HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-06 Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION June 6, 2006 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Invocation- Commissioner Anderson Pledge of Allegiance-Commissioner Keller Roll Call and Determination of Quorum-City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation - Fab Five DVD - Jim Sweatman, Greater Orlando Urban Fisheries Project Leader. (Mayor Vandergrift) Mr. Sweatman gave a video presentation and presented the city with a plaque in appreciation for our assistance with making the Fish Orlando! Program a success. Commissioner Anderson asked that the video be replayed on OGTV several times. Proclamation - Wayne's Automatic Fire Sprinklers Announcement of New Department Directors- Jeff Hayes, Director of Parks and Recreation Ron Reffett, Chief of Police Police Chief Reffett was sworn into office by City Clerk Eikenberry. Mayor Vandergrift pinned his badge. I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Richard Doss, 290 Rewis Street, member of Starke Lake Baptist Church asked if the City would consider abandoning a portion of Flewelling between the Church and the Railroad Tracks, and allow the church to own it and continue maintaining it as they have in the past. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the City can choose do a Right-of-Way Abandonment (vacation) Resolution once the applicant goes through the application process and gets a current survey with legal description that can be recorded showing the vacated area, but the City does not convey property and any vacated property would be split between the owners on both sides; in this case, the Church and the Railroad. Principal Planner James explained the process that the applicant needs to go through: submit the application, pay the fees ($500 application fee and $1000 deposit), submit a survey, and wait for approval from utility companies for the vacation. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to waive the fees for the application process. subiect to staff confirmina that any vacation would not infrinae on residents or future plans to widen Rewis Street. and subiect to the applicant proceedina with the application process and obtainina a survey. Motion Carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE I Commissioner Anderson - 1) asked about the fountain on Starke Lake. Assistant Public Works Director Elliott advised the contractors have replaced the pump and staff has been advised to wait until the water level rises up over the fountain before starting the pump again in order to keep from burning it out, 2) asked when we are going to post a schedule for OGTV, Community Relations Director Wright advised that are in the process of upgrading the scheduling aspect of the system so programs will be scheduled play at an exact time/date each week and a schedule can be posted. At this time, we do not have that capability. Commissioner Keller- 1) the Marching Band for Ocoee High School was invited to the Cotton Bowl on January 1,2007, and they will perform in the parade prior to the event and at halftime, 2) said a picture was left behind for one of the members of his foursome at the Ocoee High School Golf Tournament, and left it so that Gequita Cowan could see that he gets it. Mayor Vandergrift- 1) said he is trying to get together a group of people assist a veteran on Saturday at 8:00 a.m., 1971 Key Lime Street, in Amber Ridge; to remove wood from two large trees that were cut down a few years ago and the rotting wood is now drawing rats, and 2) said there is a $10 chance to buy a free weekend in Captiva Island, benefiting the Relay For Life American Cancer Society Team, contact Carol Johnson at 407656-8791,407-353-5932. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Reappointment to Code Enforcement Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16, 1981. The purpose of this board is to review infractions of the City Technical Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fmes for failure to comply. The Code Enforcement Board is to have seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all with three year terms. The three-year terms of Jim Morton and Lee Ann Stanley will expire in June. Both of these members have indicated they are willing to serve another term, if reappointed. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners reappoint Jim Morton and Lee Ann Stanley to serve another three-year term on the Code Enforcement Board ending June 2009. Adopted on Consent: motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 2. Quarterly Financial Report for the Second Quarter, FY 2006. (Finance Director Horton) The report summarizes fmancial activity for the period January 2006 to March 2006. Revenues are being collected as anticipated for all funds. Expenditures are being closely monitored and are within expected ranges. Staff continues to look for new ways to increase revenues and/or reduce expenditures without compromising the levels of service to the community. Adopted on Consent: motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 3. Approval for Renewal of Work