HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-1983 MINUTES OF OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 21, 1983 PRESENT: MAYOR GOFF; COMMISSIONERS COOK, HAGER, LYLE AND RODGERS; CITY MANAGER BURGESS; CITY ATTORNEY RHODES; DEPUTY CLERK GRAFTON ABSENT: NONE CALL TO ORDER Mayor Goff called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Commission Chambers and then led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. JUNE 7, 1983 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES CORRECTED AND APPROVED Upon hearing the reading of the June 7, 1983 minutes, Comm. Rodgers corrected the spelling of Mr. Rodger's name on page 3, paragraph 1, to include a i. Upon a motion by Comm. Hager and second by Comm. Cook Commission unanimously approved minutes as corrected. JUNE 14, 1983 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES CORRECTED AND APPROVED Upon hearing the reading of the minutes of the Special Meeting held June 14, 1983, Comm. Rodgers corrected paragraph 3 by striking "to go into the sewer business" and including in its place "to own and operate a sewer plant to be located on White Road". Comm. Hager moved to approve minutes as corrected. Comm. Rodgers seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 9, 1983 READ FOR INFORMATION ONLY ORDINANCE: DE-ANNEXATION - ROLAND RODGERS PROPERTY ON OCOEE/APOPKA ROAD IN SECTION 17 Comm. Hager moved to read by title only the ordinance property located on east side of SR437 in Section 17, Comm. Lyle seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. the ordinance. As the ordinance requires advertising public hearing is scheduled for August 2, 1983. de-annexing Roland Rodgers' Township 22, Range 28E. City Manager read title of four (4) consecutive weeks, PURCHASE OF ROY WHITE'S 40 ACRES ON WHITE ROAD Mr. Roger Freeman, representing Roy White, returned with contract from City for $340,000 purchase price, whereby City puts $500 in escrow, pays $70,000 down with $269,500 mortgage to be paid in five annual payments @ 12%. Mr. Freeman pointed out error in quoting purchase price which should have been $350,000 and submitted alternate plan to issue revenue bonds to Mr. White at current CD rate instead, which would be a better interest rate for City and also be helpful taxwise for Mr. White. Comm. Lyle recommended putting whole sewer business and bond issue to referendum vote. Comm. Rodgers moved to issue revenue bonds for deferred purchase price of $350,000 secured by water revenue with interest to be based on current interest rate of existing CD's and retire over 10 years in order to purchase the property from Roy White at Orlando Ave/White Road of 40 acres, with purchase contingent upon Carl Julian's agreeing to sell the 30 acres adjoining. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was Comm. Cook, Hager and Rodgers: Yea, Comm. Lyle: Nay. Motion carried. DRAWDOWN PROGRAM FOR LAKES MOXIE AND PEACH Comm. Rodgers requested City Manager work up a drawdown system for Lakes Moxie and Peach with anticipated cost. City Engineer Kuhrt advised the proposed system will provide for overflow from Peach Lake to Lake Moxie with siphoning with pump back-up and with outfall to Starke Lake. He advised that DER permits would be slow. OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 21, 1983 PAGE 2 -SEWER PLANT CONSTRUCTION-WALTER KUHRT City Engineer Kuhrt requested a workshop be scheduled for sewer plant construction details. Mr. Kuhrt also advised that a surveyor, a geotechnical group and a Class "A" Wastewater technician should be engaged immediately. He submitted Mr. Ned DeMarce's name for consideration as wastewater technician. Workshop is scheduled for June 29, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. MEETING RECESSED AT 9:25 P.M. and RECONVENED AT 9:35 P.M. HIGGINSON PROPERTY ON WOODSON AVE. TO BE ANNEXED AND ZONED RIA Comm. Lyle moved to approve annexation of the Higginson property on Woodson Avenue with RIA zoning as requested as property is contiguous to city property. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Public hearing is scheduled for August 2, 1983. COMMUNITY PARK OPERATING POLICY In response to City Manager's request for mobile home and caretaker at new community park, Comm. Rodgers moved to create a grounds and maintenance department to keep up city grounds, parks and ball fields, head of which would live at community park, keeping equipment at city shop. Motion died for lack of second. Comm. Lyle moved to authorize an individual to provide his own mobile home and utilities at community park to provide security for community park. Comm. Hager seconded and vote was split with Comm. Lyle and Hager voting yea and Comm. Cook and Rodgers nay. Mayor Goff voted yea to break tie. Motion carried. City Attorney Rhodes advised that an employment agreement should be drawn up. ACTION ON GUEDES $192.30 BILL DEFERRED UNTIL CITY ATT'y RHODES CAN EXAMINE AND ADVISE FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS DISTRIBUTED City Manager requested that Financial Disclosure Forms be completed and returned to his office by July 14 so that they can all be filed in Supervisor of Elections office that day. COMM. LOU TREADWAY LETTER RE: GASOLINE TAX NOTED MILLER PROPERTY NE CORNER OF SR438 & 1ST STREET TO BE ANNEXED Comm. Rodgers moved to annex Beatrice Miller's property located at the NE corner of SR438 and 1st Street. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was Comm. Rodgers, Cook and Lyle: yea and Comm. Hager: nay. Motion carried. After vigorous discussion regarding the cost of jack and boring for water line across Silver Star Road and who should bear that cost, Comm. Lyle requested City Manager research cost and report. JOHN HATCHER APPOINTED ATTORNEY FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Upon reading letter from Attorney John Hatcher, Jr. agreeing to $50.00 per attorney hour, Comm. Hager moved to engage Attorney Hatcher for Code Enforcement Board. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 21, 1983 P~E3 REPORTS/INFORMATION CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD PROCEDURE Upon City Manager's request for direction with Code Enforcement Board procedures, Comm. Lyle advised to use good judgement, send letter to offenders and if they don't comply, then take them to Board for action. ENTERPRISE STREET Enterprise Street paving and drainage has been disapproved for JOB Bill dollars. CITY MANAGER APPOINTED TRUSTEE-RETIREMENT FUND Upon a motion by Comm. Lyle and second by Comm. Cook, City Manager Burgess was unanimously appointed trustee of the City of Ocoee Retirement Fund. STATE PURCHASING When City Manager pointed out advantages of using state contract purchasing procedures, Commission instructed him to do so at his discretion. PALM DRIVE DISCUSSION Comm. Hager pointed out that Palm Drive has never been capped. Comm. Lyle said it was not done because it is possibly not in City. City Attorney Rhodes advised that 1982 state ruling is that if both sides of the road are in the city, then city is responsible for upkeep even though the street still belongs to county. SUMMER STUDENT WORK PROGRAM Comm. Lyle moved to authorize City Manager to hire five students 16 years old or older as temporary employees, to be under all temporary employee regulations, at up to minimum wage to be funded from Contingency Fund. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. LITTLE LEAGUE LIGHT TO BE FIXED City Manager was authorized to fix light at Little League field. AMBULANCE Comm. Rodgers pointed out that purchase of ambulance was authorized with funds to come from Federal Revenue Sharing and purchase has not been made. Both he and Comm. Lyle want action taken as authorized. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Comm. Lyle and second by Comm. Cook, meeting adjourned at 11:03 P.M. e~~~ yor ATTEST: