiz contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documented? _
Y1r1'UV9, fit] (0l GiVeA _Aq(' VU(_C01 - fez 0 CO fr- ) ?-a Hti z r- ) �_ _
p i - 01"I'(10 C ice ry .r .' fby ����� %AT fG��- (� 1 'f� C z 6� a
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the'past T4
months: i,U�? SE. CCc �S ��,il )t C2r .;; JO ki'Ct S a eai a_0"4 c_�r c
t 00 Ylore !60 i'� s'u_)`W, h'-Le- b trrt bbl- i S`>`�i�dts - 1,}i- &4 v +'U��9 r" .;�
PAS 1 ".�i r C)17 Li`) I 1 to �I �rCu E J�' S ri rCSS avid f �Ci'i�f�C %�� �� r
Please include any other pertinent information abut your drganization or this specifi (oci a'J
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: LO - e - t)cfv,,._,,
7 i {��,t E ) !J' UPC Ci' _
- NLtg Se r Cam! '2 t c_ r 6�
; ?/ We, cj r v hrn l_-�_ f c? Ol �ri'i rvl u,i) i `e' I - )
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this day of
by a J
Print Your Name V
Page 3 —Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 )(9-1530 or e-mail
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Hall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received RECEIVED JUL 1!5-2013
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
Non-Profit Status On file Attached
'A ,u'it;iS�u
,�et:�:a c1 6iisaFlit @)gip ��.
To Whom It May Concern,
The Autism and Related Disabilities Gym Program is asking for a $500.00 grant from The City of
Ocoee. The entire program board has agreed that the Autism and Related Disabilities Gym Program
would greatly benefit from this grant in off - setting the price of swimming lessons for some of our
program family participants.
Thank you,. f
Jo -Anne Houwers
President /Founder
(407) 234 -7456
� yebad lJ t +rtgte: � rA'o
l:Ln� klrrra
6 PAMM PNorr narm um&
A program for individuals with disabilities to experience a place where the body, mind and spirit are
supported in attaining their full potential, allowing support for the family in healing and normalizing
their lives to the highest degree possiblE
A thriving non -profit organization committed to
ALL disabilities, ALL ages, and All family
members are invited to attend. Everyone is A _
welcome to come and join the fun.
t *C
a�� x
J :(iti�(9�1E
ke Pis on FAtiEC OOK
or at email: aguAs m aolxgm or visit our web site: www.aqtism,[?, rr±.0r
.. �q
407. 234.7456
.su.. utitmycm.or
Board of Diieciors Meeting Wednesday, :Sane 29, 2013
6:45 PM- 9:00 PTM
Wititer Garden Elks Lodge- Steals Night Fundraiser
items to discuss:
Presiding: Jo -Am7e l -louwers
Recording: Beth Jones
Attendees: Beth Jones, Russell Jones, JoAnne Iloutwers, Jae lTouwers, Lauri
Rounieliotis, Alan Moss, Jennifer louwers
Agenda item:
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Thanks to all for all their• dedication and support. Discuss upcoming Golf
tournament; October 5 adding a eight before walking 9 hole, event
3.0 Family Bowling events 3 per year volunteers and families
4.0 Voting in of new officers Peed 2. One to be voted on at next meeting.
Plans to sponsor 1045 children for swin - uning lessons at Jim Beech.
Old Business:
5.0 Voting in of new officers Need 2. One to be voted on at next meeting.
Plans for this year:
Golf Tournament: October 5, 2013 Orange Lake Golf resort
Family BBQ & P icnic September 7
Car Wash (October or November)
Special Dinner at Elks Lodge October
Deed help with gift cards, giveaways, etc for the tournament
Community Grant Program Application
I'M mmm �
When completing - this application, use only the space provided. T he only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only One entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
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G k
Name o f Organiza ('" ��.'� a �-� 6( <� n`r r f' •`'l
Address of Organization: JO
Contact person for this application:
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number(, : �� mail address: (9 ?
o What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase. Y
Sc,d <tol.s t < c,�, 5 c 6,. t1c �.� "!„ 7�r� / �lQ_: r•:
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What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.)
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
What is your organization's primary funding source? �,� Cfe Eo,�l �;; ;,� , , �C ° 1<�
�..^v e•;��r �l� i � v, �l1 fl..�'�CC .'. �' :v ` �C:. (' a'�! f' , L'r� \�r�y � � � � U "�C� -J =' � L �/�. 1.�. ' � � � q)
rt:1 1 � � '.� f • L,. ,� 1 I C' >l V, Ar�i l.�f
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
year'.�� J J { } �U+ C. �1(�.' /�J /��f� < ?} ^. �c�vV:b�lr'.�. L� 1 il�;tClif 1.1•rvP �12��`� i.`��r
What other sources of revenue does j your organization have? C /J1
What is your annual budget for this year?% � � ; � }1�� J ,fast year?
List the fundraisers Our organization holds? !- s
y g � ( ^-e;4''.
1 (
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee? ! i {
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F.1 on, p I ease r S un 26 d%ns d G GOSH 1 C) 3 o r Dm �F.:
Da Appflcation R-e-ceived RECEIVED ]U[, !2 20
Was A Rcccived Complet"j?
A -- c "on Retunined X
0 P To S U "I S C, file
The Gift of Swimming, Inc., NPO
205 Windermere Road
Winter Garden, FL 34757
407- 905 -2815
407- 905 -5268 faX
July 18, 2013
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Dear City Commissioners,
You are truly a community leader. With your sponsorship of children, our community
will be creating "Healthy Kids" by enriching the lives of those who would never be able
to afford high - quality swim lessons through physical fitness. By offering swim lessons,
we can help save their lives with survival skills.
The goal of the Gift of Swimming scholarship program is to directly impact the children
in the City of Ocoee by making a positive difference in their lives and their family's lives.
Secondary goals are to produce healthier bodies, minds and spirits by improving their
self confidence, self- esteem and pride. The community as a whole benefits when
children learn team skills and good decision - making.
Drowning is the #1 cause of accidental death in children ages 0 -4.
Drowning is the 2" leading cause of death in all children.
The Gift of Swimming was established as a 501(c)3 charitable organization in 2003
to address a serious gap by providing potentially lifesaving swim training for
disadvantaged and developmentally disabled children.
Every child needs to learn to swim. Every child deserves to learn to swim.
Every child deserves to live.
Thank you for your previous support and please consider approving this $500.00
Community Grant to swim the Ocoee children.
E /r l• � ,
Joy McG>i ty
thecjiftofswimm ina(@vahoo.com
The Gift of Swimming Inc. has received recognition of exemption under 5ection 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code
Community Grant Program Application
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
DEADLINE to submit application: July 30, 2013
Name of Organization:
Address of Organization:
C ontact p e rs o n f or this a p p lic a tio n:
(The contact member must be a member
of the organization.}'`
Daytime phone number 'X� - E address:
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase.
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
What is your organization's primary funding source?
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
That other sources of revenue does your organization have?
What is your annual b' for this year* ll ke2 5 , e'G Last year?
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee?
Page 2 —Community Grant Program Application
How many clients does your organization serve?0,?I How many live in Ocoee? 0
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before?
Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee. ry
if so, how much money did you receive?
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in?
Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volu�er?
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documented?
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: /,1 5��q ez
Please. include any other p ertin en t information about yo ur organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
'These funds will he utilized within the City of Ocoee or have direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the unidelines set forth in this application certified this clay of /'2"
Print Your Name
Page 3 —Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (4O7) 9O5-310Ox9'153Uore-mail
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Hall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761
For Staff Use Only
Date Application J UL NL �9
|iv"Kcccivu| ��~=�'"��� ?8~
Was Application Received Complete? \ /
|f not, Date Application Returned /
` 913 ®2014 (n ht: 5tadiu Plaza PL co.-
Lay existing 'spirit bricks' and purchase new bricks to fill out the planter area. ($400.00)
Purchase bushes and shrubbery to make the area look visually attractive. ($150.00)
® Design and purchase new sign (times two for both sides) for the existing marquee tower
Purchase powder coated metal benches for the plaza area. ($1,000)
I o Whom II \ Conccrn,
Ocoee High School
1925 Ocoee Crown Point Parkway
Ocoee, FL 34761
Phone: 407- 905 -3000
Fax: 407 -905 -3099
It is with great pleasen that I support our Athletic Department's request fir the City OFOcocc
G rant to help finish our stadium plaza project For this fall. If you have any questions please do not
Hesitate to call me at 407 -905- 3001. Go Knights!
William Floyd
Ocoee IIlgh School
"The Orange: County School Board is an equal opportunity agency„
,..,ommunity Grant Program Applicatiol
Funding Cycle: JULY 2013
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
DEADLINE to submit application: July 30, 2013
Name of Organization: Bo 0 u4 -F cop qz2-
Address of Organization: OCWe- Cb-Ss CkUv 2 U i C"-c
Contact person for this application Deo', C Lnvi rv I Ckc" r)
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number LAC -5qC D (() E-mail address: +oA Y' 001 C,2, f- L - T R P - C C rV1
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase. - rf n AS (5) 1 '1 5 - 0 C) C' C) � C" 54 0 V e- 5 0
(P0.00 6- 11 50 Pb-IS-To-ns C
CC-, C-VACLIC5 (3) �O-oo CC — 1S . U0
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) !S()C)
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
'P0'PLCCn av 0-6-rnp C-a�rd Gcde'�)
What is your organization's primary funding source?
DC) PoPccy Coy"pOlcucds Ck-vicl Scc�-r V b
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
year? 1, )co
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
T(-� n d r a 'I s e r-s ( c cor- w as k)
What is your annual budget for this year? NOT Es+c,-b I '5V4j2�4t year? 0 0 wN one h
NOT \/ e 4- G b I I c, 1 e J QI
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee?
3 C) y S C C
Page 2 -Community Grant Program Application
How many clients does your organization serve? S Flow many live in Ocoee? (o
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? N tD
Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee?
e? 1 L�
If so, how much money did you receive? Nf
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? 1-< ; _ c j U 1 ' 4 - � 1 C-hv i S -- i c, L
se-'f C eY trl CCG ( ; -iw S `` �0cA - e-S SC &��IS L''� �� vvNeC Ae-
Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? A 1 ct d ! 3
CU"et C o,m vn \ 1 ec YveevrjV care_ Voiu n+ee v \r\/ COSO l0oil, - rcc M 2 vT N
+c:, help 4er 6C -4 �, V1�.5 1 �5e � P2, rigs- Ec�id, Wo-4evr Sa -(+y CCL nip rnc
- Ti►�
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documented? Vo I Lkn--e cEr h ocxcs Tor
+rca b 13SP , Some C "Jul }- le c�_J 'e_v - 5
h +4 , e: r r� p I v y-C Y- _� -t✓h -� 1 t C, v e- o� V o I ( n - e - r - P C C c3 rcL V"
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: eci-e" iM e 00'Y 4 f L 'I iDa 4 C_ , Yl Sco c'A i "ncj -�nv - Ocd . Cn e W ee
'Qva We- W'1\1 co O oor -�o door a"d g'ivf- (> (-t-A 6-- �-Ov FooJ CJCna:ViO _r 6
J \ JeK - } VJ£'2Ke WC W 111 ' � O bc'CV-) G4 rlc[ i C11' (k P `6 o - 9 S D _�_00
Al -,rood i S d Tjv)nJ ed 40 --I-h e �OOO ( l /--, .
