HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-25-2005 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING JANUARY 25, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairman Lenko called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Vice- Chairman Lenko led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Member Donenfeld led the Invocation. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Lenko, Members Chancey, Donenfeld, Godek, Henderson, Konicek, and Alternate Members Hopper and Stanley. Also present were Building Official Phelps, Code Enforcement Officers Loeffler and Siegrist, Permitting Clerk Ramos, Attorney Sneed, and Administrative Assistant III Aycock. ABSENT: Chairman Linebarier, who was excused. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT THE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. The Consent Agenda consisted of approval of Items A & B. A. Minutes of the Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, November 23, 2004. B. Order of Continuance - February 22, 2005 Member Konicek. seconded bv Member Henderson. moved to approve the Consent Aaenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None HEARINGS OF STATEMENTS OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO THE HEARING RULES ADOPTED BY THIS BOARD ON JUNE 27, 1995, VARIOUS DOCUMENTS ARE USED BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN EACH CASE AND ARE REPORTED IN THE CASE TESTIMONY GIVEN BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. IN THESE MINUTES THE TITLES TO THOSE DOCUMENTS WILL BE ABBREVIATED AS FOLLOWS: ACFD - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEMOLITION, AOC - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE, AONC - AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COMPLIANCE, ATF-APPLlCATION TO FORECLOSE, CO - COMPLIANCE ORDER, CMFD - COMMISSION MEETING FOR DETERMINATION, CS - CONTINUED STAY, CTR - COpy TO RESPONDENT, ECO - EXTENDED COMPLIANCE Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 ORDER, EX-EXHIBITS, FS- FEES STAYED, NOCV - NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION, NOH - NOTICE OF HEARING, OAF- ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE, OIF/L- .oRDER IMPOSING FINE/LIEN, ONC - ORDER OF NON-COMPLIANCE, OOC - ORDER OF CONTINUANCE, . ORF - ORDER REDUCING FINE, PDFS - PER DAY FINE SUSPENDED, POS - PROOF OF SERVICE, RFR - REQUEST FOR REHEARING, RFRDUC-REQUEST FOR REDUCTION DENIED UNTIL COMPLIANCE, ROF- REDUCTION OF FINE, SOV - STATEMENT OF VIOLATION (S) and WD - WITHDREW. Permitting Clerk Ramos administered the oath to Code Enforcement Officers Loeffler and Siegrist, Planning Manager Armstrong, Building Official Phelps, and anyone intending to speak regarding a case. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS Building Official Phelps stated Case Numbers 05-001 and 05-002 are in compliance. Case Nos. 05-003, 05-005, 05-007, and 05-013 are withdrawn without prejudice. Member Chancey. seconded bv Member Konicek. moved to hear Case Nos. 05- 014 and 05-011 as the next items on the aaenda. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 05-014 - Ocoee Blackwood Partners LLC, and A.C. Development Group, Inc. 1201 Blackwood Avenue Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 51-12; 51-15; 51-17 12-29-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 01-12-05 01-13-05 SOV 01-13-05 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 01-13-05 POS Certified Mail Observation: Incorrect light fixtures on light poles, work not performed in accordance with approved plans. Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, presented exhibits, gave a detailed history of the case, and stated the property is in non-compliance. Building Official Phelps, having been sworn, stated there was confusion in the plans. The Building Plans indicated rectangular or shoebox lights and the Site Plan (governs construction on the site) identified the rounded style lights. He further stated that there have also been agreements signed specifying the rounded style lights. Planning Manager Armstrong, having been sworn, stated that out parcel Lot 6 was approved with the Wal-Mart Subdivision Plan. She presented Exhibit A-Lighting Plan 2 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25, 2005 for the Wal-Mart Subdivision, Exhibit B-Conditions of Approval, Exhibit C- Development Agreement, Exhibit D-Final Subdivision Plan (specifying the all out parcels must comply with the lighting and signage for the Wal-Mart subdivision), and Exhibit E-Amended Site Lighting Plan. Ms. Armstrong further stated while the installed lighting complies with the Land Development Code (LDC), the lighting for Lot 6 falls under the overall Wal-Mart Subdivision Plan. Ms. Armstrong said that she and Zoning Inspector Dunford did the Final Inspection and it was later determined that the light fixtures were not in compliance. She further stated that the inspection was done October 22, 2004, and a letter of non-compliance was sent to the contractor on October 28, 2004. Building Official Phelps stated that both sets of plans were stamped with the comment "The City of Ocoee has the right to correct any mistakes". Member Henderson said he felt the developer should have researched this issue more carefully and the light fixtures should be changed. Mark Bessette, representing AC. Development, Inc., having been sworn, stated it would cost approximately $6,000 to change the light fixtures. John Brinson, representing A C. Development, Inc., having been sworn, presented plans