HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-20-1983 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING, 20 December 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners: Hager, Lyle, Cook, and Rodgers, City Attorney Rhodes, City Manager Burgess. ABSENT: none CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 pm. The Reverend R.J. Sharp of the Ocoee United Methodist Church led all in a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. DECEMBER 6, 1983 READING OF THE MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Rodgers to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hager. Vote was unanimous in favor. MINUTES CORRECTED Commissioner Rodgers corrected the minutes of December 6, 1983, on page three (3) as it should have read, "The Land Use Plan adequately spells out that the multiple family subdivisions must empty out onto collector streets." Such correction would make the preceeding sentence inappropriate. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hager, and was unanimously approved in favor. MINUTES APPROVED AS CORRECTED Motion was made by Commissioner Rodgers, and seconded by Commissioner Hager to approve the minutes as corrected. Vote was unanimous in favor. FOREST OAKS - UPDATE - WALTER KUHRT This matter was addressed by Mr. Walter Kuhrt, repre- senting the Meridith Corporation and Mr. Bill Goodman. He stated that they have applied to the "St. John's Water Management District" for permits to construct a 16" and a 10" Well at Forest Oaks. These permits are on hold presently, inasmuch as the City of Ocoee is filing for a Consumptive Use Permit. When all this is approved, Meridith & Goodman will be authorized to proceed. Mr. Kuhrt stated that the Meridith Corporation is the prime contractor to construct both wells. He asked the City Commissioners to allow water connections to the ten (10) model homes at the construction site (Forest Oaks) for use in sales purposes, only. He asked for approval to permit a 16" off-site line from the Jamela Plant, 7500 feet to the entrance of Forest Oaks subdivision, then they will run a 12" main 1040 feet into the project far enough to a point to build the ten model homes around. Forest Oaks, LTD does not want Certifi.cates of Occupancy for the model homes until the Forest Oaks Water Treat- ment Plant is complete. Mayor Ison questioned the impact this will have on the water user's of the Jamela Plant. City Commission Meeting Page 2 FOREST OAKS (cont) Dec 20, 1983 Mr. Kuhrt stated that they will have more water, but not more water pressure, and that they will have pumps at the plant that will greatly assist the problems of the people running out of water. The Mayor also questioned the capacity of the plant that will serve Forest Oaks and supporting the Jamela Plant. Mr. Kuhrt stated it will have 1250 connections based on the present consumptive average use. Forest Oaks, LTD subdivision will have a need for 300 connections. The developer known as Bill Goodman, who will be developing the project called Spring Lake , is going to pay for an additional 950 connections at a cost of $712,500.00. Mayor Ison asked about the time frame for this arrangement. Mr. Kuhrt stated about 120 days, and at the end of the 120 days they will no longer be dependent upon the Jamela Plant for water. The 120 day approximation is after they get the permit to construct the wells. Mr. Kuhrt also stated that this Plant will have four (4) valves enabling the City to disconnect the water at any time. The financing for this project is private money as noted by Mr. Kuhrt. The developers will prepay the connection fees and also will put up a performance bond if so desired by the City. The price range on the new homes will be approximately $50,000 to $70,000. Commissioner Rodgers asked if they will be willing to sign a written agreement with the City that if something should happen beyond anyone's expect- ation, that any improvements in any way, that they (the developers) had put into the ground would immediately be turned over to the City at no cost, and that the developer would, at that time, relinquish any rights to the system. Mr. Kuhrt agreed. Commissioner Lyle stated that the tap-on fee approximation net of $200,000 should partly go into the Revenue (Water) Fund for future maintenance instead of going to construct this Plant. The City Commission had previously agreed to using the tap-on fees to construct this Plant at the workshop of August 29, 1983 and the regular Commission meeting of September 6, 1983, which states in the minutes that: Commissioner Rodgers moved to accept the prelimin- ary plans based on Mr. Kuhrt's presentation and subject to the approval of a Consulting Engineer representing the City. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cook, and carried unanimously. Mr. Burgess stated that Mr.Mike Sims, Consulting Engineer for the City is in agreement. Commissioner Hager stated that we cannot renege on an agreement. Motion made to accept final plans including the ten model homes subject to the execution of a written and signed agreement to relinquish all rights to the system in the event that something goes wrong as stated by Commissioner Rodgers earlier. Commissioners Rodgers, Lyle and Hager voted "Aye", Commissioner Cook voted "Nay", the motion carried. Mayor Ison asked that at the January workshop, Mr. Kuhrt bring in some of the agree- ments brought up, at that time. Mr. Kuhrt agreed. City Commission Meeting Page 3 Dec. 20, 1983 OLYMPIC TOWNHOUSES Mr. Walter Kuhrt, on behalf of the Ferdinands and the Borg-Warner Corporation, asked for permission to build an ammenities package at this location, such as: Tennis Courts, Swimming Pools, Club House and a Townhouse model. It is the consensus of this Board of Commissioners to table this time until the next regular Commission meeting. APPOINTMENT OF DONALD BARKER TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD It was noted by Mayor Ison that the appointment of Donald Barker to the Code Enforcement Board should have been made in the way of a motion. Motion was then made by Commissioner Rodgers, seconded by Commissioner Cook. Vote was unanimous in favor. PETITION 83-13 - RE ZONING (Planning and Zoning Board, Re-zoning from R-l to C-3, Rebecca Montgomery, 300 Franklin Street) Mr. Burgess, City Manager, read from the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Board in regards to Petition 83-13: "Mr. Lahde moved to recommend to the Commission to change the Zoning(Classification)as requested, seconded by Mr. Brooklyn and carried unaminously." Motion for approval of the Planning and Zoning Board's recommenda- tion was made by Commissioner Lyle and seconded by Commissioner Rodgers. Vote was carried unanimously in favor. REPORT ON APRICOT STREET - CITY MANAGER Mr. Burgess stated that last week he met with the Orange County Community Development Staff and County Engineers to look at Apricot Street. They are beginning to design the drainage and pavement project, but it will take some time for completion. TELEPHONE FACILITY UP-DATE - ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Mr. Griffin, Assistant City Manager, outlined charges paid by the City and possible expansion to the current system as well as maintenance of equipment, along with a two page document for the Commission member to review. Mayor Ison stated we do need additional lines, but advised against buying 'obsolete' equipment and suggested we leave the equipment as is for now and add new lines, as outlined in the aforementioned document. Motion was made in favor of adding three new lines to the City phone system by Commissioner Lyle, seconded by Commissioner Hager. Vote was carried unanimously in favor. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD REQUEST WORKSHOP Chairman Breeze, of the Planning and Zoning Board requested that the City Commission meet with them at their work .-._--_._-~._-~_._-~ City Commission Meeting Page 4 Dec. 20, 1983 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD REQUEST WORKSHOP (cont) session on January 10, 1984, since this Board is the petitioner for the rezoning of parcels on Orlando Avenue, and it is the Commission that moved to take this action. The City Commission postponed the January 10, 1984 work session until January 12, 1984 at 7:30 pm in the Building Department Offices. POLICE PISTOL RANGE Mr. Burgess showed a diagram of the proposed Ocoee City Police Department Pistol Range, a preliminary layout. Chief Turner also noted that they are currently using a range in Windemere. This creates a problem trying to get every Police Officer qualified as needed. The Police Department will research and ascertain all requirements and permits required before making a final presentation. BANK OF WEST ORANGE Mr. Burgess talked to Mr. Kennedy about promises he made, in the Bank's behalf, on three (3) occasions to loop the 