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help he City n making its decision: ulz are (A- W I COO()
DCoce 0 n ► o_boc - viioo --hS ()Id 7111 ere are I o---6 C> i+ - ev�o5 creel e u men
+o V►�1 a t�G �
S CCQ 55 C� f -� -�oolQ . 30� 5co� D- "_6r_..5 ` -O' H 9 joys e plcice 4—D
1 P Pct Pct �
Porn c�cc�� c f i ?- en5h;P a. "'fine- ' CAS C h o KSw�Aril � 4- ; l ��aV)5 -4--0 -�a Vc
czr� t� T Du EC,r� () u C
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this :A day of
Print your Larne
Wage 3 — Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e -mail
joy .wright(o)ocoee.orq .
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Hall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Fl_ 34751
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received RECEIVED JUL-22 2013
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application RetUrned_
Non -Profit Status On file Attached
Denise Heath
Committee Chair
201 South Clarke Road
Ocoee, FL 34761
July 12, 2013
City Of Ocoee
Dear: City Leaders
As a lifelong reagent of Ocoee I appreciate this opportunity. As a leader and Volunteer
for Troop 922, a grant for $500.00 will go a long way in making 922 a successful Troop.
We have also attached meeting minutes from a committee meeting.
Denise Heath
Committee chair
Doug Heath
- 1,4
Committee meetings to be held on Tuesday after the Round Table.
o Next Committee Meeting June 25
o Need a key for opening the church during the summer. — Denise to clear it with the church
• New pastor to be starting soon.
® Camp on May 31 to June 2nd
o Sandwich stuff for Friday night personal lunch
o Jack to be attending
o Daniel Gardner will be helping train the scouts.
• Shirts & extras are ordered for the boys.
• Scout Badge registration for Joshua
• Scout Camp Cards being sold again, more were picked up at the Scouting event.
• Discussed sales of the Boy Scout Camp Cards and the possibility of buying out the funds
held in the Scout Store. Decided that the Camp Card Sale should remain with the boy for use
with camps through the Boy Scouts.
• Discussed Troop Budget and need to discuss at next meeting.
• Boys to pay all dues before they receive their badges.
• Hiking Trip this summer — possibly July 26th & 27 th
o Rock Springs —TBD
• Boys to be getting personal mess kits for camping
• Need clean up bins for Wash /Rinse /Sanitize. — Has been purchased.
• Jeremy to look up requirements for Board of Review
o http: / /meritbadge.org /wil<i /index.php /Boards —of Review
• Jeremy to look up requirements for Court of Honor
o http: / /meritbadge.org /wil<i /index.php /Court of Honor
• Will need a Dutch Oven this year for teaching the Boy Scout method of teaching. Not
needed for this coming campout.
• Troop to purchase American Flag.
• Publix shopping trip on the 5/28/2013 —Tax ID documents needed?
• Scouting for Food will be November 3 and 10
• Discussed fund raising idea of Mistletoe sales at Christmas time.
Jeremy Wade
Corrunittee Member
.1 I I i C �-" AL i 01
n4LTfact " 1
Funding Cycle: JULY 2013
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Eli] am 01-A 1 IWOM31 IF] 1 91011 LOVUR•XI
41 41 41 41 41 11 41
Name of Organization: 'IQ p -]::;1C
Address of Organization:
Contact person for this application:
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number Lf-D--7 E-mail address:
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase.
1 44"
'C:) Cc- (f k:!f
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is
is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
What is your organization's primary funding source?
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
year? (1 -
") r�- . 1
`5 11, 000 C d C � 6-t- e r-0 r" 2 0 7 D
What other sources of revenue does your organization have? - - X� , , 1 -1 2 -- L
K-Zs�-' 1:7 � 20c - 2-o I ';—� -,�— 1
e�k r xvz-��,- C) — A
c r
What is your annual budget for this year? Last year?
1 -2-) 4
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
, C\ - (
" V C-�� ��-C �-2 o
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee?
Page 2 — Community Grant Program Application
HoVv many clients does your organization serve? 3�;'S How many lure in Ocoee?
C.0 t. i3
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? ,-,
Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? 00
If so, how much money did you receive? !, j j i
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? n C>
Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer?
� l � � �, � �-�e. �� c� ✓ �� t. �- t ,� -� ��� U �, �����-� o � °c��..� C_�.,�� -� <--�
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documente d?
-� C�
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
1V�_ � �;��.c��� 4- '1•�c.:�.� �-= e_ -��S ��v:���.> � �ie'JK'.��
Please include any ! other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
ti� ; Cc c c'c_
lL% ct� �L� �c•�� >� v � �%cc_,� (LEt��dIr
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify thai your organization b'
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please react and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this ay of
Print Your Name
Page 3 —Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 )(9-1530 or e -mail
joy. wright(2ocoee.orq
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Hall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
Non - Profit Status On file Attached t
CARL_ Board Meeting Minutes
r July 9, 2013 — 6:30 pm
Panera Bread Restaurant at Fashion Square Mall, Orlando
Attendance: Carol Sweeney (CS), Karin Monday (KM), Terise Marchelos (TM), Jim Kollenberg (1K), Melissa LaNlinfa (ML),
Lisa Freeman (LF) and Fatima Lamrani (FL)
Call to order: 6:48 pm
1. Minutes: Motion to approve minutes from June 11 meeting by LF, second by TM, unanimous vote in favor
2. Financial
a. treasury reports: motion to accept reports by TM, second by I<M, unanimous vote for
b. OCAS grant update: the work is complete with a total of 200 cats (101 M, 99 F)
c. Other grant efforts: Donna Paulette is preparing a grant application for the City of Ocoee
Policies & Procedures
a. TM has prepared a preliminary draft for an amendment regarding routine purchases of ivermectin and time limits on DJMF
authorizations; CS to review and distribute to board for review prior to next meeting
b. Discussed policy regarding community service credits. Volunteers will be required to kes;i a log of their volunteer activities,
which they submit to the board for approval, and the activities should be something thai helps to achieve the goal of CARE
and should he something beyond colony maintenance. Examples of eligible activities include TNR efforts (trapping,
transporting, recovery & release), helping the community outreach team leader with calls from the cormunity, helping the
TNR coordinator on the Lakeland SPCA drop-off and pick -up days, helping at CARE yard sales, etc.
4. Bailouts Report —see below
5. TNR
a. Surgery Report —see below
b. TNR historical statistics: ML provided an update on statistics she is compiling, JK will look through financials for private vet
S/N numbers
c. Vet Agreements:
i. Piedmont- Wekiva TNR agreement: 20% off if CARE pays, voice authorization by MK, KM orJl< required
ii. Altamonte TNR agreement: LF will provide details
iii. Lakeland SPCA program: KM provided an update: no formal agreement is needed, CARE has initiated a confirmation
process, we are considering increasing to 2 runs per week, caretakers are pitching in to volunteer during drop -off and
pick -up
iv. CF SPCA agreement: ML provided an update: they have a new director with a background in disaster management,
wants to increase the live release rate and is interested in TNR for feral cats as a means to this end. They have agreed
to a $25 TNR package with 30 appts every Friday, will consider some agreement for low -cost medical.
v. OCAS spay day: ML provided an update: CARE has declined the opportunity due to conflicts with the Lakeland SPCA run
vi. SpayNSave grant for Sanford cats only: ML provided info on grant
d. Traps: motion by i<M to purchase ten (10) 30" traps for approx $540 plus an additional shipping charge not to exceed
$196.50, second by TM, unanimous vote in favor
6. Colony Support
a. Medical Report —see below
b. Dr. Bruce (Orlando Veterinary Hospital) agreement for medical services: no progress
7. Community Outreach: FL noted that the referrals from OCAS have been light recently
8. Volunteers: the volunteer luncheon was very successful
9. IT /Marketing : there are no current issues.
Neva Month's Meeting Date: august 13, 2.013
11djournment: 9:00 pm
Bailout Report
g bailouts in June 2013: 2 euthanized, 4 return to colony, 2 adopted by residents near colony
DIMF RPnort : need to undat the list
Spay n Save
Lakeland SPCA
Successful surgeries
Kittens prevented
Not available
PTS /deaths
No Show
Loye Null
Turned Away
$ ??
$210 (OCAS grant
Other Notes:
DIMF RPnort : need to undat the list
$ spent to date
Multiple lumps throughout
body // euthanized
Loye Null
FeLV -P in poor condition //
July 24, 2013
City of Ocoee
Community Grant Program Application
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Dear Sir or Madam:
This letter is to verify my support of the CARE Feline TNR, Inc (CARE) application for a Community Grant from the
City of Ocoee. As president of CARE, I am actively involved in the day -to -day operations and decision - malting of our
organization. This application has my full support, as does it have the full support of our entire Board of Directors.
Trap- Neuter - Return (TNR) is our primary mission. Our volunteers dedicate countless hours of their time each and
every day in the pursuit of TNR for all feral and otherwise un -owned community cats. Should your organization
choose us for one of your Community Grant Program grants, our volunteers will be overjoyed at the opportunity to
assist caretakers in Ocoee with the TNR of community cats.
We greatly appreciate your time and consideration of our application. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-
765 -9991 if you have any questions or if I can provide any additional information that might help you in making
your decision.
Carol Sweeney '
President, CARE Feline TNR, Inc. - "�
Community Grant Program Application
Funding Cycle: JULY 2013
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
DEADLINE to submit application: July 30, 2013
_ C ',,
Name of Organization: 1
Address of Organization:
Contact p erson for this application:
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
S(,out Candidate
Daytime phone number E-mail address:
, 0 7 ' - 65"8- '2 = ":
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase.
E i ce i'l 14 e Ll ti i �G a rd -_ H i 11 P) O\i i 1- 1 G() j,� e il e i n o ri n o or f
i S
(1 12, 1 a f 0, f I t I
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iterili7ef-I (,CStS cif( �isted in aftadled '%!�1011'boo! 4 0
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.)
T: is pro)ject Cost is to lb',--, 'S' -1 - 00.
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
( :,s c - riinc ro - G
-, co i F ] 1 t - (_ J
What is your organization's primary funding source?
�(_h ku _ia� L-a
- 0 ,
C, scou� caricida rpisess his 111!-Ids io) rJS individua; o'COU"
Al o ec �IAi ec,� le. : �ru rn V e 111 Oc ee
How much money oes yo��organization receive' from your primary funding source each
year? Aic-c's o� -'SGGL" Servi(a
•M Me )y Scou iof i_,I:- _
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
Gao Alec, (Joes rmif :r./e of �
What is your annual budget for this year? Last year?