for the board members to review. He sated that the City signed off on the construction of the shell of the building as well as the site work and issued a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) on October 22,2004. He further stated that had the contractor known a change had to be made regarding the light fixtures, the change would have been made but the error was not discovered until the construction was complete. Vice-Chairman Lenko asked when the light fixtures were installed. Mark Bessette said they were installed August 23, 2004. Mr. Bessette read for the record what the issues Certificate of Occupancy said, "This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named permit holder for the building on the premises of the above named location and certifies that the work has been completed in accordance with the Building Code and all other ordinances applicable thereto, any changes of user occupancy will void this certificate". Building Official Phelps asked the contractor if he observed a difference in the light fixtures between the Site Plan and the Building Plan during construction. Mark Bessette said he did not. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the plans. Planning Manager Armstrong presented the transmittal letter of Staff Review Comments addressed to the applicant dated August 28, 2003, and she indicated that the letter specified that the light poles and fixtures need to match what was used on 3 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 the Wal-Mart site. She further stated that the response from the architect was dated September 26,2003, with a revised sheet (Page ES100) showing the type of fixture used on the Wal-Mart site. Building Official Phelps showed a set of "Permitted" plans to the board and advised the board that the owner may not have notified the contractor of the change but it is the responsibility of the owner to comply with the Wal-Mart lighting. Member Henderson asked that this case be tabled until a later date and Building Official Phelps said the City objects to this case being tabled due to the fact that this issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible and a civil suit could go on for an undetermined length of time. Bill Fravel, representing the owners of Ocoee Blackwood Partners LLC, having been sworn, stated he first heard of the violation in December and upon receiving the notice he contracted the architect who told him to look at the original plans. He further stated that he has no knowledge of the light pole and fixture changes and does not feel responsible for something he was not informed about. David Stokes, representing the owners of Ocoee Blackwood Partners LLC, having been sworn, stated the builder got the plans from the architect, not the owner. Bill Fravel stated that he had no knowledge of design approvals; he hired an architect and a contractor to work with the City. Building Official Phelps stated that someone representing the owner or the owner had to make the approval to establish the light fixtures and to be involved in the Developer Agreement that established that particular type of light and it is the owners' responsibility to ensure compliance with the plans. Member Henderson made a recommendation to give the respondents 45 days for compliance and Building Official Phelps agreed. Mark Bessette stated it would take approximately 4-6 weeks plus installation time. Member Henderson. seconded bv Member Donenfeld. moved in Case No. 05-014 to find the Respondents in violation of Section 51-12. 51-15. and 51-17 as of Januarv 8. 2005. but to aive them 45 days to complv or impose fine of $100 a day. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 05-011 - Sandstone Builders, Inc. & Andrea Cardella 576 Kissimmee Avenue Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 119-2 and 51-13 4 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 11-22-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 01-05-05 01-07 -05 SOV 01-07-05 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 01-07-05 POS Certified Mail 01-12-05 POS Hand Delivery Observation: Operating business without required City of Ocoee Occupational License. General construction activity without required permit(s) not limited to but including; roof work. Converting open-sided building into an enclosed building. Placing fill-dirt onto property and road right-of-way. Main building remodel/walls and windows. (Stop Work notice posted October 2004. Occupant warned by this officer and the building official at time of posting to obtain required permit(s). Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, presented exhibits, gave detailed history of the Case, and stated the property is in non-compliance. Building Official Phelps stated that owner submitted Site Plans today but they have not been reviewed. The Respondents have been asked to remove commercial equipment and follow proper procedures to convert the property to a commercial location. Two (2) Stop Work notices were given before they stopped working on the premises. Planning Manager Armstrong stated that she and Building Official Phelps had a Pre-Application meeting with the Cardellas and the architect on December 13, 2004. Ms. Armstrong presented a letter from Ms. Cardella stating the intent to transform the use from residential to commercial. In order to transform from residential to commercial the Respondents must go through the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment process. Anne Theiss, the architect for the respondent, having