Order #VF-596019764-002 with FDOT for State Highway Lighting, Maintenance, and Compensation Agreement for FY 06/07. (Assistant Public Works Director Elliott) The existing contract between the Florida Department of Transportation and City of Ocoee for the routine maintenance of the State Lighting, Maintenance, and Compensation will expire on June 30, 2006. FDOT is requesting renewal of this contract at $18,081.69. This amount represents a 3% increase from previous contract period. Adopted on Consent: motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. Page 2 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 4. Approval of Traffic Enforcement Agreement for Villas at Woodsmere Subdivision. (Police Chief Goclon) A traffic enforcement agreement is required by Florida State Statutes 316.006(2) for the Ocoee Police Department to have authority to enforce traffic laws upon the private roads within the limits of the gated subdivisions. THE VILLAS AT WOODSMERE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIA nON, INC., is requesting such an agreement. Adopted on Consent: motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 5. Approval of Purchase of Computer Equipment/Software. (police Chief Goclon) The Police Communications budget for FY 05/06 carried over $29,300.00 in Contractual Services (317-516-00- 3400) from FY04/05 to relocate radio equipment and an antenna from the old fire station located at 150 N. Bluford Ave. WTEC/Motorola, the company contracted to move the equipment, originally quoted a price of $29,300.00 to complete the work. WTEC/Motorola was able to move the radio equipment and the antenna (without having to relocate the structurally unsound and aesthetically unappealing antenna tower) at a cost of only $16,650.00, resulting in a savings of $12,300.00. With these savings, the Police Department wishes to purchase $8,000.00 Computer Equipment! Software to replace four (4) out of warranty CPU's for the Communications Center. The computers are not budgeted for replacement in the current fiscal year and were most likely going to be replaced in the FY06/07 budget. Adopted on Consent: motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 6. Approval of the SJWMD Water Protection & Sustainability Program's Cost Share Agreement for the City's Reuse Water System Expansion. (City Engineer Wheeler) The Cost Share Agreement between City of Ocoee and St. Johns River Water Management District is in response to the City applying for funding to assist with the expansion of the City's Reuse Water System. The proposed expansion included in the cost share agreement will include four projects, three of these projects will be retrofitting The Reflections, Reserve, and The Silver Glenn subdivisions with a reuse water system. The fourth project will be extending the reuse main along Blackwood Ave in order to serve Ocoee Commons reuse water. SJRWMD will fund 20% ofthe projects construction costs up to $510,000.00. The remaining funding for the three subdivision retrofit projects will be funded by the 2003 Utility bond issue and are already included in this year's CIP per the approved Bond Proceed Budget. The remaining portion of the Blackwood Ave. Reuse Main Extension Project has yet to be funded. Adopted on Consent: motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 7. Approval of Short-Listed Firms for RFQ #0602 Security Systems Installation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Services for City of Ocoee Water Treatment Plants. (purchasing Agent Tolbert) removed/rom Consent Agenda and heard after Item #9 A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised with the intention of soliciting statements of qualifications from qualified security systems providers to provide installation, maintenance, and monitoring services for the City of Ocoee Water Treatment Plants. The Selection Committee short-listed three (3) service providers and one (1) alternate, based on qualifications, to undertake negotiations so as to award the installation and maintenance of the security systems and provide the monitoring services to one (1) of the short-listed service providers. The term contract for the maintenance and monitoring will automatically renew annually with annual cost escalations and terms to be determined during the negotiation process. Staff recommends the City Commission: I) Approve the short-listed firms and one (1) alternate firm for RFQ #0602; 2) Authorize staff to proceed with proposal negotiations with Access Limited Inc., Quality Communications Fire & Security Inc., and ADT Security Services Inc., and if necessary, negotiate with Wunderlich-Malec Systems as the alternate firm. Once negotiations are complete, staff intends to recommend a single proposal from one (1) of the short-listed firms for fmal approval by the City Commission. This item was removed from the Consent Agenda and heard separately after Item #9. Page 3 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 Edward F. Moore, 3419 Kentshire Blvd, Ocoee, advised he is a resident and also a sub- contractor for the company chosen as an alternate, Wunderlich-Malec Systems. He said he researched this heavily and thinks the City is making a mistake not to allow Wunderlich-Malec systems to be on the short-listed group of companies that will submit proposals. Mayor Vandergrift acknowledged that he knew Mr. Moore and had communicated with him on this issue to the extend that he told Mr. Moore to come the meeting and advise the Commission explain his grievance. Commissioner Keller seconded bY Commissioner Anderson moved to direct staff to proceed with proposal neaotiations with the top four-ranked companies (Access Limited Inc.. Quality Communications Fire & Security Inc.. ADT Security Services Inc.. and Wunderlich-Malec Systems). Motion carried 3-1. with Commissioner Johnson opposed and Commissioner Hood absent. 8. Approval of Contract Funding for Miscellaneous Planning Services. (Principal Planner James) The Community Development Department, in cooperation with the Utilities and Engineering Departments, is currently engaged in the following planning activities: 1) The update of the St. Johns River Water Management District Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) that will determine the amount of water that can be pumped from the Floridan Aquifer over the next 10 years; 2) The analysis of the Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZs) for Metroplan Orlando that will provide input to the area-wide transportation model that will determine future roadway needs (See attached Metroplan letter, dated May 11, 2006); 3)The redistricting of the City's Commission Districts for future elections; and 4) The development of the Proportionate Share Ordinance for Transportation as required under new statewide growth management legislation. Renaissance Planning Group (RPG), the City's transportation continuing service providers, has provided a cost estimate to assist in the completion of the above tasks. Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the contract for Renaissance Planning Group for miscellaneous planning services by authorizing the payment of funds from road impact fees and minor adjustments to the Community Development Department budget. Adopted on Consent: motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. 9. Request for Transfer of Funds to Cover Election Costs. (City Clerk Eikenberry) During the City's Budget Process in June 2005 the Supervisor of Elections Office did not have cost information for the upcoming 2006 Elections. The amount of $7,000 was placed in the election line item based on previous election costs being under $6,000. Bills from the Supervisor of Elections Office have now been received for the general and run-off elections, with the total amount being $10,848.00. An additional $2,340.59 was spent on advertising and printing of the ballots. Total 2006 election costs were $13,189.19, exceeding the budgeted amount by $6,189.19. Staff recommends the Mayor and Commission approve the transfer of funds in the amount of $6,189.19 from the Commission Contingency Fund to the City Clerk Budget, Election Expense Fund #-001-512-10-5600. Adopted on Consent: motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. McCormick Woods, Phase 3 - Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan. (Advertised Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Thursday, May 25, 2006). (Community Development Director Wagner) McCormick Woods Phase 3 subdivision is a continuation of the previously approved McCormick Woods (Phase 1 & 2) residential subdivision. The Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan proposes 30 single-family residential lots on approximately 9.86 acres. The property is zoned R-IA requiring a minimum lot width of 70 feet and lot size of 8,000 SF. Proposed land density for the project will be 3.04 units per acre. Page 4 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 Community Development Director Wagner gave a short PowerPoint presentation regarding this property, and said the Planning and Zoning Board and staff recommends approval of the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. R.P. Monacky asked if the developers were going to be responsible for building sound walls, since this is next to a known highway. Stuart Kramer, representing the landowner KKH said they are continuing the same landscape buffer (20 foot wide) in Phase 3, that were required in Phases 1 & 2. Commissioner Johnson advised we have not received any complaints from the residents who have lived there for over a year. Commissioner Keller 1) asked Community Development Director Wagner which part of the tree survey was correct, one shows that tree 1573 is staying, and one shows it is going. Mr. Wagner advised that the zoning inspector is diligent about preserving every tree that we can, and it will not be removed until the final process, only if absolutely necessary. Commissioner Keller asked about kids having access to the new middle school that will be built, and Community Development Director Wagner pointed out the two connecting paths. Commissioner Keller seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for McCormick Woods. Phase 3. Motion carried 3-0. with Commissioner Hood absent and Mayor Vanderarift away