HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-1980MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 21 OCTOBER 1980 Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order at 7 :30 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Comm. Lyle, Hager, Stinnett & Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. 7 OCTOBER 80 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the 7 October 80 Commission meeting were read. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the minutes as read, seconded Comm. Hager. Unanimous. 14 OCTOBER 80 FINAL BUDGET HEARING MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held 14 October 80 were read. Comm. Hager moved to accept the minutes as read, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. PLANNING & ZONING BOARD DID NOT MEET SLEEPY HARBOR EAST ENTRANCE SIGN - SMITH BRA Mr. Branch reminded council that the Sleepy Harbor east entrance sign had been constructed on private property and he was requesting that the city obtain a deeded (deeded to city) right -of -way of that portion of land the sign is constructed on. Mr. Branch assured council that the Sleepy Harbor Homeowners Association would pay for any expenses incurred. Comm. Lyle moved to grant the request, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. WATER METER POLICY REPORT - CITY MANAGER City Manager briefed council on the water meter policy. Council left the decision to the City Manager to determine the number of meters required for each installation. PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL REQUEST - SLEEPY HA RBOR II -MIKE HENRY Mr. Henry of Reynolds, Smith & Hill, representing the Ross Organization requested preliminary approval of the Sleepy Harbor II plans. Comm. Lyle moved to grant preliminary approval subject to the following: change of zoning, construction of sidewalk on the north border of the project along White Road, change the name of the project and no water will be furnished the project until the water line is looped under the canal, seconded Comm. Hager. Unanimous. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD -TERMS EXPIRE= MCROBERT & THOMAS Comm. Lyle moved to re- appoint Mr. L.R. McRobert and Glen Thomas, seconded Comm. Hager. Unanimous. REPORTS /INFORMATION -CITY MANAGER- M AYOR - COMMISSIONERS City Manager stated he had a request for a donation to the United Way. Comm. Whitehead moved to donate $50.00, seconded Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager stated he had a request from the Elks Club for the City to purchase an ad for $60.00 for the Elks Chairty Bowl. Comm. Lyle moved to approve the request, seconded Comm. Hager. Unanimous. COMMISSION MEETING OCT. 21, 1980 PAGE TWO REPORTS /INFORMATION CONTINUED Comm Lyle stated that J.B. Bernard owned five (5) acres adjacent to the city dump that he would be willing to sell the city for $6,000. per acre and after the purchase Mr. Bernard would donate $1,000. per acre back to the city. Comm. Lyle moved to enter into negotiations with Mr. Bernard for the purchase of the five (5) acres, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. FY 79180 FINAL BUDGET BRIEFING - CITY MANAGER City Manager briefed council on the final budget for FY 79180. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:11 P.M. MA R ATTEST: 4 4-'0 - - Q-011r, CITY NLERK