been sworn, stated she met with Building Official Phelps to discuss what was required to change the zoning from residential to commercial and Building Official Phelps told the Cardellas that they could have until the first week of January 2005 to decide whether they would keep the property zoned residential or change it to commercial. She further stated that the Cardellas have decided to change the property from residential to commercial and they are making an effort to come into compliance. Donald Curotto, attorney for the Cardellas, having been sworn, stated the activity on the property started 60-90 days ago. 5 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 Member Chancey asked the respondents why it took two (2) Stop Work notices before the work on the property ceased. Mr. Cardella said due to the storms he had to make an entranceway accessible to the house due to yard flooding, he had to repair the roof, and there was no time to get the required permits. Building Official Phelps stated that the City is only questioning the roof repair to the screen porch that was converted into an enclosed room without permits and a permit is required for the roof repair as well. Scott Anderson, 110 Orange Avenue, having been sworn, stated that he and Building Official Phelps had previously met with Mr. Cardella and Mr. Doss regarding this issue and the new owners were informed as to what had to be done in order to operate a business and change the zoning for the property. Building Official Phelps stated the City objects to the owners' commercial equipment being parked on the property because that would constitute operating a business. The owner will continue to be in violation because they have no Occupational License, an Occupational License cannot be issued until the Site Plan, and the remodeling is completed. Member Chancey. seconded bv Member Godek. moved in Case No. 05-011 to find the Respondents in violation of 51-13 as of December 17. 2004. but to Give 60 days to complv or impose fine of $100 per day; to also find the Respondents in violation of 119-2 as of December 17. 2004. but to Give until Februarv 28. 2005. to complv or impose fine of $250 per day. Motion carried 7-0. Recess 8:53 p.m. - 9:10 p.m. Member Chancey. seconded bv Member Konicek. moved to hear Case No. 05-009 as the next item on the aaenda. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 05-009 - Richfield Homeowners Association, Inc. (Odessa L. Bowser Officer/Director) 2700 Springfield Drive Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 108-33 A (1&2) 10-04-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 01-05-05 01-05-05 SOV 01-05-05 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 01-05-05 POS Certified Mail Observation: Brick subdivision wall damaged portion/wrecked portion (for several weeks) along Johio shores Road, behind 2710 Springfield Drive. 6 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, presented exhibits, gave a detailed history of the case, and stated the property is in non-compli.ance. Leonarda Richardson, President of the Richfield Homeowners Association, Inc., was present to answer questions on behalf of the homeowners association. Odessa Bowser, representative for the Richfield Homeowners Association, Inc., having been sworn, stated she brought a certified letter from the C.F. Tuohey Construction Company, stating that the repairs on the wall will commence on February 4, 2005, and should be completed on or about February 16, 2005, weather permitting. Member Henderson. seconded bv Member Godek. moved in Case No. 05-009 to find the Respondents in violation of Section 108-33 A (1&2) as of Januarv 25. 2005. but to aive until March 8. 2005. to complv or impose fine of $50 per dav. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 05-004 - Kim Pagano 5001 Water Wheel Court Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115-5; 115-3; 108-23 Q;165-3 12-06-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 12-22-04 12-28-04 SOV 12-28-04 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 12-28-04 POS Certified Mail Observation: One Chevy Cavalier, station wagon with no tag in front driveway, sections of fence missing and grass/weeds over 10", plus miscellaneous trash and debris. Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, gave a detailed history of the case. He further stated the vehicle was removed on December 22, 2004, and Sections 115-5, 115-5, and 108-23 Q are in non-compliance. Member Godek. seconded bv Member Henderson. moved in Case No. 05-004 to find the Respondent in violation as cited as of December 22. 2004. but to aive until Februarv 15. 2005. to complv or impose fine of $100 per day. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 05-006 - Bissoondai Narine 6948 Log Jam Court Violation Cited: 108-24 D 12-14-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 12-29-04 12-30-04 SOV Officer Siegrist 7 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 12-30-04 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 12-30-04 POS Certified Mail 01-05-05 POS Regular Mail 01-05-05 POS Posting Observation: Twenty (20) yard roll-off box "Republic" at end of circle on grass. Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, gave a detailed history of the case, and stated the property is in non-compliance. Member Chancey. seconded bv Member Godek. moved in Case No. 05-006 moved to find the Respondent in violation of Section 108-24 D as of December 24. 2004. but to aive until Februarv 1. 2005. to complv or impose fine of $200 per day. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 05-008 - Palma Julia Argentina 1100 Oakwood Lane Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 165-3 A; 108-24 D; 108-35; 115-5; 115-6; 108-23 0 12-15-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 01-05-05 01-05-05 SOV 01-05-05 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 01-05-05 POS Certified Mail Observation: Inoperable/untagged/expired tag/junk vehicles: blue Nissan 2-door & black Porsche 2-door. (Blue Nissan blocking pedestrian sidewalk) Overgrown/tall grass. Dilapidated/damaged fence allowing access to unsanitary/un-maintained green water swimming pool. Misc. junk & debris littering yard. Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, presented exhibits, gave a detailed history of the Case and stated the property is in non-compliance for Sections 108-35 and 108- 230. Building Official Phelps stated that since the pool is open and unprotected, it is a violation of the Swimming Pool Safety Act (Violation of Florida Statutes) and he asked the board for a quick compliance time. Attorney Sneed stated that the board could ask the City to bring the swimming pool into compliance. Member Godek. seconded bv Member Donenfeld. moved in Case No. 005-008 to find the Respondent in violation of Section 108-35 and 108-23 Q as of Januarv 3. 2005. but to aive them until Januarv 31. 2005. to complv or impose fine of $250 per day and authorizina the City of Ocoee to brina Section 108-35 into compliance if the Respondent does not do so bv the compliance order date. Motion carried 7-0. 8 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 Case No. 05-010 - Patricia Jones, Todd Wharton, and Andrea Cormier 1517 Acropolis Circle Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 51-13; 108-19 A & C; 108-22 12-09-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 01-06-05 01-07 -05 SOV 01-07-05 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 01-07-05 POS Certified Mail Observation: Construction with required permit(s) including but not limited to: Accessory structures; gazebo and front porch columns and lattice-work/framing. Section of roof, over 100 square feet replaced. Chimney for additional fireplace installed. Electrical wiring, interior and exterior areas including service for pump motor powering irrigation well converted to connect to potable water plumbing system. Open rear patio/porch area converted to enclosed patio porch including installation of large exterior doors. Occupancy of structure in violation of City of Ocoee Minimum Housing Standards: Structure not connected to an approved water distribution/potable water supply. Not-to-code electrical wiring. (2 fireplace/fire-boxes constructed/installed without required permits and inspections.) (Two separate stop work orders, signed by the Building Official, were posted at the property by Code Enforcement Officer s and subsequently ignored and removed.) Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, presented exhibits, gave a detailed history of the Case, and stated the property is in non-compliance. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding ownership of the property. Attorney Sneed advised the board that they could continue the case until ownership was determined. Building Official Phelps said the City has offered every opportunity to resolve the violations and he would like to hold the original cited individuals as the Respondents in this case until the issue is resolved. He also asked for an order with a compliance date and a requirement that no one occupies the building until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Mr. Phelps further stated that a licensed contractor is required to pull the permits and do the work but the tenants have done the work. Member Chancey. seconded bv Member Henderson. moved in Case No. 05-010 to find the Respondents in violation of Sections 51-13. 108-19 A & C. and 108-22 as of December 26. 2004. but to aive until Februarv 4. 2005. to complv or impose fine of $250 per day. per violation. Motion carried 7-0. 9 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 Case No. 05-012 - Charles E. Butterfield and Thea Butterfield 902 Russell Drive Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 165-3; 1153-; 115-5; 108-23 Q 12-14-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 01-10-05 01-11-15 SOV 01-11-05 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 01-11-05 POS Certified Mail 01-14-05 POS Hand Delivery Observation: Four inoperable vehicles, one Ford Ranger pick-up truck and three Ford Thunderbirds without tags and/or inoperable. Miscellaneous trash and debris including car parts. Weed/grass growth over 10". Damaged 6ft. wooden fence missing slats and sections. Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, presented exhibits, gave a detailed history of the Case, and stated that the property is in non-compliance. Member Godek. seconded bv Member Konicek. moved in Case No. 05-012 to find the Respondents in violation as cited but in compliance of Sections 115-3. 115-5. and 108-23 Q as of Januarv 25. 2005. but to aive until Januarv 31. 2005. to complv or impose fine of $150 per day. Motion carried 7-0. Member Godek. seconded bv Member Konicek. moved to hear Case Nos. 04-064 and 97-015 as the next items on the aaenda. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 04-064 - Albert C. Hensel Jr. 700 Rich Drive Violation Cited: 51-13; 115-5 10-28-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 11-10-04 11-11-04 SOV 11-11-04 NOH 11-12-04 POS 11-23-04 OOC 11-23-04 SOV 11-23-04 NOH Meeting Date: 01-25-05 11-24-04 POS Certified Mail Observation: Green fenced and roofed storage structure in front yard without permit and weeds/grass over 10' side yard. Observed no addition to house but new fencing with permit. Officer Siegrist Meeting Date: 11-23-04 Hand Delivery Building Official Phelps stated that he and Code Enforcement met the Respondent at his residence to determine if a violation existed and as a result, it was determined, there was a violation so the Respondent decided to take the roof off the arbor and 10 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 would bring the property into compliance. Member Godek. seconded bv Member Donenfeld. moved in Case No. 04-064 to find the Respondent in violation of Section 51-13 as of November 7. 2004. but to aive until Februarv 8. 2005. to complv or impose fine of $100 per day. Motion carried 7-0. Member Chancey. seconded bv Member Godek. moved in Case No. 97-015 to hear the reauest for reduction of fine and lien. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 97-015 - Marion A. Bennett 34 Coquina Key Drive Building Official Phelps] Building Official Phelps presented the case history and stated that the property has been purchased and the new owner was just notified of the fine and is asking for a reduction of fine. Christine Booth, having been sworn, stated that she and her husband helped the Respondent who was ill in New York by taking care of the violations and when the Respondent (previous owner) realized she was too ill to come back to Florida her husband purchased the property by cash with the assumption that the fines had been released. Building Official Phelps asked the board members to realize that the City has costs involved in the $250 range. Member Godek. seconded bv Member Henderson. moved to recommend to the Ocoee City Commission in Case No. 97-015 to reduce the fine to $250. if paid within 30 days of Ocoee Commission approval. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 04-057 - Village Market Place Investors L TD, and X Club Ocoee, Inc., d/b/a World Gym for Women 10908 W. Colonial Drive Violation Cited: 119-2; 51-13 09-09-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 09-20-04 10-15-04 SOV 10-15-04 NOH 10-15-04 POS 10-16-04 POS 10-26-04 CO 11-22-04 AONC 12-17-04 AOC 12-28-04 RFR/ROF Observation: Operating a business without an occupational license, and work without permit. Officer Siegrist Meeting Date: 10-26-04 Certified Mail Hand Delivery Given until 11-19-04 or pay $250 per day Total due $7,250 11 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25,2005 Member Henderson. seconded bv Member Godek. moved in Case No. 04-057 to deny the request for request for re-hearina and reduction of fine. without preiudice. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 04-060 - Better Built Homes of Florida USA, Inc. (Jean Marsan) 1088 Royal Marquis Circle Officer Braddy-Bagwell Violation Cited: 51-128 A 10-07-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 10-08-04 11-09-04 SOV 11-09-04 NOH 11-10-04 POS 11-23-04 CO Meeting Date: 11-23-04 Certified Mail Given until 12-10-04 to comply or pay $100 per day, along with additional cost incurred by the City. 12-13-04 AONC Observation: Failure to pay Plan Review Fees of $319.50 for Permit #0010632. Member Chancey. seconded bv Member Konicek. moved in Case No. 04-060 to impose fine and lien. Motion carried 7-0. Case No. 04-061 - Better Built Homes of Florida USA, Inc. (Jean Marsan) 943 Haverford Drive Officer Braddy-Bagwell Violation Cited: 51-128 A 10-07 -04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 10-08-04 11-09-04 SOV 11-09-04 NOH 11-10-04 POS 11-23-04 CO Meeting Date: 11-23-04 Certified Mail Given until 12-10-004 comply or pay $100 per day, along with additional costs uncured by the City. 12-13-04 AONC Observation: Failure to pay Plan Review Fees of $302.00 for Permit #0010633. Member Konicek. seconded bv Member Chancey. moved in Case No. 04-061 to impose fine and lien. Motion carried 7-0. I. Case No. 04-062 - Better Built Homes of Florida USA, Inc. (Jean Marsan) 1020 Royal Marquis Circle Officer Braddy-Bagwell Violation Cited: 51-128 A 10-07-04 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 10-08-04 11-09-04 SOV 11-09-04 NOH Meeting Date: 11-23-04 11-10-04 POS Certified Mail 12 Code Enforcement Board Minutes January 25, 2005 11-23-04 co Given until 12-10-04 to comply or pay $100 per day, along with additional costs incurred by the City. 12-13-04 AONC Observation: Failure to pay Plan Review Fees of $302.00 for Permit #0010634. Member Konicek. seconded bv Member Godek. moved in Case No. 04-062 to impose fine and lien. Motion carried 7-0. Building Official Phelps stated that Case No. 04-063 is in compliance and no action is required. COMMENTS Building Official Phelps - Thanked the board members for their attendance at tonight's meeting. Attorney Sneed - None Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist - None Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler - None Permitting Clerk Ramos - None Vice-Chairman Lenko - Said she would like an updated board member list. Member Donenfeld - Said his son is back from Japan and is currently taking Embassy Duty Training. Member Godek - None Member Henderson - None Member Konicek - None Alternate Member Hopper - None Administrative Assistant Aycock - Asked the board members for updated phone/address information. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Attest: ROVED: 13