I hie 7 i. i Ite rf 1 y Ga. i-0 e ii �-, ro; �,. ci� �,� i i I c ,, � �; t
f - J � L 'I. JU r,() 1,astyeai
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
i'Nlec do" C not
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee?
Mh� tU
(.-.at-,,, ],�l
e B 1C� - -o7e
ci 0 CC'; I'l [I j.
I cL S vc U
Page 2 — Community Grant Program Application
How many clients does your organization serve? How many live in Ocoee?
E,``� L "� �- i3 ti ct:
, ai3 a'i.� �,E,i / 1 "7 �l t_i�l ).ti I 1Ct (> s! �Il�ii�.ittll�! Ut�ll`;t31S . A �iG'_ II
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City Before?
Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee?
If so, how much money did you receive?
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in?
c( ! UC)l.l, i�:t �< d o r - y 1 3! , i -r) 'o, Cir
Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer?
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documented?
''Ouilly doilea ai-e acco irJe;d p oi - at p i i °oo 198. /\'Iec doriaS iC ,IC:;C 50 it o!
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
_A .j _. f J �, , . , i. s .:{.v., �j "1 � t L . i, - 11 �_U U _ ,...ems �_. _ _
i��d�_ �l C }� E� ,>1 C- d'v.�, E11, EJ,� I { �f Gu.`a, -' _ i�� A t.
Ai 3 ar` 0 t 0Pc7 _ i s ':' 1 i i1, E wL - 10 S.
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
rl . I ° d i`: if e V .._.:".gl �....i_. (.f E -,. �.':s`�i' ✓ 1 ��ieci i \Erie { lad C t `Ic, !)���. Evil f.'..1C�aC i, /�.:il t31' ?,1 iC
ire, .i . !i)pl C1i_'lf; € C,0 r C) .() 4" uEi ii. i7Ui" 4_C's4_Riill� l,t;l.
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this / day of
- A — Lac_ A, aic- 1 c— Jr
Print Your Name
Page 3 —Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 9-1530 or e-mail
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Hall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received RECEIVED JUL
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
Non-Profit Status On file Attached
\ ��
? 2 a }
.} »
� \
New 6 ngona +a for this electronic workbook include expandable R4 boxes and the ability to insert images in
wE,GCfb and PNG formats. Please let a know how we may further improve your experience by sending
comments to advan±menRRm@ mu ngam <m&mada«emen Ram@ m3m¢ogx
Eagle Sco candidate's name �Alec David Nachtsheim
Congratulations on attaining the rank of Life Scout. Each year, approximately 57,000 Scouts just like you reach this
milestone. And, since you're reading this, I know you are looking forward to achieving the pinnacle of your Scouting
experience: the rank of Eagle Scout.
Think of your Eagle Scout service project as the ultimate "application phase" of what you have learned thus far in
Scouting: leadership... responsibility... managing projects... applying your Scout Oath — "to help other people." An
Eagle Scout project is a crowning achievement following years of fun, adventure, and advancement. In completing it, you
provide an example for others that they can do the same thing.
Some may suggest how big your project should be, or how many hours should be spent on it, but that is entirely up to
you. Service, impact, and leadership are the objectives and measurements. Use these as your criteria to consider,
select, develop, and evaluate your project. For most, the Eagle Scout service project becomes a truly defining moment
in your quest for excellence. Planning and leadership skills utilized and memories of outcomes achieved will last you a
lifetime. You will want to share those stories with others, so make it a worthy project!
Legendary hall -of -fame basketball coach John Wooden said, "It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes
it." Let me be among the first to encourage you to take Mr. Wooden's remark to heart. You have made it to Life Scout, but
Eagle represents the finish line. Keep striving. I know you will cross it, and you will be glad you did!
Wayne Brock
Chief Scout Executive
.Scouts and Parents or Guardians
Be sure to read "Message to Scouts and Parents or Guardians" on page 4 -5 and "Excerpts and Summaries From the
Guide to Advancement" on page 4 -6. Those pages contain important information that will help you ensure requirements
are properly administered according to National Council policies and procedures.
Completing This Workbook
If you are working from a printed copy of the Eagle Scout.Service Project Workbook, you may complete it legibly in ink, or
with a typewriter. Feel free to add as many pages as you wish. This may be necessary if more space is needed, or
as you include photographs, photocopies, maps, or other helpful printed materials.
A fillable version of the new workbook is available at www.scouting.org (click on "Youth ", then "Boy Scout ", then
"Advancement, Awards, Recognition "). If you experience difficulties with the fillable PDF, you may need to download a
more recent version of Adobe Acrobat reader (available free online). Or, it might be necessary to use a printed copy.
Although this new electronic version of the workbook is now available, the workbook will continue to be available for
printing a hard copy that can be completed by hand or with a typewriter.
Minimum System Requirements
For maximum functionality, please be sure you have updated Adobe Reader.
PC: Free Adobe Reader version 9 or later
Mac: Free Adobe Reader version 9 or later
Available at http: / /get.adobe.com /reader/
9 -2
-Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
Message From the Chief Scout Executive
1 -2
Meeting Eagle Scout Requirement 5
1 -4
Project Purpose
1 -4
Choosing a Project
1 -4
How to Use This Workbook
1 -5
Contact Information
1 -6
Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal
Eagle Scout Service Project Final Plan
3 -1
Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application
3 -6
Procedures and Limitations on Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising
3 -7
Eagle Scout Service Project Report
4 -1
Message to Scouts and Parents or Guardians
4 -5
Excerpts and Summaries from the Guide to Advancement
4 -6
Only the Official Workbook May Be Used
Eagle Scout candidates must use the official Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512 -927, as produced by the Boy
Scouts of America. The official fillable version can be found at www.scouting.org.Although it is acceptable to copy and
distribute the workbook, it must maintain the same appearance with nothing changed, added, or deleted.
No council, district, unit, or individual has the authority to produce or require additional forms, or to add or change
requirements, or to make any additions, deletions, or changes in the text, outlines, links, graphics, or other layout or
informational elements of the workbook. It is permissible, however, to print, copy, or send individual pages or forms
within the workbook as long as they are not changed in the process.
Attention: Unit, District, and Council Reviewers
Eagle Scout projects must be evaluated primarily on impact: the extent of benefit to the religious institution, school,
or community, and on the leadership provided by the candidate. There must also be evidence of planning and
development. This is not only part of the requirement but relates to practicing the Scout motto, "Be Prepared."
However, in determining if a project meets Eagle Scout requirement 5, reviewers must not require more planning and
development than necessary to execute the project. These elements must not overshadow the project itself,
as long as the effort was well led and resulted in otherwise worthy results acceptable to the beneficiary.
Eagle Scout Requirement 5
While a Life Scout, plan, develop, andgive leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, oryour
community. (The project must benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) A project proposal must be approved by the
organization benefiting from the effort your unit leader and unit committee, and the council or district before you start. You must use
the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512 -927, in meeting this requirement.
Project Purpose
In addition to providing service and fulfilling the part of the Scout Oath, "to help other people at all times," one of the
primary purposes of the Eagle Scout service project is to demonstrate or hone, or to learn and develop, leadership
skills. Related to this are important lessons in project management and taking responsibility for a significant accomplishment.
Choosing a Project
Your project must be for any religious institution, any school, or your community. It is important to note, however,
that the Boy Scouts of America has recently redefined "your community" to include the "community of the world."
Normally, "your community" would not refer to individuals, although a council or district advancement committee may
consider scenarios in which an individual in need can affect a community. It is then a matter of identifying a source
representing the "community" who will provide approvals. For more information, see the Guide to Advancement, No. 33088,
Your project must present an opportunity for planning, development, and leadership. For example, if a blood drive is
chosen and the blood bank provides a set of "canned" instructions to be implemented with no further planning, the
planning effort would not meet the test. You may need to meet with blood bank officials and work out an approach
that requires planning, development, and leadership. This might involve developing and carrying out a marketing and
logistics plan, or coordinating multiple events.
An Internet search can reveal hundreds of service project ideas. Your project doesn't have to be original, but it could be. It
might be a construction, conservation, or remodeling project, or it could be the presentation of an event with a worthwhile
purpose. Conversations with your unit leader, teachers, your religious leader, or the leaders of various community
organizations can also uncover ideas. In any case, be sure the project presents a challenge that requires leadership, but
also something that you can do with unskilled helpers, and within a reasonable period of time.
• There are no required minimum hours for a project. No one may tell you how many hours must be spent on it.
• Routine labor is not normally appropriate for a project. This might be defined as a job or service you may provide as
part of your daily life, or a routine maintenance job normally done by the beneficiary (for example, pulling weeds on the
football field at your school).
• While projects may not be of a commercial nature or for a business, this is not meant to disallow work for community
institutions, such as museums and service agencies (like homes for the elderly, for example), that would otherwise be
acceptable. Some aspect of a business operation provided as a community service may also be considered -for
example, a park open to the public that happens to be owned by a business.
• A project may not be a fundraiser. In other words, it may not be an effort that primarily collects money, even for a
worthy charity. Fundraising is permitted only for securing materials and facilitating a project, and it may need to be
approved by your council. See "Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application" on page 17.
• No more than one Eagle Scout candidate may receive credit for working on the same Eagle Scout service project.
• Projects may not be performed for the Boy Scouts of America, or its councils, districts, units, or properties.
1 -4
E � C i � I .�.J F � d•5 1 � ��
This workbook includes valuable information that can help ensure your success. It also includes four forms: a proposal, a
final plan, a fundraising application, and a project report.
Before completing any of the forms, read with your parent or guardian the "Message to Scouts and Parents or
Guardians." If your project is worthy and meets Eagle Scout requirement 5 as it is written, the message will help you
successfully present your proposal through the approval process.
Contact Information: Complete the contact information sheet with as much information as is available.
Preparing the Project Proposal Go to Page 2 -1.
Your proposal must be completed first. It is an overview, but also the beginnings of planning. It shows your unit
leader, unit committee, and council or district that the following tests can be met. For your proposal to be approved, it
must show the following:
1. It provides sufficient opportunity to meet the Eagle Scout service project requirement. You must show that planning,
development, and leadership will take place; and how the three factors will benefit a religious institution, a school,
or your community.
2. It appears to be feasible. You must show the project is realistic for you to complete.
3. Safetyissues will be addressed. You must show you have an understanding of what must be done to guard against
injury, and what will be done if someone does get hurt.
4. Action steps for further detailed planning are included. You must make a list of the key steps you will take to make sure
your plan has enough details to be carried out successfully.
5. You are on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience.
Your proposal need only be detailed enough to show a reviewer that you can meet the tests above. If you find in order
to do that, the proposal must be lengthy and complicated, your project might be more complex than necessary.
If your project does not require materials or supplies, etc., simply mark those spaces "not applicable." Remember, do
not begin any work or raise any money or obtain any materials until your project proposal has been approved.
If you submit your proposal too close to your 18th birthday, it may not be approved in time to finish planning and
executing the project.
