Chairman McKey called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Vice Chair Laney led the Invocation and Chairman
McKey led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and requested a moment of silence for our men
and women in uniform, the roll was called and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Chairman McKey, Vice -Chair Laney, Member Ball, Member Santana, Member
Alcuri, Member Yost (arrived at 7:18 p.m.). Also present were Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander and
Recording Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Member Zielinski (excused), and Treasurer Wilsen (unexcused).
Approval of CACOPD Minutes for April 25, 2013
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to accept the minutes for April 25 2013 seconded by Member
Alcuri. Motion passed unanimously.
Chairman McKey informed Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander that the surveillance cameras at the
Hammocks are working now if any footage is needed and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander thanked
him and stated he will relay the information.
Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated the S.A.F.E class is taking place at this very moment at the
Police Department and Vice Chair Laney stated she would have liked to attend to invite women
to join the CACOPD and requested she be informed beforehand of the class taking place to plan
accordingly. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander added Ofc. Patera Scott has held about four to five
classes so far. He continued by saying the Gun Safety Class took place last Saturday and is
scheduled every other month. Staff Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying the Gun Safety
Class is still very popular but limited in space and stated he will inform the CACOPD of the next
two classes taking place.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Chairman McKey stated volunteers are needed for this program which takes place every two
weeks at the Police Department; it involves juveniles under the age of eighteen who have
committed a crime and are willing to work through some sanctions. He extended an invitation to
Member Santana and Member Alcuri to volunteer. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander added Orange
County began a program that involves a Juvenile Civil Citation for first -time juvenile offenders
accused of misdemeanors and who have not been previously arrested. The citation will be
provided to the parents explaining they need to contact the State Attorney's Office within a
certain period of time to complete sanctions; also, the juveniles will be subject to random drug -
testing, and once the program is completed, the offense will not remain in the juvenile's record;
however, if not, a charging affidavit will be completed by the officer to submit to the court. This
is a joint effort from the State Attorney's Office, the Juvenile State Attorney's Office and law
CACOPD Meeting
July 25, 2013
enforcement agencies to handle juveniles as an alternative to arresting them. Discussions ensued
on the Juvenile Civil Citation Program.
Anti - Bullying Campaign
Vice -Chair Laney informed the board of two scheduled showings of the Fat Boy Chronicles
movie. This is a full - length feature film that won the award for Best Feature Film at the
CENFLO movie film festival held in Ocoee a couple of years ago and it conveys has a very good
message of anti - bullying, fitness and family. The showings will be free of charge at the West
Oaks Mall on November 3 at 1:00 p.m. and November 4 at 7:00 p.m. Vice -Chair Laney added
she has 350 tickets available for each showing and everyone is welcome; also, she would like the
School Resource Officers to have some to hand out. She continued by saying she would contact
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander regarding the School Resource Officers distributing tickets.
Discussions ensued on this matter.
Neighborhood Safety Summit
Vice Chair Laney explained there is new legislation governing Home Owners' Associations
effective July 1, and is currently finding a date and a location to hold the summit. She will work
with the Community Center to schedule it, perhaps in January. She also welcomed any
suggestions. Chairman McKey stated that the New Community Center should be ready by
Founders' Day on November 5. Discussions ensued on this matter.
Quarterly Award for Officer
Chairman McKey stated there are three (3) nominees for this quarter as follows: Nomination #
1 refers to an officer saving a woman attempting to jump off the Turnpike overpass, Nomination
# 2 refers to an officer working with the Police Explorers, and Nomination # 3 refers to an
officer apprehending a drug dealer. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying that the
officer in Nomination # 2 was nominated twice but one of the nominations was misplaced. The
nomination included this officer's work with traffic and marine patrol as well. Also, Nomination
# 3 was nominated twice.
Vice -Chair Laney made a motion to select the officer in Nomination # 1 for Officer of the Second
Quarter 2013, seconded by Member Ball.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander interjected by saying this Officer's nomination includes
recognition by the Chief of Oakland Police. Vice Chair Laney added the reason she nominated
this officer is because he really went above and beyond his call of duty. Discussions ensued on
Nomination #1. Chairman McKey continued by saying Nomination #2 and Nomination #3 are
really good. Nomination #3 involves a wanted person carrying contraband and a gun.
Member Alcuri made a motion to select the officer in Nomination # 2 for Officer of the Second
Quarter 2013, seconded by Member Santana.
Member Aleuri and Member Santana stated they liked Nomination # 2 because the officer
works daily with the youth to make a difference in their lives. Vice Chair Laney explained that
actions pertaining to an on -going event can be nominated again for the following quarter as
opposed to one -time occurrences. Member Yost added he liked Nomination # 1.
A vote was called:
CACOPD Meeting
July 25, 2013
Nomination #1 — Vice -Chair Laney, Chairman McKey, Member Ball and Member Alcuri
Nomination 42 Member Yost and Member Santana
The motion made by Vice -Chair Laney to select the officer in Nomination 41 for Officer of the
Second Ouarter, seconded by Member Ball passed 4 -2, with Member Yost and Member Santana
voting for the officer in Nomination # 2.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander revealed the names of the nominees as follows:
Nomination # 1 Ofc. Ogletree, Nomination # 2 — Ofc. Riggins, and Nomination # 3 — Ofc.
