HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-1983 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD 4 OCTOBER 83 PRESENT: Mayor Goff; Comm. Cook, Rodgers and Lyle; City Attorney Rhodes; City Manager Burgess; Deputy Clerk Poling ABSENT: Comm. Hager CALL TO ORDER Mayor Goff called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Commission Chambers and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. SEPTEMBER 20 & SEPTEMBER 27 1983 MINUTES Motion was made by Comm. Cook, seconded by Comm. Lyle to approve the September 20 regular meeting minutes as read. Vote was unanimous. Motion was made by Comm. Cook, seconded by Comm. Lyle to approve the September 27 workshop meeting minutes as read. Vote was unanimous. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION/COMPOSITION - MR. BREEZE Mr. Breeze requested that the Commission amend the Ordinance providing for the number of members required on the Planning and Zoning Board due to absenteeism. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers, seconded by Comm. Cook to amend the ordinance by requiring 7 members and 2 alternates. Vote was Cook, Rodgers, yea; Lyle, nay. Motion carried. Change to be prepared by the City Attorney. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers, seconded by Comm. Cook to remove Richard Yount and Patrick Magill from the board, due to absenteeism at the Planning & Zoning meetings, upon completion of the amended ordinance. Motion carried. PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES - GEE & JENSON - DRAINAGE LAKES PEACH & MOXIE PHASE I $4,700. Comm. Rodgers asked the City Manager to read the proposal from Gee & Jenson for engineering services for the flood control plans - Phase I of Lakes Peach and Moxie. The charge for Phase I would be $4,700. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers, seconded by Comm. Cook to approve proposal. Vote was unanimous. APPOINTMENT OF CITY MANAGER AS CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO GEE & JENSON Motion was made by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Cook to appoint the City Manager as the City representative to Gee & Jenson. Vote was unanimous. PETITION 83-10 - ORDINANCE REZONING FROM A-l TO R-l, C. ROGER SMITH'S PARCEL ON HWY. 437 HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN BY REQUEST. ORDINANCE #773-WATER CONNECTION FEES INCREASE - 2ND READING - PUBLIC HEARING Motion was made by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Cook to read by title only for the Second Reading and Public Hearing the ordinance increasing the water connection fees. City Manager read the title of the ordinance. Mr. Hurst asked the Commission if developers with plat plans previously approved would pay the increased connection fee or be grandfathered in. The Commission decided that the fee for connection fees would be increased effective October 5, 1983 to everyone - no one would be grandfathered in. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers, seconded by Comm. Cook to adopt the ordinance. Vote was unanimous. ORDINANCE #774-CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REVISIONS TO CONFORM TO STATE LAW - 2ND READING - PUBLIC HEARING Motion was made by Comm. Cook, seconded by Comm. Lyle to read by title only for 2nd Reading and Public Hearing the ordinance revising the Code Enforcement Board regulations to conform to state law. City Manager Burgess read the title of the ordinance. There was no audience response. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers, seconded by Comm. Cook to adopt the ordinance. Vote was unanimous. ORDINANCE #775 - ZONING CHANGE FROM R1A to R2 - 15 S. CUMBERLAND - JAMES/LIZ COOK 2ND READING - PUBLIC HEARING Motion was made by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Rodgers to read by title only for the 2nd Reading and Public Hearing the ordinance changing the zoning from R1A to R2 15 S. Cumberland Ave. Comm. Cook abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest. City Manager read the title of the ordinance. Mildred Phillips, Velma Simpson, and Martha Johnson, residents in the area who felt they would be effected by the zoning change, were opposed to the adoption of this ordinance. They cited noise and traffic as the main objections. Mr Hurst explained that the change does comply with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Motion was made by Comm. Rodgers, seconded by Comm. Lyle to adopt the ordinance. Vote was unanimous. DISPOSITION OF WOOD CHIPPER Mr. Herman Walters requested that the City allow him to purchase the wood chipper machine or allow him to use it and he would insure it and provide free tree service for the City. Comm. Rodgers suggested that the City machine should be used exclusively by City employees for City business and not be lent out to anyone. Commission concurred. The last Wednesday of each month was designated as the day for special trash pickups. VIGNETTI PARK - APPROVAL OF 10 SOIL BORINGS TO DETERMINE DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS $750. Motion was made by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Rodgers to approve the 10 Soil Borings needed to determine drainage requirements in the Vignetti Park. The tests would be conducted by Mike Sims for a charge of $750. Vote was unanimous. ~.~ CRIME WATCH FUND (OCOEE WOODS) - ANN VOGEL/FRANK PEARSE Ann Vogel and Frank Pearse requested that the City set up a fund whereby Neighborhood Watch Programs would be able to petition for a portion of those funds to pay for freight on pamphlets, signs and other materials needed to insure the survival of a Watch Program. With audience participation, it was suggested that the group establishing the Neighborhood Watch Program should consider fund raising activities to generate needed capital. The President of the Lion1s Club donated the use of a booth at the Ocoee Community Fun Day Celebration October 8, 1983 so that they might raise money for the program. Mr. Pearse thanked the Commission and audience for the input. COMMISSION APPROVAL FOR INSURANCE PROPOSAL TO ADD DENTAL CARE PLAN Motion was made by Comm. Lyle, seconded by Comm. Cook to approve the addition of a dental care plan to the medical insurance plan approved September 20, 1983. Vote was unanimous in favor. Cost to the employee for dependent coverage would be $5.77 each biweekly payday. REPORTS/INFORMATION a) City Manager explained that developers were recelvlng free water during the building of houses because no meter was installed to register amount of water used. Commission approved the temporary installation of meters to register water usage so that the developer or builder could be billed. b) The water lines to liThe Pines" and future projects must be looped. c) With regard to drainage or retention pond acceptance and maintenance by the City for subdivisions, the Commission advised that maintenance by the City should continue as in the past. d) The Commission authorized the purchase of new Christmas lights - City Manager will take bids. e) OV 65 Eligibility Policy - The Commission interpreted the OV 65 Eligibility Policy criteria regarding Social Security requirement as any petitioners meeting the age and residency requirements. f) Water consumptive use permits will have to be issued by the Water Management District before any new wells can be drilled. g) Agenda cut-off date and time will be the Friday at noon preceding the Tuesday meeting. Agendas are to be typed and copies sent to each member of the Commission and to the City Attorney in the Friday mai 1. h) City Manager suggested the use of concrete signs instead of metal signs would be more economical and more advantageous. Commission decided to stay with the use of metal signs. i) Prima Vista Utilities. adjusted sewer billing will be done at the end of the month of October and they will be charged for the extra billing according to machine time, labor and cost of billing. The decision of placing a security trailer at the John Vignetti Park was shelved until drainage and other problems are resolved. Mayor Goff read a Proclamation honoring the Lions Club. It was accepted by the President, Mr. John Alexander. Mr. Bruce Beatty stated that the park behind Prima Vista looks better and should be named. Mr. Scott Vandergrift stated that RCA or Prima Vista Utilities was taking unfair advantage of homeowners as he felt that included in the purchase price of the homes in the Twin Lakes area was the cost of building the sewer system and therefore the system should be given to the City and that the rate increase is too high. Comm. Rodgers suggested that the City Manager provide long range plans regarding capital improvements, expansion and revenues and report on a different department each month at the second meeting in the month beginning in January. He also requested an update on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in June 1984. Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, S~~<C J ~ Deputy Clerk U~L'~-/ h MAYOR ~ '- 1 ,.j