The Final Plan Go to Page 3 -1.
Complete the Eagle Scout Service Project Final Plan after your proposal has been approved. This is a tool for your use -
no one approves it -and it can be important in showing your Eagle Scout board of review that you have planned and
developed your project as required. For this reason you are strongly encouraged to share the final plan with a project
coach. This might be the council or district person who approved your proposal, or perhaps someone who has agreed to
work with you. A coach can help you avoid many problems associated with service projects, and thus improve your
chance of passing the Eagle board of review. If materials, etc., were not needed, mark those spaces "not applicable."
The Fundraising Application Go to Page 3 -6 .
If your fundraising effort involves contributions only from the beneficiary or you, your parents or relatives, your unit or its
chartered organization, or parents or members in your unit, submitting the fundraising application is not necessary. If you
will be obtaining money or materials from any other sources, you must submit a completed application to the local council
service center. For more information, see "Procedures and Limitations on Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising" on
page 18.
The Project Report Go to Page 4 -1.
Complete this portion after the project has been finished. Note the space for you to sign (confirming that you led and
completed the project), and also the signature lines for the beneficiary and your unit leader's approval that your project
met Eagle Scout requirement 5. As with the proposal and final plan, if materials, etc., were not required, mark
those spaces "not applicable."
1 -5
Eagle Scout Candidate
Full legal name: Alec David Nachtsheim Birth date: 02/25/92 BSA PID No.: 104793186
Email address:
Address: 610 E. Lakeshore Drive City: Ocoee State: FL Zip: 34761 -3
Preferred phone Nos.: 407 -656 -2084 Lire board of review date: 03/15/12
Personal ID No., found on the BSA membership card
Current Unit Information
Check one ® Troop ❑ Team ❑ Crew
❑ Ship Unit No. 198
District name: Apopka Shores
Council name: Central Florida
Unit Leader Check one: ® Scoutmaster
❑ Varsity Coach ❑ Crew Advisor ❑ Skipper
Name: Colleen Salisbury
Preferred phone Nos.: 407- 376 -2152
Address: 517 Whiskey Creek Court
City. Ocoee _r State: FL
Zip: 34761
Email address: Tabhuntney @aol.com
BSA PID No.: 115301375
Unit Committee Chair
Name: Paula Usre y -
Preferred hone Nos.: 407 - 608 -30 5
- p _
Address: 532 Ocoee Hills Road
City Ocoee State: FL
Zip: 34761
Email address: Pusrey @OrlandoQualitylnn.com
Unit Advancement Coordinator
Name: Kimberly Hawkins
Preferred phone Nos.: 407 - 608 -3065
Address: 532 Ocoee Hills Road
City: Ocoee State: FL
Zip: 34761
Email address:
Project Beneficiary (Name of religious institution,
school, or community)
Name: City of Ocoee
Preferred phone Nos.:
City: _ .. State:
Email address:
Project Beneficiary Representative (Name of contact for the project beneficiary)
Name: Mayor Scott Vandergrift
Preferred phone Nos.:
Address: 150 N Lakeshore Drive
City: Ocoee State: FL
Zip: 34761
Email address:
Your Council Service Center
Preferred phone Nos.:
City: State:
Email address:
Council or District Project Approval Representative
(Your unit leader, unit advancement coordinator, or council or district advancement chair may help you learn who this will be.)
Preferred phone Nos.:
City: - - - - State:
Email address:
Project Coach
(Your council or district project approval representative may help you learn who this will be.)
Preferred phone Nos.:
City. - _ - State:
Email address:
1 -6
Eagle Scoot candidate's nanieAlec David Nachtsheim
Eagle Scut Requirement S
While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any
religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project must benefit an organization
other than Boy Scouting.) A project proposal must be approved by the organization benefiting
from the effort, your unit leader and unit committee, and the council or district before you start.
You must use the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512 -927, in meeting this requirement.
Project Description and Benefit Eagle Scout candidate: Alec David Nachtsheirn
Briefly describe the project. Attach sketches or "before" photographs if these will help others visualize it.
will modify and enhance a Butterfly Garden downtown Ocoee and make a memorial in honor of the Mayor's late wife.
This project will be done by trimming the existing plants, adding new plants that attract Butterflies, adding mulch, put in a
concrete slab for the bench and install the bench with a memorial plaque.
click above to add image, edit this to
create image description
Tell how your project will be helpful to the beneficiary. Why is it needed?
I believe this project will be helpful to the community of Ocoee because it will make the existing area look better, give
them a nice place to sit by the lake and give the Mayor a nice place to have to remember his wife.
When do you plan to begin work on the project? End of May
How long do you think it will take to complete? 2 weekends
Giving leadership
Approximately how many people will be needed to help on your project? 15
Where will you recruit them (unit members friends, neighbors family others) Explain
The majority of the people will be from my Troop. My brothers, dad and people from the City's recreation department will
help also.
What do you think will be most difficult about leading them?
think the most difficult part will be for me to give them direction and to get them to listen to me.
Materials (Materials are things that become part of the finished project, such as lumber, nail, and paint.)
What types of materials, if any, will you need? You do not yet need a detailed list of exact quantities, but you must show
you have a reasonable idea of what is required.
50 various sized plants
10 bags of mulch
1 plaque
15 16" patio stones
Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal, continued
Supplies (Supplies are things you use up, such as masking tape, tarps, and garbage bags.)
What lands of supplies, if any, will you need? You do not yet need a detailed list or exact quantities, but you must show
you have a reasonable idea of what is required
garbage bags
water for workers
What kind of tools, if any, will you need?
wheel barrel
hose or buckets for water
Permits and Permissions (Note that property owners normally secure permits.)
Will you need to secure permissions or permits (for example, building permits)? Who will obtain them? How much will
they cost? How long will it take to secure them?
I do not need a permit for this work. I have gotten approval from the Mayor and the Manager of Recreation Department
Preliminary Cost Estimate
(You do not need exact costs. Reviewers will just want to see if you can reasonable expect to raise enough money to cover an initial
estimate of expenses.)
(Enter your estimated expenses.)
Items Cost f=undraising Explain where you will get the money for total costs indicated below, left.
I am receiving donations
Will use existing
Will use existing
Donation from my Troop
Total costs:
'Such costs as food, water, gasoline, parking, permits, equipment rental, sales tax, etc.
Project Phases (You may have more than eight phases, or fewer, as needed; if more, click the button to add a phase.)
Think of your project in terms of phases and list what they might be. The first might be to complete your final plan. Others might';
include fundraising, preparation, execution, and reporting. You may have as many phases as you want, but it is not
necessary to become overly complicated.
1. Fill out Project Book
2.'i Submit project book
I': Buy Supplies
4.', Execute plan
5., Work on Butterfly Garden
6. Finish project book
Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal, continued
Think of your project in terms of phases and list what they might be. The first might be to complete your final plan. Others might
include fundraising, preparation, execution, and reporting. You may have as many phases as you want, but it is not
necessary to become overly complicated.
7.. Celebrate
(A tour and activity plan has also been called a "tour permit. " Check with your council service center to determine
Logistics if one is required.)
How will you handle transportation of materials, supplies, tools, and helpers? Will you need a tour and activity plan?
I will have the volunteers meet at the location, I will use the Troop trailer to get supplies there, and will have the
landscaping company deliver the plants to the location.
Safety Issues (The Guide to Safe Scouting is an important resource in considering safety issues.)
Describe the hazards and safety concerns you and your helpers should be aware of as this project is conducted.
- - _ - -- -
We need to be careful if it is a hot day to stay hydrated, since we are planting plants that attract butterflies they also
attract bees which could sting us. We will be using tools so we will need to be safe in using them and need to be careful
when lifting heavy items. I will follow the guide to Safe Scouting.
Further Planning (You do not have to list every step, but it must be enough to show you have a reasonable
idea of how to complete a final plan.)
List some action steps you will take to complete a final plan For example, "Complete a more detailed set of drawings.
_ _.
need to get pictures of what l did
Candidate's Promise (Signed before approvals below are granted)
On my honor as a Scout, I have read this entire workbook, including the "Message to Scouts and Parents or Guardians" on page 4 -4. 1 promise
to be the leader of this project, and to do my best to carry it out for the maximum benefit to the religious institution, school, or community I
have chosen as beneficiary.
Signed Date _
Unit Leader Approval` Unit Committee Approval*
I have reviewed this proposal and discussed it with the candidate. I This Eagle Scout candidate is a Life Scout, and registered in our unit. I
believe it provides impact worthy of an Eagle Scout service project, have reviewed this proposal, I am comfortable the project is feasible,
and will involve planning, development, and leadership. I am and I will do everything I can to see that our unit measures up to the
comfortable the Scout understands what to do, and how to lead the level of support we have agreed to provide (if any). I certify that I
effort. I will see that the project is monitored, and that adults or have been authorized by our unit committee to provide its approval
others present will not overshadow him. for this proposal.
Signed Date Signed Date
------------------ - _. - -. -- - -
Beneficiary Approval" Council or District Approval
This service project will provide significant benefit, and we will do all I have read sections through, regarding the Eagle Scout
we can to see it through. We realize funding on our part is not Service Project, in the Guide to Advancement, No. 33088. 1 agree on my
required, but we have informed the Scout of the financial support (if honor to apply the procedures as written, and in compliance with the
any) that we have agreed to. We understand any fundraising he policy on "Unauthorized Changes to Advancement" Accordingly, I
conducts will be in our name and that funds left over will come to us. approve this proposal. I will encourage the candidate to complete a
We will provide receipts to donors as required. final plan and further encourage him to share it with a project coach.
Signed _ Date Signed _ Date
*While it makes sense to obtain them in the order they appear, there shall be no required sequence for the order of obtaining approvals
marked with an asterisk ( *). However, council or district approval must come after the others.
gROpp .
`V 'V
July 31, 2013
To Whom it May Concern,
As Scout Master of Troop 198, 1 support Alec Nachtsheim's request for a Community Grant to assist with
his Eagle Project. His project is focused on enhancing the Ocoee Community and therefore I believe it
would be a good use of the funds.
Colleen P. Salisbury
Scout Master Troop 198
Community Grant o g is • p m
Funding Cycle: JULY 2013
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
DEADLINE to submit application: July 30, 2013
Name of Organization: Pope I - C-
Address of Organization: I��D NAie- ls 'R J, I.I//i� r �G d�0 y �' �y7�
Contact person for this application: Ra v - vl 60 w i n j
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.) l
Daytime phone number q07 1 DS- qS ° ® E -mail address:
cx +. too I
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase. ���'se4 +ra + ce4 orl eos +s -P6 v our ho tee!' B I
9ves+s w� -hN hus p �s5e5� �„GyG {�s� h� I� Io6�Gs &�a b► ke f'y� ;s
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Ne � b ke 2od , ��► +h l,� �,, s ��ss 50, i l9 0
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.)
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this gpecific project?
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What is your organization's primary funding source?
'Pv'iue4c jano ( �a,eckes� `1,1A Lj1
Wow much money does your organization receive fro your p imary funding source each
year? ����v �a�d d e s �� �i �u �a���s c�c�v�� �hu�'�Qnes
Ow�,i apl IAd�i and D� pr,V�-I� -FL) UA fa4'.045
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
What is your annual budget for this year?� 9 Last year? X200 OOD
List the fun rai ers our organization holds? koel,- l &5;ne S.Se
oo ®v
12 11`1 e A,odi-a
Wow many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
Wow many live in Ocoee?
ee e
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Page 2 - Community Grant Program Application
How many clients does your organization serve? flow many live in Ocoee?
-7 /o o pe, ve-e k- Aloe , 'VO 7
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before?
1 / ,, S / 2D //
Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee?
If so, how much money did you receive?
1� 50 D
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
active ies do you participate in? des
Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer?
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documented? Hour-$ Q('e 4 we - e - KI�
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5q LI-5 VD 9vv, rev- h v u �^s
Please list the specific accomp ishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: We- hive ProcJi d�� How s� �. G�e�o ode-- Fio�►S �-o I�nts�� �ocv�IeSS
pcoee -Ca-t4Z 11'e s "Pee-' C"L-9 L —
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0 cow - w-94 otl -S w-4 n wL be-c-etr e-' 1,, Zen 6
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: W e__ r?o kvt n Ue- -�
e r n a l < e 5 �r � cle s i p ( wx ?I'o u+ n5 �) g j t e r„ e of
Ocoee hawsel es S . 0 Uv' e-F- r+s vv,(AtAll
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this >l t1 day of�� I R ( 4
Print Your Naine
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e-mail
jooy.wright ocoee.org
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City lull
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761
For Staff Use Only te a
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
Non -Profit Status On file Attached
A NG- FGR .TDROFI s 50 1 (C) (3) ORC-ANIti710i
EA.N. !,`` 27- 22Z %5SG7
July 26, 2013
City of Ocoee
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
RE: Community Grant Program
To whom it may concern,
As Executive Director of Matthew's Hope Ministries, a 501C3 organization, it is with great
pleasure that I advise you that it is the intent and purpose of our organization to apply for the City of
Ocoee Community Grant. This letter shall serve as notification that our organization does support this
We thank you for the opportunity to make application and will continue to partner with you in
serving the homeless and underserved population of Ocoee.
� s ,
Karen A. Gowing ; V i
Executive Director
Matthews Hope Ministries, Inc.
Community Grant Program Application
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minute or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
ilC0 DIN
0000000004>4>4> 0000< 0>< 0> 000000
Name of Organization:
Girl Scout West Orange Service UNIT
Address of Organization:
Contact person for this application: WENDY SNIDER
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number 407 - 873 -8040 E -mail address:WJSNIDER_GS @YAHOO.COM
What are you seeking grant money for? please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase.
To help offset the cost that the service units host. Events held in the past: Ice skating at the RDV for Juliette Gordon Lows
birthday. Camporee, Bridging, and Leader - Daughter.
Please see the attached budget for expected costs for each event.
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) $500
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
All events that the service unit hosts are paid for by the girls and adults attending the events. All events have a budget and the
cost is shared by all that attend. Camporee is average of $15 to $20 per person with a budget of $4000. The Juliette Gordon
Low birthday event averages between $5 and $10 per person with a budget of $300 to $650 depending on the location of the
event. Bridging has a budget of $100 and is all service unit paid with troops asked to bring different items to help with the
event. For example, ice cream toppings, different foods for a cookout, and such.
What is your organization's primary funding source?
Troops that participate in the event.
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
We receive roughly between $4750 and $6500 between all of our events from girls and adults participating.
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
We receive no other funding or revenue.
What is your annual budget for this year? See attached spreadsheet
Page 2 - Community Grant Program Application
Last year?
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
As a service unit we do not have fundraisers. Girl Scouts hold 2 annual product sales each year for
each troop to participate in. The profit received from these sales are decided by each troop as to
how the money will be spent.
Homer many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
We have approximately 60 volunteers within the West Orange Service Unit which covers Ocoee and Winter Garden.
How many live in Ocoee? Approximately 30,
Hopi many clients does your organization serve? There are approximately 400 girls
participating in girl scouts in the Winter Garden and Ocoee area.. How many live in Ocoee?
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? Yes
Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee?
If so, hove much money did you receive?
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? Yes If yes, what
volunteer activities do you participate in? We've collected can goods during our Juliette Gordon
Low birthday event and donated everything to West Orange Christian Service Center. Troops have worked at
Nehrling Park doing clean -up.
Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer?
Absolutely. We are always looking for more adults to become leaders, volunteer in teaching the girls something new, or even
help troops in providing places to meet. We do a big recruitment event every September to provide information on
volunteering with Girl Scouts.
Homy many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and hove are those hours tracked or documented?
Most girls keep track of their volunteer hours in logs. If any volunteer hours are being used for awards, they must log and turn
in with final paperwork. Our adults do not track their hours. However, based on the number of meetings they have and
preplanning, most adult volunteers contribute approximately 60 hours per year at minimum. Some adult volunteers contribute
another 50 plus hours if they take on additional responsibilities within the service unit like planning events, recruiting girls and
adults and placing into troops, and organizing the council product sales for our service unit.
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 2
Each year we have increased our girl membership by 5 to 10% and add another 3 to 4 troops of approximately 10 girls. Thereby
expanding the number of girls that benefit from girl scouts. We are consistently out in the community by participating in city
events like Christmas parades and Christmas caroling at the assisted living facilities.
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
Girl Scouts is a girl lead program. Most troops are self- sustaining by participating in council wide product sales and other money
earning activities. Girls work very hard to earn money for the troop during the product sales because most families cannot
afford to send their girls to camp, and other girl scout events.
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this c day of A.
Print You acne
t y
( V
Page 3 — Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e -mail
joy.wriq htaocoee. org
ap plications Submit r
SON. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
Non- Profit Status On file
Bridging 2013 -Expense
$ 25.00
Camporee(250 @$20) - Income
$ 5,000.00
Bridging 2014 - Expense
$ 75.00
JGL Birthday - Income
$ 500.00
Camporee - Expense
$ 3,915.83
Leader - Daughter 2013 -
$ 500.00
Camporee(250 @$20) - Expense
$ 5,000.00
$ 180.00
JGL Birthday - Expense
$ 500.00
Leader - Daughter 2014 - Income
$ 180.00
Leader - Daughter 2013 -
$ 236.76
$ 125.00
Leader - Daughter 2014 - Expense
$ 330.00
Operations - Expense
$ 40.00
Recruitment - Expense
$ 110.00
Total Expense
$ 6,205.00 Total Income
$ 5,860.00
Bridging (August 2012) - Expense
$ 52.21
Camporee - Income
$ 3,527.68
Bridging (August 2013) - Expense
$ 75.00
JGL Birthday /Ice skating - Income
$ 695.00
Camporee - Expense
$ 3,915.83
$ 500.00
JGL Birthday /Ice skating - Expense
$ 981.42
Leader appreciation 2012 -
$ 425.00
$ 236.76
Operations - Expense
$ 43.55
Recruitment - Expense
$ 110.00
Total Expense
$ 5,414.77 Total Income
$ 4,222.68
Camporee - Expense
$ 3,541.63
Camporee - Income
$ 4,461.00
Camporee 2011 - Expense
$ 27.25
T- shirts - Income
$ 448.00
Operations - Expense
$ 36.12
$ 500.00
Pool Party - Expense
$ 153.10
T- shirts - Expense
$ 425.00
Total Expense
$ 4,183.10 Total Income
$ 5,409.00
Leader - Daughter - Expense
$ 388.52
Camporee - Income
$ 3,155.00
camporee - Expense
$ 3,154.05
juliette's birthday party - Income
$ 920.00
Operations - Expense
$ 24.00
Leader-Daughter- Income
$ 190.00
juliette's birthday party - Expense
$ 833.16
Total Expense $ 4,399.73 Total Income $ 4,265.00
Camp®ree Expenses:
Description Amount
GS of Citrus Council -
property reservation $ 2,500.00
Food $ 2,000.00
Supplies $ 1
Potential Income: $ 5,500.00 Expenses:
$ 5,500.00
Difference $ -
Birthday Part
Description I Amount
100 @ $5 Is 1,000.00
Birthday Pa
Party venue
Food /sutDplies
$ 800.00
$ 200.00
Potential Income: $ 1,000.00
Difference $ -
$ 1,000.00
Leader Appreciati ®n Leader Appreciation Expenses:
Description Amount Description Amount
Leaders $ 180.00 Appreciation event $ 180.00
Appreciation gifts $ 150.00
Potential Income: $ 180.00
Difference $ (150.00)
$ 330.00
Bridging Cerernow
Description I Amount
Bridging Cerem®
Magnolia Park
y Expenses:
$ 75.00
$ 75.00',
Potential Income: $ -
$ (150.00)
$ 150.00
TO w��
a 1 , 111311,
o Service Team Intro - -Fancy
• Registration- -Trish (Due to issue with system, it would be better for leaders to
registered the girls instead of each parent, I have email to send you)
y Sept 15 deadline
• Fall Products Updates -- Alesha
• Recruitment Results -- Michelle
• Juliette Gordon Low Party - -Marie
• Council Awards - -Megan (http://www.citrus-gs.org/wp-
content/ uploads / 2011 /01 /Nomination- Council- Awards_vlb.pdf) I have printout
with more info.
• Series Program - -Nancy
o Dates: Oct 1 15 29 and Nov 12
• Changes at Council- -Nancy
o Regions & Financial Reports
• Oct Service Unit Meeting - -Nancy
o Financial Reports Training - -Wendy
• Service Team Help- -Nancy
: 1 11
I_ s
Gift for Girls Training
Cookie Training
i ?.. g
Service Team Announcements
Upcoming Events
®January 14 ®Cookie Booth Selection
• Please bring finger foods
• Ideas for Classes
• Learn about swaps and get opportunity to make a couple
®February 11 ®Carnporee Review Information Fight
o Learn how camporee and what the girls should expect for weekend.
®February ®Thinking Day
• More information will be coming out, so watch for emails.
• Thinking Day is girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to
honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries.
*March 11th —Mini Classes
o Sign up will be in February, based on ideas in January
January 2013 — Service Team Meeting
SU Meetings /Events
a. Cookie Pick Up —Feb 7th
i. I can't be there, Angie is by herself
b. Camporee Review Meeting —Feb 11
i. Plans for the meeting:
1. General Meeting for all troops to update on cookies (if any), Thinking Day
Mini Classes sign up and Leader Daughter event.
