HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2006-009 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-009 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE CITY BUDGET; AMENDING THE CITY BUDGET ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE 2005-013 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2005 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 BY PROVIDING FOR INCREASE/DECREASE OF APPROPRIATIONS AND REDESIGNA TION OF CAPITAL PURCHASES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Chapter 166 Florida Statutes, and Section C-38 of Article VI of the Charter of the City ofOcoee. SECTION 2. Intent and Purposes. The City of Ocoee budget for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2005, and ending September 30, 2006, as adopted by Ordinance 2005-013 is hereby amended as follows: 1. Increase/Decrease of appropriations totaling $2,398,000.00 in summary as follows: EXPENDITURES FUND 001 FUND 103 FUND 401 FUND 402 948,600.00 260,000.00 80,600.00 1,108,800.00 2,398,000.00 REVENUES FUND 001 FUND 103 FUND 401 FUND 402 948,600.00 260,000.00 80,600.00 1,108,800.00 2,398,000.00 and as shown in detail, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby confirmed, adopted and approved in all respects by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee. 2. Capital Purchases totaling $2,092,122.00 as shown in detail attached hereto and incorporated herein are hereby confirmed, adopted and approved in all respects by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee. SECTION 3. Appropriations. There are expressly appropriated out of anticipated revenues all funds and monies necessary to meet the supplemental appropriations stipulated by and in said amended final budget. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. ATTEST: (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY, THIS J DAY OF ~7 ,2006. FOLEY & WDNER Lif ... /1 BY: f1;d>: I~ Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA .:;J$~tt V:I4~' J- S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor t' Advert~sed . At,. I / ::2f, (JOO(",. Read FIrst TIme /J~Orl J J t. d(Y'{ , I / Read sec1t:~m:;~~~~tted j , APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSIO A T A MEETING HELD ON ~, 2006 UNDER AGE A ITEM NO. I (J CITY OF OCOEE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 MID-YEAR BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY Fund: All Funds All Funds General Fund (001) - .___.__n___~--"-r--~ 28,213,095 : 948,600 29,161,695 Stormwater Utility Fund (103) r-- 1,730,500 I 260,000 1,990,500 - --"'--~-'---"-~'-'----'------r VY_~tE?XI'JY9_SJ~~C:l_~~_~lJ!il!!y E~r1g_(~Q1L____u ________6, 9_,!1,~~g___________u__~ Ql~QlL.n _____ _u_Z1Q2~,4~ 0 .-.--------,.--- _._-----_.._-------------------------~---------_.__.- -----~----~----'--...-------~----~-_.~-+-_.__.__.-.__._------.. Solid '.IYi3~te ~timyJ=_u_ncjj4Q2) _ ~____ .___L___~_J l~?T,~QQ_~_ __~____1.J98,~QQ.__________2,96~&OQ TOTAL REVENUES 38,743,225 ! 2,398,000 41,141,225 2-1 CITY OF OCOEE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 MID-YEAR BUDGET EXPENDITURES SUMMARY ALL FUNDS 511-00 City Commission 179,450 : 0 179,450 --r---- , I 512-00 City Manage~______________-L-_ 407,345 ! 0 , 407,345 512 -01 _ _ g()_r:Q!D~_Qi!yB~I~tiQI1~_ n____________,____ ~~8, 950_'-_____nn _ 0 _n___~8, 9~Q.. ~12-1Q____+ City Cle!~__ ,324,050 · 0 : 324,050 _~.1}::_00 ~nal1c~____nn_______n______~-----~.h4J 0 J____~430 I _______~_~Q,~40_ i I!, ~13-~Q__!lnformation_~_yst~I!I~____n_____n___!_n___.l.11 ,715 ______ 0 __n____341l 15_ 5J~:..~Q____tiu~C!I1_~~sourc~_____n_______n ______~~_?,815 0 486,815 ?14-QQ__J Leg a I__n_ __ _n_______u_n______ n___m___n~nn----n--~Q4-'~9g_n- _n_______Q~ _ ________n _194.. ~QQ n _~1~-0~__lelanning_________________u__T-n--- ___n~~J ,0 1_!5___ ___________Q_________ _____~_~~QJ~_ 516-00 i General Government Services ~ 3,170,280 : 838,635 , 4,008,915 I -j -' I EJ 7 -00 I Public Works Administration 393,240 _! 2,250 I 395,490 519-00 _ Facilities Maintenance , 994,185 : 0 ! 994,185 _ ---________ ______n______________________un___~__ ___ ! 521-00 Police 6,731,784 : n_99,2~~_ _6,791,069 522-00 Fire ___ ____m _n4,6~4..~1?_,------ ___ 0 _ 4,6?4,616 ~2_4:9~L __~~!:I i Id ing_ _________________~_ ___ _____n_J-'jg~7 5?________n__m________~L,_n ___1,~0.f!,Z55 529-00 Communications 721,520 I 0 721,520 --------------t------------------------- ---- -- -..------------ _n - -T -- - ------------------- - ----I----n-- --------- nn ------- ----- 53_~=_Q~e-metery-----------n--..n_------~~----~~19Q-i---______ __ _ __ _ __Q~______ n__ _?!5..l0Q 541-10 jStreets / Traffic --------------L 2,625,61_~_J~______J5,OOO : 2,640,61~_ I ": 541-2_Q_L~lg_~!_Qt W_a_y_M~il1!E?I1~l1~E3________;______u<479,~~_!---_________Jj_~O~O __~_______ 493,275 _~1t__49_____fleet _~1.~QtE3l1_C3~~~ __ __ -------------_______n_nn_ __~_?Q,ZgQ_~ _____________~__:____ ___--.l5Q2QQ_ 546-00 _ Engineering 687,680 0 687,680 572-00 Recreation 1,163~550 0 1 ,1 ~?,550 572-10 Park Main_tE?QC!I1~_E3_____________ 1,044,945 0 ! 1,044,945 To.tc:lI_~~i!~!~!fl.Jn.cjn~xp~r1ditu!:.e~-n________ ,_ _~_~_~13,g9~n _ __ _____~_48,J50Q__ _ _ _ 2_9,1_61,695 2-2 CITY OF OCOEE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 MID-YEAR BUDGET EXPENDITURES SUMMARY ALL FUNDS _?~~-20 . Stormwater Utility Operating Total Stormwater Fund Expenditures , ---~--'-----,--'-~'-"- ---~--------r---~--~- , 1,730,500 I i 1,730,500 . 260,000 i 260,000 533__Q9_ _ __\lYc:11El_~~QJ>~ratil1_g_ ________~__ ___ ~~?-QQ__~_'{'La.ste~.f:ItEli9p_~_~tiQ_g_____ __ _ _ ______ I<:>ta~_\^Jatei~as~wate,"-Eun_cL Exp~_ditures _____ I __3.4?2,4_80.. 31,800 3,469,350 48,800 6,941,830 i 80,600 -1-~--'---'~~------'._------ 1,990,500 1!~~Q,5QQ_ }!504,280 3,518,150 __7-,-9~~,430 _ ------~~-~.---------------_.._- , ,---.-.-_._-------_._~---- I 53~-19_ i Solid Waste - Sanitation Total Solid Waste Fund Expenditures 1,857,800 I I 1,857,800 I 1,108,800 1,108,800 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 38,743,225 2,398,000 , 2-3 2,966,600 ___ 2,966,60JL 41,141,225 General Fund 513-00 Finance 6405-Computer Equipment 516-00 General Government 7100-Principal $835,000 521-00 Police 6400-Equipment 6405-Computer Equipment General Fund Total Stormwater Fund 538-20 Utility Operating 6302-Capitallmprovements Stormwater Fund Total CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL OUTLAY MID-YEAR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 Desktop Computer (new) Department Totals Crown Point Property (Principal) Department Totals Portable Radio (new) Laptop Computer (new) Department Totals Center Street Collection System 1 2,200 835,000 4,000 5,300 200,000 $2,200 $835,000 $9,300 $846,500 $200,000 WaterlWastewater Fund 533-00 Water Operating 6302-Capitallmprovements CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL OUTLAY MID-YEAR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 1/2 of Office Addition 60,000 Department Totals 535-00 Wastewater Operating 6302-Capitallmprovements 1/2 of Office Addition 60,000 Department Totals WaterlWastewater Fund Total Solid Waste Fund 534-10 Water Operating 6400-Equipment 6401-Vehicle Solid Waste Fund Total Commercial Bins / Rolloff Containers 200,000 Recycle Trucks (2) (new) (4 yr lease) Garbage Trucks (7) (new) (4 yr lease) Yard Waste Trucks (2) (new) (4 yr lease) Commercial Trucks (5) (new) (4 yr lease) 62,885 245,525 60,095 88,750 457,255 Department Totals 2 $60,000 $60,000 $120,000 $657,255 $657,255 Police Impact Fees WaterlWastewater Water Operating Rand R Rand R Wastewater Operating Impact Fees Rand R Rand R Rand R CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL OUTLAY MID-YEAR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 Admin. Vehicle (new) Department Totals Convert onsite chlorine generation at South Water Plant to Bulk Supply Convert onsite chlorine generation at Forest Oaks Water Plant to Bulk Supply On-Site Percolation Pond at WNTP re- rating study Lift Station 12 Rehabilitation - construction 30" equalizing plug valve between oxidation ditches Valve Replacement between treatment ditches (wwtp) Department Totals 3 22,500 26,011 25,606 51,617 40,000 47,250 50,000 57,000 194,250 22,500 245,867