HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-1983 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD 7 JUNE 83 PRESENT: Mayor Freeman; Comm. Lyle, Hager, Cook and Rodgers; City Manager Vignetti; City Attorney Rhodes; and Deputy Clerk Poling ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER Mayor Freeman called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Commission Chambers and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 17 MAY 83 MINUTES Upon hearing the reading of the May 17 minutes Comm. Rodgers noted that on Page 2 "Shopping Center Drainage Tax District Discussed" the word problem in the second sentence should be made plural. Comm. Rodgers made a motion to correct the fourth sentence, same paragraph, by deleting 'Isupporting Mayor's stand" and inserting "for information only supporting that a ditch was in fact there." Motion was seconded by Comm. Cook. Vote was Rodgers, Cook, yea; Hager, Lyle, nay; the tie was broken by a nay vote from Mayor Freeman. Motion failed by majority rule. Mayor Freeman requested the minutes show that he recognized his mother's birthday publicly because she is 96 years old. Motion was made by Comm. Hager seconded by Comm. Lyle to approve minutes. Vote was Lyle, Hager, yea; Rodgers, Cook, nay; the tie was broken by a yea vote from Mayor Freeman. The minutes were approved by majority rule. 25 MAY 83 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Motion was made by Comm. Cook seconded by Comm. Lyle to approve the 25 May 83 Special Meeting Minutes as read. Vote was unanimous in favor. Mayor Freeman introduced Mr. Julian Roberts who expressed his regrets at the resignations of Mayor Freeman and City Manager Vignetti. ORDINANCE: AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE RT-2 MOBILE HOME PARK DISTRICT - PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL READING Motion was made by Comm. Hager seconded by Comm. Lyle to read by title only the Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance to include RT-2 Mobile Home Park District. Vote was unanimous. City Manager read the title of the ordinance. As this was a public hearing the floor was opened to audience participation. Ms. Bruny Massa and Ms. Margaret Ryan expressed opinions to deny the ordinance. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers seconded by Comm. Lyle to deny the ordinance. Vote was Rodgers, Cook, Lyle, yea; Hager nay. Motion passed by majority rule. ORDINANCE: ZONING CHANGE PUD TO Rl-A - DR. EARLEY'S PROPERTY - 125 ACRES NORTH OF MIMS ROAD - PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL READING Motion was made by Comm. Lyle seconded by Comm. Hager to read by title only the Ordinance to change zoning from PUD to Rl-A Dr. Earley's property of 125 acres North of Mims Rd. Vote was unanimous. City Manager read the title of the ordinance. Motion was made by Comm. Lyle seconded by Comm. Hager to adopt the ordinance. Vote was unanimous. CITY COMMISSION MEETING 7 JUNE 83 PAGE 2 ORDINANCE: ANNEXATION - 10 ACRES NORTH OF MIMS RD. - PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL READING Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers seconded by Comm. Cook to read by title only the ordinance annexing 10 acres North of Mims Rd. Vote was unanimous. City Manager read the title only of the ordinance. Motion was made by Comm. Cook seconded by Comm. Hager to adopt ordinance. Vote was unanimous. ORDINANCE: ZONING - 10 ACRES TO BE ZONED Rl-A - PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL READING Motion was made by Comm. Hager seconded ~y Comm. Lyle to read by tit:e only the ordinance to zone 10 acres North of Mlms Rd. R-1A. Vote was unanlmous. City Manager read the title of the ordinance. .Comm. ~odge~s suggested a ~et bac~ requirement be made to act as a buffer separatlng Resldentlal and Commerclal zonlng. It was su~gested that this requirement be made when the developer presents the preliminary plans for this property. Motion to approve ordinance was made by Comm. Lyle seconded by Comm. Hager. Vote was Lyle, Hager, Cook yea; Rodgers, nay. Motion carried. SHOPPING CENTER - DRAINAGE PROJECT - CITY MANAGER Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers seconded by Comm. Lyle to abandon the Shopping Center drainage project. Vote was Lyle, Rodgers, Cook, yea; Hager, nay. Motion carried. PURCHASE OF 70 ACRES FOR SEWER PLANT SITING WAS DEFERRED UNTIL AFTER NEXT ITEM. CHANGE IN GENERAL ELEVATOR PRELIMINARY PLANS Mr. Walter Kuhrt, representing General Elevator, requested approval for a change in the preliminary plans to include a storage retention pond. To provide for the storage retention pond, an area of 4~ acres would be needed thereby decreasing the acreage available for development. Mr. Kuhrt suggested that an agreement between General Elevator and Heller Brothers to secure an easement to provide for the retention pond with the City holding the title would be an alternative. Motion was made by Comm. Lyle seconded by Comm. Hager to approve the change subject to an agreement between Heller Bros. and General Elevator, approval by DER and Orange County, and with the City holding the title to the easement. Vote was unanimous. PURCHASE OF 70 ACRES FOR SEWER PLANT SITING Mr. Randy Freema~ of Roger Freeman Realty, informed the Commission of the terms of purchase for the 70 acres on White Rd. proposed for a sewer plant site. Mr. Roy B. White, owner of 40 