2. Camporee for younger girls information
3. Camporee for older girls information
c. Thinking Day —Feb 21 st
i. Theme is: Girls Worldwide Say "Together we can save children's lives."
ii. Location for event and date
1. Ocoee Middle from 6:00 to 9:00
d. Mini Classes —March 11
i. Not many suggestion were given, expect SWAP
e. April 81h
i. This is one of the meeting may be canceled.
f. Leader Appreciation —May 13
i. Marie is planning to head up the banquet
ii. Do we want to do the Tea Party or Black and White?
iii. Look at Tanner Hall or Jessie Brock, since they have a kitchen area
g. Wrap up Meeting —June 10
i. Do you think it is working to have the same set up as last year? Having table
set up in circle and have leaders go to each person.
2. Other items
a. Recruitment at booths
i. Michelle sent out email on what she will need for parent asking about joining a
b. Recruitment for K -4
i. Wendy and I talked about maybe having a recruitment night Oust for K -4)
parents and girls. This way we can get them started with training over summer
and troop ready to do in Aug.
1. OCPS is doing Kindergarten round up on April 3 Do we get flyers to the
school for date in May ??
c. Next year
i. Start thinking about changes we want to make for next year.
June End School Year 4 e e n g Documentation
The following stops for leaders:
• Registration - -I have list of current and early bird. Make sure everything is correct and if
they are coming back for next year (Trish)
• Position Agreements /Contact - -To hand in next year agreement and make sure I have
correct information (email, address, phone, meeting location, time and place)
• Financial Reports /Cookie Points -- collecting reports and let everyone know their current
points (Me)
• Recruitments- -Let us know if they have spots (Michelle)
• Leader Gifts /survey - -if they didn't receive one from the leader /daughter event.
July 2013 p Meeting
• Leaving
• Change
• New Leaders
• Bridging —Aug 17th
• So far, only three troops have RSVP for bridging. Megan will be sending out email to
remind everyone. Also there reminder on shutterfly about the event to RSVP to the
• Recruitment Nights—Sept 3 rd and S tn
• Locations:
• Set up
• Flyers
• Notification
• Handouts at the nights
New Leader Training
• Will be Sept 23 and 30
• Juliette Troop
• SU Positions
• SU Meetings
Ideas for SU meetings
Events for year
Annual Events
Request for other events
School list with amount of flyers
Cookie Points
Recruitment Flyers
Handout for Recruitment
Su Team info
A" I t T
Mel • - , - I i T,
Funding Cycle: JULY 2013
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
DEADLINE to submit application: July 30, 2013
Name of Organization: Oe 5;c,6col PLC
Address of Organization: 400 S. U'Ke-waocj A "
cc'oce )f::.L- 3VC-7115
Contact person for this application: C— k e." To Iq L"'
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
What is your annual budget. for this vear?, $ Last year? f 0
List the fundraisers your organization hole
- T - K-- 5CJA�O kc)tcls v1'. T�VJ V-atsc rs
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee? 2-3
Page 2 — Community Grant Program Application
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified thi day of 0
Page 3 —Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e -mail
joy wright@ocoee.org
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Wall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34701
For Staff Use Only
► '-
Date Application Received
RECEI JUL 3 2015 =
Was Application Received Complete? _ I ,i
If not, Date Application Returned,
Non -Profit Status On file Attached
July 29, 2013
To whom it may concern:
Please note my endorsement and participation in applying for a grant to support our
Professional Learning Communities. This year, we are striving to strengthen our PLC teams to
increase student performance. To do so, teachers will need to collaborate with others to plan
instruction, monitor student growth, and intervene when necessary.
To build our commitment to the PLC process, we will need to purchase professional books,
materials and supplies for meetings.
Thank you for your consideration of our project this year.
Sarah Concepcion
Community Grant Program Applicatiol
Funding Cycle: JULY 2013
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
DFADLINE to submit application: July 30, 2013
Name of Organization:
Address of Organization: �Vcyc' i�1'
Contact person for this application:
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number E-mail address: e
(4o 6 S - """
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you plan to purchase. e - '1',- 1 ✓
' Sc
Zv i 3
0V ev_% CVSi�-zr-
What collar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.)
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
cKt,cl _' n
What is your organization's primary funding source?
S C S t� a,�� `s�
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
year? 'I
I'S L_ ) C _ j�jw
n 0 L , uknc
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
t) le'
What is your annual budget for this year? Last year?
Ck � -� I .' �')' 0
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
Q �
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee?
K�C:) lo " S'c)W'
Page 2 - Community Grant Program Application
How many clients does your organization serve? How many live in Ocoee?
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before?
Did you re�ceive a grant from the City of Ocoee?
, 3e-,S
If so, how much money did you receive?
A SC69 uo
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer
activities do you participate in? j e s,
Does your organization , provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer? p
' A
'C;V'�_4 =�` \(J L.i� �i' '[iLS s ` G�(P (�C7:.5�.,�i '0
e V m
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community
and how are those hours tracked or documented?
4 , r - i �ri c'vl'vv•.: be-
C�'YL -c - Y�C: LJ3 �'�', =- ti'\(:, .. }_ �_✓�C%- Lt - > -PL C%i
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: `��`sau�j� �� 9�LCi` 'v ( ^i` A CC G`e } Url L� -�. _ J� C am. ^C�r r> Gwoj
J\-SSv��`� -can v11 1;�� -,`5 ;2 S�cV�'0 Z' . �c i �a�0 `���1 �e ��= •(��o��L c,,k c -(- "-
S A� L•�p — P U �� �s 5 C V�U�e'< J � - S ��C� 1 Ci >'v�M�J�r��Cc7E ��wC� v
UG\ ��' S °J���vLr'� Gi` ;Vlv7� =' �`�.a.Lc' - •� •- c.On..r�� 1 �`r.J 1 . - 9 :' �b ^ i:{J .,v : }' - �. c=. � i ^✓'fie 1� �.,' ��'e,�nrC�n •''1
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
y C _nfll �4, �1t� G C ei)h r? a t Ul
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this JO day of ,
Print Your Name
Signature ��
Page 3 — Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e -mail
loy.wri hchttQocoee.org
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Hall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received RECEIVED JUL TO 2013
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned'
Non -Profit Status _ `� On file
Rebuilding lives from the inside out
1105 N. Lakewood Avenue Ocoee, FL 34 /bI P: 4u /- b)U-6UII is 4U/ JU - ovGo
Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2013
To: City of Ocoee
From: Bishop Thomas Odom, Lead Pastor
Re: Authority to apply for Community Grant Program
This memo shall serve as written approval that as lead pastor for Ocoee Church of God, I have
the authority to submit the application and apply for the Community Grant offered by City of
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks in advance for your
7/30/13 Amazon.com: Lifetime Monkey Bar Adventure Swing Set with 9 Foot Wavy Slide ( Earthtone): Sports & Outdoors
Summer Camping Essentials
t from Coleman > Lec;nt sn are
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j ,
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Store and organize your all your toys with Neat -Oh! Zipbins for
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Lst Price: $1-398:99
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You Save: $403.04 (29 1 /o)
rti �i> 1ta ' �.,'hi &: °.:vi .. ftl 5 to, 7 i>aysr
Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.
Loa: Earthtone
_ 3
Meas ures 13.8 by 18.6 by 7.75 feet (W x D x
3 belt swing; 1 trapeze bar with gym rings;
9 -foot wavy slide; monkey bers; fire pole
Heavy -duty, weather - resistant powder -
coated galvanized steel and high - density
polyethylene (HDPE) Plastic
5 -year limited factorywarranty
Lifetime recommends using sufficient
ground material for an 11- footfall height
5 new from $996.95
is this a gift? This item ships in its own
packaging. To keep the contents concealed,
select This will be a gift during checkout.
Sion in to turn on Y -Click ordering.
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$1,098.99 + F =ee Shipping
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Price for both: $1,009.81
One of t7iese items snips sooner Char: tl'ie other, Show details
This itefn- Lifetime Monkey Bar Adventure Swing Set with 9 Foot Wavy Slide ( Earthtone) by Lifetime $996.95
Flexible Flyer Ground Anchor Kit for Metal Frame Swing Sets by Flexible Flyer $12.56
Lifetime Monkey Bar
Adventure Swing Set with 9
Foot Wavy Slide
by Lifetime
(55 cu, Comer re viers)
Page 1 of 4
Flexible Flyer Ground Lifetime Geometric Dome Lifetime Ace Flyer Teeter- Lifetime Big Stuff Adventure
Anchor Kit for Metal Frame Climber Play Center Totter Play set, Freestanding
Swing Sets (162) (44) (36)
vmw.amazon.com/ Lifetime - Monkey - Adventure -Stang- Earthtone /dp /B004J2HY2M/ ref= sr_1_2 ?ie= UTF8 &qid= 1375205354& sr =8 -2 &keywords= lifetima¢playset 1/5
Amazon.com: Lifetime Ace Flyer Airplane Teeter Totter (Primary Colors): Sports & Outdoors
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( 44 customer reviews
List Price: $299.99
r>ncxe: $278.97 & FIREE
Shipping. Details
You Save: $21.02 (7 %)
Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.
Color: Primary Colors
I j
Unit Dimensions; 8 by8 feet; weighs 105
7 -child seater; recommended ages 3 - 12
years old
Safetyzone dimensions; 21 by21 feet
Adjusts from 3 different heights
Interactive flight dashboard and propeller
13 new from $278.97
Quantity: 1 v!
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Connect Buy
$338.94 + Ree shipping
Competitive Edge
$345.32 + Free Shipoin?
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13 new from $278.97
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packaging. To keep the contents concealed,
select This will be a gift during checkout.
Rcf over I age tD Yk on: in _..... .... ... ...... .. _. _. _. ...... ..._...... _........_.......
kt.�.'ii: 't i # Zt? ins
_ Store and organize your all your toys with Neat -Oh! Zipbins for
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Special Shipping Information: This item can be shipped only within the contiguous United States.
Price for both: $438.96
Ono of these items ships sooner than the rther. Show details
.r This item: Lifetime Ace Flyer Airplane Teeter Totter (Primary Colors) by Lifetime $278.97
Easy Outdoor Space Dome Climber by Easy Outdoor $159.99
d 'k.f�i'tCE` =mod ght � b' te n Xso Bolught
Lifetime Ace Flyer Teeter-
by Lifetime
Lifetime Geometric Dome
Climber Play Center
$192.97 - $361.86
Lifetime Helicopter Teeter
Totter (Primary Colors)
k V.
j S
Step2 Skyward Summit
Easy Outdoor Space Dome
Page 1 of 5
wuwv.amazon.com/Lifetime- Airplane- Teeter- Totter - Primary /dp /B002XULJE6 /ref =sr_1 4 ?ie= UTF8 &qid= 1375205354 &sr =8 -4 &keywords= lifetime +pla )set 1/5
V_7 -
Lifetime 10 -Foot A -Frame
Swing Set
by Lifetime
(23 cust omer reviews
List Price: y
Price: $585.45
You Save: $14.54 (2 1 /6)
011h 3 i IT 5itock.
Ships from and sold by Connect Buy
Co;or: Earthtone
Safe and Strong Steel -Pole Construction:
Passes playground performance and safety
3" Diameter Steel Pole Structure: Weather -
and rust - resistant powder coated finish.
