HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-1983 MINUTES OF OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Goff; Commissioners Cook, Hager, Rodgers; City Manager Burgess; City Attorney Rhodes; Deputy Clerk Grafton ABSENT: Comm. Lyle CALL TO ORDER Mayor Goff called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Commission Chambers and then led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. MINUTES APPROVED After hearing the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held August 16, 1983, Comm. Hager moved to approve minutes as read. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Minutes of the Workshop and Special Meeting held August 29, 1983 were read and upon a motion by Comm. Cook and second by Comm. Rodgers were unanimously approved as read. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes of August 23, 1983 meeting were read for information only. WATER SYSTEM EXPANSION PROPOSAL-KUHRT Walter Kuhrt, representing Forest Oaks, presented to Commission a preliminary plan for expanding the city water system to accomodate 800 new connections by putting in a new 12" well near Forest Oaks on A.D. Mims Road. This new well would be designed to have the capa- bility of being doubled in size at a later date. Mr. Kuhrt explained that the developer of Forest Oaks would only need approximately 320 of these connections and would expect to be reimbursed for the balance of the connections as they were committed. Comm. Rodgers moved to accept preliminary plans based on Mr. Kuhrt's presentation and subject to approval of a consulting engineer representing the City. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. ORDINANCE: WATER CONNECTION FEES-FIRST READING Comm. Cook moved to read by title only the ordinance increasing water tap fees. Comm. Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Attorney Rhodes pointed out that the ordinance only deals with water connection fees and that a separate ordinance raising water deposit would be forthcoming. City Manager Burgess read the title of the ordinance. Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for October ~, 1983. ~ WEST ORLANDO UTILITIES SEWER RECONNECTION FEES City Manager addressed Commission regarding the many requests he had received on the matter of reconnection fees for sewer service in West Orlando Industrial Park. He stated that, although he was not present, the records show the methods of solving the problem had been thoroughly discussed at many preliminary meetings prior to reaching a decision, and that his recommendation is to stand pat on the decision that was made. OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 PAGE 2 ~V WEST ORLANDO UTILITIES SEWER RECONNECTION FEES-CONTINUED Mr. Bill Lassiter, who was appointed by courts to administrate the service, stated that City Manager's evaluation was accurate and that the other solution, which was user management, had been rejected by those concerned. Mr. Charles Stepter, Jr. ,Attorney for, and representing Florida Auto Auction, pointed out that an engineering study revealed that only 37% of water used by Florida Auto Auction went into sewer system, the rest was used for washing cars, and he requested fee be determined by usage of facility rather than amount of water used. When questioned by Comm. Rodgers, Carl Overstreet, Director of Orange County Utilities, advised that the County charges by percentage of use, but he pointed out that he was present as a user customer rather than a consultant. Mr. Lassiter advised that court had determined that the method now being emplemented would be the accepted one. Poll of the Com- missioners revealed that all agreed to stand by agreement as made. ORDINANCE: ANNEXATION-HAILE PROPERTY-38~ ACRES, SEC 29-2ND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING Comm. Cook moved to read by title only the ordinance annexing Wm. Haile's property as described in Petition 83-7. Comm. Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. ' City Manager read title of the ordinance and asked petitioner to state reason for requesting annexation. Mr. Haile advised that he had a contract for purchase subject to annexation and purchaser wishes to build townhouses, subject to availability of sewer service and city water. City Manager advised that County has informed him that City must also annex road rights-of- way before County will consider a waiver for zoning. Mr. McCarthy, new owner, agreed to bring roads up to standard and leave as many trees as possible. The audience was filled with county residents who voiced their objections to having the property annexed. Comm. Hager moved to adopt ordinance annexing Haile property. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was Hager and Cook, aye and Rodgers, nay. Comm. Rodgers explained that his nay vote was due to the uncertainty of availability of sewer service. \ PETITION 83-8: ANNEXATION REQUEST WITHDRAWN-JOHNNIE LOTT In a letter dated August 17, 1983, Mr. Johnnie Lott withdrew his petition to annex into the City. LIONS CLUB REQUESTS SUPPORT Mr. John Alexander, President of Lions Club, requested $500.00 donation toward advertising for Lions Club World Service Day which is scheduled for October 8, 1983. After determining that no part of the donation would be used for cash prizes, Comm. Rodgers moved to give $500.00 from contingency fund. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 PAGE 3 LAKE MOXIE DRAWDOWN In response to Mike Oshenski's question on how long the pumps will continue at Lakes Peach and Moxie, City Manager advised that he anticipates middle of next week. ,I SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH REQUESTS SECURITY TRAILER Rev. Wayne Niemeyer, Paster Seventh Day Adventist Church, requested permission to put security trailer in orange grove in back of church to put an end to vandalism they have experienced. Comm. cook moved to grant permission with provision they come back yearly to renew permission. Comm. Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Comm. Rodgers requested landscaping to conceal the trailer. ~ GIRL SCOUTS-MRS. SUE MASON Mrs. Sue Mason, Girl Scout School Coordinator, requested use of space for girl scout meetings in exvhange for cleaning or some other service. Comm. Hager advised that Civic Center cannot be used free or for barter but that he will contact a church group for her. PETITION 83-9: COOK REQUEST ZONING CHANGE TO R2-l5 S. CUMBERLAND Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the request to rezone 15 S. Cumberland to R2 and proceed with ordinance. Comm. Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Comm. Cook abstained from voting in this entire sequence concerning this address. (See Conflict of Interest filed August 2, 1983). ORDINANCE: ZONING CHANGE TO R2-l5 S. CUMBERLAND-COOK Comm. Rodgers moved to read title only of the ordinance re- zoning to R2 15 S. Cumberland. Comm. Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager read title only of the ordinance. Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for October 4, 1983. PETITION 83-10: G. ROGERS SMITH REQUESTS Rl ZONING-PARCEL 51 HWY 437 G. Rogers Smith requests Rl zoning for his property, Parcel 51 located on Ocoee-Apopka Road. After discussing the availability of city services, matter was tabled until October 4 meeting. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ORDINANCE AMENDED City Attorney Rhodes advised that Florida Statute has changed requirements and some procedures for Code Enforcement Board and that he has drawn up new ordinance to amend present Code Enforcement Board Ordinance to comply with changes. Comm. Hager moved to read by title only said ordinance. Comm. Rodgers seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager read title only of the ordinance. Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for October 4, 1983. REPORTS/INFORMATION City Manager presented Traffic Signal Agreement for intersection and Resolution for Commission consideration. Rodgers did not wish to vote without taking time to study Matter was tabled until September 20 regular meeting. Bluford/McKey Comm. the agreement. OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 PAGE 4 J EMMA FORD TRAILER Mr. Harvey Ford requested Commission reconsider their instructions to him regarding his mother's trailer as she was being re-evaluated in hospital and may be released to go home in November. Commission advised that the original agreemen~ was to be effective as long as Mrs. Ford could use the trailer. .. SCL RAILROAD SCL RAILROAD requested permission to use an area to unload gondola cars of rock at Well #1 on Kissimmee. Comm. Cook moved to deny request. Comm. Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. CHRISTMAS/NEW YEARS PARTY FOR EMPLOYEES SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 30, 1983 GENEVA STREET TO BE RESURFACED Comm. Rodgers asked if City could patch railroad crossing at Geneva Street and was advised by City Manager that beginning September 26 City will level and resurface Geneva Street from Bluford to Story Rd. P & Z MINUTES CLARIFIED Comm. Rodgers noted that there were two petitions numbered 83-9 in the Planning and Zoning Board Minutes and was advised by clerk that the second 83-9 should have been 83-10 and was a typographica error which would be corrected immediately. Comm. Rodgers advised that he will be out of town the week of the next commission meeting. Comm. Rodgers reported that Comm. Lyle was in hospital and requested clerk to send card and best wishes from Commission. 1 RESOLUTION OF DISAPPROVAL TO PRIMA VISTA UTILITIES FOR RATE INCREASE Comm. Rodgers moved to adopt a resolution establishing displea- sure with Prima Vista Utilities for their proposed rate increase, and then read the resolution. Comm. Cook seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. Copy of the resolution will be presented to Public Service Commission at the Public Hearing scheduled for September 12, 1983. BUDGET MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 12 City Manager reminded Commission that Budget Meeting is also scheduled for September 12, as well as two resolutions to be adopted. P & Z BOARD MEMBERSHIP DISCUSSED Comm. Cook reported that Ch. Breeze had advised her of the difficulty the Planning and Zoning Board has in assembling a quorum. City Manager will research and report at next meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Comm. Cook and second by Comm. Hager, meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. ATTE5l ~ ~..J n_ _____ __ ___ . ~!/~ cI ~4 Mayor