10" water line on Old Winter Garden Road and Maguire Road. Mr. Kennedy stated that he would send Mr. Burgess a survey of the property, and the City would, in turn, send Mr. Kennedy an estimate on what the cost will be to loop the line. OPEN FORUM There will be a series of meetings scheduled for the 11th of January 1984 for all employees of the City at various times, to answer any and all questions concerning their employment. Mr. Rhodes, City Attorney, advised the City Commissioners that they may attend, but not participate in this Forum. Mayor Ison advised Mr. Burgess that every employee should have a Personnel Policy Handbook and they should see to it that it is up-dated (revised) as the City Manager will post all revisions prior to printing and dissemination to the employees. HEALTH FACILITY AUTHORITY APPOINTMENT EXTENSION Mr. Burgess reminded the Commission that Mr. Vern Combs' appointment to the Health Facilities Board expires tomorrow, December 21, 1983. He asked the Commission to address this situation. Motion was made by Commissioner Rodgers to extend this appointment, and seconded by Commissioner Cook. Vote was unanimous in favor. PEACH AND MOXIE LAKES SURVEY COSTS Mr. Burgess, City Manager, informed the Commission that the original porposed fee for this project was about $900. He reported that the actual costs were $2,116.00, because City Commission Meeting Dec. 20, 1983 Page 5 PEACH AND MOXIE LAKES SURVEY COSTS (cont) it was more diffi.cult than previously expected.. The Engineer's bill will be about $600 ~. $700 for what has been done so far. He also advised the Commission that the funds set aside from last year's budget (82~83), Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, $65,000. to ~ay for this work other than the drainage construct~on on the two lakes because is was allocated for paving and drainage purposes. Commissioner Lyle recommended that the Contingency Fund be used to pay for this project; current (83~84) budget. Motion was made to pay for this first phase of the project out of the current budget~s Contingency Fund by Commissioner Lyle. Commissioners Hager and Cook also voted ~Aye', Commissioner Rodgers voted 'Nay'; the motion carried. VIGNETTI PARK Mr. Burgess notified the Commission that the baseball field and football field in Vignetti Park had an estimate of $2,500 to do the drainage work for the two ball fields, but there was more work than had been anticipated and the final bill will be about $4,800. Mr. Paul Ballah is doing the work, and is doing a beautiful job. PUBLIC CITIZENS COMMENTS ~r. Frank Turner - 151 Silver Star Road, thanked the Mayor and Commissioners for attending the Christmas Parade. He said it was very successful. Ricky Waldrop - citizen and employee of the City Water Department, stated in his opinion, putting a 16" water line on the Jamela Well will cause problems. Patrick Killacky - citizen and employee of the City Water Department, echoed Waldrop's sentiments. Chief Ron Strosnider - citizen and Chief of the Ocoee Fire Department, stated a flow test of the line will show the problems. Mayor Ison asked for flow tests from the Fire and Water Departments by February 7, 1984. Mr. Burgess suggested flow meters for all wells and systems. Jim Beech, Recreation Director for the City, and citizen, informed the Commission that new lights for the Bulldog . Football Field and the Little League Baseball Field would cost approximately $41,340; in response to a request from citizen Bob Jackson to light the ball fields. Posts have been donated and fixtures, so there should be a reduction in the price, Mr. Beech stated. He also advised that doing both fields simultaneously will save money. Motion was ~ City Commission Meeting Page 6 PUBLIC CITIZENS COMMENTS (cont) Dec. 20, 1983 made by Commissioner Rodgers to move right away to fix these fields. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cook, and was carried unanimously in favor. Money will be taken from the General Fund Contingency Fund. SHOP BREAK-IN Commissioner Hager asked for an update on the City Shop Break-in. Mr. Burgess is still talking to the Insurance Company, and feels the City is liable for the employees stolen tools. Commissioner Rodgers stated that he felt the City should not only replace all the tools that were stolen, but that the City should supply all of the tools necessary for the employees to do their job, so they do not have to bring any tools in from home. Motion was made to this effect by Commissioner Rodgers, and subsequently rescinded the motion. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board the City shall: reimburse the employees for their stolen tools (out of the General Fund Contingency Fund), replace the City's stolen tools, and make a rider policy to the City's Insurance to cover privately owned tools used on City premises in conjunction with performing City duties. When the Insurance Company pays the City for the stolen tools, this money will be returned to the Contingency Fund. The Shop Department Personnel, and any other City Employee using privately owned tools to perform their City job, must make a detailed inventory of all tools on City premises and turn that in to Mr. Wood for Insurance accountability purposes. Motion was made by Co~~issioner Rodgers and seconded by Commissioner Cook; vote was unanimous in favor. SICK LEAVE POLICY CHANGES Commissioner Lyle stated the change in Sick Leave Policy section 7.05 (c), penalizing an employee for suspension by taking sick leave pay in addition to 'x' number of days suspension without pay, is a "bad policy." He stated it should have come before the Commission for approval before going into effect. Commissioner Lyle went on to say that section 9.04 "Disciplinary Action" should not affect sick leave pay. Mr. Burgess pointed out that these were not changes, but merely interpretations of the verbal policies that Mr. Vignetti had been practicing. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyle and seconded by Commissioner Rodgers to not penalize employees' Sick Leave pay when on suspension. Vote was unanimous in favor. EMPLOYEES' HANDBOOK Mayor Ison stated that the whole policy should be updated and there will be a discussion on this matter at the Open Forum meetings scheduled for January 11, 1984. City Commission Meeting Page 7 COMMENTS ON DISCIPLINARY ACTION TAKEN Dec. 20, 1983 Commissioner Lyle stated in regards to a disciplinary action taken on an employee where a field inspector was taking the place of the Building Official, and in doing so made an error which was not in his capacity to handle correctly, that he would like the City Manager to review this action. Mayor Ison stated he believed the punish- ment was too strong and too soon, and not in line. Mayor Ison asked the City Manager to rescind his decision on this suspension. City Attorney Rhodes said that asking the City Manager to rescind his decision was not legal; it is a violation of the City Manager's perogative. Mr. Rhodes stated the Commission could ask the Manager to review the case, but that is all. HOLIDAY CLEAN-UP Commissioner Rodgers asked that the Sanitation Depart- ment make an extra effort to get the City cleaned up for the holidays, by making service calls with the wood/shrub chipper. KISSIMMEE AND McKEY STREET STOP SIGN Commissioner Rodgers asked about problems with the stop sign at the Kissimmee and McKey Streets intersection. The Commissioner asked if the rules and regulations of the Department of Transportation state there must be something indicating the street ends. Chief Turner advised that we were currently in compliance with the Department of Transportation Rules, but just barely. He advised that he has plans to correct the problems at that intersection as soon as Mr. Strickland, Street Department Supervisor, returns from vacation. There will be a larger stop sign erected, as well as painting STOP on the pavement. Mr. Burgess said he will follow up on a letter sent to the Department of Transportation regard- ing rerouting of truck traffic in this area, and that he may send Assistant City Manager Griffin out to talk with the DOT people. Mayor Ison offered to accompany Mr. Griffin on the visit. HOLIDAY TRASH PICK-UP There will be no trash pick-up on Monday, December 26, 1983, to enable the Sanitation Department Personnel to enjoy the holiday, too. Monday's trash will be collected on Tuesday, and Tuesday's trash on Tuesday and Wednes- day. By Thursday, December 29, 1983, the Sanitation Department will be back on schedule. EMPLOYEE PARTY The Employee's Christmas Party will be held on Friday December 3D, 1983, at the Community Center, beginning at 6:30 pm. City Commission Meeting Page 8 December 20, 1983 ADJOURNMENT Motion was made for adjournment by Commissioner Cook and seconded by Commissioner Lyle at 10:45 pm. Motion was unanimous in favor. ~sZon~ ATTEST: ~n~ f7.lfktdl~ Deputy Clerk