Smooth and Durable Design: Effortless
swing brackets with two - waysteel end
Three - Station Swing Set: Two (2) heavy-duty
molded swings, one (1) rubberized steel
trapeze bar.
Rust- ResistantZinc- Coated Chains:
Rubberized grips to prevent pinching.
Quantity: i 1
$585.45 + Free Shipping
In Stock. Sold by Connect BUY
:20 over'';mage to zoom in
Up to 3ou/0 o
Store and organize your all your toys with Neat -Oh! Zipbins for
k girls. Learn more
. ..........
7 new from $529.95
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gift - wrapped or concealed.
price for all three: $623.28
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$585.44 + Free ShipPin9, _.
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$576.49 a .531.43 ship;inq
7 new from $529.95
Have one to sell?
These it
are shipped from and sold by d:Pferent sellers. Show details
0 This item: Lifetime Deluxe Freestanding A -Frame Swing Set ( Earthtone) by Lifetime $585.45
Flexible Flyer Ground Anchor Kit for Metal Frame Swing Sets by Flexible Flyer $12.86
® Little Tikes 2 -in -1 Snug 'n Secure Swing Blue by Little Tikes $24.97
Page 1 of 2
A Jungle Gym High Lifetime Geometric Dome Lifetime Ace Flyer Teeter -
Flexible Flyer Ground Climber Play Center Totter
Anchor Kit for Metal Frame Back Full Bucket Swing
wAw.amazon.comlLifeti me-D el uxe- Freestandi ng -A- F rame- Earthtone /dp /B003DYZQM 2/ref= sr_1_5 ?i e =U TF8 &q i d= 1375205354 &sr =8 -5 &keywords = lifetime +pl a... 1/5
Freestanding A -Frame Swing Set ( Earthtone): Sports & Outdoors
Amazon.com: Lifetime Deluxe
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V_7 -
Lifetime 10 -Foot A -Frame
Swing Set
by Lifetime
(23 cust omer reviews
List Price: y
Price: $585.45
You Save: $14.54 (2 1 /6)
011h 3 i IT 5itock.
Ships from and sold by Connect Buy
Co;or: Earthtone
Safe and Strong Steel -Pole Construction:
Passes playground performance and safety
3" Diameter Steel Pole Structure: Weather -
and rust - resistant powder coated finish.
Smooth and Durable Design: Effortless
swing brackets with two - waysteel end
Three - Station Swing Set: Two (2) heavy-duty
molded swings, one (1) rubberized steel
trapeze bar.
Rust- ResistantZinc- Coated Chains:
Rubberized grips to prevent pinching.
Quantity: i 1
$585.45 + Free Shipping
In Stock. Sold by Connect BUY
:20 over'';mage to zoom in
Up to 3ou/0 o
Store and organize your all your toys with Neat -Oh! Zipbins for
k girls. Learn more
. ..........
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ships in its own packaging and cannot be
gift - wrapped or concealed.
price for all three: $623.28
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$585.44 + Free ShipPin9, _.
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7 new from $529.95
Have one to sell?
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are shipped from and sold by d:Pferent sellers. Show details
0 This item: Lifetime Deluxe Freestanding A -Frame Swing Set ( Earthtone) by Lifetime $585.45
Flexible Flyer Ground Anchor Kit for Metal Frame Swing Sets by Flexible Flyer $12.86
® Little Tikes 2 -in -1 Snug 'n Secure Swing Blue by Little Tikes $24.97
Page 1 of 2
A Jungle Gym High Lifetime Geometric Dome Lifetime Ace Flyer Teeter -
Flexible Flyer Ground Climber Play Center Totter
Anchor Kit for Metal Frame Back Full Bucket Swing
wAw.amazon.comlLifeti me-D el uxe- Freestandi ng -A- F rame- Earthtone /dp /B003DYZQM 2/ref= sr_1_5 ?i e =U TF8 &q i d= 1375205354 &sr =8 -5 &keywords = lifetime +pl a... 1/5
Amazon.com: Lifetime Geometric Dome Climber Play Center ( Earthtone): Sports & Outdoors
Sumn'ter Camp my EssenU al; s
frotrt CU]ernan sLeaai o2
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Lifetime Geometric Dome
Climber Play Center
( 162 customer reviews
List Price: $ 249.99
Price: $192.97 & FIREE
Shipping. Details
You Save: $57.02 (23 %)
Tn stack.
Ships from and sold by Amazon.eoen.
Color: Earthtones
Heavy -duty construction; weather- and rust -
resistant powder- coated steel
Strong, interactive Design; high - density
polyethylene (HDPE) climbing grips
Suitable forchildren ages 4 -10; 400 -pound
total weight capacity
Assembled Dimensions: 10 -foot diameter,
5 -foot height
1 -year warranty
6 new from $1.92.97
Roll over image to zoom in
............._ ..........__.__ .
Price for both: $305.96
,r Show availability and shipping details
Is this a gift? This item ships in its own
packaging. To keep the contents concealed,
select This will be a gift during checkout.
®This item: Lifetime Geometric Dome Climber Play Center ( Earthtone) by Lifetime $192.97
Lifetime Portable Tetherball System by Lifetime $112.99
. _... __ .............. .
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F h,, a:., B o M i q I This Vke t Also B o u g lh'
Lifetime Ace Flyer Teeter -
$278.97 - $488.17
Lifetime Monkey Bar
Adventure Swing Set with 9
Foot Wavy Slide
$983.00 - $1,805.60
Lifetime Big Stuff Adventure
Play set, Freestanding
$1,525.00 - $2,669.98
Pure Fun Swivel Seesaw
Quantity: i 1
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wvwv.amazon.com/Lifeti me- Geometric- Climber- C enter- Earthtone /dp /BO04KOQ8LG/ ref= sr_1_3 ?ie= UTF8 &q id= 1375205239 &sr= 8- 3 &keymrds= lifetime }playset 115
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Name of Organization: d-3 966 coe
Address of Organization: 903 r c d 6G 3" G
Contact person for this application: JCZ-00 4 ft_F_ --_.
(The contact member must be a member of the organization,)
Daytime phone number ((A(2)7o_i akfS E-malladdress: bar-wes(P-5 ac"I e YaAco' a. M
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project? N 0
What is your organization's primary funding source?
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
year? VN RA C S , LAS 16 MC. Was 9 ,pvco
c8&sso ®M DOG, - M PVfP4 P.Per,
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
b:V�rlv P')s /a VfiIZ'0 05: 0 r & 6 " J "
What is your annual budget for this year? �Nvvo Last year? S950
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
P07V) 4& FUZMA AS YG9 AMerfatiy I V'01-0 PaQAT 41 dI)M
How many members, volunteers andlor paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee? 3
Page 2 -Community Grant Program Application
00 Tb
How many clients does. our anization serve? How many live in Ocoee? 9 6AIe- 0S
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? (53 W T J L) 0/ (.P tD-)
Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? 1 I !C-S
If so, how much money did you receive? '0 JP ,
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this -3):!�lay of --) L) Y
Print Your Name
Sign e
Page 3 — Community Grant Program Application
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e -mail
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Fall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34701
For Staff Use Only
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned _
Non -Profit Status On file Attached
items Needed
Cast Cwt
Yearly Total
Purina Smart Blend Dog Food 441b bag
$38.99 6 bags /mo.
Crate - 36" L X 23" W X 25" H
$55.99 3
Crate -42" L X 28" W X 30" H
$69.99 1
Crate Pans - 36"
$14.99 3
Crate Pans - 42"
$19.99 2
2032 Hedgerow Circle
Ocoee, FL 34761
July 29, 2013
Dear Sir /Madam;
We are in full support of applying for the Ocoee Community Grant. It is a wonderful program that can benefit many local
organizations and we hope our application will be reviewed favorably.
Thank you,
Jennifer Bark
C i i n - U _ 3 i*
Funding Cycle: JUDY 2013
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizational support documentation (minutes or letter).
Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply for a grant, per cycle.
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
DEADLINE • submit application: i
0 4 0 0 4 0 <�>* 4 4 0 0 <�> 0 0 <� 4 0 <�> 4 0 0 4 4 * 1> 4 0 0
Name of Organization: Junior Achievement of Central Florida (JACF)
Address of Organization: 2121 Camden Road, Orlando, FL, 32803
Contact person for this application: Lauren Arndt
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number (407) 898 - 2121 E - mail address: larndt @jacentralfl.org
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for each
item you plan to purchase. To sponsor one (1) of twenty (20) classes at Ocoee Elementary School that
receive a volunteer taught JA program based on financial literacy as the difference between a need /want, how a
community works and the skills needed for various careers. It costs JACF approximately $550 to deliver one class,
or a cost - effective $27.50 per student. These costs include training, recruitment, recognition and evaluation costs
as well as program materials for each student, volunteer and educator.
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500.) Requesting $500.
Is your organization getting funding from any other source for this specific project?
Ocoee E.S. is a Title I school - JA programs in Title I Schools are supported by Publix Super Markets Charities.
What is your organization's primary funding source?
Special Events: JA Bowl -A -Thon, Mid - Florida Business Hall of Fame, JAA Rock Our Futures, Fogo de Chao Benefit
How much money does your organization receive from your primary funding source each
year? Over $1,000,000
What other sources of revenue does your organization have? Major Gifts, Grants, Individual Giving
What is your annual budget for this year? $2,231,200 last year? $2,640,226
List the fundraisers your organization holds?
JA Bowl -A -Thon, Mid - Florida Business Hall of Fame, JAA Rock Our Futures, Fogo de Chao Benefit
How many members, volunteers and /or paid employees does your organization have?
18 employees - 3,835 Volunteers How many live in Ocoee?
1 employee - Volunteers are spread out over Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia Counties.
Page 2 —Community Grant Program Application
How many clients does your organization serve? 79,631 students were served during the 2012-2013
school year. How many live in Ocoee? 377 students were served in Ocoee.
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? No
Did you receive a grant from the City of Ocoee? N/A
If so, how much money did you receive? N/A
Does your organization volunteer in the Ocoee community? If yes, what volunteer activities do
you participate in? Yes, JA programs are taught by volunteers to nearly 400 students at Ocoee E.S.
Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer?
Yes, Ocoee residents can volunteer to teach a JA program at Ocoee E.S.
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the community and
how are those hours tracked or documented? An average of 450,000 contact hours are logged. Once a JA
class is completed, the volunteer/student contact hours for that class are logged using a JA-USA tracking system.
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achieved in the past 24
months: JACF reached over 150,000 students, grades k -12 in Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia
Counties with programs helping them connect the dots between what they are learning in school and the real world.
• JACF is consistently one of the top fifteen (15) JA areas in the country based on its student impact.
• UCF and Walt Disney World received the U.S. President's Gold Volunteer Service Award for providing JACF with
over 15,000 hours of community service.
• JA opened the JA Academy of Leadership and Entrepreneurship at Oak Ridge High School in August 2012. This high
school magnet program is the first of its kind in the nation and provides an integrated curriculum that is based on
JA's three fundamental pillars of workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
Please include any other pertinent information about your organization or this specific grant
request that you feel would help the City in making its decision:
Since 1961, JACF has reached over two million students in Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia Counties.
