HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-1982 MINUTES OF OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 2, 1982 1;., PRESENT: Mayor Freeman; Commissioners Hager, Lyle, Stinnett and Whitehead; City Attorney Rhodes; City Manager Vignetti; and Deputy Clerks Veronee and Grafton ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER Mayor Freeman called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. in the commission chambers and then led those present in the pledge of allegiance. 19 JANUARY 1982 MINUTES CORRECTED AND APPROVED The January 19, 1982 minutes were corrected by Comm. Lyle under REPORTS/INFORMATION on page 2. The minutes are to be changed from liAs the revenue reported was low due to small minimum charge, Comm. Lyle suggested changing minimum water charge to $9.00 for first 15,000 gallons used and an additional 50~ per thousand after that." to read, liAs the water revenue reported was low, etc." Comm. Whitehead then made a motion to approve minutes as corrected, seconded by Comm. Hager. Vote was unanimous in favor. .-:; .Ji PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES OF 26 JANUARY 1982 READ FOR RECORD ONLY COMMISSION ACTION ON PETITION 82-2 - MR. L. M. FOLSOM Mr. Folsom requested commission action on Petition 82-2 requesting an Amendment to tne Land Use Plan and Zoning change from C3 to R3 be tabled to next meeting. Upon a motion by Comm. Stinnett, seconded by Comm. Whitehead further action was tabled to next meeting. Vote was unanimous in favor. ORDINANCE: AMENDING COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM RIAA TO PS ON MAGUIRE PROPERTY For first reading motion was made by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Hager for City Manager Vignetti to read by title only the Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and changing zoning classification from RIAA to PS on Maguire Property. Vote was unanimous in favor. RESOLUTION 82-2 AMENDING RESOLUTION 81-7 TO CHANGE WATER USAGE RATES EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 1982 Motion was made by Comm. Hager, seconded by Comm. Whitehead to read by Title only Resolution 82-2 amending Resolution 81-7 to change water usage rates effective 1 April 1982. Vote was unanimous in favor. Upon a motion by Comm. Lyle and seconded by Comm. Stinnett resolution 82-2 was unanimously adopted. ,"';-""'~ DRAINAGE DITCH ON KISSIMMEE AVENUE - MR. RAY DOSS Mr. Doss appeared before the City Commission to discuss the solution to the drainage problem. Comm. Stinnett suggested filling the ditch in and making certain improvements at the north end of the drainage ditch. CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 1982 .., Page 2 NEW BUSINESS REQUEST TO AUTHORIZE SALE OF BEER FOR CONSUMPTION ON PREMISES OF PHILLIPS 66 STATION ON SR50 - MR. JAMES TUBBS Motion was made by Comm. Stinnett, seconded by Comm. Lyle to approve the request to authorize sale of Beer for Consumption on premises of Phillips 66 Station on SR50. Comm. Hager and Comm. Whitehead voted nay. Comm. Stinnett, Comm. Lyle voted yea. Mayor Freeman broke tie, motion carried. REQUEST TO PLACE SECURITY TRAILER ON FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PROPERTY ON OHIO STREET - REV. JOE COOPER Motion was made by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Stinnett to approve of request to place security trailer on First Baptist Church property on Ohio Street providing request be approved each year by the City Commission. Vote was unanimous in favor. FIRE CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS-WEST ORANGE FIRE DISTRICT-MR. RICK FITZERALD Mr. Fitzerald introduced County Fire Chief James Creagon. Motion was made by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Whitehead to extend the contract on daily basis beyond 10 February 1982. The cost to the county would be approximately $110.00 per day. Comm. Lyle, Hager, and Whitehead voted yea. Comm. Stinnett voted nay. Motion was carried. Ii$...,. SEWER BILL COLLECTION AGREEMENT PIONEER KEY PARK - CITY MANAGER Comm. Lyle motioned to table the Sewer Bill Collection Agreement for Pioneer Key Park to a later date, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Vote was unanimous in favor. REPORTS/INFORMATION Comm. Lyle suggested Walter Kuhrt needs to appear before the commission to discuss his letter requesting water supply consideration for the recently annexed Heller Property. City Manager Vignetti requested to pay Walter Kuhrt $3,974.02 from the Water Revenue Account#533.64B. Upon motion made by Comm;. Stinnett, seconded by Comm. Whitehead payment was approved. Vote was unanimous in favor. Sam Holland of the Lions Club requested $2,500.00 for the booth at the fair this year. Upon a motion by Comm. Stinnett, seconded by Comm. Whitehead, city commission donated $2,000.00. Vote was unanimous in favor. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Whitehead, meeting adjourned at 9:22 P.M. \;.. ",,;I Mtfo# f! ~~ ~ - - ~ ATTEST: ~"~~,,~~ DEP TY CLERK