from the dais. ORDINANCE SECOND READINGS 11. Ordinance Creating a Trust Fund for the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). (Advertised Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Thursday, May 25, 2006). (Assistant City Manager Croteau) On September 21, 2004, the City Council adopted a resolution fmding a certain defined area of the City of Ocoee had conditions of "blight" as that term is defmed in the Community Redevelopment Act. The steps in the process of redeveloping that area in accordance with the Act are: (i) create a Community Redevelopment Agency; (ii) adopt a redevelopment plan; and (iii) create a redevelopment trust fund and provide for the deposit therein of increment revenues attributed to the redevelopment area. The Redevelopment Act states that in a county that has adopted a home rule charter all redevelopment powers are vested in the county. A municipality located within such a county may exercise redevelopment powers under the Act only if the governing body of the county has delegated those powers to the governing body of the city. ~163.400, Florida Statutes. Orange County had adopted a home rule charter. On March 21, 2006, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the CRA Resolution, and an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Ocoee delegating authority for creating and managing a community redevelopment agency to the City. The City approved the ordinance officially creating the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) on April 18, 2006. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Keller moved adopt on second readina. Ordinance No. 2006-012. approvina the creation of a Trust Fund for the Community Redevelopment Aaency (CRA). Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. The ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following caption: Page 5 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 Ordinance No. 2006-012 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND; PROVIDING FOR THE FUNDING OF A REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND FOR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA; PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND; DETERMINING THE TAX ~CREMENT TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND; ESTABLISHING THE BASE YEAR FOR DETERMINING ASSESSED VALUES OF PROPERTY IN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA FOR TAX INCREMENT PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT BY TAXING AUTHORITIES IN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA; APPOINTING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS THE TRUSTEES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND; EXEMPTING CERTAIN SPECIAL DISTRICTS FROM THE ANNUAL REQUIREMENT TO APPROPRIATE INCREMENT REVENUES TO THE REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT IMPLEMENTING EACH SUCH EXEMPTION; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 12. Modifications to Chapter 143 - Solid Waste Ordinance. (Advertised in Orlando Sentinel Orange Extra on Thursday, May 25,2006). (Assistant Public Works Director Elliott) In order to implement the changes in service previously approved by the City Commission to the City's solid waste services, it is necessary to revise Chapter 143 of the City Code (Solid Waste). The revisions included primarily effect the residential curbside services as highlighted in the attached ordinance. Specifically, the changes (i) authorize the use of an additional garbage cart for residential customers for an additional charge, (ii) provide for the collection of up to 10 bulk items or 4 cubic feet of bulk waste per month, whichever is greater, (iii) provides for the City Commission to establish deposit fees by resolution, (iv) authorizes the City to collect a payment in lieu of franchise fee not to exceed 25% if it provides collection services in lieu of a franchisee, and (v) allows the City Commission to establish by resolution a procedure for customers to "opt out" of the non-ad valorem assessment for solid waste collection and pay charges directly to the City on a monthly basis. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Anderson seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved adopt on second readina. Ordinance No. 2006-013. approvina modifications to Chapter 143. Solid Waste. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. The ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following caption: Page 6 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 Ordinance No. 2006-013 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 143 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE REGARDING SOLID WASTE; AUTHORIZING THE USE OF ONE ADDITIONAL SOLID WASTE CART BY RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANTS OR OWNERS; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF BULK ITEMS FROM RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANTS OR OWNERS; PROVIDING FOR A NON-REFUNDABLE CART DEPOSIT; PROVIDING THAT THE CITY COMMISSION MAY ESTABLISH A METHOD FOR CUSTOMERS TO OPT OUT OF NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT AND