HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-1981 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 3 MARCH 1981 Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order in the commission chambers at 7:30 P. M. and led those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Present were Commissioners Hager, Lyle, Stinnett and Whitehead; City Manager Vignetti; City Attorney Rhodes; Clerk Grafton. 17 FEBRUARY 81 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES APPROVED Minutes of the regular commission meeting held 17 February 81 were read. Commissioner Whitehead moved to accept minutes as read. Commissioner Stinnett seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. PUBLIC HEARING: ANNEXATION ORDINANCE-GOODMAN PROPERTY fo,; ,:;" r ,vII:. "rr,jA( R<' 4 t.!LiS Commissioner Whitehead moved to reaq)the ordinance concerning annexation of 80 acres of Goodman property by title only;--Commissioner Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager Vignetti read the ordinance by title only. Mayor Freeman asked for comments from audience. There were none. PUBLIC HEARING: ZONING ORDINANCE-GOODMAN PROPERTY Commissioner Hager moved to read the ordinance concerning zoning 80 acres of Goodman property R-1 by title only. Commissioner Lyle seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager Vignetti read the ordinance by title only. . Mayor Freeman asked for comments from audience. There were none. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE-R. PECK PROPERTY Commissioner Whitehead moved to read the ordinance concerning annexation of Richard Peck's property (20 acres south of Ramada Inn) by title only. Commissioner Lyle seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager Vignetti read the ordinance by title only. Public hearing is scheduled for 7 April 81. ZONING ORDINANCE-R. PECK PROPERTY Commissioner Hager moved to read the ordinance concerning zoning the Richard Peck property C-2 by title only. Commissioner Whitehead seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager Vignetti read the ordinance by title only. OLD HARBOUR HEIGHTS PROPOSED SUBDIVISION Mr. Jack Martin canceled out. VOTE ON ORDINANCES Commissioner Lyle mentioned that a vote had not been taken on the annexation and zoning ordinances for the Goodman property and after consulting with City Attorney Rhodes, Mayor Freeman called for a motion on both ordinances. Commissioner Lyle moved to pass ordinance annexing Goodman property. Commissioner Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Commissioner Stinnett moved to pass ordinance zoning Goodman property R-1. Commissioner Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. .ft."';~ REGULATION OF HOURS FOR SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Ms Terry Trible, who lives at 431 E. Central Blvd., Orlando, and representing Holiday Inn, came before commission requesting change in cut off time for serving COMMISSION MEETING 3 MARCH 1981 PAGE TWO alcoholic beverages on Saturday night from midnight to 2 A. M. Commissioner Stinnett stated that he feels City should not regulate opening and closing time at all and moved to grant two additional hours. Motion died for lack of a second. BID-FENCING OF NEW BALL DIAMOND NEXT TO GARAGE Commissioner Lyle moved to accept bid from Quaid Fence for $3,161.85. Commissioner Whitehead seconded. Commissioners Lyle, Hager and Whitehead voted yea, Commissioner Stinnett voted nay. Motion carried by majority vote. ARCHITECT SELECTED FOR PROPOSED COMMUNITY CENTER Commissioner Lyle moved to award the Community Center Project to Roberto Guedes. Commissioner Whitehead seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BOWNESS ROAD City Manager Vignetti advised the proposed contract from Orange County to pave Bowness Road requires more than $100,000 will cover. Mayor Freeman is scheduled to meet with County 9 March at 3:15 P. M. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING AUDIT REPORT FY 79/80 Commissioner Whitehead moved to accept the Federal Revenue Sharing Audit Report for Fiscal Year 79/80. Commissioner Stinnett seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. PROPOSED CHANGE FOR WATER-SANITATION BILLING PERIOD he resolution for the proposed change for water-sanitation billing period was examined by commissioners. City Attorney Rhodes expressed dissatisfattionwith the 15 day cut-off period and stated he has included methods to accomodate such a short period so that a customer with a grievance has a procedure for defense. He then suggested waiting until next regular meeting date to vote on resolution so that all sides could be considered thoroughly. THE MEADOWS PHASE II SUBDIVISION APPROVAL Walter Kuhrt, City Engineer, submitted The Meadows Phase II Water System Improvement Project Plan for approval subject to fence. Commissioner Stinne~t moved to accept . Phase ~I plan subject to fence. Commissioner Whitehead seconded and vote was unani- mous in favor. REPORTS/INFORMATION Commissioner Whitehead moved to authorize City Manager to pay Auditor $700.00 from account #513.32. Commissioner Stinnett seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Commissioner Hager moved to authorize City Manager to pay for Fire Dept. pickup truck $5,953.83 from account #522.64B. Commissioner Lyle seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. COMMISSION MEETING 3 MARCH 1981 PAGE THREE Commissioner Lyle moved to authorize City Manager to negotiate with J. B. Barnard for discing and fertilizing the 4.1 acre orange grove. Commissioner Whitehead seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager Vignetti reminded commissioners that the Boat Regatta is scheduled for March 14 & 15. REQUEST TO CLOSE REBA STREET Mr. Chris Bode, 410 Apricot Street, requested City close Reba Street which is not paved. Attorney Rhodes advised those interested landowners should make written request to abandon road. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Whitehead moved to adjourn. Commissioner Stinnett seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:59 P. M. ATTEST: tiiY(~/~ ji;'