Activity Report
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated there were two (2) homicides: one at Admiral Pointe and the
other one at North Lakewood Avenue. These involved a grandson killing his grandmother and a
son killing his mother; however, both cases have been solved and the perpetrators have been
arrested. Chairman McKey asked if surveillance cameras helped at Admiral Pointe and Staff
Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied most probably and added he did not know what other
investigative tools were used and furthermore added the Joint Homicide Task Force led the
investigations. He also added there have been burglaries taking place, and purse snatchings at
Wal -Mart. Vice -Chair Laney asked if there were any security cameras at the parking lot in
Wal -Mart but Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied they are not that good. Chairman McKey
asked if anybody had been apprehended in connection to those burglaries and Staff- Liaison Sgt.
Nylander replied the robbery that took place last night is still under investigation. Member
Yost asked about the squatting problem to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied he heard
it had improved with the new system in place and Member Yost added Detective Grogan is in
charge of the squatting problems and also stated she will be attending the Forest Trails HOA
meeting to talk about it. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying Det. Grogan was
portrayed on the front page of the West Orange Times for active shooter training at
Thornebrooke Elementary School; the Police Department also uses a simulator for different
active shooter scenarios. He continued by saying it is done as close to the real thing as possible,
with the use air -soft guns, kids running, no lights, and the fire alarm going off. Discussions
ensued on this topic. Staff Liaison Sgt. Nylander also added that the students at the Teen Police
Academy get information and are trained on what to do in a real active shooter situation; he also
informed the board of 18 students successfully graduating from the Teen Police Academy. Vice -
Chair Laney asked if it would be possible to offer these students tickets to the Fat Boy
Chronicles movie to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander he had their contact information. Vice
Chair Laney explained to member Yost about the movie event and the tickets for the showings;
also, the tickets will be distributed at the next CACOPD meeting. Discussions ensued on the Fat
Boy Chronicles. Staff Liaison Sgt. Nylander explained he has a packet of the calls for service
by subdivision for anyone who is interested in reviewing it and also added it is not completely
accurate since these are the initial calls before any Police Officer can determine what the incident
is. Discussions ensued on this matter. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board the
Police Department will become a member of a response team together with the Apopka Police
Department and the Winter Garden Police Department, and it is basically a S.W.A.T. team ran
by a Commander at Apopka Police Department; it is not a full -time position but a task force on
an as- needed basis. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander also informed the board that the Citizen's
Police Academy will begin on September 23 and it will run for eight Wednesdays in a row, until
graduation on October 25, although the dates are not confirmed yet. Vice Chair Laney also
CACOPD Meeting
July 25, 2013
added that new members of the CACOPD need to attend the Citizen's Police Academy and
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander asked the board members to advertise it through their community
bulletins or other organizations and at their work places to get the word out. He also added the
Community Picnic will take place on October 5 at Vignetti Park, sponsored by the Police
Department, and it's free; there will be food, bounce houses, face painting, and other activities.
Chairman McKey reminded the board members that volunteers are always needed. Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Nylander continued by saying that the CACOPD meets again on October 24 and
the Poker Run will take place the following Saturday, Founders' Day will be on November 9,
followed by the dodge ball tournament at the end of November. Vice Chair Laney asked if
tickets to the Fat Boy Chronicles can be passed out at the community picnic to which Staff
Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied it will be a great opportunity to advertise it. He also mentioned
that training takes place every Friday at the Police Department with different topics every
rotation and includes DUI training, firearms training, traffic training, and outside agencies, like
Harbor House and Crime Line, also participate. Discussions ensued on this matter. Member
Santana asked if the Police Department has a Firing Range for training to which Staff - Liaison
Sgt. Nylander replied yes and added there are plans for a new range in the future. Discussions
ensued on this matter. Vice Chair Laney added that she met with Mr. Dan Webster regarding
the big cross for the surveillance cameras and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied the best
person to contact in this matter is Lt. Bryant and provided her with his email address. Member
Yost told the board about the Fall Frenzy which will take place on September 21 in St. Cloud to
get the Fire Department and the Police Department together; it is a family event with a lot of
activities and contests. He added it is $150 per team.
Volunteer Program
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander informed the board that the NOW car program is not being
implemented at this time and will not be back for some time. Chairman McKey asked if there
are any rules, regulations or guidelines for the Neighborhood Watch Program ran at the
Hammocks. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander replied by saying there are no written guidelines but
the Power Point Presentation shown at meetings provides a list of suggestions. Member Yost
also explained that at Forest Trails HOA meeting, they bring in an officer to provide suggestions.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander stated Officer Patera Scott is in charge of the Neighborhood Watch
Program and anything else related to the community. (Vice Chair Laney left the meeting at 8:04
p.m.) Member Yost asked about scheduling a Ride -A -Long and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Nylander
replied to contact Madeleine Garza at the Police Department. Board discussions ensued on the
ride -a -long program.
Set New Agenda
Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Anti - Bullying Campaign
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Update on Community Picnic
Update on Founders' Day
Update on Poker Run
Update on Dodge Ball Tournament
Volunteer Program
Quarterly Award for Officer
Activity Report
CACOPD Meeting
July 25, 2013
Staff - liaison Sgt. Nylander explained to Member Santana there are 80 officers at the Police
Department. At the present time, there are two (2) officers in in Field Training, another one that
just finished the academy, and four (4) more that are projected to start at the end of August. He
also added Deputy Chief Goclon retired which will result in many promotions within the
department to fill his position but it will be a lengthy process.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Madeleine Garza, Recording �Jerk Rob McKey, Chairman/