During the 2012-2013 school year JACF delivered 4,279 interactive and vital k-12th grade programs, serving more
than 79,000 students. Each program is age appropriate, focusing on the skills and knowledge needed for students to
own their economic success, plan for the future, and make smart academic and economic choices. JACF's vision is
that "All graduating students in Central Florida are Financially Literate... grounded in Free Enterprise, Leadership and
Entrepreneurial Principles, and ready for the workplace."
Please attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verify that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below:
These funds "rill be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefit to the citizens of the City
of Ocoee.
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this application certified this 3,* Y41 day of
Print Yjur-Name J
Fair'. .r� � - �`•� �;t� ��rl �,I
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905 -3100 x 9 -1530 or e -mail
i oy. wriq ht(a).ocoee. orq .
Submit applications t®:
Ocoee City Wall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL
1E ®r Staff Use only RECEIVED JUL W 0 7U
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
Non - Profit Status On file Attached
���� �muom��
�m��/mtemmx Revenue Service
P.O. Box 2508
Cincinnati OH 45201
Employer Identification Number:
Group Exemption Number:
Person to Contact:
Toll Free Telephone Number:
In reply refer to: 8248404892
Aug. 30' 2012 LTR 4I67C EO
84-1267684 000000 08
Jeff Seibert
Dear Taxpayer:
This is in response to your Aug. 21^ 2012, request for information
about your tax-exempt status.
Our records indicate that you were issued a determination letter in
January 1994" and that you are currently exempt under section
6OI(c)[3] of the Internal Revenue Code.
Based on the information supplied, we recognized the subordinates
named on the list you submitted as exempt from Federal income tax
under section 501(c)(3) of the Code.
Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section I70 of
the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises" transfers, or gifts to you or
for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes
if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106 and
2523 of the Code.
If you have any ooestiona, please oaII us at the telephone number
shown in the heading of this letter.
Sincerely yours,
S. A. Martin, Operations Manager
Accounts Management Operations
s r'
of Central Florida, Inc.
July 30, 2013
Joy P. Wright
Community Relations Manager
City of Ocoee
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Dear Ms. Wright,
On behalf of Junior Achievement of Central Florida, I fully support the funding request submitted to the
City of Ocoee's Community Grant application by Lauren Arndt, Development Manager.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of our request. Please feel free to contact me if you have
questions or need additional information.
Appr tive
Craig P lejes
Presid nt
Junio Achievement of Central Florida
Work Readiness I Entrepreneurship Financial Literacy
2121 Camden Road Oriando, FL 32803 I P407.896.2121 1 P407.893.3423 1 www j"Centrall.org
R1.30, 2013 3:43PM
f P-r 1-LI-or-41161&& 'P
Funding Cycle; JULY 2013
Ho - 001 P. I
When completing this application, use only the space provided. The only attachment
should be the formal organizationai support documentation (minutes or letter).
I wi. . . . ........
Fl` IN ill 1 :111 2 1, 1;� 1;� I
Applicants may apply for any amount up to $500.
DEADLINE to submit application: July 30, 2013
Name of Organization: '9F
Address of Organization: L f � 5 7 z- "' - � - '
Contact person for this application: A"
(The contact member must be a member of the organization.)
Daytime phone number 32-1-44Z-4-8 E-mail address: //i-;D
What are you seeking grant money for? Please provide an itemized cost estimate for
each item you p!fpjr? to purchase. 4.,O—f 2--
141 If 7, R!Y
What dollar amount are you requesting? (The maximum grant award is $500)
Is your organization getting funding from any other otirco for this specific project?
What is your organization's primary funding source? 71 -5
What other sources of revenue does your organization have?
What is your annual budget for this year? S 49 AP Last year?
List the fundraisers your organization holds? ", VX
How many members, volunteers andfor paid employees does your organization have?
How many live in Ocoee?
Ri1-30. 2013 3 : 43PM No - 0044 P
Page 2 -Communhy Grant Program Application
How many clients does your Organization serve? l0 How moray live in ocoee?
Has your organization applied for a grant from the City before? '��7
Did youraceiva a grant from the City of Ocoee?
If so, how much money did you receive?
Does your organization volunteer in the OOOQO co Muni ? es, wha vlunteer
.I t1
activities do you participate In? I�Ujl / S i r
Does your organization provide a venue for Ocoee residents to volunteer?
How many yearly volunteer hours does your organization contribute to the Cornmunity
and how are those hours tracked or documented? /�-` rS
Please list the specific accomplishments your organization has achievqd in the past 24
months: "41
Please include any other pertinent inn 6rmation-l'ab out your organization or this specific
grant request that you feel would help the City in making its decision: W /- L
Ploaso attach documentation (meeting minutes or letter) to verity that your organization
supports this application.
Before submitting this application, please read and sign below;
These funds will be utilized within the City of Ocoee or have a direct benefft to the citizens of the Cit
of Ocoee.
In accordance -%ith the guideline set forth in this application certified this d of V V'-.
by /
Print Your Name
Jul•30. 2013 3:43PM
Page 3 -Community Grant Program Application
No . UU44 P
For more information, please call Community Relations at (407) 905-3100 x 91530 or (.-rijail
joy. wrig htpocoee. org.
Submit applications to:
Ocoee City Hall
150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761
For Staff Use 0111Y
Date Application Received
Was Application Received Complete?
If not, Date Application Returned
Non - Profit Status 01a file, Attached
M U",-Rug OM"90 gug 5 1A9VMTJCaJQ OT FMXpMpt10
0=11461 E-Med Pure, ra'. un Am chapter 2112, 'tatute W04111 0
003W204 5
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2385 AllURRA Lid
DCOEC: FL 34751-5017 rlr5° c� lQ.��� 1j i�k�''�.' �` , " "'� ,�;`;,:�'�
i8 exempt from the payment of Flopi'da Sales and use tax on real p p Fun t
ro rty
Personal property Purchased Or ranted, or @ervir
93 purchaaad.
2. Your Consumer's'Cartirloate of F
customary nonprofit activides- x e m ple on is to be used soleiy by your organizatian for YOur orgenl2ation's
3. Purchases made by an Individual on behalf of the organization We taxable, even n the individual will be
reimbursed by the organization.. '
4. This exemption applies only to purchases your efganlzatlan makes. The sale or lease to others by your
organization of tangible personal property, slaeping accommodations or other real property is taxable. Your
organization must register, and collect and ramit sales and use WX On such taxable transactions, Note; Churches
are exempt from thla requirema except when they are.tho lessor of real property (Dula 12A-1 .070, PAC).
It is a criminal offense t® fraudulently present this certificate to uvula M Payment Of sales tax. Under no
cirournslances should this certificate Do used for the Personal benefit of any individual. Violatom will be liable'
Payment of the sales tax m
plus 8 penally Of 2 W% Of the tax, and ay ba subject to conviction of .a third degree
felony. Any violation will necessitate the revocation of this certificate.
6. If you have questions regarding your exemption certificate, PIOMO Contact the Exemption Unit of Central
Registration at 850-487-41,30. The mailing address is PO BOX WD, Tallahassee, FL 32314-WO,
I 'd 9000'
HdG1:1 7107, 'q?''Unr
352 241 6350
�� i
OCT. 19th 2014 }
5PM -10PM
2501 N Hiawessee Rd Apopka FI 32703
Jahn Ramdin:
Celina Market
352 241 6350
Gall Seeram:
407- 292 -7730
Laparkan Shiping
407 298 9887
Shoor Cool.
4 07 748 3263
Jahn Ramdin:
407. 760.9148
General Info: Harry Singh: 321 - 662.1887
Pageant Info: Seeta Singh: 407.814.750'
Sat 9:00 am,
i'lii:i: il)11IMtilC1�
Em ail: Indlanhorizonof daol.aom
i e..Y min
4 55
Vt%iil.l 1.1 is "1'
Page 1 of 1
Deposit - Check
Deposit Totals:
To' ap Receipts
Rent Quantity Rate Net Tax Total
Lot U- Festival Field 1 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
Rent Totals:
$500.00 $0.00 $500.00
Equipment /Services
Quantity Rate
Tax Total
eos.tra�i -- -
4 $11.00
$0.00 $44.00
Portable Toilets
C338770 - Kaleidoscope of Colors Summer Fest
$0.00 $144.00
Portable Toilets
Disabled 1 $84.00
$0.00 $84.00
,.._: 3
Dumpster 1 $275.00
000004 - Indian Horizon of Florida, Inc.
$0.00 $275.00
Equipment /Services Totals:
$0.00 $547.00
Total Expenses
SC061612A - Kaleidoscope of Colors Summer Fest
Deposit - Check
Deposit Totals:
To' ap Receipts
Rent Quantity Rate Net Tax Total
Lot U- Festival Field 1 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
Rent Totals:
$500.00 $0.00 $500.00
Equipment /Services
Quantity Rate
Tax Total
Other- Clean up Fee
4 $11.00
$0.00 $44.00
Portable Toilets
Standard 3 $48.00
$0.00 $144.00
Portable Toilets
Disabled 1 $84.00
$0.00 $84.00
Dumpster 1 $275.00
$0.00 $275.00
Equipment /Services Totals:
$0.00 $547.00
Total Expenses
StAU.r,. .n�
Total Receipts
LESS: Orlando Venues Expenses
Net Dose to Promoter (Orlando Venues):
The above statement is accepted by the undersigned parties as a complete and accurate settlement of all event receipt, expenses, and disbursements.
85-8015367971C -
Indian Horizon of Florida, Inc.
Harendra Singh
2591 W. 441
Apopka , FL32712
fileWCADocuments and Settings \STA16030\Application Data\Bravo Event Management \... 3/28/2013
Indian Horizon of Florida
2585 Azzurra Lane
Ocoee . Florida ,34761
To whom it may concern
As a Non profit organization 501 -C -3 from Ocoee . Florida at the above address
We the staff of Indian Horizon of Florida are thank full that the City of Ocoee
For the sponsorship of a grant to enable us to promote the arts with the youth of Ocoee
and the rest of Central Florida.
We will be having our next Cultural Arts program at the Wekiva Hi School
On October 19 6 Pm to 10 ,PM.
Cultural Musical Program promoted free to the Ocoee Communities for the last year
and repeated annually are . June 2 °d , 2013 ,
1) Indian heritage day at the Bill Breeze park, Ocoee
2) Asian Heritage day at the Avlon Park
3) Holi or Phagwah festival March 23 at the Citrus Bowl
4) Caribbean Heritage day at Lake Eola June 23 ( partner with many other
organization to make this our third year )
Upon request we can furnish contract and photo of events of these festival promoting the
youth ages 3yrs to 21 in the community
Thanks to the Mayor of Ocoee for your Grant sponsorship.
Hari Singh
Pres: Indian Horizon of Florida
Ph 321 -662 1887