HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-1983 MINUrES OF OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 15, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Goff; Commissioners Cook, Hager, Rodgers; City Manager Burgess; City Attorney Rhodes; Deputy Clerk Grafton ABSENT: Commissioner Lyle CAlL TO ORDER Mayor Goff called the regular meeting to order at 7: 31 P.M. and then led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. NOVEMBER 1, 1983 COMMISSION MEETllJG MINUTES APPROVED NOVEMBER 9, 1983 CANVASSING BOARD MEETING AND SPECIAL MEETING MINUIES APPROVED Commissioner Rodgers lIDved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held November 1, 1983 and the Canvassing Board meeting and special meeting held November 9, 1983. Corrm. Cook seconded and vote was unanim:ms in favor. Corrm. Rodgers then lIDved to approve the minutes of those meetings as written. Conm. Cook seconded and vote was unanim:>us in favor. RESOLurION WAIVING CLOSING HOURS NEW YEAR I S EVE '83 City Manager Burgess read a resolution waiving closing hours for Dec~er 31, 1983 and January 1, 1984 for those businesses licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for cornsumption on the premises and permitting them to remain open and sell alcoholic beverages untiythe hour of closing at 2:00 A.M. January 1, 1984. Corrm. Cook lIDved to adopt said resolution. Corrm. Hager seconded and vote \A.1as 2 to 1 in favor, with Carrm. Rodgers voting nay. M:::ltion passed by majority rule. EMPlDYEES WAGE AND SAlARY PIAN PROPOSAL AOOPTED Mr. Burgess presented a wage and salary plan proposal designed to improve on present system. Conm. Rodgers lIDved to approve adoption of said proposal subject to lIDdification when deemed necessary. Corrm. Cook seconded and vote was 2 to 1 in favor with Carrm. Hager voting nay. Motion passed. COMM. HAGER SWORN IN Mayor Goff achninistered the oath to Corrm. Hager for ensuing tem on Commission. GENERAL ElEVATOR CORPORATION -10" WATER MAIN lDOPING Mr. Burgess advised Commission that General Elevator had been requested to loop the water main when laying water lines and there was a question as to whether they should be required to change the plan after it has been approved and permitted. Mr. Warren Howard, representing General Elevator, explained that Walter Kuhrt, Engineer, had submitted the original plans in March 1983 and had received approval (signed by City Manager Vignetti and Consulting Engineer Mike Sims) in May 1983. Further approval from DER was received in July 1983. Mr. Howard felt that it was nnfair of the City to demand a change in the plan that would result in an additional $30,000 to $40,000 expenditure that was unbudgeted. After open discussion during which all parties expressed a desire to do what was best for both developer and City, consensus was that General Elevator should proceed with construction as already permitted and that a workshop should be scheduled for a later date to plan looping the water main. .. . COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 2 BIDS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL - BLill"ORD/McKEY INTERSEcrION Bids for traffic signal installation at Bluford-McKey Intersection were opened by City Manager from: 1. Control Specialist Co. $15,950 1605 Ace Rd, Orlando, FL (no turn signal) 2. Get Lit, Inc. $19,900 Jacksonville, FL 3. Raadac, Inc. $18,973 Jacksonville, FL Comm. Rodgers moved to accept bid from Control Specialist Co. for $15,950. Corrrn. Hager seconded and vote was tmanimous in favor. LIONS CLUB REQUESTS FUNDS FOR CHRISTMAS PARADE-VAN KUREN Mr. David Van Kuren, representing Ocoee Lions Club, invited City Officials to head up the armual Christmas Parade scheduled for December 10, 1983 at 11 A.M. , and also requested a $1,000 donation towards anticipated expenses involving prizes, trophies and bands' transportation costs. Comm. Rodgers asked for assurrance that the City donation would not be used for prize money and then moved to donate $750. to the Lions Club for the Christmas parade. Corrrn. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Mr. Van Kuren offered to submit an itemized statement of expenditures. Comm. Rodgers said all he needed was Mr. Van Kuren' s assurance regarding the prize money and Mr. Van Kuren gave his assurance. REPORTS/INFORMATION SLEEPY HARBOR CONOO LIFT STATION Mr. Burgess advised that the Sleepy Harbor Condo sewer lift station belongs to the Condo Association and that it has not been taken over because it is not up to standard. BOATING ACCIDENT-STARKE lAKE AUGUST 20, 1983 Mr. Burgess reported a boating accident in Starke Lake August 20, 1983 involving the first dock going west to east near Hill Street in which a citizen sustained injuries with $10,000 hospital cost. Report was made 4 days later by deputy sheriff and Traveler's Insurance is handling investigation. TElEPHONE EQUIPMENT RECCMMENDATION Mr. Burgess presented a report on telephone equipment systems available which was prepared by Assistant City Manager Ken Griffin and recommended buying leased equipment. Comm. Rodgers moved to purchase leased equipment for $1,468. 66 per report. Citizen Tom Ison pointed out that the plan should include maintenance cost to find break even point, and that user friendly equipment will be available next year. Corrm. Rodgers withdrew his motion. CCM1ISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE :3 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY NOVEMBER 24 & 25 City Hall will be closed both Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25, 1983 for Thanksgiving holiday. COURT CASE DISCUSSED Mr. Rhodes recommended that regarding current case, City should assume responsibility and settle out of court for $4,700. damages incurred. Corrmission concurred and instructed City Attorney to proceed with negotiations to settle. OCOEE JR. HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS ASSOC. REQUESTS ASSISTANCE Mr. Gary Mullins, representing Ocoee Jr. High Chorus Association, presented a letter from Mr. Smedley, Choral Director, and Mr. Williams, Principal, advising that the chorus has an opportunity to go to Washington, D.C. to be in the July 4 parade. Mr. Mullins requested that the City provide reflective paint for the rrembers to use to paint house numbers on curbs throughout the city to help earn the approximately $17,000 needed for the trip. Comnissioners, impressed with the nature of the project and the benefit to the city as well, imnediately agreed to give 5 pounds of the paint and to provide more when that is used up. SEWER AGREEMENT WORKSHOP DATE SET FOR NOVEMBER 23, 1983 AT 7 P.M. (Subsequently changed to November 29) CANVASSING BOARD TO MEET !li NOON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1983 BLINKING LIGHT AT ORLANOO AVE. CorrIn. Rodgers advised he had received a letter from Diane McAdams regarding blinking light on Orlando Avenue which was approved last year. County and School Board both expect City to put in light and Camm. Rodgers feels it should be done by School Board. City Manager was instructed to contact them and put item on agenda for December 6 meeting. CITY ~GER REPORTS; George Wood has returned to work after his heart attack. Mr. Breeze advised that Health Facility Board will meet at City Hall November 28. (Meeting was canceled later.) Code Enforcement Board met November 14, 1983. COMMISSIONERS RE: MAYOR GOFF Both Conm. Cook and Comn. Hager expressed their appreciation for Mayor Goff in his service to the city as mayor, and thanked him for a job well done. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Corrm. Cook and second by Corrm. Hager meeting adjourned at 9: 10 P.M. ATIEST: /-<--clv---- j)7..~..//~A-" I DEP , CITY CIERK ((;~' joff MAYOR /