PAY CITY FEES AND CHARGES MONTHLY; PROVIDING FOR A PAYMENT IN LIEU OF FRANCHISE FEE OF 25% IF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES ARE PROVIDED BY CITY EMPLOYEES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I G. ORDINANCE FIRST READING - PUBLIC HEARING 13. Land Development Code Amendment - Illegal Non-Conforming Sites and Structure Ordinance. (Second Reading Scheduled for June 20, 2006). (Advertised Orlando Sentinel Legal Classified on Thursday, May 25,2006). (Principal Planner James) Currently, there are no Land Development Code (LDC) provisions requiring properties or structures to be brought back into compliance with the City regulations when a portion of the property is conveyed or transferred to a governmental or quasi-governmental entity, such as for a roadway widening project. This specific problem area was highlighted during the right-of-way purchases or "takings" by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the eventual 6-1ane widening of SR 50/Colonial Drive. Properties along this roadway were originally required to fulfill the City's requirements concerning landscaping, buffers/setbacks, signage and parking. In many instances, these requirements reflected the enhanced standards that were adopted for the State Road 50 Activity Center. After the proposed right-of-way takings, many of these properties and/or structures will no longer meet the Land Development Code requirements. This amendment would make the properties or structures illegal and non- conforming, and outline a process to bring these properties back in compliance with the LDC. This new subsection will apply to all properties within the City not just those along SR 50/Colonial Drive. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Vandergrift advised the second reading and Public Hearing will be held June 20, 2006. I H. REGULAR AGENDA 14. Ocoee Crown Point PUD, RFP #06-001 - Developer Recommendation. (City Manager Frank and Community Development Director Wagner) On December 6,2005, the Mayor and City Commissioners authorized City Staff to advertise a Request for Proposal (RFP) for sale of residential land within the Ocoee Crown Point PUD. This RFP identified numerous design parameters each developer would be required to include in their respective proposals. This ensured that all respondents had an equal opportunity to bid on the project. Over 20 developers picked up the initial RFP packet. A mandatory Pre-Proposal conference was held with the prospective applicants to go over the very detailed design requirements contained within the RFP and to answer any questions regarding an extensive list of due diligence materials provided to each developer. All pertinent RFP response requirements were also addressed to ensure that each respondent would provide the correct materials in the proper format. Based upon a very detailed and exhaustive review of each respondent's RFP proposal, including all additional interviews and site visits, the City Manager and staff were unanimous in their opinion that the Centex proposal offered the best price, character of Page 7 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 development and design quality by a clear margin over the other two proposals, with Ryland ranked number two and KB Homes ranked number three. Community Development Director Wagner explained the history of the Crown Point property and how staff was directed to locate a private developer via RFQ to purchase and develop a portion of the property and had five responses, with three developers bidding over 12 million dollars. Proposals were examined from the top three, interviews were conducted, and on site inspection of other homes built by them. Staff unanimously selected Centex, which most closely resembled our vision for the Crown Point Property. John Alvarez, with Centex Homes, spoke on behalf of everyone present: Geoffrey Mouen of Mouen Architecture, Brian Cirillo, Strategic Operations with Centex; Dave Brown, Project Engineer with Centex; and Kathy Leah, Project Engineer with Post Buckley Schuh and Jernigan. He advised this is a great team to put together a high quality development, and that Centex homes was ranked number one for the least number of complaints lodged against developers. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd. asked the size of the lots and why the garages were in rear alleys. Community Development Director Wagner said this neo-traditional development which is a compact design with smaller lots and larger homes; prices will start at approximately $465,000.00. Commissioner Johnson said to make sure the design remains the way it was presented. City Attorney Rosenthal said procedurally we will negotiate a contract, when the contract for sale comes back to the Commission, it will be an advertised Public Hearing, required by our Charter, because it is a disposition of land over 1 million dollars. Commissioner Keller seconded bv Commissioner Johnson moved approve the rankinas for the developer recommendations and directed staff to beain neQotiations with Centex Homes for the sale of the Crown Point Property at a sellina price of $ Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. The City has been negotiating for several months with the developer of the Fountains West Shopping Center regarding the needed realignment of West Road at its intersection with Ocoee-Apopka Road. In order to proceed with the proposed land use change to the Comprehensive Plan and process the rezoning of the property to PUD, the City has required the developer to rework the off-set intersection to be consistent with the Orange County plans for construction of the new Clarcona-Ocoee Road widening and realignment. The proposed tri-party agreement, which has already been approved by Orange County staff and the developer, provides for the abandonment of the existing West Road and the construction of a new, relocated road to match up with Ocoee Crown Point Parkway. This agreement requires contributions from all three parties to ensure that this work may be accomplished to not only solve the short-term traffic problem, but also to set the stage for a long-term solution once the County moves ahead with the Clarcona-Ocoee project. Community Development Director Wagner gave a PowerPoint presentation and explained how the proposed tri-party agreement will assist to alleviate the traffic problems and comply with our Comprehensive Plan, as well as aligning with the long term solution of the County's Clarcona-Ocoee project. Mayor Vandergrift advised he would like the City to attempt to negotiate with the County to advance the money for the purchase of the right-of-way, and enable us to four-lane the road for at least 200 yards coming off of Apopka Highway. He said we may be able to get the School Page 8 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 committed to purchase the right-of-way, they have an option to buy it at a below-market value for a specified period of time, otherwise they will have to pay market price. City Manager Frank said we can discuss this option with the county, but wants it to remain separate from this agreement being proposed tonight. Mayor Vanderarift seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved approve the West Road Development Aareement per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. 16. Approval of Three-Year Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and Teamster Local 385. (Human Resources Director Carnicella) This item was moved up on the agenda and heard before Item #1 . This collective Bargaining Agreement governs the terms and conditions of employment for Police Officers covered under the Teamsters Union. The fmancial impact of this Collective Bargaining Agreement will be funded in the following manner: $20,000 from Contingency that was already budgeted for Police Department salary changes from the HRMP salary study, $72,826 budgeted for COLA & merit increases and an additional $119,237 savings from the Police Dept. salary line item as a result of unfilled vacancies within the department (total cost of$212,063). Mayor Vanderarift seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved approve the three-year Collective Baraainina Aareement between the City of Ocoee and Teamster Local 385. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. Human Resources Director Carnicella and Teamster Representative Jeff Candage spoke about the negotiation process and thanked everyone involved in the process for their patience and dedication. Commissioner Keller acknowledged two officers on recent awards they received: Officer Maroney received a Youth Service A ward for his work with Police Explorers and other youth programs, and Officer Hernandez received a Peers Award for his help locating and assisting a distraught woman and her children when she was threatening suicide. 17. Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve three-year terms. The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. The board currently has fourteen (14) members. Two (2) applications were recently submitted. Fred Wilsen (District 2) and David Ball (District 1). Staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Fred Wilsen or David Ball to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department with a term ending January 1,2009. Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved appoint David Ball to the CACOPD Board. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. 18. Consideration of CancellinglRescheduling the Commission Meeting Scheduled for July 4, 2006, and Consideration of Taking a Summer Break in August 2006. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Page 9 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved cancel the July 4. 2006 reaular Commission Meetina due to it fallina on a holiday. and leave both meetinas in Auaust. as scheduled. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Hood absent. I I. STAFF REPORTS Discussion Regarding Charter Review Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) City Attorney Rosenthal advised that the Charter calls for a Charter Review Commission in 1999 and 2009, and we have had Charter Review Boards off of the ten years cycle in the past, but he feels we are online for having another board in 2009. Commissioner Anderson advised that specific issues that need to be changed can be placed on referendum ballot by the Commission, and it is not really necessary to review the entire Charter at this time. He said he will ask residents in his district if they feel there are any items that need to be considered. Consensus of the Commission was to discuss this aaain at the next Commission Meetina when Commissioner Hood returns. and determine if he felt there are several issues that need to be reviewed. which would reauire a Charter Review Board. of if he feels other options can be used to address a few specific issues. Report on North Lakeshore Drive. (Utilities Director Smith) Utilities Director Smith handed out a table of project costs for the Lakeshore Drive area, broken down by North and South Lakeshore Drive, and including entire Bluford Avenue Downtown Area. Consensus of the Commission was to hold a Public Hearina in July 2006 to aet input from those effected residents. Include all aspects of this project in the discussion includina arant money. financina. utilities. environmental issues. etc. Update on PoliceStation Sites - Jamie Croteau Consensus of the Commission was to hold a workshop and have staff produce a list with the breakdown of each potential site. pros and cons. includina costs. eminent domain issues. risks. etc. Have newly appointed Police Chief Reffett aet involved in the process. Staff Recognition City Manager Frank congratulated Deputy City Clerk, Melanie Sibbitt on receiving her Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) status. Page 10 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 Commission Appointments to Local Boards and Ex-Officio Membership on City Boards. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Consensus of the Commission was to make the followina chanaes in appointments to City Boards and Outside Aaency Boards: CACOFD CACOPD Personnel Board Education Incentive Committee West Orange Health Alliance Tri-county League of Cities West Orange Airport Authority West Orange Chamber of Commerce Commissioner Keller Commissioner Johnson Commissioner Hood Commissioner Hood Commissioner Anderson Commissioner Anderson Commissioner Anderson Commissioner Johnson (appointed 9/5/05) I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Anderson 1) asked about the Board Ramp Area along Starke Lake; he would like staff to look into renting space and/or parking to keep people from setting up camp for the whole weekend and allow all residents to have access. City Manager Frank said he would like Parks and Recreation Director Hayes to have the opportunity to look at that and incorporate it into the comprehensive rate resolution we have been working on, which includes all of the fees that we charge, 2) said he would like staff to run the Fish Orlando video on OGTV on a weekly basis, and 3) would like to have staff look into the possibility of having satellite and other non- cable customers get access to OGTV. Commissioner Johnson- 1) announced a meeting Monday at 7:00 p.m. at Glad Tidings Church to discuss the Progress Energy proposed substation, and he would like Community Development Director Wagner, and the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to attend, 2) said he would like to assist West Orange High School in getting new band equipment. They need $13,800 and would like the Commission to encourage the City as well other developers or business owners to assist them. Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to arant ~ in matchinafunds. when they raise an eaual amount by other means. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. Commissioner Keller- congratulated Officers Hernandez and Officer Maroney again for the awards that they received in the last few weeks. (previously mentioned under Item #16) Mayor Vandergrift - 1) said that in the near future one-third of Ocoee residents will be serviced by County Water, this is moving money out of the City in the form of impact fees, meter fees, etc. We need to negotiate with the county wholesale it to us. City Manager Frank said he does not believe the County has ever been approached to sell us the system or some of its components, and he is not sure we are in the financial position to do that. We would have to spend some money to look at the value of the system, and if we made a legitimate offer, it is possible they would be interested in putting in a master meter and wholesaling water to us. Commissioner Anderson seconded by Mayor Vanderarift moved direct staff to start neaotiations with Oranae County to take over utilities in the JPA area. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Hood absent. 2) check the garbage cans along the lakefront of Starke Lake, the old cans are overflowing and the new garbage cans have not arrived yet, 3) needs people assist a veteran on Saturday at 8:00 Page 11 of 12 City Commission Regular June 6, 2006 a.m., 1971 Key Lime Street, in Amber Ridge; to remove wood from two large trees that were cut down a few years ago and the rotting wood is now drawing rats. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee r ~~~ {j" d ~Jttl .' Page 12 of 12