HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-1980MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 7 OCTOBER 80 Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Comm. Lyle, Hager & Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. Comm. Stinnett was absent. 16 SEPTEMBER 80 COMMISSION ME ETING MINUTES Minutes of 16 Sept.80 Commission Meeting were read. Comm. Lyle moved to accept the minutes as read, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. 26 SEPTEMBER 80 PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES Minutes of the Public Hearing held 26 Sept.80 were read. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the minutes as read, seconded Comm. Hager. Unanimous. PLANNING & ZONING BOARD DID NOT MEET ORDINANCE - ANNEXATION -LOT ON OCOEE HILLS RD.- PUBLIC HEARING -2ND READING Comm. Whitehead moved that title only of the ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Hager. Unanimous. City Manager read ordinance by title only. No one wished to speak for or against the adoption of the ordinance. Comm. Lyle moved to adopt the ordinance, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. ORDINANCE- ZONING -LOT ON OCOEE HILLS RD(R1A ZONIN - PUBLIC HEARING -2ND READINi Comm. Hager moved that title only of the ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager read ordinance by title only. No one wished to speak for or against the adoption of the ordinance. Comm.Hager moved to adopt the ordinance, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. REQUEST - PERMISSION TO OPERATE TAXI CAB SERVICE IN CITY- SHERMAN WOODSON Mr. Woodson requested permission to operate a taxi cab service in the city. City Manager explained that James Moore had made a written statement requesting that his exclusive Taxi Cab Franchise with the city be terminated immediately. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept Mr. Moore's request and terminate his franchise, seconded Comm. Hager. Unanimous. Comm. Lyle moved to issue Mr. Woodson an occupational license to operate a taxi cab in the city, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. RECREATION -LEON TERRY Mr. Terry, representing the Ocoee JR -SR Football League requested help in finding a field for the teams to play on next season. Council suggested that a committee composed of the various athletic groups in the city be formed and meet with Jim Beech (City Recreation Director) and decide what the best use would be for the city owned 20 acres located north of town. City Manager stated that he had received word from Community Development that the City would receive $25,000 to be used for the development of the 20 acres. CITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1980 PAGE TWO ACCEPTANCE OF PIONEER KEY I & II MOBILE HOME PARKS BY THE CITY City Manager stated that the City Engineer, Walter Kuhrt had recommended that the City give preliminary acceptance of both Parks with final acceptance one year from this date after final inspection. Comm. Lyle moved to give preliminary acceptance of Pioneer Mobile Home Parks #I & II in accordance with the procedures as outlined in the attached letter from Walter Kuhrt, City Engineer, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. REPORTS /INFORMATION City Manager stated that the Cancer Society had requested that the City pay for the band for the fund raising event to be held 5 Dec.80. Comm.Lyle moved to pay for the band, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager reported the following: Lakewood sidewalk and painting of cross walks has been completed Trees have been removed from 7TH Ave. Paving at shop has been completed There will be a Budget Hearing on 14 Oct.80 -at 7:30 P.M. T Tin 7 r'RT t' K' Former City Commissioner Junior Crawford told Council that when he built the four mini - warehouses on Cumberland Street he had to purchase four (4) water meters before he could get final approval for electricity, yet the new shopping center on Hwy 50 has only two master meters for approximately six separate stores. Council explained that they were not aware of this and assured Mr. Crawford this situation would be looked into. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:55 P.M. MA OR ATTEST: CIT CLERK 1 1 "t� 1�SSI�CII,� L%S, 1110 CONSULTING r_Nr31NEERS tit - 11 FE 201 DIPLOMAT CIRCLE • ORLANDC! F LORIDA • 3C)'-J- 647-41t October 2, 1980 The City Couleil' The City of Ocoee 150 Lake Shore Drtve Ocoee, Florida 32761 Subject: Pioneer Key I & Pioneer Key II Mobile Home Parks, Ocoee, Fl orida - Paving, _Dra and W Distr ibution Faci lities Gentlemen: At the request of your City Manager, Mr. John Vignetti, I have conducted a visit to the Pioneer Key I Mobile Home Park and the Pioneer Key II Mobile Home Park, Ocoee. The purpose for my visit to these sites was to review the projece in general for engineering acceptance by the City of Ocoee. Both of tlwse projects were developed some years ago without the benefit of present rules and regulations for the subdivision of land in the City of Ocoee. It is understood that there have been no complaints whatsoever regarding the storm drainage or water service that presently se'rvus both these p rojects. In view of the above, I would recommend that the City of Oc()(.e accepting t lie existing paving, drainage and water distribut i.c; i faci 1 c 1 for both c,,nmiunities. Final :acceptance should be subject tct a one guarantee . -qainst 'faulty workmanship and/or materials. In -,hort, a 1-final inspection should be conducted In approxizr,ately eleven wonth6 in of do l to bring tiro paving, drainage or water distribution Fail lit to -s ill( - 4) satis- factory co:1:i)liance prior to final acceptance by the <.;i.tv f(.;1 n)ai;t:. +,ante. Tlic City Council Ocoee, Fly r i & October 2, 1960 Page 2 During this one year period, it would be the responsibility of the project developer to maintain these facilities at his expense. Further, at the close of the warranty period, to would be his responsibility to take whatever corrective action that might be required, at his expense, before City final acceptance. Yours very truly, KUHRT AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Walter. 1i. Kuhrt, Jr., P.E. President WHK /ph