acres, requires $8,750 per acre and suggested terms of $50,000 down and $30,000 per year for 10 years at 12% interest. Mr. Carl Julian, owner of the remaining 30 acres, suggested the City submit a price and terms of purchase. Mayor Freeman asked for audience participation. Questions arose concerning the disturbance of the environment and the actual need for a sewer plant to be owned and operated by the City. It was suggested that the issue be decided by referendum vote. City Attorney Rhodes suggested the decision be deferred until after Item IV d was discussed. CITY COMMISSION MEETING 7 JUNE 83 PAGE 3 DE-ANNEXATION REQUEST - PROPERTY LOCATED ON SR 437 Motion was made by Comm. Lyle seconded by Comm. Hager to draw up an ordinance de-annexing that property located on SR 437 owned by Mr. Rogers. Vote was unanimous. REQUEST FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR PURCHASE OF BAND UNIFORMS Mr. Jim Merchant requested financial assistance for the purchase of band uniforms for West Orange High School. Motion was made by Comm. Cook seconded by Comm. Rodgers to donate $1,500. to the West Orange High School Band. Vote was unanimous. VACANCIES EXIST ON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD City Manager Vignetti informed the Commission of vacancies existing on the Planning & Zoning Board, the Board of Adjustments and the Code Enforcement Board. Mr. William Breeze agreed to be reappointed to the Planning & Zoning Board for a three-year term. Motion was made by Comm. Lyle seconded by Comm. Rodgers to appoint the following to the Code Enforcement Board: Vote was unanimous. NAME TERM BOB SORENSON 2 yrs. BOB COLBURN 1 yr. RICHARD GARLINGTON 1 yr. JOHN LINEBARIER (Reappointed) 2 yrs. Motion was made by Comm. Cook seconded by Comm. Hager to appoint Mrs. Margaret Ryan to the Board of Adjustments as an alternate. Vote was unanimous. MEETING RECESSED AT 10:28 P.M. RECONVENED AT 10:35 P.M. SEWERAGE PROPOSAL Michael Grey, Attorney for William Goodman and Norman Rossman, owners of Prima Vista Utilities, requested that the City return to the sewer agreement made in April, 1981 or negotiate a new agreement whereby his clients would provide additional sewerage facilities for the City. It was explained that upon acquiring the necessary easements, Prima Vista Utilities would connect their two existing sewer plants, building a lift station at Richmond St. Mr. Goodman stated there would be no financial assistance required from the City, hook-up fees would not exceed $2,000. and the agreement could be negotiated on a joint venture basis. Motion was made by Comm. Lyle to negotiate a new agreement based on Mr. Grey's proposal. Motion died for lack of second. Motion was made and withdrawn by Comm. Cook to table the decision regarding the sewerage proposal. Comm. Rodgers requested a workshop session to be held on Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 P.M. Commission concurred. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers seconded by Comm. Cook to table the decision regarding the purchase of 70 acres on White Road for a sewer plant, which was discussed earlier in the meeting, until the next regular meeting to be held June 21. CITY COMMISSION MEETING 7 JUNE 83 PAGE 4 RESOLUTION - ESTABLISHING SEWER RATES City Manager Vignetti read Resolution 83-1 establishing the sewer rates for the West Orlando Utilities, Inc. located in the West Orange Industrial Park in its entirety. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers seconded by Comm. Cook to adopt the Resolution. Vote was unanimous. REPORTS/INFORMATION a. The Contract for the purchase of West Orlando Utilities has been approved by the court. b. The traffic signal at McKey/Bluford has been approved by DOT. c. Apricot St. paving and drainage project has been approved and will be funded by the Jobs Bill Dollars Fund. d. Revenues from the Sales Tax has increased and should meet the figure projected for the year. e. Recreational equipment for the Prima Vista Park is now being installed. Comm. Hager expressed his appreciation to Mayor Freeman, City Manager Vignetti and Comm. Lyle for all their efforts in working for the City. Comm. Lyle recommended the City send a resolution to Orange County Commission expressing concern regarding the possible increase in the gas tax. No action was taken. Motion was made by Comm. Lyle seconded by Comm. Rodgers to give salary increases to City employees retroactive to June 1. Increases would be based as follows: Under $10,000 = 10% $10,001 to $15,000 = 5% $15,001 and up = 3% Comm. Lyle, Cook and Rodgers expressed their appreciation to Mayor Freeman and City Manager Vignetti for their help and years of service to the City. Comm. Rodgers requested the Commission discuss the drainage situation in the Lake Moxie and Peach Lake area at the next meeting and requested the subject be placed on the agenda. Mayor Freeman recommended that the Commission name the new park on Adair St. "John Vignetti Park." Motion was made unanimously to so name the park. Mayor Freeman announced that Friday, June 17, at two minutes before 5 P.M. the new Mayor, William Goff, will be sworn into office in the Commission Chambers. Comm. Rodgers suggested the Code Enforcement Board hold an organizational meeting June 9 at 7:00 P.M. Motion was made by Respectfully submitted, J~1VL &~ Deputy Clerk . Comm. Cook seconded by Comm. Hager to adjourn at 12:25 P.M. c~t!~~/V'- '~ 'Mayor